Liquid wallpaper and its application. How to make liquid wallpaper in the room yourself

Application liquid wallpaper on the wall is possible only at positive temperature and low humidity. Drying of the surface depends on the room temperature from 24 to 72 hours.
Wallpaper can be applied to the wall by throwing in separate lumps so that they slightly overlap each other.

You can level the liquid wallpaper on the wall with your hand, and at the same time you immediately get some kind of embossed pattern. The hand must be periodically moistened with water, washing off the remaining glue sticking to the hand.
It is convenient to level liquid wallpaper to obtain a smooth surface with a velor roller, periodically wetting it with water and cleaning it from adhering glue.

A roller with sticky glue must be periodically washed in clean water during operation.
When you get tired of a wall with liquid wallpaper, you can soak it at any time and remove it from the wall with a spatula (and reuse it).

Liquid wallpaper appeared with us about fifteen years ago and has since become very popular.

Liquid wallpaper is applied to the wall with a Plexiglas spatula or of stainless steel. The tool must be absolutely smooth, and the movements during application must be uniform and smooth. To control the evenness of the surface, you need to apply the material at eye level, holding the spatula at a slight angle.

A standard package of liquid wallpaper should be enough for 4 m2 of surface with a layer thickness of up to 2 mm. If there are flaws and irregularities on the ceiling or walls, material consumption increases. With a large overrun, they check how correctly the wallpaper was prepared and whether the consistency is required.
After applying liquid wallpaper to the wall in a certain area, its surface is checked for defects. If bumps or gaps are found, they are immediately eliminated until the material is completely dry.

application of liquid wallpaper on the wall

It is necessary to ensure that joints and seams do not form on the surface. To do this, liquid wallpaper is applied immediately to the entire surface of the walls and ceiling in an even layer, without stopping halfway and without leaving part of the work for tomorrow. If the room has optimal humidity and there is ventilation, the walls and ceiling with liquid wallpaper will be ready in 24-48 hours - it all depends on external conditions and the thickness of the applied layer of the mixture.

A combination of consumer properties:

  • this coating has excellent heat and sound insulation properties;
  • the coating does not attract dust, as it does not accumulate static charges;
  • after hardening, the coating remains moisture-proof;
  • if necessary, the coating can be repaired on small area, after soaking, and small impurities are removed with a simple eraser;
  • on liquid wallpaper, any pattern and any color scheme is easily reproduced, which will allow you to embody any incredible fantasies in color design;
  • the coating can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, the varnished surface is cleaned with a damp cloth;

the remains of the mixture can be reused when repairing walls.

Liquid wallpaper has its drawbacks:

  • Do not apply on oil-based paint or primed with drying oil;
  • It is not recommended to use in rooms with smells (kitchen);
  • Cannot be applied in rooms with high humidity(bathrooms);

Wallpaper can be applied to any surface - brick, concrete, wooden and plastered walls, chipboard, fiberboard, drywall.


One of the few disadvantages of liquid wallpaper is that they have a low degree of moisture resistance. To ensure a normal level of moisture resistance, a protective coating in the form of acrylic varnish is used. Because it provides a durable, moisture-resistant surface that can be cleaned and even washed afterwards, it can be used to protect other materials as well. Sometimes such a varnish is also used to cover ordinary paper wallpaper.

Acrylic varnish is a mixture in which the main element is an acrylic binder. Since it does not contain organic solvents, it can be considered an environmentally friendly material that is absolutely harmless when used indoors.
After applying acrylic varnish, the surface becomes as strong as possible, and at the same time vapor-permeable and moisture resistant.

Walls and ceiling after application protective coating can be cleaned, washed with detergents. Also, the surfaces withstand significant mechanical loads.
You can use acrylic varnish in several stages. First of all, it is added to the composition of liquid wallpaper during kneading, and after applying the wallpaper and the surfaces are completely dry - as a finishing layer. If there is no high humidity in the rooms and they are not exposed to water, acrylic lacquer can be omitted as a protective coating.
Calculating the consumption of acrylic varnish is very simple. Manufacturers in the instructions offer optimal rate consumption, which is 1 liter of varnish for about 20 m2 of surface. If you plan to apply a second layer, the rate increases to 4 m2.

This is a special type of plaster with new unique properties.

To remove the required area of ​​liquid wallpaper, it is abundantly moistened with water using a spray bottle. For this, only clean water so that there are no stains on adjacent areas from various solvents and detergents. After the surface becomes soft, the liquid wallpaper is carefully scraped off with a sharp spatula into a previously prepared container. Usually such work is carried out if it is necessary to replace the wiring.

After removing the liquid wallpaper, the clean and dried surface is treated with a colorless primer or enamel. When the primer dries well, the edges of the repaired area are also abundantly moistened with a spray gun. clean water.
The liquid wallpaper , that were removed with a spatula are not thrown away, but reused. For this, warm water is added to them, stirred to the desired consistency (thick cream) and applied to the primed base in the same way as it was done originally.
All existing edges must be rubbed with a new coating so that this area does not stand out after drying. It is in this case that the surface of the walls or ceiling will be homogeneous and uniform.

Video: applying liquid wallpaper to the wall

Not so long ago, a finishing material appeared on the construction markets for internal walls, which is able to give the room an aesthetic modern look and even out minor imperfections. At the same time, the cladding process will not be difficult and will be subject even to a beginner.

Liquid are a kind of decorative plaster. This is a new milestone in design and renovation. They are distinguished by practicality and versatility, include many advantages. The powder mixture is represented by a wide range with a rich palette.

An assortment for every taste, with a variety of decorative additives, such as:

  • stone chips;
  • sequins;
  • beads;
  • wood shavings;
  • color.

Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper: advantages and features

If we compare this type of facing material with rolled competitors, then the former have a number of positive points. For example:

  • ease of material preparation. No need to roll paper sheets all over the room, measure and cut to height;
  • the main component is cellulose fiber, which is natural and therefore environmentally friendly;
  • ease of workflow. There is no need to hire a master, you can really cope with the task on your own;
  • seamless smooth result that does not require the selection of a pattern;
  • "breathable" material due to its vapor-permeable qualities;
  • good thermal conductivity and sound insulation;
  • preparation of the base does not require the elimination of minor defects;
  • easy replacement of the damaged area, it is enough to remove the damaged fragment with a clerical knife and apply a new solution to the cleaned area;
  • simple and quick removal of the facing coating with water;
  • the possibility of using the considered wallpaper plaster for the second time.

The main disadvantage is the high price for this one. Also, due to the reduced moisture resistance, the coating is not suitable for finishing a kitchen or bathroom without additional processing.

Wall preparation: requirements

Before applying the finishing coat, you need to prepare the base.

If this is not done, the result will be of poor quality and short-lived.
The preparatory stage includes several operations:

  • if there is an old lining, it must be removed;
  • clean the wall, get rid of the remnants of glue, peeling plaster;
  • cover the base with 3 layers of primer.

Before applying a new primer coat, the previous one must be completely dry.

  1. apply gypsum putty to the base surface;
  2. make sure that there are no noticeable irregularities;
  3. with a hammer or a special hatchet, roughen the base for better adhesion of the material;
  4. cover the base with white water-based paint several layers.

For better adhesion, PVA glue is added to the paint.

What is the technology of do-it-yourself application

Decorative plaster is applied manually: with a spatula, trowel or roller, depending on certain conditions and the personal convenience of the master. large areas it is advisable to fill with wallpaper using mechanical method, namely with the use of a gun special purpose, the so-called hopper.

How to glue: step by step instructions

to finish, arm special tools, mixing the powder correctly and adhering to a proven application technique is the way to a successful and high-quality repair result.

Tools for the job

Nowadays, the process of covering a wall with decorative plaster simplifies a variety of special work accessories. Some tools are simply irreplaceable, while others can be completely dispensed with. Below is the main inventory:

  • large capacity for mixing the composition;
  • plexiglass or stainless steel spatula for applying a finishing coating to the surface;
  • special corner spatulas are used when filling corner sections. Some masters still believe that it is more convenient to handle such places with your fingers.
  • spatula made of metal of small width (8-10 cm) for applying the solution to the main tool;
  • trowel - an alternative to a spatula, is a flat fixture with a handle in the middle;
  • special roller - an alternative to a spatula and trowel;
  • a transparent grater for grouting the resulting result, eliminating bulges, giving a smooth effect;
  • the hopper gun will save time and is suitable for facing large rooms.

Application: all ways

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to prepare the material in accordance with the instructions. Dry powder is mixed with clean water in the desired consistency (on average, 5 liters of water are added to one package).

The mixture is poured into a container and water is gradually poured in, while the mass is thoroughly mixed by hand until a homogeneous composition is obtained. As a result, the solution is obtained as thick sour cream.

Before pouring the powder into a container, it is recommended to shake the bag with the contents.

For better mixing, the mixture should be diluted with water one pack at a time. Next, the finished solution should be left for 20-40 minutes to “ripen”.

After preparing the decorative solution with a smooth spatula at a slight angle, 10-15 degrees, with smooth hand movements, you need to apply it to the surface. This procedure can also be performed with a trowel or roller. The layer thickness should not exceed 2-3 mm.

Work cannot be left for tomorrow or another day, as different time drying can cause seams.

After applying the material, it is important to pay attention to the evenness of the result. If there are bumps, remove them with a moistened grater when the composition has seized, but has not yet had time to dry.

The use of powder of different colors is practiced. They are mixed and combined. Creative owners will be able to draw an interesting pattern on the wall with a thick solution. To do this, before applying, the sketch is transferred with a pencil to the base surface, then painted over with the composition.
When using a hopper, it should be borne in mind that not all types of dry mix are suitable for this. It is required to spray the composition carefully, without long delays in one area.

You need to apply the solution first on one area, and then smoothly move to another. decorative trim dries out in 1-3 days.

Is it possible to paint

You can update if you want. appearance and change, lined with solutions from dry mixes, painting them with a roller with a fur nozzle. You can repeat this procedure an unlimited number of times. There are no special types of paint for this type of coating, so paints are used:

  • water emulsion;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • silicone.

If you follow certain rules, decorative plaster as a result of painting will not deteriorate. Updating the interior will not require large financial investments and won't take long. The job will seem easy enough.

Possible disadvantages include that after applying the paint, the surface will already be solid, the patterns will become invisible. In addition, it will no longer be possible to remove the decorative facing coating with plain water.

For a long service life, the wall surface is coated with acrylic varnish. After that, the contaminated areas of the wall are cleaned with a damp sponge.

If the wall was not varnished after finishing, it is absolutely impossible to wash it with water. In this case, you need to use a vacuum cleaner. You can restore the damaged area by removing the damaged fragment. It is necessary to soak it in water and apply again to its original place.

How long do they serve

Decorative material is different good performance wear resistance and durability. Subject to the conditions of application, operation and care, the cladding will last for years.

High-quality finishing of the room with solutions from dry mixes is excellent design decision. Even in the absence of skills, repairs will not seem laborious, but will certainly please the owners. The ability to mix colors, complement the composition with various inclusions and create unique images gives freedom to fantasies and interesting ideas.

Useful video

Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper is considered practically milestone in finishing, even the application itself has fewer nuances. The more carefully you carry out this stage of work, the better the final result will be.

What is liquid wallpaper

Our recommendations would be incomplete if we do not mention in a nutshell what kind of material it is, because in our usual understanding, wallpapers are rolled elements, most often based on paper. But our choice is fundamentally different from the traditional idea, and the principle of preparation and the finishing process itself change from this. First, let's say that this material is sold exclusively in the form of a powder, which contains cellulose and / or silk, dyes, additives against decay and the development of fungi, as well as many decorative elements, crumbs of various origins, sparkles, etc.

Wallpaper made of pure silk, of course, will not only be the most solid (although outwardly it is not distinguishable), but also durable, which makes them more expensive. But if you do not plan to change the interior every year, then it is still a good idea to opt for them. In general, finishing with any kind of liquid wallpaper will financially “bite”, firstly, new technologies, and secondly, corny high material consumption. Despite the innovation, this repair option is not deprived of shortcomings, although the advantages beckon. Let's say a few words about this.

Let's start with the pros, talk about safety and environmental friendliness interior finishes already tired, this material is also included in this group, also the technology of its application suggests the possibility of multi-layering (in moderation), which means that you can hide minor flaws in the walls, and bring gloss and beauty with the finishing layer. You can not apply them to all the walls at once, suddenly you don’t have time, and you can live in this room in parallel with the repair, as well as amend the existing coating. It is especially important if the house is new, the decoration is not even afraid of the shrinkage of the building. If you noticed our remark about additives against fungus and mold, then you realized that they can be applied even in wet areas, such as a toilet.

There are few cons, but still there are: they cannot be wetted (that is, it is already undesirable to make wallpaper in the bathroom) and it takes a long time to dry (but this is a trifle, because you can still live indoors).

Photo gallery: colors and shades of liquid wallpaper

Preliminary preparation

Why do we make so much noise around this stage of work? It's simple: although defects can hide under a layer of wonderful wallpaper, dirty walls (and this is not only dust, but also paint, plaster, etc.) will make themselves felt at the first contact with the material. After all, the powder is diluted with water, and this is a good solvent for other building materials, which may be in residual quantities on the surface. You will be disappointed with the streaks on expensive and freshly applied wallpaper. Moreover, this is not the only place where liquid wallpaper is used, the technology of applying to the ceiling is not particularly different from the usual work with walls, which means that preparation is also important.

Here it is necessary to note several main points: first of all, it is necessary to determine the type of surface, the nuances of preparation depend on this, and after removing contaminants, it is better to prime the surface first, you can then cover it with paint on water based. Let's start with porous walls, where we will include bare concrete, plaster and putty, i.e. partial finishing there is. Here we should expect an increased absorbency of the surface, so you need to walk on it with a gypsum putty mixture, then only apply primer and paint, then the wall will be clean and hold the finish securely.

In old houses, we do not know at all what the wall actually consists of, which means that unexpected divorces and stains can appear with a high probability. In this case, a good impregnation or primer will help, after that it would be nice to apply 2 more layers of primer, and after such hassle, also white paint. Drywall is insidious, but it is so loved by modern builders, and many seek to cheapen and putty only the joints between the plates. For ordinary paper wallpapers, this will be acceptable, but not for liquid ones. Putty seams will stand out from the rest of the wall, so take the trouble to putty the entire surface, and then paint it with white paint, otherwise the putty will dissolve. Also, this method will close all metal elements that can start to rust from water.

Video: how to prime and putty the surface

In those cases, if your walls or ceiling were leaking, then under liquid wallpaper, simply paint these places with the same white paint. In all cases, for the strength of the coating, PVA can be added to it by about 1/3. When the surface has already been painted before, and what’s good more than once, the appearance of dissimilar colors will spoil expensive materials, so you have to putty the surface with a gypsum mixture and then paint it in White color. Wooden surfaces (plywood, MDF, etc.) should be well primed (at least 2 layers) so that moisture does not deform them.

Photo gallery: wall treatment

Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper - step by step instructions

Beginners should be especially careful, it will require skill.

  1. We devoted a separate paragraph to this step, for sure you have already determined the method of protection and almost completely done it. We just want to once again make sure that everything is done correctly. You had to level the possible unpleasant consequences from future contact with water. To do this, putty, primed and painted. Also, first make sure that you do not have surface level differences exceeding 3 mm, the wallpaper will hide the rest. We assure you that at this stage you should not feel sorry for the primer or paint, if you see that everything has been absorbed without a trace, it is better to apply an additional layer, otherwise the consumption of wallpaper will increase, and this will hit your pocket harder, and even can cause defects from which we try so hard to get rid of it. Also, do not forget about the microclimate in the room, when it is cold (below 15 degrees), you cannot work.
  2. Take containers of the right size so that it is convenient for you to stir the wallpaper and carry it with you throughout the room. Shake the bag with the mixture well, this will break up the caked lumps, making it easier to mix. Read about the proportions of water and dry mix on the package, most often it is 1:6 (6 liters of water per 1 kg of wallpaper). Also study the requirements for water, namely, its temperature, usually 30 degrees Celsius. First of all, additional decorative powders, such as sparkles, are poured out, then the main mixture is added to the water in parts, while being thoroughly mixed. Now the resulting mass must be left for 12 hours for final preparation, and ensure the absence of air, cover with a bag or even transfer the mass into a bag and tie. As a result, evaluate the consistency, it should be a dough, but not watery, but very, very thick.
  3. You have activated liquid wallpaper in your hands, how to apply this richness to the walls? There are two options. The first uses a spatula (grater, trowel) and your muscle efforts, and the second uses a sprayer. Moreover, this is not a choice for convenience, but a determination of the relief of the future surface. With the first method, you will get an even smooth wall, in the second - voluminous embossed or velvety (if there are few foreign inclusions in the wallpaper). When applied with a spatula, part of the wallpaper is laid out on its end and held along the wall at an angle of about 15 degrees, do not press the spatula tightly against the surface.
  4. You need to start work from the bright part of the room to the darkened one, and after 1.5 hours, walk again, smoothing the resulting coating. You need to pre-sprinkle the wallpaper a little with water and check the final result most conveniently under the side light. If you decide to use a sprayer, then the work is simplified only by loading the mass into the tank and uniform spray. Now this beauty should dry well (up to 72 hours). Some also apply acrylic varnish on top for durability, but this is not necessary.

Liquid wallpaper appeared on the Russian market relatively recently and quickly gained popularity among consumers. The demand is explained by the practicality of the finishing material. Compared to traditional wallpaper, liquid wallpapers have the following advantages: they do not form unaesthetic joints, perfectly level the surface, are easy to apply and are environmentally friendly. To obtain high-quality and uniformly painted walls of the room, you need to follow the rules for preparing the surface for painting and applying the finish.

Liquid wallpaper - a composition consisting of natural materials and intended for decorative design ceiling and walls. Environmentally friendly material does not emit harmful substances that cause allergic reactions.

A prerequisite for applying liquid wallpaper is a perfectly flat surface. If it is heterogeneous, with foreign impurities and irregularities, then a uniform color cannot be achieved. The remaining depressions increase the consumption of material.

The surface of the wall should be primed with reinforced water-dispersion paint. To avoid unwanted shades, the paint must be matched to the tone of the wallpaper. You can apply liquid wallpaper on different surfaces:

  • drywall;
  • concrete;
  • brickwork;
  • wood.

Attention! Eliminating leaks when preparing walls is very important. If they are not eliminated, after a while spots will appear in these areas, which will give the decor an unaesthetic look. It is necessary to mechanically clean the working area from contamination, and then apply oily white paint.

Preparation of various surfaces

Training different types surfaces under liquid wallpaper is different. The features of the process depend on the material from which the wall of the room is made and previous cosmetic repairs.

Advice. Before carrying out work, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt, as well as residues of materials, plaster and putty. Deep cracks must be filled.

Walls of "Stalinist" and "Khrushchev" houses

In the houses of the old housing stock, the surfaces of the walls are characterized by old divorces and stains. Finishing work carried out in order to improve the appearance of structures.

Preparing the walls of "stalinok" and "Khrushchev" for applying liquid wallpaper is as follows:

  1. Surface treatment with strengthening primers with deep penetration property. This will ensure reliable adhesion of the base as well as leveling layers.
  2. The primer layer is covered with water-based paint in order to whiten the surface of the walls.

Plasterboard constructions

AT modern construction and during repair work gypsum boards are often used. They are installed in the following cases:

  • installation of partitions during the redevelopment of the space of the room;
  • for the design of decorative structures;
  • installation of multi-level ceilings;
  • false walls - leveling structures consisting of gypsum boards and a frame made of wooden bars or metal rails.

In the process of work, the wall of the room turns out to be a team, so it is necessary to putty the resulting joints of the sheets. To enhance adhesion, it is recommended to use a special reinforcing mesh. The powder must be kneaded in a container from which it will be convenient to get it with a wide and narrow spatula.

Drywall walls must be puttied "solid". This will avoid unwanted highlighting of the joint areas on the surface, as well as cover the heads of the self-tapping screws that secure the drywall sheets to the guide profiles.

After the procedure of continuous puttying, a layer of primer or water-dispersion paint with PVA can be applied. For priming drywall surfaces, glue is added in a ratio of 3:1.

Plastered brick and concrete walls

Such surfaces are characterized by roughness and increased absorbency. If the walls are not properly prepared, the surface will repeatedly absorb water-based paint, preventing the desired effect from being achieved. Additionally, this will cause overspending of paint, which costs more than the materials needed for leveling, priming.

Before starting repair work, the previous finishing materials must be removed from the surface. plastered concrete surfaces prepare for liquid wallpaper as follows:

  1. Surface covered gypsum putty. It will level the wall, fill the cracks and pores of the base.
  2. Before puttying and on top of it, a primer is applied, if necessary, the procedure is repeated twice. The primer fixes all layers of the structure and promotes deep adhesion, which makes the finish more durable.
  3. If you plan to finish in light colors, then it is necessary to additionally coat the primed surface of the wall with white water-based paint. This will avoid the appearance of translucent spots on the surface.

Advice! At good condition room walls instead special soil it is possible to paint the surface with a water-based facade composition, while adding PVA glue in approximate proportions of 2: 1. The water-based composition, applied in 2-3 layers, is able to replace the base and primer that level the surface color.

Surfaces made of wood and derivatives

the main problem wooden surfaces, is their ability to deform under the influence of moisture. Instability to moisture requires the application of special impregnation.

Preparing walls made of wood, fiberboard, MDF or plywood for liquid wallpaper comes down to the processes:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to make sure that the structures are securely fastened, which will avoid surface deformation during subsequent manipulations.
  2. Application of a primer to the surface (performed twice).
  3. Covering the walls with water-based paint in order to create a basis for applying the material - liquid wallpaper.

The technology of applying liquid wallpaper

The procedure for applying liquid wallpaper to the walls is carried out from any convenient place - from the door, window, corner or middle of the wall. The material does not contain connecting seams so it lays flat and evenly.

Advice! When moving into a new building, there is no need to wait for the “shrinkage” of the building to apply liquid wallpaper. The shrinking walls of the building will not affect the appearance of the plastic material.

Tools and materials that are necessary for repair work:

  • the liquid wallpaper;
  • spatula, grater or trowel;
  • spray;
  • acrylic adhesive.

The process of applying a mixture of liquid wallpaper on the walls can be carried out in two ways:

  1. In the process of work, a spatula, grater or trowel is used. The mixture is applied with a tool in the direction from the lighter part of the surface to the dark one. The spatula must be set at an angle of 15°, avoiding strong pressure. After an hour and a half, you need to repeat the procedure, which will make the coating perfectly even. At this method applying wallpaper, the surface of the wall will turn out smooth.
  2. For next way sprayer required. The mixture is loaded into its tank, after which it is sprayed evenly onto the surface. AT this case the walls will turn out to be a relief structure.

Advice! On top of liquid wallpaper, it is desirable to additionally apply acrylic glue, which will ensure the longest operation.

It is quite possible to apply liquid wallpaper on your own. To do this, you should properly prepare and follow the rules for applying wallpaper, be sure to take into account the material of the walls. Use your imagination fully and the interior of the room will sparkle with new colors, give style and comfort to housing.

How to apply liquid wallpaper: video

Rules for applying liquid wallpaper: photo

What is the difference between liquid wallpaper and ordinary wallpaper? - cotton or synthetic fibers with dyes and binder materials. After application to the plane, a decorative, sound and heat insulating layer is formed. So that the wallpaper does not fall off after a month, you need to know a few important points how to apply liquid wallpaper with your own hands. Let's look at them later in the article.

The composition of liquid wallpaper - cotton or synthetic fibers with dyes and binder materials

Wallpaper is applied to the walls (see the article about Plasterboard Walls) and the ceiling (see How to properly putty the ceiling). Their advantages:

  • Naturalness.
  • Antistatic.
  • Ease of operation.

What kind of wallpaper can be chosen for application?

The material is divided into three types and look like this:

  • Silk wallpapers - from 700 rubles per pack.

An example of silk wallpaper

  • Cellulose - from 250 rubles.

An example of cellulose wallpaper

  • Pulp and silk - from 400 rubles.

An example of cellulose-silk wallpaper

Raw silk- natural fibers that are resistant to bright sunlight, do not fade. The surface remains intact for a long time. The disadvantage of this material is that it has high price.

Not durable, fade quickly. It is better to use them in the bathroom and corridor. This species has a low price.

Pulp and silk- mixture of materials. They keep their appearance for quite a long time. Suitable for bedrooms and children's room.

Tools to properly apply liquid wallpaper

Necessary tools for work:

  • Spatula or spray gun.
  • roller.
  • Drill with a stirrer attachment.

Spatula made of steel or plexiglass with a smooth surface for easier handling of materials. Instead, a special trowel is used. Rectangular tool with rounded ends and top handle.

A spatula made of steel or plexiglass is used to facilitate the work with materials

A small design with a barrel, with a volume of 6 liters. The mixture is poured into the container and the wallpaper is applied to the surface under air pressure. The system is connected to the compressor. Due to the high cost of construction, it is cheaper to use a spatula. But several trading platforms provide a sprayer for rent.

The spray gun is used with a six-liter barrel and is connected to a compressor

Should be intended for liquid wallpaper. It is made of polymers with the addition of various fillers. Facilitates application liquid material, hides surface defects and evens out its color. The package with a primer indicates that the mixture is intended for liquid wallpaper.

The primer facilitates the application of liquid material, hides surface defects and evens out its color.

Protects the material from abrasion and moisture if the wallpaper is used in the kitchen or bathroom (on the topic - how to lay tiles on and on). Available in matte and semi-matte tones.

Lacquer protects the material from abrasion and moisture

It is used after covering the surface with wallpaper. It provides the necessary texture to the material.

The structural roller provides the necessary texture to the material.

A drill with a mixing nozzle will facilitate the cultivation of liquid wallpaper.

A special nozzle on the drill makes it easy to mix liquid wallpaper


The material is simply applied to the walls or ceiling. Finishing masks small bumps and cracks. Technology consists of periods:

  • Preparatory.
  • Breeding composition.
  • Application of the mixture.

After removing the old coating from the treated surface, a primer is applied

Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper

Before applying liquid wallpaper, the old coating is removed from the treated surface. Exfoliating areas are removed, the walls are puttied with ordinary putty. The primer is applied.

Acrylic or water-based coating may not be completely removed. If the surface has large defects, then it is easier to level it with a drywall sheet.

How to breed

Dilution of the material with water occurs according to the attached instructions. Wallpaper supplied:

The mixture is stirred and left for 12 hours until swelling.

  • Completely finished substances - a bucket with a mixture, with the right shade.
  • Dry raw materials - loose composition, are mixed with a liquid before use. This type contains dyes and mineral fillers.
  • Dry composition without dyes and additives.

When mixing liquid dry wallpaper, water is poured into the container. The proportions are indicated on the packaging. The mixture is stirred and left for 12 hours until swelling.

After the elapsed time, the wallpaper is stirred, and another liter of water is added to the liquid.

If after use a certain amount of the composition remains, the container with it is cleaned in a dry place. Ready composition stored for a year without losing its properties.

Surface coating - how to apply.

Finishing is carried out by two methods: manual and mechanical.

Manual application made with a roller, spatula or brush in small portions. Layer thickness - up to 5 mm. When working with a spatula, a flat, smooth surface is formed. The texture is applied with a roller (structural) after 5 hours. The tool before the process is wetted with water.

Wall-paper is put and the structural roller at once. So, the action is faster, but layering without a smooth canvas is obtained.

Manual application is done with a roller, spatula or brush in small portions.

mechanical method- spray gun.

With a spray gun, the material coats the wall quickly and evenly.

With its help, the material covers the wall quickly and evenly. The roller forms the necessary texture.

At the end of the process, the coating is dried - up to 48 hours. During this time, the wallpaper should not be subjected to mechanical stress.

When using liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, they are covered acrylic paint or varnish to protect against excess moisture. It is applied in three layers, drying between them - up to 2 hours.

Creating a Texture

The material allows you to create panels of various colors.

The material allows you to create a panel of various colors

A pencil drawing is applied to the prepared surface. The liquid wallpaper thin layer 2 mm cover the image, protruding beyond the edges by 2 mm.

With a small spatula, the material is shifted back into the boundaries of the contour. The composition lends itself to drying, a household hair dryer is used for quick drying.

A thin layer is applied to a different type of wallpaper, which differs in color from the picture. The material does not reach the border of the image by 2 mm.

The applied layer is gently shifted close to the pattern, but does not go over its contour. Small elements are highlighted with a marker. It is allowed to attach decorative elements to the wallpaper: sequins, beads or threads.

Silk-based wallpapers are used to create panels.

Separate moments

In the process of applying the material to the wall, it is selected in which direction the spatula moves. This is dependent on the placement of the fibers.

It is optimal to level the portion with small movements in different directions. At the end, circular revolutions are performed.

Wallpaper in the corners is leveled in the direction from the corner.

To hide the unevenness of the wallpaper, a grater dipped in water is carried out over the filled surface.

Wallpaper can be dry cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. If they are covered with acrylic or varnish, then they are wiped with a damp cloth.

If a damaged area is formed, the place is wetted with warm water and left for 30 minutes. The damaged material is removed with a spatula. Required amount liquid wallpaper is diluted and re-applied to the site.

Cost and brands of liquid wallpaper

Silk Plaster Trading Company- the largest brand for the production of liquid wallpaper. Produced material - light-resistant silk fibers, long-term operation and affordable price(the cost of liquid wallpaper from this manufacturer is from 500 rubles per pack). One box per 4 sq. m.

Senideco- excellent texture and quality. But the high price (from 2000 per package).

"Like this"- liquid wallpaper from Dekomir LLC. Low price (from 250 rubles). But the material is subject to burnout, poorly hides surface defects.

Koza from Bayramix. The company produces a variety of coatings with a large colors. The price per package is from 650 rubles.

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