Indoor plants that clean the air in the apartment. Houseplants that purify the air

The rapid development of the market for non-natural building materials sometimes turns into air pollution problems for citizens making repairs in an apartment or house. While enjoying the new laminate flooring, fashionable wallpaper, bright decor, we imperceptibly inhale substances hazardous to health, emitted by all this “beauty”. Therefore, do not be surprised if you often feel dizzy, have breathing problems, or have allergies. Living green filters - houseplants - will help to avoid harmful effects. Among them there are instances that are especially effective in purifying the air in the home.

Green helpers in the fight against polluted air

NASA specialists dealt with the problem of air purification in confined spaces in space. It turned out that this problem is closely related to our everyday life: being in a residential area, a common person exposed to harmful substances emitted into the air by surrounding objects.

During the experiments, it turned out that to help get rid of these substances, which equally threaten the inhabitants modern apartments and astronauts in orbit, not powerful air purifiers help, but ordinary houseplants. Let's dwell on the most famous ones, who may already live in your house.

Our apartment and enclosed space spaceship united by one problem - polluted air

flowering plants

Not only decorate the premises, but also blooming houseplants do an excellent job of purifying the air:

  • - an evergreen plant with glossy leathery leaves on long petioles and amazingly beautiful bright flowers - fits perfectly into any space. The flower not only actively humidifies the air, but also purifies it of ammonia, toluene and formaldehyde. However, cat owners need to put the plant in a place inaccessible to animals, as bad habit chewing the leaves can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity in the purr;

    Anthurium not only cleans, but also moisturizes the air thanks to wide leaves that evaporate moisture well

  • spathiphyllum - this delicate plant with white flowers is a real champion in air purification, as it can effectively clean rooms from formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and ammonia. Besides,the flower actively fights mold fungi in the air and reduces the number of microorganisms. For animals it is not dangerous;

    Delicate at first glance, spathiphyllum, however, is a powerful filter that purifies the air from harmful impurities.

  • - herbaceous perennial with elongated pinnately dissected leaves. Its flowers look like large daisies, but are painted in bright colors- pink, orange, red, yellow, white. In indoor floriculture, the Jameson (Jamson) gerbera is represented, which cleans the air from formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. Not toxic.

    Next to the gerberas, you not only get positive, but also breathe clean air.

Decorative leafy plants

Unpretentious decorative and deciduous plants are perfect for both residential and working premises:

  • - a plant that is a bunch of soft narrow leaves of bright green color - has been well known in our country since the times of the USSR. Then few people thought about its benefits, and it was popular due to its unpretentiousness. But scientists have proven that this green "spider" helps to breathe freely, as it cleans the air of xylene, toluene and formaldehyde. Not dangerous for pets;

    The bright optimist chlorophytum, it turns out, was not in vain so popular since Soviet times.

  • (we have this plant is well known under the name "mother-in-law's tongue"). Long, sometimes meter-long, leaves are directed upwards and often end in a point. You can’t call the coloring boring - green leaves are decorated with yellow, white and even silvery stripes and spots. The plant removes xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene from the air. During transplantation, care must be taken - the flower is toxic;

    Sansevieria will be useful in any corner of the living space

  • aglaonema has a very representative appearance. Its dense, sometimes leathery leaves on long petioles have a beautiful shape - from broadly ovate to elongated-lanceolate. The coloration depends on the cultivar and can be presented in a calm combination of green shades or burst into bright pink-red stripes against a green background. Aglaonema filters the air, removing benzene and formaldehyde from it. In people with hypersensitivity contact with juice may cause skin irritation;

    It turns out that aglaonema is not only bright and elegant, it also serves as a good filter for air purification.

  • - a very popular indoor and office plant, reminiscent of a palm tree. Such a resemblance is given by a leafless lignified trunk, decorated on top with a bunch of long thin leaves. Helps clean the air from trichlorethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. The juice of the plant, although it is of low toxicity, can cause skin irritation or indigestion (if ingested);

    Dracaena gives beauty and harmony, simultaneously filtering the air in the apartment

  • ivy. There are many prejudices and superstitions about this plant. But for someone who does not believe in them, a flower can be useful. It will decorate the apartment and purify the air in it from harmful impurities - benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, toluene and xylene. A well-groomed plant looks quite elegant thanks to glossy leathery leaves, and long shoots can be twisted around various supports, creating a lively decorative element. May be toxic to animals.

    Phalaenopsis passed the test of specialists and took place of honor among pets

    Surrounding yourself with living green filters, you should remember that in order for them to effectively cope with their task, they need to be properly looked after. Before bringing a plant into the house, study the information about it, find out its features. And, of course, do not forget to clean the leaves from dust in a timely manner.

A flower pot is not only a small part of the interior. Of course, plants are a wonderful home decoration, but their function is not limited to one decorative role. The uniqueness of indoor plants lies in the fact that they can actively supply oxygen, regulate air humidity, purify it by absorbing harmful air impurities.

Almost always, the air of the room in which we spend most of our free time contains harmful compounds that have the ability to accumulate in the human body and then adversely affect the activity of not only the respiratory, but also the immune and cardiovascular systems. These chemical compounds are usually released by furniture, Appliances, plastic, rubber, carpets and curtains, chipboard-based panels. Basically, these are the following connections:

  • Phenols and formaldehyde;
  • Oxides of nitrogen, carbon or sulfur;
  • Benzene, as well as trichlorethylene.

Bush simple room rose, especially when geraniums, chlorophytums, herbs such as basil, tarragon and all types of mint grow here, can create almost healing air in the room. And all because these plants emit active phytoncides - compounds that are extremely beneficial for human health. Who they are - big and small green ecologists, can be further considered in more detail.

Plants that purify polluted air in the apartment

Let's remember childhood. What bloomed most often on my grandmother's windowsill? Mostly it was geranium, and it's not just for the sake of beauty.

Geranium (Pelargonium)

This plant is an excellent air freshener. A couple of geranium pots in a room can disinfect the air and deodorize it. Pelargonium can rightfully be put first on the list of useful plants, since it not only purifies the air, but can also cope with colonies of pathogenic microbes or bacteria in the air space of a dwelling. Essential oils, which geranium secretes, have a beneficial effect on nervous system, they soothe and improve sleep, and the leaf of the plant acts in the same way as psyllium when placed on an open wound.


If there are chlorophytums on your windowsill, or even better, hanging in a flowerpot in front of the window, then the problem of air pollution will be solved by almost half, since these plants are able to collect not only carbon monoxide from the air, but also other toxic substances. But, most importantly, how this green orderly helps us is cleaning the air from formaldehyde. And, by the way, it also has no equal in terms of the amount of oxygen released. For some housewives, this plant seems not very decorative, trivial, but its benefits are so great that it is not worth giving up chlorophytum.

ficus benjamina

Ficuses are phenomenal in terms of combating toxic compounds that today emit chipboard-based panels, objects made of plastic. Ficus is the best in terms of air purification from dust and toxic compounds emitted by furniture and plastic items. AT natural form ficus is a forty-meter tree with wide and shiny leaves (often variegated). The plant is not only useful, but also very decorative: its roots sometimes wrap around the trunk, creating original forms.


Needless to say, in a stuffy, unventilated room to be hard. For normal human health, it is necessary that there be a sufficient amount of negatively charged ions in the air, their number, as you know, decreases if, say, a computer is working in the room. In this case, plants that are able to release the same ions help, thereby creating healthy microclimate- they are dwarf coniferous plants(bonsai): cypress and thuja, as well as cryptomeria. It is scientifically proven that these plants absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldehydes.

Hamedorea or bamboo palm

In any home garden, Hamedorea will look chic, look like a real queen. But, in addition to decorativeness, hamedoreas purify the air by removing formaldehyde from it. In addition to cleaning, the bamboo palm is a natural humidifier in the room. In wildlife, the bamboo palm grows up to two meters. At will, you can buy elegant chamedorea (Chamaedorea elegans) or high chamerodea (Chamaedorea elatior), both of which are useful.


Gerberas are acquired mainly because of their decorative effect in flowering form. In fact, Gerbera is able to absorb benzene, as well as trichlorethylene, which is found in the air. Trichlorethylene enters the air from the cleaners we use on carpets. In addition, a beautiful plant is able to very actively absorb the exhaled by us carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

orange and lemon trees

Citruses are great for purifying the air. The air in the room where oranges and lemons grow is, by default, rid of not only microbes, but also bacteria. Essential oils of citrus fruits are extremely useful, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and freshen the air. It seems to some that it is difficult to care for citrus fruits at home, but believe me, it's worth it.


Nothing compares to the degree of popularity in our homes with this plant, but, in addition to decorativeness, begonia is also a home orderly. The plant actively attracts dust particles, and moisturizes air environment. Begonias should be constantly sprayed, as cleaning the room from dust never stops: the plant attracts it. In addition to dust, begonia kills pathogenic microbes and fungal spores, helps to neutralize the radiation of various electrical appliances.

noble laurel

In European houses, laurels in flowerpots are present in almost all dwellings, in our country this is less common, but in vain. Laurel is not only a seasoning for soup, the plant cleanses from dust and harmful microbes, actively promotes recovery from cardiovascular diseases. The essential oils found in laurel have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agents.


Speaking about what other plants purify the air in our apartment, one cannot fail to mention the spathiphyllum, the flowers of which we called the bedspread. The plant is very beautiful, but it also actively contributes to the fact that the indoor climate is healthy. Spathiphyllum is able to pick up mold spores, which are almost always in the air, in addition, the plant cleans it from formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.


This Plant is simply necessary where people who are prone to lung diseases live, it does not hurt to put it in the children's room for prevention. The fact is that dieffenbachia is able to destroy staphylococcus aureus in the air, which is the causative agent of many diseases. In addition, dieffenbachia can trap and then destroy some toxic substances, such as toluene or xylene, which are contained in paints and varnishes that can be used to paint walls.


There is a flowerpot with Aloe (or even a whole plantation) in almost every home, since its leaves are healing, we remember them for colds, runny nose, women make cosmetic masks. But its benefit lies not only in this. A couple of flowerpots with aloe will remove almost completely the formaldehyde compounds that your furniture, for example, can emit. Aloe phytoncides also help reduce physical fatigue, they are able to actively stimulate the brain. The latter suggests that the presence of aloe is mandatory for the room where people of mature age live.


A pot of sheffler should be present by default in a smoker's house, especially if non-smoking relatives also live there. Schefflera is able to absorb and neutralize harmful substances released during smoking along with smoke. The plant is very decorative, in order to grow such a plant of a beautiful yellow-green color traditional for it, you will need more diffused light.


We conclude our review of plants that create the best microclimate in an apartment with dracaena, which is an excellent orderly for our indoor air. Thanks to the dracaena, you can completely get rid of the gas pollution that so torments the inhabitants of city apartments in the summer. The plant is able to take benzene compounds from the air, as well as trichlorethylene, which penetrate our homes with exhaust gases.

In addition to powerful cleansing properties, almost all indoor plants perfectly moisturize the air in our apartments, which has great importance during the heating season. It should be noted that the above houseplants are not alone in their amazing ability to be orderlies, and cleanse us of various harmful substances, these are just some examples. In fact, the list of our green helpers in the fight for a healthy microclimate is much more extensive.

The concentration of some pollutants indoors is much higher than outdoors. But a person is very dependent on the quality of the air he breathes. This factor affects both the state of the respiratory system and health in general.

On average, people spend about 90% of their time indoors. Poor air quality is gradually becoming one of the main health risks. But we are saved by indoor plants that purify the air in the apartment.

But first, let's find out what causes indoor air pollution.

  • construction and paints and varnishes, furniture;
  • violation of the ventilation system;
  • air fresheners, detergents;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • volatile organic compounds (benzene, formaldehyde, toluene);
  • flame retardants;
  • evaporation during cooking;
  • dust, dust mites.

Indoor air pollution in the short term leads to the fact that a person experiences symptoms, like a cold: haunted by nasal congestion, headaches, dizziness, choking cough, watery eyes, scratchy throat, asthma may develop (or worsen).

In the future, if the impact of negative factors is prolonged, they can result in a number of serious (and often fatal) ailments:

  • bronchitis, asthma or emphysema;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • lung tissues begin to age intensively, the development of cancer is likely;
  • cognitive functions decrease;
  • life expectancy decreases.

Houseplants not only decorate the room, improve mood, they are able to purify the air.

This has an extremely favorable effect on human health: blood pressure normalizes, attentiveness, concentration and productivity increase, anxiety decreases.

In order to improve air quality, you can place the following indoor plants in your home and office:

What flowers and indoor plants purify the air in the apartment

1. Fat woman

It is unpretentious in care, pleases with strong green leaves (if you are not lazy and periodically brush off the dust from them, they will also be glossy).

The fat woman perfectly absorbs the toluene emitted by gasoline, kerosene, paints and varnishes. Therefore, such a plant can be placed, for example, in a workshop or in a room where repairs have recently been made.

The lighting is quite average, you can place a fat woman in that part of the room where the rays of the sun rarely look.

The temperature acceptable for the plant is 18-25 degrees. It is not necessary to fill the flower, the soil must be allowed to dry between waterings. If the leaves turn brown, on the contrary, this is a signal that there is not enough water.

2. Chlorophytum

A beautiful, fast-growing plant, Chlorophytum can fill an office in a matter of months.

The plant absorbs up to 90% of formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke, o-xylene from fuels and p-xylene emitted by plastic.

Chlorophytum survives well even in not the most favorable conditions. If you systematically forget to water it, the leaves will begin to dry out. But chlorophytum almost always gives a chance - by resuming regular watering (once every 3 days in summer and once a week in winter), it can be saved.

3. Gloxinia

A beautifully flowering plant cleans the air of 90% of benzenes released from the glue that holds furniture together, detergents, paint.

You will have to tinker with this flower: gloxinia loves diffused light, temperatures up to 20 degrees, regular (upper) watering. In the last two months of the year, it is necessary to arrange a rest for the plant by stopping watering and moving the gloxinia to a cool room.

Absorbs up to 80% of the ethylbenzene released electronic devices, building materials, furniture and even some toys.

The cactus does not require frequent watering, it even withstands high temperatures and bright light.

5. Dracaena

The beautiful variegated leaves of the plant absorb 90% of the acetone released by household cleaners, nail polish remover.

Dracaena often lives in offices. The main thing is not to place the pot with dracaena in a draft. It is better to find a place for a flower, well lit, but not in direct sunlight. Watering should be plentiful, avoiding the drying of the ground cover.

6. Fern

This representative of the flora, like chlorophytum, cleans the room from xylenes.

The plant needs Fresh air and regular watering (if you forget to feed the fern with water, the leaves will dry out and fall off).

7. Spathiphyllum

Essential for anyone office space, and at home a couple of plants will not be superfluous, because the spathiphyllum is able to absorb electromagnetic radiation from digital devices and humidify the air.

You will have to tinker with this plant: it needs light (but not direct rays), moderate humidity (watering cannot be ignored, otherwise the leaves will wither and dry, it is unlikely that the flower will be reanimated), regular spraying.

8. English ivy

In a house where it is customary to smoke indoors, this flower should be present (and not in a single copy). Ivy perfectly absorbs toxins from cigarette smoke, purifies the air, alleviating the condition of asthma patients.

You can place a pot (usually mounted) with a plant even in the shaded part of the room, in the back of the room. This does not apply to ivy, which has variegated leaves - if such a plant is deprived of light, the color will become uniform and the light stripes on the leaves will disappear.

Ivy tolerates a lack of moisture more easily than its excess, so you should not be zealous with watering, it is enough to maintain humidity.

Ficuses are home flowers that purify the air in the apartment, as they are able to absorb odor, removing toxic substances from the air.

You can put a pot of ficus in the kitchen (if the room is well lit). A plant with dark leaves can also feel fine in a semi-dark part of the room. Ficus loves moisture, but excessive watering can cause root rot.

10. Sansevieria

Removes benzene and formaldehyde from the air, increasing the supply of oxygen to the room at night.

Mother-in-law's tongue normally tolerates the lack of watering (excessive moisture can even lead to the death of the plant). The soil should be allowed to dry, this is the case when it is better to under- than over-.

Sansevieria grows in both poor and bright light, and air humidity does not play a significant role.

11. Philodendron

Captures formaldehyde but poses a danger to pets, its leaves are poisonous.

The trunk of the plant is formed quickly. The philodendron does not require any special conditions: it can put up with a lack of light ( better shade than the sun), grows even under artificial lighting.

At the same time, love wet air, the leaves will not be superfluous to pamper with spraying. Watering needs plentiful, water at room temperature.

12. Hamedorea

Absorbs formaldehydes which are weathered from furniture. After buying a new sofa, it is worth placing a flowerpot with a bamboo palm tree next to it.

The plant is very demanding on watering - from a lack of water it instantly dries up and loses leaves. The palm tree needs to be protected from sunlight, but even in the shade it feels uncomfortable, diffused light is needed.

13. Pelargonium or geranium

This plant, which disinfects the air, is the most common and can be found in almost every second apartment. The only thing is that allergy sufferers do not like it very much. But how much benefit it can bring to a person.

Its most important feature is the ability to fight harmful microbes and bacteria floating in the air. Its aroma helps to get rid of headaches, improves sleep and calms the nervous system.

This plant is quite unpretentious, the main thing is to provide it with maximum lighting.

Protect yourself, your loved ones and colleagues, choose a plant to your liking, and it will delight not only appearance, but will also significantly improve air quality, which means it will help you stay healthy and alert.

Houseplants- are able to decorate our home and purify the air from harmful substances that are released. Floor coverings, electrical appliances, furniture contain traces of formaldehyde, which affect the air quality in the apartment.

Consider 15 indoor plants, which will reduce the concentration of pollutants, improve the microclimate, make the air in the apartment cleaner, collecting dust, harmful particles, heavy compounds hazardous to health.

Houseplants can reduce the number of germs in the air and increase indoor humidity. By releasing oxygen, plants ionize the air, reduce the concentration of heavy ions and increase the concentration of light ions, which are so necessary for our life.

Light negative ions improve metabolism and the activity of respiratory enzymes, strengthen the immune system, and increase muscle tone.

15 indoor plants are easy to care for, beautiful and able to improve indoor air.

Indoor plants - indoor air purifiers


A beautiful houseplant that neutralizes the tar and nicotine produced by smoking. Indoor plant that purifies the air from tobacco smoke, suitable for rooms in which they smoke.


Indoor flower collecting carbon monoxide and toxic substances from the air. It has no equal in terms of the amount of formaldehyde removed from the air and the release of oxygen. To purify the air in a room of 20 m 2, you need 5-6 pots of chlorophytum.

ficus benjamina

In terms of cleaning from dust and toxic substances emitted by plastic objects and furniture, ficus is the best. The plant saturates the air with oxygen, moisturizes. Ficus secretes phytoncides that suppress the vital activity of microorganisms.

Ficus releases oxygen during the day and absorbs it at night - so do not put it in the bedroom or nursery. The ideal place for a flower would be the kitchen.

Scindapsus golden

A houseplant that purifies the air from benzene. A plant with large leaves is able to process a large number of harmful substance.


The plant perfectly cleans the air of formaldehyde, eliminating poisonous fumes that spread from varnish, glue, and chipboard furniture. Dracaena takes from the air not only benzene, but also trichlorethylene.


If you do not have this houseplant, be sure to acquire it. Aloe well removes formaldehyde from the air, helps with colds and runny nose. It is enough to drip a few drops of juice into the nose for prevention and treatment.


This indoor plant holds the record for air purification by adsorbing toxic substances, including benzene, formaldehyde, and ammonia.

Sansevieria or "mother-in-law's tongue"

The plant has been proven to absorb formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides. A good flower for any room in the house. Sansevieria improves immunity, protects against colds, protects against toxins released by floor coverings.

Geranium or Pelargonium

The plant copes well with pathogenic microbes and bacteria in the air. Geranium has a beneficial effect on the human body, improving sleep, calming the nervous system. The aroma of geranium refreshes stale air, repels flies. Another geranium is able to absorb carbon monoxide and dampness. Indoor flower is great for the bedroom as well as the kitchen.

Lemon and orange trees

Citrus fruits - perfectly clean the air in the room from germs and bacteria. Essential oils contained in plants soothe the nervous system, perfectly refreshing the air.

Laurel noble

The plant cleans the air from microbes and dust, helps with various diseases, is known for its healing and cleansing properties.


The plant destroys staphylococci, traps toxic substances released paint coatings walls and floors. Dieffenbachia is useful for people with frequent lung diseases.

Hamedorea graceful

Indoor palm moisturizes the air, filters substances released by plastic. Hamedorea neutralizes the evaporation of harmful substances in exhaust gases (trichlorethylene, benzene).


A beautiful indoor flower that picks up mold spores from the air. Spathiphyllum cleans the air well from harmful vapors of formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Asparagus Sprenger

Indoor plant is useful for lung diseases, helps to strengthen the lungs. Asparagus absorbs heavy metals from the air, is detrimental to many pathogenic bacteria, and is indispensable for chronic diseases.

Video - Plants that purify the air in the apartment best

Plants capable of increasing indoor air humidity: cyperus, cissus, fatsia, hibiscus, monstera, arrowroot.

Indoor plants with bactericidal properties: myrtle, rosemary, citrus, chlorophytum.

Indoor plants with phytocidal properties: cypress, conifers, cryptomeria, thuja.

Indoor plants that ionize the air: ferns, pelargonium, monstera.

Table of plants according to the degree of air purification in the room

Indoor plant
Cleaning efficiency (0-10)
Toxic substances
benzene, toluene
Formaldehyde, ammonia, toluene
The plant releases phytoncides
Various harmful impurities
Carbon monoxide, absorbs heavy metals


Formaldehyde, toluene
Methanol, ammonia, acetone, toluene, formaldehyde
Formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene
The plant releases phytoncides
Volatile chemical compounds
Codiaum, croton
Volatile chemical compounds
Formaldehyde, ammonia
Various impurities
Toluene, various impurities
Formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, benzene
Ammonia, volatile compounds
Formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, benzene
Formaldehyde, acetone, trichlorethylene, benzene
Formaldehyde, benzene
Formaldehyde, ammonia
Formaldehyde, toluene
Formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, benzene
Date fruit
Formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, benzene
Formaldehyde, carbon monoxide
Formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, benzene
Formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia
Volatile organic compounds
Formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds
Formaldehyde, benzene, toluene
Volatile chemical compounds
Formaldehyde, volatile chemical compounds

Indoor plants that purify the air will create coziness and comfort in the room. But do not forget that indoor plants need care and watering. If you are not a florist, choose the least whimsical plants.

In recent years, people's attitude to their health and environmental friendliness of housing and food has changed a lot. A whole area of ​​ecological phytodesign has appeared. From point of view indoor floriculture, we may be interested only in the neutralization by plants of harmful volatile compounds that inevitably surround us every day.

The information base on the content of harmful volatile substances is regularly updated, we constantly learn about the next harmful compounds that lurk in any item: from face powder, children's toys, to floor covering. But if linoleum and vinyl wallpapers To varying degrees, they smell of these very harmful things, then many things only seem harmless to us, because they do not have a pungent odor, although its absence does not indicate safety.

How plants clean the air

Phytoremediation is a complex of neutralization and purification from harmful substances and soil compounds, ground water and atmospheric air using green plants. The term is translated from the Greek "phyton" - a plant and the Latin "remedium" - to restore. From the point of view of home floriculture, we are interested in air purification.

Plants can directly decompose organic pollutants (pollutants) with the help of their own enzymes to inorganic compounds that accumulate in the plant, or they can be converted by the plant into a volatile form and released into the environment in a harmless form.

But there are a lot of plants that we grow on windowsills, and the ability to phytoremediation is expressed differently in everyone. Perhaps everyone has heard only about the benefits of chlorophytum and ficus ...

Scientists' research on air purification by plants

The oldest known document is dated September 1989, research was conducted to determine the usefulness of tropical plants in the case of a space station, an observatory and a residential complex on the Moon, and maybe on Mars. 50 plants were studied, mostly tropical and subtropical, some of temperate climate. The chemicals chosen for the study are benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde.

Looking ahead, I will say right away that all 50 plants have shown the ability to neutralize harmful volatile compounds in the air, to varying degrees.

National Institute of Food and Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USA), Department of Tropical Plants and Soil Science, in 2001 published a paper on Using houseplants to purify indoor air. The paper presents the most common interior, household items, as well as Construction Materials and the most toxic substances in them. The document also mentions that not all indoor plants are effective in terms of cleaning, but it is advisable to grow those that are the easiest to care for, grow quickly and do not require much.

Here is just a small part of what we breathe:

Pollutants can accumulate in confined spaces, especially high doses and toxicity of volatile substances from synthetic building and finishing materials.

Air purification in the apartment

One of the ways to purify home air is to grow indoor plants. Which home flowers are more effective, which are less - information is constantly changing. Here is an example: a study by Korean scientists was conducted in 2006 and was presented at the 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology in Kamakura (Japan):

Two laboratories - sealed rooms 3.5 by 3.5 m, 2.4 m high, without ventilation, in which sensors are placed. The first laboratory was filled with potted plants, the second one, the control one, remained empty. Harmful volatile gases were supplied equally to both rooms. An hour later, the readings of the instruments were taken - changes in the levels of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and formaldehyde were measured.

To show the role of the quantitative influence of plants, the experiments were carried out twice: in the first case, such a number of plants were placed in the room that they occupied 10% of the total space, in the second - only 5%.

Three plants participated in the experiment:

  • Aglaonema short-covered Aaglaonema brevispathum
  • Pachira aquatica Pachira aquatica
  • Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamiana.

What is surprising: all three plants undeniably purify the air, more efficiently, almost twice as good in those groups where the number of plants was 10% of the area of ​​​​the rooms. But Pakhira turned out to be more effective in neutralizing ethylbenzene and especially benzene - the decrease was 76.3% compared to the initial level - 15.7 mg/m3 was neutralized per hour. Aglaonema reduced the benzene level by 44.7% - neutralized 8 mg/m3, and ficus - by 40%, neutralized about 6 mg/m3 per hour.

With regard to other gases, the effectiveness of plants has changed: with toluene, Aglaonema did better. The picture looked like this: Aglaonema neutralized 45.6 mg / m3 in an hour, ficus - 36.1 mg / m3, Pakhira - 31 mg / m3 of toluene - this is 10% of the vegetation area.

With regard to xylene, Aglaonema and Pakhira showed the same efficiency, slightly less - ficus. The reductions were 10.4-11.9 mg/m3. Formaldehyde was most effectively removed by Aglaonema - 330.8 mg/m3.

The experimenters Jeong-Eun Song, Yong-Shik Kim and Jang Yeul Sohn did not stop there, they checked the “work” of plants for cleaning harmful gases under different lighting conditions . During testing, it turned out that the intensity of sunlight seriously affects air purification, but also depends on the type of plant. Two groups were compared, placed under intense lighting and with light diffused light.

The results are as follows: Aglaonema and Pakhira purified the air much better under more intense lighting, Ficus benjamina almost the same under any illumination.

Modern Houseplant Research

More recent research on air purification from benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene using popular houseplants such as Dracaena deremensis and Opuntia microdasys was published in the Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering in December 2014.

The experiments were carried out in a chamber with a volume of 30 m3 - this is approximately an average room 4 m long, 3 m wide and 2.5 m high. Three-year-old plants planted in pots 10 cm in diameter were used. But a visual assessment of the equivalence of plants is a weak argument, therefore, for the clarity of the experiment plants were selected according to the same leaf surface area: 1380 cm2 for dracaena and 1350 cm2 for prickly pear.

Two months before the experiment, the pots lived and got used to the conditions of the laboratory: the temperature was about 20°C ± 3, and the light regimen was 12/12 hours of dark/light periods. The plants were watered every three days. All plants were watered one hour before the experiments under the influence of a gas mixture.

The chamber was filled with: 16 mg/m3 benzene, 8 mg/m3 toluene, 22 mg/m3 xylene and 22 mg/m3 ethylbenzene. Prickly pear removed all toxic substances completely after 36, 40, 30 and 39 hours, respectively.

For the purity of the experiment, the indicators were compared

  • in an empty cell
  • in a chamber with plants
  • in a chamber with pots of soil, from which the plants were removed along with the roots (only the soil was left)

And I must say that prickly pear coped twice as fast and more efficiently than dracaena:

Prickly pear was able to completely neutralize 2 ppm benzene (6.5 mg/m3) from the air in the test chamber after 48 hours. Dracaena deremskaya - after 105 hours.

Useful indoor flowers

Screening of indoor plants for air purification from volatile organic pollutants was carried out by Dong Sik Yang, Stanley J. Case and other group of scientists. They tested twenty-eight of the most common indoor plants for their effectiveness in purifying the air of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene and toluene), aliphatic hydrocarbons (octane), halogenated hydrocarbons (trichlorethylene - TCE), and terpenes (a-pinene).

Here are the test results:

As you can see, Hemigraphis alternata, Common ivy Hedera helix, Hoya carnosa, and Asparagus densiflorus showed the highest efficiency in removing all pollutants. Tradescantia pale Tradescantia pallida has been shown to be highly effective in removing four out of five volatile compounds (benzene, toluene, trichlorethylene, and a-pinene).

As you can see, some plants are more effective in removing some carcinogens, and less effective in relation to others. Therefore, the more diverse the plants on your windowsills, the more of them, and the healthier they are, the cleaner the air in your home. The number and health of plants is important because the air-purifying capacity of plants is correlated with a large number of stomata on the leaves.

Recommendations from the site: in order for the air in your home to become significantly cleaner, you need at least three medium-sized plants (in a pot with a diameter of 20 cm) per apartment with an area of ​​​​approximately 55-56 square meters. m. If your apartment is recently renovated or purchased New furniture, you will need about 20 indoor plants (4-5 per room) to neutralize the harmful fumes that will be actively emitted for another 6-12 months.

Returning to the NASA study, I consider it necessary to draw your attention to the following point. The first studies proved the usefulness of indoor plants, but in the course of testing, scientists became interested in the question of leaf defoliation, do only plant leaves purify the air? Therefore, NASA scientists conducted a second study and got very interesting results.

Dracaena marginata participated in the experiment:

  • ordinary plants in pots, with a developed crown
  • plants in pots (with leaves) covered the soil with a thick layer of gravel
  • dracaena cut off all the leaves, left stumps up to 5 cm tall, the soil in the pot is not closed
  • control pots with soil (without roots)

The results of the experiments showed that the roots of plants, and associated microorganisms, as a mini-ecosystem, are the main cause of chemical purification, at least in this study! This is not surprising, because the cut plant continued to function - after a week it already grows new shoots, and after three it has a small crown.

Another test showed that even within the same plant genus different types purify the air in different ways:

  1. Dracaena fragrant Dracaena fragrans "Mass Cane"
  2. Chrysanthemum potted
  3. Gerbera jamesonii Gerbera jamesonii
  4. Dracaena deremskaya variety Varnekey Dracaena deremensis "Warneckei"
  5. Ficus benjamina Ficus beniamina

Please note: Dracaena fragrant - significantly exceeds its sister Dracaena deremskaya in terms of air purification efficiency.

The Best Houseplants for Purifying the Air

  • Curly Aglaonema Aglaonema crispum
  • Aglaonema short-covered Aaglaonema brevispathum
  • Adiantum venus hair Adiantum capillus-veneris
  • Alocasia macrorrhizos Alocasia macrorrhizos
  • Aloe Vera Aloe Vera
  • Anthurium Andre Anthurium andraeanum
  • Araucaria heterophylla Araucaria heterophylla
  • Asparagus densely flowered Asparagus densiflorus
  • Asparagus bristly Asparagus setaceus
  • Aspidistra high Aspidistra elatior
  • Banana dwarf Musa acuminata
  • Begonia ever flowering Begonia Semperflorens
  • Hemigraphis alternata Hemigraphis alternata
  • Geranium Pelargonium graveolens
  • Gerbera Jameson Gerbera jamesonii
  • Guzmania
  • Dendrobium Dendrobium
  • Dypsis yellowish Dypsis lutescens (Chrysalidocarpus Chrysalidocarpus)
  • Dieffenbachia spotted Dieffenbachia maculata
  • Dracaena deremskaya Deacaena dermensis
  • Dracaena fragrant Dracaena fragrans
  • Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
  • Calathea makoyana Calthea makoyana
  • Calathea pinkish-colored Calathea roseopicta
  • Clivia cinnabar Clivia miniata
  • Codiaeum variegated Codiaeum variegatum
  • Liriope spicata Liriope spicata
  • White-veined arrowroot Maranta leuconeura
  • Monstera delicacy Monstera deliciosa
  • Nephrolepis sublime Nephrolepis exaltata
  • Nephrolepis cordifolia Nephrolepis obliterate
  • Prickly Pear Opuntia microdasys
  • Prickly Pear Opuntia stricta
  • Pachira aquatica Pachira aquatica
  • Pachira large-fruited Pachira macrocarpa
  • Peperomia clusiifolia Peperomia clusiifolia
  • Common ivy Hedera helix
  • shrubby polyscias Polyscias fruticosa
  • Poinsettia or Euphorbia beautiful Euphorbia pulcherrima
  • Rapis high Rhapis excels
  • Rhododendron Sims Rhodedendron simsii
  • Ruellia tuberosa Ruellia tuberosa
  • Sansevieria Three-banded Sansevieria trifasciata
  • Syngonium leg-leaved Syngonium podophyllum
  • Spathiphyllum Wallis Spathiphyllum wallisii
  • Tradescantia pale Tradescantia pallida
  • Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis
  • Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamina
  • Ficus binnendijkii Ficus binnendijkii "Alii"
  • Ficus rubbery (elastica) Ficus robusta
  • Philodendron blushing Philodendron erubescens
  • Philodendron bipinnate Philodendron selloum
  • Philodendron domestic Philodendron domesticum
  • Philodendron ivy Philodendron hederaceum
  • Phoenix roebelenii
  • Fittonia white-veined Fittonia albivenis
  • Chamaedorea seifrizii
  • Chamaedorea elegans
  • Chlorophytum crested Chlorophytum comosum
  • Howea Belmorea Howea belmoreana
  • Hoya beautiful Hoya carnosa
  • Homalomena Wallisii Homalomena wallisii
  • Chrysanthemum garden (pot distillation) Chrysanthemum morifolium
  • Persian cyclamen Cyclamen persicum
  • Cissus rhombifolia Cissus rhombifolia
  • Schefflera tree Schefflera arboricola
  • Schefflera graceful Schefflera elegantissima
  • Schlumbergera Schlumbergera
  • Epipremnum aureum
  • Echmea striped Aechmea fasciata

This is just a list of plants that have been studied and have shown some or quite significant efficiency in neutralizing harmful fumes in the air. Speaking by families, the most promising are Aroid, Palm, Asparagus.


Grow indoor plants, among the 70 species listed, you can find plants for every taste and any complexity of growing. The more diverse the vegetation in your home, the better, provided the plants are healthy and dusted regularly. If you are new to floriculture, I strongly advise you to start with fragrant Dracaena, Ficus benjamin or Monstera, as the most unpretentious and affordable.

Rusinova Natalia

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