Pin-Up bachelorette party with theBalm and Secret Beauty Santa. Pin-up bachelorette party - design ideas, preparation, organization, script Photo shoot on the beach in retro swimwear

Pin-up style (40s - 50s) is filled with mischief, positivism and lightness. If he and she are not in the mood for excessive pomposity and want to breathe more life and pampering into their joint celebration, then a pin-up wedding may be the right choice. “Take everything from life, enjoy, be sexy!” says this style for the first time since Coca-Cola posters. This drink is one of the chips of this style, but first things first.

The outfits of the groom, the bride and all those present at the wedding, as well as the design of the room, table and wedding invitations - let's look at the main ideas for creating a holiday in pin-up style.

Bride and groom clothing

Pin-up is, first of all, the sexuality and femininity of the image of the bride. Therefore, you can not do without red accessories. Scarlet lipstick or shoes, maybe a handbag. The bride should look like a mischievous poster girl.

Dress and accessories

Preference is given to a deep neckline, accentuated waist, fluffy short skirt and heels. It is possible to use the classic white color of the dress. The bride can also opt for a long dress, but in both these cases, you need to take care of bright accessories.

The bride may wear gloves.

Only with juicy accessories can both white and long dresses become part of the image of our pin-up beauty.

Particular attention should be paid to the shoes of the bride. In addition to the obligatory heel, the bride's shoes or sandals can have bows, straps, ribbons, flowers. The perfect hit in the image would be the use of red shoes, lipstick and nail polish.

In the photo you can see different options for the bride's outfit.


Only softness, femininity and sexuality. Juicy scarlet lips, long eyelashes, feminine arrows and underlined thin eyebrows.

Pin-up makeup is covered in 3 videos below.

Pin-up make-up master classes:


Emphasis on opulence. Curls and round bangs will look perfect. It is necessary to fix the hair with varnish.

You can also collect hair and tie with a scarf. For example, as shown in the video below.

Master class on tying a pin-up scarf

The hairstyle can be completed with a small hat with a veil, artificial flowers or a diadem.


Girls can wear polka dot or plaid dresses. Dresses should be bright colors: red orange, yellow, blue.

Short shorts can be an alternative option, including for the ultra-modern bride.

The bride can use a sexy open shirt and cute short shorts for a pin-up photo shoot.

Complement the image of small retro handbags.

The image of the groom

Next to the pin-up beauties of America in the 40s and 50s, it is easy to imagine a military man.

You can include in the image both individual elements, for example, stripes, and completely embody the man of the dream of a pin-up girl.

If the image of a military man does not seem like a good idea to you, then you can focus on the image of a good boy: plaid trousers, a light shirt. A bright tie and cufflinks are welcome.

And if the groom is completely conservative, then he can remain in a traditional costume - the bright accessories of the bride are more than enough to create the mood of this celebration.

You can see the groom's suit for a pin-up style wedding in the photo below.

Ideas for a photo shoot

To make photos of lovers atmospheric will help: a photo session on the beach or by the pool in a closed retro swimsuit, a retro car, a picnic with the same picnic basket and a checkered tablecloth.

Room decoration

Flirty prints familiar to us from American films: plaid, large peas, cherries, apples. All this, bright and rich colors, can be used to decorate the festive table, invitations and rooms.

Indoors, if possible, a warm and homely atmosphere is created due to warm shades in the design. Colors: red, pink, orange.

Lots of fresh flowers will help bring the space to life. Flags, posters and pin-up cards are also quite often used.

A few pin-up interior ideas in the photos below.


Guests should feel the atmosphere of the upcoming wedding celebration immediately after receiving wedding invitations. Checkered, peas, ribbons, bows, pin-up girls, and your invitation will be filled with recipients for a long time.

wedding treat

You can watch a couple of films about the 50s and borrow a few ideas from the ladies of those times.

Nowadays, it has become fashionable to organize pre-wedding parties in a themed style. It is always bright, unusual and fun. To make the holiday a success, you need to pay attention to the little things. Fresh and original is the idea of ​​holding a bachelorette party in pin-up style, which in English means girl from the cover of a magazine.

Preparing outfits and accessories

The main attribute of this style is clothing. Therefore, it is this point that needs special attention. Short flared sun skirts, a printed T-shirt, sunglasses and heels are ideal. Pin-up is very similar to retro style, therefore, clothes should have bright prints, it can be a flower, peas and others. In addition to the skirt, you can wear shorts and trousers with a high waist. Varnished high-heeled shoes or comfortable sneakers under them, you need to wear a variety of golfs, and you need to tie a handkerchief around your neck. If the bachelorette party will take place on the beach, swimwear must be closed. To create the right image, girls should look at photos of famous actresses from the 50s and 60s. As for accessories, they should be present in the interior. It can hit balloons of various shapes, posters on the walls and glasses.

Hairstyles and make-up

A pin-up girl must pay great attention to her appearance. This style is characterized by bright, but at the same time neat makeup. To do this, you need to make arrows to paint over the eyelashes with black mascara, and apply scarlet lipstick on the lips.

But over the hair will have to work hard. To create it, you need a curling iron and curlers. If a girl has thick bangs, she can be made in the form of a tube or a small pile. Flowers are suitable as accessories. A beautifully tied scarf around the neck will help to complement the image.


It is best to hold an event in this style in nature. For this, a cozy summer cafe, boat or limousine is suitable. If a bachelorette party is planned for the cold season, then you should go to an elite nightclub. In order for everything to match the theme of the holiday, it is necessary to decorate it. Sauna and pool in this case will not work. Since bright makeup can be washed off with water.

Another unconditional attribute of pinup style is a retro car. In this case, these are American cars of the 50s and 60s, namely a Chevrolet, a Cadillac or a pink limousine. If you can not find such a car, do not be upset. You can choose any car that was at the peak of popularity 30-40 years ago.


An integral part of the bachelorette party should be a photo session. If the event takes place in the summer, it is best to go to nature. In the winter season, you should go to the studio. A great idea would be to organize a photo shoot in swimsuits on the beach or near the pool. To do this, you should choose closed models with a high fit in flowers, stripes, polka dots, piecework and separate. It is important to remember that everything is forced to look extremely modest. There should not be any hints of vulgarity. If all of the above rules are followed, success is guaranteed. The proof of this will be a beautiful and unusual photo.

picnic bachelorette party

A picnic party is a great opportunity to relax, enjoy the beauty of nature and breathe fresh air. So, first of all, you need to get to the venue in a rented retro car. You can have a picnic in any picturesque place outside the city. For example: on the banks of a river or lake, in a forest or in a park. The organizers need to take care in advance about the availability of blankets, wicker baskets, original glasses and other trifles inherent in this style.

Party at the club

To organize such a bachelorette party, you first need to find a suitable institution for the design, which corresponds to this style. It should be noted that this will be very easy. Since in our time retro style is very popular. But still, if this was not found for the bridesmaids, you can decorate the chosen place yourself.

Which menu to choose?

This issue must be treated with special responsibility. On the festive table, there must be Coca-Cola or Pepsi, a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. Also, do not forget about sweets. As a rule, these are sugar cookies, cakes, popcorn, apple pie, sandwiches and fruits. The decoration of the festive table will be a delicious cake with polka dots.

A pin-up bachelorette party will bring great pleasure to the bride and her bridesmaids, and bright photos will remind you of this day for a long time. The main thing is that all the details of the holiday correspond to the chosen theme. To do this, you need a little, namely, to choose the right outfits, music and retro cars.

Video on the topic of the article:

In what style to spend the holiday, but today we will talk about one of the brightest and most original ideas - a pin-up bachelorette party.

The bride herself or specialists from the agency can organize such a party.


The word "Pin-up" (pin-up) is translated from English as "to pin". This term appeared in America in 1941 to refer to posters pinned to the wall, which depicted a young seductive girl in rather revealing clothes. One example is images of Marilyn Monroe or famous model Bettie Page. Pin-up girls are characterized by a combination of modesty, femininity and sensuality.

In fact, pin-up is one of the varieties. It was very popular in the mid-fifties of the last century, and since fashion is a cyclical phenomenon, at the beginning of the twentieth century pin-up returned to its former popularity. Keeping pin-up style in everyday life can be tricky, so dressing up like this for a party is a great idea! If you're crazy about the "cover girls" of the 50s, take on board the idea of ​​having a pin-up bachelorette party.

How to organize a holiday

As a rule, friends help the bride in organizing a bachelorette party, and sometimes they completely take over this event. In order to plan and hold a theme party on the eve of the wedding, you need to take care of the following things.

  1. Clothing. It is important to choose the right wardrobe so that it matches the style of the celebration.
  2. Location. Depending on the theme, a bachelorette party can be held at home, in a restaurant, in a bathhouse, in a club, etc.
  3. Menu. If a glamorous party is planned, sprats and potatoes will not be appropriate on it, and if the theme of the evening suggests simplicity and lack of frills, caviar and other delicacies should not be on the table.
  4. Entertainment. A key part of any party is the entertainment program. What the bride and her friends will do on the eve of the wedding: ride around the city in a convertible, sing karaoke, dance, play billiards - depends on her desire and, again, on the chosen topic.

Now let's talk about how to organize a pin-up style event in more detail. If everything is planned correctly, the photos from the pin-up bachelorette party will turn out bright and memorable.

Clothes and makeup

The key point in preparing a bachelorette party is the choice of wardrobe. Just look at the posters to understand what clothes were popular in the 50s in America. Here are the main features of women's fashion of that time:

  • polished shoes with high heels;
  • bright colors;
  • large print (polka dots, stripes, flowers);
  • wide belts;
  • high waist (the so-called "high fit");
  • wide mini-skirts and dresses (flared).

The “high fashion” in the 50s was considered a vertical arrow on tights and stockings.

Pin-up hairstyle - large curls and high styling. Give your hair volume and wind it on a curling iron or large curlers, and then style it. Most likely, it will take a lot of time to lay, but it's worth it! If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the hairdresser. In addition, be sure to use catchy jewelry and plastic-framed glasses.

Doubt how to combine all these elements? It is enough to look at photographs of Hollywood models of the mid-twentieth century to find successful examples.

Here are examples of suitable clothing choices:

  • a short black and white dress with polka dots (perhaps with a bright belt or collar);
  • short dress with floral print and flared skirt;
  • high-waisted trousers, tapered at the bottom, brightly patterned T-shirt, bright belt;
  • skirt-sun and jacket in a cage.

If you don’t have anything suitable in your wardrobe, you can look for clothes in second-hand stores or rent. Your goal is to create a bright and sensual look for a pin-up party. Tie your hair with a wide satin ribbon - this accessory was very popular in the 50s of the last century. Another option is to tie a scarf.


You can spend a bachelorette party in different places. Bath for such a party is not suitable; also avoid cramped stuffy rooms. Here are some ideas where you can organize a celebration.

  • . If the wedding is held in the warm season and you are ready to start saying goodbye to unmarried life in the afternoon, organize an outdoor picnic. Juicy details of your wardrobe will be perfectly combined with bright natural colors. Don't forget to bring blankets, folding chairs and sun umbrellas.
  • Open area cafe. This option is also suitable for the summer season. Sitting comfortably at the tables on the veranda, the bride and her friends can throw a chic retro party.
  • Closed club. The room should look expensive, because the pin-up style implies luxury. However, here it is important to see the line between luxury and vulgarity. It would be better if the interior of the club is made in a retro style, or you yourself, with the permission of the administration, add the necessary decor elements.
  • Yacht. On a luxury yacht, pin-up girls will look great! In addition, on the yacht you can hold a photo shoot in swimsuits. But keep in mind that bikinis were not yet worn in the 50s - give preference to high-waisted one-piece bathing suits.
  • Beach. This is a more budget option for the warm season, where you can arrange a photo shoot in swimsuits.

For a pin-up bachelorette party, you will need the following attributes:

  • pin-up posters or posters;
  • glasses with the inscription "Pin-up";
  • soap bubbles and balloons.

Ideally, if you manage to order a retro car - better than American production.


Pin up is American style and your menu should be American. Be sure to put Pepsi, cola and various cocktails on the table. Sandwiches are the main course. Popcorn, apple pie according to a traditional American recipe, fruits, colorful cakes will be appropriate. More simple and delicious dishes for a bachelorette party. The main decoration of the table should be a polka-dot cake.

Scenario Entertainment

The scenario of the holiday largely depends on the choice of location; picnic and indoor entertainment can be different. In any case, such a bachelorette party involves a photo shoot, because bright pin-up outfits look great not only on posters, but also in photographs.

wedding planner


Give preference to bright lipstick, and draw arrows in front of your eyes. If you think that bright lipstick does not suit you, you can choose pink or coral shades, but arrows are a must-have element of your look.

Nikolai Zvyagin

You can make a poster with the image of the bride so that all her friends can write their wishes there. For any bachelorette party, the main thing is that the bride and girlfriends have a good mood - and everything else will definitely follow!

A pin-up bachelorette party is a wild and very fun party. If you love retro style and bright colors, arrange such a holiday. Carefully think over the scenario of a pin-up bachelorette party, and there is no doubt that such a hooligan farewell to girlhood will be remembered for a long time!

Pin-up is a bright, unusual and rich style that can be taken as the basis for an unforgettable wedding, so that it will forever remain in the memory of the newlyweds and all guests. Uniqueness, emotions, life - this is what describes the whole style well with the help of three words and becomes the impetus for choosing it for the celebration.


To create the most suitable for the chosen style of invitations, you will need to print on one side of the image with the coquettish ladies in the Pin-up style, popular in the forties. And on the back there will be all the information about the wedding. Additional accessories can be ribbons or bows.


The room must be made in bright colors, mainly in a combination of white and red. To give the right atmosphere, you can decorate everything with images of Pin-up girls, as well as with the help of flowers, which should be present in large numbers. Tables can be covered with checkered tablecloths, or traditionally white, but put napkins with a checkered pattern.


The cake must be multi-tiered. It can be decorated with cream roses and red plaid or polka dot bows.


The outfits will require special attention. The bride has a lot of options. She can choose a long dress, with a deep neckline, made of light fabric. The waist must be overstated and you can emphasize this with the help of a satin belt. A short dress with a fluffy skirt is also acceptable, giving the bride the look of a charming coquette. Complement the image with heels or stilettos. A bright accent can be made with the help of scarlet beads or a bright scarlet rim or bow on the head. Hairstyle fit lush, with curls and round bangs. The bride's makeup should give her flirtatiousness with the help of elegant arrows and scarlet lipstick, a favorite pin-up style trick. The groom will also need to choose an interesting image. He might settle for a smart smart look that is achieved with trousers, a white or just a light-colored shirt, and a waistcoat to match the trousers. This image is complemented with an ardent tie or cufflinks. But there is a second option, where the man will be dressed in military style. And his shoulder straps, snow-white gloves or a cap will decorate him. Invited girls can dress up in bright dresses with polka dots or a cage, as well as complement their image by tying scarves around their necks. And men can come in both a classic suit and a shirt and shorts, popular for that time.

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