How to build a country house with your own hands. How to build a small country house with your own hands (47 photos): construction methods

Filimonov Evgeny

Reading time: 8 minutes


DIY garden house

How to build a garden house with your own hands, construction steps, how to insulate a house, tips on building a foundation, walls and roof. Internal and external finishing.

A large number of people, if they do not yet have, then at least in their thoughts want their own summer cottage and, of course, that a garden house be built on it. To save on construction, many create small structures with their own hands, but if opportunities allow, it can be built to a more impressive size.

This article will help you create the garden house of your dreams, after reading which you will learn - design features garden house, what tools are used for this, how is the bookmark solid foundation, the nuances of the construction of the frame and the correct execution of the cladding. How to perform high-quality insulation, what is a foam coat and why a ventilated facade is needed.

How to create and take into account the project of a garden house, competent space planning, technology for building a garden house, the reliability of building walls, the formation of a high-quality floor and ceilings, how to install a roof, the nuances of creating a country house. How much does it cost to build a garden house.
Proper construction of the roof and attic, quality performance interior and exterior decoration of the structure, how to install ceiling lags.

What are economy class houses, disclosure of issues of building a shield structure, what materials are best used for this.

Today, building technologies offer the construction of garden houses not only from classic materials (log, cinder block, brick), but also to use plywood sheets, OSB, aerated concrete blocks, foam blocks, timber, etc. as the main building material.

But it is plywood garden houses that have excellent soundproofing and heat-insulating characteristics, along with ease of work and inexpensive construction costs.

Another advantage of this construction is the ability to make a house out of plywood with your own hands. This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of attracting professional teams. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that garden houses made of timber and plywood have some drawbacks, for example, the vulnerability of the latter to aggressive actions external environment. Accordingly, it is necessary to take additional measures to protect this building material, and this, in turn, increases costs.

Also, plywood is an unsafe building material for the inhabitants of the house in terms of the penetration of intruders. Therefore, when building garden house lumber and plywood require external finishing work, for example, siding, which, in addition to decorating, also hides the main material used in construction from prying eyes.

Expert opinion

Filimonov Evgeny

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Country houses are being built using frame technology, which is gaining more and more popularity in many

Countries of the world.

This is due to its main advantages:

  • no need to rent special construction equipment;
  • a strong foundation is not required;
  • country house IR has excellent characteristics regarding energy saving;
  • the ability to quickly complete construction work;
  • due to the ease of construction and the materials used during construction, the walls do not shrink.

But the wood that is used to build the house (boards for the roof sheathing, bars for the frame of the walls) must be dry, and the plywood sheets must have a minimum of chips along the edges. In addition, all wood materials are additionally subject to processing with special compounds that can provide the required fire safety and also protect from moisture.

The construction of a frame plywood house can be divided into the following stages:

  • foundation construction;
  • construction of the wall frame and plywood cladding;
  • roofing device;
  • warming;
  • finishing works (internal and external).


To build a house, you will need the following tools:

  • level;
  • roulette;
  • marker;
  • saw;
  • a hammer;
  • plumb;
  • screwdriver;
  • axe;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill.

Foundation laying

A massive foundation for a frame small garden house is not required, but for this the house must be made with strict adherence to all technologies. Reinforced concrete foundation blocks, strip foundation with a recess, stuffed piles - all these types of foundation are suitable for starting construction frame house. As a rule, a tape type of foundation is used.

With significant differences in relief, it is best to use a pile foundation. This will make it possible to level the structure of the house and avoid distortions with minimal consumption of building materials and normal strength of the base.

Materials required to organize the foundation of a plywood house:

  • crushed stone, sand;
  • concrete (ready-made or its constituent elements: fine crushed stone, cement, sand);
  • pipe for floor ventilation;
  • reinforcing bars.

Before starting construction, you need to independently mark the territory and, with the help of pegs and a rope, mark the boundaries of the future structure. It is best that the place where the house will be installed is leveled. According to a given contour, they dig a trench no more than 60 cm wide with a depth of 70 cm. This depth is quite enough to ensure the required reliability and strength for a frame house. The bottom of the trench is rammed, then covered with a layer of sand and re-tamped.

Then a layer of fine gravel is poured and rammed. Such a pillow will evenly distribute the load and be able to provide waterproofing of the lower layer of the base. To improve the density of the pillow during the compaction of crushed stone and sand, a small amount of water is used. After that, you need to build a formwork, which can be made from boards, fixing them to each other with jumpers on nails. It is possible to prevent concrete leakage during the pouring of the foundation by using plywood sheets 7-8 mm thick as formwork.

After the foundation has dried and the formwork has been removed, these sheets can be used again. The height above ground level of the strip foundation should be approximately 45-50 cm. In order for the formwork not to lose its shape during concrete pouring, the upper elements are interconnected by transverse rails.

The reinforcement is laid both across the formwork and along. Moreover, it is necessary to leave the ends of the reinforcing bars above the level of the foundation for the subsequent fixing of the frame. In several sections, a pipe is inserted into the formwork, the length of which is equal to the width of the foundation. This creates sufficient ventilation for the floor.

Then the foundation is poured with a ready-made concrete composition or crushed stone, sand, cement are mixed in a ratio of 2: 3: 1 with water. During pouring, you need to tamp the solution a little to prevent the appearance of voids. The surface must be smoothed with a trowel or a rule so that the top layer of the base is as even as possible. When the foundation hardens (approximately one week, taking into account the depth and weather conditions), further construction can begin.

Frame and cladding

Then, in order to build a country house from plywood with your own hands, you need to assemble the frame.

The construction of the frame is a step-by-step implementation of the following stages of work:

  1. A waterproofing layer is laid on top of the base, which is most often chosen as roofing material.
  2. From a bar 15x15 cm or boards with a section of 15x5 cm, a lower harness is constructed, which is fixed to the foundation reinforcement. Logs are made with the same timber for future flooring, installing them in the lower harness. The space between the ground and the lags can be filled with expanded clay. Fastening is carried out using metal corners and anchor bolts. Logs should be laid clearly in the level. A 2x2 cm beam is fixed to the lower part of the log. On top of this beam, plywood sheets 1.5 cm thick, cut to size, are laid and fixed with self-tapping screws. Stacked mineral wool for warming. Then they lay a film for waterproofing, fixing it with staples using a construction stapler. Then plywood sheets with a thickness of about 2 cm are fixed with self-tapping screws. The installation of the subfloor is complete.
  3. Racks are installed vertically at a distance of at least one meter from each other, taking into account the design of the house. To strengthen the entire structure, jumpers are horizontally fixed between them. The supports must be fixed clearly vertically in level, without any distortions. For fixing it is best to use temporary supports. During the installation of crossbars and supports, window and door openings must be left.
  4. On top of them, the upper trim is installed, its arrangement is similar to the lower one. Here the floor beams are fixed, and after the rafter beams for the construction of the roof.
  5. After the construction of the frame, it is only necessary to sheathe the outer side with plywood sheets. Fastening is carried out on self-tapping screws using a screwdriver with a distance of at least 40 cm.
  6. Then, insulation is made around the entire perimeter and a vapor barrier film is attached on top of it, which is overlapped and fastened with brackets.
  7. Sheets of plywood inside the house are also fixed with a screwdriver on self-tapping screws. The joints that are obtained between the plywood sheets must be puttied, and the gaps that have appeared between the walls and the foundation must be filled with building foam. After the foam dries, its excess is removed with a knife.
  8. Boards 15x2 cm in size are attached to the upper trim, thus creating a ceiling crate. When the project provides for a residential building on two floors, then the boards need to be chosen with a larger section. Sheets of plywood are attached to this crate, a vapor barrier layer is fixed on them, on top of which they put mineral insulation. Then the vapor barrier layer is laid again and covered with plywood sheets, which are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Wall insulation

  • The frame, sheathed on the outside, is closed with a waterproofing film.
  • Mineral insulation boards are installed inside the frame in the spacer.
  • Then all this is closed with a vapor barrier.
  • Inside, the frame is sheathed with two layers of drywall or OSB boards.

Styrofoam coat

Styrofoam grade C25 and more is used for exterior wall decoration:

The foam is fixed to the cement glue, while the glue beacons can compensate for the unevenness of the wall surface. For additional fastening of the plates, plastic dowel-umbrellas are used.

The same cement glue is applied on top of the foam plastic with a wide spatula, then reinforcement is recessed into it - a fiberglass mesh with a cell size of 3x3 mm and a density of at least 170 g / sq.m. The mesh is glued with an overlap of strips of 70-80 mm.

Then the mesh is covered with a layer of glue so as to hide its texture.

Subsequent finishing - at the discretion of the owner of the house. As a rule, the walls are finished decorative plaster or make up facade paint. Instead of polystyrene, glued mineral wool boards can be used. At the same time, they are much safer in terms of the spread of fire, however, they will cost much more.

Ventilated facade

If the vapor permeability of the walls is most important, then a ventilated facade is made:

  • A crate is constructed on the walls (using a galvanized profile or timber).
  • Mineral wool slabs are inserted into the spacer between the elements of the crate or under it with fixation by dowel-umbrellas.
  • From above the heater is closed by a wind-shelter membrane.
  • After the facade is sewn up on the crate with siding.

garden house project

Millions of summer residents are added every year to the army of builders of garden houses. After all, the question arises, where to live in the summer, how to settle down in the country, and where to store tools? You can, of course, build big house, even better - to build a family estate! But if only a few acres are available, then why not build a small garden house with your own hands. In addition, the construction will not take a lot of time and Money, and "heavy artillery" does not need to be involved.

Before building a garden house, you need to take care of a set of project documentation. But first, decide for what purpose you want to build such a structure, and what functions the house should perform.

Expert opinion

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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The main purpose of the garden house is for temporary residence in summer time and off-season, as well as infrequent visits in the winter.

But, despite all this, at any time it should be warm, dry, light, cozy and comfortable here. And it must smell good!

In hot summer weather, the house should be cool. In early autumn and spring in damp weather, it should be quite warm here. In frost, the garden house should be heated quickly and, moreover, to comfortable temperatures if you plan to visit it. From the position of operation as a capital structure, the house should not need daily care, too burdensome preparation for winter and back.

The house must have electricity all year round and drinking water(well, at least in the summer). It should be possible to shelter quite a lot of people for several days, for example, in the event of the arrival of unexpected guests or relatives. It is better when all rooms are multifunctional: depending on the time of year, the room can be used as a bedroom in summer and in winter as a warehouse for things, household items, garden furniture.

The project of a garden house, first of all, should contain floor plans and an indication of the overall dimensions of all rooms. Separately, they must submit drawings of structural units where the walls mate with the floor and ceiling, roofs and floor supports. Be sure to have a vertical section of the building, where all the main marks are indicated: the bottom of the foundation, the level of the ceiling and the clean floor.

Another item on the list of the house project is the diagrams of communication networks - electricians, water supply, gasification and gas supply, indicating the places of connection to the main lines. Make all drawings to scale, respecting proportions. It is best to specify the linear dimensions in millimeters.

The garden house project is crowned with an explanatory note that contains a description of the developed solutions used Construction Materials and their required number. Such detailed information will save on the procedure for building a garden house, thanks to the optimization of the choice of materials.

Space planning

So, summer residents usually build small garden houses, which have a general size along the base of the building - approximately 6 by 7 meters. Although the area that will be occupied by the house is slightly less than the product of these numbers, since the shape of the base will not be perfectly rectangular - each of the corners seems to be cut out.

Decide where you want to build your garden house. Please note that the building is not recommended to be located in low-lying places where water accumulates. It is better to choose the highest point of the plot of land. It is optimal to place the house in the northwestern or northern part of the site, but no closer than three meters from its border. Remember that the building site should not be obscured by anything.

For a small land plot a small one-story house is quite suitable, which can be used for living in the summer, storing summer supplies and placing summer kitchen. One-story houses with an attic are distinguished by increased convenience, since the attic can be converted into a place for keeping garden belongings. In one-story houses that have a terrace or a covered veranda, you can even place a full-fledged dining room.

If you have chosen a two-story house, then the attic is best as the second floor, which has a T-shaped floor and the joints of the ceiling and walls that are beveled at an angle. On the ground floor, according to the scheme of the garden house, they usually equip the kitchen, they make huge windows in it so that it is always light. Next comes a common heated room, which is most often a walk-through room; here a staircase to the second floor is often installed.

Of course, in a garden house it is customary to equip a bedroom for the cold autumn-spring season. Separately, consider the need to create a guest room, bath and carpentry workshop in the house. In the attic, you can recreate a billiard room, an office or a summer bedroom. Since there are large windows and a lot of light, you can equip a haven for growing seedlings of vegetables or flowers. In winter, it is customary to store birch brooms and dry herbs here.

From the point of view of architecture, there are no special frills or frills in the standard drawings of garden houses, except for the attic. Speaking about the layout of the building, I would like to emphasize that there is no special need to collect absolutely all non-residential and residential premises under one roof. If there is a gazebo near the house, which is used for eating, then you can not equip the dining room. The same applies to the bath if there is an outdoor shower on the site. There is absolutely no need to make a toilet in the house. But if you plan to come to the dacha in winter, it is advisable to equip all these premises in the house.

But the most useless and inconvenient element of a garden house in operation is a balcony. There will be nothing from him, except for constant problems with snow removal. Going out onto the balcony, which is raised 3 meters above the ground, you will not see amazing landscapes, but only unattractive outbuildings in neighboring summer cottages.

You can argue about the veranda with its own roof. If it is open, then snowdrifts are provided in winter, puddles from rain and dampness in autumn, flies in the summer day, mosquitoes in the evening. But if the veranda is closed, with large windows, it will completely protect you from bad weather and allow you to relax in the summer and drink tea, hiding from the scorching sun. But if the veranda is facing the sunny side, stuffiness is ensured in the heat.

If you decide to equip a cellar or basement under the garden house, then you need to take care of heating the garden house. Otherwise, the room will freeze in winter to the ambient temperature, and this will little increase thermal protection. Remember that the basement can be flooded with spring waters with all the consequences.

Technology for building a garden house

The principle of modular design can make the construction very simple. First, a foundation is laid, wall elements are built on it, then a truss system is created, a roof is laid, windows and a door are mounted. The facade of the house can be supplemented with a canopy, under which it is good to relax in the summer.


First of all, place a draft beam on the foundation surface in one row around the perimeter, which creates the contours of the walls of the house and is fastened with nails to each other. Between the concrete foundation and this lower row of timber, it is customary to lay waterproofing, which is used as strips of roofing material, as shown in the photo of garden houses.

The basis of the frame, as a rule, consists of 4 pillars, which are dug into the corners of the perimeter. They need to be securely dug into the ground, having previously wrapped their lower part with a roofing material. After the erection of the pillars, attach them to the draft beam from below, and attach them from above with the help of temporary stretch marks, previously set vertically along the plumb line. Long nails can be used to fasten the frame elements.
Now that the frame has become rigid, it should be finished on the inside and outside.

Lay cut pieces of timber between the edges of the corners in advance, pin them to each other with 150 mm nails, if the thickness of the timber reaches 100 millimeters, the nail will pass through the upper timber and touch the middle of the lower one. A layer of linen tow should be laid between the bars. Constantly check the verticality of the walls on a plumb line.

Expert opinion

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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door frames it is customary to install immediately, window boxes are mounted after reaching a certain height.

Fixed in the required place and aligned vertically, the boxes will additionally act as vertical guides, in addition to the corners that align the stacked timber.

Floor and floors

The beams of the first floor in a wooden garden house are laid on the plane of the strip foundation. On top of the beams, a draft floor is laid, made of ordinary edged planed boards, which, after drying, will certainly decrease in size, or a slab. This provokes the formation of cracks. Therefore, it is recommended to lay a clean floor from a dried lath already next summer. A clay screed is made on this floor and a heater is placed.

At the same time, the subfloor flooring can be thinned out and covered with a layer of roofing. It is recommended to use mineral-cotton materials as a heat-insulating material. On top, the insulation is covered with a second layer of roofing. Then they install a cement-sand screed over the insulation, which has a thickness of 2 centimeters. As a coating, you can use antiseptic impregnation of dark color.

Ceiling beams from a bar at the same time serve as a frame, which is necessary for the floor of the second and the ceiling of the first floor. This coating is made of planed edged board. The space between the ceiling and the floor must be filled with large sawdust and small chips, which are required for heat and sound insulation. After that, the ceiling is sheathed with clapboard at the same time as the wall sheathing procedure, and after drying, the floor of the second floor is covered from above with a floor lath.

The floor rail is placed perpendicular to the subfloor. At the same time, they use the process of their forced compression of several boards with the help of two wedges, which are driven in between the temporarily fixed support bar and the edge of the floor. This technique allows you to minimize the gaps in the floor, which are formed during the final drying of the slats.

The section of the floor that is directly adjacent to the fireplace or stone stove must be made from floor ceramic tiles, as in the photo of a garden house with your own hands. Lay a sheet of moisture-resistant drywall on the subfloor and glue the tiles on top. The thickness of the floor rail is almost equal to the total thickness of the tiles and drywall, so the floor surface in the garden house will be flat.

Roof installation

Attic floors should be done in a similar way. The beams of such floors will rest with their ends on bearing walls. Beams in the most common designs are cut into the upper harness. Nests are built in the walls of stone and brick, the back wall of which is covered with layers of tarred felt. In places where the beams are supported, it is necessary to lay two layers of roofing material or roofing felt.

The roof of the garden house will consist of a roof (external covering) and rafters - inclined supporting beams on which the flooring or crate is placed. For small garden buildings, you should use the most simple roofs- one- and two-slope. Their bias will depend on local climatic conditions and roofing material. The more precipitation falls in a given area, the steeper when building a garden house with your own hands, you need to make a roof slope.

When roofing from asbestos-cement sheets of a corrugated type, the roof slope level is - 1:3, if flat asbestos-cement tiles and tiles are used - 1:2, if you took sheet steel -1:3.7. The system of rafters that support the roof is enough complex structure, its production requires professional qualifications. The easiest to create are sloping rafters.

The rafter legs in this design are cut into the upper wall trim or into the Mauerlat, which is laid along the perimeter at the top of the wall, at an acute angle. Make sure that the cross section of the Mauerlat beam is at least 100 by 100 millimeters. On top of the rafters, install a crate of poles, boards, which are nailed apart or closely parallel to the ridge of the roof of the house.

The lathing on the roof overhangs forms a continuous flooring. The most rational for garden houses is the roof of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets. Nail the sheets of the roof to the crate, made of bars and laid in increments of 530 millimeters.

Asbestos-cement sheets are laid so that their edges overlap in the horizontal direction by the magnitude of the wave. The sheet that lies above in the vertical direction must be let in on the underlying one by about 100 - 140 millimeters.

Under asbestos-cement sheets with a slight slope of the roof, roofing material sheets should be overlapped parallel to the ridge. Each side of the sheet is fixed with 3 - 4 nails or screws. The ridge and other fractures of the roof must be covered with special shaped parts.

Nuances in creating a country house

The veranda must be placed closer to the entrance to the house. Through this room they often arrange a passage to the living rooms. You can build a veranda built in or as an extension. It will be good if they open onto a recreation area or garden. The veranda should not be turned towards the street if the garden house is located too close to the border of the site and the street. The veranda is best oriented to the south, southwest or southeast.

Perform the main surface of the walls in the form of glazed stained-glass windows. The glazing of two walls, which are adjacent and separated by a narrow corner post, looks most expressive in the interior. The minimum distance between the floor and the glazed area is 30 - 40 centimeters. Under the ceiling, leave deaf small plot walls, for curtain rods. Curtains on the veranda are hung to the full height of the room; light blinds can also be used to protect from the sun.

After you have built the garden house yourself, install door and window blocks. These structures must be made of wood. High Quality, the humidity of which for door frames is not more than 12% and for windows, window sills and balcony doors is close to 18%. It is generally accepted to use single and separate bindings for garden houses. Windows are usually pine wood.

Most often in garden construction using standard windows. It is recommended to install double glazed windows in the rooms on the first floor. In some cases, it is possible to install windows of a special design - sliding and lifting. If you make these designs yourself, then remember that the front surfaces wooden products, which are intended for finishing with varnish or oil paint, as well as the sides that mate with each other, must be cleanly planed, sealing all wood defects with corks on glue.

After that, you can proceed to the final stage of building a garden house made of wood - the manufacture of architectural details. Frontal and hemmed boards of cornices and gables, door and window trims, porch posts and fence boards ... For these elements, the material that remains from the construction of the garden house is not suitable, only selected building material is needed.

So you know how to make a garden house on the land! After its erection, you can safely proceed to the insulation and decoration of the garden house, as well as build a fireplace stove or hob.

Approximate cost of a garden house

Building a frame garden house will be inexpensive. The final price may differ: it will depend on the materials used, on the type of building chosen (from timber or plywood), its size and on the presence or absence of assistants. In short, the approximate cost of one square of a house-set can be from two with a little, up to four thousand rubles.

At this price, a ready-made house kit for a self-assembled frame house includes: heat-insulating load-bearing wall panels, a wooden beam, drawings for installation and fasteners for assembly, if necessary interfloor ceilings. If the construction of the second floor seems too complicated, you can stop at the option of a frame garden house with an attic.

A neat frame garden house, made by caring hands, convenient to use for permanent or temporary residence. It is spacious enough to store inventory and household supplies. It has enough space for receiving and accommodating guests. And if in the future it is planned to erect a grandiose structure, then it can become the place of residence and basing of an entire construction team.

A small garden house 4x6 with your own hands, without the involvement of workers, is not so difficult to build. The main thing is a responsible attitude to construction, attention and patience. And, of course, strict adherence to the recommendations and compliance with the requirements. And very soon your land will be transformed, and will take on the appearance of a real household.

Design choice

Why did we choose this particular project?

  • Frame walls filled with insulation provide effective thermal insulation at minimal cost. In addition, they will easily endure a slight deformation during the shrinkage of the foundation of a country house.

To clarify: some alternative solutions (for example, sip panels) guarantee the best insulation with greater structural rigidity.

However, when using them, the costs that the construction or rebuilding of a garden house will result in will increase markedly.

  • The columnar foundation again means minimal costs with a small amount earthworks. All alternatives are more complicated and more expensive. Yes, this type of foundation has a small bearing capacity; however, the mass frame structure more than small.
  • Bituminous tiles, laid on a solid shield, attract with the complete absence of noise in rainy weather. Not only that: the shield under it will greatly simplify the thermal insulation work.

Roof and attic

On the construction of walls, the construction of a garden house with our own hands does not end: we have to build a roof.

  1. We lay ceiling beams on top of the upper trim (boards 50x100, placed on edge). We fasten them with corners. Step - the same 60 cm as for the racks.
  2. We put rafters from the same board on the corners. We connect each pair of rafters with a horizontal jumper on a hairpin. For temporary fastening of the truss system, we again use jibs.
  3. We construct frames of gables with strapping of light windows and an entrance.
  4. We sew up the roof (including gables) with 15 mm OSB sheets and cover it with a substrate under the tiles.
  5. We cover the floor of the attic on top of the previously laid vapor barrier with a board - edged or grooved, depending on whether the attic will be operated.
  6. Set between ceiling beams mineral wool slabs and a stapler we fasten the vapor barrier from below.
  7. If it is necessary to insulate the attic, we perform similar operations under the roof.
  8. We cover the roof with bituminous tiles. Sheets are fastened with galvanized nails.

Interior decoration

Traditional Building Instructions frame houses quite standard: the frame is sewn up with OSB both outside and inside, after which the owner must deal with interior decoration.

Most plasters and paints do not adhere to OSB surfaces; the price of specialized primers can plunge even an inveterate optimist into a deep depression.

We will simplify our lives and use plasterboard for wall cladding from the inside. Since the step between the uprights is large enough, it will be necessary to sheathe in two layers with overlapping seams. The pitch of the screws is 15-20 cm, their length is 50 mm; for walls, sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm are used, for the ceiling - 9.5.

Expert opinion

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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Useful: with a two-layer sheathing, you can do without reinforcing the seams with sickle.

Cracks can appear only with a serious deformation of the frame of the house.

Exterior finish

It would be strange to build a house - garden or any other, and not finish it on the outside. The simplest solution is to use vinyl siding; it is mounted on a 40 mm thick crate, necessary for ventilating the space behind it. Don't forget: siding lengthens greatly in the summer heat, so its fastening should provide for the possibility of shifting the planks.

Installation of ceiling lags

This stage is the laying of lags under the ceiling. This must be done in the same way as the logs were laid on the floor, but only on each side of the board are 20 cm long (this is necessary so that the edges do not hang over the walls). You can also experiment with the outline of the edges of the roof if you plan to build an additional veranda for the garden house. Then there will be a problem with connecting two high-rise ceiling levels, because. at the garden house it will be higher, and at the veranda below.

Roof installation

This stage is the final one. First you need to prepare a ridge board 50 * 150mm, rafters 50 * 100mm and ties for rafters ( attic beams) 25*10mm. To make the roof stronger, you need to install jibs. The rafters are fastened with long screw nails (100mm) and corners.

After the rafters are fixed, we sheathe them with plywood (thickness not less than 10 mm) and lay flexible tiles or roofing material (using roofing nails). The advantage should be given to tiles, because. it is easy to install, impervious to moisture, wind-resistant and resists harmful influences.

Necessary communications

If necessary, bring electrical wiring, sewerage and water supply into the house.

For heating little house both an electric heater and a gas convector are well suited. Such gas convectors use as fuel liquefied gas. To ensure the most efficient heat distribution, the system should be equipped with a galvanized steel reflector.

The gas convector must be equipped with a chimney. The chimney is carefully insulated to prevent fires. To protect the chimney from snow, rain and various debris, install a special protective visor on its street end.

On this small country house is ready. You did an excellent job without involving third-party specialists for this, which allowed you to save a significant amount of money, and made sure that there is nothing complicated in the construction of such structures - you just need to follow the instructions in everything and follow the advice of professional builders. You can start using your own built house.

Economy class garden houses

Many wanting to summer rest in nature, for years they have been saving money to buy a summer house with capital house and refuse inexpensive garden plots. And absolutely in vain! After all, it is not at all necessary to build a brick villa on a summer cottage, you can go the other way - to build a garden house. This light building is being built in as soon as possible, is inexpensive and quite suitable for living in the summer. In this short article, we will tell you how to build a solid summer house on the site, adhering to the principles of functionality and practicality.

As a rule, inexpensive garden houses are built from timber or using frame-panel technology. The construction of both options is not much different from each other: first, a foundation is erected, then a frame is assembled, which is then sheathed. The difference is visible precisely at the stage of sheathing, since panel houses are finished with sheets of plywood, chipboard or fiberboard, and timber houses with ordinary or profiled timber.

Construction of garden houses from timber

We can say that garden houses made of timber have already become classics of the genre. dacha construction. The beam looks quite decorative, and is also a durable, strong and unpretentious material. If you wish, you can use not an ordinary beam, but a profiled one - with spikes and grooves that allow you to assemble elements, like a designer.

Many construction companies offer ready-made designs of timber garden houses and even whole sets of elements that you just need to assemble into one design. Such a house is mounted very quickly, however, the cost of it will be noticeable.

Let's look at the main stages of building a house from a bar.

  1. We build the foundation, which can be tape or columnar. During construction big house, the strip foundation is preferable, which is highly reliable and able to withstand significant loads. If it is planned to build a small garden house, then the construction of a columnar foundation will be sufficient.
    In order to build such a foundation, it is necessary to determine the location of the pillars, which must be located in the corners of the future house and along the walls in increments of 2m. In these places, holes are drilled 1.5-2 m deep, which are filled with concrete.
    As a foundation for garden houses, ready-made concrete plates(for example, with dimensions of 200x200x400 mm), which are installed in the ground to a depth of about 15 cm in a pre-compacted sand cushion.
    After the foundation is ready, a sheet of waterproofing material, for example, roofing material, is laid on it.
  2. We arrange the frame. The bottom trim (crown, logs) from a beam 150x150 mm is laid on the foundation supports, then vertical supports are installed from the same beam (or a smaller one in profile).
    If you decide to build a garden house with a veranda, then in this case the lower logs must be extended by the length of the veranda, installing them on additional support posts.
  3. Laying the subfloor from boards with a thickness of at least 20 cm.
  4. We collect walls from a bar. At the same time, we fasten the joints with dowels, cover with a sealant and lay out the next crown on the resulting row. Each layer is supplied with a sealing material, which can be used as tow, moss, jute.
  5. We arrange the roof. To install the rafters, we use boards 150x40mm, and for braces and racks, smaller boards - 100x40mm are suitable. Further, the structure is sheathed with timber, on which roofing material is laid.
  6. We cover the rough floor with a layer of mineral wool, which will serve as thermal insulation, and glassine - a waterproofing and vapor barrier material. Next, you can proceed to the clean floor, which is made in the form of boards, thick plywood, linoleum.
  7. We cover the outside of the house with a primer and paint with enamel. There is another option, more interesting - to sheathe the bars with clapboard or siding.
  8. The building is ready, now you can install doors and windows, as well as think over the interior of the garden house. If you are close in spirit to the country style, then the garden house is the best place for the realization of your interior fantasies. Indeed, in a city apartment, as a rule, a rustic style is inappropriate, but on a garden plot - just right.

How to build a panel garden house?

Panel garden houses are built an order of magnitude faster than a “designer” made of timber, because for sheathing it will be necessary to strengthen not small wooden elements on the frame, but large sheets of plywood. It will take a week or two for a light summer building to appear on your site, which looks quite solid if it is sheathed with wooden clapboard or siding. As already noted, the construction of such a house is almost no different from the construction of a house from a bar.

However, we still consider the main stages of construction and point out the differences:

  1. Foundation posts are installed.
  2. The frame of the house is being erected: the lower cladding, upper skin, vertical supports, rafters. It is worth noting that for the further installation of windows and doors, it is necessary to form their contour from additional bars.
  3. Make a draft floor of thick boards.
  4. The frame is sheathed from the outside with plywood sheets, fixing them to vertical supports using self-tapping screws. Further, already inside the house, the frame is sheathed with a second layer of plywood, chipboard, fiberboard or drywall. In order for the house to be warm and you do not freeze on cold summer nights, a layer of insulation - mineral wool - is laid between the first and second layers.

Building materials

The construction of a small house can be made from: tree,

  • beam,
  • brick,
  • foam blocks.

Construction of foam blocks and OSB is the most prefabricated option.

OSB boards are made from wood chips, the size of which is about 15 cm. OSB is environmentally friendly and cheap material, and assembling a house from osb resembles assembling a constructor.

OSB boards are made by pressing three layers of chips - the pressure on the material is so strong that they literally intertwine with each other, so the end result - OSB board - is very durable, does not crumble or fall apart.

Whichever option you choose, you can't do without wooden beam- it is needed for the frame of the building.

Expert opinion

Filimonov Evgeny

Professional builder. 20 years of experience

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Only the frame is made of a wooden beam, for the rest of the elements - the roof, floor, ceiling, trim, etc., you can use lumber (usually from pine).

Before you start laying the floor, do not forget to dry the material from the timber - it must be dry to avoid shrinkage and deformation that occur when the wood dries.

If you are trimming external walls clapboard, then it must also be completely dry.
In addition to wood and foam blocks, you will need insulation, asbestos cement sheets, roofing material and other materials for processing and fixing.

If sustainability is important to you, you can use more wooden elements: timber, boards, etc.

They can be used to make floors, frames, wall decoration, etc. In this case, you will need tools for cutting and installing wood.

The first stage of construction from foam blocks is the construction of the foundation: it is on it that the future floor will be located.

If you are planning to build a small garden house with your own hands from brick, concrete or stone, you need to make a strip foundation, if from wood and foam blocks, a columnar one will be enough.

Under the foundation itself, concrete, rubble concrete or any stone of natural origin is most often chosen.

Before laying the walls, a rough beam is placed on the foundation - it will create the outline of the walls. It is fixed with ordinary nails.

Between the foundation and the first row of timber, waterproofing must be made (usually with the help of roofing material).

As the basis of the frame, 4 pillars are made of timber - they need to be dug in each corner of the perimeter. They are attached from below with long nails. The roof is laid on the frame.

After fixing, the frame should become rigid - now it can be finished inside and out. It is necessary to lay pieces of timber in the edges of the corners (fixed with nails). Linen tow is placed between the timber.

Immediately install the door frames.

The base (beams) of the first floor are laid directly on the strip foundation. A draft floor spreads from above - it is made of planed boards.

Then you need to make a screed and place a heater. It is recommended to lay a clean floor one year after the subfloor has been laid, as boards shrink and cracks appear.
The draft floor is covered with roofing paper, and heat-insulating material is used as waterproofing.

The next year, you can cover the floor with laminate or ordinary boards - depending on how you want it to be.

Watch the video on how to build a garden frame house and repeat all the construction steps

How to insulate and decorate a house?

If you decide to build a garden frame house with your own hands from foam blocks or osb, then you are in luck, because this material itself is quite warm. Wall insulation is carried out only from the outside.

Warming internal walls not produced due to the fact that condensation may form.

After the walls have been insulated, they should be finished - primarily to decorate the interior (usually finished with siding).

Before starting the insulation, you need to prepare the walls. First, their surface is cleaned, then the primer is finished.

After drying, the walls are treated with plaster in two layers - after that, insulation can be carried out.

After plastering, the wall should become even. The second layer is covered with reinforcing plaster, which will make the surface of the walls even. This material is used for insulation.

A suburban area is not only land with a garden and plantings. Many city dwellers go there for good rest, therefore, it is necessary to have a house on the site. Not all summer residents have the opportunity to build a comfortable house on six acres. Many people get out of this situation by choosing the option of building an economy class house.

Inexperienced and novice summer residents are faced with the question of choosing cheap materials for construction. Below are examples of inexpensive and cozy country houses with visual photos.

Where to start building

Any construction begins with a plan on paper. The house outside the city is not intended for year-round use, but for the sake of comfort it requires familiarization with a typical project.

Among the projects of country houses in the lead with an attic or attic. This option allows you to abandon the construction on the site of the outbuildings. All inventory and working tools are stored in the attic. In addition to such a house, you can attach a veranda or terrace that acts as a dining room.

Strip foundation requires more time and cost. Positive side its in that it allows the space under the floor to be used as a basement.

The next stage of preparation is the material of the "box" of the future building. There are several types of inexpensive and reliable building materials:

Frame-panel structures

The frame is mounted with a beam and sheathed wooden planks Fiberboard or chipboard. Expanded polystyrene, glass wool or polystyrene are used as insulation. The result is a house with minimal cost which can be used all year round.

The house from a bar differs in the durability. Construction work will cost more. When using cheap timber, there is a chance of encountering the problem of shrinkage of the building. As a result, cracks and gaps appear. The log house will also have to be insulated.

A clay house is the cheapest and easiest construction option. Building materials are right under your feet. The construction technique is similar to clay modeling.

The downside is the building process that is too long in time. It will take several seasons to build a clay dwelling.

The trailer is common among newcomers to summer residents. The best option for living in the summer or during the construction of a comfortable home.

Construction of a frame structure

Frame construction belongs to the category of low-budget. It is not difficult to build a country house with your own hands without the help of specialists. If everyone necessary materials are ready, the term of work will last several weeks.

To build a house you will need:

  • bars for the frame;
  • self-tapping screws and corners;
  • wooden boards chipboard or fiberboard;
  • insulation;
  • piles for the foundation.

Stages of building a frame house

At the marked places, piles are driven in the corners. Mount concrete or brick supports under the joints of the walls. Then they cover them with waterproofing material and tie them with a channel.

A lattice of bars is laid around the entire perimeter. Wooden logs are placed on top of it at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. All parts are fixed with corners and self-tapping screws.

Next, vertical racks are mounted, firmly resting on the bar grate. The finished frame is tied and attic logs are placed on top of it. Next comes the work on sheathing the frame with wooden slabs. At this stage, holes are left for windows and doors.

Now you need to decide on the choice of roof for a country house. Most summer residents choose gable and shed roofs. As an economy, the second option deserves more attention. When building a roof, do not forget about the vapor barrier. The roof will be inexpensive sheets of corrugated board or ondulin.

Facing the outside is done using siding. Before this, the outer walls are insulated with special materials. Instead of plastic windows install ordinary wooden without double-glazed windows. This approach will significantly reduce the cost of construction.

With the help of simple and simple tips the country house will be ready for operation in less than a month. Those who do not have enough time for construction can contact construction company, where they will offer reasonable price build a turnkey cottage.

A few words about the interior

No matter how the house looks from the outside, inside the country house must meet all the requirements of our time. Gone are the days when a cottage in the country was used for cooking and lodging for the night.

Rest in the country - first of all, comfort and organization inside the house. There are many budget ways to satisfy the most desirable interior solutions.

Country - rustic style in the interior. Here you can not do without cabinets and shelves, curtained with curtains with embroidery. Crocheted napkins, tablecloths and rugs from old clothes will look good.

Buying a summer cottage is a joyful event in the life of every person. And it’s good if a solid house is already present on the site. However, even in the absence of a residential building, you can easily solve this problem by doing the work of building a house with your own hands. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money. There are interesting projects of country houses that allow you to build full-fledged residential buildings with your own hands from available materials.

The simplest country house can be built from logs, cement and sawdust. Even these elementary materials make it possible to build a beautiful, reliable and warm structure. At the same time, such a house will be completely environmentally friendly and safe for human health. Instead of cement, you can use a mixture of clay, straw and sand.

First step

Make a foundation. The design will weigh quite a bit, so the simplest tape or more preferable in such situations will do. columnar foundation.

Second step

Prepare the base for the house. For the bottom strapping, it is recommended to use as much as possible quality timber. Before laying the timber, it is necessary to lay reliable waterproofing on the foundation. Also, the beam of the lower trim must be waterproofed from above.

For additional rigidity, the strapping beam should be braided with wire. The load-bearing walls of the house are made up of wooden poles. At the end, you should get a stable frame structure.

Third step

On top of the waterproofing of the lower trim, lay out the rollers of cement or clay-sand mortar. Fill the gaps between such rollers with sawdust and proceed to laying out the firewood. Before laying firewood, it is recommended to impregnate it with an antiseptic composition.

Fourth step

Take a rounded knife and use it to spread the mortar between the stacked firewood. Over time, the wood will dry out, and you will need to fill the gaps with mortar as they appear.

Fifth step

Lay out the walls of firewood in layers. They laid a layer - filled up all the gaps with sawdust - laid new layer and so on until the end. As a result, you will get already insulated walls.

sixth step

Finish the edges of the wood sandpaper. Any kind of burrs will additionally retain moisture, so you need to get rid of them especially carefully.

In the end, you just have to fold the simplest truss system and install the selected roofing material. Give preference to lightweight materials. For example, bitumen is well suited for the roof of such a house.

From the inside, the walls can be plastered, sheathed with clapboard or trimmed at your discretion. Outside walls are usually left unchanged. In any case, finishing is recommended not earlier than after 1-2 years, because. during this time the wood will shrink. You will have to fill all the gaps that appear with the materials mentioned earlier.

The simplest house-hut can be built with minimal financial investment.

First stage. Make a standard pile foundation and tie it with prefabricated beams.

Second phase. Install the floor beams of the house. The basis of such a structure is represented by rafters in the form of the letter "A". Rafters are installed on a pre-insulated floor. If the house will have a greater height, the elements of the truss system are spliced ​​in height.

Third stage. Sheathe the outer side of the walls of the house with OSB boards.

Fourth stage. Pull on the sheathed walls a wind-moisture-proof material such as isospan.

Fifth stage. Sheathe roof slopes with the OBS boards you already know. Such sheathing will be a good basis for rolled roofing material. If desired, you can equip a standard crate on the roof and use other finishing materials - profiled sheet, metal tile, etc.

Before laying the finishing roofing material, the roof must be insulated. Usually mineral wool is used for insulation. In the process of performing these works, do not forget about the need to create ventilation gaps. To organize them, a counter-lattice is equipped - it is enough to nail the transverse strips to the elements of the crate to make a small gap.

Install at the bottom of the roof ventilation grates, which will allow air to circulate normally in the under-roof space.

Excellent earthen house with your own hands

A house made of earth is one of the most ancient variants of residential buildings known to mankind. With the observance of technology from ordinary land, you can get a durable, fire-resistant and fairly warm building that does not require practically any financial investments for its construction.

First stage

Prepare the foundation for the future home. In parallel with this, prepare the main building material for the construction of the house in question - bags filled with rammed earth. For the foundation, dig trenches with a depth of about 50-60 cm. Choose the width individually - it should correspond to the width of the bags of earth.

Fill the prepared trenches with gravel. The backfill must be carefully compacted. Cover the entire area under the future earthen house with an approximately 20-centimeter layer of gravel.

Second phase

Lay waterproofing material over the backfill.

Third stage

Draw the circles of the future walls with a building compass. It is desirable that the house has a round shape. Of course, an ordinary rectangular building can also be built from bags of earth, but it is the round walls that are characterized by the highest strength.

Fourth stage

Lay the first layer of pre-prepared bags on top of the previously laid waterproofing material. The mixture in these bags should include soil, sand, cement powder and gravel.

Fill the bags to about 80-85% of the volume and tamp as carefully as possible. Each bag used should be in the shape of a rectangle, like a brick. For better tamping, the mixture in the bag should be slightly moistened with water. Sew up the valves of the bags with ordinary wire.

Be especially careful when laying the first row of bags. Everything must be done in strict accordance with the previously applied markup. Tamp the bags and lightly dampen them with water.

Fifth stage

Lay 2 rows of barbed wire on the first layer of masonry. AT this case barbed wire will take over the functions of the reinforcing layer. Seal all punctures and ruptures of the bags immediately with gray adhesive tape. This is waterproof tape.

Sixth stage

Start laying out the walls. door frames and window frames install immediately. Lay each row of bags with earth with a double layer of barbed wire. Additionally, you can secure the wire with staples.

seventh stage

Fill the seams between the individual bags with a mixture of sand, cement, chopped straw and lime.

The bags need to be laid out with some offset seams, approximately the same as with traditional brickwork.

Having reached the height of a person, you can begin to shift each row of laid material to increase the strength of the walls being erected.

The laid walls are plastered. Before applying the plaster, the bags should be treated with cement laitance and allowed to dry. Plastering is carried out on a steel painting grid.

At the junction of the walls, perform additional reinforcement with the same barbed wire.

The interior decoration of an earthen house is usually limited to simple plastering.

In the end, it remains to equip the roof of the earthen house. First install the beam supports - they must be securely clamped between the bags. Sheathe the floors with OSB boards, and lay the finishing material on top. The best option coating for such a case is bitumen.

After completing all the basic work, you can cover the walls of your earthen house finishing plaster or paint.

If desired, even an ordinary change house can be converted into a quite comfortable country house.

First stage. Prepare strip concrete foundation. It is also possible to use a columnar foundation, but first you need to make sure that the soil on the ground is not subject to severe frost heaving.

Second phase. Let the concrete of the base gain at least half of the branded strength, and then install the change house on the foundation. A crane will help you with this. Adjust the position of the change house with the boards. Pre-treat the boards with an antiseptic and place them under the skids of the building.

Third stage. Assemble the frame of the extension to the change house. To do this, use a 10x5 cm beam. Install the supports on the veranda and triple the horizontal runs under the rafters.

Fourth stage. Sew on the outer side of the walls of the change house a crate for siding or other selected material. For additional insulation, put mineral wool into the crate and cover it with plastic wrap.

Insulate the floor and walls of the extension. From the inside, the insulation must be covered with vapor barrier material.

Fifth stage. Complete the exterior cladding of the house. It is most convenient and rational to use vinyl siding for this.

Sixth stage. Lay out the roof. Metal tile is best combined with siding. Otherwise, when choosing finish coat focus on your preferences and financial capabilities.

Seventh stage. Attach snow guards to roof slopes. Insulate the attic as desired.

Eighth stage. Finish the interior of the house. For example, walls can be sheathed with drywall, covered with a couple of layers of putty and painted. Level the floors and install your preferred floor covering.

As a result, after the addition of an additional room and simple finishing work, the old change house turns into a very comfortable house with a separate bedroom and a large living room-kitchen.

Thus, for the construction of country houses, you can use a wide variety of materials. Craftsmen adapted almost everything that occurs in nature, and even straw, for such work!

Now you know how to build from affordable and inexpensive materials, and you can build a reliable, safe and comfortable house in your summer cottage.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself country house projects

A house on a land plot is simply necessary, because a summer house is not only a garden, but also a place to relax, and there will always be somewhere to hide from bad weather. As a rule, the design of such houses is not particularly difficult, so even beginners in the construction business will not have problems. Read more about how to make a country house with your own hands in this article.

Choose the type of house, taking into account the budget

The budget for the upcoming construction is far from always unlimited, quite often the financing of the construction of a country house is carried out according to the residual principle, but even in this case you can choose a good option.

We can distinguish the following types of houses in suburban areas:

  • small houses, usually made of wood - frame construction technology is used;
  • country houses from block containers - almost finished structures;
  • houses for children stand apart - it is rather a combination of a playground and a small gazebo.

At the same time, the time and financial costs of building a small house will be comparable to the costs of building a medium-sized barn. And application modern technologies will reduce construction time to a minimum.

Start of construction

In the case of using frame construction technology, the entire process can be divided into separate stages:

  • foundation device;
  • bottom strapping device;
  • fixing the frame elements- racks and braces, installation of a log, if necessary, assembly of the frame of the second floor;
  • wall cladding;
  • building a roof frame and sheathing it;
  • styling roofing elements, interior decoration houses, protection of wood from climatic influences.

None of these operations require special skills, so everyone can build a house in the country with their own hands.

What should be the foundation?

Under brick house there is simply no alternative to a reinforced strip foundation. But if a tree is used, then the main task of the foundation will be not so much in the perception of a large load, but in raising the house above ground level.

Therefore, with frame construction technology, concrete or brick pillars (pile foundations) are often dispensed with, the top of which is 30–50 cm from the ground. It is important that the tops of the pillars are in the same plane. This is an inexpensive option, especially compared to.

The basement is built of brick after the construction of the house itself. It is not recommended to make it solid, this will lead to the fact that moisture from under the house will evaporate very slowly.

On the area that the foundation will occupy, it is necessary to remove the vegetative layer of soil and replace it with sand.
Thanks to this, water will not stagnate under the house and the tree will not rot.

Bottom trim

This is the basis for the future floor and support for the frame of the walls. It is assembled from 10x15 cm bars and is attached directly to the foundation.

It is undesirable to connect the bars end-to-end in the corners - this will not provide the necessary rigidity.
It is recommended to use a punched connection, which is additionally reinforced with self-tapping screws or an anchor.

Sometimes in the foundation itself, even during the masonry process, reinforcing outlets (10-15 cm) are left, on which the strapping bars are then simply put on. This method of fastening can be considered optimal in terms of rigidity and strength of the connection.

Wall frame

At the planning stage, the main attention should be paid to the development of the framework of the structure. You can prepare drawings of a country house with your own hands, or you can pick up suitable option on our website.

The main element of the frame is a vertical post, rigidly connected to the upper and lower trim. You can attach it to the strapping bars either using metal corners, or select a groove in the strapping bar and simply insert the rack into it.

The corner connection is less rigid, so it is advisable to use it only in small houses. If the structure is large enough, then these 2 methods can be combined.

In order to prevent the racks from warping during the assembly process (as long as they are fixed only in the lower part), they are additionally fixed with temporary braces in the form of ordinary planks. Permanent braces are installed only after the work with the top trim is completed.

In the bars of the upper trim, the holes should be exactly above the holes in the lower trim.
A shift of even a couple of centimeters will cause a curvature of the frame racks.

In the process of assembling the frame, you must not forget about window and door openings. The main rule is that the load from the structure should not be transferred to, (so as not to warp it). Therefore, openings are always made wider than the window or door itself. The cracks then simply foam up and hide behind the platbands.

In the corners of the house, for greater strength of the frame, it is possible to install not frame planks, but bars with a section of 10x10 or 10x15 cm. Grooves are drilled at the end of the bar and in the strapping, into which a wooden cylinder is inserted. Additionally, the connection is fixed with metal corners. In general, when assembling the frame, each connection can be strengthened with corners, but in this case the construction cost will increase.

In parallel with the collection of the frame under the walls, you need to do the construction of the floor.

In frame construction, 2 options for flooring are possible:

  • when grooves are selected in the strapping bars and logs are attached to them. Reduces the bearing capacity of the beams, suitable only for a small construction site;
  • when the logs are assembled into one whole (it turns out a kind of box), then it is laid on top of the strapping and attached to it with self-tapping screws.

If a do-it-yourself house for a summer residence is planned for winter residence then you need to insulate the floor. For this, ordinary foam is suitable, which simply fits into the gaps between the lags. The gaps formed after laying can simply be foamed with mounting foam.

Installation of the upper trim and wall cladding

The installation instructions for the upper trim contain the same points as for the installation of the lower trim. After completion of its installation, you can remove the temporary braces and finally strengthen the frame of the walls with permanent braces.

After that, in the bars of the upper trim, samples are made for the logs for the ceiling device. If desired, these lags can not be hidden, but rather turned into an interior detail. The logs should extend slightly beyond the walls, this will be needed when installing the rafters.

As for wall cladding, for this you can use an ordinary board, lining or siding - the choice depends more on the budget. But regardless of the material chosen for sheathing, you need to insulate the walls, especially since the price of insulation is not so high.

To do this, a heater, for example, mineral wool, is simply inserted between the racks of the frame. Then, a special film is fixed from the outside with a stapler (it allows moisture to pass in one direction), the battens of the crate are stuffed on top of it. And only after that the sheathing of the frame begins.

Roof frame device

The easiest and cheapest option is flat roof. In this case, it is enough just to observe the desired slope even at the stage of assembling the wall frame. But the classic gable roof is much more common.

The rafter system is selected depending on the size of the house. So, for a small building, you can use a hanging system. In this case, the rafter legs rest only on the walls or on the logs.

A layered system will be needed if the house has internal load-bearing walls - additional supports are installed to prevent the rafters from sagging.

A crate (solid or trellised) is stuffed over the rafters and a waterproofing carpet is spread. After that, it remains only to fix slate, tile or any other coating on the slopes.

Children's country houses

They are a combination of a small house and a playground. Therefore, the main requirement here is the presence of imagination in parents. You can build a house for a child in the country with your own hands in just 1-2 days.

When working out the design of such a structure, you can use the following tips:

  • you can make it 2-story, and place, for example, a sandbox on the lower floor;
  • not superfluous will be a slide adjacent to the house;
  • an external staircase to the second floor is required;
  • you can equip it with a "warehouse" for toys (shovels, buckets, etc.).

Of course, a child will not live in such a house. The main purpose of the "new building" is a fun pastime with friends.

Block containers as a country house

Standard cargo containers can be used, unless, of course, the elongated shape of the future “home” is embarrassing. If desired, you can cut the side walls with a grinder, arm yourself welding machine and use the frame of the container as the basis for the house. Welding will require electricity, but renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will solve this problem.


The house is an integral part of any suburban area, in fact, this is exactly what distinguishes the cottage from a simple garden. A small house on a land plot will require a minimum of time and financial costs, but it will make outdoor recreation unforgettable and become a cozy corner for all relatives and friends.

In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

When acquiring a land plot, the most pressing question is how to build a dacha and, importantly, how to build a dacha cheaply.

There are many ways to build a country house. It can be built from brick, expanded clay concrete, wood, gas silicate blocks or a combined material. Each material has advantages and disadvantages, so the choice depends on the purpose of the building and the functions required of it.

In order to build a cottage inexpensively with your own hands, you should pay attention to frame construction. Frame houses are built very quickly, and if you use inexpensive Decoration Materials, such houses are much cheaper than others.

Our example tells how to properly build a cottage on a frame basis. We will build a one-story house, with a veranda and a gable roof.

Stages of building a cottage

1. Pouring the foundation

Any construction starts with a foundation. For our frame house, we need a columnar foundation. First, with a hand drill, we drill holes 80-100 cm deep along the perimeter and over the entire area of ​​​​the future structure. As a formwork, a roofing material tube with a diameter of 20 cm is used. We insert roofing material sleeves into the corner pits and fill it with concrete mix, insert the studs.

Then we fill in all the other piles, level, tamp the ground around the pillars. We leave the concrete to "ripen".

2. Lower frame trim

From the boards with a section of 15x5 cm, laid on the foundation, we make the lower harness. We fix all strapping boards with screws. We align the lower part of the frame and make grooves for the floor log, having previously marked their location.

We attach the logs to the strapping and the pillars of the foundation. Be sure to do antiseptic treatment of the boards.

3. Draft floor

We lay the subfloor boards on evenly spaced logs. After fixing them, we cover them with glassine, attach the bars and lay a layer of foam.

Adding bars at the junction moisture resistant boards OSB and put another layer of foam. Gaps and cracks are sealed with mounting foam.

We complete the creation of the platform by laying 12 mm OSB boards and fixing them with nails.

4. House walls

There are several ways to build the walls of a frame house. You can initially build the entire frame from load-bearing boards, and then do wall cladding or build each wall separately. In our case, the frame of a separate wall is first fixed, and then sheathed with slabs. Be sure to use jibs to support the structure.

In the right places we make openings for windows and doors, strengthening them with additional bars. Install interior partitions and top harness.

5. Rafter system

After the final construction of the walls, we proceed to the installation of rafters, pre-made from timber according to the template. The structure is reinforced with a horizontal lintel.

We cover the rafters with a waterproofing material and make a crate and a counter-crate of the roof. We attach an anti-condensation film. We cover the roof with a metal profile with a wave height of 21 mm. We close up facades with plates.

6. Exterior finish

We cover all external walls of the house with siding over OSB boards. We install windows and doors.

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