Advantages of frame houses. Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses Technological features of modern frame houses

Have you decided to build a house using frame technology? Check out the disadvantages frame houses before starting construction.

Managers of construction companies sing arias about the merits of frame and frame-panel houses. And they are inexpensive, and highly environmentally friendly, and your grandchildren will still inherit. well just fairytale house. Is everything really like this, or are we being told another fairy tale?

Frame houses or frame-panel houses are known to everyone who has seen old Soviet dachas. Thanks to these dachas, the technology was popularly called "frame-slotted", and we traced the disadvantages of frame houses to the advent of Finnish, Norwegian and Canadian technologies that are so actively advertised now.

Controversial merits

Advertising of frame houses appeals to economy, environmental friendliness, speed of construction. Let us consider in detail what the construction of a house using frame technology entails and what obvious disadvantages have already been shown during operation.

Noise level- in most of these houses, the level of sound insulation is very low. Being on the second floor, you will hear a conversation or a working TV on the first floor without any effort. The fact is that having adopted foreign technology, we have not adopted their pedantry - the wrong location ventilation ducts or installation of partitions in violation of technology - and you live in "noise hell".

Humidity- wood, especially poorly processed, tends to absorb and retain moisture. With poor ventilation and processing of construction beams, a fungus appears, and this is a direct threat to health.

Inflammations- in frame houses, the risk of fire is much higher. Basically, all because of the same violations of building codes: for example, improper insulation of the roof structure, chimneys. Materials add their contribution - 90% is wood impregnated with combustible agents and adhesives.

Thermos effect- frame houses do not "breathe", they have poor air exchange. The houses are cold in winter and hot in summer. In general, this is an exaggeration due to the fact that most people confuse plastic panels, from which shops and panels are built, used to build frame-panel houses.

fragility- in comparison with brick houses and houses made of stone, frame houses made of light panels are very short-lived. Manufacturers guarantee us a service life of up to 100 years, but the reality of domestic construction is such that no one believes in guaranteed terms.

Instability– frame houses are very sensitive to vibration – work washing machine can set the whole house in motion. Instability leads to a loss of rigidity of the entire structure.

Low quality- the general quality of materials provided on the market, their improper storage, the lack of necessary skills and experience among builders give rise to a poor-quality product - a poor-quality, uninhabitable house.

Everything is bad?

Despite the above disadvantages and shortcomings, the construction of frame houses is slowly developing with a creak and is looking for its own market. For all intents and purposes, this best option for a young family to acquire their own home. Most of the negative moments arise due to the unprofessionalism of builders, disregard for the process and elementary ignorance. If everything were so bad and impractical, this technology would have been abandoned long ago both in Europe and in the USA, but they have been building this way for centuries.

We do not urge you to abandon this construction technology. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the shortcomings frame house to avoid future disappointments.

By purchasing land plot under construction, more and more often its owners prefer to build on it not a classic stone structure, but or. Meanwhile, advisers and reviews on sites often warn them about the shortcomings of such buildings for permanent residence. So how reliable is this type of housing? What are the real disadvantages of this technology?

If you look specifically, negative properties can be found anywhere, including brick buildings and multi-storey buildings. panel houses. But it is worth paying attention to individual shortcomings of the construction in order to reduce or eliminate them as far as possible at the level of construction. Let us dwell in more detail on the advantages and disadvantages of frame structures.

Disadvantages of frame houses

  • . wooden materials and indeed quite combustible, and such a danger exists. However, the industry today produces many different flame retardants. These are special ones that extremely increase the fire-resistant properties of wood even in direct contact with fire.
  • fragility. It is considered one of the main disadvantages of the frame structure. Yes, there really is such a problem - the chance that a dwelling will last hundreds of years is quite small. And what can prevent him, except for physical impact, such as a meteorite that has fallen on him? Most of all, in buildings of this type, time acts on, located in the outer walls. But this factor can be dealt with. About once every 30 years it is simply replaced. To do this, remove the skin, carefully remove all the unusable insulation, put a new one in its place, return the vapor barrier to its original place and. And the home will again become cozy and warm.

  • Rotting frame house

    Nothing is perfect, all the more difficult to imagine a completely perfect home. Citizens of America are extremely easy-going, and often change their place of residence.

    Residents of Europe are more conservative, treating the house as a family nest, often serving as a home for several generations. But both choose a similar type of development. In Europe, America and Scandinavia, the number of private and public buildings built using frame technology is growing. If the disadvantages of this method were really so significant, it is unlikely that this method would have gained such popularity. What are the advantages of structures built using frame technology?

    Advantages of frame houses

    • Significant savings on the arrangement of the foundation. The frame structure is light and durable, so it does not need. Such a building is quite stable, and not too sensitive to possible seasonal foundation movements arising from.
    • Impressive construction speed- the undoubted advantage of a frame house. It is quite possible to erect a building from scratch to the roof in one decade - three months. Compared with the structure of a similar area, the difference can be up to six months. It is quite possible to build a frame house with a foundation in eight weeks, and a brick building in the same number of months.
    • When erecting a frame structure, it is not necessary to wait until shrinkage occurs. A building made of bricks, logs or needs it. Its term can be up to one year, only after a certain time you can start leveling bearing walls, and subsequent work. That is, before you can enjoy your new home, it may take at least two years. You can safely enter the frame house after finishing the finishing.
    • Savings on technology- another advantage frame construction. All components used in construction are quite compact and relatively light. Therefore, there is no need to use special equipment to move and lift individual parts.
    • Good seismic resistance. frame building quite stable due to the absence of capital rigid connections between the elements. In addition, the tree has enough flexibility to withstand without breaking.
    • Due to the low thermal conductivity of wood frame house saves heat better than a house made of
    • Redevelopment. In a finished home, it will not be difficult to carry out redevelopment. It will not be accompanied by large expenses and labor-intensive processes.
    • variability. The presence of a variety of projects, the ability to choose the right one or implement your own project. To everyone finished project a detailed plan for its implementation is attached to help guide the construction.

    The risk of disappointment in the construction of a frame house

    The risk of disappointment is present in everything, it can happen with a built house. This can be unkind quality materials, not too conscientious or unskilled workers, violation of the order of events, damage to materials from their improper storage. However, if you follow the technology, adhere to the necessary standards, choose high-quality materials, then the built house will faithfully serve your family for many years.

The very name "frame house" speaks for itself. that it is based on a rigid and spring structure - a strong frame.

- this is the view building structure, the basis of which is a frame made of metal or wood, and also special panels are used for their construction (or they are also called non-combustible cement-bonded particle boards, with a base of wood fibers).

Frame technologies have been used in construction for more than 5 centuries, especially in the Scandinavian countries, Europe and North America. The popularity of the construction of frame houses is due to the wide possibilities in construction: a wide range of geological and climatic conditions in the building zone, the possibility of building frame structures in seismic regions and even in permafrost zones.

They build not only one-story houses, but also multi-storey office buildings.

Structural features

A plus in construction is also the use of a pile-type foundation with support beams (a solid foundation is not required).

Unlike concrete and brick houses, the construction of a frame house does not require a lot of financial costs and efforts, and is not much inferior in terms of its durability.

One of the important advantages of building a frame-based house- this is the ability to maintain the optimum temperature at any time of the year, which significantly saves energy resources.

To insulate a house based on frames, inexpensive and affordable heaters are used:

  • basalt wool;
  • "ecowool";
  • mineral wool;
  • natural environmentally friendly heaters (wood sawdust or dry reeds);

The choice of insulation is quite wide. Then the insulation on both sides (internal and external) is sewn up with sandwich boards (as an option, you can also use dense plywood or oriented strand structures), which are lined with plaster for facades, and siding is used for sheathing.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of houses based on a frame structure include:

  1. Construction speed and cost savings.
  2. Sufficiently light construction and the absence of a massive foundation.
  3. Light finishing work.
  4. High thermal protection and low heat capacity (it is quite easy to heat the house itself and the floor in it in winter).
  5. High fire safety (the use of fireproof materials create obstacles to ignition inside the house).
  6. Low probability of design errors and dependence on soil properties, since frame-based houses are less massive compared to brick ones.
  7. High air permeability (“breathing house”).
  8. A wide selection of designs and architectural solutions(giving various forms).

Cons of building houses with frames:

  1. For insulation, you need to use high-quality and environmentally friendly materials that do not contain phenol-formaldehyde resins and will not be sources of carcinogenic dust, and they, in turn, are quite expensive.
  2. Insufficient strength of the house, which is associated with its “lightness”.
  3. Low "security" of the house (the walls can be easily broken with a chainsaw and thus thieves enter the house).
  4. High probability of fire due to the use of wooden materials.
  5. Very accurate calculations are required to install ventilation systems in order to avoid high humidity in the house.

Building technologies of frame houses

Depending on the type frame structure use various technologies in the construction of a house.

Consider the most popular options for building frames:


This type of structure provides for the presence of massive vertical racks that form the supporting frame of the house. Piles are installed in the ground and this design allows you to slightly raise the house, thereby providing good ventilation.

With cutting posts

Suitable for two-storey houses, where the vertical posts run through two floors. Accordingly, the racks are arranged vertically and the beams of the interfloor overlap are fixed on them. Such building technologies are widely used in the Scandinavian countries and Norway.


This design is also called "classical". It is difficult to build, as it requires many tie-ins, cuts and tenon joints. But this type of frame is one of the most resistant and durable, since the entire load falls on massive racks. Such technologies for building houses with frames are widely used in Austria and Germany.

"Pallet" design

This is a frame structure, where the frame is assembled from top to bottom. the base of the frame is “beds” built into the foundation. Construction logs and beams seem to be knocked together into a single “pallet” and frame walls are installed on it.

Combining multiple building technologies

For example, in the gables, you can use a design with threaded racks, and the walls on the sides of the house - using frame technology. Frame projects houses include a combination of several types of frames in one building.

Stages of work

The technology of building a house with a frame base includes the following steps:

  1. Creation of a preliminary and main project.
  2. Carrying out all calculations of frame housing construction.
  3. Design and architectural choice.
  4. Preparation of budgets and calculation of expenses.
  5. Selection and measurement building materials.
  6. Foundation laying.
  7. Laying cascades and phased construction of the house according to the preliminary plan.

You can start finishing work immediately after installing the frame. All calculations must be carried out accurately and a suitable ventilation system must be selected, and it is best to entrust the preparation of the project to experienced professionals for the construction of a reliable and practical home.

Necessary materials and tools

For frame construction, you will need the following tools:

  • various types of hammers (finishing, for assembling the frame and others, depending on the materials);
  • nailers;
  • sledgehammer;
  • drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • electric planer;
  • grinder;
  • miter saw;
  • hacksaws;
  • ladders, ladders, scaffolding, etc.;

Accordingly, you can not do without additional construction tools (various keys, axes, shovels, a concrete mixer and much more).

The main materials for the construction of a frame house are:

  • edged boards;
  • timber;
  • insulation;
  • mounting foam;
  • roofing material (to create waterproofing);
  • different types of fastening materials (depending on the type of structures);

Frame housing construction, which has long become a popular construction technology used in the construction of small private houses, is demonstrating a steady increase in popularity in recent times. In addition, individual technological solutions are being improved, primarily associated with the emergence of new building materials with improved characteristics.

We list the advantages of frame houses

Frame houses have two basic advantages, which often have a decisive influence on the choice of the developer in their favor. Firstly, frame construction is one of the technologies for rapid construction, and secondly, the construction of a frame house is relatively inexpensive. Regarding the construction time, it must be said that on average they are several months. In addition to the speed of implementation of the construction technology itself, the reduction in construction time is facilitated by the fact that the frame structure does not shrink. Therefore, there is no need to pause between the construction of walls and the execution finishing works. The financial costs of building a frame house are small in themselves, but they can be further reduced if necessary by lightening the foundation and using unedged boards in some structures.

However, the strengths of frame houses are not limited to these, undoubtedly, the most important advantages. Structures built using frame technology are distinguished by considerable strength. Thanks to this, they are able to withstand earthquakes of the order of 7 points on the Richter scale and gusts of heavy winds.

Frame construction technology makes it quite easy to implement individual solutions for individual structures, layouts, and architectural details. Frame houses have practically no restrictions in options. exterior finish; a variety of traditional and modern materials can be used here, from brick to vinyl siding.

In frame buildings, there is the possibility of hidden laying of the main communications (inside the walls), therefore, there is no need to arrange various “highways” from boxes or something like that. True, this opportunity should not be abused, since some types of communications need regular access, for example, for their maintenance or repair.

Frame houses do not have a large mass. This circumstance allows the use of lightweight versions of foundations, which is very appropriate for weak bearing capacity soil.

Houses built using frame technology do not undergo significant deformations if they are not heated during the cold season. This factor is important for dacha construction. AT country houses often in winter no one lives permanently.

The main disadvantages of frame houses

Like the basic advantages, there are two significant undeniable disadvantages of frame structures. First: a high probability of the appearance of rodents in the cavities of the walls. Here it is also necessary to mention the fact that if the wood of the frame is poorly treated with antiseptics, it can soon be affected by insects. But this is possible only if the construction technology is violated. Second: low degree fire safety frame houses.

The rest of the shortcomings of buildings erected using frame technology are relative in nature. Many of them can be eliminated, in particular, with the help of modern technological solutions.

It is believed that the redevelopment of frame houses is an impossible task. Nevertheless, if you want to reserve the opportunity to make redevelopment, it is realistic if you use frame-frame technology when building a house. Such buildings, depending on their size (hence, on the presence of load-bearing partitions) can be subjected to complete or partial redevelopment. But frame-panel houses of standard structural elements are really not subject to redevelopment.

The situation is similar with the claim regarding the low number of storeys of frame buildings. A frame-frame house may well be two-story or three-story. With a large mass of the structure, you can use not wooden, but metal carcass, although this is not always necessary. In a frame-panel house, the construction of a second floor is not recommended, but a light attic device is quite acceptable.

There is an opinion that frame houses have poor thermal insulation characteristics. This point of view is outdated. Today, in the presence of a variety of insulating materials, it is possible to arrange the thermal insulation of a frame house at least no worse than a house made of timber or, moreover, a brick structure.

In terms of soundproofing, the situation is somewhat more complicated. However, the application modern materials allows you to get protection of frame buildings from airborne noise at a decent level. The security of the frame house from impact noise really leaves much to be desired.

The last drawback, often sane frame structures- short service life. On this occasion, we can say that, of course, there are other building technologies that allow you to build a house that will stand for more than one century. The service life of frame houses in accordance with official standards is 75 years. So this is not enough, especially if you remember that the cost of frame construction is low? Perhaps the costs will pay off.

So what's the bottom line? Analysis of strengths and weaknesses houses built using frame technology suggests that the prospects for the development of this type of housing construction in the field of private construction look very optimistic.

Frame wooden houses have a number of advantages. One of the most important is that with their high thermal efficiency, the use of modern materials, short construction time and much more, they are no less environmentally friendly than traditional wooden houses made of timber and logs. Wood is a universal natural natural material, which is used by man throughout his existence.

There is a range various technologies wooden frame housing construction, each of them has its pros and cons, but they have one undeniable advantage in common - they are all distinguished short time construction and significant cost savings, both during the construction of the house and during operation.

It should be especially noted that modern frame houses have practically nothing in common with those familiar to us since Soviet times. frame-panel houses, or as they were also called by the people - "frame-slit". Thus, the shortcomings of frame houses of past years in modern construction completely excluded. Now it is almost impossible to name any disadvantages of frame houses, in the event that, of course, these buildings were completed professionally and in compliance with the standards.

The main advantages of timber frame construction include the following:

  • 1 The possibility of building a house at any time of the year- a frame house can be "put" on a ready foundation both in the most severe frosts and in hot summer - the main components of a frame house are wood and thermal insulation are not afraid of "extreme" temperature changes, in addition, the construction technology itself excludes the presence of "wet" processes, such such as plastering and concrete work.
  • 2 Ultra-short construction time- frame houses with an area of ​​100 - 150 sq.m. "turnkey" is built in 4-8 weeks, and most of the time here is occupied by interior decoration.
  • 3 High thermal efficiency of frame houses- thanks to the use of modern thermal insulation materials, a frame house, with a relatively small wall thickness (from 150 mm.) It is much cheaper to heat in winter and cool in summer.
  • 4 Missing such a significant shortcoming house shrinkage- since in modern frame houses intended for year-round use, only chamber-drying wood with a moisture content of 12-18% is used, your new house will never present such surprises as skewed doors and windows, cracks on the walls, etc., and proceed to interior decoration at home, you can immediately after the construction of the "box" of the house.
  • 5 During the construction of the house does not require the use of heavy equipment, since all parts of the frame house are relatively light in weight and can be moved by two or three people, which, in turn, will allow the existing vegetation and landscape to be preserved at the construction site.
  • 6 Relatively light weight design frame house - this can significantly reduce the cost of building a foundation.
  • 7 Frame house has high seismic resistance and is resistant to seasonal foundation movements.
  • 8 The ability to conduct all engineering communications is hidden in the wall.
  • 9 High sound and noise insulation frame houses - mineral slabs used as thermal insulation in the walls of a frame house significantly reduce the noise level in your house.
  • 10 Long service life- the estimated service life of a frame house is at least 85 years!

And this is not a complete list of benefits. wooden houses built on frame technology. Thus, considering obvious benefits frame houses, it is safe to say that this construction option is fast, profitable and reliable. Call us and we will be able to convince you to make your choice on the construction of a modern, cozy and comfortable frame wooden house!

We know everything about the construction of frame houses. Many years of experience of our company favorably distinguishes us from competitors. Believe that our arguments in favor of such housing are well founded.

The construction of frame houses is our job, and we try to carry it out at a high professional level: by contacting Mechtaevo, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of the information, the quality and timeliness of construction. We hope that with our help you will be able to build the frame house of your dreams!

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