Autonomous heating of a private house

Autonomous systems heating systems operate on different types of energy carriers. They can be completely independent of the central networks and function even in the remote taiga - these are gravity systems with a non-volatile boiler running on solid fuel or diesel fuel. At the same time, sealed systems depend on electricity, since they must have a circulation pump.

Types of autonomous heating systems

Independent heating of the apartment from a double-circuit boiler.

Let's start by defining what autonomous heating is - this is a home heating system in which you yourself can turn on the boiler when you need it and control the degree of heating of the coolant, that is, you have your own boiler room. Boiler autonomous heating can be any (gas, electric, solid fuel, liquid fuel).

Autonomous heating can be completely independent of central networks, or it can be partially dependent on gas or electricity. Completely independent autonomous heating systems operate on solid or liquid fuel, while the heater must be mechanically automatic. In addition, there should not be a single electrical appliance, and circulation should be carried out only due to gravity.

The high-temperature heating system can operate in conjunction with the low-temperature floor heating circuit. By the way, circulation in the pipes of a warm floor without a pump is impossible.

So, there are two types of high-temperature heating systems:

  • open - circulation goes by gravity;
  • closed - circulation is impossible without a pump.

Installation of autonomous heating is practiced not only in private homes. Now more and more often such circuits are installed in apartments of high-rise buildings. In this case, the boilers are double-circuit, since there is also no central supply of hot water. Such autonomy is quite useful for users. In addition to controlling heating, hot water supply and their costs, you can reduce the cost part, for example,.

Mandatory elements of autonomous heating systems

The expansion tank for heating is red, and the accumulator for water supply is blue.

So, autonomous heating - we have already figured out what it is, now let's take a closer look at the elements that make up the circuit. The heart of the system is, of course, the boiler. We have already said that it can operate on any type of energy carrier, but only solid or liquid fuel heaters without electrical automation provide complete independence from central networks.

Apart from required elements circuit, such as pipes and heat exchangers (batteries), the operation of the heating system is impossible without an expansion tank (expansomat). In an open system, it is leaky (it also acts as an air vent), and in a closed system it is sealed. In principle, there are no other elements in the gravitational circuit. In a closed system put:

  • air vents;
  • circulation pump;
  • - filters for coarse cleaning of the coolant.

The low-temperature underfloor heating system is connected to the main heating through a mixing unit. The main element of the assembly is a mixing valve (two, three or four-way). If there is more than one underfloor heating loop, then you need to install a collector that separates the flows.

In any system, the installation of autonomous heaters to the circuit (pipes and batteries) can be carried out through a heat accumulator. This (a large volume tank), in which the coolant heats up and then gradually gives off its heat when the boiler is not working. In circuits with a heat accumulator, it smooths out changes in water temperature.

Schemes of installation of autonomous heating systems

The single-pipe wiring diagram "Leningradka" is yesterday.

We will divide the installation of an autonomous heating system into two parts:

  • piping;
  • boiler piping.

There is a vertical or horizontal, one-pipe, two-pipe or collector circuit wiring diagram. In apartments, only the horizontal scheme is applicable; in private two- and three-story houses, the vertical and horizontal schemes are combined. For example, the supply and return risers from the boiler to the upper floors are mounted in a vertical pattern, and pipes are laid directly on each floor in a horizontal or manifold pattern.

Single-pipe wiring, also known as Leningradka, is no longer used even in gravity systems. It's pointless to consider it.

Two-pipe wiring can be associated or dead-end. A passing scheme is when the motion vectors of the flow of supply and return coincide. A dead-end circuit is when the supply and return circulation vectors are opposite. For collector wiring, special combs (collectors) are used.

The boiler piping is the connection of the heater to the circuit. The easiest way to do strapping is in electric autonomous heating systems. Modern electric boilers have all the necessary equipment and the only thing that needs to be done is to screw the supply and return pipes to the heater nozzles. If the heating works in tandem with a boiler without an expander, an air vent and a pump, then the piping scheme will be as follows:

  • the supply from the boiler immediately goes to the batteries;
  • an expansion mat is installed on the return;
  • a sump is placed behind the expansion tank closer to the boiler, and then a pump;
  • an automatic air vent is installed at the highest point, or a Mayevsky crane is screwed into the end of each radiator.

The piping of the boiler in the gravity system is somewhat different. In it, the expansion tank is installed at the peak point. You can place it immediately above the boiler, or you can on the return line, but it is imperative that the expansion mat is above all. Therefore, in the latter case, it is necessary to bring the pipe from the return upwards, and there already fasten the expansion tank.

Scheme of the simplest heating system

  1. boiler
  2. battery
  3. expansion tank

Already at the design stage of a private house, a heating system is provided for it. For floor boilers allocate separate room- boiler room; wall boilers installed in the bathroom or kitchen. The heating system can be single-circuit, designed exclusively for space heating, and double-circuit, also designed for heating tap water.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house does not exceed 200 square meters (a fairly common case in), it is recommended to use double-circuit boilers with expansion tanks and circulation pumps, the power of which is up to 30 kW. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is much larger, it is better to use more powerful single-circuit boilers, and heat tap water with a plastic heat exchanger or a capacitive boiler.

During the operation of a two-circuit system, a quarter of the boiler's power is spent on heating water. Spiral heating element heats water in storage water heater(designed for this special tank). The disadvantage of the system is that in the event of a malfunction, the owner of the house is left not only without heat, but also without hot water.

In some cases, separate single-circuit systems are used for heating water and space heating. One boiler works exclusively in the cold season, heating the room, the other, less powerful, heats the water. However, this solution is quite costly.

The power of the boiler depends on climatic conditions and the area of ​​the heated premises, as well as from the external thermal protection of the house and the tightness of the windows.

The following table will help analyze the dependence of the power of boilers on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

The choice of the type of boiler depends on the types of energy resources traditional for a particular area. Gas boiler is the most economical. If the house is located in a non-gasified area, you can use solid fuel - coal, firewood or liquid - diesel, oil.

Electric boilers are good because during their operation there is no open flame and, accordingly, combustion products. Solid fuel boilers are not very convenient to use: fuel should be thrown up three to four times during the day. In addition, a constant supply solid fuel, and this means the area for its storage, and the cost of preparation and unloading. It should also be remembered that the cyclic heat transfer of a solid fuel boiler allows fluctuations in the average daily temperature in the room from 3 to 5 degrees.

There are two ways to minimize the disadvantages of a solid fuel boiler.

First, you can change the extended burning mode; this will reduce the number of fireboxes by half. The mode can be changed by adjusting the opening of the boiler blower in accordance with the flue gas temperature in the chimney. For these purposes, a thermal bulb is used, the rod of which is connected to the blower door with a special chain. The lower the temperature of the exhaust gases, the more the bulb is compressed, covering the blower. Almost all imported boilers are equipped with this device. It is possible to install it on boilers of domestic production.

Secondly, thermal accumulators can be used. A thermally insulated accumulator with a capacity of 2-10 m 3 is built into the circuit of the heating system. The boiler heats water up to 80°С - 95°С, and with the help of a circulation pump and a thermostat, it sets a constant heating mode for a period of three to ten days.

Boilers operating on gas and diesel fuel, and with a capacity of up to 40 kW, are the most popular among Russian consumers. They are most often double-circuit, with greater power - single-circuit.

If the boiler is fired with liquid fuel, a place for storing fuel must be provided in advance. Typically, diesel fuel tanks are buried or installed on the ground near the boiler house. The length of the fuel line must match the capacity of the fuel pump.

Oil burner or gas boiler can be fan or atmospheric type.

In a fan burner, a built-in fan generates an air stream that draws gas from a nozzle. The main disadvantage of such a burner is the fan noise during operation. But such a burner will function normally even at low gas pressure (up to 5-6 mbar). Therefore, its cost is approximately equal to the cost of a single-circuit boiler of the middle price category.

An atmospheric burner is not as expensive as a fan burner; it works much quieter, but at low gas pressure it burns unstable and for this reason burns rather quickly. Atmospheric burners are supplied complete with boilers.

Burners for liquid fuel boilers are only fan. A two-, three-stage burner design, or its ability to smoothly change power (modulating burner), can reduce fuel consumption. When the air temperature drops significantly, the burner output automatically increases. This principle of operation allows not only to save fuel, but also to extend the life of the boiler.

Boiler range various kinds today is wide, and buyers can choose a model that suits them both financially and functionally. In addition to domestic products, which are considered a low-budget option, boilers of the Viessmann, Vaillant, STS, Yaspi, Electrolux, Beretta, Proterm, Burnham brands are on the market. Many manufacturers produce boilers that can run on both solid and liquid fuels. Combined boilers are produced by the Swedish company STS, the Czech Dakon FB; there is a similar pattern Russian manufacturers- boiler "Flame".

Boilers with an open flame are installed in such a way as to ensure constant air access and the possibility of servicing the equipment. A ventilation system must be provided in the boiler room (based on 600 square millimeters of inlet per 1 kW of boiler power), a fireproof coating should be laid on the floor.

In order for the combustion process in the boiler to be constant, good draft in the chimney is necessary. To maintain it, special traction stabilizers are designed. If the draft is not very good, condensation forms in the chimney, which can destroy the chimney in a few years. To avoid such troubles, a condensate trap installed at the bottom of the chimney monitors the level of condensate, collection and removal of excess moisture.

The heating system includes, in addition to the boiler, an expansion tank, a circulation pump and thermostats - equipment that controls the operation of the system. The shut-off valve, pressure gauge, safety valves and automatic air vent constitute the so-called "safety group".

An expansion tank is a special device that helps maintain a certain coolant pressure. The "surplus" of the liquid increasing in volume when heated goes into the expansion tank. As soon as the temperature drops, the liquid from the tank returns to the pipe again. The capacity of the tank, as a rule, is 8% - 12% of the capacity of heating and hot water systems.

Expansion tanks are open and closed.

The bottom of the open tank is connected to a pipe through which the coolant moves. Such a tank is installed at the top point of the heating system (for example, in the attic).

In a closed tank there is an elastic membrane that stretches and again decreases in size, depending on the volume of liquid in the container.

In such a tank, the flow of coolant to the outside is excluded; the coolant does not evaporate and does not interact with oxygen. This design prevents corrosion of pipes and radiators. The closed tank can be installed anywhere.

The safety valve, along with the boiler protection system, ensures reliable and uninterrupted operation in case of emergencies. This valve is installed on the supply pipeline.

Fuel and water purification filters prevent suspended particles from entering the heating circuit; the air valve removes air pockets from the system.

In order for the heat to be optimally distributed throughout the house, you should choose the right heating scheme. The best option experts call a two-pipe system, where one of the most important elements is a circulation pump. The pump ensures the movement of water in a closed circuit and makes it possible to maintain a constant temperature in the hot water supply system.

The circulation pump must be reliable and simple, economical and silent. Foreign manufacturers offer pumps that do not require lubrication and maintenance; for the operation of such a pump, the main condition is constant pressure in the network and be sure to ground. The company "Olympia" for the device and installation of engineering systems uses equipment from leading European manufacturers.

Automatic thermostats, which are equipped with modern heating systems, react to the outside air temperature and help maintain the desired temperature in the premises. In such systems there are circulation pumps with built-in electronic adjustment. If necessary, these pumps change the speed of the electric motor, reducing energy consumption and reducing the noise level in the pipeline.

Collector heating systems provide for the connection of each heater to the collector. This heating system is well regulated, characterized by high heat resistance and allows the use of concealed piping.

Hidden laying is typical for underfloor heating systems, which have not yet become widespread with us. Such systems are comfortable and allow maintaining the floor temperature, which is limited by 27°С - 28°С abroad, and 26°С in Russia. Maximum floor temperature in swimming pools and bathrooms - up to 31°C. From one square meter floor, thus, a heat flux of 40-50 W / m 2 is removed.

Not too popular in Russia and systems of direct stationary electric heating. Electric heating is environmentally friendly, reliable and safe method heating. The costs for the purchase and installation of equipment, as well as for its maintenance, are minimal, and therefore electric heating is a good alternative to gas heating.

There are several groups of equipment for this heating system:

  • wall electric convectors;
  • ceiling infrared long-wave heaters;
  • film and cable heating systems for ceiling and floor;
  • control thermostats and programmable devices.

A wide range of options allows you to install the best suitable devices in each case in the room. Electric heating systems are programmed to turn on and off, as well as to lower the temperature for a certain period of time. In Russia, against the backdrop of rising energy prices, such in the future may become quite in demand.

The only drawback of such systems is the need to install additional equipment (boiler or single-circuit boiler) for heating water.

Today autonomous heating systems make it possible to heat any house even in harsh winter conditions. Taking into account the needs of the owners of the house and their financial capabilities, they choose the optimal configuration of equipment. Having decided on the power and type of fuel, they think over the degree of controllability of the system and the issues of its operation and maintenance.

Whatever the choice of homeowners, it should be remembered that it is not worth saving on key components of the system. The operation of boilers and pumps of dubious quality can lead to serious accidents. And reliable high-quality equipment, the installation of which is produced by Olympia, will justify the difference in cost with uninterrupted operation for many years.

The struggle for independence is a peculiar spirit of our time. AT this case we will talk not about the political, but about the economic aspects of this phenomenon, namely, about the autonomous heating of the object. The growth of tariffs and prices for energy carriers led to the fact that the population and enterprises massively began to refuse the services of heat supply organizations. The main reason is the uncontrolled increase in the cost of heating and hot water supply services, the low quality of the services provided. If some 15-20 years ago, the presence of a geyser for heating water in an apartment was considered a certain inconvenience and a kind of relic of the past, now many owners of real estate with systems central heating and hot water supply.

The history of space heating is the history of individual heating systems. Centralized heating systems appeared relatively recently (in the 17th and 18th centuries). Prior to that, mankind heated their homes with the help of individual heating (if you can call it that). The central heating was extremely inefficient. The first systems appeared in France, England, Germany. The central steam heating system was patented in 1793, although it was invented by the Englishman Cook in 1745. The water heating system was proposed by the French physicist Bonnemin in 1777. But only in the middle of the 19th century did central heating systems begin to appear in the form in which we are accustomed to observing them today. Boiler houses provided heat to certain areas. The most rapid growth of central heating systems was noted in America at the beginning of the 20th century. This was due to the rapid development of urban infrastructure. In Europe, they began to massively introduce central heating systems in Germany. The first boiler house was built in 1900 in Dresden. In the Soviet Union, central heating systems began to develop massively after 1924. However, it was premature to say goodbye to individual heating systems. This is due to the fact that the central heating system was effective only if there was a large number consumers. It was not profitable to use such systems in the conditions of development of individual housing. Autonomous heating systems still dominated in the private sector. Moreover, after the collapse of the USSR, the entire bulky and energy-intensive system of central heating and hot water began to literally fall apart before our eyes. Rising energy prices and chronic insolvency of the population continue to destroy this system. Construction organizations in recent times multi-apartment residential buildings are being built, which receive heat from autonomous heating and hot water systems, which is many times more profitable and more efficient than the centralized method.

Types of energy carriers for heating systems

Speaking about autonomous heating of any room, first of all, it is worth deciding on the fuel (energy carrier) that your heating system will consume. Despite the fact that the market offers many types of heating systems, all these systems consume one or more types of fuel (combined autonomous heating systems). The most common energy carriers are:

  • solid fuel (coal, peat, pellets, etc.);
  • liquid fuel ( diesel fuel, fuel oil, etc.);
  • natural gas (including biogas);
  • Electric Energy;
  • other energy sources.

Most autonomous heating systems are designed based on the use of the energy sources listed above. Before making a choice in favor of a particular system, you must first make a choice of the energy carrier that will be used. First of all, you need to choose not the energy carrier that is the cheapest, but the one that can actually be supplied (brought) to your facility. In addition, there are a number of additional conditions that must be met before you begin work on the heating system itself. For example, no organization will allow you to install a heating system in your apartment that runs on liquid fuel. Or another option - to the nearest gas pipeline, to which you can connect the heating system of your country house, about 20km. It is not difficult to guess that the cost of gasification of such an object will be simply enormous. So you have to choose exactly the energy carrier that is available directly in the place where the object is located. Let's look at heating systems that work on different form fuel.

This type of fuel has been used for heating homes since ancient times. There are a lot of options for using this type of fuel for heating. The simplest is burning solid fuel in a stove (fireplace). For a small room (house on suburban area, small outbuildings) this method of heating is perhaps the most economically justified. But to heat in such an outdated "traditional" way big house currently not profitable even in those areas where solid fuels (wood, coal, peat, etc.) are in abundance. More time will be spent on the preparation and storage of fuel, which takes up a fairly large volume. Modern systems solid fuel heating is a boiler that burns solid fuel and at the same time heats the coolant (most often water), through which the building is heated. The efficiency of such systems is many times higher than that of standard furnaces that are used for heating. Very often, such systems are equipped with a special pump for forced circulation of the coolant. Do similar heating systems have negative side. Solid fuel boilers require the periodic presence of an operator to load the combusted material and remove combustion products. It is possible to leave such a heating system to work offline only for a limited period of time, which is due to the rate of combustion of the energy carrier and the capacity of the fuel bunker, as well as the presence of an automatic energy supply system.

Modern solid fuel boilers, which burn pellets and are equipped with automatic fuel supply, can work offline for several days. In addition, due to the use of a pyrolysis fuel combustion system in such boilers, the amount of fuel consumed is significantly reduced, its maximum combustion is achieved, and the efficiency of the heating system as a whole increases. The principle of operation of pyrolysis (gas generating) boilers is as follows. Under influence high temperature gas begins to be released from solid fuel, which is burned through a special nozzle along with the main fuel itself. Thanks to this method of fuel combustion, the efficiency of the boiler is up to 87%, which is a fairly high indicator. However, unlike conventional solid fuel boilers, this pyrolysis boiler requires electricity to operate the automation system. Another way to reduce fuel consumption and increase the efficiency of such a system is to use heat accumulators, which are large-capacity storage tanks, the liquid from which is heated during fuel combustion, and then gives off heat during circulation through heating system. Thanks to the large volume this system ensures that the optimum temperature in the room is maintained even when the fuel is not burning.

It should be noted that heating systems, where solid fuel is used as an energy carrier, are more often used in large facilities, and not in household, since to constantly monitor the presence of fuel, load solid fuel into the bunker, and clean the combustion chamber is a rather time-consuming process that takes some time. Very often, such systems can be found at woodworking enterprises, furniture factories, oil shops (husk burning).

Considering the fact that the cost of space heating with liquid fuels slightly exceeds the cost of heating with solid fuels, it becomes clear why such heating systems are preferred, especially in the household. I would like to say a few words about such a fairly new type of fuel as pellets. The history of the appearance of this fuel is quite simple - the disposal of waste from the woodworking industry. Pellets are granules that are obtained by pressing shavings, sawdust. Woodworking wastes are preliminarily dried, no chemical treatment is carried out. There are special regulations and standards that pellets meet. Here are the main characteristics of pellets:

  • Calorific value - 18 MJ / kg (5 kWh / kg)
  • Diameter - 10 mm (usually 6 mm)
  • Length - 5 x diameter
  • Water content (humidity) - about 10%
  • Bulk density - 1, 12 kg / dm 3

Liquid fuel heating systems are also widespread, have excellent performance (some boilers have an efficiency of about 89%), are quite economical, and can work offline for a long time. Agree, to have a solid fuel boiler in the steppe region of the country means deliberately dooming yourself to the search for fuel. This is especially true for those regions where not only there are no forests, but also no coal or peat is mined. Delivery of solid fuel to your building will be quite expensive. It is for this reason that liquid fuel boilers are used in such regions. Often, such heating systems are installed in modern cottage settlements, where main natural gas has not yet been installed and power lines do not allow connecting powerful heating equipment. In some cases, the presence of such heating boilers is due to the specifics of the activities of enterprises. For example, at large automobile enterprises or service stations, waste oil and fuel oil are burned in such boilers. The benefit is obvious - as a result of combustion, thermal energy is generated and there is no need to pay for the disposal of spent fuels and lubricants (fuel lubricants). It is quite natural that such a heating system cannot be used in modern apartment. No design organization will allow you to install fuel tanks in your apartment.

The most important advantage of a liquid fuel heating system over solid fuel systems is the ability to work offline for a long time without human control. The only thing that limits the operation of such a system is the availability of a sufficient supply of fuel and backup power. In addition, the quality of the heating system is affected by the quality of the fuel used, its shelf life. Most often, diesel fuel is used as an energy carrier. It is reasonably priced and easy to store. It is worth remembering that diesel fuel must comply with GOST 305-82 in terms of quality. The warranty period of storage of this type of fuel from the date of production is 5 years. Storage conditions for this fuel must comply with the requirements of GOST 1510-84. It is on the storage conditions of the fuel that its quality and the quality of the operation of the entire heating system will depend.

During the combustion of petroleum products, particles of sulfur compounds can form, which settle on the surface of the fuel chambers. It is for this reason that the surfaces that have direct contact with the flame of the burners are made of cast iron, which leads to a significant increase in the weight of the boiler. Just like solid fuel boilers, liquid fuel boilers need seasonal maintenance (removal of combustion products).

Gas heating systems

Gas heating systems are the most common not only in the individual, but also in the collective economy (central heating). This is due to the fact that gas is currently the cheapest energy carrier.

There are two main areas of development gas heating:

  • heating with liquefied gas, including biogas;
  • use of main gas.

Heating with liquefied gas is a kind of alternative to solid and liquid fuels. The efficiency of such heating is very high, but the cost part can exceed the cost of purchase and installation by several times. standard system solid fuel heating. The fact is that such heating systems require mandatory registration with Rostekhnadzor. In addition, a number of works are to be carried out that are related to the equipment of the storage facility for liquefied gas.

It is better to trust such works to those enterprises that are ready to provide you with a full range of turnkey works - from the development and approval of the project to the installation of equipment and its commissioning. Practice has shown that such heat supply projects have a fairly short payback period compared to heating with solid or traditional liquid fuels. Biogas is an alternative, rather new type of fuel, which is obtained as a result of the processing of organic waste. In agricultural areas, such installations successfully compete with mains gas. Naturally, for a private house, the presence of such an installation is extremely unprofitable. But for a small farming such a solution will not only significantly reduce heating costs, but will also make it independent of fluctuations in energy prices. The biogas production unit will solve not only heating issues, but also power supply of the facility, refueling vehicles. The biogas plant is quite simple in its design and includes the following elements:

  • device for the preparation of organic raw materials;
  • device for obtaining and collecting biogas;
  • gas transportation, purification, storage devices;
  • consumer devices ( heating boilers, power plants, liquefied gas plants, etc.).

Boilers for operation on liquefied gas come in a wide variety of capacities - ranging from a few kW to powerful central heating systems. For example, the Italian company BERETTA produces a wide range of such boilers.

If biogas is acceptable for rural areas, then in urban areas cheaper energy sources than natural gas simply do not exist. Heating systems running on natural gas can be used both as an autonomous heat supply for an apartment (office, house), and for heating entire areas. It all depends on the power of the equipment.

Wide range of heating gas equipment produced by BOSCH, JUNKERS, ROCCA, VEISSMANN and many others.

Electric heating is very often used either as an auxiliary source of heat (underfloor heating, infrared heating), or used in conditions where it is not possible to use another source of energy. Despite the fact that electricity is a fairly cheap energy carrier, you will not be able to equip home heating without additional investments. The fact is that for the normal operation of the system electric heating you will have to design a non-standard line to the house (apartment, office) with a power of up to 10 kW, single-phase, but you need a 380 V line. Such lines require separate approval. There are several options for organizing heating of an object using electricity - this is either traditional way heating the coolant and supplying it through the pipeline to the radiators, heating with the help of individual heating devices (convectors), or a mixed version.

Heating with convectors is appropriate in an apartment or in a small building. If you need to organize the heating of an object with an area of ​​200 or more sq. m. then most likely you will have to install a hydraulic heating system with an electric boiler. The disadvantages of electric heating include a very high power, which makes it almost impossible to use a heating system powered by backup sources of electricity. There are some features associated with the type of coolant. The fact is that the traditional water that is pumped into the heating system has a very detrimental effect on the performance of the heating elements of the boiler. The use of special liquids (for example, antifreeze, antifreeze) to some extent removes this problem, but significantly affects the cost of the system itself, makes it extremely difficult to recharge the system with this type of coolant.

There are many ways to cut costs when using electric boilers. One of these methods is the use of a multi-tariff electricity meter and a heat storage device (thermal accumulator). The principle of operation of such a system is quite simple. Heat accumulators (accumulators) are heated at night, when the electricity tariff is the lowest. Then, during the day, heating takes place using the accumulated thermal energy, and the main heating system is turned on only when the batteries run out of their reserves.

Other heating systems

First of all, it is worth remembering the increasingly popular solar panels(collectors). Thanks to vacuum collectors, infrared energy is captured by special panels, which consist of a set of double-layer glass vacuum tubes and converted into heat, while the coolant is heated. Solar collectors are also recommended to be used in combination with thermal accumulators.

Even more original way space heating - to use the heat of the Earth. This was made possible by the use of special heat pumps. The idea of ​​such heating is as follows. The heat pump can absorb thermal energy any object (in this case, land) and use it for heating. earth surface, or rather the soil, is a kind of heat accumulator, which accumulates solar energy during the warm period. At a certain depth, the temperature of the soil is constant throughout the year. It is this property that is the basis of such heating. Wells are being drilled to a certain depth, the installation of a pipeline system through which the coolant will circulate. The service life of the heat pump is about 20 years. During this time, such a heating system fully covers all costs. Moreover, such a system is not subject to any influences of the economy, exchange rates, etc.

Heat pumps are able to extract heat not only from the ground, but also from water. As you know, the temperature of the waters of the world's oceans does not fall below 3 - 5 degrees Celsius. Such a system of pipes can be fixed at the bottom of any reservoir and use the heat of the water for your purposes. Mankind has always been original in solving its everyday problems. However, I have not yet had a chance to meet a stranger heating system. One of the Swedish hotels has a heating system that uses the heat of cow's milk. There is a farm next to the hotel, from which the milk is piped into the hotel's heating system. More than 1,100 cows provide milk for such heating. Moreover, the milk is thus cooled and perfectly preserved.

Heating systems, including autonomous heating systems, differ not only in the type of energy carriers, but also in the types of coolant, namely:

  • air;
  • liquid;

Hydraulic (liquid) heating systems come with natural and forced circulation. Natural circulation is carried out due to the property of the liquid to expand when heated. Forced circulation is carried out by a pump. There are also differences in the system for delivering coolant to heating radiators:

  • single-pipe coolant supply system;
  • two-pipe coolant supply system;
  • combined system.

The name of these submission methods speaks for itself. In the first case, the coolant is in transit through one pipe, which connects all the radiators in series, passes through the entire system and returns to the boiler. The disadvantages of such a system include the fact that the first radiators will be very hot, at the same time, the temperature at the outlet of the system will be quite low. There is also no way to individually adjust the temperature of the radiator. The second method uses the principle of individual supply of coolant to the radiator from a common line. This is the most common, but also more expensive way of supplying the coolant.

Any heating system is a complex of materials and equipment with which the room is heated. Typically, a heating system consists of:

  • a heating boiler, in some cases a circulation pump;
  • heating mains;
  • heating devices (radiators);
  • temperature control and system safety devices.

The efficiency and economy of the entire heating system will directly depend on the coordinated work of all its constituent parts. Completeness of fuel combustion, minimization of heat losses, properly selected heaters - all these factors in one way or another affect the operation of the heating system.

Choosing an individual heating system for an apartment

Knowing the features of the heating system, let's try to choose equipment for heating an apartment in a residential building. I would like to note right away that before proceeding with such work, you need to obtain all relevant permits, perform design work, obtain permission to disconnect from centralized heating and hot water supply. This is a rather lengthy process that will require not only a lot of time, but also financial investments. For heating an apartment, it is best to purchase a double-circuit boiler with a sealed combustion chamber. Such a boiler will allow you not only to heat the room, but also provide you with hot water. In addition, combustion products will be released into the atmosphere directly through a pipe in the wall, bypassing the ventilation systems of the house. The fact is that he will receive permission to connect the boiler chimney to the ventilation system apartment building extremely difficult due to various bureaucratic and technical complexities. It is for this reason that it is better to purchase a more expensive boiler with a sealed combustion chamber.

We will not consider cheap options, since saving on security is simply inappropriate. In addition, gas supply organizations will be allowed to install only certified equipment.

It must be remembered that for heating 10 square meters. a standard area requires about 1 kW of energy. To heat an apartment with a total area of ​​about 100 m2, you will need a boiler with a capacity of at least 10-12 kW. It should also be noted that modern double-circuit wall gas boilers are manufactured mainly with a power of 20 kW. This power reserve is more than enough for space heating, even if these spaces have rather high heat losses. In addition, a boiler that operates at full capacity will quickly exhaust its safety margin, or resource, so to speak. Yes, and gas consumption when operating at full power will not please you.

As the first “contender” for the role of a home “boiler house”, we took the GCB 24 Basic X Fi boiler from ELEKTROLUX, worth about 21,000 rubles. This company's products are different high quality, durability. This copper perfectly is suitable for heating and hot water supply of small rooms. The only inconvenience is the open combustion chamber.

This means that you need to obtain permission to connect this boiler to the ventilation system of the house. Otherwise, the operation of the boiler is no different from the operation of a double-circuit boiler with a sealed combustion chamber. The advantages of this boiler include the ability to work with the "Warm floor" system, the presence of an anti-freeze system, the presence of modulation (power control during operation). The boiler allows you to connect the system remote system control (programmer), which makes working with the boiler even more convenient.

A double-circuit boiler with a sealed combustion chamber is much more expensive. Its cost is about 39,000 rubles. This is primarily due to the presence of a sealed combustion chamber with forced removal of combustion products. This boiler has an attractive design, is quite compact, easy to maintain and everyday use.

The boiler has a built-in expansion tank, a 3-speed circulation pump, an anti-freeze system. Unfortunately, not a single, even the most reliable technique can do without malfunctions and errors. The big advantage of this boiler is the automatic error detection and indication system, which will allow you to quickly understand the situation and eliminate the error as soon as possible. Errors can be very different, for example, you just forgot to open the gas valve. The boiler will detect this and give you a signal.

The double-circuit gas wall-mounted boiler Micra 2 24 SE from HERMANN, costing about 39,500 rubles, has some advantages that competitors do not have. For example, the boiler has the ability to turn off the internal circulation pump if there are additional pumps in the system.

This allows you to reduce energy costs. In addition, in this boiler it is possible to install a more powerful smoke exhaust fan in the combustion chamber. This makes it possible to use a large chimney, which is not possible in all boilers. The features of these boilers include a smooth ignition system, which greatly extends the life of the product and makes it safer.

It would be simply impossible and wrong not to mention BOSCH products. For many years, the company has been producing high-quality heating equipment, which is very popular with customers. German precision and reliability, excellent design, excellent specifications- these are the qualities that distinguish the products of this manufacturer. Line of gas wall-mounted boilers, namely models ZSC 24-3 MFK / ZWC 24-3 MFK / ZWC 28-3 MFK / ZSC 24-3 MFA / ZSC 35-3 MFA / ZWC 24-3 MFA / ZWC 28-3 MFA / ZWC 35-3 MFA can satisfy the desires and requirements of any demanding customer. The boilers are produced both with a conventional and sealed combustion chamber, automatic modulation of the gas burner flame, almost silent in operation.

All boilers described above are excellent examples of European technology. It is extremely difficult to advise this or that model, and, most likely, it is not appropriate. Each boiler has its own unique design, which will perfectly fit into the interior of your premises, you can expand the capabilities of each boiler by purchasing additional equipment. Only one piece of advice can be given. Unfortunately, the service network is not equally developed everywhere. Choose exactly the product, the performance of which can be restored to the maximum short time in your region. It is this indicator that is a fairly weighty argument when choosing heating equipment. Agree that being left without heating for a few days because of waiting for some failed part is extremely unpleasant. Moreover, there is a risk of freezing the coolant, and this can result in even more significant financial losses.

Additional equipment, radiators and piping

Additional equipment that you may need to equip an autonomous heating system includes special gas analyzers that will not only be able to detect a gas leak in a timely manner, but also automatically shut off the gas pipeline. Most projects are carried out taking into account the installation of such control systems. You just have to choose the appropriate equipment from what the design and installation organization can offer. This must be done at the stage of work on the gas supply project, since all data, including the name of the selected boiler, its serial number, must be entered into the project documentation.

Pay special attention to valves that will be installed not only on water, but also on gas. Not only the durability of the equipment, but also safety depends on this. We will not talk about the danger of gas leaks, but the fact that a bad valve can lead to leakage of coolant from the heating system and thereby lead to breakdown of expensive equipment. As a result of a lack of coolant, the boiler may overheat (do not think that “smart” automation can always protect equipment from such troubles), many circulation pumps are not designed to work “dry”, without coolant.

The choice of radiators is also a crucial moment. Pay attention not only to the design, but also to the power of the radiators. The speed of warming up your room, the efficiency of the heating boiler will largely depend on this.

We hope that you could learn more about autonomous heating systems. This information will help you not only to visualize what sellers and builders offer you, but also to consider the proposed estimate of work more professionally. And this, in turn, will save your money. Good luck choosing.

Igor Movchan, especially for

Installing autonomous heating in the house is a rather complicated and time-consuming task. The first thing to do is to choose a way to heat your home. Someone prefers traditional, time-tested fireplaces and stoves, while someone likes modern boilers.

It is important to note that the installation of the furnace does not involve the creation of a fundamental building with a chimney. A modern stove is a very modest in size and externally attractive heating system, which, if desired, can be finished with decorative brick or ceramic tiles. The furnace can also be made of thick steel sheets, top coated with heat-resistant paint or enamel.

Heating furnaces and their main characteristics

Modern ones are not only quite miniature in size, but are also equipped with convectors that provide more efficient space heating. One of the "pluses" of stoves is that they quickly and effectively "dry" the room, removing excess moisture from it. This is especially true in the autumn and spring periods. Despite their small size, these stoves are powerful enough to heat the room even in the coldest winter. This, by the way, is one of the disadvantages of the stove, since its power is clearly not enough to warm the whole house.

Heating boilers

Heating boilers are a completely different matter. These devices are designed to heat fairly large rooms, and the boiler power is definitely enough to heat a house or a country cottage.

If you want to install a heating device in a building that you use seasonally, then it is better, of course, to choose a more economical and traditional option - a stove or a fireplace. If you want to equip the right heating in a house in which someone constantly lives, then you should opt for boilers.

Types of autonomous heating and criteria for their selection

Autonomous heating in the house can be completely independent, and may partially depend on external sources, for example, a power supply. A large assortment and variety of modern heating boilers can puzzle an unprepared person: he simply will not know what it is better for him to purchase, what features each heating system on the market has. Therefore, you first need to find out by what criteria you need to make your choice.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the source of energy that will be used during the operation of the boiler. It can be solid fuel (coal, firewood, etc.), liquid fuel (diesel), electricity or all kinds of alternative energy sources. Each type of fuel has both certain disadvantages and a number of advantages.

The second is the type of heat transfer from the source to the recipient. Heat can be transferred through the use of intermediate heat carriers (air, liquid) or directly, without the participation of "intermediaries".

The most difficult thing is to choose between single-circuit and double-circuit boilers. Each system is good in its own way: single-circuit boilers are simpler and more reliable in operation, while double-circuit boilers are more powerful and easy to use. Nowadays, two types of heating boilers are widely used: gas and electric.

Choice modern consumer between a gas or electric boiler is a pure calculation that provides for compliance with a number of parameters: acceptable pricing, availability, ease of use, power.

Natural gas boilers are very popular in areas where the gas supply network is well developed. Despite the fact that natural gas is, today, the cheapest fuel, gas heating systems have their drawbacks. First of all, it is worth considering that if gas is not supplied to the house, then the costs of connecting to the gas pipeline can be simply fabulous. Connection gas installation- the process is complex, so you must definitely find qualified specialists who specialize in installing such equipment.

Electric boiler: convenient and inexpensive

Heating a private house with an electric boiler is an excellent "budget" option. All electric boilers, in fact, are an affordable, reliable and simple heating system. These boilers are different. small size, do not require the installation of additional equipment (hoods) and special care. Electricity is the cleanest type of fuel. The operation of an electric boiler is almost completely automated, and the device itself is considered one of the safest and most inexpensive. Despite the abundance of "pluses", such heating systems have their own serious "minuses". Among them: high price for electricity, periodic interruptions in the power supply system, difficulties in obtaining the necessary capacities.

Installation and installation of the heating system

The scheme of installation of autonomous heating systems is calculated with maximum accuracy in order to completely eliminate all errors and the occurrence of any malfunctions in the future.

The primary task is to trim already installed heating radiators and heating risers. These systems are interconnected using metal-plastic pipes. For new pipes, it will most likely be necessary to punch holes in the appropriate places (after making all measurements). At the last stages, the wiring is reconstructed, the heating equipment is installed and connected.

Autonomous heating of a private house- this is what the coziness and comfort in your home depends on, so saving on such systems is simply not advisable. It is not necessary to purchase expensive heating systems: the main emphasis should be placed on the reliability of equipment and time-tested manufacturers. You need to choose the most optimal heating system option for you, which will take into account all the nuances and subtleties of operation under any climatic and seasonal conditions, as well as the impact of various man-made factors.

Autonomous heating systems

Undoubtedly, living in your own home has many advantages over living in a city apartment. This is cleaner air, especially if the house is located at a considerable distance from the industrial center, and freedom from neighbors, and the possibility of creating different interior and design, both external and internal. But at the same time, the construction of individual housing requires a competent calculation of life support systems, which include sewerage and water supply. Great importance during construction has right choice autonomous heating in a private house.

Types of heating

Regardless of the chosen energy source, space heating is carried out in one of two ways:

  • by air
  • water

You can still heat the house with hot steam, but this method is no longer used for private housing construction.

The principle of air heating is based on warming up the air and evenly distributing it over all heated rooms. To do this, air ducts must be built at different horizontal levels.

Water heating involves heating the living space using heated water or other coolant that circulates through pipes and radiators laid throughout the house.

air heating

This type of heating is widely used abroad - in countries North America and Europe. Its advantages are that the heated space warms up in a short period of time due to the rapid movement of air. And installations and equipment in the summer can perform the functions of air conditioning and ventilation.

In addition, you can use optional equipment with features:

  • air humidification
  • filtration
  • refreshment or aromatization

The air is heated by a heat generator, after which it is supplied through special air ducts to each room that needs heating. Giving warmth inner space rooms, the cooled air descends and returns to the heat generator through air ducts at floor level for the next heating.

The constant movement of hot and cooled air is regulated by an automation system and pumping equipment. They also maintain the set temperature.

Air circulation can be natural or forced. In the first case, the air masses move according to the laws of physics - the warm layers of air are at the top, and the colder ones are at the bottom due to the difference in the density coefficient. Gradually cooling down, warm air moves down, giving way to warm air masses supplied from the duct from above.

Forced circulation is carried out thanks to built-in fans that direct warm air into the ducts and draw in the cooled air for reheating.

Air ducts may be different shape- Rectangular, square or round. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, round air ducts have the best aerodynamic characteristics, but do not fit well into the interior of the premises. Rectangular pipes, on the contrary, are easier to integrate into general form rooms, but have the worst aerodynamic qualities.

Air heating equipment

Schematic diagram of air heating

When choosing air heating for heating a house, all its components and the system itself are calculated and laid down at the design stage.

The equipment includes the following items:

  • air heater powered by gas, electricity or solid fuel
  • air ducts
  • heat exchanger in which air is heated
  • air filter, freshener and humidifier, creating a favorable and comfortable environment in the house, purifying the air from dust, harmful microbes and bacteria, reducing the dryness of the air flow
  • an air conditioner that maintains a normal temperature in the rooms during the summer period by supplying cooled air through a duct system
  • automatic temperature control devices

Water heating at home

In Russia, for heating private houses, they mainly use water heating. This is the most economical way to heat your home. There is the possibility of automatic or manual control. temperature regime.

The water heating system implies two schemes for the movement of the coolant:

  • natural
  • forced

In a natural scheme, the coolant circulates in pipes and radiators under the action of different densities of hot and cold water. Hot water, expanding, becomes lighter and is displaced upward by cold water, which has b about higher density and mass. The hot coolant enters the riser, from where it is sent through pipes to the radiators. The water that has cooled in the heating devices goes down, giving way to hot water, and again goes by gravity into the heating boiler for subsequent heating.

Important! Such a system is non-volatile, and this is its advantage. The disadvantage is that the length of the pipes does not exceed 30 m, which is not enough to heat a large house with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

Forced circulation of the coolant is carried out using a pump that delivers under pressure hot water into the pipeline and further to the heating radiators. The cooled water, having given up its heat to the surrounding space, returns to the heating device, which receives thermal energy from the combustion of gas, solid fuel or electricity.

Structural device of the system

Water heating system

The water heating system consists of:

  • heating boiler - gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel or electric
  • heat supply pipes, which can be steel, metal-plastic or plastic
  • expansion tank
  • radiators made of cast iron, steel, bimetal, copper
  • automatic temperature control and safety systems
  • devices for the removal of combustion products, if gas, liquid fuel or solid energy sources are used

Heating boilers can be with one or two circuits, which depends on the desire of the owner of the house to carry out only heating or, in addition, receive hot water for domestic needs.

The most popular today are gas boilers, since gas is the cheapest source of energy. But in the absence of such, liquid or solid fuel boilers are used. As an auxiliary type of heating, a system powered by electricity can act. But this method is currently very costly.

Types of wiring in the heating system

One-pipe heating scheme

Regardless of how hot water is supplied - natural or forced - water heating systems are different design features installation.

The scheme of the house can be mounted in several ways:

  • with top and bottom wiring
  • with a beam
  • one- and two-pipe connection to heating radiators
  • with vertical and horizontal risers
  • with a dead-end scheme for the movement of the coolant

The upper wiring involves the movement of hot water up the riser, from where it descends to the heating radiators. The top pipe is usually located in the attic or runs directly under the ceiling, which is not very convenient in terms of interior design. And the passage of the pipe through the attic does require high-quality insulation.

Lower wiring implies the flow of coolant from the heating boiler through pipes and radiators along the bottom of the room or from the basement, basement floor, where boiler rooms are usually arranged. However, regardless of the wiring chosen, the expansion tank should be installed at the highest point in the house - usually in the attic.

The single-pipe system is devoid of return risers. The coolant, having passed through the radiators and giving up its heat to the surrounding air and objects, returns to the supply riser, from where it is directed to the heating boiler for heating. Such a scheme for the movement of the coolant can only be carried out with the upper wiring.

The installation of a heating system with vertical risers is optimal if there are two or more heated floors in the house. At the same time, all heating radiators are connected to one riser. With horizontal risers, it is possible to connect heating devices for only one floor.

Expansion tank

Expansion tanks for heating

When heated, water expands in volume. But the capacity of pipes and radiators is unchanged, so an expansion tank is built to receive excess water. It can be open with natural circulation of the coolant and closed (hermetic) with forced circulation of water in the heating system. When the coolant in the system cools, the water again goes into the pipes and radiators.

In addition to collecting excess hot water, the expansion tank also accepts oxygen in the water, which avoids the formation of air locks in the system.

An open expansion tank is connected to a riser that supplies hot water to pipes and radiators, and is located at the highest point in the house. If it is installed in the attic, then the walls must be insulated - to minimize heat loss and prevent freezing on the coldest days of winter. The disadvantage of this type of expansion tank is that air also penetrates the coolant, and this causes corrosion in the heating system.

A more modern device is closed-type expansion tanks, which inside have a membrane made of heat-resistant material. The membrane divides the tank into two chambers:

  • air
  • liquid

The air chamber is equipped with a valve that, when high pressure is created in the system, releases air, allowing excess water to occupy the second chamber.


It can be performed using various equipment and energy sources. But regardless of the chosen heating boiler and the method of installing pipes and radiators, the calculation and design must be carried out by specialists. As well as the installation of heating boilers, the entire heating system must be entrusted to organizations that have a special license to perform such work.

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