Division into zones in a one-room apartment. Design of a small studio apartment: zoning, life hacks and tricks

Gone are the days when people lived in spacious houses with offices, dining rooms, children's rooms and "servants" rooms. A huge number of couples with children live for many years in one-room apartments. The child grows up, his brothers and sisters are born, and living conditions often remain the same. The only way is to competently equip the interior and design one-room apartment.

Difficulties of zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child

If it is possible to make a major restructuring of the apartment with the allocation of micro-rooms for parents and the child, then this is fine. But often it is impossible to obtain permission for redevelopment, or as a result, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnooks and crannies will turn out to be so meager that it will nullify all efforts.

Important: you need to take care of the legality of any redevelopment. It is especially difficult, almost impossible, to obtain permission to transfer the so-called “wet zone” - bathroom and kitchen communications, as well as the removal of batteries to the loggia.

The main difficulty is little room for maneuver, that is, there is little space for a good division of the apartment into zones. A child or children need light, parents need air and they want a night of solitude. What if there are two or more children?

Each member of the family not only has the right to a bed, but also their preferences. If mom loves to sew, then you need a place for sewing machine, a cabinet with flaps and buttons and a table for cutting. If dad is a motorcyclist, then you will need a cabinet for parts and tools. Often you need an office for work. The child also needs a lot, depending on his age. All this taken together turns our task into a completely unsolvable quest.

Workbench in the apartment - a place for dad's hobbies

A one-room apartment has mandatory areas: a kitchen, a bathroom, an entrance hall, a loggia. And if due to the addition of a hallway and a loggia it is possible to increase the area, then due to the bathroom it is impossible. In the case of the kitchen, the situation is a little softer: you can remove the partition between the kitchen and the common area, thereby making the room more spacious and brighter.

Layout options

There can be a huge number of planning options, they cannot be taken into account, because everything depends on the initial conditions, the preferences of the parents and their financial capabilities. We can focus on several varieties of planning, depending on the age and number of children.

Planning for an infant

This simplifies the task a little - for a while, of course. The baby only needs a small bed, a wardrobe and a changing table. The arena can also be placed on the common territory.

Important! In the area where the "nursery" for the baby is located, there should be daylight, good ventilation (natural is also better) and a source of heat.

If the windows are airtight, it is better to place a crib or playpen directly under the window - so that the sun hits the baby. In addition, it is advisable to fence off the “nursery” from the parent area with a curtain that does not interfere with ventilation, or build something like a canopy or canopy over the crib - but with caution for the same reason. Because the child needs to sleep often, especially in the late evening when artificial lighting is turned on, and child psychologists insist on darkness and silence during the baby’s nighttime sleep.

Place for a baby cot according to the German designer

Many parents prefer to be as close to their baby as possible at night. In this case, such hard zoning is not needed. It's also important to make the room as safe and comfortable as possible for crawling and exploring, especially once your little one is on his feet. It is equally important to lay a soft carpet in the children's area for crawling and sitting the baby.

The diagram and photographs show that in the future the changing table and the crib will give way to a transforming bed for a preschooler

If you have a preschool child

For a preschooler, the rules are essentially the same. There is a soft carpet for games. The playpen disappears, the crib gives way to a transforming crib (they are in in large numbers there are varieties in IKEA) so that its length is enough for your child for several years. The changing table is replaced by a small table and chair for children's creativity.

Table-desk for a preschooler in the style of "contemporary"

Important! Above each place for games and activities, a separate light source is needed so that the baby does not spoil the eyes.

You can try to find a place for a rack or a locker where toys will fit. You can already install a small TV for a preschooler or give him a laptop for the first computer lessons and watching cartoons and movies. Below is the transformation plan, and in the photo gallery you will see this project by designer Mila Mijanovic in color.

On the plan of a one-room apartment for three with a preschooler, a transforming bed is clearly visible through a low wall from the parent sofa

Your child went to school

The student needs not only a bed, but also a wardrobe for things, and instead of a table - a full-fledged ergonomic desk with the same chair to avoid spinal curvature from long studies, and instead of shelves for toys - a wardrobe for toys, textbooks, personal books and stationery . This makes the task incredibly difficult.

Schoolchildren's corner with a desk and bookcase

It is easier to combine all the required items in one large transformer. Or provide a podium with a pull-out bed, on which there will be a table, an armchair and cabinets with shelves.

All fit on the podium necessary items environment for the student

In addition, the little person also has hobbies. And if, for example, he is engaged in painting, then an easel should fit there, and if he is a cyclist, then there is a place for details, a pump, and equipment. It is very important full lighting at several points, required desk lamp and a sconce over the bed so that the child can read and study comfortably and lightly.

Important: the student needs natural lighting in the workplace! Desk if possible, install under the window so that natural light falls directly or slightly to the left - if your child is right-handed.

On the scheme of a one-room apartment with preserved partitions, a place for a student with transformer furniture is fenced off with a curtain

Layout for a high school student

There is little that changes, except for the size of the bed. And, perhaps, your grown child will want to put in his zone acoustic system, and, perhaps, he wants to separate from you no longer with a curtain, but with a plasterboard partition-wall.

If you have two children

We will not consider the extreme case - several children in a odnushka; Let's say there are two of them. Still, the task becomes more difficult. Unless it will be possible to get by with one closet and one TV. Everything else must be managed to place in duplicate. It is good if the children are close in age. And if one is a baby and the other is a high school student, you will have to use all your ingenuity and make the most of transforming furniture, "lofts", podiums and bunk beds.

On the diagram of a one-room apartment, you can see not the best option solutions for two children different ages: the elder is doomed to live in the living area

Photo gallery: examples of planning one-room apartments for families with one or two children

Redevelopment for a family with a preschooler, left view; project by Mila Mijanovic Redevelopment for a family with a preschooler, top view; Mila Mijanovic's project Redevelopment for a family with a preschooler, top view from the kitchen; project by Mila Mijanovic Redevelopment for a family with a preschooler, side view; Mila Mijanovic's project Remodeling for a family with a preschooler, rear view; project by Mila Mijanovic Remodeling for a family with a preschooler, kitchen top view; project by Mila Mijanovic Children's area for a baby Transforming furniture for a schoolchild in a one-room apartment By the window - a place for a baby with a crib and a changing table The children's area is separated at night by a partition on a rail

A private question: how to fence off the children's area?

There are, in fact, two options in a one-room apartment. Either use the existing walls separating the room from the kitchen, hallway, bathroom and loggia, or, with permission received, selectively demolish them and zone the room in other ways.

Scheme of a one-room apartment before and after the demolition of partitions while maintaining the hallway and the "wet zone"

Having connected during the redevelopment of the premises, we often get a large space, much more comfortable than two small ones. A thirty-meter room is always and definitely better than two 15-meter rooms. If you don't like solitude closed door, and you prefer to be surrounded by household members all the time, then such a layout will suit you more than numerous walls and doors. But it is better for children to allocate a completely separate zone: "order" will not spill over into your territory. When designing such an apartment, we can create a much more modern and advanced interior than for two separate rooms, due to larger area and the ability to construct environments from more puzzles.

Competent zoning: every centimeter of space is used

There are a lot of ways to zone your apartment. If not all, then most of the problems are solved by a competent approach to business. On the large area zoning is a fairly easy task. But even in a small room of 16-18 m 2 with a large number of required zones, you can create a cozy and comfortable interior.

Important! It is necessary to try as much as possible not to infringe on the habits of any of the inhabitants. It is not enough to separate one zone from another - it is important that they look stylistically as a whole, but it is clear that this is a territory different members families.

Zoning can be visual - created with color, carpets, furniture - and real, created with drywall partitions, curtains, sliding doors, screens, or complex room perimeters.

Furniture arrangement

You can separate the children's area with furniture. It can be a wardrobe, a bookcase, a closed or through shelving, a chest of drawers or a wall of a transforming children's bed. This is, of course, the easiest, most practical and reversible (furniture can always be moved around) way to divide a room. But when using massive furniture, the room can become visually cluttered, and the furniture will interfere with the normal lighting of all parts of the room. Therefore, it is better to use through racks or low chests of drawers.

Separation of the children's area with a screen

A wonderful old invention - a movable folding screen that covers and protects. The screen can be a real work of art and antiques. You can hear how your child breathes at night in a dream, and whether he does homework during the day.

Zoning using a sliding panel (compartment doors)

It moves along the guide rails; it can be wooden, plastic, glass - transparent, matte, with a pattern; can take shape different ways depending on the design. The transparent panel does not affect the lighting, but it is still good to combine with curtains.

Building a drywall partition

Between the children's and the common areas, a real plasterboard partition is sometimes built. It often looks more comfortable than lighter structures, although it is not placed on the entire width of the room. You can hang pictures, rugs and lamps on it. Such a partition is lightweight, and despite the fact that it is very similar to a real wall, you do not need special permission to install it. But it visually makes the room heavier and blocks the lighting. To avoid this, you can make a “window” in it or build it low.

Application of curtains

This is the easiest of all options, but it can become a real decoration of the room when correct selection material and method of fastening curtains. Curtains allow air to pass through and, with proper density, perfectly isolate from views and light.

The choice of style and design for the design of your apartment

In a small space, the choice of design style becomes especially important. How less room, the simpler and without frills it should be designed. But a combination of two styles is allowed - for the general (adult) and children's zones. They, differing from each other, provide additional accents and help to zone the territory. The main condition is that the styles must be combined with each other, in a single territory they are doomed to interpenetration. It is important that they do not conflict with each other. The chosen design should ideally suit the apartment itself, the house, the district - and the owners, their rhythm of life and habits, the habits of their children.

Important! In a small space, you can not recklessly apply bright styles with catchy decor, there is a danger of overdoing it or showing bad taste. From the brightness in the cramped quickly and very tired.

For our case, the styles of "eco", hi-tech, minimalism, "contemporary" are suitable. They are perfectly combined with each other. You can introduce into the design and individual details of the bright styles of "boho", "ethno", art deco, but there should be very few of them.

Photo gallery: examples of different styles in the design of a one-room apartment with a child

For our hypothetical apartment, we chose the contemporary style combined with elements of other styles. Now, designers use this term to denote a laconic style that does not have pronounced features that belong to past historical times. The “contemporary” style is good because there are a lot of its manifestations, and you can apply it in two varieties: bright and elegant for the “children's” zone and noble and restrained for the “adult”. With the help of these two incarnations, the necessary accents are placed.

elegant bright interior in the style of "contemporary"

The peculiarity of this style is its suitability for application in any aspect of the interior. Novelty, freedom of expression, lack of a pronounced style, mass character, convenience, comfort, accessibility, proportionality, ease of construction and interchangeability of parts - these are the features of the "contemporary" style. That's why he became so popular.

Important! When creating a modern appearance your house or apartment in the style of "contemporary" remember that cardinal rule- "less is better". Feel free to bet on clean and straight lines. Forget lively floral prints on wallpaper, ruffles and fringes on curtains, furniture with excessive carvings.

In the foreground in the choice of materials - their durability, functionality and environmental friendliness, this is due to the ideology of the "contemporary" style. Therefore, most of the materials for the basis of such a design are artificial: metal, plastic, concrete, glass, porcelain stoneware, fake diamond and recycled wood (chipboard, MDF, laminate, etc.). So that the interior does not look cold and sterile, you can use as accents natural materials: wood, wood veneer, natural stone. It is possible with caution - after all, the room is small - to introduce "live" details: flowers in pots or interior trees.

An example of planting greenery in the kitchen is amazing design solution

Design of "children's" and "adult" zones in the style of "contemporary"

The floor, as a rule, has a single solution for the entire room. For the floor in this design style, artificial materials are used - laminate, tile, porcelain stoneware, vinyl. In the "children's" zone, you can make a separate warm floor, or raise it to the podium.

Podium for a child, decorated with the same laminate

The walls are often painted and do not have a pattern. But in the "children's" zone, you can decorate the walls with funny stickers. The contemporary style also allows for a geometric print - a strip, a cage. Accents from chrome-plated metal parts and the use of glass or mirror surfaces are acceptable - as a way to visually "open" small spaces.

Decals on the wall in the area for two children

For furniture, more often artificial materials are chosen: plastic, MDF and chipboard, metal, glass, artificial stone. Sometimes natural wood or veneer is also used. The main difference between furniture in this style suits us perfectly. This is functionality and love for transforming objects.

Transforming bed for parents

Lighting in a laconic "contemporary" carries a huge functional load. It helps to zone the territory, highlights the levels of illumination, creates color effects. Lighting design can be anything - from minimalist lamps to complex lamps, as if coming from other design styles. There is only one rule: there should be many of them.

Lamps "ethno" in African style

In textiles, the “contemporary” is characterized by a play of textures: wool, linen, jute with expressive weaves and a bright pattern will be very appropriate. Color and quality of bedding and kitchen towels is also an important point. For visual "warming" of cold floors made of porcelain stoneware or laminate, carpets are used, often with a geometric pattern. They not only warm the feet, but also reduce the uncomfortable echoes of the room.

Photo gallery: design ideas for a one-room apartment for a family with children in different forms of contemporary style

Children's "attic" in monochrome with bright spots in the style of "contemporary" Children's "attic" from boards in the style of "contemporary" Zoning with glass and color in the style of "contemporary" Zoning with color in the style of "contemporary" Traditional colors of the "contemporary" style: white, black , "tan color"

Studio apartment - this type of housing appeared not so long ago, but the demand for it is stable. Such apartments are bought mainly by young people. There are two reasons. The first is that they do not need many rooms and it is much more convenient when everything is in sight and, sitting at the table in the kitchen, you can watch a movie or control the music center. The second reason is economic: the price per square meter in studio apartments is lower than in standard ones with partitions of the same size. It is understandable: fewer walls, less materials and work. It is also attractive that the design of a studio apartment can be made in the most innovative style: the absence of partitions and doors gives more space for the realization of the most daring ideas and non-standard solutions.

Zoning when designing a studio apartment

A single space is good because it can be divided at your discretion. For comfort, we need three zones: a kitchen-dining room, a recreation area and a work area. Since, in addition to the outer walls, there are still only those that enclose the bathroom, you will have to select them by some other methods. Designers for zoning use:

  • furniture,
  • light partitions (plasterboard, furniture shelves, openwork, glass, etc.),
  • separation by color and texture of walls,
  • level and material of the floor and ceiling.

All of these methods can be combined or used separately. It just seems like there is little choice. In fact, it's huge. For example, light partitions. It could be some kind of drywall construction. It can start at one of the walls and literally separate two zones.

The second option - the partition stands in the middle of the room, also quite clearly hinting at different zones. But in this case it becomes light, translucent, not "loading" the space.

Another version of the partition, standing in the middle of a studio apartment, but at the same time looking harmonious and not at all dividing it into cells. Probably, the whole point is that the sofa fits very well, and the walls are light.

In many cases, the partition is not made up to the ceiling. It is opaque, but it does not completely separate one zone from another, separating them with a wall.

There are many options and variations. Partitions can be openwork, glass, mirror. It can be a shelf from floor to ceiling, on which there are books, some decorative gizmos. Japanese curtains separate the zones very well. They are practically weightless, can move and move apart. They are made of fabric, just at the top and bottom, a rod is placed in a specially stitched drawstring, which stretches the fabric, which makes it look tough.

Curtain zoning is an interesting mobile option

Probably, when developing the design of a studio apartment on your own, it is wiser to do it first with the help of curtains. This is the most mobile and inexpensive way that will make it easy to change everything if you decide to swap zones or change their area. When everything is finally finalized, and you understand that it is convenient for you, it will be possible to put some more serious partitions in these places, if desired.

To begin with, to determine the location and size of the zones, you can use the curtains

Several interesting ideas to divide the studio apartment into zones, there are in the following photos.

Simple and functional - a bookcase as a zoning partition Openwork weaving is an elegant solution for the "female" interior design of a studio apartment The partition occupies only a part in height: so that you can put something, and you can hang it on a small wall ... stylish, functional

kitchen area

The equipment and design of the kitchen area in a studio apartment is perhaps the most difficult task. Since there are no partitions, without a powerful one, all odors and soot will spread without barriers. Therefore, this technique must be good quality. One more thing: since everything is in plain sight, there should be nothing on the countertops. Everything is laid out in lockers and drawers, of which there should be a lot. To rationally organize the space, it makes sense to use, which allow the use of corners or cabinets up to the ceiling (corner and lowering shelves).

The floor in the kitchen area is most often raised. This is an additional factor that allows you to delimit the room. Although, from a practical point of view, it is preferable that the rest of the room be raised - less garbage will be worn. If the interior is designed for one person, this is not so important: in these cases they cook a little and infrequently. But for a young family, this can be an important factor.

Design for small studio apartments

If the room of the studio apartment is small - 20-30 squares - so that it is not crowded, you will have to resort to tricks. The first is to use a table as a zone separator. It can be made in the form, it can be equipped so that there are many drawers from the side of the kitchen, and chairs from the side of the room. Then, depending on the situation, it can be used both for cooking and as a dining table.

If there are enough surfaces for cooking, you can put a small divider dinner table. Behind him, if necessary, more people can fit, which is important if relatives and friends periodically visit.

An important point: when choosing appliances for the kitchen in a studio apartment, you will have to think not only about how well it will fit into the interior, which is already important in itself. You will need to choose a silent one, or at least one that produces minimal noise. It is unlikely that you will like to sleep under the growl of the refrigerator. By the way, it can be disguised as a closet or bought built-in.

If the room is long and narrow, you will have to fit all the furniture in a different way. In this case, there will be two cabinets, the back of which will serve as a partition or table, and one of the ends will serve as an entrance.

Kitchens in spacious studios

If the studio apartment has an area of ​​40 square meters and more, shield kitchen area possibly a more solid partition. It should not be massive, but rather airy. Smooth, rounded lines look best in these cases. And if you beat it correctly also on the wall, the effect is very interesting (see photo).

The wall, as it were, continues the partition. Because of which the boundaries are blurred ....

If you wish, you can put a full dining table. This is an option for those who enjoy the process itself ...

Creative - part brick wall remained unprocessed. In combination with smooth glossy surfaces, it looks very "alive"

The main task in the design of any kitchen is to make it not only beautiful, but also comfortable, and when developing the design of a studio apartment, complexity is added to the requirements: kitchen furniture should not “fall out” of the general style. And it's not easy. Too different purpose and materials, and functionality too. A few examples of successful combinations in the photo.

Although kitchen furniture bright, it does not look foreign in this interior All in one style and one color schemea win-win The repetition of textures and colors is one of the ways to create a harmonious interior in a studio apartment.

Rest zone

It is equally important to properly organize a cozy place for relaxation. There are two approaches. The first is to put a modern one in a comfortable bed. In this case, this area is designed as a living room - coffee table, padded stools, armchairs.

The second approach is to highlight the area in which the bed stands. This can be done in different ways. The choice of method depends on the wishes. It’s enough for someone just to put a bed, someone wants at least some privacy and makes a wall, albeit translucent, but for someone else, this is not enough: you also need at least a knitted partition-curtain that will hide the sleeping place and create your own private space.

An interesting solution is to raise the sleeping area to the podium and arrange a storage system in it. If the ceiling height in the apartment is at least 2.7 m, this can be realized.

The berth is raised, and under it are boxes for storing things

Another way to hide a bed from prying eyes is to raise it on a closet. This is also possible with sufficient ceiling height.

Bed on the wardrobe - steps on the side. In the steps, by the way, you can also make boxes for storing things.

There are a few more ideas for decorating a bed in the photo.

It is not easy to make such a second floor .... and expensive, but great filament curtains An interesting separation option, combined with lighting - they also glow ...

The design of a studio apartment should combine practicality, convenience and attractiveness. Such a combination is not easy to achieve, but it is possible, all the more so if you use the latest building technologies - such as , or - a bed that looks like a closet or something similar during the day.

To make a “one-room apartment” or a studio apartment comfortable for the whole family and aesthetically attractive, methods of competent space zoning are used. The ideal option for redevelopment would be the construction of a partition element. It is the division of space by partitions that creates comfortable functional areas even in a small one-room apartment. Additionally, rational lighting design and color accents are also used.

Zoning with the help of partitions will help to allocate a comfortable place for each family member in a studio apartment or one-room apartment. But before installing false walls, you need to analyze the planning possibilities. After all, you need not only a comfortable place to sleep and a corner to work. Somewhere else you need to cook and eat, store things, relax with friends.

Design techniques allow you to create comfort and coziness even with a shortage of space. For this, stationary and sliding partitions, screens, furniture delimiters are used. The texture and shades of the color of the walls, interior items, light accents - these moments are also important. Consider how to properly zone a one-room apartment or studio.


If you don't want to override small room, but it is necessary to place accents, the easiest way to do this is with the help of wallpaper different color and textures. Interesting options are obtained by combining coatings of the same tone, but with different prints.

Wallpaper in the sleeping area light shades-pink, cream, pale green, pale yellow.

Such tones help to relax and do not create a feeling of a closed space. They are liked by both genders.

If you decide to install a partition for the bedroom and living room in a one-room apartment, for example, from drywall, you can decorate each of its sides with different wallpapers, but in compatible shades. Or highlight the difference between the zones with the help of a relief coating, photo wallpaper with a perspective, which depicts a sea or forest landscape.


An alternative to a partition or wallpaper is to use light in a one-room apartment as a separator between a bedroom and a living room or a children's corner. Subdued lighting is installed in the sleeping area, and brighter lamps are chosen for the office and the reception area.

In the children's corner, bright lanterns with the image of cartoon characters look good. Gentle nightlights will also be useful. It is interesting to arrange light accents if you use LED partition lighting or multi-level lighting: from floor lamps to hanging chandeliers.


The construction of a partition in a one-room apartment is one of the standard zoning options. But you can get creative with its design. Indeed, a wide range of materials and designs for partition elements is now offered. The choice depends on the taste of the owner, the layout and style of the room.

You can partition the room using the following bulkheads:

  • stationary - up to the ceiling with hinged doors or in the form of a ledge;
  • sliding and folding - non-threshold, "coupe", radius, "books", "accordions";
  • "transformers" with swivel or differently opening slats;
  • racks;
  • mobile screens.

Stationary partitions are usually divided across narrow rooms. So they “beat off” a bedroom or a nursery from the living room. The larger the room, the higher the bulkhead can be. For small rooms, it is better to choose ledges and screens, or prefer a sliding glass structure that does not “steal” precious centimeters and visually enlarges the space. It lets in natural light and can unite the divided zones at any time. Stained glass or glass decorated with colored patterns looks interesting.

Openwork screens also have good decorative and light-transmitting qualities. It is good to use them in large kitchens, highlighting the dining area, and receive guests there. And leave the room under the bedroom.

If you want to use a false wall as a functional place to store things and make it part of the interior, a plasterboard partition is mounted.

From this material, you can create a bulkhead of any configuration, with niches, shelves, lighting. decorative trim such walls are extremely diverse. And at the same time, its cost will not be too high. Having made a partition from GKL in a one-room apartment with internal lockers, you can not install an expensive and bulky wardrobe. And if you equip it with glass inserts like windows, you will save electricity due to natural lighting.

For very small rooms, mobile screens or elegant curtains are used. They allow you to "redraw" the layout almost instantly.

With the help of a niche

If the room is equipped with a niche, but you can equip a sleeping place or a study in it. But this separation option is also used in studio apartments: for niche zoning of the room, plasterboard partitions of the desired configuration are installed. In the same way, if there is an ugly corner, a spacious closet for storing things is made out.

Comfort options

When zoning a small room, saving every useful centimeter of space is important. The choice of separation methods should be carried out taking into account the interests of each resident of a one-room apartment. That is why zoning options differ, depending on whether one person lives there or a family with a child.

For one person

If a small apartment is occupied by one person or a young couple, the most in a simple way dividing the space into zones will be the use of wallpaper, lighting and correct placement furniture. There are enough three zones: kitchen, living room and bedroom. They are not necessarily fenced, just decoratively isolated. Sometimes, on the contrary, they increase the room by adding a balcony or loggia, even a kitchen. And the cooking area is separated by a bar counter.

To designate the sleeping area, catwalks are increasingly used. If they are high, you can equip a kind of storage cabinet inside. A low or multi-level podium is decorated with lighting.

For the family

The basic principle of dividing a one-room apartment for a family with a child is to allocate a comfortable area for parents and a children's corner. Wherein:

  • For the baby, the warmest place in the apartment is allocated.
  • The parent's room is arranged in light colors, and for the nursery use bright colors.
  • Both in the nursery and in adult room use multifunctional, transformable furniture. These can be folding sofas, loft beds, roll-out beds, folding tabletops.

As a partition, a plasterboard rack with glazed windows, a folding accordion, and a mobile screen are used. In the first case, parents will be able to look after the baby, and store things in the lockers equipped at the bottom. Other options are used with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If an electric stove is installed and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen allows, the nursery can be separated from its space using the same plasterboard partition.

Before dividing the "odnushka" or studio into zones, you need to decide on a style decision. Such rooms are rarely spacious. Therefore, they prefer simple lines and shapes characteristic of minimalism, hi-tech, neoclassic and scandinavian style. Limit yourself to three colors when decorating a room, one of which will be an accent - light or bright.

When redevelopment small apartment take into account the advice of designers:

  • Narrow rooms cannot be divided by partitions along. Otherwise, you will get pencil cases in which you will feel uncomfortable.
  • Instead of heavy dark curtains, use light and transparent ones. The first visually reduce the space.
  • Use different light sources: flat ceiling lights, sconces and floor lamps.
  • Avoid massive beds and wardrobes. For one-room apartments, transformable furniture is more suitable.
  • If there is no desire to select diverse wallpapers, use the floor covering as a separator.

No matter how much you would like to place all the memorabilia and souvenirs in prominent places in a one-room apartment, this is not recommended. The room will look cluttered, the space will visually decrease. It is better to place single accents in the room and in the kitchen.

Zoning a room in a one-room apartment: photo

Sometimes put into words design ideas pretty hard. Photos of already decorated rooms come to the rescue. Here are some interesting solutions to consider:

The transition of a plasterboard partition into a figured ceiling looks unusual when distinguishing between a bedroom and a recreation area in a one-room apartment.

It is quite possible to redevelop a odnushka or studio and create an ideal living space. Connect your imagination, use design ideas and turn a tiny apartment into a cozy and multifunctional nest.

Zoning of a one-room apartment - effective method redevelopment of living space, which is becoming increasingly popular with couples with children. A competent breakdown of a small room into zones allows you to allocate your own corner to each family member and not overload the space.

To understand how to divide a one-room apartment as comfortably as possible for adults and a child, you should learn a few basic zoning rules and familiarize yourself with the popular recommendations of designers.

Zoning a one-room apartment is an effective way to redevelop living space

A small living space implies the presence of mandatory functional areas - a kitchen, a bathroom, a bathroom, a sleeping and relaxing area, and a workplace. Finding a corner for a nursery in such a limited space is not an easy task.

The basic rules for housing planning and ideal zoning assistants will help to carry out the plan:

  1. Space expansion. Demolition is the only way to physically increase the footage of an apartment. interior partitions. Having conceived the repair with the dismantling of the walls, you should take care of the legality of such redevelopment and the approval of the project in the relevant services. The most popular is the combination of a living room with a balcony, loggia, corridor or kitchen (studio). Visually expand the space will help panoramic windows, mirrors, light walls.
  2. Lighting. The apartment in which the child will grow and develop must, a priori, be well lit. Moreover, the correct diffused light adds lightness to the room and creates an optical illusion of spaciousness.
  3. Laconic interior. The design of a one-room apartment for a family with a child should provide comfort without overloading an already small room with massive furniture. Cozy eco-style, family provence, laconic minimalism and multifunctional hi-tech - ideal options interior design of a small apartment.
  4. Color spectrum. Highlighting different areas of the room using color and different finishing materials- another trick of designers. In the children's area, elements such as a bright carpet, a colored bedspread, and colorful pillows will be appropriate.
  5. Transformation and versatility of furniture. Functional and ergonomic furniture is the key to successful zoning. The wonders of furniture transformation allow not only saving valuable living meters and modeling space. One movement - and the bedroom turns into an office, the bed - into a cozy sofa, part of the closet - into a desktop.

Small living space implies the presence of mandatory functional areas

When planning the division of the room and choosing the style of the interior of the home, the lifestyle of adults and the age of the child should be taken into account. A freelancer mom will need a mini-office for work, a fisherman dad will need a closet for storing equipment. And if the kid is satisfied with a small children's corner in a one-room apartment where you can play, then the schoolboy and student already need a place to study.

Gallery: zoning of a one-room apartment (25 photos)

Room zoning and furniture for a comfortable interior (video)

architectural techniques

How to equip a one-room apartment as comfortable as possible for adults and a child with a relatively modest budget that is planned to be spent on repairs? The first thing that comes to mind is false walls, arches, plasterboard partitions-shelves. Although this way zoning is outdated in interior design, it is still popular with young families. Much more modern and attractive is the idea of ​​​​improving a room with a podium.

Zoning a children's room using a false wall or plasterboard partition has several advantages:

  • provides good light and noise insulation;
  • allows you to bring to life almost any design idea;
  • easy to install;
  • has an affordable price.

The disadvantages of drywall include its fragility, low moisture resistance and some bulkiness that can nullify all the designer's tricks to expand the space.

When planning the division of the room and choosing the style of the interior of the home, you should take into account the lifestyle of adults and the age of the child.

A more functional solution is to equip the podium in the room, especially if the ceiling height of the apartment is higher than the standard one. The podium can hide a roll-out bed in its bowels or serve as a storage system. In the latter case, instead of a bed, it is advisable to use only an orthopedic mattress. Properly equipped with functional furniture, the podium replaces a full-fledged room that is suitable for a teenager or schoolchild.

Classic furniture zoning

The basic division of room zones with the help of furniture is the most common planning method, the most popular when zoning a studio apartment. In the conditions of limited space of one-room housing, this method has its own nuances.

The first thing to forget about is bulky cabinets. They should be parted without regrets. The following interior units are suitable for delimiting zones:

  • graceful static racks with shelves;
  • narrow bar counters;
  • retractable dining tables of a simple U-shaped design;
  • mobile shelves.

Racks on wheels that can rotate around their axis deserve special attention. With the help of such structures, it is easy to hide the bed in a one-room apartment and separate the recreation area from the workplace. Inside, you can fold clothes or household items that are not intended for prying eyes. Both the entire rack and its individual parts can rotate.

Modern mobile furniture modules allow you to mount a TV on them, which makes it possible to watch your favorite TV shows and movies from anywhere in the room.

Another advantage of shelves with a built-in swivel mechanism is the ability to play with light. By changing the position of the structure, you can control the flow of sunlight and locally illuminate the necessary areas.

Zoning a children's room is hard to imagine without multifunctional furniture. An armchair-bed, multi-level systems with wardrobes, a berth, a folding or retractable workplace create maximum comfort in a minimum occupied space.

Zoning a room with curtains is the most affordable method of dividing space

draped barriers

Zoning a room with curtains is the most affordable method of dividing space. The fabric can form a canopy over the bed, a straight or semicircular partition, completely imitate the walls of a separate room.

Fabric partitions are produced by:

  • hanging (the canvas is classically hung on a special cornice);
  • frame (the fabric is stretched over a rigid stationary frame or separate folding sections).

Advantages of curtain dividers:

  • take up a minimum of space when folded, while maintaining the amount of space;
  • create a romantic atmosphere;
  • long curtains to the floor allow you to create the effect of high ceilings;
  • easy to mount, remove and clean.

The variety of fabrics and types of curtains makes it possible to fit this decorative element into any interior design. Curtains with a pattern that echoes the pattern home textile, fit well into the country style, plain products emphasize minimalism and do not overload the space.

The variety of fabrics and types of curtains makes it possible to fit this decorative element into any interior design.

Zoning of the children's room with light filament curtains, transparent, translucent Fresh air curtains made of silk organza, cotton veil, delicate tulle will not only allow you to separate a children's corner in a one-room apartment, but will also give parents the opportunity to watch the baby playing. Linen, melange fabric - great option to distinguish between the guest and sleeping areas of adults.

Modest looks good roller blinds, occupying a minimum of space when folded and turning, if necessary, into a weightless visual barrier.

Repair of a one-room apartment (video)

Partitions and mobile systems

Another popular zoning artifact is a partition in a one-room apartment. It can be static or mobile (portable, sliding, folding). A new word in interior design - partitions set in motion with the help of a control panel.

Wooden, plastic, glass decorative barriers have many design options. Mirrors, additional lighting, stained-glass windows, shelves are mounted in them. A bright pattern or a fancy pattern on the surface will create unique design one-room apartment with a child. The latest trend is smart glass partitions that can turn from transparent to frosted.

The main types of mobile separation systems:

  • screens;
  • sliding doors;
  • light-transmitting partitions of the type of blinds;
  • accordion doors.

The ideas listed above for one-room apartments are far from a complete list of options for successful zoning.

Another popular zoning artifact is a partition in a one-room apartment.

What not to do when beating the interior of a one-room apartment:

  • block window openings;
  • paint the ceiling and walls in dark colors;
  • use classic furniture;
  • hang a bulky chandelier;
  • make a multi-level ceiling in the center of the room.

There is an opinion that a one-room apartment is unacceptable housing for a family with a child. But for many couples, buying a couple of dozen separate living quarters is the only option to get their own home.

With a skillful approach to repair and proper zoning of space, you can easily turn a simple “odnushka” into a cozy family nest, where everyone can find a corner.

Attention, only TODAY!

When living space, where it is difficult to accommodate a family, leaves much to be desired, this is reflected in everything. After all, it is quite natural to have separate areas for rest and sleep, eating and cooking, as well as for work and creativity.

But what about those who could only get a one-room apartment? There is a great option - to zone the available space! It is worth noting right away that this will require a lot of creative effort and imagination from you.

Why is zoning a one-room apartment necessary?

The method of creating separate zones is used to expand the space of a one-room apartment. It allows you to transform it not only in terms of aesthetics, but also make it more functional.

To do this, you must try to adhere to the basic rules of zoning:

  • if the room is rectangular, then it cannot be divided along. This will lead to the formation of narrow canisters;
  • for rooms with low ceiling heights, solid partitions from floor to ceiling cannot be used;
  • how less area apartments, the less decorative elements should be. It is better to give preference to a concise design;
  • the use of a minimum number of architectural elements; when zoning, modern decor techniques are preferred.

Basic principles

As you know, a blank wall reduces usable area, but our task is the opposite. It is necessary to use every centimeter of the apartment to the maximum. Divide it into zones in such a way as not to turn it into casemates. To do this, it is enough to use a few simple tricks, which will be discussed below.

Ideas for zoning a one-room apartment

Zoning ideas can be varied.

The sleeping area can be distinguished using a high cabinet. If we are talking about zoning the kitchen and living room, then an elegant bar counter will help here.

With different levels

This option is perfect for apartments with high ceilings, where you can delimit the space with the help of podiums. As a rule, a bed or a sofa is installed on such elevations, thus highlighting the area for sleeping and relaxing.

Zoning styles of a one-room apartment are presented in this video:

On a small pedestal, you can do workplace, as well as a flower corner. In addition, the space under the podium can be used as additional system storage.

The use of light

As light zoning, local lighting is best suited when used wall sconces, pendant lamps with directional light, floor lamps.

See with us how to create a functional and convenient.

With their help, you can, literally, turn off a certain area. The second way is to use LED backlight with a different glow color. Such color contrasts highlight separate parts of the space.

Loggias and balconies

If a one-room apartment has loggias or balconies, then they can also be used to organize a certain zone.

It could be:

  • place of storage of things;
  • place of rest or sports;
  • workspace with a desk;
  • place for children's games;
  • an increase in the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, if there is an exit from its side or a continuation of the living room.

All these methods of transforming your home are designed to create the greatest comfort for you and your loved ones.

Zoning methods

If we consider a standard one-room apartment, then, as a rule, there are already two separate rooms- Bedroom and kitchen.

Here you can see how to decorate and transform.

The whole difficulty lies in the distribution between them of additional functions of the workplace and living room. In this case, you must try not to overload one of them.

Here are some zoning options for such an apartment:

  • Bedroom-living room. You can put a sofa bed, which will be the main focus of this space.
  • Kitchen cabinet. A comfortable dining table will perfectly take on two functions at once - eating and working.
  • Kitchen-living room. If the kitchen is quite spacious, then it is quite possible to place a small sofa and a dining table.

Apartment zoning options for one or two people

If this is an apartment for a bachelor or a single girl, then two zones are quite enough here: “sleep and relaxation area”, “kitchen and dining area”. Another thing is when two people already live in the apartment. In such a situation, in addition to the above areas, additional spaces will be required: a living area and a workplace.

As mentioned earlier, such zoning is suitable for a studio apartment. All the same rules that we described above apply here. It is a completely different matter when it comes to a family with children.

Zoning a room for a family with a child

Before married couple with a small child, it is a very difficult task to complete the layout of the apartment so that the child's area and the parents' area are not only comfortable, but also multifunctional. Naturally, for a child, the brightest and warmest part of the apartment should be singled out.

It is worth remembering that as the child grows, his space will change and expand. While the baby is still small, a changing table and a crib are enough for him, but soon his corner will need to be supplemented with a play area.

Curtains or screens. Such elements can be placed around the crib, which will create a cozy corner for the baby to sleep.

A high podium can always be equipped with steps that will allow the child to move comfortably.

Children's Corner. It can include a closet for things and have a place to study, as well as bunk bed. All this is a single design, a small mobile home for a child and an excellent solution for zoning your one-room apartment.


Zoning your one-room apartment is a task feasible for everyone. Moreover, the fantasy of designers who have come up with dozens of options does not stand still. Our task is to determine personal preferences and evaluate the opportunities provided by living space.

Watch a video on how to zone a one-room apartment:

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