Make a house out of tree branches. How to make a house with your own hands

New Year- this is a magical and fabulous time, the onset of which children and adults are looking forward to. It is customary to decorate your houses beautifully for the holiday, and you can do this using not only toys purchased in the store. With your own hands you can make a variety of and very beautiful crafts, for example, a decorative winter house.

Snow-covered hut of Santa Claus

The decor made of natural material looks very impressive. Try to make a snow-covered hut. Collect in advance a sufficient number of medium-thick twigs, rinse them well and dry them. Prepare the base - glue the walls of the house out of cardboard or use a box that is suitable in size. Windows and doors can be cut or made using the appliqué technique. Paste the prepared frame with twigs, vertically or horizontally, cutting off the appropriate length. Make a separate roof from two identical rectangles or one bent in the middle. Move on to the decor: the winter house should be all snowy or at least covered with frost. Use white paint, foam shavings, cotton wool or glitter for this. If you don't have sprigs handy, you can replace them with popsicle sticks or

New Year's house from waste material

You may be surprised, but in fact, you can make interesting crafts from the most banal materials that can be found in any home today. Empty plastic bottles and food trays, food cartons - we throw away all this every day. A beautiful craft "Winter can be made from just such waste material. As a base, take a cardboard box from milk or kefir, the lower part from plastic bottle or a small square container. Interesting idea- use toilet paper tubes or wallpaper tubes to make the walls of the houses. If necessary, cut the selected blank, then glue it with white paper or paint it with paint. When the facade of the future "building" dries, you can make a roof, windows and a door. Your winter house will turn out to be more interesting if you combine several design techniques at once and use different materials for decoration.

How to make snowdrifts?

We figured out how to make winter houses with our own hands, now it’s worth talking about decorating and decorating crafts. Souvenirs “seen” or overgrown with snow on the sides look interesting. How to make such snow caps at home? This is easier than it might seem at first glance: pour PVA glue into some kind of container and moisten a thin layer of cotton wool in it. Squeeze out the excess and spread a piece of mass on the base, gently pressing. In this way, you can decorate the entire roof, the stand on which the house stands, or form real snowdrifts near the walls and porch. In a similar technique, you can try to create from thick white paper napkins. house "can be snowed in another way. Coat the base with transparent glue and sprinkle liberally with sugar, salt or semolina. After creating a snow cover, leave the craft to dry for at least 4 hours, and even better - for the whole night.

Important Composition Details

A snow-covered decorative house will look more spectacular if you place it on a stand and decorate it with decorative elements. As a base, you can use a piece of cardboard or a lid from cardboard box with sides. The finished winter house must be glued to the stand, after which we proceed to create the surrounding landscape. Make a snow cover using one of the techniques described above. The composition can be added christmas tree or a snow-covered tree. Can also be done beautiful veranda, ladders, benches, perhaps even sleds or skis. Any decorative elements can be cut out of cardboard and painted as you wish. snow house with a yard can be supplemented with figures of snowmen, fairy tale characters. Try making figurines out of cotton wool, fabric, and cardboard. If you have enough free time and patience, you can even build an entire winter town and populate it with magical characters.

Souvenir or useful item?

Minimalism is in fashion today, and many people try not to purchase too many beautiful decorative items that are not capable of fulfilling some practical function. Can the craft "Winter House" be not only beautiful and decorative, but also useful? Why not? Do not be too lazy to make the roof removable and beautifully decorate the interior of the base box - and you will get an unusual box or even a small hiding place. An interesting idea is to decorate a "house" for tea in the New Year's style. This craft is easy to make from a liter package of kefir, milk or juice. All you need is to wash the workpiece well and dry, and then decorate to your liking. It is not difficult to make such a tea winter house with your own hands. The craft is designed to store tea bags and is a worthy alternative to factory boxes. Such a house should have a removable roof, and at the bottom it is necessary to cut through and beautifully decorate the window. Accordingly, bags can be loaded through the top, and it is convenient to get them through the bottom if necessary.

How to make a candlestick in the form of Santa Claus's house?

AT new year holidays It is customary to decorate your home with garlands, candles and light figures. If desired, it is easy to make a luminous New Year's house. The easiest option is to place a part of the garland inside the craft and consider connecting to the network. You can also use an electric candle or any other battery-powered luminous element. You can also make a full-fledged candlestick. However, if you have a winter house made of cardboard, you should pay attention to fire safety. Use the smallest "tea" candles; they can only be placed in a figure made of flammable material in heat-resistant glass cups. It makes sense to make a candlestick, focusing on the size of the candle and the stand for it. The souvenir figurine itself should be larger in size and not heat up.

cat house

With your own hands you can make not only small decorative items, but also quite useful things. You may be surprised, but the do-it-yourself craft "Santa Claus's Winter House" can be made as real housing for our smaller brothers. In the New Year's way, you can decorate, for example, a street bird feeder. Of course, decorating with paper and other materials that are afraid of water will have to be abandoned. But you can always use waterproof paints for painting or make a bird feeder of an unusual shape.

An interesting idea is to make a winter house for a cat. Many animals living outside feel the need for warm and dry shelter in cold weather. can be made from various materials - wooden beams, unnecessary boards, chipboard and plywood. Make a box of the right size, insulate it from the inside, and decorate the outside to your taste. Most beautiful house it will turn out if you decorate it with a stylized gable roof. If desired, you can paint such a dwelling outside under a Russian hut or a fairy-tale tower. Do not be afraid to create and make a variety of crafts using familiar and so cozy images!

Decorate your home with the help of a New Year's house for the New Year 2019, and even made with your own hands - what could be cuter and more charming? Moreover, this decor is considered traditional in Western culture - many decorate doll houses their children in this style (often together with the kids) or they create them on purpose.

A lot can serve as the basis for such crafts, but the main thing is that in the end they convey the very essence of the holiday - a neat and thorough thematic decor, immersion in a snowy fairy tale and the sweet comfort of a home.

Well, let's try today to create such a Christmas house of our dreams in miniature. In addition, we have prepared for you master classes on several of its options at once, so that you can choose the one you like best.

Cardboard house

As the basis of such a house, both sheets of thick corrugated cardboard and old shoe or packing boxes can serve. And we will also need:

  • craft paper of a color suitable for walls (you can also take a self-adhesive film with some kind of traditional pattern for facades - masonry, log cabin, etc., remnants of wallpaper);
  • a bright-colored thin foam polystyrene rug or colored rubber sheet;
  • artificial frost in a can;
  • white fluffy felt or fur;
  • small toys, pieces of Christmas tree branches, pompoms, beads, bows, in a word, everything you would like to decorate a house with;
  • a button of a brilliant golden or chrome hue (on the leg - a door handle);
  • hot glue gun;
  • a pencil with a ruler;
  • scissors and cutter;
  • thin lace or the remains of white organza on the curtains.

If you are not using solid boxes, but just packing cardboard, you first need to embroider the old packaging, cut out the details of the boxes from which the house will consist, and glue them together. Now we glue the entire surface of the “facade” with craft paper, felt or self-adhesive film.

If the joints at the corners turned out to be sloppy, do not worry, they can be corrected by cutting out strips from a rubber or polystyrene colored rug (the one from which we will make frames for doors and windows), and sticking them so that they cover the corner, going to the neighboring "walls".

Now we turn the boxes over so that they look down with a hole, and we assemble the roof from other pieces of cardboard. It's cool to make it, of course, for many slopes - but, here it is, how you can do it. We glue all the details of the roof together, cut out pieces of white felt or fur to size and glue them on top - it will be snow.

On the end (a cardboard box and a barrel of material should stick out) we glue a strip of white tape (with or without a pattern - at your discretion). It's great if she came with small pommies sewn on in advance (you can, for example, cut off the ends of an old scarf, if there is one). If not, pompoms can be sewn onto the braid in the process.

Finally, we glue the entire roof along the contour with Christmas-tree beads (or jewelry) and fasten some kind of decoration to the vaults.

Then we prepare the details of frames and doors. We cut out windows and doors from a thin rubber mat or polystyrene (red will look very impressive!) (it’s good to do it right away with the crossbars). We try them on the places on the boxes where they will be attached, mark them with a pencil and cut holes with a cutter, placing something inside the box to stop - so as not to bend.

Now you can stick doors and windows, not forgetting, first, to glue pieces of lace along the edge of the windows along the edge to fit the holes or organza - these are curtains.

We put the roof on the house, fixing it with glue at the points of contact, and decorate the house itself with the chosen decor. It's great if you managed to make a long spruce garland in miniature with beads - an imitation of balls and a similar wreath. All this is located in outer walls, doors and windows, and at the very end lightly spray the entire structure with frost from a can.

New Year's hut-log house from sticks

Using this technology, you can make houses from matches, orange sticks, even thin twigs of the same thickness, counting sticks or ice cream sticks, and even sweet straws (but, more on that later!). For them we take:

  • "building material" in large quantities;
  • hot glue gun or instant superglue;
  • wood varnish, azure or acrylic paint– depends on the design you choose;
  • cutter;
  • brush;
  • a piece of plywood or pieces of wood for the door (you can also connect the sticks of the walls vertically with glue, cutting them in shape, fastening them for beauty with some detail in the form of loops);
  • pencil or marker for marking;
  • artificial frost, synthetic winterizer and anything for Christmas decoration.

So, for starters, let's decide whether we are making a log house according to the classics - “into a bowl” or without protrusions - “into a paw”. The second is simpler, but the first, of course, is more effective, so we will focus on this option. We will assemble the whole house at once - as if growing it on a stand.

But, first you need to prepare the "building material" - if you need to paint over, varnish, etc. It is very important that all sticks-twigs are exactly the same length. Ideally - and width, but if there are discrepancies somewhere up to two millimeters, then we can easily mask them with decor or artificial snow.

Now we glue the first stick to the stand. The second one is perpendicular to it, retreating 1-2 cm from the right edge, depending on the size of the house. The third is perpendicular to the second with a similar indent. The fourth is also exactly in relation to the third, and it turns out that with its side in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe indicated indent, it rests against the end of the first stick.

We put the next row on the contrary - shifting to the left on the same ledge. The result is a kind of checkerboard, in which, through one crown, the details of the bowl stick out in each plane, and where the wall goes, there is a solid canvas.

After the first or second row, it is advisable to organize the door in the chosen place. To do this, cut off the sticks of this wall before gluing to the border where it passes (it is convenient to apply immediately along the way, mark, cut off, and then glue). And we put the next one on this crown with an indent, the width of a door (we measure the size of this stick in the same way).

When the door ends, just start putting sticks on the entire length of the wall. We reach the windows - the operation is repeated. If desired, jumpers can be immediately built into the windows. To do this, where the horizontal ones will pass, we simply don’t cut it, as before, under the window border, but put a whole stick along the entire length of the wall. Then we will glue the vertical one separately when the window is ready.

After that, glue the sticks to the size of the door and window frame beautifully along the end of the openings.

Thus, we pass the walls to the top until the roof slope begins. There we simply glue each subsequent crown only on two opposite walls in a row, gradually reducing the length of the stick until it comes to naught. Now we make the roof: we glue the sticks of the same length together to get a little more length side of the triangle wall.

We take another of the same stick and on both sides, at an angle of slope, glue the sides of the roof to it. After that, it is worth assembling the door and fitting it, and then sticking the roof on the walls and decorating the house with the chosen method.

Bonus: Hansel and Gretel Gingerbread House

If you are too lazy to mess with pastries, but traditional Gingerbread house you still want to put it as a sweet decoration for the New Year's house (yes, and treats, of course!), you can easily and quickly assemble one from improvised sweets. For him, stock up:

  • several packages of sweet straws (preferably thick);
  • melted caramel (you can just boil sugar syrup);
  • melted white chocolate or protein cream;
  • New Year's edible mastic decor, homemade or purchased;
  • granulated sugar or coconut flakes;
  • colored sprinkles with large peas or sticks;
  • dish.

So, for starters, let's assemble the walls separately, dipping each stick in caramel, not forgetting to leave gaps for doors and windows. Here, as in the previous case, we will not fool around with laying logs according to the classic log house - we will simply glue them together with rectangles. Do not forget to make triangle descents under the roof vaults on two opposite walls.

Now, placing the walls perpendicular to each other, we glue them with caramel between each other. Similarly, we make two canvas-slopes from sticks for the roof and connect them at a right angle. We cover our house with a roof, smearing the joints with caramel. Separately, we assemble a door from vertical sticks and ajar - a little at an angle, glue it to the edge of the door.

If you want to make jumpers for windows, we proceed with them in the same way as in the previous case - we build horizontal ones right away, and vertical ones - when the window is ready, in front of the roof.

Now it remains to decorate our house thematically. To do this, put melted white chocolate or protein glaze into a confectionery syringe and cover the roof, mounds near the house - you can even make a snow-covered composition around with snowdrifts and a Christmas tree! And at the end we decorate everything with sprinkles, sprinkle with sugar and glue the same mastic decor on the caramel.

These are our wonderful craft houses for the New Year! And let them manage to create a truly festive mood in your own real home!


The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

The bizarre outlines of the branches involuntarily attract attention, and I want to capture this sophisticated beauty not only in memory or in a photograph, but also in real life. If desired, you can add an unusual decorative touch to the interior, making interesting compositions or creative products with utilitarian features. Crafts from tree branches is a great hobby that allows you to create beautiful decorative elements with your own hands without investing any financial costs. The interior of the house, decorated with this natural material, acquires a special sophistication, where everything is aimed at emphasizing its individuality. Before starting work, the blank for future crafts should be carefully prepared, taking into account individual characteristics wood.

Crafts from branches - procurement of material

For creative activity to decorate the selected room (this may be, as well as and even), well-dried branches will be required. They are easy to pick up during forest walks, as well as pick up in a square or park. You can independently dry the branches that remain after sanitary pruning.

Before work, dry the material thoroughly for further use:

Inspected for cracks;
Cleaned from dust and dirt;
Exfoliating places on the bark are polished.

To exclude the appearance of unwanted larvae in the house, it is necessary to carry out disinfection using a weak concentration of potassium permanganate solution known to many. Depending on the idea, the branches can be painted in the desired tone, covered with stain or varnish.

Decoration of various items

Having brought home a bouquet, you can quickly make a creative vase using branches. For this, any suitable jar is taken - tin, glass, and pieces of branches are cut into pieces with a length slightly exceeding the height of the container.

They are placed close to each other in a vertical direction on the outer surface of the jar and secured by tying it with a beautiful braid or ribbon. You can plant branches with glue. Flower pots are decorated in the same way.

To make this wonderful vase, in addition to the glass base, you will need: glue gun, dry willow or birch sticks, wire cutters.

  1. Harvested branches must be cleaned of bark. It is better to do this when the wood has not yet dried up, so it will be much easier to remove the bark;
  2. Next, using wire cutters, cut the bare branches into small pieces. Their size should be calculated based on the height of your workpiece;
  3. After the material dries, we glue each stick to the base in such a way that a kind of crate is obtained;
  4. It remains to give time for the glue to dry for 10-15 minutes. Congratulations, the branch vase is ready!

Crafts from branches will always find their worthy application in interior design of a house or apartment. Their shape and size can be completely different, because for their manufacture you can use various material. Products made from bark, chips, snags, cut logs or large branches, etc. will look good. It all depends on your imagination and personal preferences.

The branches installed inside will look no less original. glass jar continuous layer over the entire lateral plane. So that they do not crumble in an impromptu vase, the bouquet should be quite voluminous.

For the products described above, you will need fairly even trimmings from the lower ends of the branches. The upper thin stems will help create a delightful evening with flickering candles. To do this, they are simply placed in a glass container so that they rise above it, pour no more than half the volume of water and lower the floating candles.

Charming compositions from branches

Trunks crowned with a web of thin twigs, placed at the head of the bed in a niche cut through one side of the coffee table top, will help to bring an unusual accent to a room, for example, a bedroom. In the dining area or study, a high floor vase will look elegant, in which, along with the branches, there will be dried cereals.

Bizarrely curved branched thin tree trunks are placed in a vase and decorated with decorative elements matching the color of the interior. It can be sparkling stars or snowflakes on the eve of the New Year, bright valentines on the eve of the corresponding holiday of lovers, or just butterflies with fancy ornaments on the wings, birds, flowers, fruits, leaves from any material at hand.

Having strengthened graceful twigs on velvet fabric, in color in harmony with the general situation, and placing, after pasting on cardboard, the resulting composition in wooden frame, you can get an elegant interior decoration.

A beautiful branch can be supplemented with golden bows, Christmas balls or forest cones. This decoration will help good mood and evoke only positive emotions. In addition, New Year's decorations will create a festive atmosphere on the eve of the main winter celebration.

Branches in the interior: a step-by-step master class

Tall shrub trunks (willow is most often taken) will allow in an unusual way. For example, to separate the sofa corner from the rest of the space in the living room. Such a partition is made very simply:

  1. To do this, as a stand is taken wooden beam desired length. You can use absolutely any type of wood.
  2. In the beam, two rows of non-through holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern, in which prepared branches are fixed vertically to the glue. In length, they should be about a meter less than the height of the room. The step depends on how openwork the resulting screen should be.
  3. To make the product look stylish, it is varnished.

The current bedroom design ideas are endless - birch trunks in the interior are proof of this.

Trimmings of trunks with a diameter of 8-10 cm with outgoing from the side up under acute angle strong branches easily turn into hangers dear to the heart. They can be mounted on the wall in the hallway, creating a natural corner with a specific purpose. Among the designer finds, you can find birch trunks that play the role of cornices and even racks near the bed for attaching a canopy.

Complement the picture coffee table, the base of which is a bundle of branches fastened in a vertical direction into a stable cylinder, and the tabletop is durable glass of round or oval shape.

You can make an option that is unexpected in effect by fastening the branches in the shape of a cube and laying it on the floor on the side face. A plastic or glass square tabletop is placed on top.

Wall mirrors are often decorated with branches. They can be glued around the entire perimeter perpendicular to the frame or along it. There may be many options. Craftsmen easily make frames for photographs, children's drawings, reproductions of their favorite paintings from scraps of thin trunks.

A gracefully curved thick branch can become the basis table lamp. A branch with many branches, mounted on the wall near the mirror on the dressing table, will allow you to easily place all the jewelry.

Such work requires delicate female hands and special attention.

Creative inspiration is the main stimulus for a person who wants to create beautiful crafts from branches with your own hands.

In spacious hallways, one wall can be turned into a fairytale forest by installing trunks reaching the ceiling behind a high plinth with LED lighting installed near the floor. This is one of better ways give your interior a picturesque look. Both thin and thick branches of trees can be used as material.

Small products made from dried snags will look original. For variety, you can use tree bark and chips, combining everything later into a single composition.

We make decor from branches with our own hands

Crafts from branches are always distinguished by their originality and unique design. With the help of these uncomplicated sticks and twigs, you can create a beautiful author's decor on absolutely any subject. , paintings, wreaths, flower pots, bizarre animal figurines - this is just a small part of what can be created from this wonderful natural material.

  1. Making a wreath from branches is probably one of the easiest tasks that even a child can handle. Take thin willow rods and twist them together into a tight ring, then carefully tie them with copper wire. As an additional decoration for a wreath, you can use tree leaves, flowers, forest cones.
  2. You can revive an inconspicuous tree branch using ordinary snowflakes. Cut them out of paper, foil, or colored felt and hang them on each branch. Such compositions will look great in the house against the backdrop of a wall with beautiful wallpaper.
  3. If you still have broken light bulbs, they can also be used as decoration. From a soft wire, make a special mount with which you can hang them on a branch so that the light bulb base is at the top. Further, through a hole specially made in the base, the light bulb is half filled with water. It remains only to give our miniature an elegant look. To do this, the branch can be decorated with decorative braid, ribbons and bows.

Despite the fact that the process of creating some crafts is quite long and laborious, the result of the work done will be amazing.

Even the most ordinary painted twigs can be an excellent material for making funny crafts. For example, in interior design, unique products made of branches in the shape of a star will look very beautiful and fun. You can make them with your own hands on a regular table.

  1. Material preparation. For each craft, we need 5 sticks. It can be branches of any tree, as long as they are even and have the same length. The material should be dried and varnished in advance, so your products will last longer. We also need a thread, rope or thin ribbon. With their help, we will tie the ends of our sticks.
  2. Making a star Lay the sticks on the table so that they form a closed figure of a pentagonal star. Tie each formed corner with a thread or rope and decorate with satin ribbons. The resulting star can be hung on a Christmas tree or given to friends.

To create something unique for your interior, do not copy someone else's ideas, but try to do everything yourself. Feel the mood of your home, think about what exactly it lacks, what things and objects could highlight its own style. Write down everything that comes to your mind in a notebook - when creating an interior design, these thoughts may come in handy for you.

Pay attention to the little things. It is they who are in creative alliance with non-standard mi design solutions create an unsurpassed atmosphere and focus on a specific element of the interior.

The original floor lamp is a creative interior decoration

Crafts from branches are not only beautiful, but also profitable. The main advantage is that no funds are required for their manufacture, because the material itself is literally lying around under our feet. Moreover, all compositions can be created with your own hands, involving your children in this entertaining process.

Crafts from branches can be easily and quickly sold, because this is a unique decor, which is always in high demand. You can also earn extra money by teaching paid workshops on creating designer jewelry for beginners.

We really hope that this article was useful to you. Create, create, experiment and perhaps this interesting hobby will grow into your professional field of activity.

First you need to cut a lot of sticks that are square in cross section on a circular saw. Approximately 16mm thick. If there are six crowns in this house, then 24 sticks are needed. Our house is square in plan, which means the sticks are needed the same length. The length of the sticks must be chosen according to the length of the future walls of the house. Plus 2 inches.

Then you need to give the sticks a cylindrical shape. This is usually done on a special machine. We don’t have it, so we use a regular wood lathe.

The front and rear centers of the machine leave quite noticeable indentations when processing on a stick. Therefore, the ends of the sticks, where the recesses remained, must be cut off. A centimeter on one side and a centimeter on the other. And so you need to process all 24 sticks.
In this picture, the depressions are clearly visible.

Then two indentations are cut in each stick.

Then we smear these recesses with glue "Joiner" (quick-drying PVA). If necessary, then smear the entire length of the stick.

And we glue. Crown after crown.

Until we collect the whole log house. The “joiner” will need about 15 minutes to dry. Therefore, all this time the entire log house must be pressed from above. You can just use your hands. When everything is glued together, it should look like this.

Now we mark the slots for the door and windows.

And saw through with a jigsaw.

Before cutting out the windows, we drill a hole in the wall of the house. We will then insert a file into it. Sawing window and door openings will just show us whether we glued the sticks tightly or not.

Where necessary, cut with a knife.

As a result, we should get this.

Then we grind and trim the ends of the logs on a rotating plywood wheel with sandpaper.

We paint the house strong mortar manganese. Can only be outside.

When the manganese dries, wipe the house with sandpaper. So we have a stretch in color. Some places are highlighted, others remain dark.

The result should be like this. Here we have blanks for two houses at once.

Then we cut out two triangular pediments from fiberboard. The roof angle on most houses is 90 degrees. In the blank of the pediment, you need to make two semicircular cutouts for the sticks. They are made with a semicircular chisel.

Then birch bark is glued onto these blanks. And already an embossing is made on it, depicting boards and the structure of a tree. Embossing can be done with a very large needle. Then the embossed surface is painted with manganese, and the excess dye is erased with the 646th solvent. You need to rub hard. Firmly pressing a cloth moistened with solvent to the birch bark. It should turn out like this.

Then windows are cut out of birch bark according to the size of the openings. Double layers are better. Then they need to be glued together and glued into the openings.

But the windows and gables are already glued into place.

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