How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: jewelry from long traditions. DIY red thread bracelet: how to make a talisman How to make a red thread bracelet

In China and Japan, there is a myth that a red thread connects the destinies of lovers. True, the thread in this case is imaginary and tied on the ankles (in China) and little fingers (in Japan) of two people who are soon destined to be together.

According to legend, old man Yuelao controls the thread, he pulls the strings, and loving people meet. Some adherents of the myth of fateful threads actually tie threads as a sign of eternal love and devotion.

Red thread on right wrist

The ancient Slavs considered the color red to be a symbol of health and prosperity, so they tied a red woolen thread on the right wrist to attract good luck. The thread could not be re-gifted or removed even during hygiene procedures.

Weaved a thread on the growing moon. The ritual of tying the thread was trusted to the youngest girl from the family, who was supposed to be a virgin.

The thread must be woven from natural wool. Since the heart pulse can best be felt on the wrist, it was believed that wool was able to calm raging blood. Until now, some people suffering from hypertension use a bandage made of red wool thread to reduce blood pressure.

In Hindu temples, the red thread (called "moli") has a similar meaning. It is tied to unmarried parishioners at the exit from the temple, as a symbol that the girl has visited a holy place and is now pure before God and her future husband.

Red thread on left wrist

Many show business stars wear a red thread on their left wrist. An example was the singer Madonna - the Jewish esoteric religious movement of Kabbalah.

According to Kabbalistic theory, the left wrist is a kind of “entrance” for various energies, including negative ones. An amulet made of a red thread or cord tied with seven knots helps protect against bad energy and the evil eye.

Any red bandage will not work. Only the thread that was purchased in the Israeli city of Netivot or in Kabbalah centers is considered sacred. The amulet should be tied by a person who sincerely loves you: parents or spouse. During the ritual, the person to whom the thread is tied must recite the Ben Porat prayer.

To believe or not to believe is up to each person. However, Orthodox Christianity, for example, is categorically against any pagan amulets, recognizing the only protection for a believer to be the cross and God's grace.

Any ritual should not be approached thoughtlessly, paying tribute to fashion or the persuasion of friends. Only after receiving all the necessary and reliable information will you be able to decide whether you need it or not.

Probably everyone has noticed that modern people have a bracelet with a red thread on their hands. It is worn by famous people and just ordinary citizens. What is this connected with? Further in the article we will find out why people tie a red thread on their hand, what its significance is and how to make a bracelet from a red thread with your own hands.

Symbol and amulet

The most common belief regarding the red thread on the wrist is a protective amulet. This accessory has been worn for a very long time, but before it looked a little different. It was a lot of scraps of thread on the hands, which were painted red, and then a certain prayer was said over the bracelet so that it would protect against the evil eye.

In Europe, the tradition of wearing such jewelry appeared a long time ago and came here thanks to sailors. After all, as you know, they traveled a lot, visited different countries, communicated with different people. And the healers told them that a red thread tied on the wrist could protect against the evil eye and bad words. It was then that belief in the power of such talismans arose.

Symbols on the wish bracelet

A bracelet with a red thread has one main task that it must fulfill - to give its wearer protection from everything negative that may come across on his life's path. This is protection from envious and evil glances, as well as a real amulet from everything bad that can happen on the path of life.

Those who adhere to the teachings of Kabbalah are confident that such a red thread will not only protect against evil words and people, but can also guide a person on the right path, tell him what and when he should do. Some even believe that such a bracelet can influence a person’s mind, his thoughts, feelings, mood and life attitudes.

Multi-colored threads

You can meet people who combine this color with others when weaving a red thread bracelet. This can be found mainly among Slavic peoples. According to Slavic legends, a red thread tied on the wrist is one of the easiest ways to attract good luck, love and financial well-being. But if people were unable to get what they wanted with the help of a red thread, then they resorted to using threads and other colors, complementing their accessory with them. Please note that each color has its own separate meaning, and it is worth remembering this when adding to the amulet.

For example, burgundy color helps a person socialize in society, get the right people into his environment, make friends with them, and build the necessary relationships. As for love relationships, the pink thread will come to the rescue. It will provide the wearer with strong love relationships and will remove jealousy, unnecessary quarrels and mistrust from them. If someone strives to achieve harmony with themselves, then it is necessary to connect the red thread with the orange one, which symbolizes the sun. If you are a creative person, then the red thread can be intertwined with the yellow one, which, according to many, will help achieve unprecedented success in this direction, but the green thread calms down and relieves a person of all negative thoughts and emotions.

As you can see, if the red thread cannot cope with all your life problems, then you can safely weave other colors to help it.

White color

White color is traditionally associated with purity and innocence. In combination with red, it will help you cleanse yourself of everything negative, tune into a positive mood, and fill you with the necessary energy. Women should note that all such amulets should be removed during menstruation. The ancients claim that these days a woman gets rid of bad blood, and similar threads and other amulets interfere with this process.


So, we found out what the Red Thread bracelet means and what its effect is. Now let's look at the varieties of this accessory. Today, the red thread on the wrist is gaining more and more popularity. Almost every second person has such a talisman on his hand. It is complemented not only with threads of other colors, but also with various amulets, pendants and other little things. This does not in any way enhance the effect of the thread, but it does not reduce its importance either.

Threads with stones and beads suspended from them are quite common. Many believe that this enhances the effect of the amulet. It is also quite common to attach a pendant in the shape of a four-leaf clover to a thread. It's no secret that this is one of the most powerful symbols of good luck. There are pendants in the form of three coins, which are believed to bring good luck in the financial sphere. It is customary to use Chinese coins in this case.

How to weave a bracelet from red thread

The main condition for making such an amulet is a red wool thread. It must be made from natural wool, and no other materials are accepted. This is due to the fact that wool has a positive effect on blood circulation in the body. It is because of this that a red thread tied on the wrist will help relieve inflammation present in the body, accelerate the healing of any wounds that are on the body, and will also help with a problem that occurs quite often, such as sprains.

And there is no magic in all this. Rather, it is the power of the wool itself, which has a positive effect on the human body when in contact with it.

Next, you should take care of your thoughts. Because if you want to make a really good and effective amulet, during manufacturing all your thoughts should be directed precisely at this. Put all your desires into this amulet, think only about good things at this time, imagine your desired future in the smallest detail. You can even say a prayer before starting work.

As for weaving the thread, you can do it yourself, or you can entrust this process to the person who truly loves you and wants only the best. This is additional protection for you. The prepared threads must be woven into a braid, the kind that girls usually braid on their heads. Next, the finished braid is tied around the wrist with seven knots. Believers read prayers at this moment; some entrust tying knots to their family and friends. This person should also think positive and wish you the best sincerely.

How to wear

Opinions sometimes differ regarding which hand to wear the red thread amulet on.

The main thing to remember is that you should not tie the thread yourself, no matter where you intend to wear it. The level of protection will be maximum only if the knots are tied by a person who loves you.

The thread must be tied carefully, without squeezing the veins or causing discomfort. There is such a belief as Kabbalah, and its fans claim that such a thread can only be worn on the left hand and nowhere else. They associate this with the fact that everything negative enters the human body through this hand, which means it needs protection. But the right hand, according to them, gives the body all the positive energy.

If you don’t want to wear the red thread anymore, or it’s broken and you’ve prepared a new one for yourself, then you can’t just throw away the old one or put it on a shelf. It definitely needs to be burned, and not just in a stove or on a fire, but in a candle fire.

Nowadays the red thread bracelet is very popular. How to make it yourself? Having learned this, very soon you will be able to give a master class to your friends. Protective bracelets are not only simple, but also beautiful. Fulfilling their direct task, they will serve as decoration for the hand.

The simplest form of amulet is a single red thread, firmly tied on the wrist of the left hand, and charmed in a special way.

One woman, when she turned 60, tied a red woolen thread around her wrist. To her grandson’s question: “Why?”, she replied that a bone in her hand hurt, and the thread relieved the pain. Many elderly people talk about the healing power of the thread; they wear it without attaching any sacred meaning. Some people think that it lowers blood pressure, while others think it helps with headaches. It is possible that this is self-hypnosis, but perhaps not.

Red (beautiful) thread was used when embroidering protective patterns on the clothes of the Slavs, red is the color of blood, it was a symbol of the clan that was supposed to protect its descendant, girls wove it into their braids.

Many believe that the thread on the wrist is a Kabbalistic sign. So be it, if one likes the medieval Jewish teaching on mysticism. Charms and amulets are created by:

  • from the evil eye;
  • to attract good luck, wealth, love;
  • to maintain health;
  • in the treatment of illness.

The simplest form of amulet is a single red thread, firmly tied on the wrist of the left hand and enchanted in a special way. A more complex one is Slavic nauz (knots) or a woven bracelet made of multi-colored threads, into which red is woven. Good luck talismans are tied on the right hand.

A red thread bracelet can perform many tasks, but it works more powerfully if there is only one purpose. It can be spoken for constant good luck in a specific matter, for luck in one thing, against diseases, etc. It is better to do this on your own, at home.

For good luck

You can and should make a good luck amulet with your own hands. Having bought a ball of woolen thread, they keep their intentions secret. No one needs to know what you are going to do. The threads must be strong enough so that the amulet does not break on the first day.

The length of the thread is measured according to the thickness of the wrist, but with a small allowance. It is permissible to use beads at the ends of the thread; the knots will not untie with them. The bracelet is tied with three knots. Before tying the first knot, read the plot:

“Luck is with me, but trouble is behind me. It will be as I want, God will not forget me. Key. Lock. Language".

The words are repeated three times before tying each knot. The ritual is best performed in the evening, on the waxing moon. Men - on men's days, women - on women's days, except Sundays. Can be worn on any hand.

Red thread was used to embroider protective patterns on Slavic clothing; red is the color of blood and was a symbol of the family

To attract love

The amulet requires two red threads. One of them symbolizes the chosen one, the second - the owner. The threads are twisted together, braiding one of them, and then the required length is measured (when twisted, they decrease in size). Decorations cannot be woven in.

The ceremony is carried out in the evening or at midnight, preferably on the full moon or on the waxing moon, by candlelight. The threads speak in the process of weaving:

“I twist and weave two destinies, I want to attract the heart of a slave (name of the chosen one). I call on the heavenly powers, I firmly unite the destinies of the slave (name of the chosen one) and the slave (my name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

The bracelet is tied on the left hand with a strong double knot, the ends are scorched in the fire of a candle.


Another interesting option is knitting. You can knit the bracelet yourself. It is suitable for those who know how to crochet. The pattern is very simple - you need to knit a chain of the required size and knit another row to make a cord. While knitting, read the spell, repeating the words until the end of the work:

“I knit love, I knit, I tie the heart of the slave (name of the chosen one) to myself. My word is strong, no one will interrupt it, the thread of love will not break. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A red thread is used; how to make a bracelet beautiful is not discussed. There should be no decorations. The cord is tied with a strong knot at the wrist. This amulet will not break.

Attracting wealth

Red thread amulet can be used to attract wealth

To improve your financial situation, you can weave a bracelet with your own hands. To create it you will need 2 red threads from a new ball. The threads are folded so that there are 4 ends. They will symbolize the 4 elements. The threads need to be beautifully braided.

Weaving can be arbitrary, but neat. While working, read the plot:

“Whatever I wish, I get everything. Amen".

The bracelet is tied on the right hand, threading the ends of the threads into the beginning of the weaving. You can use a red satin ribbon - cut it halfway into 4 parts and braid it. The ends of the tape are melted on a candle.

Amulet from the evil eye

Mom can make a talisman herself that will protect the baby from the evil eye. The principle is the same as when making a talisman for good luck, but the plot is read differently:

“Hear, Lord, my maternal prayer. I say a strong conspiracy, I turn to You, I ask You to protect the servant of God (child’s name). Lord, do not let anything unclean come near the baby (child’s name), save him from illness, drive away his enemies, take away his fears and grievances. May he be strong and healthy. Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The amulet is tied on the child’s left arm with seven knots. Mother's prayer for children is considered the most powerful. If the thread breaks or gets lost, it means that it has undergone an energetic attack and has completed its task. In this case, a new amulet is made.

If an adult needs protection, then you need to use an appeal to your guardian angel:

“I turn to you with my prayer, the holy Angel of Christ who brings me good. You are also a hasty servant of the Almighty Creator, who reigns over all living things and all undead. By the will of the Almighty, deliver me, feeble and weak, from various misfortunes in the form of unclean beasts and other undead. Let neither the goblin, nor the bushweed, nor the brownie, nor other evil spirits destroy my body and touch my soul. Holy Angel, I pray to you for protection from evil spirits and all of their minions. Save and preserve according to the will of the Almighty. Amen".

The amulet will operate, providing protection, provided that the person is baptized.

To return negative

This amulet is used extremely rarely. It is designed to protect against intentional magical influence and is capable of returning negativity to the sender. To implement it, you need a red woolen thread, which is wrapped in coils around the wrist of your left hand and tightly tied in a knot. There should be 7 turns. For reliability and better memorization of information, the threads are dipped into holy water, and then the plot is read:

“Evil devils, fierce evil spirits, barefoot demons and the dashing devil, run away from my house, away from the walls and corners, away from the floor and the roof. Here you will find no place, no honor, no peace, but only illness, pain, hardship and suffering. Go to your home, to the bald mountain, to a demonic place, into a dark pool, into the deep earth and into a black cave. Honest people, don’t touch me, don’t maim me, don’t maim me. Huddle in your place and live, but don’t even think about my place. The rain sheds drops, the evil enemy disappears forever. The snow falls white, the evil evil falls asleep. My work is strong, my word is molded. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

The amulet is valid for 7 days, after which it must be cut with scissors and thrown away. If necessary, make a new one, repeating the spell. The ritual is performed during the waxing moon or on the full moon. The amulet not only protects its owner - it returns negativity back.

The ritual of the thread conspiracy is carried out on the waxing moon

For all occasions

The amulet is intended for adults. You can make it for yourself or for a loved one. On a woolen thread, measuring an equal distance, tie 9 knots. They should fit on the length required for the bracelet. For each of them, a conspiracy is read in a whisper:

“A talisman, a talisman, protect from inevitable misfortune, creeping ailments, the enemy under the fence, the rebellious demon. become a strong wall around, a high mountain. Lock yourself with nine locks, nine keys. My word is strong, no one can break it. As he said, so it became.”

The conspiracy is universal; its direct protective effect is limited to only a week. It can be repeated if desired. The amulet is worn on the wrist of the left hand. The plot is read at night, on the full moon.

From damage and the evil eye

This is a very powerful spell used by fortune tellers and magicians. They, like no one else, are constantly subjected to energy attacks. A ritual and conspiracy on the red thread will help to neutralize someone else's magic. The amulet is valid for three months, after which you can make a new one.

The red thread amulet is used to protect against the evil eye, to attract good luck, wealth, love, and to preserve health

The ritual is performed on the 13th lunar day. To do this, close the windows and doors and light three wax candles. You cannot use a lighter - only matches. The required length is cut from a new ball of woolen thread and, holding it in the fist of the right hand, it is passed over the flame of each burning candle three times. Movements should be circular, clockwise. A conspiracy is read over each candle:

“Just as you are sanctified by fire, so am I protected from the evil eye and damage. I must not become a victim of the unclean, I must not fall from an evil word. Amen".

It is necessary to tie three knots on the charmed thread - one in the middle and two at the edges. This is the rule on how to properly make a red thread amulet with your own hands. It is then tied to the left arm. Use a confident tone when pronouncing words. This is an order, not a request.

Another amulet against damage and the evil eye that you can make yourself. For this you will need:

  • Holy water;
  • church candle;
  • red wool thread.

At the beginning of the ritual, you should light a candle and read the “Our Father” prayer. After this, lower the thread into holy water and read the plot:

“Bound with threads, tied with blood, my soul will be my protection, and my thoughts will become actions. I will tie myself with this thread and disappear from evil eyes. I should not be a victim of someone else's evil. Let it be so. Amen".

Remove the thread and tie three knots. An ordinary pin will help to strengthen the plot; it must be threaded through the thread while closed. Prayer is used to create an energy field. This does not mean that the church approves of conspiracies. Wear on the left wrist.

People who use spells, amulets and amulets must understand that prayers are not a direct appeal to God. The rituals contradict all church canons. This is magic that lives by its own laws. Conspiracies use the energy of the word, not the word itself. Any ritual is basically a person’s willpower, his personal desire. The stronger the will, the more successful the conspiracy.

If the ritual does not work, then the reason is in the person, and not in the conspiracy. Once you learn how to use spells, you can create them yourself. However, not everyone experiences a special state when performing the ritual, but the one who feels it becomes a magician.


The red thread on the wrist has been used as a talisman since ancient times. Some people believe that such a thread is a mystical talisman. Others, on the contrary, think that the red woolen thread on the wrist is a folk medicine that helps, for example, with joint pain or normalizes blood pressure. So where is the truth? It is important not only what meaning the owner puts into the red woolen thread, but also how the amulet was made and how it was charged.

The protective red thread has been used by different peoples for a long time, and the magical meaning was invested in this symbol in each case.


In Kaballah, it is believed that a red woolen thread as a bracelet on the wrist protects its owner from damage and the evil eye of unkind people. In addition, such an amulet protects the owner from selfish impulses and all sorts of material temptations. In order for the amulet to work, the material for it must be purchased.

According to the teachings of Kaballah, the material for the amulet must be purchased


In the process of making an amulet, beads or other figures with images of Buddha, Shambhala, etc. are woven into the threads. After creating such a talisman, it is taken to a datsan (Buddhist temple) for consecration. Buddhists believe that the left side of the body takes energy from the environment, and the right side releases it into the world. Therefore, red amulets for protection should be worn on the left hand.

The Slavs used red threads in protective embroidery and in making amulets

Video: why do you need a red thread amulet on your wrist?

How to make it yourself

To make a protective bracelet, you need to take only natural materials. Artificial ones do not contain the necessary energy. Red wool is used for the ritual. A new thread is taken so that there is no accumulation of negativity in it from the previous time of use. If there is no new one, then the old thread is soaked in a saline solution, washed, dried, and then used.

Salt is a good way to cleanse negative energy.

The procedure for making an amulet is simple:

  • Take the yarn in your hands.
  • Say the following words seven times: “A ball is rolling among seven roads. It avoids troubles and leads to happiness. I'll tear it away from that ball a little. I will make a bracelet against the worst troubles. Let him protect, ward off trouble. Amen!"
  • After completing the ritual, the yarn is wound back into a ball, and as soon as the first knot is encountered, it breaks off.
  • The amulet is made from this magical thread.

The ritual is best performed at night during the full moon.

How to tie a talisman thread

This important task can only be entrusted to a person who treats you very well (mother, grandmother, grandfather). When tying, 7 knots are made and special words are said for each one.

With my love I protect you (name) from all misfortunes, from troubles and misfortunes! Amen!

It is very important to trust the process of tying a protective thread to those people who love you

How to wear a protective wool thread correctly

The security thread should be worn very carefully and protected from damage for as long as possible. After all, handmade bracelets are not very durable. A red woolen thread is put on the wrist, because in this area there is a source of human strength and energy - his pulse.

Amulet bracelets made of red thread are usually worn on the left hand. According to religious beliefs, negativity and suffering come to a person through his left side, so a barrier is created for them with the help of a talisman. In addition, a red thread worn on the wrist can help its owner in love affairs, creativity, give inspiration, and promote development.

How to cleanse negative energy

If a person is exposed to negative energy, the protective thread may break or even get lost. It's not scary. In this case, you can make the amulet again:

  • Perform a ritual to cleanse your energy, for example, with salt or a chicken egg.
  • Take your red thread (or a new one if the old one is lost) and read the plot.
  • Such protection on the wrist does not work forever, but only for a while. Periodically you have to repeat the procedure.

    Features of using red thread on the wrist

    When using a protective red thread for different occasions, there are specific features.

    For newborn babies

    For newborn children, they make amulets against the evil eye and damage. Take red and blue wool threads. The best option is to pull the child out of the parents' clothes. The red thread is from the mother, and the blue thread is from the father. After this, weave the two threads together and tie it on the left arm or leg of the newborn baby. Tie lightly so as not to injure the baby's delicate skin. This is a very strong amulet, as the child receives protective symbols from his mother and father.

    The energy of the amulet will increase many times over if it is tied by someone who loves the child and is a close relative - a mother or grandmother.

    For pregnant women

    You need to say the following words on a protective red wool thread.

    I go to bed, I’m not afraid of anything, Jesus Christ is at the door, the Mother of God is at my feet, archangels are on my sides, angels are above my head.

    This spell can be used not only by pregnant women, but also by those people who have difficulty falling asleep.

    Red wool thread will help pregnant women sleep better

    Protective red thread for the home

    According to Slavic legend, you can protect your home and livestock from diseases and other troubles by tying a red wool thread to a gate or fence.

    A red woolen thread is tied to a fence or gate to protect a house.

    What other amulets bracelets exist?

    Since protective bracelets are charged with energy, they should be made only from natural materials:

  • fabrics,
  • threads,
  • glass,
  • metal,
  • bones,
  • stones
  • Bracelets made of threads of different colors

    The magical properties of the amulet depend on the color of the thread from which it is made.

    Thread bracelets of different colors have become very popular lately.

    Yellow and orange bracelets

    Just like red thread bracelets, they are used to protect their owner from damage and the evil eye. In addition, yellow and orange colors neutralize the effects of energy vampires.

    Green thread brings good luck in money matters

    Blue and light blue threads

    Bracelets of these colors, when worn on the hand, help sharpen intuition and improve communication skills. This amulet will be especially useful for those people who have problems communicating with others.

    A blue protective bracelet helps you find a common language with other people

    Purple thread

    This amulet protects its owner from accidents, catastrophes and accidents. Helps in situations of danger, to overcome difficulties.

    Purple security thread helps overcome difficulties when moving towards a goal

    When creating such amulets, the thread is tied with 7 knots. You cannot do this yourself. Entrust the process of tying knots to a person who truly loves you and wants only the best for you. While tying the thread on your wrist, mentally make a promise to yourself and the Universe to live, observing the laws of the spiritual world:

  • swear less
  • think positively
  • help those who need your help,
  • do good.
  • Shambhala bracelets

    Such amulets are especially popular in Eastern countries. According to Tibetan philosophy, they give a person a feeling of harmony with the world around him and himself. Especially useful in difficult life situations and shocks. The Shambhala bracelet is easy to make with your own hands:

    Bracelets made of stones

    Amulets made from stones are woven very simply. The main point is to choose the right stone. Usually they use those that suit a person’s zodiac sign. The stones are strung on a thread and thus collected into a bracelet. You can hang an interesting pendant on the product, or alternate stones with knots for beauty.

    Stones for making a bracelet are selected taking into account the zodiac sign

    Leather bracelets

    Currently, ethnic items are beginning to gain more popularity. Leather amulets bracelets date back to ancient times, when men went hunting and made talismans for themselves from the skin of the animals they caught. Such a bracelet can be intertwined, with a pattern applied to it. The product can also be decorated with metal figures.

    Leather bracelets are often woven

    I have long heard that the red thread helps get rid of the evil eye and helps with many diseases, which is why it can often be seen on the wrist of many stars, both domestic and foreign. I looked for it for a long time to purchase until I found it on the official website. You need to tie a red woolen thread on your left hand. This helps rid our body of negative influences and people’s envy, thereby protecting us from the evil eye and diseases. Before tying the thread, you need to make 7 knots, why I don’t know this number myself. You can tie it yourself or ask a loved one to do it. I have been wearing the red thread without taking it off for several months now. I feel her protection. She really helps.

    (Djuliya) Julia

    I've been drooling over the Shambhala bracelets for a long time, which were at the height of fashion last year. Almost all Hollywood stars have a photo with such a bracelet on their hand and I decided that I would have the same one! In principle, I didn’t particularly like the Shambhala beads, which are plastic with rhinestones, and I decided to make an amulet from a real stone that matched the horoscope. I am a Sagittarius by horoscope and of all the options I liked blue quartz. There are a lot of descriptions of creating bracelets on the Internet, so there were no difficulties. The first time, of course, I managed to weave it in a couple of hours, because I was afraid of getting tangled while I learned how to seal the sections of the cord... But I’m happy with the result, I can’t help but be pleased with the eyes! I believe that the bracelet will protect me from negativity and the evil eye.


    Red wool thread is a strong protective talisman. The main thing to remember is that the amulet has a two-way effect on the owner. On the one hand, it provides protection from outside negativity, and on the other hand, it helps to more easily cope with one’s own bad thoughts and intentions. Harmonize yourself more often with the positive energy of the amulet and troubles will bypass you. Good luck!

    Red thread amulet has recently become very widespread. At the same time, some people believe that this is a magical talisman - after all, for example, the singer Madonna has been wearing the same one on her hand for several years now, having openly announced that she is a follower of Kabbalah. And after her, other famous people were seen wearing a red thread on their left wrist.

    Many, on the contrary, do not attach any mystical meaning to the thread on the hand, simply believing that wearing a woolen thread amulet on the wrist is one of the elements of “traditional medicine” so that, for example, “the pressure does not jump” or the joints do not hurt. Both of them can be right or wrong. How so?

    The point is not only what meaning the owner puts into the red thread amulet, but also how it was made, what energy it was charged with during the creation process. If you simply tie a thread bracelet on your hand - of any color - it will be nothing more than a very unique decoration. Meanwhile, red amulets made of threads were worn by a variety of peoples at different times and gave them different magical meanings.

    Kabbalah. Followers of this teaching firmly believe that a bracelet made of red thread on the left hand creates protection for its owner from the evil eye. In addition, the talisman must protect a person from acquisitive impulses and material temptations of the outside world. In order to make a correct, working amulet, the followers of the teaching believe, you must buy the material for it: if you want to get something, then you need to “pay off” for it.

    Buddhism. Wearing a red woolen thread on the wrist is also practiced by followers of this religious teaching. When making a protective bracelet, figurines (images of Buddha or Shambhala) are woven into the threads, and the finished amulet must be consecrated in a datsan - a Buddhist temple. Buddhists wear red amulets on their left hand, because they believe that the left half of the body takes energy from the surrounding world, and the right half gives a person’s energy to the world.

    Hinduism. Followers of this religious teaching call the red thread talisman on the hand Moli. Unlike Buddhists, among Hindus only women wear a red thread amulet on their left hand, men wear it on their right. A red thread bracelet is considered a sign of patronage and protection from higher powers and the fact that a person completely entrusts his destiny to these forces.

    Slavic tradition

    Rus' had its own secrets of wearing a red thread amulet on the wrist in pre-Christian times. It was believed that red threads could protect the person wearing them from the “evil eye,” illness and accident. Even in traditional protective embroidery on towels (towels) and shirts, mostly red threads were used, and the embroiderers spoke special protective spells into the knots while working.

    An amulet made of threads, which was worn on oneself, also had to have enchanted knots; additional amulets were also woven into the talisman - metal, fabric, from roots and medicinal herbs. Such amulets were called “nauzy” (from the word “knot”) and, depending on their significance and size, they were worn on the neck or on the arm. On the wrist they wore a simple thread bracelet with one knot, charmed either for good luck, or for love, or for health: one bracelet - one knot - one wish.

    Most often, in the Slavic tradition, an amulet made of red wool or silk thread was tied on the hand of the sick, saying the knot for health. It was believed that a woolen talisman could help speedy recovery from many diseases.

    Today, scientists have found confirmation of ancient beliefs: wool not treated with chemicals contains lanolin on its surface, which, when in contact with the skin and penetrating into it, can activate blood circulation and promote faster healing, for example, muscle strains. The Slavs even had a legend that you could protect your home and livestock from all sorts of illnesses by tying a red woolen thread onto a fence or gate.

    The red color, which was chosen for the amulet on the wrist, has always been associated with feelings of love. Therefore, an amulet made of a thread with a knot could also become a protector in love, an assistant in preserving relationships. Moreover, in Rus' such an amulet was worn on the left hand by unmarried girls, but married women wore it on the right hand.

    The Slavs also made more complex amulets with their own hands, not with one, but, for example, with seven knots. It was believed that the more complex the knot, the stronger the protection. But a bracelet with simple knots can also provide good protection if done correctly.

    Nodules for luck

    Today on the Internet you can find many offers to buy a red thread talisman for yourself. But all nations believed that a real amulet could be made and “charged” only for a specific person. Therefore, it is better to make a real amulet for yourself with your own hands, and not just a decoration.

    How to properly make a talisman from a red thread with your own hands? You need to buy a ball of red woolen thread - such that it will not break when tying knots. You cannot show the ball to anyone, you cannot share with anyone that you want to make a talisman for yourself.

    You can dedicate only one person to your plans who can help you - after all, it’s not very convenient to tie a thread in your own hand. It is important that this is a blood relative who treats you with love and friendliness.

    You need to decide why exactly you will “charge” the amulet you made with your own hands. To speak the knots, you need a certain prayer. If the amulet bracelet is for protection, you need to choose a protective prayer that is closest to you, and if you want a speedy recovery, then you need a prayer for health.

    You need to start making a talisman with your own hands at midnight, alone or with an assistant. Before making a talisman, you can soak a red woolen thread in holy water and light church candles, but this is not a prerequisite. The red thread must be tied on the wrist with seven knots, and the chosen prayer must be recited for each knot. If you make a talisman with your own hands, it is not forbidden to weave additional symbols into it that will enhance the effect of the amulet.

    Red threads on the wrist are traditionally worn to attract and preserve love and health, as well as to protect against the envy of enemies (from the “evil eye”). You can make a talisman with your own hands for other purposes, but in different colors:

    • Green - so that “money goes into your hands”; to protect against theft.
    • Purple - from an accident.
    • Blue (cyan) - to improve oratory abilities.
    • White - to strengthen memory and facilitate the learning process.

    If you need protection from several factors at once, you can make a multi-colored amulet. The maximum allowed number of colors is three. After tying the knots, the “tails” of the thread must be cut off and burned, and the ball should not be used for any other purpose: recite a prayer on it and hide it in a secluded place.

    Don’t be afraid if the amulet on your hand suddenly breaks: it is believed that it took the blow and warded off misfortune from you. You can take a ball out of a secluded place and make a new one. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

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