Tips for laying paving slabs. How to properly lay paving slabs

It is advisable to lay paving slabs - a modern analogue of paving stones - on sand only if the paths are made in the courtyard of a private house or cottage, because this technology is designed for objects with low loads.

Tiles look much more attractive than concrete or asphalt. A variety of forms and the ability to paint this building material in different colors allow you to create surfaces that not only organically fit into the design of any site, but also serve as its decoration.

How to properly lay paving slabs on sand and what kind of laying material will you need? We will answer these and many other questions in our article.

First of all, let's see if it is possible to lay paving slabs on sand and how expedient it is.

Per short term paths made of modern paving stones laid on sand have gained great popularity. Here are the main points that give this technology an advantage:

  • a sand cushion provides effective drainage - during rain, moisture goes into the seams between the paving stones, so there are no puddles on such paths;
  • since the surface of the track and its internal structure are not monoliths, when the soil moves, it does not crack due to the fact that its elements are movable relative to each other
  • since the paving stones are not attached to the base, the path is very easy to maintain - a deformed slab can be easily removed and replaced (provided that there is a product of the same shape and size in stock).

Such structures are also not without drawbacks:

  • if high-quality drainage is not provided, water drains poorly and accumulates, over time, a structure with a sand base can collapse, because water can wash anything;
  • the surface does not tolerate exceeding the permissible loads - if you drive along the footpath in a car, the result can be very deplorable;
  • garden owners often complain that ants drag sand from under the paving stones in significant quantities.

Consumables and tools

Before laying paving slabs on the sand, you need to collect the necessary equipment. To avoid downtime and all work was done easily and efficiently, in advance You will need to stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • pegs and a strong cord for marking the boundaries of a track or platform;
  • building level;
  • tamper (automatic or manual);
  • Master OK;
  • rubber mallet;
  • plastic crosses or thin wooden wedges;
  • irrigation hose with shower head or watering can;
  • broom;
  • rake;
  • sand of different fractions;
  • cement M500.

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Calculation of the amount of materials

Calculations begin with measuring the perimeters of future tracks and calculating their surface area. If curly elements are provided that are located around flower beds and other objects on the site, they must be divided into simple parts and the surface area should also be calculated.

All subsequent calculations are made on the basis of the resulting figures, which are converted into meters.

  • The amount of curb stone is the length of all perimeters minus the length of the junction of the surface close to the foundation of the building and other structures. In this part, the foundation itself will be the curb.
  • The area of ​​the required paving slab is the area of ​​all planned sites and paths plus 5% for undercuts. But this percentage can only be used by applying simple circuits laying and hoping that all delivered paving stones will be intact. In addition, in the process of work, unaccounted moments may appear that increase its consumption. Taking into account such nuances, 10% should be added to the calculated area. Such a volume will not lead to excessive overpayment, but the purchased plates will definitely be enough and there will be a little left in case of repairs in the future.
  • How much sand is needed for laying paving slabs? The components of the sand cushion are calculated taking into account the estimated thickness of the sand under the paving slabs. For example, to calculate the volume of crushed stone that will be laid in a layer of 5 cm, we multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball paths and platforms by 0.05 (this is 5 cm converted into meters). The resulting value will indicate how many cubic meters of crushed stone should be purchased. In the same way, the amount of sand is calculated.

The volume of waste when laying paving stones strongly depends on the laying pattern (with a diagonal method, the amount of waste increases) and the size of the laid out surface (the wider it is, the less it is).

Preparation for work

Training working area- an important stage. A high-quality foundation is the key to the success of all other work, so first you need to carry out soil preparation work:

  1. Remove the top layer and make a trench in the soil 20 cm deep. This indicator is conditional - universal solutions no and will not. The depth of the trench depends on many characteristics: the composition of the soil and the depth of freezing, the level ground water, terrain. For hard ground, 20 cm is enough; for loose soils, increase the depth. The average for paths is 20 cm, and for a car platform or passage, the trench needs to be deepened by another 7–10 cm.
  2. Carefully remove the roots of grass and plants from the bottom of the trench Wet, stones, earth from a watering can or hose and walk on it with a rammer, which will help to avoid subsidence of the soil in the future.
  3. Lay out the bottom of the trench with geotextile or agrofabric. They will not retain water, but they will not allow the roots and seeds remaining in the soil to germinate and spoil the path. In addition, geotextiles will prevent the interpenetration of mainland soil and sand.

Step-by-step instruction

All subsequent work consists of several stages, each of which should be carried out with the utmost care, because the quality and durability of the structure depends on it. Even if it was decided to save money on the stove, this should not be done on laying.

A high-quality base will not sag or deform, it will pass moisture well and withstand the expected loads.

Installation of curbs

Curbs are limiters that prevent the future sidewalk from moving apart. To install them, grooves are dug along the prepared trench, the bottom of which is reinforced with rubble.

The voids in the rubble are filled with sand. Curbs are placed on the rubble according to the level and fixed with a cement-sand mortar. It is not necessary to fill all the borders with a ready-made solution at once- each is reinforced with a concrete lock individually.

Upon completion of work, the height of the curbs to ensure good drainage should be flush with or 10-20 mm below the top edge of the pavers. The height, first of all, is regulated by the depth of the dug grooves. It takes about a day for concrete castles to dry., then the grooves with curbs are covered with soil until general level the bottom of the trench.

A gutter is laid along the inside of one of the curbs, towards which the path will need to be sloped.

Creating a pillow

Coarse fraction is poured onto the geotextile sand layer 5 cm. Its surface is leveled with a rake and abundantly wetted with water. Before the next stage of work in cloudy weather, you need to wait a day, in sunny weather, 2-4 hours are enough.

Then the surface is leveled with a profile or pipe and a layer of rubble 10 cm thick is poured on it. The rubble is rammed. It is impossible to lay crushed stone immediately on geotextiles in order to avoid damage to the latter.

Another 5 cm of sand is poured over the rubble, which is distributed so as to fill all the voids. This layer is needed for crushed stone wedging and bringing the base "to zero". The surface is again rammed, spilled with water (as a result of which the sand will partially go into the gaps between the gravel) and leveled.

The result is a perfectly flat pillow, on which the plates are to be laid.

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DIY laying technique

So how to lay paving slabs on sand?

In order not to stomp on the packed sand, products are stacked away from you. The master, being on an already laid out surface, lays the paving stones in front of him, slightly pressing into the sandy base, and moves forward along it.

A gap of 1-2 mm is left between the plates. For convenience, use matches, thin wooden pegs or crosses for ceramic products. Some manufacturers produce products immediately with limiters on the sides, which allow you to maintain the required distance.

The horizontality of each row is checked by the building level, with the help of a rubber mallet, sand and a trowel, the surface is adjusted:

  • if the slab protrudes above the rest, you can deepen it by tapping it with a mallet or removing a layer of sand under it;
  • if the slab is deeper than the rest, it should be raised and the cushion layer increased.

Paving stones may need to be cut. To do this, it is applied to the right place in the track, a mark is made and only then the excess part is cut off.

A “grinder” is used to cut the tile, but if the tile is completely cut through with it, cracks may appear in the future. Therefore, the “grinder” only makes an incision, and then the product is carefully split.

Seam sealing

To prevent the tiles from moving relative to each other, they are fixed by sprinkling the surface with sand in such a way that all gaps are filled. The sand is distributed evenly with a brush or broom, and then the surface is spilled with water - this will compact the backfill. The procedure may have to be repeated 2-3 times, and then carried out after heavy rainfall.

Sometimes the gaps are sealed with a mixture of sand and cement, which is then spilled with water so that the cement "grabs" and the tiles are better adhered to each other.

But such a technique impairs the penetration of moisture into the drainage., and therefore it is not advisable to use it in private areas and paths with low traffic.

Important nuances, error prevention measures

The quality of work is affected by the shape and size of the tile. If you have to make frames around objects already located on the ground or the paths are winding, paving stones will do. small size, and when using large tiles, there will be too much waste.

Ideally, you should choose a material that provides elements for creating roundings. For a platform for a car, the paving stones should be wide and thick (at least 6 cm), then the wheels will not push through the coating. The thickness of the sand cushion is at least 30 cm.

Since the technology of laying paving slabs on sand involves the use of water as one of the sealing agents, work is best done only in the warm or hot season when wetted building materials dry quickly. During the rain, work is stopped, as it violates the production technology.

How to lay paving slabs on the sand, see this video:

Work Safety Measures

The basic safety requirements remain the same as for civil works. As for the tile laying itself, then general measures should be supplemented with the following requirements:

  • it is forbidden to cut and trim tiles on your knees;
  • when using a grinder or emery, goggles and a respirator should be worn;
  • work that does not require contact with water is carried out in protective cloth gloves.

It is not difficult to lay paving slabs on a sand cushion on your own, especially when you consider that there is no need to fit specialized equipment.

The main thing is not to neglect the little things in the process of work, because it is from them that the overall quality is formed, which will allow the product to last for many years.

Do you want to independently lay out paving slabs on a residential area? Then you should carefully read technological process and styling nuances. Paving paths and parts adjoining territory, creates a well-groomed and finished look to a landscape, gives the chance to move freely in any direction.

What is good paving slabs when creating paving?

Paving stones in the yard are an excellent solution to practical and aesthetic issues. That is why many homeowners are interested in how to lay paving stones in the courtyard of a private house, thereby ensuring cleanliness and comfort in it.

With a complete lack of experience in paving, you can work at home in a company specializing in solving such problems. A reliable partner in this area of ​​customer service is Moskovskaya paving stone LLC, professional craftsmen which promptly achieved the intended result.

When using tile material for paving adjacent territories, several important goals are achieved:

  • being improved appearance landscape;
  • putting things in order in the yard;
  • road flooding is prevented;
  • conditions are created for comfortable and safe movement.

Paving slabs in the yard are also justified because they do not require the special knowledge and skills necessary to create a paved canvas. In addition, this building material has a democratic price, which is important when choosing means of home improvement.

What you need to study before working on paving the site?

Soil features

Paving stones in the courtyard of a private house are laid taking into account the characteristics of the soil surfaces. If the soil is prone to movement, shedding, as a result of which voids may form, reliable methods of paving tiled elements should be chosen. In the presence of hard soils, laying tiles on a sand cushion can be dispensed with.

Estimated load

Laying paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house is carried out with a mandatory analysis of the upcoming static and mechanical load. In the case of planning movement on the laid paving stones Vehicle, placement of overall structures on it, durable building materials should be used for paving, and a cement-concrete mixture should be used to create the foundation.

ground water

An important factor influencing the decision on how to lay paving slabs in the yard yourself is the presence of a close location of groundwater. When dropped a large number precipitation, water can rise close to the surface of the earth and adversely affect the laid paving. Knowing about such circumstances, when creating the basis for laying out the tiled canvas, it is necessary to use waterproofing materials.


The technology of laying paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house is largely determined by the relief characteristics of the area. If there are large slopes, potholes, depressions that cannot be leveled, it is necessary to pave the paving only when using a concrete base. Otherwise, the finished canvas will be deformed under the influence of the natural movement of the soil, creating well-predictable problems.

Climatic conditions

Before laying paving slabs in the courtyard of a household, it is advisable to think about climatic features terrain. The parameters of the duration of operation of such a surface are greatly influenced by sudden changes temperature conditions, a significant amount of precipitation, their freezing in the cold season, resulting in the formation of an ice crust. The building material and methods of its fastening are chosen by analyzing the features of life in a given climatic zone.

landscape design

Paving slabs in the courtyard of a private house should harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape. With a reasonable approach to solving this issue, it becomes a logical component of an integral ensemble, a special highlight. Properly laid out paving emphasizes the beauty of the house, plot, garden, surrounding nature. When creating it, it is important to adhere to the line of the selected landscape design.

Financial opportunities

When planning work on the improvement of the local area, including the laying of new paving, be objective in assessing your financial resources. If they are very modest, it is better to wait with the implementation of this venture. Despite the proximity of prices to the buyer, you should not tune in to choosing very cheap products that are of poor quality.

Where should you start?

Carefully study the following information, which will help save energy and money.

Site planning

Experts who know how to lay paving correctly advise planning the site before the main work. It is important to know where the paved canvas will lie, how convenient it will be to use it within the indicated limits. First, an accurate schematic plan of the site is created, which is subsequently transferred to the area.

Choosing a paving pattern

The master preparing for work needs to understand in advance which tile pattern is required of him to lay out. It is especially important to do this if the drawing is complex, and special experience and skills must be used to create a solid canvas. An intricate drawing is worked out on a diagram, after which it is reproduced using paving slab elements.

Calculation of the amount of required materials

When wondering how to lay tiled paving with your own hands, learn how to pre-calculate the required funds. An essential point when planning work on decorating the yard with paving slabs is the purchase of a sufficient amount building materials. To solve this problem, you should consider:

  • the area of ​​​​the territory on which the tiles will be laid out;
  • its features, which can lead to an increase in the number of purchased goods.

Pros and cons of different paving methods

There are several paving methods. The owner of suburban real estate chooses the most optimal for himself. We will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages so that each of you can draw the appropriate conclusions for yourself.

sand cushion

The technology of laying paving slabs in the yard on sand is the simplest of all known. It is not labor-intensive and does not require special financial resources. Laying paving slabs on a sand cushion is quite simple, which allows you to quickly get the job done. However, this paving method is suitable for yards:

  • on the territory of which the active movement of vehicles and a large number of people is not planned;
  • having a reliable ground and the correct relief.

Also, the disadvantage of the sand cushion is its ability to be washed out by rainwater, which can lead to failures in the canvas.

Laying for carving

Gartsovka or cement-sand mixture is needed to create a base for paving, if there is a desire:

  • get high strength of the canvas;
  • prevent deformation of the paving under loads, as well as in the presence of slopes.

The relative disadvantages of working with carving are the need for prompt and very accurate actions, since quick coupling of building materials does not contribute to correcting inaccuracies and errors.

Screening laying

Sifting or waste materials from ordinary crushed stone is practical to use, since:

  • gives a slight shrinkage;
  • easy to level and ram;
  • is a quality ingredient in the creation of a concrete mix.

But in the presence of "floating" soils, it is not able to become a reliable drainage layer.

Creating a concrete base

A concrete pad is required when creating a web that can withstand heavy loads. As a rule, it is formed in combination with reinforcing components in the form of reinforced plates. This coating is very durable. The only disadvantage of using a concrete base can be the high cost of the work performed.

Laying on finished asphalt

Already used asphalt can also be used as a pillow for paving slabs. This significantly reduces the cost of paving, but provided that there are no undesirable deformations in the asphalt. Otherwise, work on its restoration will be pulled additional expenses.

How to lay out the tiles, decide for yourself. The main thing is to correctly take into account the recommendations of specialists.

Paving slabs are one of the most reliable and beautiful road construction materials. It is often used for paving sidewalks and car entrances in the courtyard of a private house. The cost of laying tiles is not low, and not everyone knows how to lay paving stones. In order for the road product to be of high quality, it is necessary to follow the technology of work performance. Do-it-yourself paving stone laying is carried out according to the instructions and based on the recommendations.

It is important to know how to properly lay paving slabs so that they served for many years and had a beautiful appearance. The paving stone pavement will ennoble not only the yard of a private house, but also the adjacent territory on the street.

Types and benefits

Types of paving slabs according to the material of manufacture:

  • Vibrocasting.
  • Clinker.
  • Granite.

In addition to differences in material, there is a huge variety in color, shape and decor. Also, it differs in the way of laying and the technology of work.

Benefits of laying pavers:

  • high strength material.
  • Long service life.
  • Environmental friendliness of the material.
  • Great bearing capacity.
  • Low temperature resistance.
  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Ease of installation.
  • The possibility of reusing the material.


  • Material cost high enough.
  • Complexity of processing.
  • It is uncomfortable to walk on cobblestones in heels.
  • Possibility base washout and then the masonry sags or individual elements fall out.

Material consumption calculation

Before you start laying paving stones, you must buy all necessary material and buy a tool. It is important to accurately calculate the area of ​​​​work in order to buy all the tiles in one batch. If sand or cement can always be bought in addition, then the tile will be difficult to find. If it is the same model and the same manufacturer, but a different batch, then it may not match the previous one in shade or size.

On a path paved with tiles from different batches, a shift can form and is quite noticeable. For this reason, paving slabs must be purchased immediately in in full and even 10% more for stock.

Required material and tools:

  • Paving slabs.
  • Border.
  • Geotextile.
  • Sand.
  • Rubble.
  • Cement.
  • Shovel.
  • Rake.
  • Broom.
  • Wheelbarrow.
  • Vibrating plate (manual rammer).
  • Grinder with a diamond blade for cutting concrete.
  • Rubber mallet.
  • A hammer.
  • Metric tape measure.
  • Level.
  • Rule.
  • Bucket.
  • Trowel.
  • Irrigation hose.
  • Pegs and beacon cord.
  • Individual protection means.

Paving technology

There are several ways of paving paving slabs, they depend on the purpose of the road and the type of pavement. tile can be put on sand, cement-sand mixture (carving) and even concrete, at high loads on it.

Despite the fact that there are generally established masonry technologies, each master has his own characteristics in his work. Someone says: “I lay paving stones inexpensively,” and someone takes a high fee, but gives a long-term guarantee on the quality of the product. Therefore, in order not to think about how much it costs to lay paving slabs, you need to know for yourself how to lay paving stones correctly.

As a result, you can save on the work of the master and make quality paving but it takes a lot of hard work. To properly do all the work with your own hands, step-by-step instructions will be simply necessary, especially for a person who has never encountered this type of work before.

Work performance technology

Before laying paving slabs, some preparation must go through. Need foresee all the nuances in order to achieve the desired result. How to properly lay paving slabs is often indicated by the paving stone manufacturers themselves, but each master has already developed his own technology in practice.

  1. Preparation for paving stones. First of all, you need to define - when to start work. It is recommended to start work in the spring. The purpose of the road is determined. If this is a walking path, then it will be enough to use tiles with a thickness of 40 mm. For a road that will be periodically operated by a car, thicker paving stones will be needed. Besides, if the road surface is subjected to heavy load, then the pavement falls on concrete screed . The footpath can be laid on sand or a cement-sand dry mix. But before laying the paving stones on the sand, it is necessary to arrange a reliable foundation.
  2. Territory marking. Before laying the paving stones with your own hands, it is necessary to mark the territory and excavation. The scope of work is determined by the paving parameters. At this stage it is important correctly determine the width of the road so that you do not have to cut a single tile. Also, you need to take into account the thickness of all seams.

    For marking in the corners of the future road, pegs are driven in and lighthouse cords are pulled. They show the level of the road surface, so the horizontal must be checked with a water level. The road is arranged in such a way that rainwater is drained.

  3. Excavation. Under the paving place, earth up to a depth of 50 cm is taken out. The plant layer can be used for landscape design. The bottom of the earthen structure is leveled and carefully rammed with a vibrating plate or manual rammer.
  4. Geotextile flooring. Geotextiles are spread at the bottom of the earthen structure and its walls. It increases the strength of the product and ensures its integrity. Masters of the old school often perform work without a fabric membrane, without taking into their arsenal modern materials. But this innovation is significant. improves quality road surface.
  5. Gravel backfill. Crushed stone in fractions of 20 x 40 mm is poured into a trench and carefully compacted with a rammer or vibrating plate. The backfill must be at least 100 mm thick. This thickness is permissible only for the pedestrian zone; for entrances, a crushed stone backfill thickness of more than 150 mm will be required.
  6. Border device. Borders are installed according to pre-made markings. Mixing in progress cement-sand mortar and applied to the base along the curb device. The blocks are installed in the design position on the solution and adjusted according to the level. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1:3. After installing the curbs, it is necessary leave work for the day for the solution to gain strength.
  7. Sand filling device. On the compacted crushed stone, a sand cushion with a thickness of 150 mm is made. Backfilling with sand is carried out in several stages in layers of 5 - 7 cm. Each layer is watered with water from a hose and rammed with a vibrating plate. Sand is better to take river without clay impurities. In this case, the water will drain into the soil and not linger in the backfill.
  8. Backfilling with carving. Before you lay out paving slabs, you need to take care of the strength of its installation. To do this, a cement-sand dry mixture is poured onto the sand. It is evenly distributed with a rake over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe masonry. Gartsovka is prepared from sand with a cement content of approximately 1:8. When water gets on the carving, the cement hardens and firmly fixes the paving stones in its place.
  9. Paving stone laying. Having decided on the pattern of the sidewalk, you can start paving the paving stones. It is necessary to learn how to lay paving stones with your own hands in appropriate conditions and the features of the work.

    The paving stone is placed in the corner, and its further laying is carried out from itself, observing the given pattern. The tile is installed on the carving and compacted with a rubber mallet. The level is set by the beacon cord. If the paving surface is higher preset level, then you need to remove the laid material and slightly remove the bedding layer. If the surface level is below the lighthouse, then it will be possible to make additional bedding. Each tile is tightly fitted one to the other.

    If necessary, paving stones can be cut with a grinder with a diamond wheel for cutting stone. The laid paving stones are checked by level and rule. It should be arranged in such a way that rainwater flows off and puddles do not form.

  10. Seam filling. After the paving stones are laid, it is necessary to fill the masonry joints. To do this, a dry cement-sand mixture is poured onto the road surface and evenly distributed over the entire surface. The mixture fills the seams, and the excess is removed with a broom or broom. After that, the masonry is watered with water from a hose. Gartsovka, coming into contact with water - hardens and firmly fixes the masonry.

    If a road is paving, which will be periodically operated by a car, then it is necessary to arrange a reinforced concrete base. In this case, paving stones with a thickness of 60 mm or more are used, it is placed on a cement-sand mortar.

Paving slabs in the country or in the yard country house able to perform not only a decorative function, but also a utilitarian one. In order for it to look beautiful and withstand the load on it without problems, it must be correctly laid.

Many homeowners prefer to have hired professionals take care of the process, believing that they will perform all the necessary operations as well as possible. But some don't trust employees, and prefers to perform all important manipulations independently.

How possible is it to lay paving slabs with your own hands? It is quite possible to do this, the main thing is to have step-by-step instructions at hand. It describes in detail the sequence of all upcoming operations and the order in which they are performed.

Laying the yard with paving slabs: preparation

Before starting work, you need to carefully consider them and draw up a plan. This will guarantee a long and reliable service life of the manufactured coating. Laying out the entire yard with tiles is not very rational and cost-effective.

But paths are necessary on any site - it can be quite difficult to do without them. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate required amount paths, their size and configuration, so that they connect the residential building with various outbuildings and other buildings.

Then, in any weather, the homeowner and his household will move along neat clean paths. Yes, and green spaces will suffer much less.

Why paving slabs? This material is increasingly being used both in industrial construction and in private.

The advantages of such a road surface are obvious. Installation work is not particularly difficult. The tile does not "float" during the heat and does not burst from severe frost.

She looks beautiful and is not capricious in care. The tiled area passes moisture well, which is useful for both soil and plants.

Step by step instructions for laying tiles

Important notes that will help you lay the tiles correctly

Do not start work immediately after the rain, especially during it. The soil and pillow should be well dried out. In order for the tile not to start to spread after a while, the humidity indicators should be minimal.

Laying paving slabs: work progress

To carry out the work you will need - cement, curb, sand and tiles directly. The required tools are pegs, a rule, a rammer, a broom, a nylon thread, a rubber mallet, a trowel and a level.

We start with marking the site, or rather, with determining the contour of the future path.

The site is marked with wooden pegs, which are connected with a nylon cord. It must be correctly tensioned exactly to the level, as it will become a guide when laying tiles.

To properly equip the base, you will have to cut and remove a layer of turf, then level the resulting surface, moisten and compact with a special rammer.

  • If the soil is dense enough, then often it does not need such manipulations. Plant roots and stones found in the ground should be removed.
  • If the soil is not removed, then the path will be, as it were, slightly raised above the surface of the site. The consequence of this may be its washing away with rain or melt water.
  • The resulting compacted bed is covered with gravel or crushed stone 15-20 cm high.
  • If the path is intended for the movement of cars, then this figure should be increased to 40 cm. (Geotextiles can be laid under and on gravel).
  • For leveling, sand is poured on top - its thickness should be approximately 2 cm.

Border for paving slabs

What is a border for? Its purpose is to prevent the tiles from spreading and highlight the path. Is it mandatory to use it?

No, often when laying out the tracks with tiles they do without additional finishing. The base under the curb must be carefully leveled. It is best to place it on a special concrete lock. For paving slabs in a private area, it is quite possible to use a plastic border.

Substrate preparation: options for laying paving slabs

The bases for paving slabs can be different - there are three types in total. Depending on the type of base chosen, the way the tiles are laid also changes.

On the sand. The space between stretched cords or curbs is covered with sand. The thickness of such a pillow should be 5-6 cm. The sand is well soaked and left to dry, after which it is leveled and compacted. The tile is placed on slightly damp sand (never wet).

On concrete. There can be two options here: when the concrete base is already available, and its device specifically as a substrate for tiles. This method considered not very rational.

The point is that the cement monolith retains water (does not let it through). It accumulates between the tile and the base - in severe frost it freezes, causing deformation of the track.

On a cement-sand pillow. On the prepared base (with the soil removed, leveled and rammed), another sand layer of 3-4 cm is poured, a reinforcing mesh is placed on it. Next, a mixture of cement and sand is placed on it in a ratio of four to one.

Technology of laying paving slabs

Tiles should be placed from the lowest point upwards. Competent masonry should be conducted in a way "from oneself".

In other words, while doing the work, the specialist moves along the already laid path so as not to endanger the prepared base. If a circular tile installation method is used, then activities begin in the center of the pattern.

Individual tile elements should be placed diagonally, not in even stripes. So it will be easier to align them in the process. First, a rope is pulled along the width of the future path, along which the initial row of material will be aligned. Every two or three times the correctness of the horizontal is verified by the level.

The tiled element is placed in the place prepared for it, and brought to the correct position by soft tapping of the hammer.

If necessary, sand can be poured under it. A gap of 2-3 mm left between the tiles is usually quite enough for moisture to escape. In order for the gap to have one value over the entire distance, special crosses can be used. But in practice, they usually do without them.

Laying turnkey tiles: grouting

In order for a do-it-yourself path to be beautiful and durable, you will have to take care of the correct processing of the seams. They are usually filled in two passes.

First, dry sifted sand is applied to the freshly made path. Using a brush or broom, it is leveled over the surface and swept into the seams.

The next layer that should be poured onto the track is a sand-cement mixture or sand. He is treated in the same way as the first.

Then, with a sprayer or with the help of other improvised means, the path is moistened quite intensively - until puddles appear. If there is a border, then the distance between it and the tile is covered with a mixture too. You can purchase a mixture for factory-made seams.

In order for the paving slab track to serve for a long time, you need to know how to properly care for it. Such a coating does not need any special procedures: it should be regularly swept and washed occasionally.

Then she will retain her original appearance and remain elegant for as long as possible. In winter, you should protect it from damage by not using rough metal products - shovels, ice axes and crowbars.

With seasonal or periodic use of a suburban area, laying paving slabs in the country can be done according to the budget option. The intensity of traffic here is low, you can use the cheapest curly paving elements (FEM), abandon full-fledged borders and carvings.

The main problem of an individual developer is traditionally limited budget. The technology of laying curly paving elements (FEM) with your own hands for decorating paths can be simplified. However, some mandatory requirements remain unchanged:

  • the device of a rigid spatial "trough";
  • removal of the arable layer, replacing it with crushed stone or sand with layer-by-layer compaction;
  • ensuring the removal of rainwater due to the slope of the surface.

Manufacturers produce latex and polymer molds for paving slabs; if you have free time, tiles can be made on your own.

Forms for pouring FEM tiles.

Renting a vibrating plate provides additional costs, its device is simple, most home craftsmen can assemble the equipment.

Homemade vibrating plate.

Manual tamper is easier to manufacture, you will need a log and a bar as a handle.

The simplest hand rammer.

Budget options for laying paving slabs

A summer resident can exclude some operations from the technology and replace expensive materials with budget options:

Important! Colored pavers are more expensive, so in full economy mode, you will have to choose unpainted tile options.

Foundation and underlayment

The durability of the tracks directly depends on the quality of the base and the underlying layer. fertile layer removed entirely or 0.4 m at great depth occurrence. The resulting trench is filled with sand (only on dry ground) or gravel (with high GWL). The main nuances of the correct arrangement of the underlying layer are:

Important! The technology of excavation of the arable layer can be carried out in a mechanized way. In this case, the bottom of the "trough" must be cleaned with shovels, rolled or rammed to a state similar to that for sand above.

Horizontal level marks should take into account the following factors:

  • for paths enough tiles 3 cm thick, car parking 4 - 6 cm;
  • the plane of the FEM elements should be 2–4 cm higher than the adjacent lawns, open areas of soil in order to ensure the gravity movement of rainwater;
  • paving stones must be laid on a 4 - 7 cm layer of sand;
  • the thickness of the arable layer is usually at least 40 cm.

In other words, when choosing a 3 cm tile, taking into account the above, the surface of the underlying layer should be in the "trough" at a depth of 5-7 cm. If paving stones 6 cm thick are used, the compacted crushed stone of the underlying layer should end at around 8 - 11 cm with a minus sign.

Advice! To reduce the consumption of inert material on long paths, large recreation areas and parking lots, ground leveling should be carried out taking into account the design slopes, and not created with sand or gravel later.

Selection of FEM elements

Paving cottage path produced by paving slabs, the price of which depends on several factors:

Therefore, for a budget device for pedestrian zones in the country, do-it-yourself gray vibrocast paving slabs are used, for which the format matters:

Advice! Square tiles allow you to make a path 60 - 100 cm wide from FEM elements of various sizes from 30 x 30 cm to 50 x 50 cm without trimming along the entire length.

Paving in stages

To prevent paving slabs from sliding along the sides of the track, classical technology uses garden borders. AT budget option these elements are cast into a plank or earthen formwork, they can be made hidden:

  • making trenches along the perimeter with a depth of 25 cm;
  • preparation of concrete by hand on a sheet or in a trough;
  • laying the mixture with your own hands without reinforcement;
  • bayoneting with a reinforcing bar until the air is completely removed (the crushed stone is completely recessed, cement milk has appeared on the surface, air bubbles do not come out of the solution).

The height of the hidden borders must be made approximately to the middle of the tile, taking into account the layer of sand on which it is laid (5 - 7 cm). After the concrete has hardened (at least 3 days), you can start paving:

  • installation of lighthouse bars along the direction of the path;
  • filling sand and leveling the layer along the beacons;
  • removing the bars and filling the remaining grooves with sand;
  • laying a whole tile in front of you, depositing each element with a rubber mallet as needed;
  • cutting pieces and installing them at the place of operation.

Important! To compact the entire surface of the laid coating, only a vibrating plate can be used. Rollers from barrels, rammers do not allow to achieve the desired effect.

At the last stage, the seams of paving slabs should be filled with sand. The ideal option is quartz sand, seeded quarry is quite suitable to reduce the cost of finishing. river sand it is unsuitable for this, since its particles have a rounded shape and do not have the effect of self-wedging.

Path configuration

If you make the tracks straight, taking into account the size of the tile, then you can reduce the trimming of the FEM elements to a minimum. However, there are economical laying schemes for paving slabs of some configurations, when the entire path is faced with solid paving stones.

At intersections, the choice of scheme depends on the specific size and format of the tiles chosen by the developer. Here, it is more difficult to do without a FEM cut, just as in the junctions to the storm water inlets under the roof drain.

Decoration of the crossroads at the dacha with elements of the Old Town.

The resource of one diamond blade for angle grinders is much higher than the packaging of abrasive equipment for concrete / stone. So it's cheaper to buy one diamond disc, which at the end of the work will remain in the arsenal of the home master.

Thus, there are a lot of ways to budget paving the path in the country with paving slabs. At the same time, labor costs increase slightly, the lining resource practically does not decrease.

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