From what and how to make slopes of entrance doors. Options for finishing slopes on the front door Slopes for a metal door

Slopes allow you to strengthen yourself door frame. Similar repair work can be produced either with the help of specialized workers, or with your own hands, saving cash. The building materials market is full of various products for such a finish, here you can find how expensive natural materials and their artificial substitutes. Each person will find means for decoration to his taste and budget.

There are several ways to make door interior slopes - sheathe finishing material on a pre-prepared frame, close up carefully with mortar and plaster well, attach finishing materials.

In any case, if there is no experience in construction and finishing works Ah, it's better to consult a specialist.

For a certain fee, they will do all the work quickly and efficiently, on time. Work can be done only after the door is installed and the openings and cracks are sealed, and if there are old slopes, all debris must be removed from them. Only after putting the walls in order, it is possible to finish the slopes.

Proper and accurate finishing of slopes allows you to achieve interesting design techniques:

  • It is able to visually expand the room, making it the highlight of the entire interior;
  • The lighting of the room improves, especially if the decoration is made in light colors;
  • If the slopes are plastered, then restoring damaged areas will be much easier and cheaper than purchasing whole pieces of expensive panels.

Experts warn that the main work is the correct and even installation of windows and doors, and only after that the slopes are finished. If such work is done in violation of technology or is not leveled, then even careful plastering will not save the situation. Such a mistake will only need to be completely redone, which can cost a pretty penny.

Proper installation of door slopes using drywall

Before purchasing, you need to consider the presence of possible damaging factors - animals, small children. In this case, it is better to spend money, but buy a material that is stronger and more resistant to damage and wear - natural stone.

It is better to close up wide slopes with drywall, for this you need to perform the following steps:

  • Clean and prime the walls;
  • Next, you need to wait a certain time until it dries;
  • Then measure the parameters of the slopes, and cut off the exact pieces of drywall;
  • Next, the segments are mounted, and they are fixed with dowels or glue;
  • First you need to attach the side parts, and only lastly the top bar is installed;
  • The final step is the application of putty.

A prerequisite quality work and durability of the material is its right choice at the time of purchase. Experts recommend seeking help from experienced acquaintances, or consultants in the store.

The use of this type of materials allows you to save on leveling and priming slopes.

Drywall allows for as soon as possible make smooth and beautiful slopes, even with your own hands, without spending a lot of time and money. Give preference to better proven companies that have a product quality certificate, then the slope will last a long time and fully pay off its cost.

Types of materials for finishing the entrance door slopes

You can finish using plastic or wooden panels, the work is done according to the same principle - you need to prepare necessary tools and materials, then measure the slopes and cut off the necessary pieces from the common material, the final step is to fasten the side and then the top panel.

The building materials market offers the following range of products:

  • Drywall;
  • Laminate;
  • Sandwich - PVC panels;
  • Wooden slats;
  • Cellulose panels.

Each of the proposed materials has its own finishing options, which can emphasize the most spectacular moments and give the room a complete look. The difference is a different price category, quality and durability of materials, it is also necessary to take into account the overall design of the house so that certain elements do not stand out against its background.

In addition to the standard ones, there are many various options finishing door slopes, turning the room into a stylish design project. Option using decorative stone- the design of jambs in a similar way can be done by yourself; for these purposes, natural or artificial stone is used.

The choice of material depends on the preferences of the owners and the financial situation:

  • Natural stone is quite expensive;
  • The advantage of natural stone is that it is durable;
  • The stone is severely damaged;
  • An artificial analogue of a stone made of gypsum can break on impact.

You can also trim the corners with tiles, the only rule is the lack of gloss. Ideally, clinker tiles are used that imitate brickwork, but the choice is up to the designer, because such a design depends on the preferences of the owners and should be in harmony with the style of the room.

Installing PVC panels is not a durable option, because a child can damage them by piercing with a pencil or pen, but plastic materials They are inexpensive which is a plus. It is better to entrust the repair or finishing of slopes with the help of decorative plaster to an experienced specialist, because such work requires certain knowledge and practice, but the result is worth the effort - there will be no limits to the admiration of guests.

Do-it-yourself plastered door slopes

The presence of moisture also plays decisive role in the choice of finishing options - very many began to use MDF. Experts identify both the pros and cons of this material - it is very susceptible to the influence of a humid environment, sensitive to temperature changes, so the scope of this new product is limited - it is better to use it indoors to avoid premature damage and deformation. But it also has certain advantages, among which are ease of installation, an interesting appearance.

Plaster belongs to budget options finishing slopes, and you can easily do this work yourself:

  • The required surface is thoroughly cleaned and primed;
  • Further, after complete drying, the main mixture is applied; a spatula is the most suitable for such purposes;
  • To separate and align the corners, corners are used, they are fixed in the opening, and they must be plastered;
  • After the plaster has completely dried, it must be carefully sanded with sandpaper;

Then you can finish it to your taste - either cover it with a transparent or colored varnish, or make further finishing with other decorative materials.

How to make slopes on interior doors (video)

The modern world of design materials for construction and renovation offers a wide range of different products that significantly enrich the interior, emphasizing its individuality and creating a certain zest.

The front door forms the first impression of the home, so it must be both reliable and aesthetically attractive, and well-mounted. At the same time, the complete editing cycle includes stages that are often neglected due to ignorance. These include finishing the slopes of the front door, which is necessary not only for the beauty of the structure, but also for high-quality operation for a long time.

What it is?

As practice shows, slopes are often confused with platbands, since platbands are their external, decorative part. By themselves, they have only an aesthetic function. But the slopes are involved in ensuring tightness, sound insulation and thermal insulation, increase the resistance of the front door to breaking.

By definition, slopes are the inner and outer portions of a wall that “surround” a door frame. Slopes are also considered to be the left, right and upper sides of the doorway in which the door is supposed, but not installed. Not all types of doorways have slopes on both sides. Sometimes they may be absent on the outside, but on the inside they are in most cases.

Device door slope quite complicated. High-quality slopes are not just parts of the wall protruding beyond the frame, they are the optimal combination of materials, each of which is necessary to perform a separate function. Materials are superimposed on the principle of "layer cake".

The first layer is rough. To create it are used:

  • Primer. It is applied to the cleaned wall surface as a pre-finish coating. Priming compositions are necessary to level the absorbent properties of the surface, as well as to improve the “adhesion” of the following materials to it.

  • Styrofoam. This layer is optional, but desirable in cases where the wall needs to be insulated. This is true for apartments on the lower floors and private houses.

  • Plaster. The primer improves the adhesion of materials to the wall, but does not level the surface. Plastering is necessary to fill in irregularities, recesses or cracks in the wall. This process is the most time-consuming and long and requires certain skills and abilities.

Alternatively, you can use an easier-to-use material - drywall. This option allows you to quickly prepare the surface for further types of finishes, but it is not suitable in all cases. In the conditions of the Russian climate, it is more often used for interior decoration or in warm regions with high humidity.

  • Reinforcing corners. These thin but strong metal corners are essential for protecting plaster at the corners of slopes. The front door is a place with a lot of traffic, and the corners of the opening are often hit, hit, scratched. Without proper protection, plastered corners will quickly begin to crumble and lose their presentable appearance.

  • Putty. With its help, all the shortcomings are leveled after the installation of the corners. Putty compositions lie in an uneven layer, therefore, after they dry, the surfaces of the slopes must be cleaned. For this purpose, fine-grained sheets are used. sandpaper or small grinders. Furniture is also suitable if it reaches hard-to-reach places.

The second layer is the finishing, or front. There are no strict rules in choosing finishes. It depends only on individual preferences and financial capabilities. The only condition that must be met is to choose a finish that is in harmony with the door leaf and wall decoration.

What to decorate inside the apartment?

The slopes protrude both from the outside and from the inside of the door. Accordingly, there are two types of finishes - external and internal. External, as a rule, is less variable. The main focus is on the design of the door leaf, and the slopes echo either with it or with the wall decoration. More often these are practical and concise options that do not attract attention.

Inside an apartment or house, the slope decoration becomes part of the interior. She is assigned a decorative role, so the types of materials and methods of decoration are of great importance.

Finishing with facing materials from the inside is of the following types:

  • Surface plastering.
  • Bonding finishing materials.
  • Frame cladding.
  • Coloring.

For the first type, plaster, primer, water and all the necessary tools are used. This process takes a lot of time, but it makes it possible to putty all the irregularities, insulate the structure, and make a layer of the desired thickness. Decor from other materials is often superimposed on top of the plaster, but in itself it is already considered a finished finish, therefore it belongs to the basic repair techniques.

“Clean” slopes after plastering are easy to paint in any suitable color, while they are polished to smoothness or, on the contrary, left embossed.

For decoration, you can use the following materials:

  • Ceramic tile (tile). Differs in rigidity, moisture resistance, hygiene, low price and a wide range of colors, shapes and textures. It is easy to care for the ceramic surface, however, the tile can crack or chip off due to mechanical damage, and during the replacement process you will have to work hard so as not to damage neighboring elements.

The undeniable advantage of tiles is the many possibilities for design. The mosaic looks especially original. It can be made from solid tiles small size or small pieces. Mosaic fragments are obtained artificially from tiles by cutting them into pieces. the right sizes, and jacks of all trades can use broken tiles for this purpose, which are considered unsuitable. The result is original and unique, and the cost of materials is minimal.

Any construction adhesive is suitable for gluing tiles. It is applied evenly with a plastic spatula, and the seams are rubbed in a day with a rubber spatula.

  • Porcelain tile. This material is often confused with ceramic tiles. Indeed, in the manufacture of porcelain stoneware, the same composition of the substance is used as for tiles, but the production technology is very different. As a result, the tile has a color coating only on top and becomes ugly when chipped, while porcelain stoneware has a uniform color throughout the entire thickness of the slab and damage is less noticeable on it. Also, its structure is denser, so it is more resistant to damage. In addition to being moisture resistant, environmentally friendly and durable, it also has frost resistance. In appearance, this material is more noble, but the color spectrum is very limited and its cost is higher than for ceramic tiles.

  • Decorative rock. It is truly an interior decoration, although it is far from always appropriate and is expensive. A feature of this material is that it can be used to simulate real masonry. It has an attractive appearance, gives zest to the interior, and is impeccable in terms of performance. The stone is not prickly, easy to clean, durable and safe materials. To fix it on the surface of the slopes, construction glue is used, but there are also ways to “sheath” the surface with decorative stone.

  • Wallpaper. Wallpapering is perhaps the easiest and most budgetary way to decorate. It is most convenient to stick wallpaper on slopes with plasterboard trim. The glue will also “grab” on the plaster, but for this the surface will have to be leveled especially carefully so that “bubbles” do not form on the wallpaper.

Given the high traffic at the entrance to the room, it is better to choose a washable wallpaper and in dark colors.

Sheathe openings with the following materials:

  • MDF. Finely dispersed fraction panels are very popular in all types of finishes. They are universal for any interior, look aesthetically pleasing and have a number of advantages: durability, a variety of coatings that imitate different breeds wood, ease of installation, improved sound insulation and thermal insulation in the room.

  • Chipboard. Finishing chipboard is the easiest way to tidy up part of the doorway if, after installing the door, it looks deplorable. In this case, even a primer and putty are not needed. It is enough to sheathe the surface with even sheets, matching in tone and pattern to the door leaf.

  • Laminate. Laminate sheathing is widespread for two reasons: it is inexpensive and looks an order of magnitude more solid than non-laminated recycled wood materials. The basis of the coating is fiberboard or chipboard (therefore, “sew up the slopes of chipboard” means the same as laminate), and on top it is decorated with a polymer film. The most common option is wood styling. valuable breeds, but there are other shades in a dark and light palette. It has a number of advantages inherent in all wood-based materials, as well as certain disadvantages. So, among the most common disadvantages are hydrophobia (the material can exfoliate and swell from water) and average wear resistance.

  • Dobory. Sheathing of internal slopes from dobor is rather a necessity than an element of decor. Dobors are narrow plates of different materials, which are necessary to mask the slopes, the width of which is more than 7 cm. As a rule, they are used when the door and slopes must be sheathed in the same style and with the same materials.

  • Drywall. The choice of drywall is relevant when you need a high-quality and budget result, which is convenient to work with with your own hands. In addition, drywall perfectly levels the surface for decorative finishes in the future and enhances the insulating properties of the front door.

  • Plastic. No matter how versatile MDF, laminate and similar materials are, a plastic door requires the design of the adjacent space with PVC-based materials. The use of sandwich panels is especially popular. They have a variable width - from 5 to 150 cm, which allows you to cover each side of the slope with just one piece.

The performance characteristics of the product are also on top: an aesthetic appearance that persists for a long time, biostability, resistance to humidity and temperature extremes, the presence of air sections inside the panels, which ensure the preservation of heat in the house, and hygiene.

Modern technologies plastic manufacturing guarantee its environmental safety and non-toxicity.

  • Siding. The characteristics of siding panels are very diverse, because they are made from various materials from aluminum to plastic. Slopes are finished with aluminum, copper, wood, plinth and vinyl siding.

The best option is vinyl. It is a monolithic PVC panel, main feature which is flexibility. It can be given absolutely any shape, ideally adjusted to angles without joints and gaps. Vinyl is not subject to rotting and burning processes, is not afraid of water, does not crack at temperature extremes, is easily cleaned of contaminants, and is not of interest to fungi and insects. The front side of the panels can be plain, with a pattern, stylized as stone, wood or brick.

Frame sheathing involves the preliminary installation of a metal (aluminum) or wooden profile around the perimeter of the doorway, to which any material is subsequently attached using self-tapping screws. This method is considered the most time-consuming, since before attaching the profile, it is necessary to prime and level the slopes with cement mortar.

Some types of materials (plaster, chipboard, MDF and drywall without a decorative coating) need to be painted to harmoniously blend with the interior of the room.

For these purposes are used:

  • Acrylic paints. They are convenient to add to the composition for plastering the surface. This simultaneously reduces the number of finishing steps, since surface leveling and painting take place simultaneously, and makes damage less noticeable, since the entire layer of plaster is painted over;
  • Water emulsion. Such paints can be added to the plaster or painted on the wall over the leveling layer. Using acrylic and paint water based, it is important to remember that they must be primed from above, otherwise the surface will get dirty. You can dilute the primer yourself from PVA and water in a ratio of 1: 5;
  • Latex based paints can also be used in two ways, but their advantage is that the final primer is not needed. Latex compounds are not hydrophobic and easy to clean;
  • Alkyd and oil. These compounds are indispensable in conditions high humidity. They are more wear-resistant and dense, but they are more difficult to work with due to the thick consistency and toxic smell.

How to insulate?

Thermal insulation and sound insulation are functions of the front door, which partially depend on the type of slope finish. To warm the room, it is not necessary to run to the store for a heater. First you need to take care of maximum tightness, and you should start with the front door. This will not only increase the level of comfort in the house, but also help save money on utility bills in the future.

Insulation of slopes from the inside is carried out step by step:

  • Choice of materials. The leading positions are occupied by sandwich panels, drywall, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polystyrene. Experts recommend choosing polystyrene, which is superior to other materials in many ways. At a relatively low cost, it is capable of thermoforming and vacuum forming, is resistant to moisture and chemical treatment, does not smell, is environmentally safe, and can be different types processing. If polystyrene is not available, it can be replaced with a mineral slab (wool).

  • Preparatory work. They include all measures to clean the work surface. It is necessary to cut off the mounting foam, remove the old coating, if any, and eliminate irregularities as much as possible. After removing the old plaster, the surface must be dusted with a vacuum cleaner and a damp sponge.

  • Primer and putty. It is imperative to prime the surface of the slopes. This will ensure a good adhesion of subsequent layers to the wall, as well as minimize the likelihood of fungi and bacteria on the wall. Suitable for this purpose any soil of deep action. After applying it, the surface must be allowed to dry for 3-4 hours. Reapplying primer to plaster is acceptable.

It is not necessary to putty the slopes, but it is desirable, especially if the surface has many defects, chips and depressions. All these minor gaps greatly affect the insulating qualities of the front door.

  • Heater installation. At this stage, it is the turn of the insulating material. Polystyrene boards and mineral wool glued with specialized adhesives. The glue is applied with a spatula to the slab, then it is applied to the surface of the slope and adjusted to the level. The drying time of the glue is at least a day. After that, the plates are fixed with dowels.

  • Fixing the heater. Ideally, polystyrene or mineral boards should be covered with a plastic mesh for interior finishing. This will protect against cracks and bumps in the future. The glue is applied to the mesh in layers, each layer dries to hardness in 6-12 hours.

  • Surface leveling. Here again, putty is needed. You can level the surface up to 2-3 layers. Then you need to let it dry for the time indicated in the instructions on the container, and process it with fine-grained sandpaper. The grain number on the sandpaper package is at least 100.

  • Final finishing. It includes the application of a colorless primer, followed by painting or any other decoration method.

It is important to consider that finishing materials have not only their own characteristics that affect thermal insulation, but also their own weight. It is necessary to calculate in advance whether the insulated slope will withstand, for example, the weight of porcelain stoneware or wall paneling, or whether paint, plastic, wallpaper should be preferred.

About how to make a slope on front door from MDF panels with your own hands, see the next video.


Slopes are a small detail that can both support the style in the interior and completely break out of it. The inappropriate color of the finish will become an element that violates the integrity of the overall picture, so it is important to choose the right color in accordance with the design of the door and the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling in the room.

Already in the apartment. Reliability, safety, high-quality protection that protects against heat loss and all kinds of external sounds and noises is provided. Now it remains only to bring the marafet. From the outside, entrance doors are most often ennobled with platbands or sealed with mortar by the installers or independently during installation. From the inside, everything is much more deplorable. Bare concrete, bricks, door fastenings are visible. It is necessary to organize slopes to hide all this disgrace. Finishing the slopes of the front door can be done by installers, however, not every company undertakes this. In this case, you will have to do this work yourself. The process itself is not particularly complicated with any method of forming slopes. Presented below is detailed instructions about how to make slopes with your own hands.

Ways to perform slopes

The main purpose of the slope is to give a normal appearance to the doorway and securely cover the fasteners of the door frame, thereby increasing the burglary resistance of the entire structure. There are several ways to form slopes:

  • grouting and plastering;
  • gluing with a solution of finishing material;
  • frame sheathing with finishing material.

The division is made precisely according to the method of forming the slope, because the materials for sheathing can be selected in a variety of ways: laminate, MDF, drywall, plastic panels, wooden lamellas, cellulose panels and much more. The main thing is to decide how to fix the slopes of the front door with your own hands.

Filling the entire slope with mortar is the most acceptable option in terms of protection and soundproofing. Moreover, the result is a slope that does not bend, has no voids. However, this option is somewhat constrained in the design sense. Alternatively, you can draw a slope using textured plaster and colorings.

If, in addition to filling with a solution, you also mount various finishing materials, then you can achieve absolutely any appearance. So this option, when fully executed, combines the advantages of the first method and does not actually have any disadvantages.

Without good slopes even the most luxurious door loses all its appeal.

The third way, how to slope the front door, involves mounting a finishing material, such as MDF, drywall or plastic, on a pre-built frame made of wooden bars or a metal profile. This option is ideal in the case when an unacceptable amount of solution is spent on the formation of slopes in another way to completely fill it. As a result, money is saved, and it is possible to make the slope the most aesthetic. Moreover, with a frame structure it is easier to achieve evenness and comply with all levels, which is not unimportant for visual perception.

This version of the slopes is great for installing lighting and switches directly in or above the doorway. So it will be possible to illuminate the hallway directly at the entrance to the apartment. In addition, at frame structure slopes it will be easier to subsequently carry out such communications as wired Internet or cable TV.

Preparatory work

For any type of slope formation preparatory stage the same. Before any work door leaf and the door frame should be pasted over with a film and masking tape so as not to damage. First of all, all especially protruding parts are combed out, which may interfere with the installation of the frame of the future slope or will protrude above the level of plastering. Then the entire surface is swept and primed. It is better to use a deep penetration primer. Only if the wall is made of foam concrete or similar loose material, a surface primer is used.

At the preparation stage, it is also possible to carry out laying power cable to connect a switch that will light the lamps in the hallway. If you plan to use the option with frame fastening of the slope, then it is better to postpone the laying of the wire until the frame is already installed.

Tip: For clarity, display the outlines of the future slope on the floor. Subsequently, it will be easier to navigate by these labels.

Slope plastering

Beacon profiles are installed on the prepared and primed surface. With their help, it is easier to bring a flat surface to the applied solution. Beacons can be fixed with mortar. It is better to use a gypsum mortar, it sets quickly and it will soon be possible to proceed to the next step.

Put small piles of mortar in two or three places along the length of each end and install beacons. Using a bubble level, adjust the position of the beacons in one plane.

When the mortar under the lighthouses has hardened, you can begin to fill the slope with a cement-sand mortar. Cement is mixed with sand in a ratio of 1: 4 and thoroughly mixed with a mixer nozzle inserted into a drill at low speed. The solution should be similar in density to the curd mass. You can add some plaster.

Using a trowel and spatula, apply the solution to the slope of the doorway and align with the beacons. As soon as the solution dries, and this is not less than a day, you can start applying the starting and finishing putty. The dried finishing putty is finally compared with an abrasive mesh. After that, you can open the slope with paint.

Formation of a slope with a finishing material for mortar

In this case, materials such as drywall, MDF, plastic slopes etc., are strengthened with a cement-sand mortar or adhesive composition. The surface has already been prepared: leveled and primed.

It is best to mark the level of the future slope and provide a normal stop for the skin material. To do this, screws are screwed into the wall so that their caps form one plane. At the same time, the thickness of the sheathing material is taken into account, because it will rely on the caps of the self-tapping screws. After that, you can fill the entire space of the slope along the perimeter with a solution.

For reliability and for the sake of economy, the first layer is used cement-sand mortar, which forms a layer slightly smaller than the height of the supporting screws. Next, an adhesive composition is selected that is suitable for your sheathing material. The adhesive solution is applied evenly over the surface of the slope and onto the strips of material from the reverse side.

Carefully attaching sheets of material to the slope, they must be pressed down until they rest on the caps of the self-tapping screws. The correctness of the installation is checked using a level, if necessary, you can correct the position while the solution has not yet set.

If there is a gap between the sheathing sheets and the wall, it must be sealed with mortar. After that, you can attach the platbands, if any.

Video: the nuances of the primary finishing of the slopes

Mounting slopes on the frame

Even though the mortar will not be used, the entire surface of the wall under the slope should still be primed. This will prevent it from crumbling over time. Next, the parts for mounting the frame are prepared.

Can be used as frame material wooden blocks and slats, or metallic profile which is used to build drywall walls and ceilings. Given the thickness of any of these materials, prudent attention should be given to leveling the wall on which the frame will be mounted so that the frame elements fit snugly against the wall.

The frame elements should be fixed with plastic dowels and impact screws of the required length. Along the entire perimeter of the doorway, two rails or profiles are attached in parallel, placing them on both edges of the future slope. To strengthen the structure between the main load-bearing elements, jumpers are fixed. This is especially important at the corners between the sides of the doorway and the top.

Before sheathing the frame, you can just start laying the cable to the installation site of the switch.

The fastening of the skin is somewhat different for each type of material:


It is enough to fix it with self-tapping screws around the perimeter of the slope. The gap between the drywall sheet and the wall is filled either with a mortar, or rather wide trims are mounted. The edges of the plasterboard slopes are reinforced with special perforated corners. The joints between the pieces of drywall are sealed with sickle construction tape. The entire surface is puttied and compared with a grater with the finest abrasive. After that, you can paint the slopes or paste over with wallpaper.


This material has, undoubtedly, the best aesthetic qualities, and besides, greater strength and wear resistance than other materials. The elements are fastened with small nails, clamps or self-tapping screws. The main thing is that each type of fastening does not interfere with the installation of the following slope elements. Corners and attachment points are closed with platbands or corners, which are glued throughout the structure with liquid nails.

MDF is the most popular material for slopes, and it is used to make maximum amount ready-made solutions. Therefore, the installation of such slopes is usually the simplest.


Strips of laminate can be laid both across and along the ends of the doorway. When laying transversely, it is enough to fix the first lamella to the frame from below along the edges. Subsequent elements are installed with the lock snapping into place. Be sure to fix the last lamella. All intermediate ones can be fixed, for example, through one or even two elements. On the upper horizontal slope, all laminate strips must be fixed at the edges. The longitudinal strips of the laminate are attached at least in three places: along the edges and in the center.

Plastic slopes

Plastic slopes are installed, as well as plastic lining, in almost the same way as laminate. Since this material is less durable than laminate, it must be fixed more often. The fact that near the front door the material will be subject to heavy loads and frequent impacts is taken into account. Therefore, the fastenings of the strip of plastic sheathing of the slopes are located every 10-15 cm.

In most cases, do-it-yourself slopes on the front door are installed without any problems. This problem has several possible solutions, which we will introduce you to below.

Finishing can be done different ways which have significant differences.

  • Plastering.

This technique has been used for many decades. The main disadvantages are the complexity and laboriousness of the work. To be successful, you need to have certain skills. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of time (mainly due to waiting until the mixture seizes). But in this case, you will achieve increased technical characteristics. There is an opportunity to give the opening a unique design.

  • Decorative panels.

If you want to interior decoration slopes of the front door - MDF is the most best option. When using these panels, the work can be done in just a few hours, while it does not require special skills. This material has high technical specifications(chemical resistance, ease of care, moisture resistance, etc.). Their use allows for additional thermal insulation.

  • Drywall.

The least popular method, due to the complexity of the work. However, if you make every effort, you can get a quality result without spending a lot of money. Distinctive feature- there is no need to prepare the initial surface.

Slopes on the door perform several important functions at once:

  • Aesthetic - give a complete look to the opening, hide the flaws that appeared during installation.
  • Improve the strength characteristics of the structure.
  • Mask fasteners of the door frame.
  • Increase heat and sound insulation of the door. The draft will no longer pass into the room, and noise from the entrance will not be heard.

Instructions for proper plastering

Finishing the door slope of the front door with plaster mixture differs in complexity. Therefore, we will consider all the nuances in stages.

Choice of tools and materials

To complete this procedure, you will need an impressive list:

  • Plaster mixture (optional).
  • High-speed drill with mixer attachment.
  • Rule.
  • Large level (2 meters).
  • A set of spatulas (one of them must be equal to the width of the slope).
  • Brush (or roller) for applying the primer.
  • Metal perforated corners.
  • Liquid nails (or similar glue).
  • Plaster mesh (it is needed if the surface is too uneven and a layer of more than 1 cm is assumed).
  • Masking tape (you will need it to paste over the box and canvas).
  • Fine-grained sandpaper.

There is a wide variety of mixtures in stores, but we recommend using the EMACO brand for leveling. It is distinguished by the highest strength in its class (the only negative is that it dries for a long time). For finishing, use any decorative mixture.

If the slopes are finished after the entrance door is installed, then the original surface is most likely not in at its best. Therefore, it needs to be prepared. You need to do the following:

  • We seal the box and canvas with masking tape.
  • We lay something on the floor within a radius of one meter.
  • We evaluate the concrete base. We beat off the protruding pieces.
  • Unstable parts also need to be removed.
  • With the help of a grater, we hide the prominent flaws.
  • If there is excess mounting foam - cut them off with a clerical knife.
  • Coat the surface with a deep penetration primer. This will prevent the formation of mold and improve the adhesion of materials.

If you do not have sufficient experience in applying the solution, we recommend that you mix in small portions. The instructions on the package indicate the proportions (water - mixture). To comply with them, we simply divide these values, for example, by 10. If you start a large volume at once, the mixture may begin to set. Regardless of the brand chosen, the consistency of "liquid sour cream" should be achieved.

The main stage - applying the solution

Decorative finishing of the slopes of the front door with the help of plaster is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, we expose beacons - guides that will play the role of pointers. For this we use metal corners. It is necessary to assemble a U-shaped structure.
  • We start a little mixture and fasten metal elements on it on both sides of the opening. Another option is to fix them with liquid nails. It is important to achieve perfect accuracy, as the final result will depend on this. Therefore, we set them strictly according to the level. The resulting grooves at the end will be sealed.

Tip: instead of corners, you can use any other even material of a suitable length. It is forbidden to connect the pieces - the guide must be solid, only in this case you will achieve the necessary evenness.

  • If necessary, we fix the plaster mesh to the surface using special nails.
  • When the mixture holding the profiles is almost seized, we check the evenness again. We make adjustments if necessary.
  • Putting on rubber gloves, we manually throw the solution, starting with a horizontal opening. We do this “with a margin” so that there are more opportunities for adjusting the layer.

Tip: If the solution does not adhere well, lightly dampen the original surface.

If you have enough dexterity, then it is better to immediately throw the whole one side - it will be faster.

With a wide spatula, level the mixture, removing excess.

  • We are waiting for a while for the mixture to begin to set.
  • We finally level it with the rule. It should be based on installed beacons.
  • We close the remaining parts of the opening in the same way.
  • When the solution is completely dry, rub it with sandpaper.
  • At the end we do the finishing touches decorative plaster by applying it in a thin layer. Give her more interesting view You can make patterns on it, or paint it.

That's all. As you can see, making the slopes of the front door with a solution is not so difficult.

Usage decorative panels greatly facilitates the work. The main thing is that there is no need for careful surface preparation. You will need to purchase the following: polyurethane foam, platbands, slats (or aluminum profile) and a corner (3 pieces, that is, on each side), liquid nails, fasteners.

So, the procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We close the gaps between the wall and the door with foam.
  • We are waiting for it to harden, so that it happens faster, you can lightly sprinkle it with water.
  • Cut off the excess that appears with a clerical knife.
  • Along the perimeter we fill wooden planks or a profile (from top to bottom). On both sides - on one close to the box, on the other at the end of the opening. We fix them strictly according to the level. This will be the framework.
  • We take measurements and cut out MDF sheets. At the same time, keep in mind that the horizontal bar should completely fill the opening in width, and the vertical ones will abut against it. Therefore, when trimming posts, consider the thickness of the material (usually 10 mm).
  • We attach the panel to the front door and, if necessary, remove the excess.
  • We fix the panels to the frame with glue. More reliable option- finishing nails. Their hat should match the tone of the material.

Tip: When using nails, try to take an even step.

  • We cut out a U-shaped structure from the platbands using a miter box. We close the opening.

That's all. When using other sheet materials (plastic, laminate, etc.), the technology will be exactly the same. If there is a need to give the structure additional thermal insulation properties, a layer of insulation (for example, mineral wool) can be placed inside the frame. To do this, simply glue it to the wall.

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