The image of Angelina Jolie in the movie "Tourist": outfit, hairstyle, makeup (video tutorials). Angelina Jolie's style in everyday life: description and features Angelina Jolie's images on the red carpet

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie and her six children met the new year 2017 without a father of the family: four months before that, the news about the divorce of the most beautiful large couple in the world spread around the world. What began after that is scary to say: the statements of lawyers, mixed with rumors, gossip, speculation and outright delirium, poured out like from a cornucopia.

"Brangelina" did not comment on her divorce for more than six months, but Jolie was the first to break the silence. In February of the same year, the actress, with tears in her eyes, spoke about the life of their large family after the divorce to BBC television, and six months later, in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine.

“We all heal our wounds. I don't mean healing from divorce, but from certain things in life," she said.

Angelina Jolie at the Toronto Film Festival September 2017

Last fall, Angie began a slow but sure return to her usual life, filled with work, premieres and official meetings. On September 15, Jolie's new film First They Killed My Father was presented, for which she changed the actor's trailer to the director's chair. The film was warmly received by critics, and in January it competed for the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film.

True, Jolie is not going to quit her acting career either, having confirmed her participation in a new film about the sorceress Maleficent in September. In addition, in 2017, Angelina also produced the cartoon The Breadwinner.

Jolie combines work in the cinema with the duties of a UN Goodwill Ambassador, attending charity events and regularly speaking from the stage with speeches against a variety of issues. The last speech of the actress is dedicated to counteracting violence, which, in the light of a series of harassment scandals in Hollywood, is of particular importance.

Angelina Jolie meeting with UN Secretary General António Guterres, September 14, 2017

One way or another, but the painful story of divorce is gradually leaving the focus of public attention. It seems (of course, we do not undertake to assert this) that Angelina also comes to her senses: recently, the actress has gained a little weight, although she has not completely got rid of painful suspicions of anorexia.

As for Jolie's style, at first glance it seems that he has not changed at all: Angelina is still elegant in flying dresses and powder pumps. However, this is not at all the case: behind the external “permanence” there are large, if not titanic changes in the wardrobe habits of the once most desirable woman on the planet.

Our Western colleagues described the new style of Angelina Jolie as luxe purism. Literally, this phrase can be translated as “luxury purism” (purism is the desire for purity and strictness of morals, sometimes deliberate, ostentatious), but its general meaning can be caught without translation: Angie dresses simply, but expensively. Not in terms of price, but in terms of neat and presentable appearance: the actress can go to the neighboring Uniqlo, but, leaving it in new clothes, she will look amazing.

The explanation for this is simple: active work, six children and a million other worries. Each new day requires Jolie, who has now become the “breadwinner of her family”, to make many decisions. If you exclude at least the headache associated with the selection of clothes from this list, it will already become a little easier.

The key elements of Angelina's new wardrobe are dresses...

...which she complements with long coats, with a minimum of accessories.

Of course, having a staff of stylists and assistants at your disposal, you can change clothes at least every hour, but this is definitely not the case of Angelina, because after the divorce, as she said in an interview with the same Vanity Fair, she even does housework herself. These words are not an imaginary desire to demonstrate their earthliness, but a real fact: photographs appear on the network every now and then, how Angie goes for groceries and picks up children from school.

Angelina Jolie walking with kids...

...and with a dog.

The actress, however, cannot afford to walk in the same gray T-shirt and blue jeans, as Mark Zuckerberg does, but her images turn out to be very consonant with the canons of normcore, adjusted for elegance and femininity. Simple dresses and the same simple combinations of blouses resembling ordinary T-shirts and assorted skirts cope with this task, among which strict pencils are especially respected by the actress.

Simple silhouettes - simple colors: Angelina's wardrobe is dominated by exceptionally restrained, practical and versatile, like black, white and a whole range of gray and beige shades. Rare splashes of color (such as the sensational fuchsia dress she wore for the Cambodian premiere of her film) are more of a rule-proving exception. It doesn't matter what kind of event it is: the red carpet at the Toronto Film Festival, a family outing to an exhibition, or just a meeting with fans.

Not to say that before the actress did not like black, white and gray dresses: she always loved them. What has changed is their style and decor: the famous “leg of Angelina Jolie”, coupled with an abundance of brilliance, have remained in the distant past. Together with the cuts to the thigh, the neckline has also disappeared: Jolie's dresses are now tightly closed. What appeared: a semi-adjacent silhouette and flared skirts. As evidence, here are these gray dresses from Jenny Packham and Christian Dior Couture.

Angelina Jolie in a Jenny Packham dress

Angelina Jolie in a Christian Dior Couture dress

Despite all the objective differences, both outfits are symptomatic of Jolie's changed style and demonstrate her preferences, which really cannot be described otherwise than luxe purism. Western fashion editors compare the new (or rather updated) style of Jolie with the style of Katharine Hepburn. I must say, not without reason: the legendary actress loved these styles of dresses outside the film studio.

Katharine Hepburn, 1940

Katharine Hepburn, 1940

Preferences in evening dresses continue the general desire of the actress for restrained classics. For less formal occasions, Angelina likes the combination of a tightly belted trench coat with pumps. Such an elegant solution will fit almost for all occasions in life. For every day, the actress chooses outfits whose minimalism balances on the verge of asceticism: Angelina wears an impersonal basic wardrobe, adding only practical messengers and a pair of sunglasses.

In these two photos - two different images of Angelina.

But who will notice?

What's next? Angelina this year became the face of a new fragrance from Guerlain, and the continuation of "Maleficent" is expected next year. Jolie can be seen smiling more and more often, and her smile is not a forced demonstration of well-being, but a sincere smile of a self-confident woman who, faced with a colossal shock, overcame it with brilliance. Now absolutely all of Jolie's outfits are her personal position as a strong, talented and hard-working woman. Three hundred cases in a day she can solve effortlessly, only by rolling up her sleeves on her impeccable silk blouse.

Angelina Jolie's wedding dress has become one of the hottest topics this week. It's no joke: for pictures of Angie in a wedding dress, two reputable American magazines laid out almost $ 5 million! Angelina's style can be safely defined in two phrases: exquisite simplicity and sophisticated elegance. In life, the actress dresses very simply, and on the red carpet she prefers to do without unnecessary tinsel and unnecessary decor. Looking both simple and at the same time luxurious is not an easy task, but Angie does it perfectly. Angelina's favorite brand is Versace, her favorite color is black: in an interview, Brad Pitt's wife admitted that, if it were her will, she would always dress only in black. Fortunately, the stylists seize the initiative in time and still convince the actress to wear other shades on the red carpet. We look at how Angelina's style has changed over the years, and which of her dresses have gone down in fashion history.

One of the first spectacular exits of Angelina, after which they started talking about her as an icon of style. A pearl Greek-inspired dress by Marc Bouwer plus a stunning necklace turned Jolie into a true goddess. At the Oscars -2004 she had no equal! And where then, one wonders, was Brad?

At the premiere of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" - the picture that connected them, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt arrived separately. A passionate romance flared up between the actors even then, but their relationship has not yet become an officially recognized fact. Angie looked aggressively sexy - in a black leather dress with a deep neckline.

Angie and Brad's love is in full bloom: a year ago, the couple had a daughter, Shiloh, and just the day before, in March, Jolie and Pitt adopted a Vietnamese boy, Pax Tien. 32-year-old Angelina is as beautiful as ever, and this sunny period of her life perfectly emphasized the bright yellow dress from Ungaro, which she wore to the premiere of Ocean's Thirteen. For this outfit, she specially ordered jewelry with yellow diamonds from Chopard - 10 carat earrings and a stylish 20 carat cocktail ring.

This visit of Jolie and Pitt to the Cannes Film Festival turned out to be very unusual: Angelina flew to the Cote d'Azur deeply pregnant. A spacious green silk dress emphasized the figure of the future mother, who was expecting twins.

At the 14th Screen Actors Guild Awards ceremony, a real fashion scandal erupted around Angelina Jolie's dress. Critics were shocked that the famous actress wore a blue Max Azaria dress backwards. What can I say - this is Angie, who always does everything according to her own understanding, contrary to public opinion!

And again the Cannes Film Festival. Unlike the couple's previous visits to the Cote d'Azur, when Angie and Brad literally glowed with happiness, this time it was not so cloudless. All year before, the tabloids wrote about the very tense relationship between young parents, and the paparazzi kept catching them on the street sad and depressed - as after another family quarrel. While Angelina was filming extremely grueling scenes in her new action movie Salt, Brad took over all the parenting responsibilities. Well, suppose he did not deal with them alone - after all, Jolie and Pitt have a nanny. But six backbiters will finish anyone, with or without nannies. Angelina came to Cannes to support Brad, who is presenting the film "Inglourious Basterds" at the festival. The couple arrived alone, without children. Apparently, being together for once, the actors tuned in to a romantic mood. Moreover, the atmosphere is conducive - Cote d'Azur, Cannes, beautiful France ... Posing on the red carpet in front of thousands of photographers, Brad gently held his wife by the waist and cast proud glances at her. At one point, Pitt began to kiss his beloved in front of everyone. Of course, the actor was overwhelmed with emotions due to the success of Inglourious Basterds, but it seems that the beauty of his wife became the decisive factor. Angelina was dressed that evening in a luxurious Versace dress made of translucent fabric, which did not hide almost anything. And besides, the outfit was decorated with a slit on the skirt to the very waist and a deep neckline.

This outfit of Angelina, perhaps not the most spectacular, but the most memorable for us: this is how Muscovites saw one of the most brilliant stars of Hollywood. Angelina Jolie flew to the Russian capital for just two days to attend the premiere of her new film "Salt". The actress left the room only at three in the afternoon to pose for Russian media photographers on the roof of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Dressed in a simple top and black skirt, Angelina looked stunning. Everyone was once again struck by her extraordinary fragility (after all, Angie is clearly malnourished) and amazing energy. It was nice to see for yourself that Angelina is really one of the most beautiful women on the planet, and is good without any "photoshop" and other tricks. Jolie charmed even the hotel staff, who remembered her only as "sweet, modest and without any stellar quirks." True, once the star nevertheless showed character: after her visit, one of the Ritz-Carlton employees was fired, who tried to click the actress on his soap box as a keepsake. No "papara" filming within the walls of the hotel is one of Jolie's main requirements.

For the New York premiere of The Tourist, Angie chose a rather unconventional outfit - unusual for a red carpet, but quite practical given the December cold. Angelina appeared in an Atelier Versace angora dress, Salvatore Ferragamo shoes and earrings designed by her personal jeweler Robert Prokop. It was he who made the magnificent jewelry in which Jolie starred in the movie "The Tourist". Later, in 2012, Robert also made an engagement ring for Angie, which Brad gave her as an engagement ring. And in 2014 - wedding rings for the couple's wedding. At the premiere of The Tourist, Angelina, as always, came hand in hand with Brad, thus crossing out the rumors about the romance that allegedly broke out on the set between her and Johnny Depp.

At the Golden Globes, Angelina shone in an emerald green Versace dress, which amazingly emphasized her eyes and fragile figure.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were the most beautiful couple at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. Brad, who came to present his new film The Tree of Life, was wearing a bow tie tuxedo. Jolie also showed another stunning outfit, wearing a dress with a high slit from her beloved fashion house Versace. On the red carpet, the couple, as always, looked amazing. Pitt, fortunately, by that time had finally said goodbye to his grayish and disheveled beard, and Angelina gained a little weight, getting rid of painful thinness. The couple smiled, held hands, and then hugged each other just below the waist. Satisfied photographers immediately did not fail to capture this moment of touching family unity.

Another Golden Globe, and again a dress from Angelina's favorite Versace fashion house. But this time, a very atypical style for an actress. As a result, the image turned out to be interesting and unexpected. Brad accompanied Angelina, leaning on a cane - he injured his leg on the set.

The appearance of Angelina Jolie at the 84th Oscars ceremony was remembered by the audience for a long time. Angie appeared on the red carpet in a long black Versace dress with a breathtaking slit that showed off the pretty leg of the actress. Taking the opportunity, Angelina now and then put the shoe aside, making sure that her knee and thigh were visible in the neckline. The pose that Jolie took in front of the cameras aroused such enthusiasm among the public that Angelina's right limb immediately became the heroine of the Internet. Jolie's leg even got her own Twitter account:
- Look, I'm everywhere now! - read the message on the page.
A lot of “phototoads” also appeared on the Web - pictures in which Jolie’s leg was attached to the bodies of various characters with Photoshop. By the way, the father of the star Jon Voight was very proud of his daughter and the effect that her appearance at the Oscars had.
She went out and did it for people to appreciate. It was great. The audience was happy - people were whistling and all that," commented Voight.

Ever since Angelina and Brad announced they were a couple, fashion magazines have been wondering what Jolie's wedding dress will look like. There were many variations, but none hit the mark. Angelina wouldn't be Angelina if she didn't come up with something special for her wedding. The actress's wedding dress and her veil were decorated with funny drawings, the authors of which were her and Brad's six children! The actress entrusted the designer of the fashion house Atelier Versace Luigi Massi to sew it. Jolie has been friends with Luigi for a long time, and, according to her, that is why she chose Massi: “Luigi is like a family member to me, I could not even imagine that someone else was working on the dress,” she said in an interview. . Together with Luigi, all the children of the star couple worked on the outfit - Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Vivienne and Knox. It was their drawings that formed the basis of the design. According to Angelina, the joint work brought Massy and her kids a lot of fun. First, the offspring of the newlyweds embodied their fantasies on paper, and then Luigi transferred the results of their labors to the hem of the dress and to the veil. The craftswomen of Atelier Versace embroidered the drawings by hand with silk threads. For the wedding dress, Angelina put on expensive jewelry for her - the ring that Brad gave her for engagement, and the medallion of her mother Marcheline Bertrand.

Today, June 4, Angelina Jolie turns 43 years old. In honor of the star's birthday, we decided to recall the five main components of her style and take note of Angie's fashion ideas.

Combo - red and beige

This color duo was tried by many celebrity fashionistas, but our birthday girl especially liked it: the actress complements her neutral images in a warm beige palette with a capacious bag of a rich scarlet hue and bright lipstick - it is not surprising that all men's eyes are riveted only to her.

Velvet evening dresses

Black color always helps out Angelina Jolie: she loves total black in everyday life and cannot imagine herself without it on the red carpet. Angie's even more favorite combination was velvet dresses in black: they nobly emphasize the whiteness of the actress's skin and are especially effectively combined with jewelry studded with diamonds - a classic of golden Hollywood.

White top - dark bottom

Jolie sometimes dilutes her love for black with a “school” combination of a white top - a dark bottom, but does not forget to bring a bit of sexuality into it. For example, judging by the images of our heroine, a dark skirt should fit the figure as much as possible, and it is better to choose a blouse from translucent silk, and even leave a few top buttons unbuttoned. Especially if you, like Angelina, are in search of your other half.

Contrasting accessories

It's always a good idea to emphasize your tiny waist, and Angelina often does this with a contrasting belt - for example, she puts on light dresses or coats and matches them with a wide black belt. At the same time, the actress looks like a figurine - a great reception!

Strict but sexy

It's no secret that Angelina is aiming for politics and dreams of changing the world for the better not only with her acting and directing projects, but also as a successful political figure. Therefore, much more often we see a star not in evening dresses, but in strict trench coats, tightly closed dresses and wide trousers. However, Jolie's style is definitely not too businesslike: she knows perfectly well that white is refreshing, and often chooses clothes in bright colors. In addition, our heroine, even at a business meeting, can “forget” to wear underwear under a chiffon top or put on catchy makeup - such liberties are unlikely to interfere with successful negotiations.

Angelina Jolie is one of the most beautiful women in the world. She always looks great both in everyday life and on the red carpet, and it seems that over the years the star has only gotten better. Despite fame, recognition and financial well-being, the style of the actress remains restrained and concise. At the same time, she looks impeccable and aristocratic in any situation. In this article, we will take a closer look at the features of Angelina Jolie's style.

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Black color

The actress prefers monochrome looks in style. Black is the leading color in her wardrobe. In outfits of this color, Jolie can be seen both in everyday life and at social events. The simplicity of styles and monochrome sets are an excellent backdrop that emphasizes the natural beauty of Angelina.

Length midi skirts

Angelina prefers feminine silhouettes. She rarely wears jeans. Very often, the actress can be seen in midi length skirts. They are made of plain fabrics without prints and decorative elements. Jolie accentuates her hourglass figure with a pencil skirt. The actress combines it with plain tops, pullovers, jumpers in neutral and muted tones. It turns out laconic and elegant sets.

Evening dresses

Choosing her evening dresses, Angelina is guided by the same principles: simplicity and elegance. The actress chooses floor-length long dresses in tight-fitting silhouettes. She rarely accessorizes her looks. Small earrings with diamonds, a ring and, occasionally, a clutch - that's all the jewelry that Jolie puts on herself when going to a social event.

Stoles and capes

Warm and cozy stoles often flash in the images of Jolie. She likes to complement them with both elegant looks and everyday ones. This cape drapes elegantly, giving the star's silhouette smooth lines and soft outlines, and also protects the actress from wind and coolness.

Leather things

Angelina skillfully wears leather clothes. Skirts, dresses and leather jackets look feminine and sexy on the star. For example, the actress added a black leather skirt with a silk blouse and pumps. The image is quite simple, but due to the play on the contrast of textures, it looks unusual and stylish.

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