Butyrate decomposes into water and carbon dioxide. Butyrate overdose: main symptoms and principles of treatment

Butyrate is a synthetic antidepressant with a nootropic effect. In the common people, this drug is called sodium oxybutyrate. It does not have a calming, psychostimulating and analgesic effect. characteristic property: increased body response to other drugs or pain relievers.

Butyrate has a wide range of uses in medicine. So in anesthesiology, he acts as an agent for anesthesia, which is used in the process of many operations.

Neurologists and psychiatrists prescribe butyrate to patients diagnosed with neurosis, as well as with existing problems with sleep. People involved in sports, as well as bodybuilders, take butyrate as an anabolic that can stimulate growth muscle mass. Not so long ago, butyrate became popular among young people. The demand for the substance is due to the fact that it increases sexual desire and improves mood. At first glance, it may seem that butyrate is of exceptional benefit and there can be nothing wrong with taking the drug. After all of the above, the question arises: “Is everything so good or are there pitfalls?”

In our country, butyrate is on the list called "Three". This list establishes certain restrictions on the circulation of butyrate in Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that butyrate adversely affects the growing developing teenage body, because it belongs to the category of potent poisons.

The effect of butyrate on the body

A small dose of butyrate, like any other poison, initially relaxes the human body and brings it into a state of peace. If we make a comparison, then after butyrate a person feels exactly the same as after taking alcoholic beverages:

  • people under the influence drug just forget about the real world.
  • It seems to them that everything is fine with them and there are no more problems.
  • Butyrate already after the third adoption is psychologically addictive. The poison accumulated in the liver Negative influence for the whole body. In this regard, the process of inhibition is launched: a person constantly wants to sleep, he is not interested in what is happening around, etc.

There is an intermediate phase between taking butyrate and drug-induced drowsiness. Being in it, people behave unnaturally and inadequately.

Consequences of drug use

Butyrate is a very dangerous substance, the use of which can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. Medicine knows cases when, after taking a drug, a person got behind the wheel and fell asleep. Outcome: Fatal accident. As mentioned above, the action of butyrate is expressed in the loss of control over one's consciousness, which, of course, can lead to injury to oneself. Under the influence of a drug, a person can jump from high floor. At the same time, he has absolutely no control over his actions and does not understand the consequences.

Separately, it should be said about the fact that butyrate is a drug - this is a substance that has the greatest effect on mental condition person. Mankind is not yet aware of any such drug that could be compared with butyrate in its effect on the psyche.

Sodium oxybutyrate in as soon as possible It is addictive, both physically and psychologically. Moreover, this narcotic substance reduces life expectancy by half. The consequences of taking the drug are sad. It's not that hard to stop taking butyrate. The problem is relapse.

A bit of history

Sodium oxybutyrate and other substances similar in composition to it are not capable of causing strong addiction, but systematic use inevitably leads to psychological dependence.

Butyrate became known to mankind at the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, doctors examined the substance and conducted a thorough analysis of it. The use of butyrate falls on the 60s. For the first time about butyrate and its useful qualities spoke physiologist from France A. Labori. In his writings, he described the effect of the drug, namely, that butyrate can be used as a means for shallow anesthesia. Based on this, already in the 70s, sodium hydroxybutyrate began to be used in numerous operations. The substance was also used as an anesthetic during childbirth.

In the same period of time, a number of studies were conducted that helped to identify the negative effects of the drug, but, unfortunately, the side effects were not given due attention. Already in the 80s, butyrate was used everywhere and everywhere.

The Beginning of Butyrate Addiction

The use of butyrate in combination with alcohol and drugs causes a state of euphoria in a person, which can be compared with alcohol intoxication. After consuming a substance, a person does not feel bad, as is the case with alcohol. Just do not forget that the systematic use of sodium oxybutyrate in unlimited quantities causes toxic effects. It is not excluded the development of medical coma, which, as you know, can lead to cardiac arrest. In addition, the effect of taking drugs in combination with butyrate increases significantly. This leads to great difficulties when trying to eliminate the consequences that occurred after the introduction of the composition.

Until now, scientists argue about the physical dependence on butyrate. One thing is for sure - there is a psychological dependence on this drug. This state of affairs leads to the fact that a person who constantly uses butyrate does not understand the seriousness of the situation and thinks only about one thing - how to find the next dose.

Currently, butyrate is banned in our country. It is also rarely used for medical purposes. From this we can conclude that the drugs offered to people are nothing more than a synthetic substance made in semi-basement conditions. Involved in the manufacturing process toxic substances, which, when ingested, destroy it and lead to inevitable death.

Video What is Butyrate. A film about butyrate and butyrats

One such substance is butyrate, also called liquid ecstasy or hangover-free alcohol due to its lack of visible effects.

At the end of the 20th century, butyrate was not banned and was freely sold in pharmacies as medicinal product for a relatively small price. This was one of the main reasons for the spread of dependence on butyrate, especially among young people.

What is butyrate?

Butyrate is a slang term for sodium hydroxybutyrate. synthetic substance- white powder, almost odorless and easily soluble in water or alcohol. Included in the GHB group (gamma-hydroxybutyric acids). It is distributed in two variations: as potassium hydroxybutyrate and sodium salt of y-hydroxybutyric acid. Of all the substances of the GHB family, it is the most powerful, combining the functions of nootropic drugs and tranquilizers.

Discovered in 1874, hydroxybutyrate was used as a drug for the treatment of neurological diseases, alcoholism, and also for anesthesia. In the 1980s, it was actively used by athletes to build muscle mass. It has been proven that the drug enhances the release of growth hormone in men. Sodium oxybutyrate was freely available in all stores food additives for bodybuilders.

Since 1990, butyrate has been on the list of psychotropic substances banned in many countries.

Pharmacological action of butyrate

Before the ban, sodium oxybutyrate had a wide range of medical uses.

It has been used:

  • For the treatment of alcoholism. The effect of the use of hydroxybutyrate feels similar to alcohol intoxication. At the same time, there are no negative consequences of alcohol use. Due to the lack of butyrate, it has become frequently used outside of medical settings. What was the reason for its ban.
  • For the timely treatment of neuroses, diseases and injuries of the central nervous system. The action of butyrate increases the effectiveness of analgesics, but is not itself an analgesic. Has an anti-shock effect.
  • Like a nootropic. Unlike gamma-aminobutyric acid, hydroxybutyrate passes better through the blood-brain defense of the nervous system.
  • As an anesthetic without the need for inhalation. Sodium oxybutyrate has a mild hypnotic, sedative effect. At a high dosage leads to anesthesia. In addition to enhancing the work of analgesics, it also exacerbates the effect of the use of narcotic substances.
  • To increase the body's resistance to hypoxia - oxygen starvation, by activating metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart and brain. With blood loss, it stabilizes the excretory ability of the kidneys, improves the contractile function of the heart. It was also used for recreational purposes - to restore the body's performance.

Use of butyrate as a drug

The effects of butyrates are similar to those of alcohol or psychoactive drugs. Because of this, the non-medical use of butyrate before the ban became a big problem.

Under butyrate, a person first achieves a feeling of euphoria, complete relaxation. This condition is characterized by increased emotional sensitivity, blurred consciousness and meaningless speech, as well as increased sexual desire. Depending on a particular person, his personal parameters (weight, age, character), the effect of the drug may vary.

For example, in some people, after butyrate, the stage of sudden performance begins. Or in the opposite case - complete apathy. In large doses, butyrate causes a long sleep, similar to lethargic.

Other possible consequences include:

  1. nausea;
  2. dizziness;
  3. problems with vision and breathing;
  4. unconscious actions;
  5. memory losses.

When using butyrate, the effect on the body can reach a critical state. Up to death. Especially the likelihood of this may be increased with the simultaneous use of oxybutyrate together with alcoholic drinks or other depressants. Over time, when using butyrate, the effect of the drug is blunted and addicts begin to interfere with substances to achieve a greater effect.

Long-term use of butyrate causes strong changes in the addict, not only physical, but also psychological:

  • drug dependence;
  • negative behavior aggressive behavior when a problem is mentioned, refusal to accept it;
  • refusal of any assistance, including medical intervention;
  • secretive behavior, a tendency to lie, theft;
  • apathy, decreased sexual desire;
  • uncontrolled behavior, unconscious actions when it comes to finding and using a new dose, new asocial acquaintances;
  • nervousness, psychopathic states, changes in the social environment, the disappearance of moral boundaries;

The drug butyrate affects the body from 1 to 3 hours.

When using butyrate, a person becomes distracted and inhibited. The substance is addictive, and at the same time, each new dose weakens the level of drug "euphoria". Addicts begin to increase the dosage or mix it with other drugs to enhance the latter.

People under butyrate can spend many days in a narcotic binge, which, when the use is stopped, is immediately replaced (brittle). Thirst for false pleasure, an erroneous judgment about the absence of side effects and withdrawal lead to a constant craving for the drug - dependence is formed.

It is believed that butyrate does not cause physical dependence. Only a psychological attraction to the use of the drug. But at the same time, sodium oxybutyrate still has its effect on the body. With prolonged use of the substance, the reproductive system begins to fail in the body.

The liver ceases to perform its function. The drug affects the lungs, causes arrhythmia, vomiting. In extreme cases, with prolonged use of the drug, features of manic depressive psychosis may begin to appear. Brain activity decreases, the level of intelligence is the features of dementia, typical for the elderly.

It is not difficult to imagine how serious the consequences of long-term use of butyrate can be. But it is difficult to correct these consequences, to restore the life of an addict. Restore both his body and his psychological state.

Butyrate addiction treatment

Butyrate addiction- a serious problem, the eradication of which takes a long time. Treatment requires a long-term impact, a set of measures covering all the destroyed aspects of human life.

The complex measures include several stages:

  1. Body detoxification. Hemosorption is carried out - a method of extrarenal or plasmapheresis - a method of blood sampling, its subsequent purification and return to the body;
  2. Saturation of the body with all the necessary vitamins, increasing the overall tone;
  3. Psychological impact. It can be divided into two stages. Work personally with a psychotherapist, specialists in drug addiction. And psychological training in the team, along with other people struggling with addiction to butyrates. Living with addicts who are at different stages of rehabilitation helps to realize that addiction can be overcome. Drug treatment is carried out only in the key of recreation of the body, getting rid of the consequences of drug use;
  4. Return to the social environment. Due to the long intake of butyrate, relationships with loved ones break down, which are a laborious process to rebuild. At this stage, the psychologist should help restore the former addict's communication skills, prepare relatives, and return to normal life.


The sooner treatment of butyrate addiction is started, the more chances there will be to overcome it. It is believed that it is not possible to overcome addiction on your own. A person addicted to butyrates definitely needs outside help.

It is extremely important to start treatment, place an addict in a rehabilitation center or a drug treatment clinic, where he will be under the supervision of specialists and psychologists all the time. But it's even more important to do it on time. Recognize the problem early and take action.

Video: What is Butyrate. A film about butyrate and butyrats

Drug addiction breaks the life of both the addict himself and his relatives. A person ceases to enjoy simple things. He is ready to give everything, just to get another dose. It doesn't matter how strong the drug people are taking. Even soft drugs like butyrate are dangerous. They can lead to irreversible mental illness and death. Therefore, before trying a dangerous substance, it is worth knowing what butyrate is and its consequences.

Description of butyrate

Butyrate is a drug. In the medical field, it is called sodium oxybutyrate. The drug is widely used in neurology and anesthesiology. It starts the metabolism and improves the functioning of many internal organs.

When ingested, butyrate acts on the central nervous system and has a calming effect. Large doses of the drug can put a person into a state of anesthesia. The substance is addictive, and with regular use it is difficult to refuse it.

After taking butyrate, people feel drug intoxication. Their consciousness is confused, hallucinations begin. The drug begins to act on the body 10 minutes after taking it, and the state of intoxication quickly passes.

The effect of butyrate on the human body

When young people try butyrate for the first time, they experience a state of euphoria. It lasts for an hour. When taking a substance along with alcohol, drug intoxication lasts longer. Because of this, few people refuse to take the next dose.

An overdose of butyrate is dangerous, but limiting the dose is difficult. Usually young people measure the substance with bottle caps. After one dose, their mood rises and a surge of strength is felt. When the intoxication lets go, they take the next plugs. But toxins do not have time to leave the liver, and their amount becomes critical.

Instead of excitement, you feel:

  • drowsiness;
  • braking;
  • apathy.

One tube contains about 2 ml of solution. Doctors use only 3 ml of sodium hydroxybutyrate to make the patient fall asleep, so after the second plug, the addict's body is severely poisoned. For immersion in a state of anesthesia in medical institutions, 6 ml of medication is used.

After a single dose for medical purposes, the substance leaves the body without harming it. But when people take the drug regularly, the effect of butyrate on the body becomes dangerous. It acts on the nervous system, and can provoke serious mental disorders.

4 hours after the last dose, people begin to feel anxious. They want to take more drugs. After another 2 hours, coordination of movements is disturbed, speech ceases to be clear. At this point, the patient may go into a "binge", and will feel comfortable only after taking the next dose. In the intervals between them, cold pouring sweat, fear of light, insomnia appear. It is impossible to get out of this state without the help of doctors.

Symptoms of taking sodium hydroxybutyrate

When using the drug in small doses, signs of a drunk person appear. He is a little dizzy, all actions are liberated. If there is no smell of alcohol in the presence of such signs, drug use can be suspected.

The consequences of the use of butyrate in medium doses are:

  • inappropriate behavior;
  • fuzzy speech;
  • euphoria.

At high doses of the drug, activity can increase, a person loses control over himself. If at this moment aggression appears, then it can become dangerous for others. Addicts lose their memory, and after the release of sodium hydroxybutyrate from the body, they cannot remember past events.

The person who has taken the drug in large numbers, the pupils become motionless, the skin turns pale, the pulse becomes weak. People can go into a coma. During narcotic sleep, respiratory arrest is possible. This reaction of the body to butyrate can become even more serious if it was taken along with alcohol.

If a person is in such a state, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance. Before their arrival, nothing should be given to the patient, including water. Care must be taken that he does not lose consciousness. If this happens, then the addict must be brought to life with painful stimuli.

Excretion of butyrate from the body

There are no problems with how to remove butyrate from the body. Within five hours after taking it, it completely breaks down and leaves the blood. In the urine, the substance can be detected for several more hours. Due to such a rapid response, the drug is difficult to detect with tests. Therefore, it is necessary to take a relative to take tests immediately, as confusion or other signs of intoxication were noticed, without the presence of the smell of alcohol.

After the drug leaves the body, the addict wants to take a new dose. But such a craving is more mental than physiological, since there is practically no negative effect of butyrate on the body after the first doses. Therefore, a “beginner” drug addict can refuse poison himself. To do this, you need to engage in self-hypnosis and distract yourself from the thought of drinking a substance.

Ways to deal with butyrate addiction

If you use a drug for a long time, it is impossible to stop it on your own. Treatment is carried out in First, doctors cleanse the body of toxins using plasmapheresis or hemosorption. Since butyrate removes potassium, the patient is given vitamins.

At the second stage, mental dependence is treated. For this, courses of psychotherapy and social rehabilitation are conducted. At this stage, a person must learn to live without drugs.

"Butyrate" is a slang term for the narcotic substance sodium hydroxybutyrate, which is common mainly among drug addicts. It is now widely used among young people.

What is butyrate?

This medicinal substance, included in the list of vital drugs, is used in anesthesiology, neurology and ophthalmology. Sodium hydroxybutyrate is a salt of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB).

When used for medical purposes, and in the required doses, this tool is able to activate the metabolism in many tissues, while increasing their resistance to oxygen starvation. It improves microcirculation, glomerular filtration of the kidneys and the contractility of the heart muscle. The drug has a relaxing and calming effect, and in significant dosages causes sleep and a state of anesthesia. Sodium hydroxybutyrate freely bypasses the blood-brain barrier, affecting the central nervous system. It is also noted that it has an anti-shock effect.

Note:The effect of butyrate on the human body is well studied. In the USA and European countries, this medicine, characterized by nootropic activity, is widely used to treat cataplexy and the consequences of narcolepsy. In our country, the drug is used to treat primary open-angle glaucoma (to stimulate metabolism in the retina) and neurotic conditions.

How does butyrate work?

Side effects of taking the substance are confusion, hallucinations, and pathological thinking. Simply put, sodium butyrate causes a state of drug intoxication. Among others unwanted effects called unmotivated feelings of anxiety and sleep disturbances.

Important: An overdose of butyrate occurs very easily, because in a state of intoxication a person loses control over the amount of the substance taken. The difference between a relatively safe and a lethal dose is very small.

After taking butyrate, the effect of the substance begins after 10-20 minutes. The duration of the state of drug intoxication is on average 1-2 hours (in combination with alcohol or other psychoactive substances - longer).

The average "dose" is 2 ml (in solution). The drug is consumed orally, usually using plastic bottle caps as a measure. Practically there are no known cases when a teenager refused to re-admission. The first dose causes a feeling of pleasure and a surge of energy.

Already after 2-3 “plugs”, the amount of toxin in the liver approaches critical values, and inhibition comes to replace the excitation of the nervous system. In this state, a person loses interest in the world around him; his only desire is to lie down and sleep. In medical practice, 3 ml is enough to put the patient to sleep, and 5-6 ml is enough to induce anesthesia. Naturally, people who have developed a tolerance to butyrate require large dosages.

Note:The person is able drug euphoria poses a danger to others. Hundreds of people died under the wheels of cars driven by drivers who took butyrate.

The harm of butyrate when taking a substance to achieve a state of euphoria is obvious. The addict begins to suffer from paranoia. Chronic substance poisoning can provoke severe (sometimes irreversible) mental disorders.

Withdrawal syndrome develops, as a rule, 4 hours after the last dose. He is characterized by anxiety and suspiciousness, as well as an irresistible desire to take another portion of the drug butyrate. After another 2-3 hours, tremor begins and coordination of movements is disturbed. Usually there are problems with the articulate pronunciation of words.

Against the background of repeated intake, "binge drinking" develops, lasting 1-2 weeks or more. In this state, the patient cannot feel comfortable without receiving a new dose. He develops cold, drenching sweats and photophobia (photophobia), and develops sleep disorders. The drug addict is often unable to sleep without the help of powerful sleeping pills.

Butyrate affects the girl's body in the most unfavorable way. Women require a smaller amount of the drug to lose control of themselves. They become overly liberated sexually, because they do not give an account of their actions. This results in infection with sexually transmitted infections, HIV and hepatitis. Unplanned pregnancies and, as a result, abortions are not uncommon.

The effect of butyrate on the body of a woman carrying a child is especially detrimental. Constant and even single intoxications can cause violations of the intrauterine development of the unborn child and the appearance of deformities.

Signs of taking butyrate

After small doses, a state develops as after drinking alcohol - there is a slight relaxation and slight dizziness.
After taking medium doses, euphoria, inadequacy in behavior (excessive emancipation), inconsistency of speech, and an increase in libido are noted. Lovers of "soft drugs" sometimes compare the effect of butyrate with the effect of "ecstasy".

The consequences of the use of butyrate in high doses are a complete loss of self-control and a parallel increase in activity. To the number characteristic features include memory lapses. Drug addicts may fall into a state of deep sleep or stupor. Coma often develops. Of particular danger is a mixture of large doses of butyrate with alcohol; such poisoning is fatal due to respiratory arrest.

Note:If you accidentally take a solution of high concentration, the body will try to get rid of the poison due to the gag reflex. However, the brain can “switch off”, and in a state of deep narcotic sleep, the risk of aspiration of vomit is high.

Some are interested in the question "how to withdraw butyrate"? I must say that just with this problem does not arise. Already after 5 hours (on average), the substance is almost impossible to detect in the blood, since it breaks down into carbon dioxide and water. Only in the urine traces are found for a longer time. Standard express tests also turn out to be uninformative. This significantly complicates the identification of drug addicts and distorts the results of a medical examination (for example, after an accident).

Mental and physical dependence on butyrate can form after the first dose. Tolerance is formed very quickly, forcing to constantly increase the dose.

How to stop drinking butyrate?

Painful cravings for butyrate require treatment with the participation of qualified professionals. In order for the patient to be helped, his consent to the procedures and a conscious desire to get rid of the addiction are required.
Important: The distribution of this psychoactive drug in the Russian Federation has been banned since 1997.
The main task of narcologists is the accelerated detoxification of the body and removal from a kind of "binge". At the next stage of therapy, psychotherapists eliminate mental dependence, creating a setting for a return to a normal lifestyle.

In a drop is medicine, in a spoon is poison. This common expression can be safely attributed to such a narcotic substance as butyrate. “Another horror story,” teenagers will say. Maybe so. But in fact, this substance kills, slowly and cruelly.

drug butyrate

Butyrate has recently been used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass. This drug is also used in medicine as anesthesia and in the treatment of neuroses with sleep disorders. Why is he so dangerous? First you need to understand what this drug is.

Butyrate - synthetic drug in the form of a white powder with a yellowish tinge. It dissolves well in water and in alcoholic beverages. Drug addicts most often use butyrate salts - the same powder or aqueous solution. Basically, the drug is taken orally, that is, it is dissolved and drunk.

Very often, butyrate is offered by dealers at discos or youth parties for liberation and relaxation as an alternative to alcohol. Yes, indeed, the severity of symptoms when using butyrate and alcohol is similar - complete relaxation and peace, high spirits, euphoria and satisfaction with everything around. Causes butyrate and attacks of indomitable sexual desire. Knowing about this effect of the drug, many young people imperceptibly pour the drug into the cocktails of their uncompromising girlfriends. The action of the drug occurs approximately 5-10 minutes after use, and acts on the body for about two to three hours - as long as it takes for a party.

Action on the body

It is very difficult to calculate the dose necessary to achieve the effect of slight intoxication, since it is impossible to predict how this or that organism will react to the use of chemistry.

There are three stages of intoxication after ingestion:

  1. Slight dizziness, increased mood, relaxation. To achieve a similar effect, it is enough to take 1-2 ml of the drug.
  2. Dizziness is strong enough, butyrate poisoning leads to inadequate mental reactions, uncontrollable behavior, and recklessness. The desire to dance increases, there is an unbridled sexual attraction to the opposite sex, an increase in orgasm. High doses may cause nausea and sometimes vomiting.
  3. Absolutely uncontrolled behavior, a person cannot control his body, the boundaries of what is permitted are erased. A drug addict who has used a large dose of the drug, instead of the desired relaxing state, may fall into a narcotic sleep, which lasts up to 4-6 hours.

Development of addiction

Most young people mistakenly believe that butyrate is not addictive. It is not true! Butyrate already from the first or second application causes a desire to take another dose, and after - more and more. It comes to the point that a butyrate addict cannot sleep without drugs, cannot work and fully enjoy life. As in situations with other drugs, tolerance develops to butyrate, that is, addiction to a certain dosage. The usual amount of the drug ceases to have an effect and the proper effect, and the addict has to increase the dose, which is very fraught with terrible. It is easy to exceed the dose, since the effect of one dose of the drug in different moments differs. Today, a certain amount causes a euphoric effect, and tomorrow the same dose can cause a narcotic coma.


It is very easy to get an overdose of butyrate - it is enough to increase the dose by just a few milliliters and the consequences can be unpredictable:

  • the addict completely loses human face, can beat his head on the asphalt without feeling pain, is quite capable of injuring other people;
  • deep narcotic sleep and simultaneous vomiting, in which the addict still does not wake up, lead to the retraction of vomit and death of a person from suffocation;
  • coma, leading to cerebral edema and, as a result, death.

Signs of an overdose to which you should pay special attention:

  • immobile pupils;
  • incoherent incomprehensible speech;
  • weak pulse;
  • pallor skin, severe drowsiness, loss of consciousness;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

If, with the combination of these signs, the addict does not smell of alcohol, then it is quite possible to assume an overdose of butyrate. This condition requires urgent medical care. What should not be done in any case is to try to feed or drink a drug addict, give any medicines, or even worse - drugs.

It is necessary to stay with the patient until the arrival of the doctors, not to let him fall into a state of loss of consciousness, and if this happens, try to bring pain stimuli to life: rub the earlobes, firmly squeeze the place between the first and second fingers of the hand.

It is worth remembering that the combination of butyrate with alcohol-containing drinks or taking it before other drugs can cause irreparable harm to the body and cause the immediate death of the addict!

An overdose can only be treated in a hospital setting.


By using butyrate as a constant stimulation of the body, the addict runs the risk of living no more than five years, and even less if he receives constant overdoses. It is impossible to stop drinking it at home, you need to be treated in a drug treatment clinic, otherwise relapses, breakdowns and severe withdrawal are possible. First of all, the treatment is aimed at detoxifying the body. Given the toxicity of the drug, the patient may be shown plasmapheresis or a special blood purification procedure - hemosorption. Butyrate removes potassium from the body, so it is extremely necessary for a drug addict to replenish the reserves of vitamins and trace elements in the body.

The second phase of treatment is getting rid of the strongest mental addiction. This requires serious work with a psychologist, medical and social rehabilitation. This stage is very important due to the fact that the drug addict simply does not see his life without drugs, he does not know how to enjoy ordinary things.

In conclusion, I would like to warn parents with children adolescence- carefully monitor the condition of your children, especially when they return from night discos. It is easier to catch the disease at the very beginning and prevent the child from further addiction to drugs than to invest huge material and mental strength in delivering his child from a strong addiction.
Documentary about butyrate:

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