Pipeline valves - what is it? Its structure and purpose. Shut-off valves

Shut-off valves necessary for modern communications and various engineering systems. It is necessary to control the working media that move through pipelines. These devices allow not only to regulate flows, but also to completely block their access if the need arises.

Working media can be: gas, water, steam, chemical liquids, aggressive liquids, oil, and many other substances.

Stop valves catalog:

What materials are fittings made from?

Numerous kinds and types of valves are mainly made of high strength steel, ductile iron, bronze and brass. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, and is used strictly in accordance with the technical conditions of each individual pipeline or the whole complex system pipelines.

The main characteristics of these nodes are considered to be the largest excess pressure and the diameter of the connected pipeline. There is enough a large number of types of the above-mentioned nodes: these are valves, and gate valves, and dampers, and various taps.

Which devices belong to the category of valves:

  • valves;
  • valves;
  • cranes;
  • valves;
  • closures.

Also, industrial fittings are divided into the following two types:

1. having a general technical application;

2. intended for use in special conditions.

Specialists know that it is possible to use one or another type or type only if it exclusively complies with all the technical conditions of a particular particular pipeline. Our competent employees will always be happy to answer all your questions in the most detailed and thorough manner. For example, for gas pipelines, water lines and systems for pumping aggressive substances, absolutely different types equipment.

Consider some types of valves

Shut-off valves - are installed on any pipelines. There are ball and cork. They are made mainly of cast iron, used in oil pipelines and waterways.

Shut-off dampers - in them the main working body is made in the form of a disk that rotates around its axis. Used on large diameter pipelines. Such units are controlled manually, using an electric drive or a hydraulic drive.

Gate valves - are made of stainless steel, cast iron, alloys of some metals. The choice of the appropriate material directly depends on the flow through the pipeline working environment. They are divided according to the principle of operation into parallel and wedge.

Stop valves for aggressive environments

Valves are most widely used due to the hermetic connection of the spool and seat, as well as due to the absence of friction. Brass is a material resistant to aggressive media, so brass socket valves are very widely used in such conditions, especially in liquid service.

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Our team is a friendly circle of like-minded professionals and high-class specialists! We are constantly developing and improving our skills. We sell only high quality products from the world's best manufacturers.

When buying stop valves from us, you will receive all the necessary certificates of conformity and a guarantee of long-term service of all purchased goods! We are waiting for you!

Not a single pipeline, both domestic and industrial, can do without shutoff valves. Pipe fittings allow you to regulate or block the movement of the passage medium in polypropylene, cast iron, steel and other types of pipes.

These devices are mechanisms for controlling the flow of a passing liquid, viscous or gaseous medium inside pipes. These include valves, faucets, valves, and so on.

1 Why do I need shutoff valves?

Installation of any pipelines, both domestic and industrial, provides for the installation of branches, bends, connections, installation of household appliances. Often the design of a pipeline made of metal or PVC pipes requires pressure regulation by installing a pressure gauge as a control device.

Installation of similar points of heating networks, sewers, water pipes and other transport systems, requires special sealing. For the possibility of maintenance, repair and control, shut-off valves (for example, Valtec) are installed in such places. For the long-term operation of any system, its periodic revision is necessary.

Each device must comply with OKDP (All-Russian classifier of types economic activity, products and services). Such marking is entered into the electronic database and allows the state to track the production of locking elements.

1.1 Types of fittings

There is a different classification of pipeline locking devices PVC or metal. As an example, let's say that there can be various materials manufacturing, types of shutter mechanism, types of connections with the pipeline, operating conditions, etc.

1.2 Overview of types of pipeline fittings (video)

1.3 By task

You should not think that a polypropylene or metal pipe shut-off kit is just a tap that blocks the flow. The scope of such a device is very wide, as well as its purpose. Therefore, the types of equipment for heating networks, sewers, water pipes and various industrial pipelines are different.

All of them must comply with GOST and be produced by factories with the appropriate OKDP code.

The table indicates that there are 4 main types of valves, based on the task performed: shut-off, control, safety, control. The table also shows what types of devices can be used to perform a particular task.

  • shut-off pipeline valves are used if it is necessary to shut off until the flow is completely tight in metal or polypropylene pipes. Valves, gate valves, valves, for example, Oventrop or Valtec, can be used as equipment for completely shutting off the flow;
  • control valves are used to increase or decrease the flow of the medium through passage. Such devices include a valve or tap;
  • a safety device is installed to regulate the pressure and relieve it, if necessary. As such equipment, a safety valve "Oventrop", "Valtec" or other manufacturers from the OKDP base is used;
  • distribution and mixing fittings are designed for mixing or separating various flows inside metal or polypropylene pipelines. These include tees, bends, two-, three-, four-way valves and valves, mixers, etc. Without such a device, installation of heating networks and other pipelines is not possible;
  • condensate drain.

1.4 By material of manufacture

Valves "Valtec" can be made from various metals and PVC.

The material of manufacture affects the tightness and affects the purpose of the mechanism.

In addition, the possibility of using it in various pipelines depends on the material: thermal, sewer, steam, gas, etc.

  • steel equipment is made of carbon steel (symbol “C”) or alloy steel (symbol “LS”);
  • the production of devices from corrosion-resistant steel makes it possible to use them for the transportation of aggressive media (designation "NZh");
  • gray, malleable or high-strength cast iron can be used as a material (designation "Ch");
  • PVC fittings are made of polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and other polymeric materials (designation "P");
  • As materials for the production of Valtec devices, glass or ceramics can be used.

1.5 By connection method

Proper installation of fittings is the key to the tightness of the pipeline. In addition, further revision of the system will depend on this. Also, do not forget that the joining of polypropylene and metal pipelines and their elements is very different.

PVC pipes are extremely rarely joined with fittings in a flanged way. According to the method of connection, the following types are distinguished.

  • flanged. Flanges are used as connecting elements. Such devices are often used for the installation of heating networks and other pipelines of large diameter and high pressure;
  • coupling. Installation of the pipeline using a coupling - internal thread, produced both on metal and polypropylene pipelines with a diameter of up to 40 mm for chemically passive low-pressure media;
  • choke. Most often used for the installation of PVC pipelines;
  • welded. Installation of welded fittings "Valtec" is possible both on metal and on polypropylene pipelines. Only the tool and welding technique differs. The revision of welded fittings is much more complicated.

1.6 By drive type

The valve mechanism itself "Valtec" can be actuated in the same way in different ways.

The device of the ball valve "Valtec" (sectional view)

If the tap in domestic heating or plumbing systems is not difficult to manually shut off, then the main polypropylene or metal fittings, having a diameter of 1000 mm or more, are blocked using electricity or hydraulics.

  • mechanical taps, valves, gate valves;
  • shutoff valves with electric drive;
  • hydraulic drive;
  • automatic drive.

2 How to choose pipe fittings?

In the domestic market, you can find devices various kinds and manufacturers (for example, "Valtec"), both official manufacturers of OKDP, and fakes. Many people know the shut-off and control valves Danfoss, Oventrop, Valtec and other well-known brands.

Of course, the production of equipment by well-known companies is carried out from high-quality materials and in compliance with all requirements, but it is also quite expensive. It is clear to everyone that saving on these devices can lead to accidents on the pipeline, for which revision and repair will no longer help: they will have to be replaced.

Not everyone can afford an Oventrop or Valtec device, but everyone understands the importance of choosing quality fittings. In order not to purchase a fake, you need to contact the OKDP and check whether a particular company has permission to manufacture the corresponding products.

After studying OKDP and choosing a manufacturer, it is important to understand the conditions under which the installation and operation of shut-off valves for heating networks, sewers, water pipes and other things will be carried out. We will be interested in the purpose and operating conditions.

In order to choose the right device from Valtec or another manufacturer that will be used as a shut-off valve, you need to understand some of the requirements for it.

  1. Nominal passage diameter of metal or PVC pipes(symbol DN) – inner diameter. This determines the throughput of the pipeline and its individual elements.
  2. Permissible pressure (symbol PN). Nominal pressure at which it is possible to achieve absolute tightness of metal or PVC fittings for a long time. This parameter is calculated at a temperature of 20ºC.
  3. Operating pressure. As parameters in the calculation of this parameter, the actual operating conditions of the equipment are taken into account, under which it is necessary to achieve complete tightness.
  4. The temperature at which a metal or PVC pipeline or its individual elements will be operated.
  5. Throughput - the inner diameter of the reinforcement. This point is very important when installing heating networks and other pipelines where pressure control is important.
  6. The level of tightness of the shutter mechanism affects the choice of material (pvc, metal) and the company for OKDP. good choice to provide high level tightness will be the device of the company "Valtec".
  7. natural conditions environment(temperature, humidity, etc.) for the operation of heating networks, water pipes, sewerage and other transportation lines.

It must be remembered that the degree of tightness and quality The selected shut-off valve depends on the life and quality of the pipeline. Each equipment has its own purpose and cannot be used in conditions that, according to the parameters listed above, exceed the operational characteristics of the device.

Therefore, pipeline fittings must be applied on the drawings and diagrams according to which the pipeline will be installed, with all markings.

All modern buildings are equipped with water supply and sewerage systems. Their basis is pipeline fittings. LLC "PromKomplektTsentr" implements any necessary structures for solving engineering problems.

The price of pipeline fittings remains affordable for a wide range of customers. the main objective the use of reinforced elements - the ability to control the flow of water or gas in conditions of changing parameters of flow sections.


There are two types of pipeline fittings:

  • regulating (faucets, valves, etc.),
  • shut-off (latches, gates, etc.).

LLC "PromKomplektTsentr" presents products different types. Control valves are suitable for changing working conditions. Locking structures with the required level of tightness are used as a shutoff for the flow of working media.

Reverse pipeline fittings are products designed for automatic control of the movement of reverse flows.

  • The non-return-controlled system allows you to open or limit the stroke.
  • The non-return locking system is designed for forced closing.

Drainage products are used to discharge water from pipes, tanks and reservoirs. There is also protective pipeline fittings. It is used to automatically turn off equipment in cases where the specified parameters do not correspond to the indicators. technological process. Safety fittings cut off the flow.

Parts of pipeline fittings

  1. Valve. This is a locking and regulating element.
  2. Tap. He directs the flow of water.
  3. Gate valve. The overlap element is placed perpendicular to the flow direction.
  4. Gate. The locking or regulating element is disc-shaped and can be rotated around an axis. The closure is particularly sealed.

You can always buy pipeline fittings at PromKomplektTsentr LLC. To clarify the cost of products, call by phone.

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