Lesson structure and function of the kidneys. The structure and function of the kidneys outline of a lesson in biology (grade 8) on the topic


To form students' knowledge of the anatomical and physiological features of the urinary system.

To study the structure of the kidneys and their functions.

Continue to educate students about their own health.

Equipment: table "Structure of the urinary system", cards with group tasks, cards with a picture of a kidney, test tasks.

The course of the biology lesson in grade 8

I. Actualization of knowledge.

Having studied quite a lot of organs of our body, we often mention the term "vital organ". Today in the lesson we have to get acquainted with another organ that is part of the excretory system - the kidneys. Having become acquainted with the meaning, structure and work of the kidneys, we must confirm or refute their status as “vital organs”.

II. Learning new material.

The stages of the lesson are written on the board:

Importance of the excretory system (Group 1)

The structure of the urinary organs (group 2)

Microscopic structure of the kidney (group 3)

Blood supply to the kidney (group 4)

Urine formation (Group 5)

Unusual numbers (Group 6)

At the beginning of the lesson, students are given time to familiarize themselves with individual group tasks, and then during the lesson each group makes a small report on the material read at different stages of the lesson.

Download messages for students

1. Importance of the excretory system.

Group #1 delivers a message about the significance of the excretory system. Pay special attention to the end products excreted from the body (urea, uric acid, ammonia, ammonium salts). A card with a list of these chemicals, prepared by the students, is posted on the board. The rest are written in a notebook (Value - removal of liquid decomposition products - ammonia, urea and others).

2. The structure of the urinary organs.

Group No. 2 makes a report on the structure of the organ system. Students list the organs depicted on the poster, determine which of them are urinary and urinary, and draw up a diagram of the urinary system on the board (the rest of the students write it in a notebook).

The teacher, in the course of filling out the diagram, explains the structure of the organs (Fig. 69).

Download message about kidneys

3. Microscopic.

A student from group No. 3 talks about the structure of the kidney and shows on the poster. Another student tells and shows the structure of the nephron. Students from the textbook (p. 157) get acquainted with the structure of the nephron. Writing in a notebook (The structural unit of the kidney is the nephron).

Students work with their cards (picture of a kidney) and mark the parts of the kidney that they have listed, and then hand it over to the teacher.

4. Blood supply to the kidneys.

Group No. 4 talks about the blood supply to the nephron (according to the poster at the blackboard).

5. Formation of urine.

In the course of the story of the students of group No. 5, a table is filled in notebooks.



Where is formed


1. Formation of primary urine


In a capsule

Plasma without protein

2. formation of secondary urine

Reverse suction

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation




Outline of an open lesson in biology in grade 8 A on the topic "Structure and functions of the kidneys"


Student of the natural-technological faculty,

group 559 - 60

Sedykh Daria Sergeevna

Chelyabinsk, 2014

Lesson topic"The structure and function of the kidneys"

Lesson type: learning new material

The purpose of the lesson: to form students' knowledge of the anatomical and physiological features of the urinary system and to reveal the relationship between the structure of the kidneys and its functions.

Lesson objectives:


    To acquaint with the general plan of the structure and functions of the organs of the urinary system

    To study the features of the external and internal structure of the kidneys in connection with the functions performed


    To cultivate a caring attitude towards one's health, to form the right attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.


    Develop critical thinking techniques on the example of working with text, tables

    Ability to explain biological terms


    cards (handout)

    presentation "structure and functions of the kidneys"

    footage: "urinary system", "the process of formation and excretion of urine "

Forms and methods of teaching:

Frontal conversation;

Fulfillment of differentiated tasks;

Statement and solution of problematic issues;

Creative independent work

Basic terms and concepts:

Kidney: cortex, medulla (renal pyramids), renal pelvis.

Nephron: capsule, tubule, capillary glomerulus.

Primary and secondary urine.




Literature for the teacher:


    Internet resources

Literature for the student:

    Textbook Biology: Grade 8: a textbook for students of educational institutions / I.N. Ponomareva, O.A. Kornilova, N.M. Chernov; ed. prof. I.N. Ponomareva. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011;

During the classes

Organizing time

Hello guys. My name is Daria Sergeevna. I am glad to welcome you to the lesson, the epigraph to which will be the statement of the Athenian playwright Sophocles

“There are many miracles in the world, man is the most wonderful of them all!”(slide 1)

Knowledge update

And you have already had the opportunity to be convinced of this by traveling through the human body. And, it would seem, well, we all already know! But no, each lesson reveals more and more secrets of the human body to you. So today we will visit another unexplored corner, another organ system responsible for cleansing the body.

And what organ systems that rid our body of superfluous and unnecessary things do you already know? (they call, show pictures, kidneys last)

Organ systems with excretory function (slide 2)

excretory Respiratory digestive

Exploring a new topic

The topic of our lesson is "The structure and functions of the kidneys."(slide 3)

And I firmly believe that by the end of the lesson you will easily be able to answer the following questions:(slide 4)

What are the functions of the urinary system?
How many times do the kidneys filter the same portion of blood?

But in order to answer the questions, we need to set a goal for this lesson. In front of you on the board are mixed words from these words, you need to make up the goal of the lesson - to study the structure and functions of the kidneys.

The structure of the urinary system (video urinary system ) (slide 5.6) watch the video on the structure of the kidneys and use the textbook on pages 157-158 (Fig. 69, 70) to make captions for the figures.(Attachment 1)

Did you know: (slide 7)

A person with strong kidneys can be recognized by their large ears. Small and translucent ears, on the contrary, indicate weakness of the kidneys.

The kidneys weigh from 120 to 200 grams, with the right kidney weighing slightly more than the left.

Since 2006, Kidney Day has been celebrated on the second Thursday of March.

Insert the necessary words from the dictionary into the text, the picture on the slide will help you. (slide 8) (appendix 2)


A person has two kidneys.

They are located at the level of the lower back, on both sides of the spine. Such a “giant” as the liver “presses” on the right kidney, so it is 1-1.5 cm lower than the left one.

The shape of the kidney resembles a bean.

The size of a kidney is the size of a human fist.

Weight - 150-200 g, length - 10-12 cm, width - 5-6 cm. Approximately every 7 s from

Ureters - tubules 30 cm long, 4-7 mm in diameter. Smooth movements of the ureters move urine to the bladder.

Bladder - unpaired organ, volume 500-700 ml. It is not too big and not too small - why accumulate extra weight that does not have useful qualities?)

Answer:(slide 9)

(checking the interchange 9-10 correct - 5 nephrons; 6-8 correct - 3 nephrons; 3-5 correct - 1 nephron)

What do you think you got now for the correct answers?

Nephrons are the structural and functional unit of the kidney.

There are 1 million of them in each human kidney, and therefore each earns its own nephrons.(Appendix 3)

"The nephron is the structural and functional unit of the kidney". (slide 10)

How do you understand the phrase "Structural-functional unit"? (A structural unit is what an organ is built from, in our case, a kidney. A functional unit is such a part of an organ that performs its functions, work).

We write down in a notebook : Nephron is the smallest unit of the kidney, in which blood plasma is filtered (p. 157 of the textbook).

So, we study the structure of the nephron (Fig. 70 p. 158)

Each nephron begins with two layerscapsule .

leaves the capsuleconvoluted tubule which makesloop and then falls intocollecting duct . There are a lot of tubules in the kidney, their total length reaches 100 km. enters the capsuleartery, forming in itcapillary glomerulus . After leaving the capsule, the arterial blood vessel again branches intocapillaries , whichwrap around the walls of the tubule . The purified blood is collected in the kidneys.veins.

Remove excess (slide 11)

    convoluted tubule

    The loop


    collecting duct

    capillary glomerulus


    convoluted tubule


The work of the nephron (slide 12)

Where does waste material go from the collecting duct? Arrange the organs in the correct order. (slide 13)




    kidney cups


ANSWER: 4,3,2,1,5

Kidney Functions (slide 14)

Consider the following fact:

in case of violation of both kidneys, severe poisoning of the whole organism occurs and the person dies after 5 days.


a) what substances poison a person with damaged kidneys, although no poisons entered the body from the environment; b) what are the functions of the kidneys?

During the discussion, formulate and write down in a notebookmain kidney function :

1) excretory (remove excess water, organic and inorganic substances, products of nitrogen metabolism);

2) protective (provide the removal from the body of toxic compounds formed in the process of metabolism).

Now watch the video and fill in the table along the way according to what you see and hear (video of the process of formation and excretion of urine)(slide 15)

Urine formation (Annex 4)

Stages of urination

Processes (phases)

Where is formed


1. Formation of primary urine


in the renal capsule

Water, urea, salts, etc.

2. Formation of secondary urine

Reabsorption (reabsorption)

in the tubules

Urea, uric acid, water

(checking by the whole class of 6 answers -5 nephrons; 4 answers - 3 nephrons; 2 answers - 1 nephron)

Answer the questions… (slide 16)

What are the functions of the urinary system?

How many times do the kidneys filter the same portion of blood?

What substances are not removed from the blood with urine?

Why is it important to take care of kidney health?

Lesson summary (atwho has more nephrons - a medal)(Annex 5)

Homework (slide 17)

1. Study § 39 of the textbook.

2. 3 questions(Annex 6)

Reflection (slide 18)

    Red the color of the card means that the lesson was very pleasant, during the lesson a good mood did not leave.

    Yellow color - the lesson passed quietly, imperceptibly. Nothing in the lesson was particularly exciting, but you are satisfied with the lesson. The mood is calm, even.

    Blue color - a feeling of complete dissatisfaction with the lesson, a mood of despondency and bitterness.

Attachment 1

Annex 2

Glossary: volume, two, shape, kidneys, ureters, lower back, unpaired, spine, width, weight.


In man? kidneys. They are located at the level? , at both sides?. Such a “giant” as the liver “presses” on the right kidney, so it is 1–1.5 cm lower than the left one. By? the kidney resembles a bean. Value? - the size of a man's fist.? - 150-200 g, length - 10-12 cm,? - 5-6 cm. Approximately every 7 s from the kidneys release another portion of urine, which enters the ureters.

? - tubules 30 cm long, 4-7 mm in diameter. Smooth movements of the ureters move urine to the bladder.

Bladder - ? organ,? 500-700 ml. It is not too big and not too small - why accumulate extra heaviness that does not

useful qualities?

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Urine formation

Stages of urination

Processes (phases)

Where is formed


1. Formation of primary urine

2. Formation of secondary urine

Annex 5

Appendix 6

1. It is known that a person produces 180 liters of primary urine in 1 day. How is this value determined?

2. It is known that the rate of formation of secondary urine by the kidneys depends on two factors: the rate of filtration in the renal glomeruli and the intensity of reabsorption in the renal tubules. With pain irritation, the amount of secondary urine formed decreases. What could be the specific physiological mechanisms of this phenomenon? Suggest experiments that might reveal the involvement of some of the regulatory mechanisms involved.

3. Explain why drinking 1 liter of beer causes more copious urine production than drinking the same amount of water.

22.01.2015 3812 0

Lesson Objectives:form at students knowledge of the anatomical and physiological features of the urinary system; reveal the significance of the excretion of metabolic end products from the body, the ways of their excretion from the human body.

Equipment:tables "Organs of excretion", model "Structure of the mammalian kidney", dummies of kidneys, fresh or fixed kidneys of a pig (cat or dog), magnifiers, schematic drawings of a transverse section of a kidney.

During the classes

I.Organizing time

II.Written test work on the topic "Metabolism and energy" (see the test at the end of the book)

III.Exploring a new topic

Selection- this is the most important component of metabolism, the completion of the process that begins at the moment food enters the body. Removal of decay products of consumed nutrients ensures the constancy of the human internal environment - homeostasis. Without this, the precise and sensitive mechanism for maintaining the balance of various substances, without which life itself is impossible, would go wrong.

The excretion process is a kind of continuous cleaning and cleaning of all cells, tissues and organs, during which the body gets rid of unnecessary chemical compounds.

What substances are removed from the body?

Heterotrophic organisms mainly metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

With carbohydrates and fats, everything is quite simple: their excess is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles or in fat depots, or, as necessary, they are utilized in decomposition reactions (dissimilation) to CO 2 and HgO.

But with proteins (and nucleic acids) certain difficulties arise.

Proteins and nucleic acids cannot be "stored" - there is no such mechanism in nature. In addition, these compounds contain nitrogen, so during the breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids, toxic ammonia is formed, which is converted into urea and uric acid in the liver. The nitrogenous products of metabolism include creatine and creatinine.

The release of the body from the "waste" formed during the metabolism, which forms the basis of excretion, was called excretion (from lat.excretum - selection).

In protozoa, excretion products are excreted by diffusion or by means of contractile vacuoles.

It is more difficult for multicellular organisms: they have a lot of metabolic products, and their body size does not allow them to “throw garbage” from cells directly into the environment. Therefore, even in primitive animals, special lysed organs that form secretions spruce system.

I Based on the EA lesson. Evseeva, teacher of biology at school No. 462 in Moscow // Biology at school No. 2 - 2003.

Excretory functions in vertebrates, including humans, are performed by the lungs (remove CO 2 and H 2 0), skin (H2O, urea, sodium salts, etc.). However, the main organ of excretion is the kidneys.

Recall from the section "Animals" the structure of the urinary system in mammals and list the organs shown in the table, determine which of them are urinary-forming and which are urinary.

Teachersummarizes the students' answers and draws a diagram of the urinary system on the board, demonstrates the location of the excretory organs on the human torso.

urinary organ : kidneys - a paired bean-shaped organ, the adrenal glands are located on top. The upper end reaches the level of the 11th thoracic vertebra, and the lower end reaches the upper edge of the third lumbar vertebra. Such a “giant” as the liver “presses” on the right kidney, so it is 1-1.5 cm lower than the left one. The weight of the kidney is 300 g, outside it is covered with a strong and elastic capsule.

d> Urinary organs: - ureters- tubules 30 cm long, 4-7 mm in diameter, flow into the bladder. With smooth movements, the ureters convey the urine formed in the kidneys to the bladder. Approximately every 7 seconds, another portion of urine comes out of the kidneys. The muscle fibers of the ureters contract in a spiral, which prevents the reverse flow of urine.

Bladder -an unpaired organ, not too big and not too small - why transport extra weight that does not have useful qualities. The capacity of the bladder is 500-7850 ml.

- Consider the following fact: in case of violation of both kidneys, severe poisoning of the whole organism occurs and the person dies after 5 days.

Explain: a) what substances are sent to a person with damaged kidneys, although no poisons were received from the environment in the body; b) what is the function of the kidneys.

During the discussion, the main functions of the kidneys are formulated:

1) excretory (remove excess water, organic and inorganic substances, products of nitrogen metabolism);

2) protective (provide the removal from the body of toxic compounds formed in the process of metabolism).

3) participate in maintaining a constant composition of the internal environment of the body. Independent work students with relief kidney table.

Goals",give a concrete idea of ​​the structural features of the kidney associated with its excretory function.

Materials and equipment", kidney models, fresh or fixed pig, cat or dog kidneys, magnifiers, wall charts.


Option IThe study of the structure of the kidney using a natural object (kidney of an animal).

1. Examine the fixed kidneys of animals. Locate the capsule covering the kidney, describe the shape and color of the kidney.

2. Locate the ureter (thin collapsed tube), acroteria (vessel with an elastic joint), and vein (wider collapsed tube).

3. Find out, using a wall chart or model, how the kidney is connected to the systemic circulation.

4. Examine the kidney in a cross section and find the cortex (outer layer), the medulla - pyramids with papillae and the renal pelvis (see Fig. 71, p. 128 Uch. B., Uch. K. p. 214).

5. Using a magnifying glass, examine the cortical substance, find the glomeruli of capillaries with capsules.

6. Pay attention to the blood supply to the kidney and indicate what it is connected with.

Option II. The study of the structure of the kidney using the drawings of the textbook, the text "Anatomical structure of the urinary system."

2. Locate the ureters, large blood vessels, and renal pelvis on the “Mammalian Kidney Structure” model.

3. Locate the darker outer layer (cortex) and the lighter inner layer (medulla) on the transverse section of the model kidney.

4. Find pyramids in the inner layer, consisting of thin tubes and ending in papillae. Count the number of pyramids.

5. Find out what formations are located in the cortical layer of the kidney.

6. Answer the question: why the kidney can be called a complex biological filter.

After the work is completed, a discussion of the results of the activity is organized, the results are summarized and formulated conclusions.

1. The kidneys of mammals, including humans, have a complex structure.

2. The cortical substance of the kidney is formed by many capillary glomeruli and capsules, and the medulla - from the tubules.

3. Urine from many convoluted tubules enters the collecting ducts, which open with a papilla into the renal pelvis, from where urine flows into the ureter, and then into the bladder and out through the urethra.

At the next stage of the lesson, the teacher focuses the students' attention on the microscopic structure of the kidney.

The structural and functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. There are about 1 million of them in each kidney. Nephrons can be compared with a pearl, a scattering of which is stored in a kidney, or a precious filter embedded in a simple mouthpiece.

The scheme of the structure of the nephron is shown in fig. 71 p. 128, Uch. B., Uch. TO.

IV.Consolidation of the studied material

Comment on the following verse:

They are like two big beans

At the spinal column Comfortably settled down Filter the kidneys of our blood With unprecedented stubbornness,

To maintain constancy in the internal environment.

Nephron contains capsules,

tubules and glomeruli.

A million nephrons contain our kidneys.

Cool the blood through the nephron

The canal decides here

What to return to the body,

What does he remove?

From a young age we must take into account what is most dear to us:

We must protect not only honor,

But so are our kidneys.


Uch. B.: § 40, work with terms.

Uch. K.: § 42.

Uch. D: §3.9.

Individual task: prepare reports on diseases of the urinary system.

Sections: Biology

Class: 8

Lesson objectives: reveal the role of excretion in maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body; to acquaint with the main ways of excretion of metabolic products in the human body; to form ideas about the structure and functions of the organs of the urinary system: kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra; about the features of the kidneys; on the regulation of urination. To reveal the consequences of impaired kidney function, to show the causes of urinary diseases and the basics of their prevention.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

    Updating and checking knowledge.
    Conversation with students about the role of metabolism in the body.

    Learning new material.

Introduction by the teacher.

In the process of metabolism, decay products are formed. Some of these products are used by the body, others are removed from it. Carbon dioxide, water, volatile substances are removed from the body through the lungs. The intestines secrete some salts, sweat glands - water, salts, organic substances. The main role in excretory processes belongs to the kidneys. The kidneys remove water, salts, ammonia, urea, and uric acid from the body. Through the kidneys, many foreign and poisonous substances that are formed in the body or taken in the form of medicines are removed from the body. The kidneys contribute to maintaining the constancy of the composition of the internal environment of the body. Excess water or salts in the blood can cause changes in osmotic pressure, which is dangerous for the vital activity of the cells of our body. The kidneys remove excess water and mineral salts from the body, restoring the constancy of the osmotic properties of the blood. The kidneys maintain a certain constant reaction of the blood. With the accumulation of acidic or alkaline metabolic products in the blood through the kidneys, the excretion of excess salts increases. In maintaining the constancy of the blood reaction, a very important role is played by the ability of the kidneys to synthesize ammonia, which binds acidic products, replacing sodium and potassium in them. In this case, ammonium salts are formed, which are excreted in the urine, and sodium and potassium are stored for the needs of the body.

Student's message "How is the excretion of waste products in unicellular and multicellular organisms."

The urinary system consists of the urinary organs and the urinary organs. The urinary organs include the kidneys, and the urinary organs include the ureters, bladder, and urethra.

The kidneys are paired, bean-shaped organs located in the abdominal cavity. The weight of the kidneys is 320 grams. The kidneys are a biological filter. The right kidney is lower than the left one. Beneath the kidneys is the liver, the largest gland in our body. Outside, the kidney is covered with a strong elastic capsule.

Rice. 2

The ureters leave the kidney. The length of the ureters is 30 cm. Urine flows smoothly along them into the bladder. Every 7 seconds, another portion of urine comes out of the kidneys. The bladder is an unpaired organ with a capacity of 300-500 ml. The excretion of urine occurs reflexively. This reflex is developed by 2-3 years.

Microscopic structure of the kidneys:

The structural unit of the kidney is the nephron. There are about 1 million of them in each kidney. Nephron can be figuratively compared with a pearl, the scattering of which figuratively stores a kidney or a precious filter embedded in a simple mouthpiece. On top of the kidney is covered with a cortical layer, and below it is the medulla. It contains capsules of Shumlyansky, similar to glasses. In the glasses there is a capillary glomerulus, which is surrounded by Bowman's capsule, which passes into the renal tubule.

Rice. 3

Blood supply to the kidneys:

The kidney gives us a "wonderful network of arteries." Nowhere in the body is there such a sequence of vessels: artery, capillary, artery. Urine is formed in the nephron. Urine formation occurs in 2 stages:

The composition of urine is determined by the state of the body. If a person has diabetes, then sugar appears in his urine. If the food is rich in carbohydrates, then after hard physical work, sugar may appear in the urine. The kidneys synthesize biologically active substances (renin is an enzyme involved in biochemical processes). In total, 1.5 liters of urine is formed per day.

Independent work.

Students are given forms with an analysis of the urine of an imaginary patient. Task for students - are there any deviations in urine tests? ( Annex 2) The results are recorded in the table:

The kidneys are a vital organ and a malfunction in their work leads to kidney diseases.

Renal diseases: enuresis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis. Enuresis - urinary incontinence; cystitis - inflammation of the bladder; pyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Disease prevention requires adherence to certain hygiene rules: proper nutrition, timely dental treatment, sore throats, hardening, careful handling of drugs, poisons, personal hygiene.

They're like two big beans
Attached to the links.
At the spinal column
Cozy accommodations.
The kidneys filter our blood
With unparalleled stubbornness,
So that in the internal environment
There was constancy.
Nephron contains capsules,
tubules and glomeruli
A million nephrons
Contain our kidneys.
Blood passes through the nephron
The canal decides here
What to return to the body
What does he remove?
From a young age we must take into account
What is most precious to us
We must protect not only honor,
But so are our kidneys.

4. Consolidation of the studied material.

Questions for students:

    Is it related to the urinary system?

    What organs are the urinary organs?

    Why are the kidneys called biological filters?

    What is a nephron? How is it arranged? How does it work?

    How is urine formed?

    Causes of kidney disease?

    How to prevent kidney disease?

5. Homework: P.41, 42.


    V.V. Pasechnik, G.G. Shvetsov Biology lessons. 8th grade. Moscow “Enlightenment” 2010

    R.D. Mash, A.G. Dragomilov Biology. Human. Grade 8 Moscow “Venta – Graf” 2006

    R.D. Mash. Man and his health. Moscow. 1996

    V.V. Kserofontova, V.V. Evstafiev. Anatomy and physiology of man. Moscow. 1996

    T.V. Kozachok Biology. 8th grade. Volgograd. 2004

Klyukina Olga Vladimirovna, teacher of chemistry and biology, MAOU Bannikovskaya secondary school

Biology, grade 8

Topic: The structure and function of the kidneys


Educational: To form knowledge about the structure of the urinary system. To reveal the features of the structure and location of the kidneys in the body.

Developing: Develop logical thinking. Establish patterns between the structure of an organ and its functions.

Educational: Education of a conscious attitude to one's health, personal hygiene.

Lesson type: A lesson in learning and consolidating new material. Means of education:

Dragmilov A.G., Mash R.D. Biology: Human Textbook for students grade 8 of educational institutions. - 2nd ed., Revised. - M .: Ventana - Graff, 2003

Table "Human excretory organs", model "Structure of the kidney",

Collection of tasks in biology GIA-2014. Moscow Exmo 2013.

Lesson plan:
    Welcome speech of the teacher Updating the material covered Determining the topic of the lesson Learning new material Primary consolidation of knowledge Reflection Homework . Move on to the topic of the next lesson.

During the classes.

1. Greetings from the teacher. Good afternoon guys! 2.Updating the material.

BUT) two students work at the blackboard. (The first student draws up a metabolic diagram based on the key concepts written in the notebook at the last lesson. The second student draws up a diagram of the transformation of food as it passes through the digestive tract, and talks about the end products of the breakdown of the basic substances of the cell).

AT) Work with the class: test work on the topic covered, after the work is completed, they are submitted for verification to the teacher

Checking the work of students at the blackboard:

Questions for the first student: What is the importance of metabolism. Where do metabolic processes take place? in a cage), is there a relationship between anabolism and catabolism, what? (these processes are inseparable and take place in the cell simultaneously, the energy received during catabolism is consumed during anabolism).

Questions for the second student(the class helps in case of difficulty) - how is the food bolus transformed? What happens to the end products? ( the body uses nutrients, some of the substances are removed from the body.)

How is the delivery of the necessary substances to cells and how is the removal of harmful substances from the body? What organs are involved in the excretion process? (Intestines, lungs, kidneys, skin)

    Determining the topic of the lesson

We are familiar with the work of the intestines and lungs, what task we face today, but before answering the question, let's analyze the table. (Appendix)

Which organs remove the largest amount of various substances from our body. (kidney). Students determine the topic of the lesson and write it down in their notebook.

    Learning new material.

Guys, look at the data in the table, and formulate a definition for the concept " Selection». ( It is the process of removing unnecessary and harmful substances from the body.).

The excretion process is carried out by the urinary system. Using Fig. 69 on page 157, draw a diagram of the urinary system. ( kidneys - ureters - bladder - urethra)

The story of the teacher "The structure of the kidneys", (accompanied by explanations on the model. In the course of the story, the teacher draws the attention of the children to key points, the children make notes in a notebook).

The main organs of the excretory system are the kidneys: This is a paired bean-shaped organ.

In humans, the kidneys are located in the lumbar region. on the sides of the last two thoracic and first two lumbar vertebrae. Adjacent to the posterior abdominal wall, and the right kidney is normally located somewhat lower, since from above, it borders on the liver. The dimensions of one kidney are approximately 11.5-12.5 cm long, 5-6 cm wide and 3-4 cm thick. The mass of the kidneys is 120-200 g, usually the left kidney is slightly larger than the right one.

In each kidney, a cortical and medulla layer, and a renal pelvis are distinguished . The renal pelvis passes directly into the ureter. The right and left ureters empty into the bladder. Morpho - functional unit of the kidney is nephron - a specific structure that performs the function of urination . Each kidney has over 1 million nephrons.

Each nephron consists of several parts: glomerulus, Shumlyansky-Bowman's capsule and a system of tubules, passing one into another.

Exercise: Guys, you have handouts on your tables - pictures depicting the structure of the kidney and nephron. (Appendix) Place the image in a notebook, make the appropriate signatures. (2 x sided tape is glued on the reverse side of the pictures)

The story of the teacher "Formation of urine", (accompanied by explanations on the table. In the course of the story, the teacher draws the attention of the children to key points, the children make notes in a notebook).

The process of making urine and removing it from the body is called diuresis.

This is a very complex process, it is closely related to the blood supply to the kidneys, which is many times greater than the blood supply to other organs. This ensures the purification of the blood from substances continuously entering it from the cells to be removed from the body with urine.

Diuresis occurs in two stages (phases). (Depicted as a cluster)

1. Filtration - substances brought by blood into the capillaries of the glomerulus are filtered into the cavity of the nephron capsule. This is due to a significant pressure difference in the glomerulus (70 mm Hg) and in the capsule cavity (30 mm Hg).

Such a high pressure in the capillaries is provided by:

    slow blood flow

    high blood pressure in the afferent arteriole (renal artery departs from the aorta, where the blood is under the highest pressure).

    pressure difference between afferent and efferent arterioles

The filtered liquid is called primary urine . In composition, it corresponds to blood plasma without proteins. Primary urine contains a lot of substances needed by the body (sugar, amino acids, vitamins, hormones) and they can be useful to the body, so they are not removed from the body, but substances are reabsorbed into the blood in the next phase.

2. Reabsorption - occurs when the primary urine moves through the convoluted tubules, which are tightly braided with capillaries.

Reabsorption proceeds: a) passively - according to the principle of diffusion and osmosis;

b) actively - due to the activity of the epithelium of the renal tubules with the participation of enzyme systems with energy expenditure. During reabsorption, primary urine gives the blood water, glucose, amino acids, vitamins, a significant amount of potassium and sodium ions - this ensures the constancy of the internal environment (the second function of the kidneys). Substances such as urea, ammonia, sulfates, other waste products, as well as excess, for example, glucose, are not absorbed back, their concentration in the urine along the tubules increases, and secondary urine, which must be removed from the body (the first function of the kidneys).

In addition to reabsorption in the tubules, there is a release into their lumen of harmful substances that have entered the body and into the bloodstream from the external environment (dyes, antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.). If these substances are not filtered into capsules, then they are removed from the blood through the capillary network that wraps around the convoluted tubule. The yellow color of urine depends on the pigment urochrome, a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin.

Exercise 1 Fill the table.
excretory organs

Task:2 Using table No. 2, answer the question: What is the difference between primary and secondary urine?

5. Primary consolidation of knowledge: Frontal survey on the topic. 6. Reflection. Complete the sentence: 1. Today at the lesson I learned….. 2. It was difficult for me at the lesson…. 7. Homework. § 39 (individual task to prepare a report on kidney disease) 8. Transition to the topic of the next lesson.

Guys, the selection process is an important and complex process. The organs that ensure its smooth operation must be healthy and this is entirely up to you. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the rules of personal hygiene. We will talk about kidney diseases and their prevention in the next lesson.


Tasks for students working at the blackboard.

1 Draw up a metabolism diagram based on the key concepts written in the notebook (energy and plastic metabolism)
2.. Draws up a scheme for the transformation of food as it passes through the digestive tract, and talks about the end products of the breakdown of the basic substances of the cell).

Test work for the class

1 option

1. Amino acids consist of: A) fats B) carbohydrates C) proteins D) nucleic acids 2. The maximum energy value is: A) beef B) cheese C) sugar D) butter 3. The role of vitamins is (in) A) neurohumoral regulation of the body B) maintaining constancy of the internal environment of the body C) influence on the growth and development of the body, metabolism D) protection of the body from infections 4. The formation of glycogen occurs in: A) liver B) pancreas C) stomach D) intestinal walls 5) During plastic metabolism in the human body occurs: A) the breakdown of proteins B) the formation of water and carbon dioxide from carbohydrates C) the formation of fat D) the breakdown of glycogen to glucose 6) The composition of the visual pigment includes vitamin: A) -C C) -AB) -B1 D) -D
1. The breakdown products of fats are: A) glucose B) glycerol and fatty acids C) nucleotides D) amino acids 2. The final breakdown of proteins to amino acids occurs: A) in the stomach B) in the small intestine C) in the cells D) in the large intestine 3. If a thirty-year-old person has inflammation gums, teeth fall out, then he most likely does not have enough vitamin in his body: A) -A C) -SB) -C D) -D
4. Which of the products actively prepares the stomach for digestion?
6) The most favorable diet is: A) two meals a day B) meals 4 times a day C) meals every 2 hours D) three meals a day


Table No. 1 Excretion of substances from the body.

Table No. 2 The difference between primary and secondary urine

Character of urine

The structure of the kidney and nephron

Questions of reflection

1. Today at the lesson I learned ... .. 2. The lesson was difficult for me…. 3. On this topic, I still want to know ...

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