Septic tank for summer cottages with high groundwater. Septic tanks for summer cottages with a high level of groundwater: recommendations and detailed instructions for selection and installation

In the private sector, towns, villages, there is often no central sewerage. Residents independently solve the problems of disposal of wastewater from toilets, bathtubs, washing and dishwashers.

  1. How does a septic tank work. What threatens a high level ground water
  2. Consequences of infection in the region
  3. How to determine the depth of groundwater
  4. Garden drill and rod 2 meters long
  5. Attention - plants
  6. Folk signs - assistants in the construction of VOCs
  7. How to choose a septic tank for a site with a high GWL
  8. Homemade septic tanks
  9. How to protect a septic tank from surfacing
  10. Industrial septic tanks
  11. Topas
  12. Tank
  13. Triton
  14. Leopard
  15. Tver
  16. Leader a>
  17. Ecopan
  18. Unilos
  19. Yubas
  20. Poplar

The cesspool is yesterday. Its content has to be pumped out regularly. You can’t just bring the pipe into the nearest ditch. Fines for such actions amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

The best option - local sewerage or . The task becomes more complicated if groundwater is separated from the surface of the earth by one bayonet of a shovel. It can be solved if you correctly assess the geological structure of the territory, calculate the needs of the household.

How does a septic tank work. What threatens the high level of groundwater

Most of the local treatment facilities consists of two or three chambers for primary sludge, biological treatment. Removes 75-98% of contaminants. To completely get rid of organic matter, a filtration well or a field of layers of sand and gravel is additionally equipped.

If groundwater is in close proximity to the earth's surface, special requirements are placed on the tightness of the station, the quality of the installation. Otherwise, ascents with repair or replacement of equipment are inevitable.

Another unfavorable scenario for the development of events with an increased GWL is the flooding of a septic tank if a design with thin unreliable walls is chosen. Under the pressure of the soil, they will crack, holes will appear that were not originally intended. There is no need to talk about full-fledged wastewater treatment. Permanent "guests" on the site will be sewers with endless bills for pumping out a septic tank.

Consequences of infection in the region

The construction and sanitary standards contain instructions regarding the removal of treatment facilities from residential facilities, wells, reservoirs, trees. This is a guarantee of safety in case of an accident, leakage, equipment failure.

Aerobic or anaerobic bacteria are necessarily settled in factory-made septic tanks. Overflows, pipe ruptures are fraught with the ingress of microorganisms into aquifers with the subsequent spread of intestinal diseases among people and animals. Wells and wells will have to fall asleep. You can't use them anymore.

How to determine the depth of groundwater

AT ideal an agreement is made with a specialized company. Test drilling is carried out, soil samples are taken and sent for examination. This option takes time and money. Drillers may refuse to go to a dacha association 100 km from the city. In this case, you should pay attention to the methods below.

Garden drill and rod 2 meters long

Marks are made on the rod every 5-10 cm. Next, a small hole is drilled (up to 200 cm). A day later, a dry rod is lowered into the well to the bottom. Then they take it out and check whether it gets wet or not, to what height. If the height of the hole is 200 cm, the rod gets wet by 30 cm, then it is 170 cm to the horizon.

Measurements are taken during periods of snowmelt or heavy rains. Summer figures are not relevant. Wells are drilled for a week or more, at different points in the area. If there is a significant difference in the results, you should focus on smaller readings.

Attention - plants

In areas with a predisposition to swamping, willows, alder, and elm-leaved meadowsweet predominate. If reeds break through in the corners of the cottage, there is no doubt that the water is very close to the surface. The same applies to red currants and sorrel, if they grow well even without watering.

Folk signs - assistants in the construction of VOCs

If without visible reasons on a hot day, abundant dew or evening fog is observed on the site, midges swarm over bushes or flower beds, water carriers are located nearby. The absence of ants also indicates excessive moisture. These insects and mice prefer dry patches of soil. They will not live where it is always damp.

How to choose a septic tank for a site with a high GWL

In some situations, it makes sense to dwell on the storage tank. This applies to dachas, houses used on weekends. From time to time, you will have to call vacuum trucks and pay for pumping. But a filtration field will not be required, there will be no threat of swamping.

If the cottage is intended for permanent residence, preference is given to industrial-made stations with a wall thickness of up to 40 mm. The volume is determined by needs, daily discharge.

Advantages of factory treatment facilities:

  • hermetic design;
  • long-term operation;
  • quality cleaning.

AT modern models there are sensors that signal the overflow of the chambers.

Homemade septic tanks

If you have knowledge and experience, you can build a drive with your own hands. Pumping out - as it is filled, on average, at least 1 time in 5-6 months. You will have to turn to vacuum trucks less often if instead of the bottom you equip a filtration pad made of sand and gravel.

Building materials have both advantages and disadvantages:

  • reinforced concrete or rings. Suitable for houses with permanent residence. Subject to the construction technology, the walls do not allow moisture to pass through, do not collapse under the influence of chemically active preparations.

The service life is calculated for decades without repair and replacement. Special equipment is required for assembly;

  • eurocubes. The advantages include light weight and easy installation. Minus - special requirements for anchoring and protection from winter heaving;
  • fiberglass. Is different increased strength, chemical resistance. Required quality foundation and anchoring with cables and anchor bolts.

Of all the materials listed, it is better to choose reinforced concrete. It takes a long time to gain strength (up to 30 days). Requires formwork and reinforcing mesh. But there will be no surfacing or deformation during heaving of soils.

How to protect a septic tank from surfacing

plastic containers easy to install, but require mandatory fixation. If you do not use the sewer in winter, an empty tank will float to the surface in the spring.

Anchoring order:

  • the bottom of the pit is leveled. A pillow of sand up to 30 cm is filled up and carefully compacted;
  • top - iron concrete slab suitable size. If desired, it can be poured independently by installing mounting loops along the way;
  • a tank is installed, filled with water and secured with cables and / or anchor bolts;
  • backfilling is carried out with a mixture of sand and cement in a ratio of 5: 1 with simultaneous compaction. Layers are spilled with water.

For a septic tank with a high GWL, a filtration well and a cassette will be required for post-treatment of wastewater. Forced pumping of water is provided by a pump. If 1 m3 of sewage is discharged per day, the size of the cassette must exceed 2 m2. The higher the productivity of the station, the higher this indicator.

The choice of a septic tank is a crucial moment that must be approached, taking into account the indicators of groundwater and the frequency of its use. The wrong approach can lead to difficulties in installing the structure, flooding or floating of the septic tank, and violation of its tightness. To avoid this, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and successfully choose septic tanks for giving with high level groundwater (GWL).

The first method is suitable for summer residents who have a well. The level is easy to calculate by measuring the distance from the surface of the earth to the water in the well.

Thus, knowing the theory and methods, it is not so difficult to determine the GWL for installing septic tanks for summer cottages with a high level of groundwater.

Factory-made septic tanks for summer cottages with a high level of groundwater

For those who do not want to “bother” and make a septic tank with their own hands, factory-made designs that have several types are perfect. Each of them has both its disadvantages and advantages.

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Ground type construction

This option has a lot of advantages. Firstly, its installation does not require a pit, which must be further strengthened and insulated.

Secondly, it has only one capacity, which can save a lot of money.

It is not without its drawbacks, of course. Such a design is not aesthetically pleasing, and in addition, it takes up quite a lot of space on the site.

In addition, if the bathroom is often used, then it is often necessary to order a sewage truck, which means paying for it and having a septic tank in the conditions of the need to access it.

Thus, a ground-based septic tank can significantly save money and effort, and is perfect for those who visit the country house only periodically.

Useful advice! Get a similar design if you do not often visit the country. So you save money, both on installation and on the services of vacuum trucks.

Underground plastic septic tank

The main advantage of factory-made structures is their complete tightness, which in any case will not allow toxic waste to seep into the groundwater that feeds the well or source.

The downside, for the most part, is the price of the device itself and its installation. In addition, installation is not only expensive, but also quite complex in terms of the type of work. In order to prevent groundwater from pushing it out during the operation of the device, the pit is additionally strengthened, a concrete cushion is laid on its bottom, to which all three containers cling to with special belts or other fasteners.

Important information! Such septic tanks, designed for summer cottages with a high level of groundwater, should be installed if you permanently live in the country and want to be sure of the tightness of the structure.

Do-it-yourself construction of septic tanks for a private house

If you want to save a lot of money, and you have the desire and time to carefully study the drawings, instructions and videos, then you can complete the design yourself.

Important information! Brick buildings and septic tanks concrete rings with their own hands, the schemes of which are in in large numbers can be found on the Internet, it is not recommended to do it. Such solutions do not have the tightness that such devices should have, which means that you will not be insured against draining waste into groundwater.

Option one: installing eurocubes

To implement the first solution, you will only need to purchase special eurocubes - sealed tanks, which then will need to be fastened with pipes and placed in a pre-dug and reinforced pit.

This option is easy to install, and very low material costs. You will need to perform just a few simple steps with ready-made containers. In addition, already quite inexpensive Eurocubes can be bought from former owners, which will further reduce the final cost by several times.

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Is such a design possible and how difficult is it to self-install? We will answer these and other questions in a separate publication.

Option two: do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete rings, diagrams and photos

It consists of the following sequential steps:

  • First of all, the pit breaks out right size, which is strengthened and insulated.
  • Concrete rings are being installed to the required depth.
  • The joints of the rings are sealed inside and out.
  • At the bottom, a sand and gravel cushion is arranged.
  • Holes are made from which the purified liquid will come out.
Useful advice! The concrete with which you will seal the joints must be supplemented with a special waterproofing mixture.

You can see more detailed instructions in the video below:

Thus, doing septic tanks for a private house with your own hands, with proper preparation, is an extremely feasible task.

Drawing conclusions

A well-executed design is the key to a comfortable stay in the country, the purity of groundwater. In order to properly install septic tanks for summer cottages with a high level of groundwater, you will need a little patience and maximum attention to the proposed materials. Following our instructions and detailed recommendations, you can be sure that you will do everything right. And an additional video will add even more self-confidence.

Septic tank on groundwater (video)

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Owners suburban areas with a high occurrence of groundwater usually experience difficulties with the arrangement autonomous sewerage and stocks. In wetlands, cesspools quickly fill with sewage, and the cost of sewer maintenance becomes quite high. But it is possible to arrange an effective septic tank with a high level of groundwater if the owner of the site is ready to increase the volume of construction and carry additional expenses for the purchase of a complete installation. The investment of additional funds will subsequently pay off with the impeccable operation of the sewerage system and the absence of problems with its maintenance.

A septic tank is essentially a combination cesspool and treatment plant, where wastewater generated during the life of residents of private housing construction enters. As a result of the use of the toilet, bathroom, washing machines and dishwashers, a large amount of wastewater is generated, which must be disposed of without harm to environment.

Modern septic tanks provide accumulation, biological treatment, recycling Wastewater in two stages:

  1. Contaminated effluents enter the first chamber of the reservoir, where they are settled and primary treatment takes place. Solid heavy particles quickly sink to the bottom, and the water purified from them enters the next chamber.
  2. In the second chamber, the organic compounds that make up sewage are decomposed with the help of anaerobic microorganisms. The water becomes even purer and enters the third tank or system of special filters for final purification.

Understanding the principle of operation of a septic tank will greatly facilitate the selection and installation of the owner of a suburban area.

What problems does the high level of groundwater create?

High is the height of waters occurring at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the surface of the earth. With such a depth of occurrence, problems with sewerage inevitably appear, and difficulties arise with its maintenance.

  1. Flooding. Devices made of bricks or concrete rings are often flooded due to the movement of groundwater and heaving of the soil. The lack of tightness in such installations facilitates the penetration of liquid into the interior, as a result of which the volume of effluents in the device quickly increases. AT best case the owner of the house building has to call the sewage truck more often, at worst, the drains interspersed with feces can get into the sewer and flow through it into the toilet and bathroom. If the device is overfilled, its contents may fall into the area and spoil the soil.
  2. Ascent. The accumulation of groundwater during heavy rainfall or melting snow can push out light plastic installation up if it was not secured with a concrete pad. In the process of pushing out, the septic tank may tilt, fecal masses splash out and fall into the soil. And when the structure is shifted, a sewer breakthrough may occur, the owner of the site will incur unplanned costs for its restoration.
  3. Drainage. According to SNiP, between groundwater and the filtration field filtering water at the last stage of purification, there must be at least 1 m of earthen layer. At high occurrence groundwater, this condition is simply impossible, as a result, pollution of the surrounding water bodies occurs due to insufficiently purified water entering the soil.
  4. Destruction. Groundwater with high acidity or alkalinity gradually destroys the material from which the septic tank is made, especially concrete or brick. In addition, the body or sewer pipes can be damaged by sharp pebbles brought by moving groundwater.
  5. Complicated installation. When installing the structure, due to the accumulation of water, the process of digging a pit and pouring a concrete pad is complicated. Installing ready-made purifiers becomes more labor intensive.

How to determine the depth of groundwater

Before installing a septic tank, it is necessary to accurately measure the height of groundwater in order to avoid errors during installation and further operation. There are several ways to do this.

There are 4 ways to self-measure GWL. Each of them allows you to accurately determine the depth of the aquifer.

  1. Drilling rig. For this method, you will need a garden drill and a rod with a length of at least 2 m. On the rod, markings are made along the length with an interval of 10 cm. Next, you need to drill a well to the entire depth of the drill and wait a day for moisture to accumulate. Sometimes water appears immediately after drilling, but these are rather isolated cases. The next day, the height of the water is measured with a rod. For measurement accuracy, you can make a number of wells throughout the site and measure the level for several days in a row. For tank design, the smallest value from the results obtained is taken.
  2. By vegetation. You can determine the GWL on the site by growing on it wild plants. Below is a table of indicator plants, the presence of which can be used to judge the proximity of the aquifer. In addition to these plants, high humidity can be judged by the rich growth of sorrel and rapid development currant bushes.
  3. For the nearest bodies of water. If there are dug wells nearby, the necessary information can be obtained by looking into them and determining how far from the surface the water mirror is located in them. It is best to do this after a heavy rainfall to get an accurate idea of ​​the possible rise in groundwater. The presence of wetlands in the district indicates that groundwater is located close to the surface.
  4. According to omens. There are some folk omens, based on which it is possible to draw a conclusion about the desired parameter on suburban area. Morning dew and evening fog are sure signs of a shallow aquifer. More about high humidity can tell the abundance of midges, mosquitoes and the absence of rodents in the local area.

Location selection

It is necessary to start the construction of a septic tank at high groundwater by determining a suitable place, while it is important to take into account all SNiPs.

The optimal location of the sump must meet important conditions:

  • The distance to housing construction and other buildings on the territory of one's own and neighboring plots, as well as to the road zone, must be at least 5 m;
  • The distance from the sewer to the nearest water bodies is at least 30 m;
  • To the well with drinking water It is supposed to measure at least 50 m.

Model selection

After determining the optimal location for installation, you should decide on the type of septic tank. First of all, calculate the required volume of the device. To calculate the volume of wastewater accumulated per day, it is multiplied by 3.

The device, which will be installed in a site with a high GWL, must meet a number of requirements:

  • Full tightness;
  • Good strength;
  • Reliable fastenings;
  • Proper drainage.

To equip a septic tank in the vicinity of the aquifer, experts recommend purchasing models assembled at the factory. Such products are completely sealed, made of strong durable materials and are ready for installation.

Sometimes the owners of the plots prefer to build septic tanks from their usual building materials with your own hands or with the involvement of professional builders. The devices are additionally equipped with reinforced waterproofing. The device is usually built using concrete, brick, or old iron/plastic barrels.

concrete septic tank

When choosing concrete as a building material, it is undesirable to use reinforced concrete rings, since the installation of them quickly collapses and loses its tightness. A three-chamber concrete septic tank with a high level of groundwater is best done in the form of a monolith. Monolithic concrete devices are easier to give the desired tightness, they are able to withstand high pressure, do not float, their service life will be much longer than that of a building made of reinforced concrete rings. An additional advantage of concrete septic tanks is their low cost compared to more expensive materials.

Installation of a concrete monolith consists of the following steps:

  • Digging a pit;
  • formwork construction;
  • Formation of a reinforcing lattice;
  • Filling the bottom with concrete;
  • fill external walls and partitions;
  • Roof formwork construction;
  • Roof filling;
  • Ground embankment device;
  • Installation of ventilation and hatches.

brick septic tank

When installing a brick sump, the proximity of the aquifer will create difficulties when laying its bottom and walls. Ready-made brick installations need reinforced waterproofing to prevent fecal matter from entering the soil.

The process of building a brick septic tank is similar to installing a concrete one. Instead of the stages of construction of the formwork and pouring of concrete, the laying of the bottom, walls and roof of the device is carried out.

plastic septic tank

The material for the construction of plastic devices is usually plastic containers and eurocubes. Plastic septic tanks are not as practical as buildings made from more heavy materials, but are quite suitable for the construction of a sewerage system in the country with their own hands. The disadvantages of such materials are the risk of floating due to their low weight, the possibility of cracks in the heaving of soils.

Before installation plastic septic tanks it is necessary to put a concrete slab at the bottom of the pit for anchoring an easy installation. Plastic firmly fixed to a concrete slab will not be able to float with an increase in GWL.

Factory septic tanks

The best option for arranging an autonomous sewage system in a house adjoining area with a high level of groundwater is septic tanks made at the factory. The modern market of plumbing fixtures and devices offers products of different volumes and the most diverse modifications. Owners of suburban areas have the opportunity to choose the product that is most suitable for their sewer project.

The disadvantages of factory septic tanks are their high price and attachment to electrical networks. Cleaning tanks must be constantly supplied with Fresh air, which is supplied by electrical equipment.

If the owner of the site has the skills to conduct construction works, he may well install a factory septic tank on his own, with the help of auxiliary workers. Installation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Pit dig. When digging a pit by hand the main problem- water coming in the process of digging. It is necessary to scoop out the incoming moisture at the same time as digging, sometimes you even have to connect special equipment for pumping. When using an excavator or other equipment for digging, a lot of liquid does not have time to run, and nothing interferes with the process of installing the device.
  2. Construction of a sand cushion. At the bottom of the dug pit, sand up to 10 cm thick is poured.
  3. Installation of a concrete base. A concrete slab with fasteners for fixing the septic tank is lowered onto the sand cushion. Sometimes, instead of a finished slab, a formwork with reinforcement is installed and concrete is poured. In the case of pouring, it is necessary to wait a week until the concrete has completely hardened.
  4. Training. A heating cable is mounted on the septic tank and waterproofing is sprayed.
  5. Installation. The prepared installation is lowered into the pit and installed on concrete base.
  6. Fixation. With the help of special fasteners, the septic tank is attached to a concrete slab.
  7. Line of communications. Sewer pipes are connected to the device, the joints are sealed.
  8. Sand filling. After connecting the communications, they check the operation of the heating cable and fill the septic tank with sand, immediately equipping the soil embankment on top of the cleaner.

After installing a septic tank, a filtration field or a filtration cassette is constructed next to it for the final purification of the filtrate.

TOP 10 factory cleaners

  1. Tank. Excellent value for money. Energy independent. Rugged housing. A wide range of models with different volume and device.
  2. Triton. Excellent service life up to 50 years. Septic tanks of this brand require anchoring during installation. A wide range of models of different sizes and shapes.
  3. Leopard. Three-chamber cleaners with 2-level biofiltration. Consumers note strength, reliability and durability.
  4. Tver. high throughput models. They require a constant source of electricity and regular maintenance.
  5. Leader. 6-chamber septic tanks with airlift and aerators. Do not require biological additives for wastewater treatment.
  6. Ecopan. Withstand heavy loads. Recommended for installation in heaving soils.
  7. Unilos. A complex wastewater treatment process, consisting of mechanical and biological stages. Reliable, easy-to-maintain models.
  8. Yubas. Durable septic tanks suitable for efficient operation with long interruptions for up to 3 months.
  9. Poplar. Resistant to temperature extremes and loads. Equipped with airlifts, compressors and aerators. manual and mechanical removal sludge.
  10. Topas. Reliable system autonomous sewage system, made of high quality materials. It is in demand among Russian consumers.

Operation features

An autonomous sewage system will last a maximum period if you follow the recommendations of experts and the basic rules of use:

  • Do not throw large debris into the sewer;
  • It is good to insulate and waterproof the system;
  • Regularly pump out accumulated sewage from the septic tank;
  • Avoid the ingress of fats with the help of special grease traps;
  • Do not use chemicals in the case of using bio-treatment of wastewater in the septic tank chamber.

If you approach the installation of a septic tank responsibly, take the time to draw up a project, select materials, follow the rules of operation - the autonomous sewage system will function without failure for many years.

Septic tanks for summer cottages with a high level of groundwater - we make a choice

One of the factors influencing the choice of a septic tank and the features of its installation is such a geological characteristic of the site as the groundwater level. In many areas of Russia, this mark is less than a meter from the ground, which complicates the equipment local sewerage or render it useless.

What are the difficulties associated with high GWL?

Problems with a closely spaced primer can arise both during the installation phase and during the operation of the wastewater disposal system.

1. Almost 90% of the installation of a septic tank is associated with digging and preparing the pit, as well as backfilling. Working while standing in the water is quite difficult and uncomfortable.

2. Difficulties arise with the arrangement of soil post-treatment. The way out is to build a filter layer above the ground. However, such designs will not work without the use of forced pumping of wastewater from the septic tank.

3. With a high GWL, it is difficult to install concrete rings, which are one of the most common materials for arranging local sewage. prefabricated concrete septic tanks often lose their tightness, and in conditions of high primer, this will lead not only to environmental pollution, but also to groundwater seepage into the tank. As a result, you will have to call the sewer machine more often to empty the drive, or the settling process in the septic tank that cleans the drains will be disrupted.

Note! Do not underestimate the flooding of the septic tank, since the water, along with the drains, will eventually be forced back into the external pipeline and even the house sewer.

4. Plastic containers have a light weight, therefore, under the action of groundwater, they can emerge. This often leads to a rupture of the sewer line. Prevention of ascent - installation of the container on a concrete base and fastening to it.

To avoid difficulties, reduce them, or at least mentally prepare for them, you need to find out in advance at what depth the groundwater passes, and then install.

How to determine the level of passage of the primer?

The maximum soil moisture occurs during the period of autumn rains or snowmelt. For this reason, it is worth finding out the depth of the primer in spring or autumn. In most cases, reconnaissance is carried out even at the stage of building a house, but this can also be done after the house is inhabited.

There are several methods.

  1. The easiest way is to look into the well, which is located on the site and is fed by groundwater. The distance to the water surface from the surface of the earth is the desired depth.

  2. Vegetation can be appreciated. If moisture-loving representatives of the flora grow on the site, for example, horsetail, alder, this is an indicator of soil watering.

  3. The most accurate method is to drill several observation wells at least 150 cm deep.

  4. You can also ask neighbors.

It is recommended to resort to several methods, which will increase the accuracy of the determination. If exploration has shown that waters rise close to the surface of the earth at least seasonally, then several rules must be observed to equip a waste disposal station.

Features of the construction of local sewerage at high GWL

by the most simple option arrangement of the waste disposal system is the installation of a storage tank that is not buried in the ground, which will additionally save effort, time and materials. But such a tank will take up a lot of precious space and is only suitable for small country houses in which no more than 3 people live and few sanitary equipment are installed. Otherwise, you can go broke on the calls of the sewage machine.

For large houses, the drive is not suitable, so you will need to install a soil treatment plant or a wastewater biotreatment station.

The arrangement of such systems on watered soil has its own characteristics at each of the stages:

First you need to decide on the material. It is not recommended to build a prefabricated tank, consisting, for example, of concrete rings, since the seams are prone to loss of tightness. It is best to use plastic containers.

plastic septic tank

You can buy both ready-made tanks, and use, for example, used eurocubes.

A number of rules must also be observed when organizing the evacuation of wastewater from a septic tank.

Often, the presence of such a large list of rules and subtleties when installing a septic tank in areas with high GWL forces owners to refuse self-assembly by contacting the professionals. it the right decision, which can save you from unnecessary expenses and work. So, if the septic tank has already surfaced, you will have to pump out drains from it, dismantle it, flush the tank and reinstall it.

Topas septic tank prices

septic tank Topas

DKS septic tanks for soils with high GWL

Topas - septic tank with aerobic cleaning

Self-arrangement of communications is an economical right decision. Sewerage at a high level of groundwater has the nuances of construction and operation. The peculiarity of the cesspool for such a house as a private one is its tightness.
The construction of sewers for high groundwater is quite expensive, but this way you are guaranteed to see a quality result. How to make a sewer so that it meets all the requirements of sanitary safety and serves for many years? Consider the proximity of moisture to the soil.

Risks of proximity to groundwater

Groundwater is an underground aquifer that is close to the surface of the earth. The groundwater level is able to rise up if heavy rains or snow melts the day before. In dry weather, the amount of subsoil moisture decreases.
The elevated soil water level complicates the arrangement of treatment systems, wells and the foundation of buildings:

  • the structure of the street toilet is destroyed.
  • an unpleasant odor appears;
  • increased risk of intestinal infections;
  • the service life of underground pipes is reduced - metal corrosion occurs.
  • water erodes the walls of the cesspool, which prevents its purification.

There are several ways to understand how close groundwater is:

  1. Liquid level measurement. In the spring, you need to measure the water level in the well. A visual assessment is carried out by checking the filling of the tank after heavy rains, or snowmelt.
  2. In the absence of a well, you can drill several holes with a garden drill and see if they fill with water.

If both technologies are not available to you, contact your neighbors who use local treatment facilities.

Construction of a cesspool

The construction of a sewerage system in a private house with a high level of groundwater in the form of a cesspool is undesirable. Possible flooding threatens with the complexity of cleaning, rapid filling, erosion of the edges of the trench and destruction.

Storage capacity: installation features

The design is an ordinary pit, barrel or well made of concrete rings. The advantage of structures is their low cost during construction. There are quite a few cons:

  • the container should never overflow, so choose products with a large capacity;
  • with a high GWL, the tank must be regularly treated with sealants;
  • place the structure in a place convenient for the entrance of the sewage service;
  • the frequent call of a sewage truck means financial costs for the owners.

The storage tank is budgetary in construction, but its operation can take a lot of time and money.

Installation of a mechanical septic tank

Country sewerage with a high level of groundwater should be leak-tight. A mechanical septic tank is popular due to its price-quality ratio. High costs for initial stage paid for by the simplicity and reliability of the system operation.

The degree of purification of waste liquids is regulated by adding wells.

With a low level of soil water, 1 will be enough, with a high level - 2 or 3 wells. The choice of materials for the construction of a septic tank must be approached responsibly, since with high groundwater it is necessary to prevent flooding of communications. Wells can be plastic or concrete, but the criteria for their organization are the same:

  • when installing a septic tank from ready-made concrete rings, all joints must be carefully processed. This will prevent the destruction of the structure;
  • the ideal option is to cast the well on site. To do this, you need an iron mold that can be rented;
  • plastic septic tanks correct installation will be durable and effective.

The dimensions of an autonomous sewer for a private house must be calculated correctly. Its capacity is equal to the amount of water consumed by a family of 4 people in 3 days.

The advantages of a septic tank with a close location of groundwater

Installing a sewerage system in the form of a septic tank in a private house with a high level of groundwater has many advantages:

  • absence bad smell thanks to the tightness of the design and ventilation.
  • there is no need to call the cesspool service. Waste decomposes and is discharged into the deep layers of the soil.
  • there is no risk of contamination of the soil with waste. Waste liquids undergo thorough multi-level filtration. However, it is not recommended to install a sewer in the vicinity of drinking wells.

With proper operation, the structure will maintain durability and integrity.

The principle of operation of autonomous sewage

Autonomous country sewerage, properly constructed with a high level of groundwater, can improve the quality of life of site owners. The multilevel system works according to the following principle:

  • the used liquid flows into the septic tank, where insoluble inclusions are retained.
  • solid particles settle at the bottom of the container, while fats and insoluble substances form a film on the surface.
  • wastewater enters the septic tank, where it is treated with anaerobic bacteria.
  • the organic environment that comes with the wastewater promotes the growth of bacteria that reduce the concentration of harmful substances.
  • ventilation removes the gases formed during the decomposition process.

The settled and clarified liquid enters the infiltration tunnels, where it is cleaned and discharged into the ground.

Septic tank installation algorithm

Making a sewer in a private household is not difficult if you follow the correct procedure.

Regulatory regulation of the sewerage device

Home cleaning system requires careful observance of sanitary rules. The removal of sewage from the house, as indicated in the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85, provides for:

  • placement of treatment facilities 50 meters from drinking wells or wells.
  • sewer communications are located 3 meters from the plantings.
  • the septic system is installed at a distance of 5 meters from residential buildings.
  • sewage equipment must have unhindered access to the treatment plant.

Planning of cleaning networks is carried out in a strict order - 1 revision well for 15 m of straight or turning sections. Work must be carried out in a strict order.

Digging a pit

Conducting home sewage for a summer residence, if groundwater is close, it begins with digging a hole:

  • the septic structure is fully included in the pit. In this case, the tank should not touch the walls at a distance of 25 cm;
  • observe the maximum evenness of the bottom, compacting it with wet river sand. Fine-grained material is laid in a layer of about 15 cm and carefully compacted. The sand should not contain foreign particles in the form of lumps of earth or gravel.
  • to ensure the tightness of communications, the sand is replaced with a concrete slab.

The walls of the pit must be reinforced with timber formwork or metal sheets.

Installing a septic tank in a pit

The finished septic tank is checked for cracks and damage before installation.

The container is lowered to the pit with the help of cables. It should stand perfectly even in the pit, even the slightest roll is unacceptable. In cold winters, it is recommended to wrap the tank with a layer of heat-insulating material.

Trench backfill

After installation, the tank is covered with soil or cement-sand mixture and carefully compacted. The ground level reaches the edge of the supply pipe.

Arrangement of the infiltrator

Filtration facilities must be connected to the tank to purify water before it enters the ground from the tank. There are several options:

  • Filtration fields with a cushion of a layer of gravel and sand, where on which along an inclined line are located drainage pipes with perforation. The length of the pipes reaches 20 meters, and the distance extreme points- 2 meters. Filtration is located 1 meter higher than the proposed elevated aquifer.
  • Ditch plumbing suitable for clay soils. The filtered water is removed by pumps.
  • A water intake for a house, like a filter, is built when water is planned to be used for agricultural needs, or it is not possible to build another structure. Pipes are connected to the tank from the septic tank. A sand cushion is necessarily built around. To protect against overflow, an outlet pipe is constructed, which, with a large amount of water, leads it into an underground filtration field, a ditch or back into the septic tank.
  • A good solution for a private house, under which there is a high level of groundwater, is a ground filter cassette. It is built as follows:
    • dig a hole 50 cm deep, which is filled to the top with sand.
    • foam blocks about 30 cm high are laid around the perimeter.
    • crushed stone is poured inside.
    • a filter cassette made of plastic and insulation is placed on top.

Mine sewer septic tank will begin to function normally only after the expiration of 2-3 weeks. During this period, a sediment of sludge is formed at the bottom of the tank, which is actively involved in the process of waste processing.
The quality of the sewerage made in the country with your own hands directly depends on the quality of the containers and pipes used, as well as the correct installation.

Proper construction at a high level of groundwater of the country sewerage system will ensure the filtration of sewage liquids by 99%.

However, the resulting water is not edible and is purely technical.

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