Temple of the indigenous deserts. Kursk indigenous Nativity-Bogoroditskaya male hermitage

Root desert (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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Approximately half an hour drive from Kursk (30 km), on the banks of the quiet river Tuskar, in the 13th century, at the place where the famous icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” was found, the unusually beautiful Kursk Root Monastery of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Desert, revered in the center of Russia, was built.

As soon as one of them raised it, a spring gushed from this place, seeing which, the man placed the icon of the “Sign” of the Mother of God in the hole of this tree. The hunter told about such an unseen comrade, who, having consulted, erected a chapel just above the mentioned place (where the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Virgin was later built), in which they placed a wonderful icon. This incident is evidenced by the sculptural ensemble at the entrance to the monastery, created by the Kursk sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov.

Numerous pilgrims began to come to where the icon was found. And then Vasily Shemyaka, Prince of Rylsk, ordered her to be transported to the city of Rylsk. But the prince did not render worthy honors to the miraculous image and soon became blind, having regained his sight only when he promised to build a temple in Rylsk in the name of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, where they subsequently kept the miraculous icon. Having miraculously disappeared from the church, the icon returned to the place where the hunters found it. More than once they tried to transport it to the city, but each time the icon ended up at the place of its appearance.

In 1383, the Tatar-Mongols again flew into the Kursk land and decided to burn down the chapel, but, alas, it did not catch fire. Then, in a rage, the wicked cut the holy icon in half. Elder Bogolyub found the remaining particles and put them together, and, lo and behold, they grew together.

Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, having heard about the miraculous icon, issued a decree in 1597 to revive the city of Kursk. And the icon was transported for worship to Moscow, where a special cypress board was built around it, on which were images of the prophets from the Old Testament, and placed in a silver and gilding frame, decorated with pearls and valuable stones. Tsarina Irina and her daughter Princess Theodosia embroidered the veil for the salary with gold with their own hands. The Icon of the Sign of the Mother of God was returned again to the Root Hermitage, where, at the direction of the tsar-father, a monastery and a cathedral were built in the name of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the 18th century, the Root Hermitage was rebuilt with stone thanks to the donations of Field Marshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev, who had visited the holy monastery a little earlier.

The church of the life-giving spring was built over the miraculous spring, stone gates with images of hell and the Last Judgment appeared.

The Root Hermitage survived many events: destruction, ruin, closure and looting in the Soviet years, the Great Patriotic War, revival. And only in 1989 the hermitage again appeared in the Kursk-Belgorod diocese, and a year later the monastery began a new life. Today, along with the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the Nizhny Novgorod Diveevo monastery of Seraphim of Sarov, Root Hermitage is the third religious center in Russia. Restoration work is underway here, divine services are being held, there is a functioning monastery and a small almshouse.

Every day, a huge number of pilgrims come to the church of the icon "Life-Giving Spring" and to the source itself for holy water and to plunge into the font. After all, they say, even the clothes in which you bathed, then heals.

A copy of the icon is in the monastery, and the original is in the New York (USA) Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. She is periodically brought to the monastery so that Russian believers can bow and touch the shrine.

The monastery is of extraordinary beauty! After the restoration of its buildings, painted in sky blue, they look amazing!

Not so long ago, a monument to Seraphim of Sarov (author - Vyacheslav Klykov), a native of the city of Kursk, was erected in the center of the monastery. Healed at the age of ten from a serious illness with the help of the miraculous icon of the Sign, the monk later repeatedly visited here.

In addition to pilgrimage trips, tourist excursions are often organized to the Kursk Root Hermitage. After all, the monastery is not only a blessed sacred place, but also our past, the history of Russia.

How to get there

From the Kursk railway station, take any fixed-route taxi going to the Dubrovinsky stop, from which gazelles leave every 15 minutes to the desert to the village of Svoboda. Get out in about 30-40 minutes (it's better to ask the driver for a stop).

Many monasteries and temples are located on Russian soil. Each of them carries the wealth of Russian spirituality for the Orthodox faith.

One of the beautiful abodes of the holy spirit is located in the Kursk region. Here, at the end of the 16th century, a monastery was founded, which soon began to be called the Kursk Root Nativity of the Mother of God male hermitage.

In contact with


The abode of enlightenment and miracle is located in the most beautiful place, on the right bank of the Tuskar River. On the map of Russia, this is the Kursk region (therefore, the people often call the monastery the Kursk-Root. However, sometimes it is also called the Korenskaya wasteland - but this is wrong).

Root hermitage is located at Zlotouhinsky district, with. Freedom. You can get to the monastery by taxi, which departs from Dubrovinsky Street.

The history of the monastery from the beginning of the foundation

According to legend, in 1295 there were dense impenetrable forests in this place. Two hunters, following the trail of the beast, stumbled upon a strange board, and turning it over, they found the icon.

And then a source of spring water gushed out of the ground. The hunters, deciding that this was a real sign of the wonderful properties of this place, left a sign there. Later they spread the news of the diva to all people.

It's important to know: after a few years, a wooden chapel was rebuilt on the same spot.

The construction of the monastery itself had a difficult time. During that historical period, Muscovite Rus was attacked by the Crimean Tatars. Construction progressed very slowly, because of the difficult conditions and lack of funding, it was difficult to move forward with construction. However, the building was rebuilt; the date of foundation of the monastery is considered to be 1597.

After the death of Ivan the Terrible, there was no heir. A troubled time has come. There were many contenders for the throne, one of whom False Dmitry seized power in the country and personally elevated himself to the throne. By his order, the main miraculous icon of the Mother of God was given to Moscow.

False Dmitry

There she stayed until the very end of the troubled time for Russia, which was difficult for Russia. The icon returned to its place only in 1618. This event was one of the turning points in history. It was marked by the opening of a new church, which was given the name "Nativity of the Blessed Virgin".

In 1634, not the best time for Russia came again, the monastery again had to endure severe hardships. After the Poles attacked Kursk, the monastery was devastated. And already in 1643, a new raid on the city was made by the Crimean Tatars. However, despite the difficulties, the Kursk Desert managed to survive.

It was only in 1701 that the title of a monastery was officially awarded to this place, and a hostel for monks was opened. In addition, many other buildings were reconstructed. Two years later, it came to the Nativity of the Theotokos Church. The old wooden building was replaced by a magnificent white stone building with two floors.

It is important that the building has survived to this day.

Seven years later, in 1708, the construction work was decided to continue. The most beautiful holy gates and a church with several thrones were erected. One was given the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the second was dedicated to the Archangel Michael. In 1713, the Church of the Picturesque Spring was founded.

A new era in construction opened in 1860, when the construction of a magnificent cathedral began, which was called the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, very soon the white streak in the life of the Kursk Abbey and its inhabitants ended. The difficult years of the Soviet period were coming.

After the onset of Soviet power and the overthrow of Emperor Nicholas II, a difficult time came for the Orthodox Church in Russia. It marked the destruction of all the principles and ideals of the faith, of everything holy that was in temples and cathedrals.

Most of them were destroyed and destroyed or converted into civilian objects. The Root Hermitage did not escape this fate either, for which the most difficult time in its entire existence has come. Already in 1918, it was renamed "Svoboda Township", while the holy monastery lost the right to officially represent the Orthodox Church, losing its legal force. In 1922, all valuables and relics were seized from the monastery according to a special program developed by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

Despite this, some devoted people remained huddled in dugouts nearby, whiled away their days in prayer. Many buildings were destroyed brick by brick, including two tiers from the bell tower, a unique library was taken out along with holy icons and other valuables. The territory adjacent to the monastery has also changed.

Bogoroditskaya unique grove with relic oak forests was cut down, crops with medicinal herbs were destroyed. Later, a fountain was built on the site where the cathedral stood, and the Svoboda camp was opened in the monastery building itself. During the war, many buildings were destroyed, and in those that remained intact, a vocational school was organized in 1947.

After all the hardships, only in 1989 did they begin a program to restore the holy, desecrated place. Through the great efforts of the Diocese of Kursk and Archbishop Iuvenaly, the legal significance of the monastery returned to the Kursk Hermitage, and the land passed into the power of the Orthodox Church. Only in 1990 the restoration was completed. In honor of this solemn event, a religious procession was organized. It became the first for many decades of the period of Soviet power.

The current state of the monastery

Thanks to the restoration work carried out, many buildings were recreated. They were restored from ruins.

Keep in mind: many values ​​of the culture of the Russian Orthodox faith were returned to their ancestral land.

The consecration of the Root Hermitage was made in 1991 by Patriarch Alexy II in honor of the opening of the newly rebuilt Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Only in 2004, a meeting of the patriarchs was organized, at which a decision was made to renew the operation of the monastery.

To bring this great cause to life, a huge amount of money and effort has been invested. The Bishop's hotel was revived, where the guests of the monks were located. The most beautiful painting of the holy gates was created from scratch. The Abbess' Corps was rebuilt, the main Cathedral underwent a complete reconstruction.

Gate of the Root Desert

In addition, significant work was done to equip the entire territory of the monastery, including the Temple of the Life-Giving Spring. Only in 2012, the restoration work was fully completed. In honor of this memorable event, the Liturgy was served and the rite of consecration was performed.

Take note: in this monastery, reprimands are made, which are conducted by Father Nikita. These are special prayer rules that are performed over demon-possessed people. For the sake of idle curiosity, you should not attend these prayer services. All those suffering and their relatives need to take the blessing of the priests to be present at the reprimands.

The Skete of Seraphim of Sarov accepts for special prayers for the sick - deductions - all those who suffer from spiritual and bodily infirmities, and yearn to get rid of them by the grace of God.

Thus, the temples, the monastic cloister and the surrounding area were completely revived and restored, all the premises were landscaped. Today, there are four cathedrals in the monastery. All of them are in working order, despite this, on ordinary days, services are conducted in only one. This is the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On holidays, Liturgies are celebrated in other churches as well.

Description and architectural features

All the existing churches of the Root Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God of the Desert were built in the classical Russian style. White-stone walls are decorated with golden domes on towers and chapels.

Some of the buildings were built very recently. In place of them, wooden churches used to be located, and later simple stone buildings destroyed in the Soviet period. So, the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" was consecrated only in 2012 by Patriarch Alexy II.

The blue roofs of the building perfectly set off the golden domes. The interior decoration itself is made in the Byzantine style. Here you can see the beautiful decoration of frescoes and icons, many holy objects that were returned to their homeland after the revolution.

The beautiful architectural ensemble of the monastery, painted in heavenly color, looks great from anywhere in the city, especially from the banks of the Tuskar River.

Shrines of the Nativity of the Mother of God Hermitage

One of the main shrines of this wonderful place is the icon of the Sign. It was her who once upon a time was found at this place by hunters, after which a temple was created here, and then deserts. The icon more than once showed miracles to the world and streamed myrrh, so it was almost immediately ranked among the miraculous.

Icon "Sign"

Also here are the holy relics of the venerable Kiev-Pechersk and Optina elders. Thousands of pilgrims flock here to touch the holy remains.

Tuskar river and holy springs

The monastery is located near the river Tuskar. Many sources flow from it. Some of them can be attributed to the saints. For example:

  • Source of the Great Martyr Pantelemon;
  • Source of Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Source of Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • The source of the "Kazan" icon of the Mother of God.

Thus, you can touch the holy water in several places at once and wander through the wonderful picturesque places on the territory of the monastery. Get to the very place where the main shrine was found - the icon "The Sign", because it was from that very place, according to legend, that the source began to beat.

Information for pilgrims and tourists

The following information will be useful to those who decide to make a pilgrimage or to the Indigenous male desert:

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the holy monastery. The easiest and most convenient: from the city of Kursk at the railway station, take a fixed-route taxi, which departs from the Dubrovinskoye stop. Here, every twenty minutes, gazelles begin their route, which make their way to the village of Svoboda. The distance from Kursk to Svoboda metro station is 33 km, the travel time will be approximately 35 minutes;

Where to stay

On the territory of the monastery there are several hotels for tourists and pilgrims. These are hotel No. 1 "White" and No. 2 "Red". At the same time, guests are accepted only at the Krasnaya Hotel, since the first is for church ministers and monks.

Cost of living for one person:

  • Single 400 rubles;
  • Multi-seat 200 rub.;
  • Triple 250 rubles;
  • Double 300 rub.

The hotel has recently been renovated and is in good condition, has all the necessary amenities, clean and bright, with a beautiful view of the surrounding landscape of the monastery;


On the territory of the Root Desert, free tours of the temple complex and the surrounding area are held for everyone. The abbot will tell you about the history of the monastery, its difficult fate, restoration work to restore the main architectural ensembles. It will also show the location of the holy springs and shrines of this place. If you wish, you can make a donation to the needs of the monastery;

Last weekend, in the company of family and friends, I spent at a small river in the Kursk region. Three days and two nights we rested in nature in tents. However, in addition to this, there was also a cultural and spiritual program.

30 km north of Kursk, in the town of Svoboda ( GPS coordinates 51.972033,36.315317), on one of the upland hills on the right bank of the Tuskar River, there is the Root Nativity-Bogorodichnaya male hermitage or Root hermitage.

The village in which the Korennaya Pustyn is located used to be called by the name of the monastery, and after the revolution it was renamed into the name "Freedom".

For Orthodox believers, a few minutes walk from the Root Hermitage Monastery, there is a Pilgrimage Center (http://korennaya.ru/centr/).

In 1295, on September 8, two hunters hunted in the forest. Suddenly, one of them saw, the chronicler claims, “near the Tuskari River in a half-mountain, at the root of a large tree, an icon lying prostrate, which, as soon as he lifted it from the ground, immediately a source of water flowed from that place, seeing this, this man set up honestly acquired by him the icon of the “Sign” of the Mother of God in the hollow of that tree, and at the same time he announced this most glorious miracle to his comrades, who, agreeing among themselves, built a chapel a few sazhens higher than the mentioned place and, placing a miraculous icon in it, returned home in peace ” . This historical event is captured in the sculptural composition, which is installed on the right at the entrance to the monastery. Its author is Vyacheslav Klykov, a famous sculptor, people's artist of Russia, academician, president of the International Fund for Slavic Literature and Culture.

A symbolic sculpture... the appearance to the people of the Orthodox shrine of the Kursk region - the miraculous icon of the Sign of the Mother of God. It should be noted that at the end of October 1919 the miraculous image left the Kursk region. From the Athos Compound, the icon was transferred to Constantinople, then to the Greek city of Thessaloniki, then to the ancient capital of Serbia, the city of Nis, to the suburb of Belgrade - Zemun. Thus began the way of the cross of the icon outside the Fatherland. The icon is currently located in the USA. Until 1943, she constantly stayed with Bishop Feofan (the last Kursk bishop with whom the icon left Kursk), from 1943 to 1963 - with Archbishop Seraphim, a native of Kursk and founder of the New Root Hermitage near New York. Since 1963, Metropolitan Philaret, also from Kursk, has been with the icon. Today, the icon resides in the chambers of the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, His Eminence Laurus. The shrine visits parishes in the United States and other countries where Russian people live. She is considered the Hodegetria of the entire Russian diaspora.

From July 4 to 7, the XIII Kursk Korenskaya Fair - 2013 was held near the monastery. The event is global and interesting, and therefore it was overly crowded in the village and on the territory of the Root Hermitage.
By the way, the Kursk Korenskaya fair, in the 19th century, was considered the third in Russia in terms of trade after Makaryevskaya near Nizhny Novgorod and Irbitskaya in the Urals. The tradition of holding it was revived on September 23, 2001.

Entrance under the bell tower of the Kursk Root Hermitage.

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Root Nativity of the Mother of God Hermitage. A warm monastery church, built in a two-story brick building with a refectory and cells, standing to the north of the Nativity Cathedral.

A brick hipped-roof chapel in the pseudo-Russian style at the altar of the Nativity Cathedral.

In the central part of the monastery there is a monument to St. Seraphim of Sarov. He visited the monastery more than once, and at the age of 10 he received healing from a serious illness from the miraculous icon “The Sign” of the Kursk Root. The author of the sculpture is Vyacheslav Klykov. The same sculpture was installed by him not far from the city of Sarov, near one of the distant wildernesses, where Father Seraphim performed his spiritual exploits.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Life-Giving Spring in the Root Nativity of the Mother of God Hermitage. It stands under the mountain, on the bank of the river. The brick church was built at the expense of Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev in 1713. It was built over a spring, which, according to legend, clogged at the place where the icon of the Mother of God was found. It was a single-domed quadrangle with lowered side vestibules and an altar; covered descents to the church from the territory of the monastery were built in 1832-1835. It was broken together with gatherings in the 1930s, the spring was concreted in 1959, but made its way again. It was built again together with the gatherings in 1995 in forms that closely repeat the appearance of the church in the beginning. 20th century

Stairway to the Holy Spring of the Kursk-Root Hermitage.

Holy spring of the Kursk-Root Hermitage.

Font of the holy spring of the Kursk-Root Hermitage.

The Tuskar river at the foot of the Root Nativity-Bogorodichnaya male desert. Place of mass ablution.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Root Nativity of the Mother of God Hermitage - consecrated on September 24, 2009 (rebuilt according to the project of 1852).

General view of the Root Nativity-Mother of God male hermitage.

To the general impression of daytime shots, I also post evening-night shots of the Root Desert.
Indigenous deserts
51°58′20″ s. sh. 36°18′41″ in. d. HGIO
Country Russia Russia
The subject of the Russian Federation Kursk region
confession Orthodoxy
Type of male
Foundation date 1597
Viceroy Seraphim (Kotelnikov)
Status OKN № 4600190000 № 4600190000
Indigenous desert at Wikimedia Commons

Kursk Root Christmas-Virgin Hermitage- a male monastery in the Kursk region, based on the site of the appearance of the Kursk Root Icon.


Among the ancient Russian monasteries, one of the most famous for a long time was the Kursk Root Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God of the Desert. This is one of the first monasteries in the Kursk region. The root desert is located on the right bank of the Tuskar River, 30 kilometers from Kursk in the direction to the north. In the dark blue of the vast Korensky forest, the crosses of the monastery churches shone with gold; Founded in 1597, on the site of the appearance of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign".

Successful in the construction of the monastery was the period of the beginning of the XVIII century. In 1713, the Church of the Life-Giving Spring grew over the site of the appearance of the icon - a memory of the zeal for it of the first domestic field marshal Count Boris Petrovich Sheremetev. In 1764 the monastery became independent from the Znamensky Monastery. By the end of the 18th century, the desert had a completely completed look. On both sides of the Holy Gates there are two-storey rector's and fraternal cells. In the left side of the monastery, the Church of All Saints was founded in 1797. Behind the monastery in 1793 two hotel yards were built. There was a large monastery garden. Emperor Paul I granted land and a mill to the holy monastery in the village of Dolgoe. At the beginning of the 19th century, 30 monastics worked spiritually in the monastery. In 1806, by decree of the Holy Synod, it was allowed to leave the miraculous icon in the desert until September 12. The year 1816 is memorable for the fact that an archimandry was established in the monastery. The construction of the Church of All Saints was completed under Hieromonk Palladius; it was consecrated in 1819. Pallady became the first archimandrite of the Root Hermitage. From 1832 to 1835, steep stone descents were built in the monastery, going from the upper monastery square to the lower Church of the Life-Giving Spring. They surprisingly harmoniously fit into the ensemble of the church, creating maximum comfort for the pilgrims. From all the steps and platforms, the middle of the church was visible and the divine service performed in it was perfectly audible (the gatherings have now been restored in their original form).

On July 1, 1852, in the desert, according to the project of the famous architect K. A. Ton, a new temple was laid on the site of a dilapidated church that had become by the middle of the 19th century. In 1860, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built and consecrated. The history of the monastery is connected with the life in it of one of the outstanding enlighteners of the past - Sylvester Medvedev. He was a monk in Korennaya from 1675 to 1678, did a lot for the development of book printing, and became one of the outstanding Russian bibliographers. The iconostasis installed in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God of the Root Hermitage is one of the most significant works of the masters of the Holy Trinity Brotherhood from the town of Shchigry, Kursk Region.

During the Civil War, in 1919, the icon (which had been kept in the Znamensky Monastery (Kursk) for most of the year) was taken from Kursk: to Belgorod, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinodar, Novorossiysk. On March 1, 1920, on the steamer "St. Nicholas", she departs for Constantinople, from where to Greece, Serbia. For a short time, at the request of General Pyotr Wrangel, to encourage his troops, the icon stayed in the Crimea. In 1944, the icon was delivered to Munich, and then to the USA in 1951, where it stayed in the New Root Hermitage specially arranged for it. Since 1957, the icon has been in

The Kursk Root Hermitage is one of the most wonderful places in central Russia, and everyone will take their own from this place:

someone will touch the shrines (in the 13th century, the “Sign” icon, revered in Orthodoxy, was found here), someone will enjoy the picturesque views, a walk through the forest, swimming in the river and springs.

The place is truly unique. No wonder the Root Hermitage is called the main attraction of the Kursk region.

Honestly, this place just suggests a majestic temple. It is not surprising that one of the most significant icons of Orthodox Russia, the icon of the Virgin and Child "The Sign" was found here.

It happened in the 13th century: a local resident found an icon in the forest under a tree. As soon as he picked her up, a spring gushed from the place where she lay. The icon turned out to be miraculous. Subsequently, a chapel was built just above this place, then a church.

Over the years, a monastery arose - the Kursk Root Hermitage.

During the Tatar-Mongol raids, the icon was transferred to the more fortified Kursk. And after that, the hermitage, which had resisted the enemies for so long before, was burned.

And in Kursk, a huge Znamensky Cathedral on Red Square was built specifically for the Icon of the Sign.

She has performed many miracles and healings since her appearance on the Kursk land. After the restoration of the Kursk Root Hermitage, an annual procession with the icon of the Sign took place from Kursk to the Root Hermitage. This event was depicted by Repin in the painting "The procession in the Kursk province."

How to get there

The Root Desert is located 30 km north of Kursk. The village itself is called freedom, Zolotukhinsky district.

Usually they describe how to drive to the desert from Kursk. However, if you are traveling by train from Moscow, you can get off at Zolotukhino station before reaching Kursk. From there, minibuses run every quarter of an hour to Svoboda.

After Zolotukhino, the train still makes a stop at the Svoboda station. In fact, the village of Budanovka is located near the station, and the village of Svoboda is 7 km from the station Svoboda. Minibuses run, but rarely, about once every two hours. So, if you are going to the Kursk Root Hermitage, then go either to Zolotukhino, or already in Kursk itself.

In Kursk, from the station by minibus or bus, you need to get to the stop "Railway Hospital" or "Dubrovinsky Street". Drive 5 minutes. Walk - 15 minutes. The cost of a bus ticket is 14 rubles. The cost of the minibus is 15 rubles.

Get off at Dubrovinsky Street. Directly ahead is the blue and white Church of Nikita the Martyr (for some reason, in Kursk and its environs, most of the churches are painted blue with white trim). Go to the church, turn right and find yourself near a cluster of minibuses and buses. You ask which of the minibuses will go to Freedom.

A ticket from Kursk to Svoboda costs 50 rubles. Ride - half an hour.

Visiting the Kursk Root Hermitage

Svoboda is a fairly large village. Two-storey stone houses predominate.

A hotel for pilgrims stands out from the local development. It stands right next to the road, and this is the first building that catches your eye when you get off the minibus.

Here is such a center for pilgrims:

until we run into a large street perpendicular to it, at the end of which domes can be seen.

The area is changing dramatically. It's already a tourist place. Hotels, shops, restaurants - everything is brand new, brand new.

There is also a large car park. When we were there, there was a lone bus.

We leave to the covered building of the Root Fair. Previously, the Root Fair was the third largest after Makaryevskaya and Irbitskaya.

In the open square there is a monument-fountain dedicated to the acquisition of the icon. Slabs are laid around the monument, each slab reflects an episode from the annals of the Root Desert.

On the square is a rookery of cats. Peddlers lay out souvenirs on the shelves.

Entrance to the Kursk Root Hermitage. First gate:

We pass through the gate and get to a small square, from which the path goes down to the next gate.

And here comes the first blow of beauty. You see the gates, and behind them domes lined up in the depths. Unfortunately, the sun was shining directly into the lens, and not a single photo really turned out.

We go down to the second gate.

An apiary is visible on the left side of the mountain.

Side view of the monastery

We pass through the second gate and find ourselves on the territory of the male monastery - the Kursk Root Hermitage.

A small square in front of the solemn square. There are two temples on the square: the Cathedral of the Ascension of the Virgin and the Church of the Ascension of the Virgin.

A large area is laid out in concentric circles.

The Cathedral of the Ascension of the Mother of God was built recently, finishing work is still going on inside.

The Church of the Ascension of the Mother of God is a miracle, how beautiful! Naryshkin baroque in all its glory.

Weird windows. Drum-octagon, and what a soft pink color.

Inside, the church looks like a jewelry box, everything burns from the inside from the murals. And the shape is similar to a chest, only in the center, where the octagonal drum is a small dome. There was a service, it was impossible to shoot.

In general, everything looks just done. Generous cash injections are felt.

Explore hotels in Kursk

And we go around the cathedral and find ourselves actually on the observation deck. Boundless distances stretch ahead. It seems like they were going down all the time and suddenly ended up at the top of the mountain!

At the rear facade of the cathedral there is a sculpture of Prokhor Moshnin, who later became known as Seraphim of Sarov.

Prokhor was born and lived in Kursk. His parents patronized the construction of the Sergiev-Kazan Cathedral. Once Prokhor was very ill, almost dying. A religious procession went by - they carried the icon of the Sign. And Prokhor's mother begged her to come with the icon to her dying son. Indeed, soon the son went on the mend.

So the monument to Seraphim of Sarov, kneeling at the place where the icon was found, is most welcome here.

A staircase descends down the slope to the river itself.

Tuskar river and springs

The Tuskar River is small, and one can only wonder how such a generally invisible river has such high banks and connects two tall ridges - on one of these ridges stands Kursk, on the other - the Kursk Root Hermitage.

The stairs down the slope of the mountain descend to the baths: on the left - women's, on the right - men's:

Opposite the baths - the image of the icon "The Sign":

The Church of the Sign was built on the site where the icon was found

The embankment along Tuskar is well maintained, tiled, benches are installed along it.

There is a descent into the water and places for changing clothes.

There are trails on both sides of the embankment. Be sure to walk along the coast both to the left and to the right.

Both on the left and on the right side there are three sources each. On the right: "eye", "skin" and John the Baptist. On the left - Nikolai Ugodnik, Panteleimon the Healer and Seraphim of Sarov.

We went first to the right (along the river). The area is open. Bushes along the river.

The "eye" source barely oozes. But you won’t pass by - in front of him is a tree with multi-colored patches.

Sources "skin" and John the Baptist follow each other. The jets are strong. Streams flow from the springs.

Behind the third source, a staircase rises along the slope. Upstairs is a nice pine forest.

We return back to the baths and go along the coast against the current.

Wonderful view of the monastery.

The first source is Nicholas Ugodnik. It has a small bath.


The forest is riddled with streams.

The second source is St. Panteleimon the Healer.

Wooden bridges end at the third source - Seraphim of Sarov. There is also a small chapel.

We return.

Meanwhile, the people are arriving. There is already a queue at the baths and at the springs.

We rise to the monastery.

After leaving the gate of the Root Desert, go along the fence to the left. Soon you will find yourself near the memorial complex.

In the summer of 1943, the command post and headquarters of the Central Front under the leadership of Rokossovsky were located here. For Rokossovsky, a dugout was built in this place, from where he led the actions of our troops during the Battle of Kursk.

We pass the square, we go past the military equipment of those times.

On the right is the museum, on the left is Rokossovsky's dugout.

After the war, the logs from the dugout were dismantled by local residents. Now the dugout has been restored. This, one might say, is a full-fledged chopped hut - only underground.

After the museum we went to the bus stop. Minibuses on the route Zolotukhino-Kursk and back run frequently, so the wait was not long.

We took a minibus to the railway hospital stop, and from there we boarded a bus heading to the center of Kursk.

The trip to the Kursk Root Hermitage took us about three hours. It was the strongest impression from .

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