Communication between man and Levels of intimacy of a man and a woman and connection with energy

Energy link installation options
  • when a man and a woman had an orgasm at the same time and the man's penis was in the woman's vagina, then their relationship lasts seven years
  • when a woman uses a biofield in which there is the energy of a man who has finished in her vagina and achieves orgasm through masturbation, that is, drains energy at a certain "address", the relationship lasts seven years
  • when a woman has not reached orgasm with a man and has not created a psychophysical biofield, the relationship lasts half a year
note: the energy fibers that a man can leave in a woman can only appear in a woman through sperm.

What is the cause of women's diseases?

Many women's diseases, especially those associated with a decrease in immunity, are associated with energy leakage from the sexual chakra. It is with this that the value of virgins in marriage is connected. People have long understood that if a girl is pure, then her energy will go to the prosperity of the family, and not who knows. Because the more a woman had men, the more devastated she was. Such a woman loses her sexual energy, and thus her attractiveness.

During sexual intercourse, men leave special energy fibers in the bodies of women. They are like luminous worms that live in the womb and absorb energy. These energy fibers have another quality, which is that they provide a constant outflow of energy to the man who sowed them. These fibers, which a woman is infected with during sexual intercourse, absorb and steal the energy of her body, which goes to those men who left them.

Nature strives to ensure that our species is reproduced. In order for this to happen, women must bear the surplus burden of energy loss, and this implies a constant outflow of energy to men. Women are given the main role in the reproduction of man as a species. They give a lot of energy not only to give birth, feed and raise children, but also to attract men to participate in the whole process. Ideally, this process enables a woman who energetically nourishes a man who has left his energy fibers in her body, to make him mysteriously dependent on herself at the LEVEL OF SUBTLE ENTITIES. This is confirmed by the fact that a man does everything in his power to return to this woman again and again for energy replenishment. Thus, nature achieves that a man not only feels a sometimes fleeting desire to enjoy physical intimacy with a woman, but also receives a basis for establishing a more stable relationship with her.

It is not good even if at least one man leaves energy fibers in the body of a woman, although this may be necessary so that they have descendants who can live after them. But to have the energy fibers of ten or twenty men means for a woman to deplete her energy shell so much that it becomes extremely difficult for her to live. No wonder women find it so hard to stand up for themselves.

A woman carries these threads within herself for seven years, after which they disappear or fade.

The energy fibers of a man give meaning to their lives, enable them to fulfill their biological function: to nourish men and produce offspring.

What to do to regain the lost energy?

To do this, you need to get rid of the connection that you had!

Technique for release from sexual attachment:

You need to remember everyone with whom you had sexual contact in the last 7 years.
For this, it is best to choose the 19th lunar day.

  • Connect the thumb and index finger of the right hand into a ring.
  • The ring is lowered to the lower abdomen, where the uterus is located. The womb stores female energy, it is the center of female power, it is there that the threads are located that connect you with all the men that you have had.
  • Imagine the dial in this place, put the ring at 12 o'clock (as if the dial is looking down).
  • Turn your head to the left (this is our past).
  • As you inhale, imagine the man with whom you once spent the night.
  • Then turn your head to the present (forward).
  • And with spiral movements towards the center, begin to collect the energy thread counterclockwise.
  • You begin to collect the energy thread with small spiral movements towards the center.
  • Movements are made counterclockwise.
  • Do three such circles.
  • Then turn your head to the right (to the future) and release this connection as you exhale.
  • Repeat for each former partner.

In order to feel a person who is at a distance from you, you need not so much. And no matter how far this person is from you, what matters is the feeling that you have for him. If it is love, deep sympathy, or a sincere desire for goodness, the task is not difficult.
The skills of performing this practice give the practitioner a more developed intuition in the perception of other people - their moods, thoughts, states ...

All that is needed for this is to sit in a comfortable position and relax, stop thinking about your own body and the signals that it sends to the brain. Take care in advance that nothing could distract you - people, calls, extraneous noises or problems that you think about during the day. Just relax, turning off all thoughts of strangers. Sit in a comfortable position, facing in the direction where the person you are interested in is supposed to be. If you don’t know the direction, it’s okay, in the process of meditation your body will turn in the right direction by itself, just don’t interfere with it. Relaxing, closing your eyes, and relieving tension in the body - remember what is connected with the person you are interested in - memories, events, his appearance, character, passion are vivid - that through which this personality manifests itself most clearly, and is associative for you. Having recreated the vivid perception of this person in your memory, start peering into the darkness before your eyes, NO LONGER THINKING about this person. Let all thoughts remain aside. If any thoughts appear in your head - do not resist them, just do not pay attention to them - immerse yourself completely in the darkness that has arisen before your eyes.

Imagine that you are moving in this darkness - farther and farther, not noticing and leaving aside all the stars, flashes and patterns that appear before your eyes. You are only interested in this dive forward. Moving forward, you will see that the darkness ahead seems to be divided into two planes by a horizontal line - try to look through this line. Put all your concentration and attention to get over it and continue on your way. Behind this line begins a corridor of light - go along it, and it will lead you to the person you are interested in.
Depending on the strength of concentration, you can feel his state, his mood, and if the concentration was the most successful, then you can see and hear this person. He, at this time, can feel your eyes on him ...

It is very important that during the meditative advancement there are no extraneous thoughts, and especially thoughts about the person you are interested in, otherwise it can only lead to images created by your imagination, and not to the actual contact with this person. Or speculative images can be superimposed on perception, which is also not successful in this meditation ...

Good luck with it, and remember that you can get the most powerful effect if you WISH that person WELL!)))

Any meeting in life is not accidental. Each for something and for some reason is given to you. Each leaves its mark on your destiny.

According to the Law of Relations, all meetings in life are conditionally divided into nine categories according to the degree of influence on the fate of a person and the degree of approximation of connections:

1. Children (they are the closest and most important people in life);
2. Favorite;
3. Spouses;
4. Parents, brothers and sisters;
5. Relatives;
6. Friends;
7. Colleagues;
8. Acquaintances;
9. Random passers-by.

Let's start with the most distant category that affects us the most weakly, it includes people with whom we have the most minimal fateful connections.

Relationship laws


We do not give everything to the first comers to the penny and do not go to the ends of the world. With random passers-by, having only contacts that correspond to this category will make more sense. The main way of interacting with a passerby is an equal exchange, which is an indicator of our benevolent attitude towards the world.

If you need to make some decision about the person you are seeing for the first time, such as whether to provide the help you are asked for, whether to buy the things that are offered to you, listen to your feelings.

Try to understand whether a pleasant or unpleasant energy impulse comes from a person and how this impulse responds to you. For example, from those who impose their product on the street, there is often a good energy impulse (they specifically learn this), but if you listen to yourself, then a vague unpleasant sensation arises.


These are people with whom we often or not very often, but meet in life. We cannot write them down in the category of friends, because we do not feel very close to them. In general, we do not know them well enough to understand who they are to us, other than just acquaintances.

These are friends, neighbors, a permanent hairdresser, a bathhouse attendant, our children's school teachers and parents of our children's school friends. This category is the most extensive in our life. And how differently we behave in the bath and at the parent meeting, so differently we build our energy relationships with different acquaintances.

All of us, the inhabitants of the Earth, are united and similar, and we have common tasks. The life of society as a whole, and, therefore, of each of us, depends on how each person lives.

Energy interaction with the category of acquaintances is the most diverse. We can perceive acquaintances as very close and pleasant people, love them more than relatives, be spiritually united with them, or we can even perceive one of them with hostility. Depending on this, we build our relationship with them.


People connected with us on business are closer than just acquaintances. But in no case should they be confused with friends and relatives. Otherwise, business relations, both friendly and related, may suffer greatly. Not to mention that the case itself can crumble to dust. Interaction with colleagues can only go on an equal exchange.

A respectable lady, the director of a shoe store, "out of friendship" takes the daughter of her school friend to work. By a strange coincidence, the girl finds herself in a situation where she becomes the cause of huge trouble. The store manager almost gets sued. Everyone is in shock. School friend goes into the category of hated enemies. And meanwhile, only the respectable lady herself is to blame. Business relations should be built only on a business basis. But the lady did not fully understand her mistake, because the conclusion that she learned from the lesson was: do not do good to people.


The fateful category of friends opens a series of close and dear people. And with them, relationships are built in a completely different way. In the three previous categories, relations were built on the basis of mutually beneficial exchanges. The relationship of friends involves selfless support, help without regard to what you get in return.

Why does fate bring us together? Why, when we meet one person among thousands of people, do we suddenly feel the kinship of our souls? Because this relationship really exists. We do not always remember and understand this, but we always feel that we are chickens from the same basket. We understand each other, we think alike, we have the same life values. We are cosmically from one basket. How and why does this happen? The question is for tomorrow.

There is an ancient truth: it is better to be deceived by friends than not to trust them all your life. If your friends deceived you, well, then you made a mistake and mistook the wrong people for your friends. Only you are to blame. Learn to differentiate categories!


We did not come into this World by chance, but according to cosmic laws, which we are not given to fully comprehend. We are a part of the whole society of the planet Earth, therefore the state of the whole society as a whole depends on the state of our soul.

Directly and immediately, this is expressed in the fact that we "cleanse" the fate of our kind. That is, we are obliged (by birth) to solve the problems of our family, help relatives, accumulate the positive energy of the family, freeing subsequent generations from birth diseases and problems.

The genus into which we have come interacts with us in different ways. He is given to one as a guardian. The family protects from adversity, helps on the path of life, guides and gives strength in difficult times. So, we somehow deserve such support! Such roots must be preserved, passed on by inheritance, multiplying traditions.

The genus is given to others as a test. In overcoming generic problems, and sometimes the curses that lie on him, the soul grows stronger, tempers, gains strength and thereby cleanses the roots, because the person himself is a particle of the family. Overcoming the negative in himself, he thereby purifies the race as a whole.

However, there are people who depend very little on the fate of their kind. Apparently, because they have a very serious personal task and a difficult life purpose in their own destiny. Such people leave their parental shelter early, move far from home, quickly acquire independence and independence, and maintain very weak communication even with close relatives. They often have a difficult life path, and usually they have big complex cases ahead of them.

Unfortunately, too many people, playing on kindred feelings, are ready to morally destroy their loved ones and not even feel that they did it wrong. These are energetic "vampires", you should close yourself from them. And yet, be that as it may, if even the most distant relative turns to you with a request - do not refuse, do everything in your power. This is your family structure, your children and grandchildren will carry it, it depends on you how pure, favorable and strong roots they will get.

With relatives, an equivalent energy exchange is rarely possible. Either we use their energy, or we give them our own. Often we recycle each other's negatives. Sometimes you have to close. And all this is normal for this category of relations due to the specificity of generic energy processes.


The relationships that you develop with your closest relatives are the most striking indicator of your attitude to the ancestral fate. If there are several children in a family, then each of them may have their own relationship with the family and, consequently, their own indicator of connection with the family destiny.

This is how our world works, that one of the children can be the full bearer of the fate of the father, the other - the mother, and the third remains clean from these debts. Much more complex interweaving of family lines between brothers and sisters is also possible. Two daughters can carry the mother's fate, and the father passes on the pure genetic line to his grandson. Brother and sister inherit their father's problems, and the mother passes on her creative talents to her grandson. There are as many options as there are families in the world.

Favorable relations between brothers and sisters, disinterested and benevolent, are a great gift of fate and invaluable support given by heaven.

But if the relationship develops badly and even very badly, let us not forget even then that these are our brothers and sisters, given to us from above. And no matter what happens, we must humbly accept what is given to us. We will be reasonable support for our loved ones - this is what we owe them somewhere and now we are giving back.

If an alcoholic brother asks for money to drink it, our duty is not to give him everything we have, but to do everything to save him. However, not against his will. Everything that is done against the will of man is done for evil.

If there was a quarrel between sisters and brothers, forgive the offenders, we deserve these insults, maybe we are more to blame for our mutual misunderstanding of each other. Let's give in and go to reconciliation - this is working out the fate of our family. Working off, we will clear the way for our children and grandchildren.

No matter how our relationship with our parents develops, we will forgive them and ask for forgiveness for not understanding them. Whatever it is, these people are given to us by God - therefore, we deserved this and must humbly accept what is given.


Marriages are made in heaven. Spouses are people who have to build their own destiny together. Dependence on a spouse is much greater than dependence on parents. Failure in marriage is often experienced much harder than a “difficult” childhood. It is perceived as the collapse of the plans and hopes of youth. Not everyone manages to find the strength to start all over again, sometimes not at a young age. Joint children continue to bind spouses even in divorce.

You have chosen a person as your spouse, and now he (or she) categorically does not suit you. But you yourself chose - so this person corresponded to something? It turns out that you chose what you yourself corresponded to at that moment! Now you need to figure out why fate brought you together. What do you have to give each other, what to teach and learn through your meeting.

Energy relationships between spouses know no boundaries. It is almost impossible to “close” from a spouse. The fate of the two grows together and becomes common. The energy of a harmonious married couple is so great that they are practically invulnerable. Alien, disharmonious influences can only interfere for a while, the energy of two displaces everything that interferes, destroys all negatives.

But if on the second day or the second year after the wedding you find a serious disharmony in your relationship with your spouse, then your task is to do everything so that they become as harmonious as possible. You can't just pick up and leave. The spouse is not a random passerby. This is a different level of relationship.

When you answer all your questions and do all the difficult mental work, you will have a feeling of emptiness. There will be no irritation, no annoyance, no resentment, you will know that you yourself are to blame for everything. Then you will become free, you will have the right to make a choice, the right to break relationships that bring no joy to anyone. But your work must be done "one hundred percent", you can not deceive yourself. The problem is solved when emotions go away and a reasonable, bright attitude to everything that happens remains.

Marriage is an experience of service to another person. This is a test of the ability to love and empathize, the ability to accept someone else's point of view, to listen to it, despite any difference in views.

How much your soul gains if you serve diligently and unselfishly, with humility and love for man. How happy people are when, having eaten a pound of salt together, they finally harmoniously grow into each other, accepting their spouse as he is, loving with all their hearts his virtues and his shortcomings. No need to think that this is a simple humility before life or fear of it. If people achieve harmony, it is always the result of a huge inner work of both.


It is good when loved ones and spouses coincide in one person. It is more difficult when they are different people. Relationships with loved ones are built in much the same way as with spouses. But if marriage can be a difficult fate, love is always happiness, and it is given as a reward, it must be protected as a priceless gift.

If true love is not mutual, it gives us even higher states of soul, when we are able to wish our beloved happiness with another, with the one she loves.

There can be only one energy interaction between lovers - a gift. To give the whole world, to give yourself, to give every drop of your energy. To feel how with each new breath the priceless gift does not disappear, but only multiplies, grows, acquiring new strength.


The main duty of a person living on Earth is a duty to a child. Concepts about the World, Good and Evil are usually assimilated from parental submission, they are absorbed somewhere deep, on sensations even when it is not spoken about aloud.

What way of interaction with the child you choose is a matter of your taste, character, education, but most importantly, ask yourself more often: “What do I stimulate in him with this action, with this particular word?”

You punished your child - what did you show him? An example of cruelty, the firmness of a hand that has power, or how you need to be free and take responsibility for your actions? How much sensitivity, how much subtlety a parent needs to feel what exactly responds in a small person in response to the actions and words of adults. Only the infinite energy of love for a child can help in this difficult, sometimes intuitive work of the soul.

In conclusion, we can say that such a division into categories is very conditional. One and the same person can be for us in one case a colleague, in another case - a friend, in the third - a loved one, relative, brother. It's not about labeling each individual as a "passer-by" or "the most beloved of all loved ones." The task is to understand at the moments of communication every time what is happening, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable with a given person in a given situation. published

El Tat

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Along with questions about how to get rid of energy bindings, magicians are often asked how, on the contrary, to strengthen them, and whether it is possible to do it on their own and safely. I answer - it is possible! I will only be glad if the practices that I give you are useful to you. Once I myself received them from my teachers, and now I am happy to tell the readers of my blog about them. So, how to establish a strong energy connection with your loved one? There are many ways to do this, and not necessarily magical ones. The main thing is to know the basic principle of the formation and existence of these connections.
At the moment of finding new relationships or to maintain existing ones, you need to invest your inner warmth and energy in them. Each person has his own "account" in the "bank of emotions" of another person. It is on this principle that all relationships between people are based. You to me, and I to you. Any relationship is a mutually beneficial cooperation between two partners. Like it or not, you need to accept this axiom so that you can successfully move on.
The main tool in creating or strengthening an energy connection is the subconscious.
Plus, of course, it will take some patience. The material world is inert, slowly changing, so it takes time to fulfill your desire. Set aside at least five to ten minutes a day for this. The best time for this is at night, when you have already gone to bed and closed your eyes. Another auspicious time is the morning, when you have just woken up and have not had time to open your eyes yet. In this relaxed state, you are in between sleep and wakefulness. At this moment, the gates of the subconscious are most open to influence.
1. Merge. Imagine your lover standing in front of you. Connect with him in complete love, let your imagination merge your bodies and souls together. Penetrate each other, connect every cell of your bodies, become one whole at the energy level. Imagine that there was a real diffusion of your cells. You have penetrated each other with your whole body, your whole being. Now imagine that rose and lotus petals are falling on you from the sky, and surround you with a magical, beautiful aroma. Both of you are engulfed in a golden and green glow that is getting brighter and brighter. This light becomes so bright that it floods everything around. At the moment of visualization, it is necessary to maintain the concentration of attention on the Anahata (heart) chakras, and at the moment of unification on Svadhisthana (the area below the navel), as well as evoke a feeling of love, tenderness and interpenetration. This will replenish your emotional "balance" in your partner's account and will constantly refresh your feelings.
In real life, do not forget to replenish this balance by giving your beloved various nice things and gifts, massage and various services, this strengthens relationships and adds love.
2. Love telepathy. How to convey to your partner the necessary thoughts, feelings and emotions about you and your harmonious union. To do this, take a photo of the person to whom you want to convey your "message". If you do not have a photograph, you can draw the object on paper, write its name, date of birth. Try to feel his presence. All people constantly unconsciously accept and radiate subtle information in the form of energy impulses-waves. Each is at its own wavelength. To tune in to the wave of the person you want to bind to yourself, you need to focus on him and feel him nearby.
- dive into a light trance and relax the muscles of the body;
- carefully look at the photo (drawing) of this person, 1-3 minutes. Focus on it;
- close your eyes, imagine it very vividly and realistically;
- mentally say the words that you want to convey to him;
- imagine how your thoughts go to the forehead chakra, Ajna (third eye, bridge of the nose) and radiate from there in the form of a golden ray of energy;
- this golden ray reaches this person, penetrates through his third eye into his head and is fixed there by light, bright ones - yours! - images.
It sounds complicated, but it's really easy, especially if you practice. The execution time of this practice is from 5 minutes every day. To make the effect stronger, you can do this 3 times a day.
3. "Night mail". The formation of energy bonds during sleep is especially effective. Therefore, you can transmit your thoughts and images when he (she) is sleeping. When a person sleeps, during REM sleep, the consciousness exchanges information with the subconscious. In this case, the programming of the brain (behavior, instincts, metabolism) takes place. At this time, the words you put into his mental stream will be very powerful.
4. Solar circle. Helps to kindle the flame of love in the heart of the one you like.
This practice can be done anytime and anywhere if you want to win the heart of your loved one. It is performed in close contact or at a far distance. Works for both men and women. It is also advisable to perform at night, when the beloved is sleeping.
- close your eyes and imagine both of you in a kind of outlined circle, the boundaries of which can be any;
- imagine the shining Sun above you;
- now focus on feelings of love for this person;
- put all your love and your image into this Sun;
- then order the Sun to fly to this person, penetrate into his very heart and kindle a fiery love for you there;
- hold the Sun and your image in its heart for 3-5 minutes;
- imagine that the boundaries of the circle have shifted a little, thus bringing this person closer to you. Then release the vision.
Repeat daily for 28 days and soon you will notice that the person has become indifferent to you.
Works very effectively and is not a love spell. The sun leaves no negative effects and

If people like each other, then an intense energy exchange takes place between them.

At the same time, both experience the pleasure of communication. During the communication of two people, channels are formed between their auras, through which energy flows flow in both directions. The streams can be of any color and take on any shape (they can be seen with extrasensory perception abilities).

Energy channels connect the auras of partners through the corresponding chakras, depending on the type of communication:

  • Muladhara(base chakra) - relatives.
  • Svadhisthana (sex chakra) - lovers, married couple, friends in a fun pastime, relatives.
  • Manipura(navel chakra) - relatives, employees, subordinates, bosses, friends in sports and those with whom you enter into competition.
  • Anahata(heart chakra) - objects of emotional interaction, these are the people we love. For the harmonious development of relations between a man and a woman, it is necessary to have a channel through the sexual chakra (svadhisthana).
  • Vishuddha(throat chakra) - like-minded people, colleagues, etc.
  • Ajna(frontal chakra) - imitation and adoration of an idol, sect leader, etc. Hypnotic channels, suggestion of thoughts. Telepathic communication with another person.
  • Sahasrara(crown chakra) - connection only with egregors (collectives, religious communities, sects, football fan clubs, political ideology, etc.)

The more enthusiastic partners are with each other, the stronger and more active channels are formed.. In the course of developing close trusting relationships, all chakras are gradually connected by channels.

It is in this way that strong relationships arise that are not subject to either distance or time. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, and no matter how many years have passed since their last meeting.

It also happens that when meeting an old acquaintance after many years, a person feels as if they parted only yesterday. Channels can persist for a very long time - years, decades, and pass from incarnation to incarnation. That is, channels connect not only bodies, but also souls.

Healthy relationships form bright, clear, pulsating channels. In such relationships there is trust, intimacy, sincerity and there is enough room for personal freedom. There is an equal exchange of energy, without distortions.

If the relationship is unhealthy, that is one partner depends on the other, then the channels are heavy, stagnant, dull. Such relationships imprisoned, often come down to mutual irritation and anger. If one of the partners wants to completely control the other, the channels can wrap around the aura from all sides.

When relationships gradually die, the channels become thinner and weaker. Over time, the energy stops running through these channels, communication stops, people become strangers. . If people break up, but channels more persist, then they continue to reach out to each other.

It also happens when one partner cuts channels connection and is closed from further interaction, and the other partner is still attached to him and is trying in every possible way to break through the energy protection in order to restore relations.

Most of the channels built in everyday communication eventually disappear without a trace. In the case of close relationships, the channels remain for a very long time, even after parting, some channels remain. Particularly strong channels arise during sexual and family ties.

Each time during sexual contact with a new partner, new channels are formed along the sexual chakra, connecting people for many years, and even the whole subsequent life. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the sexual partners managed to find out each other's names - the channel in the case of sexual contact is formed and lasts a very long time. And if there is a channel, then there is also the circulation of energy through it. And what quality the energy comes in is already difficult to say, it depends on the characteristics of the field of another person.

In people who live nearby for a long time, energy fields (auras) adjust to each other and work in unison. Intimate relationships require field synchronization. Often we notice that people who live together for a long time become similar to each other even outwardly.

If the characteristics of the auras of two individuals differ greatly, then it will be difficult for them to communicate. When energy flows alien to it invade the field, a reaction of repulsion, fear, disgust appears. "He makes me sick."

When a person does not want to communicate with someone, he closes his energy field, and all energy flows emanating from another person are reflected. In this case, the other person gets the impression that he is not heard, as if he is talking to the wall.

Each person has the right to enter into or not to enter into energy interaction with the world around him, but it is impossible to completely refuse these contacts.

Has it happened you have what you suddenly feel low energy, sharp deterioration in well-being bad luck out of the blue?

Does it happen that some kind of fragments of phrases and images from the past, inexplicable feelings roll over (something like regret or despair)?

If so, know - most likely, you have many unfinished energy connections with other people. They can form on all chakras, but most often the outflow of energy occurs through the lower centers.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cut the ethereal threads (or ropes in case of strong codependency).

This is a technique for returning your energy from those people to whom you gave it. It allows you to harmonize existing relationships, and already unnecessary - to easily and safely end.

Breaking Energy Ties: Who Needs to Use This Technique

1. Men and women at the end of a relationship

Very often, at the end of a relationship, especially with a painful break, the partners remain emotionally dependent.

From time to time, someone "pulls the string", causing themselves or a former partner to burst into sudden passion, sexual desire or anger.

Women are usually more attached to a partner, so they give more energy. They definitely need to break this connection.

2. Those who made vows and vows to each other

This could be done in a fit of love, parental or friendship, as well as out of guilt or pity. It can even be forgotten childhood vows, which, however, are still valid.

You could promise a man forever love him or protect him, not to achieve any success, so as not to hurt him, to limit himself in something else.

For example, girlfriends swear that they will only get married together, as a result, if one of them does not have a personal life, the other cannot build relationships either.

Such oaths should definitely be completed, and cut the ethereal threads.

Even if the vow looks like a "good" one - for example, to always protect someone - this is a very restrictive vow. He puts you in the eternal position of a “savior”, and supposedly “protected” by you - in the role of a “victim”, depriving a person of his own strength.

Here I would like to separately note that, perhaps, in your life there are those who reach out for you from life to life. Maybe the vows were given in one of the past lives. Today they have lost their relevance for you, but continue, as before, to influence your destiny. If there is any suspicion of a karmic relationship, you need to remember all the circumstances of this connection in immersion and make a decision regarding your further actions (whether you want to keep this promise or cancel it). You can contact me or discuss any questions

3. Psychologists, healers, educators, doctors and people who often help others

In the process of your work or just helping people (patients, students), an energy connection with a person is formed. If you helped someone once, he subconsciously begins to consider you the source of his well-being. This is how energy threads or bindings are formed.

And later, being in a difficult situation or when you feel worse, the person connected with you begins to unconsciously draw off your energy. Such links should be terminated.

4. Those who cannot forgive offenders or let go of people from the past

Unforgiven grievances, unfinished relationships pull you back all the time, forcing you to think about your “foe” again and again, in fact, energizing him.

Likewise, he can also pull the thread from his side.

Emotionally, you would like to never see this person again, but, in fact, you continue to exchange energy with him through your connection.

If you want to develop and master your power to the fullest, it's time to forgive people from the past, and cut off the energy connection that connects you with a person.

5. Parents of modern children (Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow)

New babies are born very kind and empathetic, and tend to take on the problems and negativity of everyone they love. They act from the best of intentions, but ... Alas, this is not according to their capabilities.

Such children easily make vows to save or heal their parents and many other people. As a result, their strength is not enough, they begin to get sick, study worse, they begin to have behavioral disorders and nightmares.

Be sure to teach your children the technique of cutting the ethereal threads. And also do it yourself with your parents and children.

Perform the technique of breaking energy ties separately with each person.

Breaking Energy Ties

Read the procedure for this technique and do it in a calm environment, so that nothing distracts you.

  1. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes
  2. Imagine the space around you, imagine yourself in this space
  3. Remember the person with whom you want to break the energy connection. Imagine it in your space. Where is he standing, how is he positioned relative to you?
  4. Notice the sensations in your body. Where did something resonate with his presence? Find that feeling in your body. Where in the body did it originate? This is the exit point of the ethereal cable.
  5. Look at the person you invited into your space. Where does the rope go into his body? It could be the same place or something else.
  6. Pay attention to the color of this rope, in which direction does the energy flow?
  7. Now imagine that you are cutting this rope.
  8. If it was a strong love or sexual connection, imagine that you are burning a severed rope with fire so that it cannot reconnect itself.
  9. Listen to your feelings. Thank this person, yourself for the invaluable experience that you have received in life. And open your eyes.

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