John Wooden: quotes and aphorisms. Pyramid of success: why is it everything for some, nothing for others? Pyramid of success

Just before the New Year, a game appeared in my collection Pyramid of success. Light version. Unfortunately, I was never able to play it during the holidays; in January, in general, there was some kind of stagnation (and even the new theme of the site took quite a lot of time), but, finally, I played this game, that’s it Well, I tried it and now I’m sharing my impressions.

In our country, of all the board games, the most famous are economic board games (of course, chess, checkers and backgammon are exceptions). Moreover, by the will of fate, we almost always have to play not the original games, but their “gray” copies. Famous 90s Managers were clones Monopolies, and today there are games created based on the board game by Robert Kiyosaki Cash flow. These games include Pyramid of success. Light version.

IN Pyramid of success you can go from a simple worker to the owner of a large business. Starting the game as a “regular person” living paycheck to paycheck, you can break out of the circle of daily routine and start a small business, working only for yourself. If your business is successful, you will have the opportunity to become a real financial tycoon, turning over millions. Moreover, this game is positioned by the creators not just as an entertaining board game, but as a game with elements of a business simulator that develops the skills necessary for every entrepreneur.

My acquaintance with this game began with the box. In appearance, it is very reminiscent of cheap board games, an abundance of which can be found in any bookstore. I'm sure many people have encountered such games and their signs are known to everyone: a wide and flat box, on top - the name of the game and an illustration on a free theme, on the bottom - snow-white cardboard. And absolutely no information about what is inside the box.

This is exactly how it is designed and Pyramid of success. On the game box you can only find the title and accompanying illustration (see above). To find out what's hidden inside, you'll either have to buy the game or visit the website of its creators.

Inside the box are the following components:

  • — playing field;
  • — game money;
  • — sheets for recording expenses and income;
  • — cards “crisis”, “event”, “joy of life”, “opportunity”;
  • — starting cards;
  • — “boss” and “big boss” cards;
  • - 6 simple pencils;
  • — 6 erasers;
  • - calculator;
  • — 6 chips;
  • - 2 six-sided dice;
  • - reference tables.

Upon closer inspection, the game's components give rise to mixed feelings. Thus, the playing field is made in the worst traditions of cheap domestic board games. It is made of thin cardboard, it does not lay flat on the table, “waves” appear on it, and the folds do not align. The game pieces and dice also look pathetic. Pink hexagons with poorly marked dots suggest that someone carelessly cut them out of a plastic ball. In principle, nothing bad can be said about the chips. They perform their function, they differ in color, but you still can’t shake the feeling that exactly the same chips are put in the cheapest boards (let me remind you, for Pyramid of success they ask for more than 1500 rubles).

On the other hand, the “budget sheets” on which players record their income and expenses are printed on thick, quality paper. The event cards are made of thick cardboard and look very attractive. And play money generally deserves the highest praise. Firstly, they are made of thick glossy paper, which means they will last a very, very long time, and, secondly, their design replicates the design of real Russian rubles, which is why anyone who sees this money immediately breaks out. exclamation “Wow!” or its equivalent. We liked the game banknotes so much that we decided to use them in other games.

Preparing for the game

Before the start of the game, each player receives a card indicating his starting parameters. Such as: the presence of children and a car, the amount of salary and monthly expenses, as well as the presence or absence of loans. Using the simple pencils included in the kit, these data are transferred to the budget sheet, after which all available expenses are deducted from the salary. The difference is net income, that is, money that the player can spend at his own discretion. Then all the chips are placed on the “start” field. Now everything is ready, you can start the game.

There are three closed circles on the playing field. Let's call them “internal”, “middle” and “external”. The inner circle consists of only 30-40 cells. There are only six different fields on it: “event”, “joy of life”, “crisis”, “net income”, “pro” and “take a step”. All players begin the game in this circle.

Player's turn

The game is built on the ancient “throw and move” system, familiar to everyone from Monopolies. Its essence is as follows: first you need to roll the dice, and then move your chip to the number of cells that appears. What happens to him this turn depends on the cell on which the player stops.

As a rule, in the inner circle, the player's turn ends on the “Event”, “Joy of Life” or “Crisis” cells. In this case, the player takes a card from the corresponding pile, reads aloud what is written on it and follows the instructions. Event and Joy of Life cards usually make or take away some money. “Crisis” informs the player about a major failure, the elimination of which requires a tidy sum.

If the player's piece stops or passes the "Net Income" space, the player immediately receives from the bank the amount of his net income indicated on the "Budget Sheet" (given salary).

In the inner circle there are two more types of cells: “Pro” and “Take a Step”. Once on the “Pro” card, the player can receive additional education. To do this, you need to spend a fairly large amount at a time (2-3 net income), but, on the other hand, your salary immediately increases significantly after that.

The “Take a Step” cell allows the player to make a choice. You can purchase a small business and move on to the second round, or refuse this opportunity and move the chip to the nearest “Event”. Buying a business requires considerable financial expenses, and therefore, before moving on to the second round, it is recommended to get the best education and save up some money. However, those who are impatient to start their own business can do this earlier, because if there is not enough money, you can always take out a loan.

Credit system

Loan in Pyramid of success can be taken at any time. Moreover, if you need money, usually a loan is the best solution. The fact is that according to the rules, loans do not need to be repaid. The only inconvenience for the debtor is that interest must be paid for the loan, which reduces the player’s net income. But since the interest rate in the game is only 2%, you can borrow half a million rubles from the bank, and your net income will decrease by only twelve thousand. For a player who has not yet received a higher education, this amount will be quite significant, but for those who have already received a diploma, this is a completely feasible financial burden.

The maximum loan amount a player can take is fifty times his net income. On average, at the beginning of the game, a player’s net income is 5-10 thousand, which means that at the very beginning of the game anyone can receive a loan from the bank in the amount of 250-500 thousand rubles.


The Pyramid of Success is a simple game. Players roll the dice, move their chips and give money to the bank (if they get an unlucky Event, Joy of Life or Crisis card) or receive money from the bank (if they get a successful Event or Joy of Life card) and when passing through the “Net Income” cell), and once on the “Pro” card, they undergo training (if there is enough money, they pay in cash, if there is not enough, they take out a loan). This continues until someone gets into the “Take a Step” field and buys a small business.

After moving to the second round, it seems that everything will be different, but after a couple of moves you realize that nothing has fundamentally changed. You go to the third circle - and again no changes are detected. You need to roll the dice in the same way and get money (if you're lucky) or lose it if the roll is unsuccessful. Maybe people who are just starting to get acquainted with board games can be captivated by such a game, but I’m definitely not one of them.

Every person wants to succeed in life and achieve success in one area or another. This is a natural need of the individual. However, not everyone becomes truly successful. Only purposeful people can do this.

What is the main secret of purposeful individuals? It turns out that they know how to manage time correctly, plan their lives and strictly follow the plan.

Recently, time management seminars have become increasingly popular. At such trainings, anyone can learn how to manage their time rationally. There are many techniques to help with this. One of the most famous is the Franklin Pyramid.

Let's figure out what this technique is, how it works and what results can be achieved using it.

What is Franklin's Pyramid?

This technique is a system for planning and achieving goals, both short-term and long-term. The technique received its name in honor of its author, Benjamin Franklin.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is a world-famous American politician, diplomat, businessman, scientist and inventor, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As a politician, this man made a great contribution to the development of the United States of America, despite the fact that he was never the president of the country. His portrait is on the $100 bill.

The biography of Benjamin Franklin is very interesting. He was born into a simple family and was the fifteenth child (there were seventeen children in the Franklin family). Benjamin studied in an ordinary rural school, completed only two classes, and at the age of ten he was forced to go to work.

Being very hardworking and inquisitive, he loved to study and gain new knowledge. He independently learned several languages, was seriously interested in science, and even came up with several inventions.

The main qualities of Benjamin Franklin were high efficiency, determination, and the ability to wisely manage his time, highlighting the main goals and discarding unnecessary ones. Thanks to these qualities, he was able to achieve success in politics and many other areas.

Franklin believed that a person who does not value his time can never succeed in life. He is the one who coined the famous phrase “Time is money.” In order to use time as rationally as possible, Franklin developed his own system of planning and achieving goals and used it throughout his life. As we can see, it turned out to be successful.

Today, this planning system, called the Franklin Pyramid, is popular with business people and those who want to live their lives profitably without wasting time.

Life values ​​according to B. Franklin

Benjamin Franklin argued that a person's values ​​in life determine his aspirations and desires. He believed that spiritual principles are much more important than any material achievements. It is spiritual principles that help a person build a life in harmony with himself. Franklin himself identified the most important, in his opinion, moral principles and adhered to them all his life. Let's look at what principles he valued and how he understood them.

  • Abstinence. Moderation in food and drink must be observed.
  • Silence. You need to speak only those words that may be useful to yourself or others, and not waste time on empty chatter.
  • Order. Each thing should be allocated a specific place, and each task should be done in the time allotted to it.
  • Confidence. What must be done must be done; If you decide to do something, be sure to do it.
  • Prudence. Money should be useful, so you should spend it only on necessary things, avoiding unnecessary expenses.
  • Hard work. It is necessary to value time and not waste it on useless activities that will not be of any use.
  • Honesty. Always be honest with other people, do not lie or dissemble.
  • Justice. Do not commit evil and dishonest acts, always act fairly.
  • Moderation. Do not respond with anger to insults from others, try to be patient with the shortcomings of other people.
  • Purity. Adhere to not only physical, but also spiritual cleanliness, keep your things in order.
  • Calm. Be calm about the events happening in life, don’t be too emotional.
  • Chastity. Do not follow your instincts, control your body and mind.
  • Modesty. Try to be like Jesus Christ and Socrates.

Benjamin Franklin always tried to adhere to these moral principles in his life, including in politics, and thanks to this he achieved success. Therefore, each person must determine his spiritual values ​​and live in accordance with them.

Franklin's pyramid structure

The pyramid consists of several steps (blocks). Each block characterizes a specific goal. All together they make up a set of large and small desires and aspirations of a person that he wants to realize. The pyramid can be compared to the “Tree of Goals” technique, which is also often used in time management. Let us analyze the structure of the pyramid in more detail.

Block 1. Life values

This is the largest block - the foundation of the entire pyramid. A person builds his life on the foundation of these values. Unfortunately, today only a small percentage of people think about such an important issue as life values.

In order to determine them, you need to ask yourself the following questions: “Why am I living?”, “What is the purpose of my life?”, “What mark do I want to leave behind?”, “What is most important to me in life?” . Answering these questions honestly can help you understand your priorities. For some, the most important thing in life is family, for others – fame or power, for others – creative self-realization, etc. Having defined his values, a person understands what he should strive for.

Block 2. Global goal

It is possible to determine the global purpose of life only after the basic values ​​have been found. A global goal involves the maximum achievements that a person would like to realize. Example: an artist for whom fame and fame are the main values ​​in life will strive to become famous throughout the world and create masterpieces that will be valued even after his death.

Block 3. Master plan for achieving the goal

This plan is based on a global goal. The plan includes many stages, through which a person will get closer and closer to his goal. Let's take the same artist as an example. In order to achieve world fame, he must first graduate from an art school, then a university, develop his own painting style, take part in city, regional, and international exhibitions, establish connections with influential people in the art world, etc.

Block 4. Long-term plan

This plan is drawn up several years in advance. It is necessary to describe all your steps and be sure to indicate the deadlines for their completion. This way the person will clearly see what and when he must do. Strict time limits will not allow him to relax and waste time.

Block 5. Short-term plan

This plan is drawn up several weeks or months in advance and is a stage in the implementation of each specific item of the long-term plan. Here a person sets specific tasks for himself. For example, if he plans to enter a university, then the short-term plan for achieving this goal will be to prepare for tests, exams or interviews.

Block 6. Daily plan

The name of this plan speaks for itself: it indicates the actions that need to be completed during the day. That is, in this case, the short-term plan must be broken down into small steps. Each step should be such that it can be completed in one day. For example, when preparing for exams, you can divide the material you need to learn into small parts and study one of them every day.

The plan for the day can be implemented in another way. To do this, all matters need to be divided into three groups:

  • Primary. This includes things that must be done without fail, even if circumstances are such that there is a desire to postpone them. These are goals that directly relate to the global goal.
  • Minor. These are actions that it is advisable to perform today, but if any obstacles arise, they can be postponed until another day. Their implementation does not affect the implementation of the global plan.
  • Insignificant. This includes tasks that can be postponed without any harm for quite a long period of time - weeks or even months. If this or that goal is constantly postponed until later and postponed, it is worth reconsidering it: perhaps it is not needed at all and it is better to abandon it completely, giving preference to something more important.

Practical use of the Franklin pyramid

At first, the pyramid you create may seem difficult to implement. But this is only at first glance. Once you get down to work, it won't be so scary.

Start moving towards your global goal by implementing your daily plan. To do this, every night before going to bed, make a to-do list for tomorrow. You can do this not in the evening, but in the morning, if it’s more convenient for you. After that, start implementing them.

To have time to do everything you have planned, start the day with the most important (primary) tasks. Once they are completed, move on to secondary tasks. And if you have some free time, you can do unimportant things.

At first, you may not be able to live according to this plan; you will constantly have the desire to escape from your planned activities and do something else. Don’t despair and don’t give up on your plans and gradually you will become more disciplined.

The plans drawn up can and even need to be periodically reviewed, adjusted, and changed. For example, the daily plan can be changed several times during the day, taking into account emerging circumstances; the short-term plan can be adjusted every few weeks; long-term - every six months, and general - once a year.

Experts recommend reviewing your global goal from time to time. After all, life does not stand still, and what you dreamed of several years ago may not seem so desirable and attractive to you now. Your life values ​​may also change as you age. And from here changes will naturally follow in all other blocks of the pyramid.


Various time planning techniques are very popular in Europe, and the Franklin system is far from the last among them. There you can even buy a special diary, designed in such a way that it can be used according to this system. In this diary, pages for each block of the pyramid are highlighted and lined up.

Keeping a diary allows you to monitor the implementation of your plans. You can make such a diary yourself. To do this, purchase a thick notebook, large notepad or stationery book. Write down your life values ​​there, indicate a global goal, write a master plan, make long-term and short-term plans. Don't forget to make plans for the day every day. Be sure to leave blank pages after each block. You will need them to make changes.

When making a list of daily tasks, highlight the primary, secondary and unimportant tasks. For convenience, you can designate them with the letters A, B, C or something else. Mark or cross out each completed task. What you didn’t have time to complete, move it to another day. With such a diary, you will always remember what and when you need to do and gradually learn to use your time rationally.

Try to live in accordance with Franklin's pyramid and after a while you will notice how your life will transform. Even if for some reason you do not achieve your global goal, you will still learn to manage your time correctly and will definitely achieve success in life.

Benjamin Franklin is known throughout the world. He was involved in political activities, science, diplomacy and journalism, and what is most surprising? he had enough time for everything. The secret of his performance and academic performance lies in a certain “Franklin’s pyramid”, which is based on a clear action plan that must be drawn up for each day. Ben believed that a person can achieve peace of mind only if he has complete control over all the events that happen in his life. This is what he studied all his life, paying attention to his education and self-development.

Since Franklin was a busy man, and all his activities required a lot of time, he created a special system that allowed him to get everything done, which he adhered to until the end of his days. The Franklin Pyramid was created by Ben at age 20, and he never deviated from it, even if unforeseen circumstances arose.

Ben made a plan for himself and described its entire structure in his personal biography. In life, he valued simple truths that he learned in his youth. By adhering to them, he was able to build his career and achieve many successful results.

Basic principles

  1. Abstinence. Do not overeat or get drunk.
  2. Silence. Say only what will be useful in the future for me or other people, and not engage in empty conversations that lead nowhere.
  3. Order. Each thing should have its own personal place, and for a certain task there should be its own hour.
  4. Confidence. To decide to do what needs to be done, and to do what has been decided without reservation.
  5. Prudence. Spend your money exclusively on those needs that will be useful for me and others, do not engage in wastefulness.
  6. Love for work. Don’t waste time - it’s priceless, always be busy with something and don’t do useless things.
  7. Frankness. Do not resort to deception, keep only honest and fair thoughts in your head.
  8. Honesty. Do not offend anyone or do evil, always act only justly.
  9. Moderation. Do not go to extremes and be patient with insults and insults.
  10. Purity. Always be clean not only in spirit, but also in body, keep things in order and in your home.
  11. Calm. Do not attach importance to trifles and do not worry about what happened.
  12. Chastity. Cope with your needs and instincts, keep only chaste thoughts in your head.
  13. Modesty. Strive to be like Jesus and Socrates.

All of the above values ​​are much more accessible to many people than, for example, wealth and power. These days they are cited as an example for those who want to create their own pyramid and learn how to correctly calculate their time. It doesn’t matter who defines what values ​​for themselves, it is important that they have similarities in global goals.

Description of Franklin's Pyramid

The essence of the pyramid is based on the fact that heavy and global tasks are broken down into small ones and then turned into subtasks. It was this idea that Franklin put into the creation of his pyramid, which helped not only him, but also still serves as a real assistant for many people.

Pyramid structure

Life values. This is the foundation on which the entire pyramid rests. When drawing up a plan for your affairs, first of all, you need to ask yourself the question “What goal am I pursuing in life?”, “What is most important to me?” It is important to answer these questions honestly, since they determine the rest of your life. Some strive for power, others for family happiness, and for some, the most important thing in life is money. No matter what answers you get, they will help you understand the meaning of existence.

Global goal. It is determined only after life values ​​have been clarified. This “huge” goal should be based on the desires that a person wants to realize. For example, any athlete who has defined fame and wealth in his life values ​​strives for victory and dreams of becoming a world champion in his field.

General plan. It is compiled on the basis of a global goal. For example, let’s take an athlete again: he has defined a global goal for himself and understands that in order to become a champion he needs to be in excellent physical shape and be absolutely healthy, find a good coach and start winning first in regional and district competitions, and then go to urban and global.

Long term plan. It must be drawn up several years in advance and be sure to indicate exact goals and the deadline by which they must be achieved. Again: an athlete, let’s say, is a runner and understands that to win in Western Europe he needs to surpass his opponent. His goal will look like this: “By 2019, I must cover a distance of 50 km in 3 hours, this is the only way I can win competitions in Western Europe, after which I will be invited to the world championship.”

Short term plan. It is drawn up a couple of weeks or months in advance and builds directly on its predecessor, the long-term plan. Based on it, you need to set goals for yourself that can be achieved in just a few weeks or months. For example, the same athlete: in order to run the distance that he has set for himself, he should attend training more often and become more resilient.

Plan for the day. It is made up of those goals that are defined in the short-term, that is, the goals set for the week are divided into several more. Thus, our athlete, who has decided to become more resilient, must set the following tasks for himself in this regard: go to the gym and exercise more on a treadmill, cover a distance of 6 km in half an hour, measure your pulse and enter all the data in your diary.

Each day uses a different time management method. All planned daily goals can be divided into three categories:

  • Primary;
  • Minor;
  • Insignificant.

To the primary tasks include those that must be fulfilled under any conditions, and no circumstances should interfere with their implementation. Secondary goals include which need to be achieved as quickly as possible, but if they are not completed, this will not affect the achievement of the global goal, and nothing will happen if they are completed in a few days. TO insignificant You can include those goals that must be completed in the near future; they do not require an urgent solution, and if there is no time for them today, then it is possible to postpone them for several weeks or even months. It is worth paying attention and rethinking the importance of that task, the execution of which has already been postponed to another day more than once. Perhaps it is not of great importance to you and it is quite acceptable to completely exclude it from your list of tasks.

The main thing is to take your time and not try to complete everything at the same time. First, you should do important (primary) things, then slowly take on secondary ones, and if there is free time during the day, use it for unimportant matters. So, for example, priority tasks may include working with documents, finishing an urgent task, or preparing for exams. Secondary matters may include purchasing any goods or communicating with loved ones. Well, unimportant things can be like working with email, going shopping or watching a new movie.

Adhering to the plan on which Franklin's pyramid is based, it is worth understanding that it does not require clear and unchanging implementation. Quite the contrary, you need to constantly change it and review it with a fresh look:

goals set throughout the day are likely to be changed several times a day;

It is advisable to change short-term plans a few weeks later;

It is advisable to change long-term plans at least once every six months;

review the master plan once at the end of the year.

Also, once a year it is advisable to look at the global goal and try to evaluate it from a critical perspective: is it as desirable for you or not? Do I need to change it somehow? And if the goal changes in any way, you need to think and perhaps also change the life values ​​you have set for yourself. Most people who use the Franklin pyramid come to the conclusion that it greatly increases the efficiency of the work performed due to the fact that time is distributed correctly.

Special Diary for Franklin's Pyramid

In many European countries, special diaries are available for sale that are designed specifically for the plan that Franklin followed. As a rule, in such a diary, a couple of initial and last pages are created to record life values ​​and global goals, and there is also a table for marking the master plan.

In order to record long-term plans, space must be left at the beginning of the diary, and for recording short-term plans, at the beginning of the next month and new week. Goals that need to be completed in a day are filled out on a page where a specific date is indicated, and each task has its own priority: the letter A is primary, B is secondary, C is minor. As soon as one of the tasks has been completed, it is marked with two letters: X are those tasks that were canceled, V are those that were successfully completed. Those tasks that, due to certain circumstances, were recorded for the next day are marked with a new date.

You can create such a diary yourself, and you don’t have to go abroad to purchase it. Using the listed notations and rules, a special diary is drawn up that is convenient to carry with you every day, and which will help you competently and effectively cope with your tasks.

For most people, the pyramid invented by Franklin is a complex, difficult-to-implement system, since it implies clear planning of their lives. Many people believe that it is impossible to do it, and it causes boredom, since everything that happens in life is not unexpected. It is not true. Every person strives for a certain goal throughout his life, and does everything possible for this. Benjamin Franklin's pyramid is simply an accurate and specific idea of ​​how you can achieve your goal.

Drawing conclusions, we can confidently say that the most important feature of the Franklin pyramid is saving personal time. She teaches you not only to have time to complete all your tasks, but also to designate a specific plan for yourself and stick to it. Only thanks to this effective pyramid can you learn to live in harmony with yourself.

The game is the embodiment of the many years of experience of its creators in the field of management and management consulting, as well as best-selling author and successful businessman Robert Kiyosaki.

“” has been reworked to suit Russian reality: financial conditions, cards, taxes and opportunities available in the CIS.

This game is the successor to the game “Levers of Your Freedom”, released from 2004 to 2008.

Differences from other games

  • Money - rubles. This is the only game with rubles.
  • Salaries, taxes, transactions - modern Russian ones.
  • New opportunities: insurance, education, force majeure.
  • Light packaging, only 700 grams.
  • The most affordable price of all games.

    Differences from “Levers...”

  • Durable, wrinkle-resistant box.
  • High quality large handy cards.
  • Laminated balance sheets.
  • Calculator and erasers included.
  • New game system: “hired worker”, “boss”, “big boss”.

    Contents of the game Pyramid of Success

    History of the game

    “The team began to form in 2001, when the authors, by the will of fate, ended up together in the sales department of the ABAC company.

    In 2003, after re-reading Robert Kiosaki’s books several times, going through personal growth trainings and author’s trainings by Alexander Tuchinsky (creator of the game “Levers of Your Freedom”), we were seriously inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating our own business. The fire caught fire so much that we could no longer be put out and we were fired from the company.

    In December 2004, the authors purchased the game "Cash Flow". We played seriously for 2 months, and noticed the following nuance: something begins to change in our heads and we want to transfer it into our reality, and the mechanisms and transactions inherent in the game contradict our economic reality... Result: serious internal frustration.

    That's when the idea of ​​creating a game based on the same principles, but filled with Russian economic reality. A game was originally positioned as program in the form of a business board game, which, in addition to training, should provide an opportunity for communication between partners, children and parents. Therefore, it is exclusively a desktop option.

    Every time you play the business game “,” you will understand how to increase and effectively direct cash flows. Money lessons would cost you dearly in the real world. The advantage of the game is that you acquire real business skills using the game.

    Entrepreneurship is not just knowledge in the field of creating businesses, it is, first of all, the ability to create and direct cash flows. How do athletes train? How do chess players improve their skills? How do children best develop?

    Absolutely right - playing! Perhaps no other way to transfer knowledge and skills compares with well-designed and organized games. It is no coincidence that business games are used today by many companies to develop their employees.

    If the topics “entrepreneurship” and “cash flow” are important to you and you are a supporter of innovative and effective teaching methods, the business game for you."

    • Business Game - manufacturer's website


    Vladislav, entrepreneur, father of 3 children, Ufa | 10/26/2011

    There are very few truly exciting board games for the whole family, and Pyramid of Success was very pleased in this regard. We played as a family plus relatives, we learned a lot about each other, even things that we hid. I definitely recommend!

    Vladimir, entrepreneur, St. Petersburg | 02.10.2011

    We played Leverages of Freedom and tried Pyramid.
    sure three.
    The rules have not been finalized.
    The game looks raw.
    Economic models are more interesting in levers because there are more flexible rules. And from a commercial point of view, the leverage is attractive.
    In our case, the rules had to be reworked.

    Dmitry, your own business, Elabuga | 02/11/2011

    We've been playing this game for several years now, it's a great brain trainer. In addition, my business coach friends use it in their programs

    Artem, 8-983-113-23-24, Omsk | 01/12/2010

    I found myself in an interesting situation: for my birthday, my friends gave me 2 boxes of the game. I really liked the game, it's addicting. The second box is still sealed, I’m selling it for 1200 rubles, anyone interested, write to me [email protected], can also be sent by mail

    Eleonora, Aspiring Entrepreneur, Nizhnekamsk | 12/29/2008

    Hi all! I bought the game in July of this year. At first it was difficult, we learned the rules. But then we got carried away and played with friends all night. The game has a lot of humor and real life situations. My rating is a solid A!

  • The film “Secret,” which was released several years ago with worldwide success, is dedicated to the noble idea of ​​“man is the architect of his own happiness.” The authors persistently suggest: anyone can take a place at the top of the social pyramid, it’s just a matter of their desire and perseverance. The task of the film's authors is to sell the recipe for success. The task of you and me is to find the catch. Indeed, in everyday life, we are more often faced with completely opposite results - those who plow remain in their own interests, while mediocrities get richer and one day become famous.

    There are many examples where people have a lot of talent and charisma, but in life they suffer crushing defeats. For some reason, those who had their jobs are often laid off in the service. And those who have never been considered good specialists make their way to the bosses. From the point of view of ordinary logic, all this is difficult to explain. As a rule, we look for some additional reasons for all this - who drinks with whom, who sleeps with whom. Psychologists put forward a lot of their own explanations, but all of them do not go beyond the usual (linear) ideas.
    To understand something in this life, you need to know its hidden laws and learn to think outside the box (non-linearly). One example comes to mind. In a certain company, at the time of reorganization, the vacated position of head. sales department, for some reason they did not appoint an experienced specialist who, logically, was simply doomed to get this position. A woman who had recently come to work and had minimal experience was appointed. She was young and beautiful. There were so many grievances! The employees gave free rein to fantasies about her either family or amorous connections with management. A little time passed and opinions about her suddenly began to change dramatically. The steep increase in sales confirmed the correctness of management’s “non-linear” decision. Subsequently, it turned out that she did not have any family or amorous connections with her superiors, they simply saw in her that super-negotiator who could not be refused because of her well-spoken tongue and irresistible appearance.
    Success in life is often determined not by the amount of knowledge or effort, but by accidentally getting into the right place at the right time. But is it random? The wise say that there are no coincidences. Let's try to figure it out, but to do this we need to abandon linear logic.
    Every person is given a whole set of programs from birth that he can use to build his life. But these sets are strictly individual. So, one is supposed to go through the test of material wealth, another - poverty, the third - as he chooses. Ultimately, we are required to achieve results - to prove our moral and spiritual integrity. maturity to move to another test level.
    How many times have we witnessed the rise of people who were previously unremarkable! They say that this is exactly what Joseph Dzhugashvili (pseudonym - Stalin) was, who made a dizzying career to the pinnacle of power that the pharaohs could envy. He owed this rise not to his talent. Someone else could have taken his place. You just had to get into the appropriate role cell, and then the program did its job, and the person, obeying this program, behaved accordingly. Stalin did not need to create the entire state mechanism, it was enough to organize the immediate environment, and then - the effect of a chain reaction - the hierarchical system itself lined up for the leader.
    You need to know that any set of people living or working together is organized according to a hierarchical principle. Some stand higher, others lower. Some lead, others obey. This is the law of society, which is called hierarchy.
    As much as we would like to, the number of places on the upper floors of the hierarchy is limited. Therefore, few achieve them. The rest are distributed on the lower floors. Some consider the main goal of life to be to get to the top, without thinking about whether this is in their program. They go to any lengths for this purpose. Sometimes - for crimes. However, what is prescribed for one may turn out to be a false goal for others. Money, fame, titles are the lot of a fairly limited number of people. For those who are programmed by fate for this, everything comes easy. For those who want to achieve this “outside the program”, using any means, the price to pay is great. You can give thousands of examples of how those who tried to deceive fate ended up. That is, your life program.

    It is impossible for everyone to win the lottery at once. It is impossible for everyone to fit on the top platform of the social pyramid at once, because it can turn over, “and the last will become first.” You shouldn’t devote your whole life to striving for the social top, because it’s not worth it, and the pay will be disproportionate.

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