throughout the cold season.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 52 "Fairy Tale"

city ​​of Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan




Developed by the educator

II qualification category

Ismagilova Gulnara Zavdatovna


“Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch…

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring."

Project relevance: A large number of birds die in the cold season. A person can help them survive the cold, thereby maintaining their numbers.

Objective of the project: The study of the lifestyle and behavior of birds in winter. To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.


    To expand the idea of ​​the life of wintering birds in our city.

    Conduct observations on the behavior and nutrition of wintering birds.

    Practical implementation of feeders.

    Make an analysis and summarize the result.

Working hours: October - March.

Methods and techniques:

    Acquaintance of preschool children with the wintering birds of our city through artistic and illustrative material.

    Excursions in autumn and winter.


    Collection and processing of information.

    Creative work.

Stages of work:


Purpose: Expanding children's knowledge about wintering birds.

At this stage, the children studied the features of their life in the winter season: food, location, behavior in different weather.


Purpose: Making and hanging feeders, preparing food for birds.

Parents were actively involved at this stage. They, together with the children, designed feeders, using: plastic bottles; juice tetra packs; cardboard boxes from New Year's gifts; as well as wooden structures.

In addition, a feed mixture was prepared from: millet, pearl barley, wheat, rowan fruits, oats, sunflower seeds and food for budgerigars, as well as the addition of white bread and unsalted pork fat.


Purpose: Involvement in the work of not only project participants, but also their peers.

At this stage, the children were asked to design a wall newspaper, leaflets: “Feed the birds in the winter - and they will repay you in the summer”, “For the birds around you to sing in the summer, feed them in the winter, dear friend!”, “Do not forget about the birds in the winter”. The following events were also held: a quiz “Who knows birds better”, a round table “How to help birds in winter”, travel games, a poetry recitation contest about birds, a drawing contest about birds, an ecological KVN “Bird Talk”.


Objective: Maintain a birdwatching calendar.


During the implementation of the project, children should draw conclusions:

“In our region, only birds adapted to survive in harsh weather conditions winter.

- A well-fed bird is not afraid of frost.

- The main rule: do not forget to add food to the feeders. Irregular filling of the feeder can cause the death of birds accustomed to feeding.

Based on the work done, prepare a report and prepare a presentation:

Birds are our friends!

Thematic work plan

on ecological education of children of the preparatory group

to the topic: "FEED THE BIRDS IN WINTER"




"Birds - conquerors of the air ocean"

Conversation on the topic, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, didactic games, making homemade books about birds with a selection of riddles, poems, drawing competition "Birds of our land".


Ornithological excursion

Observation of the life of birds in our area. Conducting a quiz "Who knows better than birds." Acquaintance with the professions ornithologist, ecologist.


Round table "How to help birds in winter"

Production and hanging of feeders, design and distribution of leaflets, preparation of feed mixture for birds.


Campaign "Feed the birds in winter"


Campaign "Feed the birds in winter"

Providing possible assistance to feathered friends, maintaining a bird watching calendar.


Campaign "Feed the birds in winter"

Providing possible assistance to feathered friends, maintaining a bird watching calendar.


KVN "Bird Talk"

Recall fairy tales, riddles, stories, poems about birds, introduce children to the folklore of different peoples.


Presentation: "Birds are our friends"

Information processing, presentation with a report on the work done. Rewarding the participants of the project with memorable prizes.


Excursion to the Museum of Ecology

Meeting with environmentalists. Issue of the wall newspaper "Love and take care of nature"

Abstract of the integrated lesson

on acquaintance with others in the preparatory group.

Quiz "Who knows birds better?"


    To consolidate the knowledge of children about birds: wild, domestic, wintering, migratory, waterfowl, marsh, birds of prey of hot countries and the north;

    The ability to distinguish them, group them, establish causal relationships between various natural phenomena, analyze the appearance of birds, their behavior;

    Improve the grammatical structure of speech - the formation of possessive adjectives (duck tail), the use of prepositions in speech (at the feeder);

    The development of coherent speech is the use of complex sentences (because).

    To educate in children a caring attitude towards birds.


Tables, cards with the image of birds, landscapes of Africa, views of the sea, pond, swamps, and a picture of a feeder, planar images of birds.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about birds, bird watching, reading stories, fairy tales and poems about birds, looking at illustrations, watching films.

Lesson progress:

Stage I: Update:

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

They know how to fly, their fluff and feathers are warm. (Birds.)

Stage II: Familiarize children with the rules of the quiz.

Tasks for the quiz: "Who knows birds better?".


How are birds different from other animals?

Children: The bird flies, it has feathers and a beak.

There are a lot of birds and they live in different places. Some are in the wild, while others are near humans. What are the names of the birds depending on where they live?

Children: Wild and domestic birds.

Name your pet birds.

Children: Chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys.

There are also many wild birds. Some of them fly to warm countries, while others stay with us for the winter. What are these birds called?

Children: The birds that stay with us for the winter are wintering, and those that fly away are migratory.

2. Task. “Who will quickly divide the birds into migratory and wintering?”

Children should separate the birds and name them.

Material: two copies of pictures depicting wintering and migratory birds.

3. Exercise "At the feeder."

The teacher places an image of a feeder on a magnetic board and performs various actions with contour images of wintering birds. Children comment on the actions of the teacher and highlight prepositions. For example: A bullfinch flies to the feeder. The tit flies away from the feeder.

4. Task. "Select the waterfowl and wading birds."


How are waterfowl different from other birds?

Children: They have membranes on their paws.

Swamp birds can't swim, how do they live in a swamp?

Children: Wading birds have long legs and they walk on water, and a long beak helps them get food.

Children from a large number of birds must choose waterfowl and marsh birds, name them and take them to a panel depicting a pond, sea, swamp. Swamp - cranes, herons. Pond - wild ducks, wild geese, swans. Sea - seagull, pelican.

5. Exercise “Continue the sentence, find the reason.”

The teacher reads the sentences, the children complete them.

- In the spring, birds build nests, because ... (they are going to breed chicks).

- Many birds died in winter, because .... (it was a cold winter).

- In autumn, birds that feed on insects are the first to fly south, because ....

- Waterfowl fly away in the last autumn, because ...

- The testicles of the female or male incubate in the nest until the chicks appear, because ...

The heron has long legs and a beak because...

“The parrot couldn’t live in our forests because…”

“The eagle high in the mountains has a very large nest, because…

- The albatross bird is listed in the Red Book because ...

- All people love to listen to the nightingale, because ...

6. Physical education. Mobile game "Turn into a bird."

The teacher says the words: “One, two, three turn around and turn into a bird.” For example, in a sparrow - children imitate the gait, habits and voices of sparrows, then into a crane, a swallow.

7. Task "Each bird in its place."

The child takes a card with the image of a bird, chooses a place for it in the table, explains why he placed it in that place. For example: “The owl should be placed next to the eagle, as it is also a bird of prey. The owl hunts mice and other animals, it also has a curved beak and long, sharp claws.

Material: table divided into nine cells. In the first column vertically are: eagle, peacock, albatross. Several subject pictures depicting birds of prey (hawk, owl). Birds living in hot countries (parrot, ostrich) and birds living in the north (puffin, snowy owl).

8. Exercise “Who hid where?”

On the playing field landscapes of Africa. The teacher inserts into the slots of the playing field, images of parts of the birds of hot countries and asks the children questions:

Who hid in the palm tree? Why do you think so?

Children: A parrot hid in a palm tree, because we see parrot wings.

Who hid in the sea? Why do you think so?

Children: A pelican hid in the sea, because we see a pelican beak.

9. Exercise "The fourth extra".

Children are given cards with the image of four birds. Each child names an extra bird and says how it differs from the others. For example: An extra bullfinch, because it is a wintering bird, and the rest are migratory.

Stage III: Summing up the results of the quiz, awarding the winners.


    "Migratory and wintering birds of Russia" Gorkanova A.N.

    "Walking in kindergarten" Kravchenko I.V., Dolgova T.L.

    "Feathered friends of the forests" Strokova V.V.

    "Companion of the young defender of nature" Boreyko V.E., Gritseko V.N.

    "Feed the birds in winter" Alexander Yashin.

Volklkova Alena



municipal budgetary educational institution

Rozhentsovskaya secondary school

Sharang region

Nizhny Novgorod region

"Feed the Birds in Winter"

(social project)

Volkova Alena, 7th grade

Project Manager:

Bakhtina Elena Leonidovna


Explanatory note.

Project theme : "Feed the birds in winter"

Relevance: Winter is a difficult period in the life of birds. The birds need help.

There is no such corner on earth where it would not be possible to meet birds. Often we do not notice these little birds, but when we get to know them better, we understand that they do a lot of useful things. The significance of birds in nature and for humans is great and varied.

Unfortunately, 94 species of birds have completely disappeared from the face of the Earth, and another 187 species of birds are in the Red Book. Many birds die during the winter starvation, which begins with the appearance of a stable snow cover, from hunger.

Few people know and think about how hard it is for birds to survive in winter.

We asked ourselves: do we know everything about the birds that stay over the winter in our area? Or maybe the birds fly south not because it gets cold? After all, due to the temperature of their body, they can withstand severe frosts. Departure of most birds is probably due to the lack of the required amount of food.

Birdwatching in winter allowed to put forward hypothesis: if you constantly feed wintering birds, you can help them survive the cold season, when it is difficult for birds to get food from under the snow. You can also save their number.

Problem: how to help birds survive in winter conditions?

Objective of the project:

To educate the defenders of nature, to give ecological knowledge, to teach to be merciful.
Project objectives:

  • To draw the attention of children to helping wintering birds;
  • To form in children the skills and abilities to care for birds in the winter;
  • To cultivate a loving, caring attitude, to promote the assimilation of the rules of behavior when communicating with birds;
  • Develop a sensory-emotional response to the environment.

Working hours: January-February 2015

Methods and techniques:

1. Observations;
2. Collection of information;
3. Work with literature, Internet sources;
4. Excursions;
5. Processing of collected information;
6. Creative work.

Project work plan:

  • To bring to the attention of the project participants the importance of this problem;
  • Creation of a creative team;
  • Joint development of a project plan.
  • Selection of methodical and fiction literature, illustrative material;
  • Hanging feeders and creating a conservation area for birds in the school park.

Project participants: Volkova Alena, Kuklina Julia, Kiselev Maxim, Kuznetsov Sergey, Chepaykina Elizaveta

Resource support of the project:



Action List



Create an initiative group of members of the preschool organization "Generation" and their parents to implement the project;


Approve the location of the bird corner in the school park.

Program and methodological

Prepare a selection of materials for the design of bird feeders.


Prepare construction tools, sketches, building material.

Stages of project implementation:

Social evaluation of the results of the project implementation

The project plan has been fully implemented. The initiative group was awarded with diplomas. The good deed did not go unnoticed.

The school administration and students positively assessed the activities of students.

Project result.

  • Participation in the project of students in grades 6-8
  • Organization of a nature protection zone for birds on the territory of the school institution.
  • Raising environmental awareness among all project participants.

Description of the project.

1. Theoretical stage.

Tasks : to expand ideas about the life of wintering birds in rural areas, about fitness, features of their behavior and nutrition.

There is a winter cold outside. All paths were covered with snow carpet. There are severe frosts at night. It is hard at such a time for the birds that winter in our area. Many birds are dying.

sparrows they keep close to human habitation, build themselves a special winter nest in the crevices of houses, under roofs, even in empty birdhouses. No matter how hungry, if the sparrow has found food, he, first of all, invites his fellows to dinner with his chirping.

tits settle in a variety of places. They like to live in deciduous forests, arrange nests in old squirrel nests, in hollows of woodpeckers. In winter, they often look for lodging for the night near residential buildings. Sometimes they settle in mailboxes. In winter, only people can help the birds. When the night temperature drops to -10 degrees and below, titmouse lose 10% of their own weight overnight. Hungry, weakened birds quickly freeze. In a harsh winter, only one out of 10 titmouse survives. But a well-fed bird is not afraid of severe frost. So birds fly closer to human habitation. From the very early morning they need food.

On the branches of rowan arrange a dining room bullfinches. It feeds on berries, eating out the seeds from them, leaving the pulp.

The main winter food: watermelon seeds, melons, pumpkins, wheat bran, oatmeal, millet, sunflower seeds (not fried, not salted), dried hawthorn berries, rose hips, white bread crumbs, unsalted lard, beef fat. You can not give black bread.

We have compiled leaflet - appealto the guys (Appendix No. 1).

Conclusion: winter in our area, only those birds that have adapted to survive in our winters.

2.Practical stage.

Tasks : make and hang bird feeders, keep them clean. Make sure that there is always food in the feeders.

To help the birds, you need to know which of them hibernate and what they feed on. In the presence of food, birds tolerate even severe frosts. That's why feeders are so important! Pieces of bacon and meat - for tits But definitely unsalted. White bread needs to be pre-dried, finely crushed. Woodpeckers prefer pumpkin and sunflower seeds. sparrows - millet, oats, millet.Waxwings, bullfinchesthey like to eat bunches of rowan berries, viburnum. Each bird has its own preferences. The main thing is not to let them die of hunger in the cold of winter, when it is much more difficult for birds to find food than in summer.

And they will be grateful to us for this and will clean our gardens from pests in the spring.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made feeder, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. When making a feeder, you should not get carried away with too complex and fancy designs.

We have compiled A guide on how to feed the birds(Appendix No. 2) and distributed to the guys.

Conclusion : wintering birds are regular guests of feeders

A quiz "Do you know birds?" was held among the students, the operation "Feed the birds in winter!".

To help the wintering birds of our village, you need to know what they feed on? In winter, birds are not only cold, but also hungry. In winter, for birds, especially small ones with a fast metabolism, the most unpleasant thing is hunger. In many birds, the body temperature is constantly kept within 42 degrees Celsius, and in small birds it reaches 45 degrees. Here is a pattern: the smaller the bird, the more intense its thermal balance, the higher the body temperature. In the presence of food, birds tolerate even severe frosts. Most often, it is difficult for the birds themselves to find food, and then a person comes to the rescue. That's why feeders are so important!

We announced at school operation " Feed the birds in winter!» . Pupils together with their parents made feeders from various materials. Next, we found out thatit is better to make feeders the simplest of tetra-packages or

plastic bottles, reinforced upside down, so that the grain gradually spills onto the stand. More durable feeders made of wood. Many children brought cardboard boxes, feeders, which contained gifts for the New Year. It is very good that they did not throw them away, but took care of the birds.On January 25, the guys and I went to the school grounds in order to hang the feeders and fill them with food. We tried to hang them in accessible places so that we could constantly replenish them with food. It is impossible to nail feeders to trees, so as not to damage the trees.Feeders must be kept clean so as not to become a source of disease. Birds near the feeders appear from the very dawn, so the feed must be covered in the evening. During frosts and snowstorms, this should be done every evening.

3. Observation results

After reviewing the literature, we havebird food table, which we observe on the school grounds(Appendix 3) . It can be seen from the table that theThe main food for birds is sunflower seeds (not fried, not salted), watermelon seeds, melons, pumpkins, wheat bran, oatmeal, millet, white bread crumbs, unsalted lard, beef fat.Meat and lard can be given raw and boiled, but always unsalted. White bread needs to be dried beforehand, finely crushed - they will not be able to peck large frozen pieces. Black rye bread is harmful to birds. You can not offer birds (pearl, peas and lentils), swelling in the stomach, they can cause a painful death. Of the cereals, birds willingly like to eat oatmeal "Hercules" and millet. Birds love to peck rowan berries. Every day we filled the feeders with different types of food and observed the feeders

within an hour. Observations were carried out both on the street - on the territory of the school, and from the window of the office.

Conclusions: after we hung the feeders, we noticed that there were more birds on the school grounds.In cold weather, more feathered guests arrive at the feeders than in warm weather, so be sure to

feed the birds so that even more of them fly and keep an eye on the feeders) . A well-fed bird is not afraid of frost. The main rule: do not forget to add food to the feeders. Irregular filling of the feeder can cause the death of birds accustomed to feeding. Birds are our friends!Most of all, sparrows flew to the feeders.When analyzing observations, we found that tits flew into those feeders in which we put pieces of fat, meat and seeds, and sparrows flew into any feeder, while the bullfinch flew into remote feeders with seeds and rowan berries. Thus our hypothesis It is confirmed that if we constantly feed wintering birds, then by doing so we help them survive the cold period of the year, when it is difficult for birds to get food from under the snow, and maintain their numbers.


After all the work done, we came to such conclusions:

  • Not all birds winter in our region, but only those adapted to survive in our weather conditions.
  • In our village, sparrows, pigeons, tits, magpies, and crows hibernate next to humans.
  • Birds can quite successfully withstand the cold if there is a lot of suitable food around.
  • And a person can help the birds to overwinter by hanging feeders

Relevance of the project: Many birds die in winter: out of ten, only one or two survive until spring. A hungry bird does not tolerate even mild frosts. The hypothesis of the project: If during the winter cold, we constantly feed the birds, then many will survive until spring and will bring more benefits, more often they will delight us with their beauty and singing. In the winter period of starvation, each of us can help the birds solve their problems! A significant problem for children: How do our friends, birds, survive in winter, how can we help them in this difficult time?

Project Objectives To expand the understanding of wintering birds. Summarize the knowledge of pupils obtained by observing the habits of birds. To expand the ideas of pupils and parents about the types of feeders, how they are made from different materials. To interest parents in environmental activities, to bring to their awareness the need to educate children in love and respect for birds. Teach children how to properly feed birds. To teach children to perform partial search activities, analyze its results, draw conclusions. To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter conditions.

Ways to implement the project: Examination of cognitive literature Viewing the presentation Pupil: - Having an idea about wintering birds. - Able to make a feeder from different materials together with adults - Knowing how to feed the birds with food. - Able to observe, analyze and draw conclusions. Didactic, outdoor games Work with the family Conversations Birdwatching

Preparatory stage Creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project: - discussion of the goals and objectives with pupils and parents. - substantiation, prediction of ways to implement the project. - selection of cognitive, fiction. - Consultations for parents "How to help birds survive the winter", "Let's help wintering birds", "Types of feeders" - making didactic games. - design of the wall newspaper "Feed the birds in winter". - Exhibition of crafts from plasticine "Birds on a branch"

The main stage (practical part) is research activities on the site (how to help starving birds?), leading children to the conclusion about creating bird feeders; - competition of feeders (joint activity of parents and children); -assessment of feeders by children of preparatory groups; -choosing a place for feeders (homework, find out who and what the birds are afraid of); -during the whole project daily feeding of birds. -observation on which feeders will fly more birds. - daily filling in the diary of observations by children; -leading children to the conclusion about what feeders should be; - study of feed for feeding birds, the use of different feeds; -observation of what kind of food the birds prefer; -leading children to the conclusion about what kind of food can be fed to birds, and what can not.

Research activities on the site (how to help starving birds), leading children to the conclusion about creating bird feeders; They sprinkled food on the path But they trampled it down They sprinkled food on the snow near the bushes But the food was covered with snow The children came to the conclusion that we need to make feeders!

The birds flew to all the feeders, but most of all they were seen on the feeder of Marina Marina Andrey Vanya

The final stage Summing up the results of the project: - Final integrated lesson, presentation of the project for children (generalization of experience, summing up, analysis of the effectiveness of the work); -Production of memos for children of the middle group (prohibiting signs, what kind of food can be given to birds); - Joint production of prohibition signs with parents for the territory of the kindergarten; - Processing and registration of project results.

Project for

environmental education

"Feed the birds in winter."

conducted by: Kugai S.M., Isakova A.S.



Project type: group.

By content : environmental education.

Project duration : short term

Project participants : children, group educators, parents of pupils.

Integration of educational areas:

knowledge , communication ,

reading fiction, artistic creativity, music, work , socialization , Physical Culture.

Relevance of the topic : It is very important to acquaint children from a young age with some important ecological patterns: the impact of the amount and availability of food on the behavior and lifestyle of wintering birds; dependence of the survival of wintering birds on the duration of the winter period.

Visually show the existence of cause-and-effect relationships in nature, arouse interest in observing the life of wintering birds, justify the need for feeding birds until the spring revival of nature, and contribute to the emergence of a feeling and desire to help wintering birds.

The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that:
Problem: In winter there are no berries, seeds, insects; the birds have nothing to eat. How do our younger friends, the birds, survive in the winter? How can we help them during this difficult time?

Objective of the project:

1. To consolidate the ideas of preschoolers about wintering birds, their way of life, about the connection with the environment, the role of man in the life of birds.

2. Expand the children's understanding of the birds of the region. To educate children in an emotionally positive attitude towards birds, to develop a desire to help them.

Project objectives:


To enrich the knowledge of preschoolers about wintering birds, their lifestyle, habits, connection with the environment, the role of man in the life of birds

    Expand existing knowledge with new information

    Teach children how to properly feed birds.


    Promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity

    Expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech.


    To form a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditions

To instill a love for nature and cultivate a careful attitude towards it.

Strengthen parent-child relationships

Expected result:

1. Children should get primary ideas about wintering birds (sparrow, magpie, crow, tit, bullfinch).

2. To form children's knowledge of the appearance of birds, lifestyle, and adaptability to life in the winter season.

3. To cause a constant desire in children to help and take care of birds in winter.

4. Learn to compare birds, highlighting common and differences in behavior, ways of obtaining food.

5. Enrich children's vocabulary.

6. To cultivate the ability to work in a team of peers, the ability to listen to each other, to come to the rescue.

7. Include parents in joint activities.

The project was carried out in four directions:

    work of a teacher with children;

    independent activity of children;

    teacher's work with parents;

    joint activities of parents and children.

Preliminary work with children.

1. The work of a teacher with children.

Conversations: “What do you know about birds?”, “Bird menu”, “Why help birds in winter?”.

Examination of wintering birds in illustrations in books, narrative paintings, magazines and photographs.

Drawing up stories from illustrations.

Reading art literature : V. Zvyagina "Sparrow", T. Evdoshenko "Take care of the birds", Yu. Nikonova "Winter guests", I. Polenov "Sinichkin pantries", N. Gribacheva "Well, frosts ...", G. Skrebritsky "Take care of the birds."

Reading works about birds (selection of books about birds).

Listening to an audio recording from the "Voices of Birds" series.

View a presentation about birds.

Flyer hanging.

Didactic games : “Guess from the description”, “Name it affectionately”, “Who loves what?”, “Collect a bird”, “What kind of bird? "," Guess which bird sings? ”, “Which bird flew away?”.

Independent activities of children:

Examination of wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Examination of subject paintings and photographs.

Coloring bird silhouettes in coloring books

walks : bird watching, bird tracks , conversations about winter birds; art word; outdoor games: "Crows", "Titmouse Birds", "Sparrows and a Cat", "Owl"; tour of the kindergarten; opening of the "Bird's canteen".

2. The work of a teacher with parents:

Folder-slider "Let's help the birds to winter"; Memo "Feed the birds"; consultation "Feed the birds in winter

3. Joint activities of parents and children.

collecting food for birds "Who loves what?"; action “Let's feed the birds together with the children (hanging out leaflets).

4. Product of project activity.

Exhibitions of drawings, applications. Albums of riddles and poems about wintering birds. Production of "Pantry for feed".

Approximate plan of activities with children (for 1 week)

Thursday 22.12. Considering the pictures "Wintering Birds"

Reading the poem "Feed the birds in winter"

Friday 23.12. Conversation "What does a bird need, heat or food?

Monday 26.12. Examination of the painting "Bullfinches

arrived”, “Acquaintance with the bullfinch” conversation

Tuesday 27.12. "Riddles and riddles" Observation of a crow Compiled. story "On our trough"

Wednesday 28.12. Acquaintance with woodpecker. "Why the forest doctor?" Consolidation of knowledge about wintering birds.

Thursday 29.12. DI. "Guess what bird it is?" observation. for the sparrows. Problem situation "What can I make a feeder from?"

Application "Bullfinches".

Project progress

Music sounds, children go to the group.

Educator: Guys, listen and guess the riddle:

She covered the paths, painted the windows,

She gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled!

What time of the year is visiting us now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: That's right, winter. How did you know winter was coming? (Children list: it became cold, snow fell, the trees were bare, ice on the rivers, it became difficult for the birds to look for food).

Educator: Yes, in winter the birds are cold and hungry, so some have flown to warmer climes! Sparrows, tits, crows, magpies, bullfinches stayed with us to spend the winter. It’s hard for them at this time of the year, the snow is falling all around, it’s hard for them to look for food.

Today we will talk about the birds wintering with us.

1 . Magpie - This is a large bird, it has a black head, neck, back and white chest. She eats everything, she can even steal a bone from dogs. It is called magpie - white-sided.

2 . Tit - this is a small bird, she has a black cap on her head, white cheeks, a yellow breast with a black tie. She loves to peck at lard, grains and bread crumbs. Bluebirds fly in flocks.

The game "Colorful titmouse."

The adult says a rhyme, and the children perform the actions that are described in the rhyme.

Here in the nest the birds woke up multi-colored titmouse.

They stretch their wings, stand up, sing a song loudly.

(“Titmouses” open their eyes, get up, raise their hands, squeak.

Birds, spread your wings, fly out as soon as possible,

Look for food in the fields, gardens and forests.

(Children flap "wings", "fly" around the room).

Here they found crumbs in the feeder, pecked them a little.

The beaks clatter loudly. "Delicious!" the birds are talking.

(Squat down, tap their fingers on the floor “peck”).

Be careful, titmouse, be careful, birds!

Matvey the cat is sneaking up on you! Fly away quickly!

3 . Bullfinch He has a black head and a red chest. He eats seeds and berries. The bullfinch is called the messenger of winter, as soon as the bullfinches appeared - wait for the first snow. They are very friendly birds, they fly in a flock.

4. Sparrow - This is a small bird, it has a brown back and a light chest. Sparrows live in a flock. Sparrows love to peck grains and bread crumbs.

5. Crow - this is a large bird, her head, tail, wings are black, and her breast is gray. She eats everything, insects, food leftovers, loves to destroy other people's nests, drag eggs from them.

caregiver : It is difficult for birds to winter, we need to help the birds. And how can we help them if it is cold and hungry in winter? (Feed in the feeder).

Outcome: viewing with children the presentation “Feed the birds in winter”; registration of the folder of the shift about wintering birds; application "Bullfinches"; design of the poster "Help the birds"; together with parents, posting leaflets on houses “Feed the birds in winter”.


Based on our observations, we came to the following conclusions:

1. In our city, sparrows, pigeons, tits, magpies, jackdaws hibernate next to a person; bullfinches come from the forest to feed.

2. Not all birds winter in our area, but only those adapted to survive in harsh weather conditions, many willingly fly to feeding places.

3. Birds can quite successfully withstand the cold if there is a lot of suitable food around.

4. The number of birds living in the yard in summer is greater than in winter, because in summer there is food in the yards, and in winter the birds in the yards need to be fed.

Photo report

The guys make the application "Bullfinch on a branch"

Folding folder "Feed the birds in winter"

Our bird canteen

Proverbs, sayings

*Give a chicken a bed - it will dig up the whole garden.

* Tell the chicken - it's all over the street.

* A chicken pecks grain by grain, but it happens to be full.

* And the rooster is brave in its ashes.

* Every sandpiper in his swamp is great.

* Sparrows chatter, nests curl.

* You can't fool an old sparrow on chaff.

* Where the sparrow does not fly, but all the houses spend the night.

* One swallow does not make spring.

* Not a great bird - a titmouse, but a clever one.

* Every kochet wants to crow.

* The crane flies high, sees far.

* Larks, fly in, bring red summer.

* Every bird sings its songs.


The goose presses its paw - to the cold, flaps its wings - to frost, rinses - to heat.

    Chickens are hiding for wet weather.

    Simultaneous arrival of birds - to a friendly spring.

    Birds gather early in flocks - autumn will be cold.

    Indoor birds are silent - the cold will still stand.

    Swallows fly low - to the rain.

    The swallows have arrived - soon the thunder will rumble.

    The lark is warm, the chaffinch is cold.

    Crows bathe in early spring - to heat.

  • The nightingale sings all night without ceasing - to heat.

    Cranes fly high - by a long autumn.

    Seagulls return from the sea to the shore before the rapid approach of the storm.

    Seagulls swim a lot - unfortunately.

    If the rooks arrived by mid-March, the summer will be wet, and the snow will melt early.

  • The starling flies - the end of winter.

    The cuckoo cuckoos on a bare tree - to frost.

    Crows croak to the frost.

  • Greenish back,
    yellowish belly,
    Little black cap
    And a strip of scarf.
    Red-breasted, black-winged,
    Likes to peck grains
    With the first snow on the mountain ash
    He will appear again.
    Apples on the branches in winter!
    Collect them quickly!
    And suddenly the apples fluttered
    After all, this...
    Jump to the grains!
    Peck, don't be shy!
    Who is it?

  • Cracked since the morning:
    "Por-r-ra! Por-r-ra!"
    What's the time?
    What a mess with her
    When it crackles...
    This predator is talkative
    Thievish, fussy,
    chirping white-sided,
    And her name is...
    Sleeps during the day, flies at night.
    Flying all night
    Gets mice.
    And it will become light
    Sleep flies into the hollow.
    I knock on wood
    I want to get a worm
    Though hidden under the bark
    - He'll still be mine!

  • Sparrow

    Frost in the yard
    About forty degrees.
    Sparrows are crying
    That spring is not coming soon
    What in severe frosts
    Coats don't warm well...
    I brought sparrows
    On a plate of cereals:
    Eat, sparrows,
    Eat, good ones!
    I would like you and boots
    Gave with galoshes.
    But my mother said:
    "The sparrow is small!"
    As soon as it jumps
    Lose boots! (V. Zvyagina)

    T. Evdoshenko's poem "Take care of the birds."

    We know a lot about birds

    And at the same time, little

    And everyone needs: both you and us,

    To have more of them.

    For this, let's save

    Your feathered friends

    Otherwise, we will reduce to zero

    Our winged singers.

    Eat trees and fruits

    insect larvae,

    And all the gardens will thin out

    Without our familiar birds.

    In winter, put a feeder for them,

    Give the tits fat;

    Millet is eaten by all sparrows,

    Sprinkle as soon as there is not enough.

    They will reward the work

    And the gardens will bloom all around.

    Among the green foliage

    You will hear their song.

Tatyana Borisovna Girfanova

Ecological project "Feed the birds in winter"

Performed: Girfanova Tatyana Borisovna - teacher of the correctional group preparatory to school (stuttering) No. 8 MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 160", o. Samara.

Project type: information and creative.

Project duration: short term (1 week).

Project participants: educator, music director, speech therapist teacher, physical education instructor, children of the preparatory group, parents of pupils.


Children often ask themselves: why do most birds fly to warmer climes for the winter? How do the remaining wintering birds survive in the cold season? What do they eat? How do they adapt to harsh climates? What is more terrible for birds cold or hunger and why?

It is no secret that a huge number of birds die every year in winter due to lack of food. In severe frosts, natural food becomes practically inaccessible. Hunger is very terrible for birds. Hungry, weakened birds can freeze before the spring. But well-fed birds are not afraid of frost. So they fly closer to human habitation, as people can help the birds by arranging canteens for them - hanging feeders and regularly adding food. During the project, children will learn more about the life of wintering birds, how to make a feeder correctly and from what materials, and what is the best way to feed their feathered friends. In addition, in the course of feeding and observing birds, children will develop an interest in birds and a desire to help them in difficult times, as well as a desire to learn new facts about birds.

Objective of the project: enrichment and systematization of ideas about wintering birds.

Project objectives:- to consolidate and expand with new information children's ideas about the life of wintering birds;

Expand ideas about the role of man in the life of wintering birds;

Replenish the development environment on the topic of the project;

To introduce the materials from which bird feeders can be made and the methods that can be used to make them;

Familiarize yourself with bird food and the preferences of different birds in a particular food;

To cultivate a desire to help birds in difficult times for them and organize observation of them;

To develop the ability to independently set the goal of the activity based on the questions of the teacher;

Develop the ability to show their initiative and express their assumptions;

To develop interest in native nature in the process of environmental education and the ability to reflect this in artistic activity;

To develop children's creativity and activity in drawing, sculpting and appliqué.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.

Stages of the project:

Stage 1 - preparatory:(creation of favorable conditions for project implementation).

To acquaint parents with the purpose and objectives of the project;

Prepare and place in the parent's corner a consultation about the types of feeders, how they are made and the materials from which they can be made;

Conversation with children about what they would like to know about the life of wintering birds and where this material can be obtained from;

Preparing a presentation about wintering birds, a selection of books and educational literature about them, a selection of board-printed games and the production of didactic games - the accumulation of methodological materials on the topic.

Stage 2 - practical.

Examination of subject pictures and plot pictures depicting birds, the album "Wintering Birds".

- Conversations:“What do you know about wintering birds?”, “How do birds adapt to winter?”, “How can a person help birds in the cold season?”

- The teacher's story"Interesting - nearby."

- GCD"The life of birds in winter" (cognitive, "Wintering birds" (communicative, FEMP "Birds at the feeder" (cognitive).

Compilation of descriptive stories and riddles about birds.

- Didactic games and exercises:“Who, how does he give a voice?”, “Who eats what?”, “Guess whose shadow”, “4th extra”, “Cut pictures”, “Who sits where?”, “Find along the contour” ( overlay, “Connect by dots”, “Guess from the description”, “Say the opposite”, “Pick up the word”, “Count the birds”, “One-many”, “Whom to treat with what?”, “Tell me which one? Which one?”, "Whose? Whose? Whose?", "Compare and tell", "Name the cubs", "Guess the riddle", "Name the cubs", "What is possible and what is not."

- Board-printed games:"Couples", "Zooloto", "Mosaic", "Puzzles".

- Reading fiction:, G. Serebritsky “Take care of the birds”, I. Polenkov “Sinichkina pantry”, Yu. Nikonova “Winter guests”, Prishvin “Pantry of the sun”, “Sinichkin calendar”, A. Barkov “Voices of the forest”, V. Bianchi “Forest houses ”, and “Whose nose is better?”, L. Voronkova “Bird feeders”, watching the cartoon “Grey Neck”.

- experimental research activity: observation of the behavior of birds during feeding, the habits of birds, the study of various plumage (magnifier), similarities and differences, keeping a diary of observations of the arrival of birds to the feeder.

- physical activity: outdoor games "Flight of birds", "Owl", "Birds in nests", "Crows and sparrows", "Titmouse and dog", "Find a couple".

- artistic and aesthetic activities:

Singing the song "Sparrow", music. Vetlin.

Drawing "Titmouse and bullfinches on the feeder", "Magpie on a branch".

Volumetric modeling "Birds on the feeder" and planar "Bullfinch on a rowan branch".

Collective application "Wintering birds".

Artistic work (origami) - "Owl".

Coloring bird silhouettes.

Dramatization of "The Dispute of Birds".

-labor activity:

Production of feeders from waste material (manual labor);

Making caps for wintering birds;

Feeding birds (labor in nature).

- play activity:

Role-playing game "Birds in the forest".

Role-playing game "Young Naturalists".

- work with parents:

Making bird feeders

Making a sliding folder for parents “Wintering birds of our region”.

Ecological project "Feed the birds in winter"

for preschool children

Stage 3 - final:

Quiz "Who knows more about birds?"

Exhibition of children's works.

Hanging feeders

Performance-staging "Bird Dispute" for parents.

Expected results:


Distribute and systematize knowledge about wintering birds.

They use various forms and methods of working with children on environmental education.


Elementary ideas about wintering birds have been formed and systematized;

Developed interest in observing natural objects, the desire to help birds in a difficult period of life for them;

Formed ideas about the rules of feeding birds.


The level of ideas about environmental education has been increased.

Conduct joint observations with children in nature.

Encourage children to feed birds in the wild.

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