Abstract of a math lesson in the middle group on the topic: "In search of a surprise." Abstract of a lesson in mathematics on the topic "parts of the day" in the middle group Time of day for children of the middle group

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics for children of the middle group:

"Formation of ideas about the parts and time of day."

Program tasks:

To teach to determine the parts of the day according to a variety of human activities and according to objective indicators;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of parts of the day;

To form an idea of ​​the time interval of the "day";

To form an idea of ​​the temporary concepts of "yesterday", "today",


Equipment: a toy squirrel, a “day” model with a rotating arrow, card models depicting human activities at different times of the day (to be shown to pupils) and an image of different parts of the day for each child.

Course progress.

Organizing time.

Guys, look, please, who came to visit us today!

(Children pay attention to the toy in the hands of the teacher - a squirrel).

- Squirrel! (children answer).

She is confused about the parts of the day, and asks us to help her figure out when "morning", "day", "evening", "night" comes? What does "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow" mean. Can we help her?

Yes (pupils answer).

Main part.

Then let's play a game called "When does it happen?".I will read you poems about parts of the day, and you will guess when this happens, you just need to listen carefully to the task. So, let's begin.

Children wake up, they are going to kindergarten,
They do everything in order:
Do exercises, have breakfast and play,
All plants are watered (morning).
- They walk and play, they collect all the toys,
The cook made 100 cutlets - invites you to lunch (day).
- The sun is setting, calling everyone to calm down.
I want to watch in silence: “Good night, kids!” (evening)
- Children sleep in a crib,
They dream sweetly - sweetly.
The stars shine for them in silence,
Sleep tight little ones (night).

Well done, guys, you quickly and correctly coped with the task!

And now I suggest you play a game called "Call it right." I will ask you questions, and you will need to think and give the correct answer. Deal?


Then listen to the first question:

When did we paint?

What did we see today (yesterday)?

Where will we go tomorrow?

What did we do today?

Who was not in kindergarten yesterday?

And today these children came?

What story did we read yesterday?

What story would you like to hear today?

What story are you going to read tomorrow?

How attentive you are! Now we will rest a bit and play a game called "Funny Animals".

Bunny jumps on the bushes,Jump on two legs, making "ears"

Through the swamp and over the bumps. from the palms.

The squirrel jumps on the branchesThey jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.

The mushroom carries squirrels - children.

The clumsy bear walks,They go side by side.

He has crooked paws.

No paths, no pathsMove in a semi-squat, making

A spiny hedgehog rolls. round backs.

(N. Nishcheva).

And now, guys, let's do the next task. We know that the day starts in the morning, then what time of day goes, Katya? I will ask Veronika to come to the blackboard and show the part of the day that comes after the day ... Amalia to show what part of the day comes after the evening ... Anton what part of the day comes after the night ... And then a new day begins again, a new day.

Thus, we can conclude that the day consists of four parts, namely, morning, afternoon, evening, night. In order for our squirrel to remember the sequence of parts of the day, we repeat one sentence several times:

"Morning, afternoon, evening, night - the day flew away."

Final part.

Guys, in front of each of you are cards with the color of the sky and the position of the sun in different parts of the day. I will show you a picture of human activity, and you determine what part of the day it happens, and raise the appropriate card.

Well done boys! I think that the squirrel remembered the sequence of parts of the day and understood what “today”, “yesterday”, “tomorrow” means. You helped her a lot. The squirrel thanks you and looks forward to meeting you again!


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Summary of GCD in mathematics in the middle group "Parts of the day"

Target :

Continue to introduce children toparts of the day : morning, afternoon, evening, night, their signs, sequence;

Tasks :

Teach to identifyparts of the day according to signs of human activity;

Develop logic, imaginative thinking, attention;

Cultivate the ability and desire to respond.

Step up words morning afternoon Evening Night.

Demomaterial: Pictures « Parts of the day » .

GCD progress:

Children, together with the teacher, go to the window and tell what they see on the street, what the weather is like.(clear and blue sky; the sun is shining in the sky; it is light outside) .

Guys guess whenhappens :

The dawn rises over the river

The rooster crows in the yard.

kittens wash,

Guys wake up.



When the night ends, the morning comes. The sun is rising. And all aroundwakes up : and trees, and flowers, and insects, and animals.

What are you doing in the morning? (I wake up, get up, wash my face, go to kindergarten, do exercises, have breakfast).

The sun is high in the sky

Far from sunset

A mouse drags grains into a burrow.

The kid is learning the alphabet.


Day follows morning. The sun is already high. Children in kindergarten play, walk, have lunch.

The teacher shows the picture"day"

What do you do during the day?(children's answers) .

The sun is red.

The squirrel hides in a hollow.

Drema is coming to visit us,

He carries the story with him.


Evening comes when the day ends and it starts to get dark outside. The sun is hiding. And the guys are returning from kindergarten.

What are you doing in the evening? (Coming home from kindergarten, walking, watching TV, getting ready for bed).

The teacher shows the picture"evening"

The stars are burning in the sky.

Birds sleep and fish sleep.

Sleeping flowers in the garden in the beds,

Well, we are in our beds.


When does it happen?(children answer at night)

That's right, at night. After evening comes night. It's dark at night. The sun is replaced by the moon. And what do you do at night?(sleep) .

Let's count how many we haveparts per day ? (morning-1, afternoon-2,

evening - 3, night - 4).

How parts per day ? (four) .

Guys let's play a game"Finish the sentence" .

Didactic game

We have breakfast in the morning and dinner(in the evening) .

We sleep at night and do exercises(in the morning) .

During the day we have lunch and breakfast(in the morning) .

The sun shines during the day, and the moon(at night) .

We have dinner in the evening, and we have lunch(afternoon) .

Now I invite you to play the game"Name parts of the day »

Didactic game

The teacher calls anypart of the day , the children continue to call in the correct sequence.Example : In a day; D .: - evening, night, morning;

At night; D: morning, afternoon, evening.

Well done boys.

GCD results:

Let's call everything in order againparts of the day. How much parts are divided by day ? Name what comes after night, day, evening?

HerTheme: "Parts of the day."

Program content:

To form in children an idea of ​​the parts of the day, their characteristic features, sequence (morning-afternoon-evening-night). Seek answers to the questions: “What are you doing in the morning?”, “What are you doing in the afternoon?”, “What are you doing in the evening?”, “What are you doing at night?”. Fix the names of the parts of the day in the children's active dictionary. Learn to navigate in time. Raise interest and desire to engage, replenish and activate the vocabulary of children.

Development environment:

A circle divided into 4 parts, on each part of the circle there is a picture depicting the time of day: morning, afternoon, evening, night; pictures depicting different actions of people at different times of the day.

Relationship with other occupations and activities.

Reading poems about the time of day, finger games, board game "All about time". Observation during the day of the change of time of day, looking at pictures depicting various actions of people at different times of the day.

methodicaltricks :

Observations, looking at pictures, cards, finger games, didactic game, conversation, reading a work of art.

Lesson progress.

1. The teacher shows the children a circle and asks:

When does the sun rise? (In the morning).

When do the birds sing? (In the morning).

What can you do in the morning? (do exercises, wash your face, have breakfast. go to school, kindergarten, work).

When is the sun high in the sky? (Shows another picture).

(This happens during the day).

What can you do during the day? (Walk, play, go to the store, have lunch).

When it gets dark, does it get dark? When does the sun go down? (In the evening).

What can you do in the evening? (Watch TV, read, play, do homework, have dinner).

When does the moon appear in the sky? When does the moon appear? When do stars appear? (At night). What can you do at night? (Sleep).

Then the teacher shows the children pictures depicting various actions of people at different times of the day. Children guess: when it happens, at what time of the day.

2. Finger game training "Morning".

Morning has come, the sun has risen.

Hey, brother Fedya, wake up the neighbors!

Get up, big man, get up, pointer,

Get up, middle, get up, orphan!

Get up, little Mitroshka!

Hello palm! Everyone stretched and woke up.

The teacher, together with the children, recalls the name of the fingers, explains why they are called that.

Thumb- the largest in the hand. Pointing- points to everything . Average- located in the middle. Nameless- He doesn't have a name. Little finger - smallest, smallest.

What can be miserable? (ant, snowflakes, droplet, insect, button) (children offer their own options).

3. caregiver. Guys let's play a game "Finish the sentence."(didactic andgra)

We have breakfast in the morning, and dinner ... (In the evening).

We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (In the morning).

In the afternoon we have lunch and breakfast ... (In the morning).

The sun shines during the day, and the moon ... (Night).

We have dinner in the evening, and have lunch ... (In the afternoon).

The teacher praises the most active children in the game.

Educator. Now, guys, I will read a poem to you, and you must answer what time of day it is.

I invite the children to listen to the poem.

Good morning, the birds sang.

Good people, get out of bed.

Hiding all the darkness in the corners

The sun is up and going!

(A. Kondratiev).

What part of the day is this poem about? (Morning).

What parts of the day are there? (Day, evening, night).

Educator. The guys of the day go one after another, in order, which are never violated.

Invite the children to arrange the pictures in the order of the part of the day.

4. Summarize the lesson.

Educator. Children, what did we do in class today?

We talked to the children, talked about the time of day, played a game, looked at pictures about the times of the day.

Educator. Today, you guys are just great! They did a good job and answered the questions correctly. Our lesson has come to an end.

Ask the children themselves if they liked today's lesson.

Theme: "Treat for dolls"


To develop figurative representations in children, the ability to choose the content of the image. To teach to transfer the selected object in modeling, using the techniques learned earlier. Continue to develop the ability to work accurately. To cultivate the desire to do something for others, to form the ability to combine the results of their activities with the work of their peers.

materialsand equipment:

Salt dough of different colors, a modeling board (for each child), dolls Masha and Dasha, a tray for placing treats molded by children, tea utensils.

Relationship with other occupations and activitiesti.

Children's games in the play corner, role-playing game "Let's treat the dolls with tea."

Methodological techniques:

The use of game and surprise moments, the organization of game situations (at the beginning of the lesson, dolls Masha and Dasha come to visit the children.

Examination of ready-made crafts (treats) made by the educator, showing the method of sculpting various types of cookies, sweets, pies.

Course progress.

1. Organszational moment.

Educator. Guys, someone is knocking on our door.

A car with guests appears. Let's say hello (children say hello and sit down in their seats).

2. Game motivation.

Educator. Guys, today the doll Masha and Dasha came to visit us. The little doll Dasha has a birthday today. Let's treat the guests to tea. The children set the table. The teacher notes that pies and cakes and other treats are always baked for birthdays, let's also make treats for dolls. Ask what treats can be made; listen to all the suggestions of the children, asking them what form the named treats are, how they can be molded; complete their answers.

3. Examining the sample - cake.

Educator. But first, let's take a look at the cake I made. Look how beautiful my cake is! What shape is it? (round).

4. Demonstration and explanation of the sculpting technique by the educator. .

Educator. First, we take the white dough, divide it into two parts: Roll out the ball from the large part, flatten it into a disk, this will be the first shortcake, then we take the second piece, roll out the ball, flatten it into a disk, this will be the second shortcake, put it on top of each other and we press. Then we begin to decorate the pie, for this we roll out a sausage from a small piece of dough, put it on the pie, press it, then make a few sausages, we also put them on the pie and decorate the pie.

Educator. Guys, who wants to show how you can make other treats.

5. Educator let's not much rest, we will play in the game "Karavai".

As on Dashin's name day, we baked a loaf.

This is the width, this is the dinner.

Here is such a height, here is such a low.

Loaf, loaf, choose whom you want.

You guys are good. Elina is the best.

6. Independent work of children.

Children sit in their seats and do the work. The teacher supervises their work. During the task, it is necessary to help the children, reminding or partially explaining to them the modeling techniques. To educate and encourage independence, to control the sequence of work.

7. Analysis of the lesson.

At the end of the modeling, the children put all the work on the table.

Educator. Guys, what beautiful treats you got.

(the teacher addresses the doll Dasha) Dasha, do you like the children's work?

Doll Dasha: Thank you guys! I really enjoyed your treats!

Educator. Dasha, which cake do you like the most?

Educator. Children, let's wish the doll Dasha a happy birthday and sing the song "Guests have come to us."

Educator. So guys, our lesson is over. What did we do in class? (sculpted treats for dolls). Did you like our activity? (Children's answers). Children, you are great today, you did a good job. Everyone got great treats!

Doll Dasha. I invite everyone to drink tea with treats.





Metenova Z.U.






Metenova Z.U.






Metenova Z.U.






Metenova Z.U.






Metenova Z.U.










Metenova Z.U.






Metenova Z.U.


Compiled by Metenova Zulfiya Uagapovna, teacher of preschool educational institution No. 12, Zabuzan village, Krasnoyarsk region.

Age targeting: senior preschool age.

Implementation period: within a year.

Purpose: Creation of a trail on the kindergarten site.

Organize the joint work of the kindergarten team and parents to create a trail.

Prepare methodological support for work on the ecological trail.

- to form an active moral and ecological position in relation to nature.

Project participants: children and teachers, senior group, parents.



Methods and forms of work

Period of execution

Creation of a group of like-minded people.

Conversations with teachers, discussion at the teachers' council of the upcoming work, distribution of responsibilities. Parent meeting on the topic: "Conditions for the formation of ecological culture in preschool children."

Last week of January.

Preparation of methodological support.

Selection and study of methodological and special literature on the organization of an ecological path. Conducting consultations on “The choice of rats for landscaping a site”, “How to plant a flower-clock”, etc.


Introduction to the project.

Conducting a lesson "Take care of nature", during which the teacher invites children to take part in the creation of an ecological path on the site of the kindergarten.



Methods and forms of work

Period of execution

Drawing up a map of the path.

A detailed survey of the territory, the search for the most interesting objects (with the involvement of children), the definition of objects that will be created in addition to the existing ones (flower beds, bird feeders, a green pharmacy, etc.).

Technical support of work.

Preparation of inventory of seed and planting material (with the involvement of parents).

Production of plates indicating waypoints.

Choosing with the children and making the Owner of the path (fairy tale character).

Creation of additional objects of the ecological path (with the involvement of parents and children).

Making a bird canteen.

Meteorological site equipment.

Planting a flower bed-hours.

Planting individual plants (trees and shrubs).

Organizing a community work day with parents.

Synopsis of GCD "Parts of the day"

Prepared by the teacher

D / s "Firefly

Tupitsyna E.V.

Tasks : to expand the knowledge of children about the parts of the day, about their characteristic features.

To form an idea of ​​​​the sequence of parts of the day, name and determine the parts of the day.

Replenish and activate the vocabulary of children.

Development environment:

globe, flashlight, picture depicting the time of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night;), coloring,.

Lesson progress:

Q: Guys, today we have an unusual job - we will be scientists with you on time. We put on a special uniform (the guys choose their own working uniform from the Theater corner)

And who knows what it is? (shows a globe). Well done. Of course, this is our planet Earth. More precisely, it is a model of the globe. The globe can rotate around its axis, just like the Earth. Our Earth revolves around the Sun continuously and the Sun's rays illuminate it.

But is it the same in all directions? I suggest checking.

To do this, we will go on a trip on a large spaceship. Having risen high up and found ourselves in outer space, in the portholes of the ship, we saw our beautiful blue planet (put the globe in front of a lit lantern).

Who knows why they saw her? Because the sun's rays sanctify it. You can see the seas, mountains and rivers.

And what happens on the other side? Let's see (children go to the opposite side). It's dark in here. On that part of our planet that is not illuminated by the sun's rays, night reigns, and on the consecrated part of the Earth, a bright day shines. The earth is in constant motion, so day and night follow each other.

And it’s even better to remember the parts of the day, this poem will help us:

Day .

In the morning the sun rises

Don't let the kids sleep!

Come on, kids, get up

Recharge, wash

Dress smartly

And take breakfast.

At noon the sun is at its zenith,

He has rays like threads,

The earth is generously warmed

Everyone is invited to dine.

Our proverb says:

Long day until evening

When there is nothing to do.

Well, in the evening, guys,

Everything is covered in coldness

The sun needs rest too.

And the kids have a delicious dinner.

At night in the sky - the moon,

She is very strict.

Is watching everything

Have you settled down in bed?

Close your eyes

Let you dream of fairy tales.

close your eyes

Good night everybody!

From morning to morning

The kids know the day.

(N. Grigorieva)

The game What time of day would this happen?

Sleeping bears and elephants

The hare is sleeping and the hedgehog

Everyone around should fall asleep

Our children too.

The sun rises bright

Cockerel sings in the garden

Our children wake up

They are going to kindergarten.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky

Children went for a walk

I will show you pictures, and you will tell you what you can do at one time or another of the day.

The game "Neighbours". You name the neighbors of the part of the day that I will show you.

We have trouble on board - the connection with the Earth is out of order, but we need to transmit a message that we have learned about the parts of the day to Earth. How should we be? (options for transmitting information to children - the creative work of children)

the game “We won’t say what we did, but we’ll show what we did” (children show the answer to the question with the help of facial expressions and gestures)

Q: Hooray, the Earthlings heard us and saw all our efforts. You guys are great. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip?

For cognitive development

Lesson on cognitive development in the middle group "Days and Days"

Shcherbakova L. A. educator, kindergarten No. 17
Alekseevka, Belgorod region


  1. To acquaint children with the sequence of parts of the day.
  2. Introduce children to the concept of a day.
  3. Teach children to set a time sequence.
  4. Set the days of the week.

The guys are very interested in traveling at different times of the day, to find out what happens in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. Here we go on this journey. I will read a poem:

Good people get out of bed

Hiding all the darkness in the corners

The sun is up and going to work.

What time has come, guess yourself?

Why do you think it's morning? (light, the sun begins to shine) MORNING is an important time of day. During the night everyone will rest, and in the morning they start working. The people say this: Morning is the beginning of everything. Morning colors the day.

Morning passed, day came. DAY- time when people work. People try to work well, save time and make beautiful things, build quickly, grow bread, vegetables and fruits.

After the day, evening comes. EVENING- this is the time after work, study, when adults return from work, and children from kindergarten. This is the time when the whole family gathers at home. They talk about their affairs, loved ones, they talk warmly and joyfully.

After every time of day comes NIGHT. What do people do at night? Sleep...

Good night silence says

Everyone can hear it now.

Speaks in silent words

Sleep, I'll stay with you all night.

Look at these pictures and tell me what time of day is drawn here? (pictures - morning, afternoon, evening, night)

Where do you think the sun sleeps when you sleep.

The whole day the Sun illuminates and heats the Earth, and in the evening the sky darkens, the stars appear - night comes. Where does the sun sleep? Where does it hide at night? Yes, nowhere! The fact is that the day fades, the night comes. The planet is turning and moving all the time, but we don’t feel anything, we don’t notice anything. The sun moves across the sky, rises into the sky during the day, and then sinks below the horizon in the evening. Guys, let's do this experience: an apple is our Earth; flags (blue and white)- our houses; burning candle - the sun.

So, half of the apple is lit - half is dark. It's daytime in the blue house, it's dark in the white house, they go to bed there. Let's turn the apple so that the blue house disappears into the shadows and morning comes in white. Let's turn the apple again and twilight is gathering again. Our toy Earth has made one complete revolution. This time is called DAYS. They replace each other. In the picture, pay attention - morning, afternoon, evening, night - this is one day. You have 4 times of day on the tables - they are painted in the color of the sky. Raise the card morning, afternoon, evening, night. But the girl "Sleepy" - she was lazy, and all the time she wanted to sleep. Listen to the poem "Slacker":

Monday I woke up

And on Tuesday I stretched

On Wednesday I stretched sweetly,

And on Thursday I fell asleep again,

I slept on Friday

Didn't go to work on Saturday

But on Sunday

Slept all day without waking up!

Do you want to be couch potatoes? It is not interesting to be couch potatoes - while you are sleeping you will not see anything interesting, you will not learn anything, and time will pass and will not return. Sat at the tables. Children count how many leaves you have on the tables?

See what days of the week.

The first sheet, the first day of the week is Monday, we recognize it by one mug and a blue stripe.

What is the name of the second day of the week?

Why do you think the second day of the week is called Tuesday? We recognize Tuesday by the yellow stripe and two circles.

Now find the third day of the week. After Tuesday, what day of the week? What color is the stripe on the leaf of the medium?

What is the fourth day of the week called? What color is the bar for Thursday?

What is the name of the fifth day of the week? What color is the bar for Friday? These five days are working, name them, and Lera go out and find Wednesday in our week. Why is the third day called Wednesday? Because it's the middle of the week. There are two more days, they are called Saturday and Sunday. What color stripes represent them? These days are considered days off.

And now, let's play: 5 working days will come out and 2 days off it will be a week. There are seven days in a week.

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