Stone for woman Libra tiger. Scale Talismans

Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a certain stone, which is a talisman for it. There are even a few! After all, the period of patronage of each sign is divided into three decades, and therefore the stone must be chosen according to the date of birth. Now we will talk about talismans suitable for the owners of one interesting sign. And yes, we are talking about Libra. The stones for representatives of this sign are very unusual, and each of them should be told separately.


This is the main talisman of people who were born during the first decade (24.09-02.10). Precious fits perfectly. He has a very powerful, strong, imperious energy, and these people sometimes lack these qualities.

But at the same time, a diamond represents purity and innocence. It protects its owner from the evil eye and evil influence, promotes success in any endeavor and brings good luck.

It is impossible not to make a reservation that the power of a diamond is fully revealed only if it is owned by a person with positive thoughts who loves to do good deeds. But everyone knows how kind Libra's soul is.


This mineral will also become a good talisman for people born during the first decade. But it comes in different shades, and the meaning of the stone is also determined by the color. What you need to know about the influence of this stone:

  • White agate gives peace, protects from the dark world and the influence of negative energy.
  • Blue awakens inspiration, restores the balance of the inner world, protects love.
  • Gray protects against anger and conflict. Agate of this color is considered a talisman of balance and justice.
  • The brown mineral is suitable for Libra-careerists. It enhances their determination and ambition.
  • Brown yellow. Helps to get along with people, and is also an indispensable talisman for travelers.
  • Yellow. Uplifts the mood, invigorates the body and spirit.
  • Red. Contributes to the preservation of personal happiness.

There is also black agate, but this stone suits Libra men according to the horoscope. It increases their strength and makes them more attractive in the eyes of women.


This amazing color quartz mineral symbolizes spiritual purity, purity of thoughts and devotion to ideals. It is also included in the list of stones suitable for Libra according to the zodiac sign.

Amethyst gives them relief from depression, stress and anxiety, drives away melancholy and lethargy. In addition, the mineral helps to calm down, which is especially difficult for Libra when making important decisions. Amethyst at such moments seems to clear the aura and drives away negativity from them.


Another stone suitable for Libra of the first decade. This is a very powerful protective amulet. If you want to protect yourself from the evil eye and ill-wishers, then you need to carry jasper with you, preferably in the form of a pendant or as part of a bracelet.

Also, this rock is attributed the property of restoring energy flows in the body, as well as the ability to maintain stability and emotional balance of its owner. Jasper is a reliable protection against everything unfavorable and an assistant in relieving emotional stress.

And what is also important for the dynamic and changeable Libra, this stone increases self-esteem, tones up, eliminates feelings of excitement, gives self-confidence and helps to defeat negative thinking.


This is the main talisman-stone of Libra of the second decade (03.10-13.10). The emerald is considered the sacred mineral of the goddess Venus, and in fact, as you know, it is the planet with this name that patronizes people born under the indicated zodiac sign.

This stone helps to find and keep love, to revive passion. It also invigorates the mind, increases self-esteem, and calms emotions. It is said that he is still able to activate creative abilities and arouse the desire to realize their potential.


Another lucky stone of Libra of the second decade. This mineraloid inspires, enhances the imagination, and helps to express creativity.

It is especially recommended for Libra to have a fire opal with them. Such a stone will not only attract love and passion, but also serve as a magnet for wealth and success. And, as many people know, material well-being is very important for people of this sign. In addition, they are noble workers, so the magical influence of opal will only increase the reward for the results they have achieved. Black stone, by the way, also attracts wealth.

It is also believed that opal has a very atmospheric and strong energy. Therefore, he will fully reveal his power, being in the hands of a gifted, charismatic and extraordinary person.


This island silicate is also included in the list of stones suitable for people of the Libra sign. Its uniqueness is due to both the origin and structure of the double pyramid. In ancient times, zircon was associated with strength and power, and many considered it a dragon stone.

This stone helps its owner to distinguish between truth and lies, gives confidence, enhances intellectual abilities and gives a craving for knowledge. And they also say that it is easier for a person who has zircon with him to gain power over other people. After all, this stone at times enhances its attractiveness and charisma in the eyes of others.


The scales of the second decade, in addition to the minerals already listed, are also suitable for sapphire, tourmaline, chrysolite, ruby ​​and amethyst. But I would like to pay attention to topaz, since it exists in various colors. The values ​​also depend on them:

  • Blue. Awakens in its owner his best qualities, attracts good people to him.
  • Blue. Promotes calm in severe stressful situations.
  • Yellow. Serves as a magnet for money.
  • Green. This mineral accumulates in itself all the negative.
  • Transparent. Helps to concentrate and gather strength.
  • Pink. Gives courage and honesty, helps to get rid of envy, self-interest and slyness.
  • Red. Significantly enhances self-confidence.

By the way, there is still rainbow, polychrome topaz. But it acquires such a shade after jewelry processing. Such a stone is attractive, but there is little strength in it.


Now you can talk about which stones are suitable for Libra of the third decade (10/14-10/23). And aquamarine is the first of them.

It is said that this stone creates a powerful barrier around its owner from gossip. And everyone who wears it with him becomes bolder and more determined.

In addition to this, the mineral gives a person the gift of eloquence. Libra is already very sociable and talkative, but this stone only enhances their friendliness and sociability.

In addition, he is credited with the ability to calm during disputes. The owner of an aquamarine can clearly and without anger explain certain thoughts to his opponent. This is a very useful quality. Many Libras are familiar with the situation when a brilliant wording comes to the head that has cooled down after the debate, but the argument is already over.


This mineral is also considered a lucky stone of Libra of the third decade. This is a wonderful talisman that enhances the natural charm and attractiveness of people born under the influence of this sign.

In addition, it helps to streamline the life of its owner, softens and removes unattractive personality traits, maintains spiritual harmony and protects against evil influences.

Also, with the help of this stone, Libra will learn not to quit halfway through the work they have begun. Having become the owner of this mineral, they will notice that business issues have begun to be resolved easier, and career advancement is more active.

In addition, beryl smooths out nervous tension and helps to cope with angry outbursts, which are characteristic even of such tactful and peaceful personalities as Libra.


Talking about which stone is suitable for Libra-women and men according to the horoscope, one cannot fail to note this amazing semi-precious mineral. It can be different: emerald, apple green and spotted, heterogeneous. And any of the options looks beautiful.

Amulets are often made from chrysoprase. It is believed that they attract happiness and success like a magnet. A person who has chrysoprase with him is successful in business, attractive to other people, financially independent.

It is also believed that this stone helps to overcome difficult life situations and overcome fears. In addition, it stops anger, cools emotions and brings complete peace and tranquility to the soul.


Well, in the end I would like to tell you about this stone. Ruby serves as a talisman for such kind and bright people as Libra. He protects them from envy and slander, corruption and the evil eye, hypocrisy and pretense.

Also, this amazing red stone symbolizes passion and strong love. He not only engenders it, but also maintains it for many years.

In addition, the ruby ​​enlightens thoughts, gives the soul warmth and peace. And in general, this stone is considered a constant source of positive energy that brings satisfaction and joy to a person’s life.

The red mineral really drives away melancholy and inspires you to win, implement plans and achieve goals. It is even said to attract money and turn dreamers into business people.

Well, here are the answers to the question regarding which stones are suitable for Libra women and men. All of them really have a powerful force, and if you want to attract a little more luck into your life, then you can purchase one of the listed ones. The most important thing is to correctly select a stone, taking into account your decade.

Agate, amazonite, rock crystal, rauchtopaz, serpentinite, chrysoprase, coral, chrysolite, spinel, hawk's eye, tiger's eye, charoite, jasper.

Unfavorable stones:, hematite, carnelian, ruby, chalcedony.

The main talismans for the Libra woman are cacholong and selenite.

Personal life

Opal contributes to the development of such character traits as nobility, the ability to foresee events. It helps to overcome selfishness and pay attention to intangible values. The stone is not recommended for those who often change their mood. Opal will benefit other representatives of Libra and the loyalty of a loved one.

Lapis lazuli will make you more restrained and constant in relationships with loved ones. This stone is favorable for love and friendship. The protective properties of lapis lazuli are especially valuable when traveling.

Pearl increases the attractiveness of Libra women. Helps to identify and reveal talents, promotes self-expression. It increases strength and resistance to stress, which Libra sometimes lacks. Pearls also help to find your love. It is recommended to wear the stone on the body.

Rhodonite instills in Libra vitality. With this stone, many things in your life will change for the better.

green jasper helps in love relationships and attracts material wealth to the house.


Lapis lazuli is a powerful healing stone: it helps with rheumatism, skin diseases, epilepsy, anemia.

green jasper develops psychic abilities in Libra women. This stone will protect against poisoning, emergencies with a risk to life, the evil eye and damage. It is believed that green jasper can prolong the youth and life of its owner. With many diseases, this stone helps to quickly recover and restore strength. In addition, green jasper will allow you to relax after a busy day, save you from depression, normalize sleep and the digestive tract. She helps women to safely endure childbirth.

Green jasper can deservedly be called a talisman stone for Libra women.

Beryl cures gynecological diseases, normalizes metabolism and protects against infections. It is recommended to take it with you on long trips.

Pearl used in the treatment of mental and gastrointestinal diseases. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This stone also allows a woman to maintain youth and beauty.

Relationships in the family

green jasper will make your family life prosperous and will help in many situations.

Beryl is the guardian of the family hearth. The stone will add harmony to your marital relationship, help prevent conflicts, and set you up for agreement with each other. It will also allow you to find common friends.

Hawkeye will bring newness to marital relations. This stone will protect from malevolent views and thoughts and will protect your family happiness. It also helps to relax and gain strength after hard work.

Charoite, like beryl, keeps the hearth. This stone will bring happiness to a woman in family life no matter what the circumstances.

Business and personal success

Pearl helps the Libra woman in her career: he increases professionalism and directs her to achieve the intended result.

Pearls - protects the owner from damage and the evil eye

Chrysoprase indispensable for success in the labor sphere, especially in business. With it, all your ideas will be easily realized. Take the stone with you to an important meeting, business negotiations. If successful, chrysoprase will protect you from envious people and other ill-wishers.

Stones for Libra men

Auspicious and inauspicious stones for men born under the sign of Libra.

Auspicious stones: agate, aquamarine, amazonite, diamond, beryl, emerald, sapphire, garnet, rock crystal, moonstone, cacholong, coral, jade, opal, lapis lazuli, serpentinite, topaz, tourmaline, chrysolite, pearl, citrine, rauchtopaz, spinel , hawk's eye, tiger's eye, jasper.

Unfavorable stones: ruby, rhodonite, sardonyx, carnelian, chalcedony.

The main talisman for a man born under the sign of Libra is citrine.

Personal life

Lapis lazuli will bring joy and happiness. This stone will help in relationships with friends, your chosen one and other close people. It will also allow you to have a good rest, so it is recommended to take it with you on a country trip.

Opal will teach Libra to cope with indecision and laziness. Next to this stone, you will always feel an energy upsurge and a surge of vivacity. Opal will increase activity, which will lead to positive changes in life.


Tourmaline used to relax and get rid of nervous tension. This stone is useful to pick up in the evening after a hard day.

Aquamarine helps prevent and treat diseases of the nervous system, as well as eliminate pain.

Relationships in the family

Pink tourmaline for Libra men, it symbolizes victory and love. He will return you youth and strength, which will benefit family life. The stone will keep warmth and comfort in your home, protect it from troubles and misfortunes. He will also teach you to trust your other half.

Red-green tourmaline will add novelty to intimate relationships. Red tourmaline ignites passion, even if your marriage is many years old.

Business and personal success

Diamond increases the activity of the Libra man. This stone will give strength and direct them in the right direction. It will increase self-confidence, allow you to make responsible decisions and take responsibility on your own. Such a talisman is necessary for a male leader.

Aquamarine helps in business communication. This stone is an indispensable talisman for diplomats and businessmen, as well as politicians. It helps in professional activities and leads to harmony in the state of mind, as a result, Libra manages to achieve the intended goal.

Beryl intended for philosophers. The stone stimulates mental activity and helps in research work. Perhaps he will help you make a scientific discovery and become famous. Take beryl with you on a business trip, then the official task will be completed with success.

Air Sign

Late autumn has come into its own, the colors of withering foliage and blue rainy skies for Libra determine harmony with the stone. That is, yellow, red, brown, purple, blue - these are exactly the tones that should prevail in colors in charms and amulets for this Air sign. The off-season does not drive them into strict limits, but, on the contrary, provides a wide range of talismans-stones for the choice of the owners themselves, because not a single mineral can harm these people.

Libra Stone

For Libra, beryl is a talisman. It helps to find harmony with oneself for this nervous, changeable sign, to which he strives all his life. In addition, the meaning of life is seen more clearly with him, he gives the owner peace of mind and balance. Builds family relationships. Spouses provide peace in relationships. Beryl protects the house from various evil spirits and is a powerful amulet against magic and dark forces. Protects his master from slander and slander. It is a conductor between the owner and cosmic energy, as well as the world of the unknown. Attracts wealth and good luck.

Scales. Talisman Stone

For Libra, it's an amethyst. He has always been considered a strong talisman. This variety of quartz gives a person wisdom and prudence. Bestows courage and strength, courage and invincibility. Amethyst protects from bad luck.

Libra. constellation stone

Sociable, affectionate and gentle, striving for harmony and freedom, Libra belongs to the element of Air, which gives them lightness and changeability. The sign is drawn to the beautiful, loves everything beautiful, from clothes to interiors and art objects. Careless Libra is recommended to wear opals and lapis lazuli. The first is endowed with many magical properties, it gives its owner good luck and wealth. A stone of loyalty and devotion. Helps only people with pure thoughts, noble motives. Lapis lazuli endows Libra with restraint, as well as loyalty and devotion in both love and friendship.

Gemstones of Libra

Whether inherited or donated by a person worthy of your trust, minerals carry to their new owner the properties that nature has endowed them with. The Libra stone should bring him closer to moderation and the golden mean in everything. People born in the first decade of the corresponding period are suitable for sapphire, beryl, green jasper, pearls, selenite. The second decade is preferable to wear a tiger's eye, beryl, opal, diamond. For the third decade, astrologers recommend corals and jasper, as well as opal and tiger's eye.

Stone of Libra. Sapphire

Yellow, orange and pink colors of the mineral are most preferred for the September-October zodiac constellation. Sapphire bestows power over society. Cloudy defective stones with cracks and chips should be avoided. This amulet protects from slander and slander. As a talisman, calls for the prudence of the owner.

Stone of Libra. Rhinestone

With prolonged wear of the mineral, life is getting better. In addition, this crystal is a guide to the invisible world. Amulet from the evil eye and damage.

Stone of Libra. Jasper

This chalcedony gives energy, relieves stress and fatigue. Protects your family and friends. Protects the house and cleanses it of evil spirits.

The main feature of Libra is variability. They have a well-developed intuition, they easily make new acquaintances, are able to lead others, are fair and sociable. On the other hand, in order to please everyone, Libra uses duplicity. They are quite lazy and indecisive, easily influenced from the outside, narcissistic. Negative traits will be smoothed out and neutralized by talisman stones. Their energy can change a person for the better.

What stones are suitable for Libra according to the horoscope?

When choosing a stone for Libra, you need to know the date of their birth. If this:

  • First decade (24.09 - 2.10). Venus made these people soft, gentle and dreamy. They often fall under the influence of others, and they lack the determination and willpower to make decisions. Agate, malachite, jasper, tiger's eye, moonstone and carnelian will improve their lives.
  • Second decade (3.10 - 13.10). The influence of Saturn affects the industriousness of Libra. They are ready to give all of themselves to work for the benefit of the family, the company, and at the same time do not require anything in return, they are completely devoid of ambition. Agate, carnelian, tourmaline and amethyst will help you pay more attention to yourself without suffering remorse.
  • Third decade (14.10 - 23.10). Their planet is Jupiter. Libras born on these numbers are distinguished by sophistication. They love life, its benefits, delicious food, ceremonies, reading. Their stones are charoite, aquamarine, tourmaline, and amethyst.

Birthstone for Libra woman

Women, as the weaker sex, more often succumb to other people's influences and tend to look for flaws in themselves. Uncertainty in their abilities makes them unhappy. Can change lives:

  • Amethyst. It strengthens the will and drives away all evil thoughts. With it, any woman will easily become happy.
  • Malachite. This stone will bring the owner to harmony, and also add to her attractiveness. The stone will slow down the aging process. With its help, creative abilities are enhanced, potential is revealed.
  • The tiger's eye is a talisman against the negative influence of others.

Stone for Libra men

The main disadvantages of Libra men lie in their indecision and duplicity. The best choice would be:

  • Aquamarine. This stone will help restore harmony within yourself, restore balance. It will drive away bad thoughts and help a person make plans for the future. A bad mood will not interfere with their implementation. Aquamarine is a talisman that helps to make acquaintances for various purposes (business, friendship, personal).
  • Tourmaline. Another stone that helps to restore balance on the emotional plane. It inspires hope, faith in the best, gives optimism. The dreaming Libra will quickly return to earth and begin to work for their own good, coping well with any tasks.

Libra stone amethyst

Almandine garnet will suit Air Libra in the finest way. will help Libra to relax and easily solve difficulties. Pomegranate Libra will improve metabolism, relieve pain during childbirth and set in a positive way. Almandine garnet is also able to give Libra a cheerful disposition and increase sexual energy.

Aventurine will definitely appeal to Libra. The stone will immediately reveal its abilities. Aventurine does not let go in difficult cases, easily endures stressful situations, and is ideal in meditation.

Jasper will become Libra's faithful friend-talisman. The stone gives strength and courage, protects from negativity and evil forces. Jasper has long been considered the stone of the church.

Hematite for Libra is a stone of new beginnings and a rethinking of the past. With hematite, Libra will have to become wiser and more prudent, as well as experience success and a new round in relationships.

For Libra Tourmaline will be an assistant in the correct solution of any situations, will not allow you to get confused in your personal life and will attract only positive moments that will favorably affect the representatives of the Libra air sign.

Libra obsidian establishes inner harmony, helps to suppress bad thoughts, indicates the mistakes and merits of Libra, they will achieve a good place, both at work and in their personal lives.

Agate will be a good amulet for the sign of Libra. Agate will give Libra beauty, youth and health. It will attract the attention of the opposite sex, heal many sores and relieve negative thoughts.

Libra sodalite will strengthen and improve mental abilities. Even in the life of Libra, along with sodalite, peace and goodness, love and understanding will arrive.

Extraordinary personalities born in mid-autumn should be serious about choosing a talisman. Gems for Libra are able to enhance strong-willed qualities and firmness of character, which this sign lacks. It is better to choose minerals by decades in order to achieve complete harmony with your patronizing amulet. This choice will save you from most of the mistakes and protracted hesitation before making a decision inherent in this sign. The amulet will hide shortcomings from others and enhance the best features of Libra, which manifest themselves as cordiality and benevolent disposition.

24.09 – 02.10. The decade of the zodiac sign Libra, transitional from the previous symbol of the horoscope, is closely associated with Venus, who endowed her “wards” with noticeable charm, softness and attractiveness for the opposite sex. Soft and sympathetic Venus type Libra lacks the fortitude to focus on priority areas in life. Support will be provided by the right crystals. They also neutralize dependence on someone else's opinion, hide negative traits - narcissism, apathy and self-doubt.

  • Moonstone;
  • Red and white coral;
  • Varieties of quartz (aventurine, iridescent binhemite);
  • rock crystal (veined);
  • Lapis lazuli stone;
  • Jasper;
  • Malachite.

03.10 – 13.10. Libra passes under the auspices of the most amazing planet - Saturn. Modest and reliable people who lack great ambitions, altruists and dreamers. From illusions, a correctly chosen talisman stone will help them return to earth. It is necessary to select jewelry with transparent crystals:

  • Amethyst (saturated color);
  • Sultanite (chameleon stone);
  • Rose quartz;
  • Diamond;
  • Topaz;
  • Zircon;
  • Tourmaline.

14.10 – 23.10. In this decade, bright representatives of Libra are born. These are optimists and love of life, dreamers and dreamers, but most of the desires will remain unfulfilled due to lack of willpower and fortitude. At this time, the sign passes under the patronage of Jupiter, so these people are different from Libra of the Venusian type. A well-chosen gem will give you the strength to take a few decisive steps towards your dream or to realize your vocation. For the Libra sign of the third decade, amulets with the following gems are suitable:

  • Aquamarine;
  • Chrysoprase;
  • Topaz;
  • Beryl;
  • Emerald;
  • Pomegranate.

Patronizing minerals according to the Chinese horoscope

Experts do not recommend representatives of this sign to wear jewelry with “foreign” stones. You should not choose them according to your preferences, without knowing the properties and magical influence on this sign, so as not to cause an energy imbalance. Astrologers recommend that the wards of this part of the horoscope buy a different amulet for each year. But it is important to know what is shown to women and what suits Libra to men. Then the positive influence will be most pronounced and useful. But if the gem corrects weakened health, it can be carried with you constantly, for example, as a keychain, especially if it is a man.

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