Fapsi was divided into three. Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation

Incomprehensible FAPSI situation

On March 11, 2003, Vladimir Putin abolished the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information, the functions of which were divided between the Ministry of Defense and the FSB. At the same time, the president reformed other government structures of the security bloc. Thus, he abolished the Federal Tax Police Service (FSNP), and the functions of the Federal Border Service (FBS)

transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Security Service (FSB).

FAPSI was abolished as an agency. In this regard, a number of questions arise, the resolution of which is determined by one or another scenario for the development of the domestic information security (information security) market. But before that, let’s talk about what the agency actually did.

What is FAPSI

FAPSI was created in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia of December 24, 1991 to solve two main tasks:
- ensuring the functioning, development and information security of the technological basis of the state management system in peacetime and wartime;
- countering, within its competence, threats to Russia’s security in the information sphere.

Historically, FAPSI, of course, is the heir to the KGB of the USSR, as a result of whose reorganization several independent intelligence services were created, including the Federal Agency. FAPSI united some technical and scientific research units of the former KGB, as well as a number of government organizations and enterprises that were involved in the development of special telecommunications, information security tools, as well as special and information technology support for government bodies.

Recently, FAPSI has been dealing with such issues as electronic digital signature (see article by Andrey Akopyants “EDS - the year in law”, “KT” #482), secure document flow, licensing of production and circulation of cryptographic means.

One of FAPSI's priority tasks is to participate in countering threats to Russia's information security associated with the use of unauthorized access to information and the disabling of electronic control systems. As for cryptography, FAPSI was the lead organization for information protection. Cryptographic tasks are science-intensive, and the work is carried out jointly with the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation. Under the leadership of FAPSI, encryption technology was created for Russian organizations. It also provided ministries and departments with key documents reliably protected from hacking (key documents here mean both the certificates themselves and the algorithms). Within its competence, FAPSI exercised state control over the provision of information security in encrypted communication networks in Russia, licensing and certification in the field of information security, etc.

Recently, the Agency has been mastering a new area of ​​practical cryptography - providing information security using Russian smart cards; measures have been developed to protect automated control systems of so-called critical technologies, the disruption of the normal functioning of which can undermine the state’s economy and lead to man-made and environmental disasters.

FAPSI and the cipher market
Recently, information needs have been growing at an unprecedented pace. At the same time, the vulnerability of the information itself has increased significantly. It is clear that the widespread introduction of IT in any country that cares about its independence and security must be accompanied by a state policy for the protection of national information resources 1 , which is in the interests of FAPSI. Such protection can be effectively achieved through the use of cryptographic means, which can be used not only to encrypt messages, but also for other purposes. For example, to ensure the authenticity of transmitted information, digital signatures are widely used, in the development of which the Federal Agency participated.

Among other things, FAPSI presented samples of our encryption technology at international exhibitions. Here are some of the most interesting developments:
- "Gamma", "Alpha", "Omega" - devices that provide encryption of speech, fax messages and data when working in various networks;
- "Kord" - a device for linear encryption of high-speed information flows up to 8 Mbit/s, generated by standard digital transmission systems;
- Crypto Pager - a software crypto module that provides encryption of information in paging communication systems of the POCSAG or ERMES standards;
- GSM - portable subscriber station of a cellular network of the GSM-900 standard with speech and data encryption;
- "Crypto-TSP/IP" - data encryptor in TCP/IP networks.

Efforts related
with the introduction of protection

In general, an information security system can be considered as a combination of two components. The first is organizational, including the creation of a full-fledged, consistent regulatory legal framework on information security issues and the deployment of an effective system for monitoring its implementation. The second is the development, justification (certification) and implementation of complexes of reliable information security tools.

Until recently, the development of both components of the protection of modern information technologies lagged behind the rapid pace of creation of these technologies themselves. As an example, we can cite the most important means of protecting information from distortion - an electronic digital signature, the implementation of which began only recently, after the President approved the Federal Law “On Electronic Digital Signature” on January 10, 2002. The adoption of the law provided the legal conditions for the use of digital signatures in electronic documents, subject to which a digital signature in an electronic document is recognized as equivalent to a handwritten signature in a paper document, and laid the foundation for the creation of legally significant electronic document management.

Crisis in FAPSI
Most cryptographers in Russia worked for the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information, whose scientific potential has always remained at its best. And everything seems to be fine. However, some experts believe that FAPSI has been steadily moving towards a severe crisis in recent years, caused by the technical impotence of domestic producers and, to put it mildly, the wrong policies (especially personnel) of its leadership. They also believe that recently the Federal Agency, which spent huge budget money, has never pleased taxpayers with any completed national project 2 , not to mention technical or software solutions suitable for use in modern information systems. And this despite the fact that at different times the agency had many chances to enter the market with competitive developments...
Will the situation change now, after the transfer of the department's functions from FAPSI to the Ministry of Defense and the FSB?

Unresolved issues
After the abolition of the Federal Agency, a whole series of questions arose, the answers to which, apparently, will appear later - after the direct transfer of functions to other government agencies.
FAPSI was the body licensing the creation and distribution of cryptographic and encryption tools. Who will now be in charge of licensing manufacturers of cryptographic tools? Will licensing functions be transferred to the FSB?
Through the efforts of FAPSI, a certification and licensing center was created, which issued permits for the trial operation of certification centers. What will happen to him?

How will the reorganization of departments affect Russian crypto producers? It is worth noting that in the field of information security, foreign developers are increasingly active in Russia. Will our cryptosystems be able to compete with foreign analogues? Who will undertake the task of making Russian crypto-currency compatible with them?

Transfer of structural
FAPSI divisions

As is known, after the reorganization, FAPSI General Director V.G. Matyukhin will head the State Committee for Defense Orders under the Ministry of Defense. The functions of the agency itself will apparently be transferred to the FSB, and government communications troops, radio intelligence units and engineering and construction units will be transferred to the Ministry of Defense. As for government communications and information bodies in federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, educational institutions and research centers, it is not yet known where they will move. Perhaps also under the control of the FSB.

The first mistake of the total pogrom (“reform”) of the KGB was the fragmentation of its divisions and giving them independent status, especially such as the Government Communications Department (UPC). We are talking about HF operational communications (“Kremlevka”), without which any special service is paralyzed, becomes deaf and blind.

Let us remember the putsch of the State Emergency Committee and the shutdown of special communications in Foros for a few days for Gorbachev, who was vacationing there with his family. It is not difficult to imagine a more extreme situation for the country.

So, instead of the UPS, as well as the eighth and sixteenth chiefs of the KGB, an independent agency appeared - the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President (FAPSI), where, in the general opinion of committee specialists, “there are more employees, but less order.”

FAPSI was headed by General Director, Colonel General Alexander Starovoitov until 1998.

Before they had time to divide the buildings, equipment, and furniture among themselves, FAPSI began to make claims against the main heir to the KGB property - FSK. Allegedly, they “forgot” to transfer to FAPSI the FSK Academy (the former Higher School of the KGB of the USSR), which is on Michurinsky Avenue. However, FAPSI applied for only one of the faculties of the Academy - the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI). However, private property interests prevailed over common sense. A destructive lawsuit for the Academy began, behind which the presidential services stood.

The very idea of ​​“privatization” of FAPSI came from the democratic government, which decided to monopolize the wiretapping of telephone conversations of persons included in the elite of society; opposition movements, parties and organizations; editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, the State Duma, etc.

Alas! Leaders of states come and go, but political investigation remains. It can change, but is eternal, like the Universe...

Immediately, accusations were made against FAPSI and demands to comply with the Constitution. Even the head of the Presidential Administration and Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council were forced to make a sensational statement about the illegal tapping of their phones.

So, the “witch hunt” took place even in “their” democratic environment. Politics is a matter... some say “subtle”, others say “dirty”. As soon as the ultra-democrat Yushenkov, chairman of the Duma Defense Committee, criticized the authorities regarding the start of the military operation in Chechnya, his “turntable” was immediately turned off. Who did it, on whose command, Mr. Yushenkov was never able to find out.

But the deputies themselves adopted the law on wiretapping, without stipulating in whose hands the levers of political and psychological influence on citizens disliked by the authorities should be and how to counteract the arbitrariness of FAPSI. The president had unlimited power, given to him by legislators in a state of “revolutionary” euphoria.

Yeltsin on a tank captivated the people, eclipsing Lenin on a small armored car.

To be fair, this comparison is worth elaborating. Lenin led the poor, hungry, tormented by the world and then endless civil war, Entente campaigns, uprisings, rebellions and other strife, Russia with bast shoes and plows. Yeltsin inherited a powerful nation with nuclear weapons, penetration into space and other great achievements, including in the field of cryptography, making it possible to obtain and protect information. It is precisely these three parameters, according to Western politicians, that determine the characteristics of a great power. As for FAPSI, in sovereign Russia it is a gigantic secret empire of closed communications and information under the president.

And whoever has the information has the power.

And not only in your country, but also in the world. Realizing this, the Americans, for example, are increasing their spending on information warfare equipment every year. Over the past 15 years, they have quadrupled; these costs exceed all of the country's weapons programs.

FAPSI also understands this and believes that in the 21st century the main threat to Russia is in the information sphere.

And here they are right. But at the same time, great technical achievements are treacherously squandered. What is the value of just one deal with the most informed and productive Israeli intelligence agency, MOSSAD, working in this area, with which FAPSI, through dummies, concluded a seemingly innocent agreement on insurance for its employees. For a modest fee, Israeli intelligence entered the holy of holy secrets of FAPSI - right down to the full list of its employees, indicating their positions, addresses, office and home telephone numbers! It’s not far from the notorious “nuclear suitcase,” which FAPSI lists as the Kazbek automated control system, which became known to the whole world thanks to publications in the open press.

They publish openly secret information and a list of closed research institutes... So what? Did Kalugin publish a book with memoirs about the work of Soviet intelligence in the United States, “unwittingly” failing the agent? And Bakatin revealed KGB secrets to the US Embassy...

Now it’s impossible to understand what motivates these people who have seized power - stupidity or deliberate and open betrayal?

Either way, it's a tragedy. Stupidity and betrayal under democracy have become two more national problems of Russia after drunkenness, theft and roads.

So FAPSI has turned into an ordinary commercial enterprise. Its leadership steals, displays its products, and publishes secret materials in the open press. At one time, even the powerful Beria failed to subjugate this service, which was tied directly to Stalin, who did not trust it to anyone. Only after the cult of Stalin was debunked was the information service transferred to the control and guardianship of the KGB.

Now everything is back to normal. After the events of August 1991, the President subjugated FAPSI. Now the results of elections - both Duma and presidential - are flowing into this organization. Isn't this a lever of power?

According to Starovoitov, FAPSI employs more than 300 candidates of sciences, doctors, academicians and corresponding members. Mainly mathematicians. And not by chance. The Russian encryption service and the creator of the first encryptor, Academician Kotelnikov, are known throughout the world. And the modern computers in FAPSI's arsenal are capable of performing more than a billion operations... per second!

At one time, when I worked in the Inspectorate Directorate, on instructions from the leadership of the KGB of the USSR and directly from my boss, General Tolkunov, I had to carry out one delicate assignment - to conduct a thorough analysis of the effectiveness of one information and analytical system, the authors of which were nominated for the Lenin Prize. It was then that I met many scientists - cryptographers, codebreakers, radio interceptors, desk workers, but with many government awards. In particular, with General Andreev, an intelligent and charming man. He told me a lot about Russian cryptography, before which American specialists bowed their heads. He said that their strength lies in the careful storage of secret developments: “Smart is quiet.”

Unfortunately, the employees of today's FAPSI do not keep secrets. It’s one thing to tell the story of how Khrushchev “let it slip”, telling the whole world that thanks to our codebreakers, the secrets of the American NSA service have long been known (by the way, this service was then closed there for a long time), it’s another thing to talk about the technical parameters of FAPSI in the open press . By the way, Starovoitov and his controllers from military counterintelligence sometimes sin with this, publishing similar materials in Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and the ubiquitous Moskovsky Komsomolets...

To present for public viewing at the international exhibition “SVYAZ-EXPOCOMM-95” the unique technical developments and capabilities of FAPSI - something like this has never been seen in the history of intelligence services. Even Rossiyskaya Gazeta gave a remarkable title for its article: “The Most Secret Secret.” And she’s right, without any stretch...

The author of the article writes: “FAPSI specialists have developed a new information and telecommunication system ITKS, the project of which was approved by closed(italics mine. – auto.) government meeting...” But if the system is being considered behind closed doors, then why is this reported in the open press?

In an interview with Deputy General Director of FAPSI Yu. Shankin we read: “There are only two powerful cryptographic centers in the world: in the USA - NSA and in Russia - FAPSI. We are talking not only about qualified cryptographers, but also about a large infrastructure..."

A year later, a catchy headline appeared in the same Izvestia: “General FAPSI sits in Lefortovo...” It was reported that Major General V. Monastyretsky, head of the financial and economic department of FAPSI, had been arrested “for theft of state property on a large scale.” This is how FAPSI leaders shared secret communications with businessmen!

In one case, Monastyretsky embezzled 20 million German marks in the process of settlements with foreign companies (great services must be given to global “entrepreneurship”), in another he grabbed 28 billion rubles, using them to buy shares of the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant, and in the third - 5.5 billion rubles allocated by the state for the purchase of cable for FAPSI. For some reason, the money ended up in the accounts of one of the private joint-stock companies, and the interest on turnover went to Monastyretsky, in the words of the MK newspaper, “the best friend and ally of FAPSI General Director Starovoitov.” “The whirlpool of corruption into which the FAPSI leadership has been sucked,” states Moskovsky Komsomolets.

What kind of corruption is there, such theft can only be interpreted as betrayal!

Read on. “Novaya Gazeta” on September 21, 1997 asks the question: “How many apartments does the general director of FAPSI and his deputies have?” And he lists. One general Monastyretsky has: one worth 1 million 300 thousand dollars, the other worth 2 million 600 thousand dollars... And there are 70 such generals in FAPSI! And this organization is not fattening on mafia money. It turns out that Monastyretsky was taken into active development by the German BND intelligence. And Starovoitov, while in Germany with his son, stopped by Luxembourg and withdrew 300 thousand dollars from a bank account there. Whose? Moreover. He is detained by French intelligence and interrogated for about six hours without a break. A lot can be said in this time!

Russia, it turns out, does not have a doctrine of its own information security!

It has already been reported in the press that the Ministry of Defense and FAPSI protect only their own professional secrets. No protection of state electronic resources! Naturally, the non-state sector of the economy and the banking database remain completely unprotected.

Until 1997, I believed that, at least, the Central Bank was covered by the most reliable FAPSI systems today. But Novaya Gazeta (No. 46, 1997), under the headline “How to steal a billion from the Central Bank,” publishes a statement from one hacker: “To get into the Central Bank, I need a room with a dozen computers. In two months I will transfer three billion to my account..."

“The entire security system with security of armored rooms, computer control, etc. seems worthless and absurd today,” the newspaper concludes. “Since there is no barrier that a new generation hacker, a territory hacker, cannot take...”

An authoritative specialist, retired lieutenant general, former head of the Information Directorate of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Doctor of Science, professor at MGIMO Nikolai Leonov, speaking as a commentator on this publication, says the following:

“The US Department of Defense records up to 350 attempts to penetrate the Pentagon data bank every month! In Germany, a young hacker was able to decipher and make public the negotiations that were taking place at a NATO base... In the coming century, hackers will become real super-intelligence officers who do not need to go anywhere or risk their lives. Armed only with a personal computer, they will sit somewhere in a dacha in the Moscow region... In the 21st century, those countries that lag behind in electronics will find themselves in a defenseless position. Today, Russian intelligence services are deprived of funds for the development of research work. This is where Russia has an unenviable future..."

Leonov emphasized that “today, electronic security hacking is the highest paid profession,” and “in Russia, hackers have one customer – crime.” The professor ended his comment with a killer phrase:

“Fifteen years ago we were forced to buy Siemens complexes for military institutes. We are still not sure that they are not giving out information to strangers...”

Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation
FAPSI emblem, 1999
A country: Russia
Created: December 24, 1991
Dissolved (converted): July 1, 2003
Headquarters: Moscow, Russia

Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation- The special service of the Russian Federation, which existed from December 24, 1991 to July 1, 2003.

In the 1990s, the position of the head of FAPSI was called “General Director - Commander-in-Chief of the Troops” [ source?] .

General Directors of FAPSI

  • Starovoytov, Alexander Vladimirovich (December 24, 1991 - December 7, 1998)
  • Sherstyuk, Vladislav Petrovich (December 7, 1998 - May 31, 1999)
  • Matyukhin, Vladimir Georgievich (May 31, 1999 - March 11, 2003)

see also


  • Decree of the President of the RSFSR No. 313 of December 24, 1991 “On the creation of the Federal Agency for Government Communications under the President of the RSFSR”;
  • Law of the Russian Federation N 4524-1 of February 19, 1993 “On federal bodies of government communications and information”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 338 of March 15, 1999 “On the establishment of a heraldic sign - the emblem of federal bodies of government communications and information”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 1228 of October 15, 2001 “On the flag of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation and the banner of the troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2003 N 308 “On measures to improve public administration in the field of security of the Russian Federation.”


  • The Russian government and federal executive authorities until 1995;

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation” is in other dictionaries:

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full valid name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard... ... Wikipedia

    State educational institution of higher professional education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (official full valid name); in English The Academy of Federal Security Guard... ... Wikipedia - The structure of federal executive authorities (a term of constitutional law) is a list of all federal executive authorities. Approved by the President of the Russian Federation at the proposal of the Chairman... ... Wikipedia

    Flag of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation FAPSI Russia ... Wikipedia

    FAPSI emblem, 1999. FAPSI flag, 2001. The intelligence service of the Russian Federation, which existed from December 24, 1991 to July 1, 2003. Full name: Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President... ... Wikipedia

    Cheka under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (1917 1922) GPU under the NKVD of the RSFSR (1922 1923) OGPU under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (1923 1934) ... Wikipedia

F– Department of Physics; Fax; farad; Faraday; Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit temperature); queen (in chess notation); physics; branch; firm; flint (a type of colorless optical glass); fleet; flotilla; fund; forced; front; land mine; high explosive shell

F.– Frunze

f- femto...; filter; violet; fund; ph; high explosive; foundation; lb.

f.- Fax; farm; movie; firm; form; foot

F1– the first physical reactor (the first nuclear reactor in the USSR and Europe); transliteration of French abbr. F1- owl hand fragmentation grenade of the 1939 model (joking interpretation - fenusha); Finnish anti-tank mine model 1936; Formula 1 (Powerboat Formula 1, English) Formula One UIM World Championship) – class of racing boats, world boat racing championship; Formula 1 FIA Formula One World Championship) - world championship in circuit racing on cars with open wheels

Ffax machine; federal agency; financial assets; aluminum flask; front-line aviation; functional act

FAA– Federal Archival Agency

FA AGA– Federal Agency “Administration of Civil Airports”

FAB- high explosive bomb

FAB-TS– high-explosive aerial bomb, thick-walled

FAVMP– Federal Agency for High-Tech Medical Care

FAVR– Federal Agency for Water Resources

FAVTFaculty of Automation and Computer Engineering; Federal Air Transport Agency

FAD– federal highway; flavin adenine dinucleotide


FADKS– Faculty of Automobile Road and Cadastral Systems

FADM– Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

FADN– Federal Agency for National Affairs

FAD CIS– Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States

FJ– Federal Jury of Appeal

FAST– Federal Agency for Railway Transport

FAZT– Faculty of Automation of Procurement Technologies

FAI– transliteration of French abbr. FAIFederation Aeronautique Internationale– International Federation of Aeronautics

FAIJD– French Association of Railway Engineers

FAIP– federal targeted investment program

FAIT– Federal Agency for Information Technologies

FAK FAQFrequently Asked Question(s)- FAQ

FAL FAL – Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic– Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic

FALA– transliteration port. abbr. FALA – Forças Armadas de Libertação de Angola– Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola

FALH– Federal Forestry Agency

FAMAS– transliteration of French abbr. FAMAS – Fusil d"Assaut de la Manufacture d"Armes de St-Étienne– assault rifle developed by the MAS weapons company in Saint-Etienne (French automatic rifle caliber 5.56 mm)

FAMRT– Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport

FAMS– Motorsports Federation

FAN– Federal News Agency

FANO– Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations

FAO– Federal Archival Agency; English transliteration abbr. FAOFood and Agriculture Organization– Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAOGG RF (FAOGG) – Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation

FAP– paramedic and midwife station; Federal Aviation Regulations; art song festival; fiber reinforced plastic; Foundation of Algorithms and Computer Programs

FAP VLE EA– Federal Aviation Rules “Medical and flight examination of aviation personnel of experimental aviation”


FAPLA FAPLAForças Armadas Populares de Libertação de Angola– People's Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola

FAPMK– Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications

FAPP– Federal aviation rules for flights in Russian airspace

FAPPP– Federal Aviation Rules for the Conduct of Passengers on Board an Aircraft

FAPSI– Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (until 2003. In March 2003, abolished and its functions transferred to the FSB)

FAPTUS– Branch of the Aldan production and technical communication center

PLL– phase automatic frequency control

PARphased array antenna;Federal Fisheries Agency; Federation of Car Owners of Russia; Federation of Motorists of Russia; Russian Mountaineering Federation

FARB– Federation of Russian Army Hand-to-Hand Combat

PHARE– English transliteration abbr. FARE – Football Against Racism in Europe– Football against racism in Europe (European network of organizations against discrimination in football and society)

FARC– Spanish transliteration FARCFuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia– Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

FAS– Federal Antimonopoly Service; Federal Communications Agency; Federal Arbitration Court; fetal alcohol syndrome; front aviation warehouse

FASDO– federal automated distance learning system

FAS MO– Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District

FASR– Federation of Aircraft Modeling of Russia; Russian Aviation Sports Federation

FAS RF (FAS) – Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation

FASS– Federal Agency for Special Construction

FAS USSR– USSR Aviation Sports Federation

FASH RF (FASH) – Federal Agency for Agriculture of the Russian Federation

FAT– English transliteration abbr. FATFile Allocation Table– file allocation table; Federal Agency for Tourism

VEIL– Federation of Tourism Associations of ASEAN Member Countries

FATRIM– Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

FATF– English transliteration abbr. FATFFinancial Action Task Force on Money Laundering– Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering

Fatah– transliteration FaTaH(Arabic: فتح‎) – inverted (read from end to beginning) abbreviation of the name of the organization Harakat at-Tahrir al-Watani al-Filastini– Palestine National Liberation Movement

FAA– Federal Autonomous Institution; Federation of American Scientists

FAUGI– Federal Agency for State Property Management

FBFaculty of Security; Federal Bureau; federal budget; Facebook (social network); stock Exchange; foundation block

FBA– bioaccumulation factor; federal business agency; Azerbaijan Badminton Federation; Armenian Basketball Federation; Azerbaijan Boxing Federation; Wrestling Federation of Armenia; front-line bomber aviation

FBB– Finansbusinessbank

FBD– Federal database; federal data bank; fixed wireless access

FBD DOP– federal data bank on radiation doses to personnel (on individual radiation doses to personnel of organizations, enterprises, institutions and the population)

FBDM– federal data bank on individual radiation doses to citizens created by medical professionals. irradiation (during medical diagnostic x-ray and radiological procedures)

FBD OPI– federal data bank on individual radiation doses of citizens created by natural and man-made background radiation

FBiH– Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

FBI– Federal Bank for Innovation and Development

FBIUKS– Faculty of Business Informatics and Complex Systems Management

FBK– Financial and accounting consultants (company); Anti-Corruption Foundation

MICEX FB– Stock exchange of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange

FB ITU– Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

FBN– financial and budgetary supervision; Foundation for the Fight for Morals

FBON AS USSR (FBON) – Fundamental Library of Social Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences

FBI- Federal Bureau of Investigation; Russian Baseball Federation; Russian Boxing Federation

FBS– Federal budget system; financial and accounting service; financial and budgetary sphere; solid foundation block

FBI– Federation of Billiard Sports of Russia

FBU– federal budgetary institution

FBUZ– federal budgetary healthcare institution

FBUN– federal budgetary institution of science

FBUN SSC PMB– Federal Budgetary Institution of Science “State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology”

FBUN NIIRG– Federal Budgetary Institution of Science “St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after. prof. P.V. Ramzaev"

FBUN FNTs MPT URZN– Federal Budgetary Institution of Science “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Technologies for Managing Population Health Risks”

FBU TsGIZHBO FSIN RF (TsGIZHBO FSIN) – Federal budgetary institution “Center for State Property and Housing and Housing Services of the Federal Penitentiary Service” of the Russian Federation

FV- physical education; fixed payment; Finnish Gazette (magazine); capital ratio; boosting excitation; ejection fraction (med)

FVA– absolute purification air filter

FVAD– front-line military highway

FVD– high pressure physics; external respiration function(honey.)


FVIZO– Faculty of evening and distance learning

FVKom– compact air filter

FVL– front veterinary hospital

FVM– Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

FVMK– Federal War Memorial Cemetery

FVMS– Federation of Powerboat Sports

FVMSR– Federation of water-motor sports of Russia

FMS USSR– Federation of Water-Motor Sports of the USSR

FVNT– Foundation for the Revival of Folk Traditions

FVP– panel air filter

FVR– type of work creator

FVS– Faculty of Computer Systems

FVSN– form of departmental statistical observation

FVSP– fixed payment to the insurance pension

FVSRRussian Cycling Federation; Russian Helicopter Sports Federation

FVTI– Federation of Military Tactical Games

FVU– filter-ventilation unit

FVug– carbon air filter

HPF– high pass filter

FVSh– paramedic military school

FvSh– Physics at school (magazine)

FVE– high energy physics

FG– financial group; fiscal year; fluorography; photoheliograph; photo head; high explosive grenade

FGA– phytohemagglutinin (phytohemoagglutinin)

FSAOU– federal state autonomous educational institution

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education (Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution) – federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education– federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education

FGAU GNII ITT– Federal State Autonomous Institution “State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications”

FGB– functional cargo block

fgbatr– photogrammetric battery

FGBLPU– federal state budgetary medical and preventive institution

Federal State Budgetary Institution NKTsOZSH– Federal State Budgetary Medical Preventive Institution “Scientific and Clinical Center for Miners’ Health Protection”

FGBNU– Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution

FGBNU RSCH– Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Russian Scientific Center for Surgery” them.acad. B.V. Petrovsky"

FGBOU– federal state budgetary educational institution

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education– federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education

FSBEI HE KSU– Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Khakass State University” them. N.F. Katanova"

FSBEI SPO YaMC– Branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education “Yakut Music College them. M.N. Zhirkov"

FSBEI SPO YAMK(U)– Branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education “Yakut Music College (School)” them. M.N. Zhirkov"

FSBI– federal state budgetary institution

FSBI VNII GOChS– Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia”

Federal State Budgetary Institution State Center for Specialized Use of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation– Federal State Budgetary Institution “Main Center for Special Transportation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”

FSBI IBPK SB RAS– Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Biological Problems of the Permafrost Zone, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

FGBUK– federal state budgetary cultural institution

FGBUN– federal state budgetary institution of science

FGBUN IMEMO RAS– Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences

FGBUN IPA RAS– Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

FSBI NIIPSES FSGS– Federal State Budgetary Institution “Research Institute for Problems of Socio-Economic Statistics of the Federal State Statistics Service”

FSBI NMIRC– Federal State Budgetary Institution “National Medical Research Radiological Center”

FSBI NTsESMP– Federal State Budgetary Institution “Scientific Center for Expertise of Medicinal Products”

FSBI OCMRSIT– Federal State Budgetary Institution “Industry Center for Monitoring and Development in the Sphere of Infocommunication Technologies”

FSBI RAS– Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Academy of Sciences”

FSBI RCSME Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation– Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Center for Forensic Medicine” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


FSBI "SLO "Russia""– Federal State Budgetary Institution “Special Flight Detachment “Russia””

FSBI STsGMS CHAM– Federal State Budgetary Institution “Specialized Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of the Black and Azov Seas”

fgv– photogrammetric platoon

FGGK– federal hydro-generating company

FGGS– federal state civil service; federal civil servant

FGDS– fibrogastroduodenoscopy

FSIS– federal state information system

FSIS DO– Federal State Information System of Pre-trial Appeal

FSIS USR Civil Registry Office– federal state information system “Unified State Register of Civil Status Records”

FSIS EGRN– Federal State Information System for maintaining the Unified State Register of Real Estate (Federal State Information System “Unified State Register of Real Estate”)

FSIS EIAS– federal state information system “Unified Information and Analytical System”

FSIS ESNSI– Federal State Information System “Unified System of Regulatory Reference Information”

FSIS EECO– federal state information system “Unified Electronic Cartographic Basis”

FSIS FRI– Federal State Information System “Federal Register of Disabled Persons”

FSIS CS– Federal State Information System “Pricing in Construction”

SPFU– State Property Fund of Ukraine

FGKFederal Hydro-Generating Company; Federal Freight Company (a subsidiary of Russian Railways)

FGCU- federal government agency

FGLN– federal state forest supervision

FGLO– Federal State Forest Protection

FGM– English transliteration abbr. F.G.M.Female Genital Mutilation– female genital mutilation (female genital mutilation) [female circumcision]; Fermi gas model; physical geography of continents (academic subject); coarse oil filter; phimosis of the brain; photogrammetry; functional gradient material; functional gradient material

FGN– federal state supervision; financial literacy of the population

FGO– coarse filter

FGOBU– federal state educational budgetary institution

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education– federal state educational budgetary institution of higher professional education

FGON– federal state hunting supervision

Federal State Educational Standard– federal state educational standards

Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education– federal state educational standard of higher professional education

GEF DO– federal state educational standard for preschool education

Federal State Educational Standards NOO– federal state educational standard for primary general education

Federal State Educational Standard for NGOs– federal state educational standard for primary vocational education

Federal State Educational Standard OVZ– federal state educational standard for students with disabilities

FGOS LLC– federal state educational standard of basic general education

Federal State Educational Standard SOO– federal state educational standard of secondary general education

Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Education– federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education

Federal State Educational Standard of the Educational Institution– federal state educational standard for students with mental retardation

FGOU– federal state educational institution

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education– federal state educational institution of higher professional education

FGOU IBO FSB RF– Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Coast Guard Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation”

FGP– Faculty of Global Processes

FGR– valve timing; homologous restriction factor; Russian Handball Federation; Romanian Gymnastics Federation; Federation of Pigeon Breeders of Russia; Russian Grappling Federation; physical geography of Russia; Volkswagen group rus (organization)

FGRDSP– Federal State Register of Strategic Planning Documents

FGS– Civil Liberties Foundation; group shaper signal; group spectrum shaper

FGSSR– Russian Ski and Snowboard Federation

FGT– federal state requirements; branded warranty card

FGU– federal government agency

FGUAP– Federal State Unitary Aviation Enterprise

FGUAP EMERCOM of the Russian Federation– Federal State Unitary Aviation Enterprise of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

FGU GB MSE FMBA RF– Federal State Institution “Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency”

FGU GIKMZ– Federal state institution State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Moscow Kremlin”

FGUZ– Federal State Health Institution

FGUN– Federal State Institution of Science

Federal State Unitary Enterprise– Federal State Unitary Enterprise

FSUE VNIIPVTI (VNIIPVTI) – Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Research Institute for Problems of Computer Technology and Informatization”

FSUE GosNII GA– Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Research Institute of Civil Aviation”

FSUE NPTsAP– Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research and Production Center for Automation and Instrumentation named after. acad. ON THE. Pilyugin"

FSUEOP– Federal State Unitary Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise

FSUE PPP– Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Enterprise for the supply of products of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation”

FSUE RRC PH– Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Scientific Center "Applied Chemistry""

Federal State Unitary Enterprise SU Far Eastern Military District of the Russian Federation– Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Construction Directorate of the Far Eastern Military District of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”

FSUE CITOS FSIN– Federal State Unitary Enterprise Center for Information Technology Support and Communications of the Federal Penitentiary Service

FSUE TSENKI– Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities”

FGU FIPS– Federal State Institution “Federal Institute of Industrial Property”

FGC– English transliteration abbr. FGCFemale Genital Cutting– female circumcision

FGCHGK– Championship “Financial Literacy” in the mobile application “What? Where? When? online"

FD– phase detector; Faculty of Design; pharmacodynamics; pharmacodynamic; federal road; Felix Dzerzhinsky (steam locomotive brand); filtration business; financial directorate; Finance Department; CFO (magazine); financial director; fiscal data; Floppy Disk; floppy drive; fluorescent diagnostics; stock house; photosensor; photodiode; photo radar sensor; functional diagnostics; functional design

FDA– Federal Road Agency

FDAMT– Federal Road Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

FDI– Foundation for Democratic Initiatives

FDCT– French Democratic Confederation of Labor

FDOFaculty of Distance Learning; Faculty of Further Education; Federation of Children's Organizations

UNDEF (UNF) – United Nations Democracy Foundation

FDP– Faculty of Pre-University Training; Faculty of Additional Professions; Finnish Dragoon Regiment (historical)

FDRRussian Darts Federation;Russian Judo Federation;Finnish Democratic Republic (1939-40); money market fund; Franklin Delano Roosevelt

FDS– formative dynamic system

FDSE– Front for Democracy and Socialist Unity (Romanian) Frontul Democrației și Unității Socialiste, FDUS; watered organization in the Socialist Republic of Romania, 1968-89)

FDSU Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (FDSU) – Federal Road Construction Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

PDT– fluctuation-dissipation theorem; photodynamic therapy

FDF– Federal Road Fund

PDE– phosphodiesterase

FE– phraseological unit

HAIRDRYER– Faculty of Natural Sciences

FEOR– Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia

FEPN– Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples

FERfederal unit prices; federal uniform prices

FESCO– English transliteration abbr. FESCO – Far-Eastern Shipping Company– Far Eastern Shipping Company (FESCO)

VFventricular fibrillation (med.); grease filter

FVC– forced vital capacity of the lungs (med.)

FJP– filter grease-catchingfor rectangular channels

FJU– filter grease-catching

FJF– federal housing fund

Federal Lawporcelain factory; faience factory; federal significance (highway); The federal law; Philological notes; employment fund; functional tasks

FZAB– high-explosive incendiary bomb

FZV– Depositor Protection Fund (autonomous non-profit organization)

FDD– financial and procurement activities; Fund for the Protection of Shareholders

FFF– animal protection fund

FZZ- photonic exclusion zone Photonic Band Gap)

FZK– factory committee (factory committee); fibrosis of the posterior capsule (med.); financial and collateral company; stock purchasing commission (to replenish museum funds)

FZMK– factory and local committee

FZO– factory training; Federal Law on Education

FZOGIP– Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights”

FZoO– Federal Weapons Law ( Federal Law “On Weapons”)

FZP- salary fund

FZPD– Fund for the Protection of Shareholders' Rights

FZSfactory seven-year plan

ERT– Faculty of Automation of Procurement Technologies; Faculty of Zootechnology; photographic anti-aircraft tube; high-explosive incendiary tracer (ammunition, projectile)

FZTA– Faculty of Zootechnology and Agribusiness

FZUfactory apprenticeship; factory school ; phase sensitive protective device

FZCO– complete processing cycle factory

FI– toy factory; surname, first name; federal property; Toy Festival (LLC); financial institution; integration fund

FIA– transliteration of French abbr. FIAFederation Internationale de l'Automobile– Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile

FIAN (FI AN) – Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences

FIAPA– transliteration of French abbr. FIAPA – La Fédération Internationale des Associations des Personnes Agées– International Federation of Associations of Older People

FIAS– Federal Information Address System

FIAT– transliteration of Italian. abbr. FIATFabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino– Italian Automobile Factory Turin

FIB– English transliteration abbr. FIBFederation of International Bandy– International Bandy Federation

FIVT– Faculty of Innovation and High Technologies (MIPT)

FIG– English transliteration abbr. FIG – Faith in God- Faith in God; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Falling Into Grace– fall into grace; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Farmers Insurance Group– Farmers Insurance Group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Fast Information Group– Quick information group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Federal Internet Guide– Federal Internet Guide; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Federation of International Gymnastics– International Gymnastics Federation; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Fiber Interferometer Gyroscope– fiber interferometer-gyroscope; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Field Implementation Guide– Guide to local implementation; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Fighter Interceptor Group– a group of fighter-interceptors; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Film Integrated Game– film-integrated game; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Financial Independence Group– Financial independence group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Financial Industrial Group– Financial and industrial group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Financial Institutions Group– Group of financial institutions; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Fixed Income Group– fixed income group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Florida Institute for Girls– Florida Institute for Girls; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Florida Institute of Government– Florida Institute of Government; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Florida Interchange Group– Florida Exchange Group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – For Intimate Gatherings– for intimate meetings (in advertisements); English transliteration abbr. FIG - Fort Indiantown Gap– Fort Indianown Gap; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Forth Interest Group– Forth Interest Group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Fortress Investment Group– Fortress Investment Group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Free in Green– Phryn in green; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Freshman Interest Group– Freshman Interest Group; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Fun Is Good– Fun is good; English transliteration abbr. FIG – Future Inflation Gauge– template for future inflation; transliteration of French abbr. FIG – Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique– International Gymnastics Federation; transliteration of French abbr. FIG – Fédération Internationale des Géomètres– International Federation of Surveyors; transliteration of French abbr. FIG – Fonds International de Garantie– International Guarantee Fund

PID– Information Democracy Foundation

FIDE– transliteration of French abbr. FIDEFédération Internationale des Échecs– International Chess Federation

FIDO– Federation of exceptionally friendly communication (joking)

FIDOF– transliteration of French abbr. FIDOF – Federation Internationale des Organizations de Festivals– International Federation of Festival Organizations

FIG– Federal Gaming Jury; transliteration of French abbr. FIG – Federation Internationale de Gymnastique– International Gymnastics Federation

FIGET– transliteration of French abbr. FIJETFédération Internationale des Journalistes et Ecrivains du Tourisme– International Federation of Tourism Journalists

PHYSALIS– individual flashlight with battery charging “frog” and resistance indication

Fizmatlit– Publishing house of physical, mathematical and technical literature (source)

FIIC– Federal Research Testing Center

FIITs M (FIICM) – Federal Research Testing Center for Mechanical Engineering

FIC– transliteration of French abbr. FIQFederation Internationale des Quilleurs– International Bowling Federation

FICC– Federal Information Computer Center

FIM– transliteration of French abbr. FIMFederation Internationale de Motocyclisme– International Motorsports Federation; pulse phase modulation; pulse phase modulation; phase-pulse modulator; migration inhibitory factor; financing for innovation and modernization

FinTech– Financial technologies

FinCERT– Center for monitoring and responding to computer attacks in the credit and financial sector (structural division of GUBiZI)

Full name- Full Name; federal constituency; physically worn out equipment

FIOKO– Federal Institute for Educational Quality Assessment

FIOP– Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs

FIPfinancial and investment project; Information Policy Foundation; transliteration of French abbr. FIPFederation Internationale de Polo– International Polo Federation

FIPV– transliteration of French abbr. FIPVFederacion Internacional de Pelota Vasca– International Basque Pelota Federation

FIPD– Democracy Research Foundation

FIPI– Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements

FIPCO– transliteration of French abbr. FIPCOFederation Internationale de Philatelie Constructive– International Federation of Constructive Philately (1949-64)

FIP NNPTSTO– financial and investment project of the National Research and Production Center for Rejuvenation Technologies

FIPO– Faculty of Fire Protection Engineers; transliteration of French abbr. FIPOFédération Internationale de Philatélie Olympique– International Federation of Olympic Philately

FIPRESCI– transliteration of French abbr. FIPRESCIFederation internationale de la presse cinématographique– International Federation of Film Press

FIPS– Federal Institute of Industrial Property

FIPTSTO– financial and investment project of the Center for Rejuvenation Technologies

FIR– federal information resource

FIRA– transliteration of French abbr. FIRA – Federation Internationale de Rugby Amateur– International Amateur Rugby Federation

FIRA-AER– transliteration of French abbr. FIRA-AER – Fédération Internationale de Rugby Amateur – Association Européenne de Rugby– International Amateur Rugby Federation – European Rugby Association

FI RAS (FI) – Institute of Physics them.P.N. Lebedev Russian Academy of Sciences

FIRI RAS (FIRI) – Branch of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg)

FIRO– Federal Institute for Educational Development

FIRS– English transliteration abbr. FIRSInternational Roller Sports Federation– International Roller Skating Federation

FIRE– Fryazino branch of the Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics them.V.A. Kotelnikova

FIRE RAS– Fryazino branch of the Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics them.V.A. Kotelnikov Russian Academy of Sciences

FIStransliteration of French abbr. FISFederation Internationale de Ski– International Ski Federation (International Ski Federation); Faculty of Foreign Students; federal information system; fixing resistance indicator; Financial Information Service; Financial information service; Finance and Statistics (publishing house); US Study Foundation them. Franklin Roosevelt; informed consent form (medical); photonic integrated circuit; Islamic Salvation Front; Fuchsia and Herring (the name of the rocket from N. Nosov’s novel “Dunno on the Moon”); functional changes of the heart

FiS– Physical education and sports (publishing house)

FISA– transliteration of French abbr. FISAFederation internationale du sport automobile– International Motor Sports Federation (dissolved); transliteration of French abbr. FISAFédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron– International Rowing Federation (International Rowing Federation); transliteration of French abbr. FISAFédération Internationale des Sociétés Aérophilatéliques– International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies

FISB– Faculty of Information Systems and Security

FIS GIA– federal information system for state final certification

FIS OKO– Federal information system for assessing the quality of education

FIS FRDO– federal information system “Federal Register of Information on Educational Documents and (or) Qualifications, Training Documents”

FITFaculty of Innovative Technologies; Faculty of Information Technologies; Federal Labor Inspectorate

F and TP RSChS– functional and territorial subsystems of RSChS

FITC– fluorescein isothiocyanate (fluorescent labels) (honey)

FIFA– transliteration of French abbr. Fédération internationale de football association– International Football Federation

FIFO– English transliteration abbr. FIFOfirst-in-first-out– first accepted (accounting, banking and technical term)

FIC– Federal Information Center; Federal Test Center; Federal Research Center; Federal Center for Information Technology Resources Management; phenyl isocyanate; stock internet center

FRC IU RAS (FIC IU, FIC) – Federal Research Center “Informatics and Management” of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FGU)

FITs UUH SB RAS– Federal Research Center for Coal and Coal Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

FIEK– Foundation for the Integration of Ecological Culture

FIA– Faculty of Foreign Languages

FCFaculty of Culture; plywood mill; Pharmacological Committee; Federal Treasury; federal component; Federation of Film Press; courier corps (1796-1918); ferronickel plant; fetal circulation; fetal communications; fetal blood flow; physical culture (physical education); fixed coefficient; filtration commission; finance company; financial corporation;financial consortium; fitness club; rosin flux; Cinema Foundation; Consolidation Fund; stock company; forming conveyor; afterburner; forcing compensation (boosting longitudinal and lateral compensation devices); phosphate crown (a type of clear optical glass); phosphoric acid; photocolorimeter; franchise company; fulvic acids; functional class (med.); functional complex; football club

FKA– Federal Space Agency;activated rosin flux

FKA RF– Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation

FCBS– Banking Sector Consolidation Fund

FKV– Kolmogorov-Winner filter

FKG– phonocardiogram

FKGS– Creation of a comfortable urban environment

FKGSOO– Federal component of the state standard of general education

FKD– fixed division factor

FKJ– Federation of Cuban Women

FKZ– Federal Constitutional Law

FKI– fundamental space research

FKiSFaculty of Culture and Service; physical Culture and sport

FKK– Federal Competition Commission

FKK RF (FKK) – Federation of Cinema Clubs of Russia

FKKK– Kyokushin Karate Federation of Crimea


FKLPU– federal state-owned medical and preventive institution

FKM– phase cross modulation; phase-code modulation; Federation of Communist Youth; fibrocystic mastopathy (med.)

FC MTZ-RIPO– football club “Minsk Tractor Plant – Republican Institute of Vocational Education” (Belarusian football club; 2002-09)

FKN– Faculty of Computer Science; functional key carrier

FKO– Otkritie Financial Corporation; financial and credit organization; quarterly reporting forms; photocatalytic purifier

FKP– Federal Cadastral Chamber; Federal government enterprise; Federal Space Program; space flight factor; Federation of Korean Industry; flagship command post; formation of personnel policy; photocontrol device; function of a complex variable; Faculty of Clinical Psychology; French Communist Party

FKRRussian Curling Federation ( Russian Curling Federation); Federal Reconstruction Corporation; Russian Capoeira Federation; Russian Karate Federation; Kyokushinkai Federation of Russia; Russian Curling Federation; Russian Kickboxing Federation; Kobudo Federation of Russia; Russian Cosmonautics Federation; Kudo Federation of Russia; Russian Kung Fu Federation; capital repair fund; reproduction camera; red radiographic photo flashlight; front-line cruise missile; functional classification of expenses

FKR KIM Unified State Examination (FKR) – Federal Commission for Developers of Testing and Measuring Materials for the Unified State Exam

FKR MKD RS(Y)– Fund for capital repairs of apartment buildings of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

FCCFederal Communications Commission (USA); Esports Federation; Equestrian Federation

FKSiT– physical culture, sports and tourism

FKSPC– Branch of the regional blood transfusion station

FSSR– Russian Equestrian Federation

FCT– Faculty of Communication Technologies; Federal Trade Commission (USA); fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis (med.); financial and credit technical school ; Conceptual Technologies Foundation; French Confederation of Labor

FCTB– fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis (med.)

FKTIU– Faculty of Computer Technologies and Management

PKU- Federal Governmental Institution; phenylketonuria; financial and treasury management

FKU VNII GOCHS– federal government institution “All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation”

Federal Public Institution of the State Central Agricultural and Technical Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation– Federal State Institution “Main Center for Administrative, Economic and Transport Support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”

FKUZ– federal government health care institution

FKHT– French Confederation of Christian Workers

FCSM of the Russian Federation (FCSM) – Federal Commission for the Securities Market of the Russian Federation ( Federal Securities Commission)

FL- individual; strip foundation

FLG– Russian Ski Racing Federation; horizontal laminar flotator; fluorography

FLGR– Russian Ski Federation

LVEF– Life Line Foundation

FLING– transliteration port. abbr. FLINGFrente de Libertação e Independência Nacional da Guiné– Front for the Liberation and National Independence of Guinea

FLC– Financial leasing company

FLOON– UN Forum on Forests

FLOP– English transliteration abbr. FLOPfloating octal point– floating octal point (floating point in the octal number system); FLOPfloating-point operation– floating point operation; FLOPfloating point operation– floating point operation

FLOPS FLOPSFloating-Point Operations per Second– [number of] floating point operations per second (processor speed unit [computer speed unit]

FLOTUS– English transliteration abbr. FLOTUSFirst Lady of the United States– First Lady of the United States of America (on Twitter – @FLOTUS)

FLS– physical abandonment of wells; financial personal account

FMphase manipulation; phase modulation; Youth Festival; fibromyalgia (med); physical education minute (physical education); financial monitoring; brand store; florist workshop; franking machine; fundamental medicine

FMBA– Federal Medical and Biological Agency

FMBC– Federal Medical Biophysical Center them.A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical-Biological Agency

FMG– Forum of small towns

FMD- Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

FMJ– ferromagnetic fluid

FMIS– Faculty of International Information and Regional Studies; federal interdepartmental information system

FMC– philology and mass communications (department)

FMM– F physics of metals and metallurgy; magnetomechanical filter

FMN– flavin mononucleotide

FMn– phase shift keying

FMO– physics and mathematics education (department)

FMP– physiological dead space (med); International Partnership Fund

UNFIP (UNFMP) – United Nations Fund for International Partnership

FMR– magnetic splitting factor

fMRI (fMRI) – functional magnetic resonance imaging

fMRIp– resting functional magnetic resonance imaging

FMS- The Federal Migration Service; phenazine methosulfate; Festival of Youth and Students; physical and mechanical properties

FMSD– Russian Motorcycle Federation

FMTiF– Faculty of Multimedia Technologies and Photography

FMF– physics and mathematics forum

FMC– Federal Medical Center

FMS– Physics and Mathematics School

FMN– physics of magnetic phenomena

FN– philological sciences; financial standard; fiscal storage; photographic film negative

FNA– Non-core assets fund

NWF– National Welfare Fund

NWF SK– National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna”

FNiP– Federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety

FNISC RAS (FniSC, FNISC) – Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

FNL– National Football League

FNLA– transliteration port. abbr. FNLAFrente Nacional de Libertação de Angola– National Front for the Liberation of Angola (Angolan military-political organization, since 1992 – right-wing political party)

FSMC– federal scientific and methodological center

FSMC AIDS– Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS

TNFtumor necrosis factor (med.); Faculty of Primary Education; Faculty of Continuing Education; Federation of National Education (France); tax reporting form; National Liberation Front (French) Front de libération nationale; left watered party in Algeria) ; front offensive operation

TNF-a– tumor necrosis factor alpha (med.)

FMLN– National Liberation Front them.Farabundo Marty

FNP– Federal Notary Chamber; Federation of Independent Trade Unions

FNPR– Federal Notary Chamber of Russia; Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

FSPC– federal scientific and practical center; federal research and production center

FSPC MSERI (FCERI) – Federal Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation of Disabled People

FNR– phonetic speech disorder

FNRY– Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia

Federal Tax Service- The Federal Tax Service; National Salvation Front (Lebanon; Romania)

FNSL– Lao National Construction Front

FNT– low temperature physics

FNTR– Russian Table Tennis Federation

FNUO– tax accounting and reporting forms

FNFRO– Foundation for New Forms of Educational Development

Federal Scientific Center– Federal Research Center

LPF– low pass filter (low pass filter)

FNEB– National Energy Security Foundation

FNRS– Federal Supervision of Russia for Nuclear and Radiation Safety

FO– file sharing; pharmaceutical organization (pharmaceutical wholesale trade organization) ; Federal District; federal body; philological education; financial transaction; financial department; return flange; capital productivity; frontal survey (ped.); fundamental education

FOBOS– background-operative base operating system

FOVreverse flange for fans with forward-curved wheel blades; organophosphorus substances

FOG (FOG) – high-explosive flamethrower

FOGV– federal government bodies

FODOS– background disk operating system

FOE– functional residual capacity of the lungs (med.)

FOL– Animal Liberation Front Animal Liberation Front, A.L.F.)

Federal executive authority– federal executive authorities

FOC– Faculty of General Scientific Departments; sports and recreation center; sports and recreation complex; United Financial Corporation (JSC); Financial and organizational consulting (organization); Finance-Evaluation-Consulting (organization); photocolorimeter; milling trencher

FOMfederal assessment materials (ped.); physical education and health activities; Public Opinion Foundation; monolithic foundation for equipment

FOMO– English transliteration abbr. FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out– fear of missing something important

Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund– Compulsory Health Insurance Fund

BACKGROUND– reverse flange for fans with backward-curved wheel blades

FONASBA– English transliteration abbr. FONASBAThe Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents– Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents

FOPoffset printing factory; Faculty of Public Professions; fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive;financial and operational indicator; Community Programs Fund

FOPPiS (FOPPIS) – faculty of organizers of industrial production and construction

FOR– a pharmaceutical organization that supplies medicines as part of additional drug supply (ADS) in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the basis of contractual relations with pharmaceutical organizations (FO) and pharmacy organizations; Mandatory Reserve Fund

FORG– federal wholesale gas market


FORTRAN– English transliteration abbr. FORTRAN – FORmula TRANslator– procedural algorithmic programming language

FOREM– Federal wholesale energy and capacity market

FOS– federal educational standard; main selection filter; assessment funds fund; organophosphorus compound

FOSV– compulsory deposit insurance fund

FOSMM– physical education, health and sports events

FOSS– Federation for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity

FOSTA– English transliteration abbr. FOSTA – Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act– Combating Human Trafficking Online (USA)

FOSH– Federation of Associations of Soviet Artists; Federation of United Soviet Artists

Payroll– wage fund

FotAB (FOTAB) – photographic aerial bomb (an aerial bomb for illuminating night aerial photography in the visible range)

FOTRK– front-line operational-tactical missile system

FOH– physical and organic chemistry

FPPhantom Press (Russian publishing house); Federal Chamber; federal program; federal portal; federal trade union; Federation of Trade Unions; Felitsyna, Prokhorov ( Felitsyna V.P., Prokhorov Yu.E. Russian proverbs, sayings and popular expressions); truss truss; atrial fibrillation (med.); physical training; physical field; physical contradiction; fiscal memory; flavoprotein; Memory Fund; support fund; relief fund; photoluminescent film; photo cartridge; camera roll; functional subsystem

FPA– Federal Chamber of Lawyers

FPAD– Federal Union of Air Traffic Controllers

FPAS– front-line field artillery depot

FIG– financial and industrial group; Presidential Grants Fund

FPGA– Civic Engagement Support Fund

FPDdata transfer file; Federal Passenger Directorate; fiscal sign of the document; Children's Support Fund

FPJ– Animal Help Fund

FPZOVS– Winter Olympic Sports Support Fund

FPI– Foundation for Advanced Research; Private equity fund

FPIC– Financial and Industrial Investment Corporation

FPiS– physical training and sports

FPKFaculty of Advanced Training; Federal Passenger Company (JSC); Federal Book Publishing Program of Russia

FPKKK– Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel

FPKR– Federal Book Publishing Program of Russia

FPKRS– Faculty of Advanced Training for Managers and Specialists

FPL– Faculty of Applied Linguistics

FPMFaculty of Applied Mathematics; Mother's Right Foundation; friction polymer material; modulation transfer function

FPN– Science Support Foundation

FPO– Education Support Fund

FPOR– Russian Olympians Support Fund

FPPsemiconductor physics; St. Petersburg Politics Foundation; Entrepreneurship Support Fund

FPPD– Federal spatial data portal

FPPU– molded polyurethane foam

FP RS(Y)Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

FPSFederal postal service; Federal Fire Service; fixed coupon interest rate

Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation (FPS) – Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation

FPSAD– federal list of auditing standards

FPSZGP– Fund for Support of Socially Significant Government Projects

FPSP– Press Freedom Foundation

FPSPDU– Federation of Underwater Sports and Underwater Activities Ukraine

FPSR– Federal Statistical Work Plan

FPSU– Ukrainian Parachuting Federation; Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine

FPT– Faculty of Food Technologies; Political Technologies Foundation; tractor soil fumigator

FPU– Fermi-Pasta-Ulama return; phase shifter; actual track angle; federal list of textbooks; Federation of Pankration of Ukraine; Federation of Parkour of Ukraine; Ukrainian Powerlifting Federation; Ukrainian Swimming Federation; Federation of Professional Managers; Uganda Federation of Trade Unions; Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine; physical track angle; Physical education and pedagogical school; financial planning management; Professional Services Firm; Ukrainian Trade Union Fund; forced retaining level of the reservoir; photoreceiving device; universal row-crop milling cultivator

FPF– photopolymer printing form

FPFFiK– Faculty of Baltic-Finnish philology and culture

FPF– intermediate frequency filter

FRphase separation; risk factors (med); Federal Register; filter regenerator; fiscal registrar; focal length; Development Fund; Rehabilitation Fund; frigate; functional disorder

FRAC– Franco-Russian think tank

Germany– Federal Republic of Germany

FRGO– Civil Society Development Foundation

FRDF– Far East Development Fund

FRDO– Federal Register of information on documents on education and (or) qualifications, documents on training

FRELIMO– transliteration port. abbr. FRELIMOFrente de Libertação de Moçambique– Mozambique Liberation Front (left-wing radical political organization of Mozambique)

FRG– functional stomach disorder (med.)

FRZhS– housing development fund; Housing Development Fund

FRZL– Foundation for Rehabilitation of Addicted People

FRI– Federal Register of Disabled Persons; Festival of Russian Art; Internet Development Foundation

IIDF– Internet Initiatives Development Fund

FRIO– Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (FRiO) ; Information Society Development Foundation

FRIOP– Fund for the Development of Infrastructure and Educational Programs

FRIT– Information Technology Development Fund

PRK– phase separation of channels; cation exchanger filter-regenerator; Book Publishing Development Fund

FRLR– Russian Lapta Federation of Russia

FRMphase-difference modulation; Russian Music Festival; Working Youth Forum

FRMP– small business development fund

FRMP RS(Y)– Small Business Development Fund of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

FROLINA– transliteration of French abbr. FROLINAT – Front de liberation natoinale de Tchad– Chadian National Liberation Front

FROM– financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

FRPEntrepreneurship Development Fund; Production Development Fund; Industrial Development Fund

FRRRussian Rugby Federation; Regional Development Fund

FRRIO– Regional Development Fund of the Irkutsk Region

FedFederal Registration Service; Federal Reserve System (USA); photo recording station ; front control station

FRSD– Foundation for the Development of Modern Diplomacy

Federal Reserve System of the Russian Federation (Fed) – Federal Registration Service of the Russian Federation

US Federal Reserve- Federal Reserve System USA

FRT– point spread function

FRTP– Pipe Industry Development Fund

FRTPP– Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

FRC– financial settlement center

FSfile system; federal network; federal system; federal Service; Federal Assembly; federal collection; federal standard; federal court; truss truss; financial communication; financial specialist; corporate salon; assistance fund; insurance fund; fortification structure; Phrasebook; fractional composition (of oil); friction welding; functional state

FSA– Federal Accreditation Service; functional cost analysis

FSAD– federal auditing standard

FSB– fatal familial insomnia; Federal Security Service; Fedor Sergeevich Bondarchuk; Fundservicebank; functional and service block

FSBR– Russian Wrestling Federation

FSB RS(Y)– Wrestling Federation of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

FSBU– federal accounting standard

FSV– Deposit Insurance Fund

FSVTS– Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation

FSVFN– Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance

FSHFederal system "City" (automated system for accrual, collection and processing of payments from the population); follicle-stimulating hormone (med); lead phthalate and graphite ( nitroglycerin powder with the addition of lead and graphite phthalate )

FSGZZHOK– The pheasant sits with his eyes closed, eager to eat (colors of the spectrum in reverse order)

FSGS– Federal State Statistics Service; Formation of a modern urban environment

FSD– physical education and sports activities; mixed filter

FSDS– Federal Network of Documentary Communications

FSI– concentrated selectivity filter

FSIN– Federal Penitentiary Service

FSKFederal Grid Company; Federal Counterintelligence Service; Sports Film Festival; physical education and sports complex; Soviet Culture Foundation; football and sports club; football sports club

FGC UES– Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System

FSKI– Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives

FSKiT– Faculty of Social Communications and Tourism

FSKMBM– Moscow Small Business Lending Fund

FSKN– Federal Service for Drug Control

FSL– physical trunk

FSM– Federation of Socialist Youth

FSM– functional state of muscles (general functional state of muscles)

FSMD– Foundation for the Promotion of International Activities

FSMD VNIIEF– Fund for the Promotion of International Activities of the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics

FSN– federal statistical observation

FSNB– federal estimate and regulatory database

FSNP– Federal Tax Police Service

FSNSON– Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

FSNST– Federal Service for Supervision of Transport

FSNT– Federal Service for Supervision of Transport

FSNTF– federal statistical observation of prices and finances

FSO- Federal Security Service; Federal assessment standard

FSOZHKU– federal standard for payment of housing and utilities

FSOM– Foundation for the Promotion of Domestic Medicine

FSON– Foundation for the Promotion of Domestic Science

FSOR– Russian Orienteering Federation

FSOYU– Federal Court of General Jurisdiction

FSP– femtosecond printing; financial condition of the enterprise

FSPN– Faculty of Social and Political Sciences; social support fund

FSPNSZPP (FSPN NWPP, fspn szpp) – Fund for Social Support of the Population of the Union for the Protection of Consumer Rights

FSF– Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

FSPO MGAPI– Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Moscow State Academy of Instrument Engineering and Informatics

FSRRussian Climbing Federation; Russian Softball Federation; ferromagnetic superlattice (superlattice with ferromagnetic interaction between layers); Reform Assistance Fund

FSRAR– Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market (Rosalkogolregulirovanie)

FSRVI– fund for promoting the development of venture investments in small enterprises in the scientific and technical field

FSRDLCCH– Foundation for the Promotion of Children's Literature and Reading Culture

FSR Housing and Communal Services– Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reform

FSRSI– Foundation for the Promotion of Contemporary Art

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (FS) – Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

FSRY– Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

FSSfixed satellite communications; concentrated selection filter; Social Insurance Fund

FSS VPT (FSS for VPT) – Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability (Ukraine)

FSSVUT– Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability (Ukraine)

FSSOB– Foundation for Assistance to the Conservation of Lake Baikal

FSSP– Federal Bailiff Service; Federal standard of sports training

FSSP RF– Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation

FSSR– Federation of Airplane Sports of Russia

FSSS ( FSSS RF) – Federal Service for Special Construction

FSSSRZ– Federative Union of Socialist Soviet Republics of Transcaucasia (unification of the Soviet republics of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia before joining the USSR)

FSSC– Federal collection of estimated prices

FST– Federal Tariff Service; Federation of Sports Dance; Federation of Sports Tourism

FSTZ– Federal Service for Labor and Employment

FSTEC– Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of the Russian Federation

FSUphase shifting device; Faculty of Control Systems; abbreviated multiplication formulas

FSUA– federal accounting and analytics system

FSUAD– federal system of data accounting and analytics

FSFBN– Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision

FSFM– Federal Service for Financial Monitoring

FFMS– Federal Service for Financial Markets

FStsns– general functional state of the central nervous system

FSC– mid-pass filter; frequency grid generator; fundamental frequency system

FSEMFederal estimated prices for the operation of construction machinery and vehicles; Federal list of extremist materials

FT– phase current; seam pipe; federal highway; Physics and Technology Faculty); financing of terrorism; fitness trainer; English transcription abbr. FT – Financial Times(lit. - Financial Times; international business newspaper)

FTAI– French Afar and Issa territory

FTAR– Russian Weightlifting Federation

FTDP– frontotemporal degeneration with parkinsonism (med.)

Physicotechnical Institute– Institute of Physics and Technology

FTiPL– Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Physicotechnical Institute RAS (FTI)– Physicotechnical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

FTL– Physics and Technology Lyceum

FTMIS– federal standard medical information system

FTO– fine filter

FTOV– fine air filter

FTP– English transliteration abbr. FTPFile Transfer Protocol(File Transfer Protocol) and File Transfer Program(file transfer program); Theater supplies factory STD RF; Physics and technology of semiconductors

FTR– Russian Tennis Federation; Russian Triathlon Federation

FTRiR– Faculty of Exploration and Development Technology

FCS- Federal Customs Service

FTSARR– Federation of Dance Sports and Acrobatic Rock and Roll (All-Russian Federation of Dance Sports and Acrobatic Rock and Roll)

FTT– solid state physics

FCCCI– Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Food Production

FTS– physical and technical school

UGH- financial management; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (FGOBU HPE); fluorouracil

FUB– financial stability of the bank

FUS– phase-sensitive protective device (protection)

FUiMK– Faculty of Management and Media Communications

FUC– Quality Management Foundation

FUM– fluoroplastic sealing material

FUMBEP– Federal Directorate of Medical, Biological and Extreme Problems

FUMO– Federal Educational and Methodological Association

FUNISHOV– Federal Administration of the Savings and Mortgage System of Housing for Military Personnel

FFFaculty of Pharmacy; shaping filter

FFBUZ TsGiE– Branch of the federal budgetary healthcare institution "Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology"

FFBUZ– branch of the federal budgetary healthcare institution

FFF– Faculty of Physical Education

FFD– fiscal document format (fiscal data exchange format)

FFZPD– Federal Fund for the Protection of Shareholders' Rights

FFI– Pharmaceutical Information Foundation; Federal Property Fund

FFKiS– Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports


FFKO– Federal waste classification catalog

FFKR– Russian Figure Skating Federation

FFKS– Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports

FFM– Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

FFO– Faculty of Fundamental Education

FFOMS– Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

FFR– filter on a ferrite resonator

FFS– federal courier communications

FFSN– form of federal statistical observation

FFSFM– Federal Fund for Co-financing of Expenses

FFSEPOC– Federal Fund for Social and Economic Support of Domestic Cinematography

FFU– Football Federation of Ukraine

FH– pharmaceutical holding

FHD Federal Data Warehouse; financial and economic activities

FHL– physical and chemical laboratory

FHMR– Russian Bandy Federation

FHO– financial and economic department

FHR– Russian Hockey Federation

FHC– pheochromocytoma (med.)

FC federal center; fixation of cycles; fixed cycle

FCVMT– Federal Center for High Medical Technologies

FTG– gas price formula

FCGiE– Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology

FCI– Federal Center for Informatization

FCIOR– Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources

FCMiSO– Federal Center for Monitoring and Statistics of Education

FCHL– Federal Center for Animal Health

Federal Targeted Program– federal target program

Federal Target Program RYA– Federal target program “Russian language”

FCSR– Federal Center for Social Development (JSC)

FCT– Federal Testing Center

FCTOE– Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Endoprosthetics

FCSUZHEN– Mongolian keyboard layout for computers and typewriters

FCHH– phase-frequency response

FSM Federal States of Micronesia; Federated States of Micronesia; football school of excellence; youth football school

FE– photoelectron emission

FEB– Fundamental electronic library

FEG– phenomenon of electronic voices

FEGDS– fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (med.)

FEGKK– Federation of Aesthetic Gymnastics of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (regional sports public organization)

FED– Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (camera brand); financial and economic activities; financial and economic department; Childhood Ecology Foundation; Foundation "Ecology of the Don"; Electronic Democracy Foundation

IPPE Faculty of Screen Arts; Institute of Physics and Energy

FEiU– Faculty of Economics and Management

FEC – phacoemulsification of cataracts; Federal Power Commission

FEC RF– Federal Energy Commission of the Russian Federation

FEKS– Factory of the Eccentric Actor

FEM– electromechanical filter

FEMP– electromagnetic interference filter; formation of elementary mathematical concepts

FEO– financial and economic department

FEP– Effective Policy Foundation; front evacuation point

FEPO– federal exam in the field of higher professional education; Federal Internet exam in the field of vocational education

FER federal electronic registry; the physical equivalent of an x-ray; financial and economic work

FES Physical encyclopedic dictionary; financial and economic situation; formalized electronic messages; photoluminescent evacuation system

FESN– Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

FET– Faculty of Electronic Engineering

PMT– photomultiplier

FEF– Faculty of Finance and Economics

FEC– particle physics

FY- French

FYAFNC– Faculty of Yakut philology and national culture– Spanish

ist.– historical

Italian– Italian

lat.– Latin

honey.– medical

intl.- international

eg- For example

German- German

ped.– pedagogical

trans.– figuratively; portable

watered– political

port.– Portuguese

prof.- Professor

grew up– Russian

room– Romanian

rus.- Russian

cm.- Look

owls– Soviet

abbr.- reduction ; abbreviated

Wed– compare

outdated– outdated

physical– physical

Finnish– financial

fr.- French

chem.– chemical

Croatian– Croatian

joking- humorous

electrical engineering– electrical engineering

On February 19, 1993, the Law “On the Federal Bodies of Government Communications and Information” was adopted. In accordance with this law, the structure of these bodies included FAPSI and government communications and information bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

FAPSI included the State Information and Computing Center under the State Commission for Emergency Situations (State Center of the USSR) with its subordinate organizations (Research Institute "Romb", Research Institute "Energy", Research Center "Terminal", Scientific Thematic Center) and the Moscow Research Institute of Electrical Engineering Scientific- production association "Avtomatika". On September 24, 1992, by order of the President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, a scientific and technical center for legal information “System” was established as part of FAPSI.

FAPSI is the central body of the federal executive power, responsible for organizing and providing government, long-distance, encrypted, documentary and other types of special communications of state bodies (authorities and management, law enforcement agencies, leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex, nuclear power plants, etc.); solving intelligence tasks within the scope of their competence; providing information on a selected range of issues to the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and central bodies of the federal executive power.

The unified system of federal government communications and information bodies consists of:

    Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation;

    government communications and information bodies (government communications departments in the regions, government communications centers and information and analytical bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

    Troops entrusted with providing all types of special communications for government and administrative bodies and military leadership in wartime; in peacetime, troops perform this task in exercises of the Russian Armed Forces and according to decisions of the President of the Russian Federation to control contingents of the Armed Forces formed for the period of performing specific tasks, and are also involved in organizing government communications in emergency situations from places not equipped with stationary means of this communication.

    Educational institutions, research organizations, enterprises.

The legal basis for the activities of FAPSI is the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation “On Security”, “On Foreign Intelligence”, “On Defense”, Law of the Russian Federation “On Federal Bodies of Government Communications and Information” dated February 19, 1993 (as amended on December 24, 1993), Regulations on FAPSI, approved in 1994; Decree of the President of Russia of April 3, 1995 “On measures to comply with legislation in the field of development, production and sale of encryption tools”, defining the principles of organization of federal government communications bodies, their purpose, main functions, powers, forces and means.

Control over the activities of FAPSI was entrusted to the State Duma Security Committee, the Control Directorate of the Presidential Administration and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Ministry of Finance.

The main tasks of FAPSI:

    Improving government communications, other types of special communications and special information systems for government agencies. Subsequently, these functions were transferred to the Special Communications Service of Russia, and later to the FSO.

    Organization and provision of cryptographic security and encrypted communications in Russia and its institutions abroad (these functions were transferred to the FSB).

    Organization and conduct of external intelligence activities in the field of encrypted, classified and other types of special communications using radio-electronic means and methods (these functions were transferred to the FSB).

In accordance with these objectives, the structure of the Agency has been developed, the basis of which is:

1. The Main Directorate of Government Communications (GUPS), which provides various types of communications to the highest government bodies of the Russian Federation, law enforcement agencies, leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex and other facilities that are vital for the security of the Russian Federation.

2. The Main Directorate for Communications Security (GUBS), created on the basis of the former 8th Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which deals with cryptographic information protection. This direction is also provided by the Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation, operating under FAPSI, together with the Russian Academy of Sciences and a number of other industry academies. FAPSI specialists develop and maintain encryption technology for interested departments, provide all ministries and departments with cryptographically high-quality key documents reliably protected from unauthorized access. The intelligence service exercises state control over ensuring information security in all special communications networks in Russia and its institutions abroad. Within its competence, FAPSI carries out licensing and certification in the field of information security, carries out work to inspect and protect particularly important premises of federal government bodies and the technical means installed in them, in order to identify and prevent information leakage through technical channels.

3. Main Directorate of Electronic Intelligence of Communications (GURRSS). Created on the basis of the former 16th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. Ensures the conduct of external intelligence activities in the political, economic, military and scientific-technical spheres using radio-electronic means.

4. Main Directorate of Information Systems (GUIS). Created on February 21, 1992 in its original form as the Main Directorate of Information Resources (GUIR) on the basis of the abolished Directorate of Information Resources of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Later, GUIR was renamed GUIS, which organizes information and information technology support for government bodies, including the regional level. GUIS provides information support to databases created in regional and departmental management structures, prepares analytical materials commissioned by government agencies, and analyzes publications in the media. participates in the formation, maintenance and provision of reference, factual and problem-oriented databases and data banks to users.

5. Main Administrative Department (GAD). Organized on the basis of the former FAPSI headquarters.

In addition to the above departments, the structure of FAPSI includes:

    cryptographic service, conducting external electronic reconnaissance and encryption, carrying out the primary processing of intelligence information;

    own security service.

The Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation also operates under FAPSI. The main activities of the federal government communications and information agencies are:

    organization and provision of operation, security, development and improvement of government communications, other types of special communications and special information systems for government agencies;

    ensuring, within its competence, the safety of state secrets;

    organization and provision of cryptographic and organizational-technical methods for the security of encrypted communications in the Russian Federation and its institutions abroad;

    organization and conduct of external intelligence activities in the field of encrypted, classified and other types of special communications using radio-electronic means and methods;

    providing the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, central bodies of federal executive power, the Security Council of the Russian Federation with reliable and independent from other sources of special information (materials of foreign intelligence activities, information on maintaining the management of the national economy during a special period, wartime and in emergency situations, economic information for mobilization purposes, information for socio-economic monitoring) necessary for making decisions in the field of security, defense, economics, science and technology, international relations, ecology, as well as mobilization readiness.

FAPSI had the following rights:

    Licensing and certification of the activities of enterprises and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, in the development, production, sale and operation of encryption tools and the provision of services in the field of information encryption.

    Determining the procedure and ensuring the issuance of a license for the export and import of encryption tools and regulatory and technical documentation for their production and use (these rights were transferred to the FSB).

On March 11, 2003, a presidential decree was adopted № 308 “On measures to improve public administration in the field of security of the Russian Federation”:

On July 1, 2003, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation was abolished.

    The Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation was abolished as an independent body. These functions were transferred to the FSB. A border service was created within the FSB structure, headed by the 1st Deputy Director of the FSB - the head of the border service.

    FAPSI was abolished. The Special Communications and Information Service was created under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Special Communications of Russia). The service was a federal government body that, within its powers, carried out the organization of ensuring the operation of security, development and improvement of Special Communications and information systems for government agencies.

As a result of this reorganization, the FSB approached the scale of the former KGB. It again became the country's intelligence service. Centralization solved the problems of strengthening the coordination of the activities of state security agencies and reducing the state apparatus.

The Regulations on Special Communications of Russia were approved by decree of the President of Russia dated July 14, 2003. In accordance with the decree of the President of Russia of August 7, 2004, Spetsvyaz of Russia was included in the FSO, and a structural unit of the FSO was created on its basis. The same decree approved a new regulation on the FSO.

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