Boy with a tail in India. The doctor also accused the parents of knowing about the boy's condition, but were in no hurry to do anything about it.

Animals need tails, cats balance with it, monkeys cling to branches with it, and kangaroos even stand on it when they need to hit with both hind legs at once. As for humans, we do not need tails, as evidenced by their absence and a small reminder in the form of a coccyx. Be that as it may, sometimes people are born with ponytails, which are absolutely useless processes that interfere with normal life.

An 18-year-old Indian teenager, who wished to remain anonymous, hid his 18-centimeter tail from everyone all his life, and recently he finally decided to get rid of it.

The tail began to grow in a teenager from the age of 14 and in 4 years it grew to 18 cm

Parents for a long time did not want to get rid of the tail, believing that it brings good luck.

However, instead of good luck, this tail brought the boy only excruciating pain and psychological problems.

Dr. Pramod Giri, head of neurosurgery, said this is the first time he has come across such an extreme long tail case:

"He was admitted to the hospital complaining of pain in his lower back and trouble sleeping. The boy also suffers from psychological problems, because he was forced to hide it throughout his life, because of which he had to correct it all the time when he sat down.

The doctor also accused the parents of knowing about the boy's condition, but were in no hurry to do anything about it.

"The family was aware of the situation, but they ignored it by not visiting a doctor, because due to superstition they believed that the tail would bring good luck to the boy. They hid his tail, afraid of what others would think of their family, and because before So far, he has not created any serious health problems for the boy."

The operation was successful and now the boy is incredibly happy to return to normal life:

"The operation itself is not difficult, but since the tail included part of the spinal cord, we were very careful. Fortunately, there was no bone or muscle tissue in the tail, so the removal was not difficult. Now he is incredibly happy. He is very comfortable lying down and sit down and he says he feels much more confident."

The boy was safely discharged from the hospital, and at the moment this case is being checked to find a person with the most long tail in the world.

If you dreamed that your tail grew, this means that you will experience disappointment where you expected to find pleasure.

You can work out a dream by imagining that the tail is not real, but part of a fancy dress. You take it off. If in a dream you tried to catch some animal by the tail, do not chase profit: with it you will get a lot of problems. It's better to give in to others this time.

Seeing a beast standing behind you and wagging its tail - luck will turn away from you.

In this case, imagine that the beast turns its face to you and you treat it with a treat.

To see how the lizard throws back its tail - you will learn about the betrayal of your wife, but you will not succeed in proving anything.

Imagine that an owl catches a lizard and eats it before your eyes. The lizard doesn't even have a tail left.

Chopping the tail of some animal (for example, a dog or a cat) is a cooling in relations with friends.

Imagine that an experienced veterinarian sewed the tail back to its original place - and everything healed.

If you dreamed of a luxurious peacock tail - believe the beautiful promises and be deceived. If the tail is shabby and ugly, contact an obvious scammer, and on your own initiative.

Imagine that you are killing a peacock (see Kill).

Gnawing a fish tail - you will have to do dirty work that will bring neither benefit nor satisfaction.

Imagine that you throw the tail in the trash and take a whole oily fish.

Use the tail of a furry animal as a collar - make a financial profit, but at the same time become the cause of someone's suffering.

Imagine that the collar is made of faux fur Very good quality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Tail

The tail of any animal seen in a dream means that your joys are behind you.

If in a dream you cut off the tail of an animal, then see how you don’t suffer because of your own negligence.

I dreamed that your tail grew - your behavior will cause someone to suffer. Think about it before it's too late: maybe you will experience a cleansing feeling of shame and remorse.

In addition, such a dream may mean that for some reason people do not perceive you the way you would like. Perhaps it's all your fault and sullenness. Show that you know how to joke and have fun.

We saw in a dream how a dog wags its tail - in reality you are very unsure of yourself. As soon as you notice that someone does not treat you the way you would like, you immediately begin to doubt own forces. Be more confident, and then many things will cease to seem so tragic to you.

They cut off a fish tail in a dream - you have to do an extremely unpleasant thing.

Interpretation of dreams from

One of the factors of evolution is a common mutation. This judgment is known to all people even in the school biology course. And now the number of babies born with various abnormal changes is growing in geometric progression. Why is this happening? There are only two possible opinions. Some scholars blame this process on poor ecological situation. Mankind has long destroyed the ecosystem that is normal for its life. In the end, it hurt itself. Another group of specialists believe that this process is due to the fact that we are now experiencing a new evolutionary round. Be that as it may, the fact remains the same. Nowadays, more and more children are born with various anomalies.

mermaid baby

In one of the densely populated states of India, an extremely unusual baby was born. The baby's legs have grown together. They looked more like a mermaid's tail than limbs. ordinary person. Doctors could not even determine the gender of the crumbs. Unfortunately, the child lived only 10 days. Even at 37 months of pregnancy, his mother found out that the child was developing incorrectly. With the help of an ultrasound examination, the doctors found that the baby has a serious pathology of the kidneys. Therefore, there was practically no chance of survival for the child. The point is not even the price of the operation, but its complexity. The child's body is extremely weak, so it simply cannot endure such a surgical intervention.

Unusual cases in India

It is worth noting that in this country, various childhood pathologies have long ceased to be at least some kind of rarity. Why? Neither local residents nor doctors have an answer to this question. For example, not so long ago, a baby with 8 limbs appeared in India. There are no problems in the child's life. The fact is that the baby was perceived as the reincarnation of one of the gods. Naturally, no one dares to offend a child or joke about his unusual appearance.

Incredible Facts

Back in the spring, in the small Indian town of Dumri-Isri, a baby with 8 limbs .

However, the boy's father was not at all depressed by the news that his son was born with such serious defects. . Deviations in development and appearance the man attributed the child to the extraterrestrial origin of his child.

God incarnate

Moreover, the man stated that the baby is the embodiment of the many-armed god Ganesh.

So do the thousands of believers who have gathered at the home of a newborn to see an unusual child born with eight limbs.

Residents of the city expressed their desire to worship the baby as a Hindu god.

Child with 4 arms and 4 legs

The boy, who at that time had not yet been given a name, was born with four legs and four arms. Presumably, this congenital abnormality occurred due to underdevelopment Siamese twins that a woman was supposed to give birth to.

However, superstitious Hindus took the appearance of an unusual baby as a sign from above. In their opinion, this the miracle child is the incarnation of the Hindu god Ganesha.

God Ganesha

Ganesha is one of the most important gods in Hindu religion. He is worshiped by millions of people in India.

God Ganesha is represented as an elephant man with four arms.

Some who came to the house of the newborn said that they had traveled hundreds of kilometers to see an unusual baby.

One of the "pilgrims" admitted to local media that he traveled almost a thousand kilometers to catch a glimpse of the boy.

He says that when a friend sent him a photo of a child, at first he did not believe that this could actually be, and took the picture for a photomontage.

However, then the news of the birth unusual boy published in newspapers and shown on television.

There was no more doubt: into the world, indeed, a boy with 8 limbs appeared. And crowds of curious people moved to the house of his parents in order to see with their own eyes a miracle that everyone immediately dubbed incarnation of God on earth.

It is worth noting that this is far from the first child born in India with physical defects, from which the Hindus made a deity, as they perceived the genetic deviation as a sign from above.

Boy with a tail

13 year old Arshid Ali Khan also not quite an ordinary Indian child. Due to a genetic mutation, the boy grew real tail.

However, the teenager did not worry that he had such a serious defect in appearance. Moreover, locals elevated Arshid to the rank of a deity, as they saw in him incarnation of the monkey god Hanuman.

Monkey God Hanuman

It is worth noting that the boy was incredibly happy about this fact and responsibly approaches the "fulfillment" of the mission entrusted to him - to fulfill the role of the monkey god.

This continued until Arshida was operated on. to remove the 25 cm tail.

Of course, along with his famous ponytail, the boy also lost his divine status. However, now he is no different from his peers.

Arshid Ali Khan, from the Indian state of Punjab, is 13 years old and lives with his grandfather and two uncles after his father has died. Arshid, alas, cannot move independently - he rides in a wheelchair, and a real ponytail 17 centimeters long grows from the boy's lower back.

However, neither Arshid himself nor his relatives see any tragedy in the tail, in part the boy even enjoys his position, because all the locals consider him to be the earthly reincarnation of the monkey god Hanuman.

Arshid does not live the life of an ordinary teenager - the family house has been turned into a kind of temple, and people constantly come to the child, whom he is sure he should help.

However, Arshid still goes to school, and he has to plan the rest of his time very carefully - he intends to fulfill his "divine" duty as long as people are ready to believe in him.

Not so long ago, doctors advised Arshid to get rid of his tail, as this could be extremely dangerous for the health of the child. The tail may be the cause of spina bifida, and if so, then Arshida can expect severe paralysis in the future. According to another opinion, the child's tail grew due to a spinal hernia. In any case, it would be better to get rid of it - this is the opinion of all doctors without exception.

Arshid himself believes that the tail was given to him by God himself, and therefore he cannot get rid of it so easily, although he has not yet said the final “no” either.

On Sundays, at least 20-30 people come to Arshid, some need advice, others ask for blessings, others just want to touch his tail as a manifestation higher powers. It is said that several childless couples, after visiting Arshid Ali Khan, managed to have children, and the fame of the tailed boy spread far beyond his native state.

Arshid is almost sure that even after the removal, people will still consider him a deity, but he is still in no hurry with the operation.

Best of the day

It is up to the teenager himself to decide whether to leave or remove the tail - his grandfather has already made him understand that only he himself can decide his fate.

In general, Arshid, although he "works" as the reincarnation of God, looks like an ordinary Indian boy. He loves to play with his peers, even though he is in a wheelchair from which he is unable to get up. He says that the guys at school do not tease him at all, but everyone wants to see his tail, which he shows without modesty or embarrassment.

The boy is philosophical about his tail. He says that he was simply given to him by God, and therefore Arshid does not think about whether it is good or bad, he simply lives as he was given.

Alas, the family still listens to the words of the doctors, and very soon Arshid will still have to decide whether to live with his tail or get rid of it.

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