Sports icons of sports. Choosing a sport according to your zodiac sign

The number, month and year of birth are not the last indicators of a person's character traits. Of course, everything is individual, depends on upbringing, genetic predisposition and other factors, however, in some features and characteristics, almost all representatives of a certain zodiac sign are similar.

And sports are no exception. the site will tell you which sports, from the point of view of astrology, are suitable for the signs of the zodiac. Such a sports horoscope is based on the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the representatives of the zodiac signs.

Sports horoscope: "fire" signs - Sagittarius, Leo and Aries

The patron planets endowed the signs, united under the element of fire, with a burning desire to be the first in everything. And the vigor and activity of representatives of such signs makes them excellent athletes, especially in active sports. Therefore, a sports horoscope for these signs looks something like this:

  1. Aries:
  • tennis;
  • fencing;
  • football;
  • martial arts;
  • light and heavy athletics;
  • skating;
  • skis;
  • rowing.
  1. a lion:
  • swimming;
  • figure skating;
  • Athletics;
  • fencing;
  • Pilates;
  • yoga;
  • dancing.
  1. Sagittarius:
  • Horseback Riding;
  • cycling;
  • skis;
  • aerobics;
  • luge;
  • shooting.

Sports horoscope: earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

In most cases, "mundane" signs succeed in sports where prolonged physical exertion is not required. It can also be noted that these signs are more suitable for sports, in which the emphasis is on individual skill. Therefore, the sports horoscope for earth signs is as follows:

  1. calf:
  • dancing;
  • hiking;
  • light strength training
  • snowboarding;
  • boxing.
  1. Virgo:
  • chess;
  • gymnastics;
  • diving;
  • shooting;
  • fencing;
  • mountaineering;
  • hockey;
  • football.
  1. Capricorn:
  • rock climbing;
  • gymnastics;
  • motorsport;
  • motorsport;
  • basketball;
  • Athletics.

Sports horoscope: "air" signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Representatives of this group of signs are well given team sports, as well as physical activity. It is extremely easy for them to stay in great shape, but often it is the laziness that is often inherent in the "air" signs that prevents them from becoming one of the brightest representatives of the sports world. As for the sports horoscope for air signs, it is as follows:

  1. Twins:
  • football;
  • handball;
  • hockey;
  • volleyball;
  • basketball;
  • Skydiving;
  • motorsport;
  • tennis;
  • tourism.
  1. Scales:
  • synchronized swimming;
  • figure skating (in pairs);
  • bodyflex;
  • group workouts.
  1. Aquarius:
  • triathlon;
  • yachting;
  • snowboarding;
  • basketball;
  • volleyball;
  • skis;
  • mountaineering;
  • parachuting.

Sports horoscope: "water" signs - Crayfish, Scorpio, Pisces

It is logical to assume that water signs almost always love any physical activity associated with being in the water. In addition, for them, playing sports is not just an activity “for show”. It is personal sporting achievements that are an incentive for representatives of these signs, otherwise they lose interest in what is happening. Sports horoscope for "water" signs is as follows:

  1. Cancer:
  • swimming;
  • dancing;
  • chess;
  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • badminton;
  • gymnastics;
  • team sports.
  1. Scorpion:
  • struggle;
  • ski jumping;
  • water skiing;
  • triathlon;
  • slalom;
  • motor sports;
  • biathlon;
  • hockey.
  1. Fish:
  • figure skating;
  • swimming;
  • golf;
  • sailing;
  • tennis;
  • chess;
  • surfing;
  • kiting;
  • yoga;
  • curling;
  • rowing.

The above lists of sports are not exhaustive, because the first thing you need to focus on when choosing a sport is individual preferences and the absence of contraindications. the site is convinced that success in a particular sport depends not so much on the sign of the zodiac of which you are a representative, but on the desire to achieve success and keep your body in shape!

A sports horoscope is just a kind of hint based on long-term observations of the preferences of certain zodiac signs.

Many people would like to choose a sport according to their zodiac sign. This is advisable, since it takes into account the weaknesses and strengths of the character of people born under different signs of the zodiac, from the point of view of sports.

In popular publications, the archetype of the solar sign of the zodiac is usually described and each planet is considered, as if by itself, to be in the same sign. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

At the time of birth, only the sun passes through this sign, and the rest of the planets can be located anywhere. The more planets at the time of birth were in the solar sign, the more relevant traits the newborn has in character.

And vice versa, if at the time of birth, other than the sun, other planets stopped in other signs of the zodiac, then the newborn is practically not similar to the described type of character. What does this tell us? The fact that we need to be very attentive to the popular information we receive, listen and check it, based on inner feelings.

Love for sports and the desire to exercise in people's horoscopes depends primarily on the Sun and Mars. The sun is a source of energy and life, a view of the world and oneself as the center of a mini universe, a worldview and understanding of the world, our hopes and dreams. Mars is a way of expressing our activity, a directed action, a desire to win, to conquer.

It gives us the energy of action, courage, excitement and risk, as well as physical strength and endurance. You can read some thoughts on the topic of sports in this article.

Sports for the zodiac sign Aries

Aries are by nature impulsive and temperamental. Starting to play sports, they want to achieve everything at once. Any obstacle, if it is not immediately possible to overcome it and become a winner, spoils their mood and the desire to continue classes begins to slowly fade away. The unbearable need to always be the first gives Aries not only fearlessness and courage, but also a passion for risky actions.

And they really know how to take risks. If the circumstances are successful, then they receive the laurels of the winners and new fans / kov. I say about the combination of circumstances because Aries are very dependent on their desires and, as a rule, they lack technology. Technique is gained by painstaking work and discipline, and the discipline of Aries is lame on both legs.

Extreme sports should be practiced very carefully, slowly and patiently. Try not to "grab the stars from the sky", as they turn your head and do not give a true assessment of your own abilities, which can lead to injury. If, nevertheless, this happened, after an injury, Aries may finally lose interest in this sport.

To continue your workouts, after recovery, begin to roll back the trick on which you "broke" from beginning to end. This will help restore confidence in the body and smooth out psychological trauma. Another tip for Aries, do not turn classes into a routine, for you this is tantamount to an unloved job. Leave the track only in a good mood and your success will not keep you waiting long.

Sports for the zodiac sign Taurus

Taurus are distinguished by great perseverance and patience in all their endeavors. Only here it is always very difficult for Taurus to start. They do not rush headlong into unknown abysses, they let their desire mature. How long it will take, only they know. They are well tuned to their own instinct and trust it.

But if the case is started, then they will definitely bring it to the end. They see the goal in front of them, moving slowly, carefully work out the real elements and stubbornly move towards the final. Perhaps they lack passion. From the outside it may seem that Taurus is cowardly, but the fact is that they approach risk from a practical point of view, if it is justified, then you can take a chance.

It is very important for them how they look in the eyes of others. They painfully endure the underestimation of their abilities by the opposite sex. Only after working out the trick to the smallest detail, they can demonstrate it. The weak point is laziness. Well, if she took possession of Taurus, then nothing can make him get up from the couch. Knowing this feature behind you, try to maintain an average rhythm of classes.

Don't overwork yourself too much, but don't let yourself cheat too much either. Feel your body, the main thing for you is the pleasure of the loads and the beauty of physical forms.

Sports for the zodiac sign Gemini

Gemini from childhood, having diverse interests, tend to try themselves in many sports. They are especially attracted to team competitions. Easily succumb to other people's influence and excitement, they can safely start complex tricks in collaboration with someone.

But without support, it is difficult to maintain enthusiasm and the same intensity. The strength of the Gemini is that they can grasp the technique of movements on the fly and are able to easily create new tricks. By nature, they are plastic, mobile, flexible. Movement for them is life. Lack of movement leads to diseases of the nervous system.

Excessive nervousness and impatience can seriously interfere with extreme sports. All Geminis know that repeating the same movement more than three times for them is mortal boredom. Knowing your character, come up with an extensive set of exercises. Even better, start teaching someone, it will entertain you too and help you cope with the desire to quit playing this sport and immediately get into another one.

Tracking your conditions every day will allow you to control the percentage of falls and injuries. And the joy of doing your favorite sports will become your constant companion.

Sports for the zodiac sign Cancer

The character of Cancers is manifested in great sensitivity, caution and emotionality. In childhood, as a rule, they are not interested in sports, with the exception of everything related to water. Swimming, diving, riding on the water - for Cancers this is not a sport, but a natural habitat. And after a while, being drawn into the dynamics of classes, they may feel interest in other physical activities.

Then the knowledge of yourself and your fears begins. Cancer is the most subtle sign of the zodiac, attuned to its inner world, emotionally dependent on loved ones. For the sake of their chosen one, they can perform heroic deeds: dive off a cliff into unknown depths, ski down the mountains, jump from a parachute and many other feats.

Unlike other signs of the zodiac, they are very aware of their weaknesses. And they use two ways to get rid of fears: first, do not get into situations where fear can take over the body and suppress the will; or go where it's scary, overcoming yourself with small steps and believing in your strength.

After all, if you never try, you will never understand what you are capable of. Cancers who have overcome their weaknesses know that if life puts them in front of a situation, they will certainly cope. We have a lot to learn from them.

Sports for the zodiac sign Leo

People born in the Leo zodiac sign are distinguished by their unyielding willpower and desire to be recognized as a leader and winner. Each of them has been dreaming of achieving unprecedented results since childhood, and if they start training, then they have every chance of succeeding. There are several “buts” in the character of Lions that prevent them from living: they are incredibly lazy and consider themselves unsurpassed, brilliant personalities.

And deep down they think that everyone around should see and understand this, and to prove to anyone, this is below their "royal" dignity. If they go in for sports, then not in order to be appreciated, because everyone should bow before them anyway, but for themselves personally. Between bouts of laziness, during periods of intense physical exertion, they achieve incredible and fast results.

Lions are characterized by perseverance and constancy with which they achieve their goals. Most often they like to engage in individual sports. They can take risks if the situation or the company requires it. They do not like to be in a disadvantageous light for them and for this they are ready for a lot. They strive to use any situation to satisfy their own pride and acquire new fans.

The passionate need to play the first violin and achieve a universal vocation leads them uphill towards their cherished goal. Lions, you know perfectly well that the most important thing for you is to consciously choose the point of application of forces. Hesitation will not lead to good. Roll difficult tricks alone, do not risk in vain in front of the public. The pursuit of excellence and glory is a powerful incentive for you, so use them to motivate yourself and soon the whole world will be at your feet!

Sports for the zodiac sign Virgo

Virgos have such valuable qualities for a novice athlete as discipline, accuracy, exactingness to themselves and rare diligence. The main problem of Virgos is related to the fact that they love to engage in intellectual research and are skeptical of any sports hobbies.

If in childhood, parents managed to instill in them an interest in sports, then they can become outstanding athletes. Their weaknesses are excessive modesty and disbelief in their own strength, which prevents them from achieving what they want not only in sports, but also in everyday life. First of all, step by step, they need to learn to believe in themselves and see approval and praise in the world around them, and not just sarcastic jokes.

By setting yourself high goals, you can easily overcome what you usually stumble over. Virgos are wary of risk, they are more inclined to take risks in the intellectual spheres than in the physical world. Of course, if life forces them, they are able to surprise many.

Inside, they always have a clear plan of steps on how to achieve what they want with minimal effort. Carefully practicing each element of the trick, they delve into the details so deeply that they can get stuck in one place for a long time. In the immediate environment they have a friend whose authority will help them see their strengths and weaknesses.

All Virgos know that because of the desire for the perfect execution of tricks and excessive attention to detail, it can be difficult for them to complete the work they have begun. You do not like spontaneous outbursts of energy and surprises in everything. A good motivation for you may be the improvement of your own body or the desire to explore your resources.

Often a successful organization of leisure can be used as a cure for life's adversities. In moments of nervous overload, you, Virgo, should not engage in extreme sports. Falls and bruises most often injure your hands. Properly organized daily work and rest is the best remedy for all stress for Virgos.

Sports for the zodiac sign Libra

Scales are distinguished by their ability to acutely feel harmony, craving for beauty and art. They are especially attracted by the beauty of the physical body. They want to look perfect in order to be successful with the opposite sex. For this, both women and men are ready to disappear for hours in fitness clubs and gyms. They get pleasure not so much from the process of classes, but from communication and interaction with people and the end result.

If they decide to do something, they will definitely find a mate, a like-minded person. The team or companions are for them a stimulus to action when laziness seizes them, and moral support when they feel self-doubt. It is very important for them that their charm, attractiveness and charm are appreciated by others. In sports, they are primarily interested in the grace of movements, elegance, plasticity. Even in extreme sports, Libra will bring their artistry, grace.

In the process of physical exercise, Libra is quite careful in actions. In their behavior, drops and fluctuations are frequent, which can lead to errors in movements and injuries. They do not like to take risks. If life puts unexpected situations before them, they can often react inappropriately, which surprises others. The areas of the lower back and kidneys are subjected to injuries, especially those caused by hypothermia or bruises of these parts of the body.

Libra, you know that in the community you can achieve high results and everyone around you is fascinated. So try not to rest on your laurels and you will always be on a pedestal.

Sports for the zodiac sign Scorpio

Distinctive features of Scorpios are the passionate desire to achieve the goal, the imperiousness of nature and the neglect of dangers. From childhood, Scorpios feel their strength, which distinguishes them from other people. If parents were able to direct the seething energy of Scorpios into a sports channel, then for the rest of their lives they will be passionately devoted to their favorite sports.

If Scorpios are not interested in physical activity, it is only because in their hearts they know that if they need it, they can do it. The only question is, do they need it? If they don't exercise, it means they can't find the intrinsic motivation to do so.

Scorpios love to take risks, although you may not notice it from the outside. Hence their passion for extreme sports. In moments of critical situations, when for any other person not only the usual life, but also the body would collapse, Scorpions are able to concentrate and manipulate reality in such a way that they emerge from the situation as newborns, self-confident and having received numerous awards from life.

And only they themselves know at what cost they achieved this. They do not like manifestations of weakness either in themselves, or even more so in other people. They have an amazing ability to recover, endurance, will. Another secret passion of Scorpions is the desire to compete.

They will never admit it, and maybe for them the gambling of character is a secret? In any case, you Scorpios can use your competitiveness as a motivation for action and conquer new heights.

Sports for the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sagittarians are distinguished by restlessness, curiosity and a desire to embrace the immensity. They are interested in everything at once and it is difficult to stop at one thing. As a rule, in childhood, they managed to work out all kinds of sports a little and have an idea of ​​​​the difficulties that they have to face. They stop only at those sports activities where you can show your authority and have grateful spectators.

Of course, this is the Achilles heel of Sagittarians, because instead of achieving personal results and growing above themselves, they are only concerned with how to impress. If this need is satisfied by other aspects of life, then Sagittarians can hone their skills and easily reach the heights of the sports Olympus.

They like to take risks, exposure to impulses and emotions, often pushes them to rash acts. As a result, areas from the hips to the knees are subjected to serious injuries. After suffering injuries, they tend to immediately get carried away with a new idea. They love to do several things at the same time, with the same ardor and passion.

Sagittarius, you need to ask yourself questions more often: “Why do I need this?” Before headlong rushing in an unknown direction.

Sports for the zodiac sign Capricorn

Capricorns are by nature ambitious, hardy, stubborn in achieving their goals. From an early age they know what they want. If they set themselves the task of achieving success in the sports field, then they systematically go to it. There are no sharp rises, but there are no rapid falls either. Any obstacle on the way is perceived as another step towards success.

Strong will and tough life attitudes allow Capricorns to organize their lives in such a way that sooner or later they will achieve what they want. Internal discipline and diligence allow them to masterfully hone their technique. The passion of Capricorns can be extreme sports. They bring all the seriousness to them, as well as a thirst for life and excitement hidden from others.

The weak point of Capricorns is the insensitivity of the skin, which affects health. They may not notice for a long time that something hurts them, until a bruise or injury requires the intervention of doctors. Injuries are exposed to the skeletal system, joints, especially the knees. Dangerous hypothermia, the transfer of diseases "on the legs", fractures.

Capricorns, pay attention to the symptoms of your body more often, listen to it, what does it tell you? You use it as a tool to get things done, but tools also need proper care. You know well that you are capable of asceticism and self-restraint for the sake of your plans, but is it worth the loneliness and isolation with which you have surrounded yourself. The world will open all doors for you if you go towards it.

Sports for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Aquarians are born rebels, innovators, adventurers. They are impossible to predict. They are always on the crest of a wave, they are the first to start doing something that has not yet been born, not discovered or simply not accepted. They are essentially extremists! They have no authority! From childhood, they surprise their parents with their fearlessness, thirst for freedom and eccentricity.

Risk is the second name of Aquarius. For them, risk is just curiosity, a desire to learn something new. Being fond of sports, they are ready for crazy deeds, but as soon as everything becomes known and understandable, boredom immediately seizes Aquarius. Routine, discipline and submission - that's what they run from headlong. Often obsessed with some idea, for the sake of friendship they are capable of much.

For Aquarius there are no authorities, they want to experience everything for themselves. New tricks, a new style of performance are brought into the sport. Their innate ingenuity helps to improve sports tools (equipment?): whether it be sneakers, roller skates or skis.

Unexpected sudden changes in mood, unpredictability of behavior lead to injuries. First of all, the nervous system is overloaded, lack of sleep and lack of fresh air can lead to insomnia. Take care of your shins and ankles, this is your weak point. Aquarius, know that the Universe has many more secrets in store, and they will be enough for you.

Sports for the zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces are gentle in nature, often shy, driven. They love loneliness and tend to spend all their free time alone with their thoughts. If in childhood parents managed to instill a love for sports, then they can express themselves, their thoughts through movements, plasticity. They prefer individual sports, although it is better to do them in a team.

They love water, they can splash for hours without noticing how time goes by. Dependent on loved ones or friends. They can do something other than their own for a long time, just because their loved one is fond of it. Pisces lack confidence and self-discipline. They tend to go on about their feelings and fleeting desires.

They do not know how to bring the matter to the end, they are constantly distracted by the problems of the people around them. Injuries are received through stupidity, due to inattention and daydreams. Weak spots are ankles and feet. Protect your feet from hypothermia. By nature, they are not fighters, they eschew active actions, avoid risky situations, and even more so open clashes.

Sport helps them cope with their weaknesses, teaches them to defend their rights and realize their needs in open battle. The ability to obey and patience become their assistants in achieving their goals. True goals are blurry, constantly changing. A strong strong-willed person next to you is able to lead you along, prevent you from becoming limp, and maintain the rhythm of training.

Pisces, you know that your health requires constant attention to yourself. Sport and only sport will help you keep your thoughts clear, your mind and body invigorated. So stop being self-indulgent all the time, look around, open up to the world and life will become richer not only with inner impressions.



Aries are very active people. The choice of sports for them is quite wide. Like any representative of the sign of the element of Fire, Aries excels in a team, especially as a leader. Therefore, sports such as football, basketball, hockey and volleyball are well suited to him. Another of the factors that incline to the choice of one of these directions is that they all require a lot of mobility, and Aries are doing great with it. Since childhood, they are very mobile people, so they can achieve excellent results. The presence of willpower, determination, courage and pressure allows representatives of the first sign of the zodiac to achieve outstanding results in severe sports based on direct confrontation: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and so on. But, given that not every Aries is a warrior by nature, for many of them, directly opposite forms of physical activity may be preferable: gymnastics, figure skating, athletics. As you can see, there are many options.


Taurus are calm and reserved people. Even physical activity in their case should be carried out without much pressure, haste, time restrictions and the competitive spirit that prevails over the whole thing. That is why for representatives of the second sign of the zodiac it is preferable to engage in sports such as, for example, figure skating. It allows you to individually select the rhythm and plasticity of movements, learn the desired sequence of actions, find the intersection points of sports and art. An equally good option for Taurus is swimming. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign show a penchant for those sports in which you need to ride on any object - a bicycle, snowboard, skiing, and so on. Taurus also have a great chance of succeeding in throwing projectiles and lifting loads. Arm wrestling will not be an exception, where representatives of the second sign of the zodiac have a great chance of success and achievement.


Gemini are representatives of the element of Air, for whom speed, variability, and airiness are of particular importance. They excel in sports where reaction and coordination play a decisive role. For example, fencing is ideal for a child born under the sign of Gemini. Another good example is tennis, as it combines all the advantages of fencing, but also is connected directly with the air. Athletics, various running competitions, acrobatics, and shooting were no exception. You can also think about water sports. Some Geminis will take up rowing with enthusiasm, but there is a possibility that others will find it boring to constantly sit in one place, rowing, so here you need to pay special attention to the reaction of the child at first. You can also forget about traditional sports and enroll your child in a mountaineering school - this is an excellent combination of constant movement and aspiration upwards will give all the impressions necessary for the representative of this zodiac sign.


Cancerians are people who are reluctant to show themselves in sports. Their vulnerable nature is quite keen on defeat if they happen, and constant stress due to competition can negatively affect health. The preferred option for these sensitive children would be exercise options that involve some form of artistic or spiritual activity. For example, rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating may be perceived by Cancer primarily as an art, not a competition. The same applies to various forms of swimming. Climbing is about being in touch with nature, not a way to find out who climbs a mountain faster. Developing this idea, one can come to spiritual practices. It's not even yoga (although about it in particular), but various martial arts, which have their own philosophy at the base. Developing within these traditions, a person first of all seeks to overcome his own internal barriers and physical boundaries, and not a rival. Separate martial arts schools completely reject sparring as a form of training, building training around individual training, not only with the body, but also with energy. If you have a large selection, you can look for qigong schools and other interesting directions - all of them will be favorable for the physical development of Cancer.

a lion

Leos are athletic natures. With regard to the representatives of this zodiac sign, we can say about the same thing that we previously said about Aries. Relating to the element of Fire, they prefer team sports, such as volleyball, football, hockey and others, because they allow them to show not only activity, but also their leadership qualities. Being warriors by nature, Lions willingly take on various forms of direct confrontation between two rivals: boxing, fencing, wrestling, and so on. In addition, they do quite well in various "air" sports that require lightness. For example, among them are tennis, figure skating, athletics, gymnastics, and so on. Thus, the list of those areas of sports in which a child born under the constellation Leo can prove himself is even wider than that of all those signs of the zodiac that we considered earlier.


Virgos are people who, of all sports, chess would be the most preferable option, but given that we are talking about physical activity, we will have to choose another option, which in our case will be a compromise. Virgos are calm, unhurried people who absolutely do not like the spirit of competition and racing. Therefore, the preferred options in our case will be various sports that exclude these components. For example, synchronized swimming is one of the most beneficial sports for Virgos. It does not require overtaking rivals, but involves carefully rehearsed choreography. Rhythmic gymnastics, which is also suitable for Devs, requires approximately the same from athletes. Considering that people born under this sign of the zodiac generally prefer to go their own way, then types of physical activity that cannot be called sports at all are suitable for them. For example, rock climbing or horseback riding - but not equestrian sports that require overtaking rivals.


Libra - people always and in everything striving for harmony. Violence is alien to them, and therefore it is worth immediately discarding options with boxing and wrestling. Also, particularly traumatic sports, such as hockey, should be excluded. Scales willingly take on various "air" competitions - that is, those where the player himself or a sports equipment rushes about in the air. This can include tennis, basketball, volleyball, ski jumping. For Libra singles, figure skating, sports dancing, various types of swimming and gymnastics are recommended. You can even go, for example, to a ballet school. Also, given the element of Air, one should take into account various projectile throwing, archery, high jumps and other similar forms of physical activity.


Scorpio is a person who does not tolerate weakness. One of the main aspirations in life and motives for actions for him is to prove to himself that you belong to the category of strong, hardy people. So any sport that tests endurance and stamina can be perceived by a Scorpio as a challenge that he will definitely accept with alacrity - and achieve amazing results with honor. This is a marathon and ordinary type of running, cycling, auto and motorcycle racing. Scorpions willingly take part in team competitions: volleyball, football, hockey, and so on. Do not intimidate a person born under the sign of Scorpio and hard sports. Wrestling, rugby, boxing - all this is on the shoulder of such a person. In contrast to these areas, you can choose rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, athletics. Thus, the options preferred for Scorpio are an incredible variety. Actually, what else to expect from such a complex nature?


Sagittarians are vain when it comes to competitive sports. It is not enough for them to have certain achievements, it is much more important that they be confirmed by some kind of status, recognized by society, could become a reason for boasting. Therefore, team sports for Sagittarius are mainly interesting in cases where there is an opportunity to become a leader, captain of this team, its face, a person who is in sight, and his name is well known. Where, with great willingness, Sagittarius agree to sports where you can act independently. Given the excitement of Sagittarius, it is not surprising that they prefer different types of racing - from ordinary running to auto racing. Sagittarius ambitions require them to set records, and therefore, if the sport does not provide such an opportunity, it often becomes more of a burden than an enjoyable pastime. As an alternative to Sagittarius, you can offer those forms of physical activity that can provide them with something else. For example, traveling, climbing mountains or diving is not just a way to make your body work, but also a form of entertainment. Older Sagittarius themselves find leisure in the form of more extreme entertainment, such as skydiving. Well, very young people can be interested in the element of the game in a particular sports competition.


Capricorns are very stubborn and persistent natures. Based on the characteristics of their character, the most preferred sport will be marathon running or cycling, which involves riding long distances. It is worth approaching with caution in those sports where a reaction is required. It is noteworthy that, despite all the calmness of their nature, people born under the sign of Capricorn can count on great success in various combat sports. This can be achieved due to natural composure, which does not allow losing judgment and the ability to think analytically even in the most stressful moment. It is also worth paying attention to water sports. Although Capricorn himself is a zodiac sign belonging to the elements of the Earth, interaction with water will benefit him. You can limit yourself to exercises in the pool, or you can think about, for example, sailing. Surfing should be considered with caution - it requires a high reaction rate, and this is not especially in the spirit of Capricorns.


Aquarians are very restless children who love to misbehave and misbehave because of an excess of energy. There is nothing surprising in the fact that parents are trying to channel this potential into sports activities. But not everyone has it. And the secret is that sport requires a certain discipline, for which Aquarius does not have the slightest inclination. Young representatives of this zodiac sign may be interested only in those types of physical activity that leave them enough freedom, give them the opportunity to fool around and improvise. From the point of view of rationality, it is better in childhood to come up with some game equivalents to ordinary sports, since simply throwing the ball, devoid of any meaning, will become burdensome boredom for Aquarius, and eventually turn into torture. Being people striving for constant change, Aquarians willingly take up only those sports that can give them variety. An example is biathlon and other all-around events. Also, Aquarius can take the initiative to take the idea of ​​outdoor activities, traveling through caves, mountains, forests or rocks - all this is more interesting than the daily routine in a dusty gym. Older Aquarians will take the initiative to accept various mystical teachings that affect physical development. As an example, it is appropriate to mention qigong and hatha yoga. But the catch is that Aquarians are fickle and restless, so not many of them are able to achieve serious results.


Pisces are people far from sports. They like a quiet pastime, like golf or curling, and representatives of the twelfth sign of the zodiac will prefer to find physical activity for themselves in a fitness club, but not in a sports arena. You can count on the fact that people born under the sign of Pisces will succeed at the border of sports and art - in figure skating, but representatives of this zodiac sign have much more potential in various water sports. Here, of course, there is plenty to choose from. But the most preferred options are calm ones - for example, synchronized swimming. And yet, you should not force a child to engage in water sports just because he was born under the twelfth sign of the zodiac. Mostly such people are creative and spiritual natures, so sports for them can become more of an obstacle on their personal path. For most Pisces, options such as yoga are preferred.

What are your preferences in sports? What is your zodiac sign? Share your observations, it's very interesting! If there are questions that, in your opinion, should be considered in future publications, be sure to write about it in the comments. The best suggestions will definitely be used in subsequent articles.


It is no secret that the sign of the Zodiac determines some character traits. A little less known is that each zodiac sign has the weakest and most vulnerable organs, which can affect his health and his choice of sport. Have you ever wondered why you feel like a fish in the water or why you always hurt your knee? The “blame” for this may be your zodiac sign. Knowing character traits combined with weaknesses can help you choose your sport according to the stars.

Aries: Don't get overwhelmed and don't expect instant results.
Weak spots: head, face, eyes, muscular system.

Aries love to be physically active as it improves their mood and. They love to win and gravitate towards sports where there is an immediate competitive moment, but they should avoid too gambling and extreme sports that can cause high blood pressure and lead to migraines. Aries should also be careful: their carelessness and frivolity can sometimes lead to clashes and injuries. It is especially worth taking care of your head, and for this, do not neglect helmets, masks and other head protection devices. The most suitable sports for Aries are tennis, football, cycling and motorcycling, weightlifting, fencing, swimming.

Taurus: More fun!
Weak spots: neck, throat, thyroid gland, vocal cords.

Taurus love comfort, love to be at home and eat well, so sports for them, as a rule, is a heavy duty. But since with age, Taurus tend to gain weight, sooner or later they face the need for regular physical activity. The simplest ones are suitable - like stretching exercises and strength exercises, as well as dancing. It is better to abandon sports with a large competitive component. Beautiful nature motivates you, so it is good to choose outdoor sports: tennis, windsurfing, jogging, cycling, cross-country walking. Listening to music at the same time will also add entertainment to what is happening. In general, any entertaining moment that will make the training longer and more interesting is welcome - for example, the participation of a dog in this.

Gemini: Need a partner.
Weak spots: arms, hands, lungs and nervous system.

Typical Geminis (if they really exist!) are in constant motion, which allows them to maintain good athletic shape. In sports, they need to avoid routine and boredom in order to maintain interest in what is happening. For this, group classes to music are best suited, especially since Gemini, by definition, needs either a partner or a team. Avoid overexertion of the lungs, as this is your weak point, and winter sports due to the tendency to catch colds.

Cancer: Love is for a long time!
Weak spots: chest, collarbones, stomach, digestive system, abdomen.

Being by nature very obligatory and constant in attachments, Cancers, like no one else, are able to get carried away with one sport for a long time and achieve great results in it. They are suitable both single and. But since Cancer is still a water sign, they are especially good at all kinds of water sports. (By the way, multiple Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps is a Cancer). When choosing exercises, pay special attention to the abdominal area - Cancers are prone to fat deposits in this area.

Leo: More viewers!
Weak spots: heart, back, spine, aorta.

Leo as a sign governs sports and entertainment, so sports are an integral and natural part of Leo's life. Regular exercise has a positive effect on blood circulation, but beware of heart overload. Public performances or competitions will significantly spur Leo's interest in sports, the main thing is that there is no mirror nearby to constantly look into it. Sports dances are suitable, for example, acrobatic rock and roll, synchronized swimming, gymnastics, figure skating and, in general, any spectator sport. Since Leos are natural leaders, it is difficult for them to be under someone else's guidance, and often they prefer to be their own personal trainer. Cats love to stretch, so stretching is a must before every workout.

Virgo: Not speed, but stamina.
Weak spots: sympathetic nervous system, spleen, digestive system.

For the most part, Virgos like to look fit and neat, but they can be motivated to play sports by the desire to be healthy and slim rather than vanity or the desire to reach any heights. Since Virgos have a truly inexhaustible supply of energy and patience, sports that require a certain stamina and endurance are suitable for them: cycling, football, hockey, marathon running. Virgos love to be in nature, so the stuffy "rocking chair" is not for them. The only thing that can shake a Virgo is disappointment, so set realistic goals for yourself.

Libra: Sports for fun.
Weak spots: skin, lower back, kidneys, buttocks.

Libras love organized and gentle forms of fitness. They get tired and bored quickly, so elite health clubs or yoga, with leisurely speed and slow stretching, are what they need. Figure skating and golf are also quite suitable. Any sports that stress the lower back, such as weightlifting and powerlifting, should be avoided. Finding a fitness partner can often help avoid boredom, but don't let the conversation take you too far and distract you from the immediate.

Scorpio: Work to the maximum.

Weak spots: reproductive system, genitalia, excretory system.

Scorpios are energetic and assertive, which is why they excel in intense, active, extreme and competitive sports. That is, where in a short period of time you need to get together and reach the maximum. For example, in sprints, jumping, weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, martial arts, cross-country skiing, triathlon. However, they often get injured, especially ligament injuries. Since Scorpios are prone to loneliness, it is better for them to train alone, so they achieve maximum results. Scorpios also need to learn how to properly relax after training.

Sagittarius: Always forward!
Weak spots: liver, ligaments, sciatic nerve.

The healthiest of all zodiac signs, Sagittarius needs a lot of movement, preferably outdoors. Since Sagittarians tend to have strong legs, running, cycling or motorcycling, skiing is a good choice for them. Do not forget to stretch before training, and be careful during training: Sagittarius' ligaments are a weak point. Sagittarians need a goal in life, so during training, a clear motivation is needed, so Sagittarius will quickly achieve results and work harder.

Capricorn: Perseverance is my name.
Weak spots: bones (skeleton), joints, knees, teeth.

Capricorns do not expect instant results, so they can work hard and patiently. Since Capricorn's bones and joints are weak points, they need regular movement so as not to "stagnate". Do not forget about stretching. Climbing will also cater to the tastes of this "mountain goat", as well as to please his desire to overcome challenges. Running, swimming, cycling are also good choices, especially for long distances. Just try not to overload your knees.

Aquarius: The more unusual, the better.
Weak spots: circulatory system, legs (especially ankles, Achilles tendon, shins).

Aquarians don't like boundaries and restrictions, so the more whimsical a sport is, the more likely they are to enjoy it. Any extreme sports (such as parachuting) are suitable, as well as activities such as dancing or parkour, as they provide freedom of movement and improve blood circulation. Aquarians are advised to limit their intake of carbohydrates, especially immediately before a workout, as this makes them tired quickly. They also quickly get bored with what they are doing, so it is necessary to avoid routine by all means.

Pisces: Water and Music.

Weak spots: feet and the immune system.

Pisces is not a very athletic sign, so too much load is contraindicated for them. Particularly heavy stress on the legs, as Pisces are prone to leg injuries, from sprains to fractures. Suitable sports that train balance, thinking and poise: for example, yoga or curling, as well as everything that is somehow connected with water - swimming, surfing, water skiing, diving. Pisces are fans of music, so it is useful for them to move to the music, so dancing and aerobics, especially water, will also appeal to them.

Foto: Vida Press

Sport has always been, is and will be held in high esteem. Interest in different sports has never faded. Being an athlete is prestigious. Going in for sports means being strong and healthy. And in nature, these qualities are almost the most important. Athletes who have achieved good results in this area will certainly try to send their child to practice some kind of sport. Those who have never been involved in sports are trying to make their dreams come true in children. But often parents make big mistakes, trying to give preference to the sport that they themselves like. The interests of children are not taken into account. Well, if the interests of parents coincide with the hobbies of children, then world sports stars are born. But no one in our society talks about failed stars - people whose destinies were broken as a result of failures and disappointments from unfulfilled hopes. Therefore, the choice of sports activities must be approached very seriously.

The stars will help you decide on the choice of a particular sport that suits your character and temperament, writes.

Sports characteristics of Aries

Under this sign, world stars are very often born. Aries have great energy, they are distinguished by their cheerfulness, purposefulness, courage and severity. All this helps them achieve high results in their sport. Their energy will most effectively be directed to outdoor sports. In team sports, Aries manage to better show their nature. They are very dedicated to their team. Very often they are chosen as captains, which helps to develop such a character trait as responsibility. Therefore, Aries can achieve significant success in volleyball, football and basketball. Proof of this is the stellar career of Ronaldinho. Also, the temperament of Aries will help them achieve success in martial arts. The strength of mind, perseverance and courage, which representatives of this sign possess, will help to achieve grandiose results in boxing. One of the greatest boxers in the world Wladimir Klitschko was born under the sign of Aries. Of the other sports, running, athletics, auto and motorcycle racing can be distinguished - Aries have a very highly developed spirit of competition, they like to be the first in everything.

If parents want to develop missing character traits in their child, such as grace, refinement and accuracy, then they should pay attention to gymnastics or figure skating. Synchronized swimming will help develop accuracy in your child. Shooting, fencing or tennis will make the baby's movements more accurate, these sports will help develop endurance and patience, which Aries lacks so much. (Maria Sharapova - one of the most successful tennis players in the world - Aries by the sign of the Zodiac). Chess will teach Aries to achieve victory not only with strength, but also with the mind. Garry Kasparov - Aries.

But do not forget about injuries that are inevitable in sports (of course, except for playing chess). The most traumatic place in Aries is the head and nose. Therefore, you should think and evaluate whether the risk justifies itself.

Sports characteristics of Taurus

Taurus are representatives of Earth signs. Their main qualities are calmness, endurance, stability and hard work. Accordingly, they are most prone to calm sports. In sports, they prefer to show their creative nature rather than physical activity. Parents should not put pressure on such children, should not force them to engage in sports that they do not like. As a result, you will only waste time and money. It is better to give preference to gymnastics, ice dancing or synchronized swimming. Light music and beautiful outfits will make your child truly happy. It is worth noting the fact that Alina Kabaeva is a Taurus. Boys who have a strong body and great muscle strength are suitable for sports such as weightlifting, hammer throwing or javelin throwing. In the future, they may become interested in improving their body - bodybuilding.

What is lacking in the character of Taurus is courage. If you want your child to be more determined, try getting him interested in outdoor sports. Skiing, rollerblading, cycling, snowboarding will instill in him the ability to quickly respond to what is happening. Wrestling will help develop self-confidence.

A problematic place for Taurus is the throat. Therefore, if in the future you want to avoid problems with ENT organs, then you should temper yourself from childhood. Another problem is excessive love for flour and sweets. From this emerge problems with being overweight, so try to monitor the diet of the child from childhood. Don't let him sit forever without moving. In the future, he will be grateful to you for this.

Sports characteristics of Gemini

Representatives of this sign are considered one of the most mobile and inquisitive. Since childhood, parents do not have time to see for their nimble children. They love to run, jump, climb and get into hard-to-reach places. You will not scare the twins either by height or depth. Such children can grow into excellent tennis players, their innate dexterity and accuracy are indispensable in this game. This is confirmed by the grandiose career of the twin tennis player Anna Kournikova. Also, Gemini can achieve great success in swordsmanship or shooting. They are capable of all sports that require precision and care. Athletics, rowing, cycling are suitable for representatives of this sign. And they can show their subtle mind and observation skills in orienteering or tourism.

What Gemini lacks is stamina, stability, and patience. It is possible that your child will quickly get involved in a certain sport, and just as quickly this sport will bother him. You run the risk of bypassing all existing sports sections by adolescence. Therefore, try from childhood to teach your child to be systematic and purposeful, get down to business - lead it to the end.

Gemini often have problems with the lungs and bronchi. With the help of sports activities such as swimming and running, you will be able to avoid further exacerbation of respiratory diseases. Also, these activities will help relieve nervous tension and get rid of the stress that Gemini is so prone to.

Sports characteristics of Rakov

Small representatives of this sign are not very willing to show interest in sports. They do not like excessive fuss, struggle for superiority and fierce competition. If parents do not insist on practicing a certain sport, then Cancers will definitely not voluntarily go to any classes. Girls love beauty in everything, if they go in for sports, it will be rhythmic gymnastics or synchronized swimming. That is, those sports where they can show their creative inclinations. Boys can have a good career in team sports, provided that the team becomes their second family. Zinedine Zidane is a prime example of this. This outstanding footballer was born under the sign of Cancer.

Sometimes Cancers lack self-confidence and perseverance. If they try to correct and develop this quality in themselves in time, they can achieve tremendous results. Vitali Klitschko, Mike Tyson and Jack Dempsey - Crayfish. This is a living example of what Cancers can achieve by working on themselves. It will be useful to engage in swimming, climbing and various martial arts. This will help you develop courage, perseverance and purposefulness. The absolute medal record holder in the history of the Olympic Games - Michael Phelps is the representative of the Cancers. You have someone to look up to.

If the parents still convinced their baby to do some kind of sport, then you should think about proper nutrition for the child. Cancerians are prone to digestive problems. Avoid dry snacks or fast food. You are risking your child's health.

Sports characteristics of Lviv

Little Lions have shown interest in sports since early childhood. If the parents notice and stimulate the child's desire to do something seriously in time, then as a result you will get a good athlete. To understand which sport your child is most inclined to, arrange joint viewing of the Olympic Games or other competitions, try to attend all the sports games that take place in your locality. Then you will definitely not make a mistake in choosing a sports activity, the reaction of the child will help you with this.

Basically, Leos prefer team sports - football, volleyball, basketball (one of the best basketball players in the world, David Robinson - Leo), hockey and the like. But even in martial arts, fervent Lions manage to achieve great results. They love to be in the spotlight, fame and admiration is the main reward for these athletes. Wrestling, tennis and fencing - Leos should also pay attention to these sports. If you want to draw attention to your creative talents, then you should take up figure skating or gymnastics. The highest awards in their sport were achieved by gymnasts Lilia Podkopayeva and Anna Bessonova (Lions by the sign of the Zodiac).

Lions love being outdoors. Based on this, you can enroll your baby in the athletics section, where he will definitely spend enough time in nature. Try to engage in morning exercises with your child, sports games or rhythmic dances to music.

Sports characteristic Dev

Virgos are considered one of the most intelligent signs. So the first thing that comes to mind is chess. Anna Ushenina and Maria Muzychuk, winners of the World Chess Championship, were born under the sign of Virgo. But if parents still want to raise a full-fledged, versatile personality with excellent physical health, then you should not stop at chess. You can do other sports at the same time.

As a rule, Virgos are very scrupulous, hardworking, accurate and responsible. They are best suited for sports where you need to clearly and subtly think through technique and strategy. It can be gymnastics, diving and figure skating. Dexterity and precision of movements will help Virgos achieve success in fencing (Ukrainian fencer Olga Kharlan, Russian fencer Karina Aznavuryan), shooting and tennis (former world racket Andy Roddick). Despite all their merits and victories, Virgos behave very calmly and modestly, this distinguishes them from other signs.

To develop the missing qualities, such as confidence, sociability and responsibility, the parents of little Virgos should pay attention to swimming, equestrianism and mountaineering. Responsibility and sociability will help develop team sports - hockey, football, volleyball.

If you are serious about doing a certain sport, it is important to make a strict schedule and not miss classes. This will help Virgo to tune in to achieve impressive results. In adolescence, Virgos can give up sports a little. Parents need to bring to their minds in time how good it is for health. Such arguments will convince stubborn Virgos to keep going, because they love to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Sports characteristics of Libra

Representatives of this sign are prone to calm sports. Wrestling, boxing, hockey - this is not for them. Refined Libras are not accustomed to sharp conflicts. They like to reach a compromise in everything. Therefore, parents should be very serious about choosing an activity for their baby. Rather, the child himself must choose a sport in which he will feel free and happy.

Figure skating (2002 Olympic champion Elena Berezhnaya and two-time world champion Mao Asada), rhythmic gymnastics, dancing or synchronized swimming (three-time world champion Maria Kiseleva) are most suitable for girls. Both boys and girls are suitable for equestrian sports, tennis (the first racket of the world in 2013, Serena Williams), and alpine skiing. At the last Olympic Games in alpine skiing, representatives of Libra - Lindsay Vonn, Andrea Fischbacher and Bode Miller especially excelled. An important role in choosing a sports activity for Libra is played by prestige and popularity. Representatives of this sign have a well-developed team spirit, so they are not alien to playing football, volleyball or basketball. Football players Andriy Shevchenko and Mesut Ozil, volleyball player Ekaterina Gamova, basketball players Kevin Durant and Sue Bird - all these outstanding athletes were born under the sign of Libra.

The weak point of Libra is the lower back and spine. When choosing a sports activity, parents should pay special attention to this fact. You also need to choose a good experienced coach for the child. Libra is very touchy and stubborn, if they raise their voice at them, they will abandon these classes.

Sports characteristics of Scorpions

Everyone can envy the energy of Scorpions. The most mobile sports - that's what you need. You can achieve great results in running, cycling, volleyball, auto and motor sports. A Scorpio's love of risk can lead them to take up sports such as bobsleigh, water skiing, ski jumping, triathlon, hiking, and orienteering. In general, all sports related to the development of endurance. Heavy sports are suitable for Scorpio men - wrestling, boxing (Larry Holmes - the best boxer in 1978 according to the sign of the Zodiac - Scorpio), weightlifting. Scorpios can also become famous in football. An example of this can be the greatest achievements of the Scorpio football players Diego Maradona, Oleg Blokhin, Garrincha, Marco Van Basten, Gerd Muller, Mohammed Abutriki and others.

As for girls, they are distinguished by their flexibility, plasticity and dreaminess. The main thing in sports for them is emotions, feelings and beauty. They can achieve tremendous success in dancing, gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming. In these sports, they can show their creative abilities and conquer everyone with their originality and brightness. Rhythmic gymnast Ekaterina Serebryanskaya, 1993 world champion in figure skating Oksana Baiul, multiple world and European champion in synchronized swimming Olga Brusnikina can be role models. All these honored champions were born under the sign of Scorpio.

Due to their problems with the genitourinary system, Scorpios are still not recommended to engage in sports that are associated with hypothermia of the lower body. And girls should not even think about weightlifting, so that there is no overload and prolapse of internal organs.

Sports characteristics of Sagittarius

Sagittarians are distinguished by their active life position, they are full of strength and energy. In the foreground, they always have self-improvement and narcissism. They love to attract the attention of others. According to the character, they choose a certain sport. Sagittarius men are well built, often tall and athletic. Therefore, they often choose volleyball, basketball, tennis, athletics. As an example, the careers of such Sagittarius athletes can be cited: the 2006 world volleyball champion Marina Akulova, one of the best basketball players in the world - Robert Pettit, the famous tennis players of the world - Arancha Sanchez-Vicario and Monica Seles, the world record holder in pole vaulting - Sergey Bubka .

Sagittarians may also be interested in hiking, horseback riding and cycling. The love of excitement can contribute to playing sports. Especially Sagittarians will be happy if they are appointed team captains. Then they will be even more dedicated to their sport.

If we talk about health, then outdoor activities such as biathlon, swimming, beach volleyball will bring great benefits to Sagittarius. If you take these sports seriously, you can achieve impressive results, such as the 4-time winner of the world championships - Oksana Khvostenko, the German three-time world champion in swimming - Hannelore Anke.

If you are the parents of a Sagittarius, then you should not show excessive custody of your child. Give him freedom of choice, let him choose the sport that he likes. But the choice of a coach is up to you. He must become an authority for your baby, otherwise the stubborn Sagittarius will not listen to him.

What kind of sport Sagittarians should not do is weightlifting. This sport can cause problems with the hip joints, which in Sagittarians are not very powerful anyway. There may also be problems with blood vessels that do not tolerate overexertion.

Sports characteristics of Capricorns

Young representatives of this sign differ from their peers in their seriousness and diligence. Consistent, stubborn, stable and purposeful Capricorns, thanks to these qualities, can reach unprecedented heights in any sport. Their physique allows them to play basketball (two-time Olympic champion basketball player - LeBron James, the most valuable player in the NBA in 2010 - Dwyane Wade), athletics (2011 world champion in the 100 meters - Johan Blake). Phenomenal endurance can help Capricorn become an excellent marathon runner (fourth in the list of the fastest marathon runners in the world, Ayele Abshero - Capricorn), a winner in cross-country skiing (two-time world champion Valentina Novikova), biathlon (Oleg Berezhnoy). Passion for technology can be useful in auto and motorcycle racing. Seven-time world champion, racing driver Michael Schumacher was born under the sign of Capricorn.

If parents want to make a more developed personality out of their Capricorns, then you should pay attention to water sports such as swimming, diving, rowing or sailing. You should not worry if your child goes in for sports, he will persistently achieve his goal. Many Capricorn athletes managed to achieve impressive results in these sports, among them - the multiple world and European champion in long and short course in breaststroke Oleg Lisogor, the Olympic champion and world champion Wang Hao, the best rower in 2007 Vaett Allen.

Game sports will help to liberate your overly modest child. In addition, it will help to show his leadership qualities. Capricorns can also achieve impressive success in boxing, a vivid example of which are the greatest persons in boxing - Mohammed Ali, George Foreman, Bernard Hopkins and many others.

When choosing a particular sport, Capricorns should take into account health problems. You are more likely than others to have knee injuries. There are also problems with the digestive system. You can not violate the nutrition schedule, otherwise it will result in serious problems.

In athletics, Aquarians can also show themselves in all their glory. You can also achieve success in winter sports. Here they showed themselves: 2012 world champion in figure skating Carolina Kostner, 2011 world champion in classical all-around (skater) Ivan Skobrev, twelve-time biathlon world champion Magdalena Neuner and the world's only absolute Olympic biathlon champion Ole Einer Björndalen.

For the general development of Aquarius, it will be useful to do team sports. This will help develop responsibility and teach you to trust people. One of the best football players in the world Cristiano Ronaldo and Dimitar Berbatov are Aquarius.

As for health, it will be useful for Aquarius to temper. This will help to strengthen your not very good health. You have problems with the nervous system, you cannot withstand strong emotional stress. Therefore, if you plan to engage in team sports, it is advisable not to provoke conflicts and not to raise your voice unnecessarily.

Sports characteristics of Pisces

Pisces is not the most athletic sign. The world is losing capable athletes because of the overprotection of childhood by mothers and grandmothers who are afraid to leave their beloved child in the hands of some demanding coach. But Pisces themselves do not show much interest in sports. The only thing that may interest them is something unusual or beautiful. They may enjoy figure skating, synchronized swimming, golf or curling. If you try, you can achieve impressive results, such as the only two-time Olympic champion in pair ice dancing Oksana Grischuk, the Chinese athlete in synchronized swimming Huang Xuechen, the winner of the 2007 Masters tournament, the American golf player Zack Johnson.

To achieve impressive results, Pisces will certainly succeed in swimming, rowing and other water sports. It is not for nothing that they were born under the sign of Water, as well as the current world record holder in breaststroke swimming Rebecca Soni, the world record holder in the 4 × 100 meters short water medley relay Alexander Sukhorukov. Pisces may also enjoy playing the trendy and prestigious sport of tennis. And some representatives of this sign can reach unprecedented heights in this form, such as, for example, the current first racket of the world in women's doubles, Roberta Vinci. Pisces can also become successful in chess, because here they can use not only their mind, but also subtle intuition, in which they have no equal. The legendary chess player Robert Fischer was born under the sign of Pisces.

Pisces men can successfully realize themselves in basketball. This will help you develop team spirit, self-confidence and responsibility for others. Shaquille O'Neal and Charles Barkley are prime examples of this. It is difficult, but it will be useful to master different types of wrestling, power sports. To develop accuracy, dexterity and attentiveness, it would be good to do shooting or table tennis.

Pisces need healthy sleep, otherwise they will not be able to work at full capacity. The nervous system of Pisces also requires special attention, stress and excitement are contraindicated for you. As far as physical health is concerned, you have problems with your ankle joints. To avoid further problems, you should take up running, skiing or race walking as a preventive measure.

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