City of Shanghai (People's Republic of China). The population of Shanghai How megacities appear

China is the most amazing and unusually interesting country. It is full of unique sights and natural beauties. But most striking is the population of China, which is increasing exponentially every year. The total territory of this country is about 9 million square meters. m. When compared with other countries, China is in third place in terms of the maximum population. Beijing and Shanghai are considered the most voluminous cities, with a large number of Chinese living here. The population of China in 2017 is about 1,378,000,000 people.

Population of China

Golden China is a huge country, in terms of its territorial affiliations, it borders on 14 countries. This huge state is washed by 4 different seas. Due to the fact that the area of ​​the country is as huge as possible, here you can observe various climatic conditions.

To date, the country has been accepted as the largest territorial border, where the maximum number of people live. The population of China in 2017 is about 1,378,000,000 people. This number is unique to many other countries in the world. More recently, the country has been developing and growing at the maximum pace, the birth rate of little Chinese is much higher than the death rate. For this reason, the population of China grew rapidly and without limit. In order to stop this phenomenon and normalize the total number of the living population, a law was issued in China where a young family can give birth to no more than 1 child. Thanks to such a law, it was possible to stop the super growth of the population of China, but for the same reason, the country has become the most aging territorial border.

If we evaluate the population living in China, then the percentage of the male population is slightly higher than the female. Most people believe that the population of China in 2017 is 2 billion, but the population of the country has not yet grown to this figure. The male population in the country is about 706,000,000 people, while women live here about 62,000,000 people.

In one day, about 40,000 babies are born in China. For a full year, the number of newborns increases to 8-9,000,000 babies. The death rate of the Chinese per day is about 23,000 people. During the year, the death rate rises to 5,000,000 people. From the above, we can conclude that the country is systematically developing, as well as growing.

The population in China in 2017 is about 1,378,000,000 people. Of all the reported total number of Chinese residents, about 70% relies on the working-age population. Approximately 17% is allocated to infants, as well as children who have not reached the age of 15. But the rest of the total population of China is given to pensioners and the elderly.

Despite the fact that the economic situation in the country is in stable and normalized conditions, there is also migration of local residents. Of course, the percentage of migrating people is not so high, but it has its place. Within one day, about 90 people migrate from China, respectively, within a full year, this figure increases to 21,000 people.

China is an ancient state, it retains an excellent economic structure, natural attractions, special traditions and diversified industries. The population is increasing every year, which makes the state a strong and developed country.

General information and history

Shanghai (simplified Chinese - 上海, pinyin - Shànghǎi; wu - 上海) is the largest city in China and the largest seaport on the planet. It is also one of the most populated cities in the world and four cities of the central subordination of the PRC. Significant cultural and financial center of the country. It is located in the eastern part of China, on the coast of the East China Sea, in the Yangtze Delta, 1050 kilometers from Beijing. The date of foundation refers to 751. The territory of the city is 6,340.5 km².

Prior to receiving city status, Shanghai was part of Songjiang County under the leadership of the Suzhou Government. After the Song Dynasty came to power in 960, the city began to gain importance as a seaport, as a result of which the former Songjiang County became just one of its districts. In 1553, a fortified wall was built around Shanghai, as a result of which it became a city. But until the 19th century, Shanghai was not one of the most significant cities of the Qing Empire and did not have a sufficient number of historical sights. From that time on, its role began to grow, because due to its geographical position, Shanghai became the center of trade with Western countries.

During the First Opium War (1840-42), British troops took possession of the city for some time. According to a number of documents concluded after its completion, Shanghai was opened for foreign trade, and Western countries also received extraterritorial rights. In 1853, during the Taiping uprising, the city was taken by a triad of the Society of Small Swords that broke away from the rebels, as a result of which the rural part of Shanghai was devastated. Its inhabitants rushed to seek refuge in foreign settlements.

The following year, the first annual meeting of the Shanghai Municipal Council, which administered foreign concessions, was held. Nine years later, by combining the settlements of the United States and Great Britain, the Shanghai International Settlement was formed. As a result of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, a Japanese settlement appeared in Shanghai. The new colonialists built a number of factories here, which the Europeans did later, laying the foundation for urban industry.

After that, the city took the path to becoming the most significant financial center in the Far East. During the period of the Republican government in 1927, Shanghai became a special city, and three years later - a city of central subordination. In 1932, Shanghai was shelled by the Japanese. Five years later, the city was taken by the Empire of Japan, after which a puppet government was formed there until 1945. Despite the occupation, refugees from Europe began to move there, including Jews, for whom Shanghai was safe at first. But at the end of 1941, due to German pressure, a Jewish ghetto was opened in the city.

In 1949, the communists took power in Shanghai, after which most foreign companies moved to Hong Kong. Despite the change of order, the city continued to develop, becoming in the 60s a significant industrial center and the base of the left forces of the Communist Party. During the Cultural Revolution, Shanghai maintained its industrial level and social stability. For many years, the city was a major tax source for the Sámi in the People's Republic of China. This influenced the rapid development of capital construction and infrastructure. The negative side of the significance of Shanghai was that the economic reform in it began only in 1991. In the mid-80s, economic liberalization took place in the Guangdong province. It was chosen due to the fact that almost no taxes came from it to the state budget, and the authorities considered that Guangdong was most suitable for economic experiments.

In 1992, the central government, led by the city's former mayor, set out to gradually reduce Shanghai's taxation in order to attract investors, both domestic and foreign. This was done in order to make Shanghai one of the economic centers of East Asia and to replenish the state treasury. Thanks to this, Shanghai has become the leader in China in terms of economic growth - 9-15% per year.

Districts of Shanghai

Shanghai is administratively divided into one county and 16 urban subdivisions: Baoshan, Minhang, Pudong, Putuo, Songjiang, Xuhui, Fengxian, Huangpu, Hongkou, Jing'an, Jinshan, Jiading, Qingpu, Changning, Zhabei, Chongming and Yangpu.

The city is divided by the Huangpu River into the East (Pudong) and West (Puxi) banks. Pudong is the economic center of Shanghai, while Puxi is the historical one.

Population of Shanghai in 2018 and 2019. Number of people in Shanghai

The data on the number of city residents are taken from the federal state statistics service. The official website of the Rosstat service Also, the data were taken from the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, the official website of the EMISS The site published data on the number of residents of Shanghai. The table shows the distribution of the number of Shanghai residents by years, the graph below shows the demographic trend in different years.

Shanghai Population Change Chart:

The population of Shanghai in 2014 was about 24.3 million people, and the density was 3809 people/km².

In 2000, the population of Shanghai, including the non-urban zone, was 16,738,000 people, this figure also includes those who live in the city temporarily (3,871,000 people). Between 1990 and 2000, the number of Shanghainese increased by 25.5%. Most of them are men - 51.4% and those who are between the ages of 15 and 64 - 76.3%. The percentage of residents over 65 years old was 11.5%, and children under 14 - 12.2%. In 2007, the number of citizens aged 60 and over was 20.8%. The number of illiterate residents is 5.4%. Approximately 5 million people live in the city illegally, mostly migrant workers from Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces. At the end of 2009, the number of temporarily registered people living in Shanghai for more than six months was 5,419,000. The number of those who are officially recorded by statistics has increased by 77.8% since 2000. Average life expectancy in 2003 was 79.8 years (men 77.78 years and women 81.81 years). In the national composition, the majority of residents (99%) are Hans, and 0.4% are Dungans.

Basically, the townspeople speak the Shanghai dialect of Chinese, which is quite different from it. The Shanghai dialect does not have official status, this role is played by the standard dialect of Mandarin Chinese (the official Chinese spoken language). Putonghua is fluent by all citizens under the age of 50. English is mainly spoken by young people up to 26 years old, who study it at school, as well as by older native citizens who studied it before the communists came to power.

demonym: Shanghainese, Shanghainese.

Shanghai city photo. photography of shanghai

Information about the city of Shanghai in Wikipedia:

Link to Shanghai website. You can get a lot of additional information by reading them on the official website of Shanghai, the official portal of Shanghai and the government.
Official website of Shanghai

Shanghai city map. Shanghai Yandex Maps

Created using the Yandex service People's Map (Yandex map), when zoomed out, you can understand the location of Shanghai on the map of Russia. Shanghai Yandex maps. Interactive Yandex map of the city of Shanghai with the name of the streets, as well as house numbers. The map has all the designations of Shanghai, it is convenient and easy to use.

On the page you can find some description of Shanghai. Also see the location of the city of Shanghai on the Yandex map. Detailed with descriptions and labels of all objects of the city.

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. Over the past few decades, he has managed to increase the population several times and enter the top ten most populous cities along with Jakarta and Seoul. Do you want to know what is the population of Shanghai city? In this article, we will answer this question in detail.

Megapolis, seaport, pearl of Asia - it's all about Shanghai

Those who have visited Shanghai fall in love with it for years to come. Its originality and Asian flavor, combined with a large number of historical monuments and unusual modern architecture, put Shanghai on a par with the rarest museum exhibits.

It is almost impossible to learn everything about Shanghai. Even after several trips to this city, you will be surprised at how skillfully its inhabitants combine absolutely incompatible things, and they manage to make all the oddities of Shanghai its virtues, which regularly bring money to the city treasury.

For example, only in Shanghai, next to an old pagoda, you will see a skyscraper made of glass and concrete with a bizarre architectural form. It is in this Chinese city that all residents are maximally Europeanized, but in parallel to this, everyone living in Shanghai received an education according to truly Chinese traditions.

Shanghai is especially famous for its population, whose numbers are increasing in sync with the development of the city itself. And it is developing at an incredible pace, which allows for many years to call it "the economic miracle of China."

The history of Shanghai: the reasons for the dynamic growth of the economy

Shanghai was already mentioned in many written Chinese sources of the tenth century. The population of a small village on the banks of the Yangtze was engaged in fishing and did not have the opportunity to deliver their catch to other regions of China. Most of the residents of Shanghai could hardly make ends meet and quickly left the village. In addition, the proximity to the sea exposed the city to the constant danger of pirate raids. This was the reason for the construction of walls around the settlement and its expansion inland.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the Americans and the British firmly settled in Shanghai, organizing trade with the West. Almost all cargo entering and leaving China began to pass through the city. For their convenience, foreigners began to develop the city and build it up. Despite the fact that the population of the city of Shanghai consisted mainly of Chinese, foreigners controlled it, making up thirty-five percent of all living in the city. Thanks to foreigners, all innovations, such as electricity, for example, instantly became available in Shanghai.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian emigrants began to move to Shanghai. The population of the city during this period consisted almost entirely of foreigners, in number they outnumbered the natives of Shanghai by three times.

Shanghai: population

Now Shanghai confidently leads the list of the most densely populated cities in the world. The population exceeds twenty-five million people, with an annual population growth of more than fifteen percent.

It is easy to imagine what pandemonium reigns on the streets of the city during peak hours. The problem of movement in Shanghai is very acute for the city authorities, they have to constantly come up with new ways to accommodate such a large number of people and make their daily movement through the streets comfortable and fast.

To improve the situation in the city, a high-speed metro and a maglev railway are operating. But the city authorities compensate for the lack of free land by building in height. Therefore, most of the buildings in Shanghai are skyscrapers.

Shanghai population density

The total area of ​​Shanghai is six thousand three hundred and forty square kilometers, this city can compete in size with Beijing itself. The same applies to the population density in the city. Today, almost four thousand people live on one square kilometer of urban territory. This is a very high figure, because it is twenty times higher than the average data for China, taken as the norm.

The national composition of the population of Shanghai

Most people are surprised to learn how many of Shanghai's population are native Chinese. In fact, the Chinese make up only fifty-nine percent of the total population. The rest of the inhabitants came to Shanghai from Europe and other parts of East Asia. The predominant part of the Shanghainese are Han, who have their own dialect.

This nuance gives the city some originality, because the language of the Shanghainese is not always fully understood by the inhabitants of other provinces of China. Scientists note that even the culture of Shanghai has its own characteristics. Until now, the historical monuments of the city are carefully studied, the authorities of Shanghai at the beginning of the twentieth century imposed a ban on the demolition of any old buildings, which allows preserving the unusual urban appearance and history of the city.

What is the age of the average person in Shanghai?

Shanghai authorities are sounding the alarm about the rapidly aging population of their city. Even visitors are struck by how much Shanghai has aged. The population of the city, which is over sixty years old, is almost four million people. This is two million more than eleven years ago.

The youth make up only one million two hundred thousand inhabitants, which is significantly lower than the national figure. Many attribute this fact to the fact that for a long time the city was closed to the entry of unauthorized persons. And foreigners living in Shanghai did not seek to acquire offspring, enjoying a comfortable and luxurious life in China.

In recent years, the Shanghai authorities have approved several programs that should promote demographic growth. But the results of these efforts can only be assessed in twenty to twenty-five years.

Features of the population of Shanghai

If you get to Shanghai, then the population will simply amaze you. Everywhere there are crowds of people hurrying to work or on their own business. But most of the city's residents are not included in the general population list. After all, almost five million people are not permanent residents of the city - they come here to earn money.

Most often, these people are representatives of working professions who have permanent registration in the provinces of the city. The problem of visitors in Shanghai is very acute, many of them do not want to be registered, and it is difficult for the authorities to control their number. As a result, the city suffers from overpopulation.


Summing up the above, I would like to note that Shanghai is a delightful city. It is different from anything you can see in China. Many tourists believe that Shanghai surpasses Beijing in beauty, wealth and population. After all, the city can only be recognized by observing its inhabitants and their daily lives. From this perspective, Shanghai may appear in a very unexpected light. It is worth visiting and seeing for yourself how original this metropolis is, in which foreigners and former Shanghai fishermen successfully coexist.

The city of Shanghai is located on the territory of the state (country) China, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Asia.

Shanghai city population.

The population of Shanghai city is 24,150,000 people.

What time zone is Shanghai in?

Shanghai city is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+8. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Shanghai, relative to the time zone in your city.

Shanghai area code

The telephone code of the city of Shanghai: +86 21. In order to call the city of Shanghai from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +86 21 and then directly the subscriber's number.

Official website of the city of Shanghai.

Website of the city of Shanghai, the official website of the city of Shanghai, or as it is also called "Official website of the administration of the city of Shanghai":

Coat of arms of the city of Shanghai.

The description of the city of Shanghai presents the coat of arms of the city of Shanghai, which is the hallmark of the city.

Subway in Shanghai.

The subway in the city of Shanghai is called the Shanghai Metro and is a means of public transport.

The passenger flow of the Shanghai metro (Shanghai metro occupancy) is 2,500.00 million people per year.

The number of subway lines in the city of Shanghai is 14 lines. The total number of subway stations in Shanghai is 329. The length of subway lines or subway tracks is: 538.00 km.

Curious: Shanghai is the world's most populous city and the most populous city on the planet.
but two days in this city is not enough, although no, it's nothing at all :(
in the end, all we had time to do was walk around the city at night, see one park and climb the highest skyscraper in the city
and all this is only in the very center, so the report, although beautiful, is completely biased
well what is there...

2. first impression: wide streets, tall houses, very beautiful decoration of everything and a mixture of 3 styles - Chinese classic, colonial style and ultra-modern high-rise style

3. there are many pedestrian streets in the center, a huge number of shops and street vendors

4. rich:) golden building

5. and here it is, the famous embankment

6. in the center of the 2 highest skyscrapers (they are building another one, which will be even higher)

7. that one over there, the highest is the Shanghai World Financial Center, it is our goal - to climb to its very top, to the observation deck, and this is 492 meters!

8. boats of different types, sizes and all beautiful are floating on the river, here is one of them

9. and opposite the skyscrapers, across the river - colonial style, you can see how many tourists are crowding on the embankment - go nuts

10. sat on the embankment until dark, I wonder, here's another boat

11. well, again a walk through the night city

12. everything glows

13. on one of the buildings - an aquarium overlooking the street, sharks and giant turtles swim there - mesmerizing

14. goby

15. but even during the day the city is beautiful

16. in the city center - a tourist center, quite such a classic Chinese, again with shops, and behind them - an awesome park

17. this is Shanghai, old and new

18. the park turned out to be great, we hung out in it for half a day, although it seems to be small

19. I just wanted to meditate in it, which, in fact, some people did

20. By the way, we passed ordinary city blocks on the bus - nothing special, the same China, like everywhere else, that's why I say that my report is biased, my Shanghai came out purely touristy

21. like this

22. ha, spaceship)))

23. that's it, we moved to the skyscraper, to the high-rise area

24. all the buildings are different, they are not at all crowded, there is a lot of greenery between the skyscrapers, there are ponds and in general there is a lot of space for walking

25. and here is a couple of skyscrapers, you can climb (for money) in both, but we chose the highest one to see everything

26. in the lobby they have a layout of the city, it is interesting, the whole trick is in the effects, they simulate the times of day and weather, you can look at it for a long time, turn on the backlight at night, project a thunderstorm, sunrises, sunsets, fireworks on the screen

27. and here we are at the top, damn the glasses are not very clean and glare, so I can’t vouch for the quality

28. here it is, the height, we are above everything, the view is like from a helicopter

29. Who is ready to stand on a glass floor at a height of more than 450 meters?

30. here we sat for more than an hour, in the middle - a strip of glass floor and along the edges, near the windows - too, I was not afraid to stand on the glass and look down, but something inside was still shrinking)

31. here comes the sunset, the city is on fire

32. and the room inside all these lights reflects and multiplies

33. Well, we waited for complete darkness

34. then back to the hotel

35. oh, Shanghai, maybe we’ll meet again and there will be more time, and tomorrow we’ll go to Hangzhou, the last city of our trip

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