Trinity Agrarian College of specialty. Troitsk: Troitsk Agrarian College UAVM

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The founding date of the technical school is considered to be 1929, when, by decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, the Troitsk Zooveterinary Technical School was organized in the city of Troitsk, Ural (now Chelyabinsk) region. The former two-story merchant house was converted into an educational building for the technical school. In 1933, the first graduation of livestock and veterinary technicians took place in the amount of 58 people.

The first director of the technical school was Georgy Petrovich Kosov. In 1935, the technical school was joined Yamalo-Kataysky Zoological Veterinary College And Shadrinsk Agricultural College. In 1934, the student population at the technical school was 206 people, and the teaching staff consisted of 12 people, only 8 of whom had higher education.

By 1953, two more agricultural technical schools were gradually organized in Troitsk: Trinity College of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture(1942) and Trinity Agricultural College(1953). From that time on, all three technical schools existed and developed in parallel. During this period, their material and technical base was significantly strengthened, the number of students and the staff of teachers increased.

Troitsk Veterinary College has become the base for secondary specialized educational institutions in Troitsk. Under the leadership of the director Nikolai Petrovich Fedorov(1953-1987), a participant in the Great Patriotic War, “Honored Teacher of the RSFSR”, the teaching staff achieved certain successes in training specialists for agriculture. In 1955, the technical school participated in the All-Union Exhibition of National Economic Achievements (Moscow) and was awarded a bronze medal.

In 1995, the educational institutions of Troitsk were reorganized. All work was carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation “On the reorganization of technical schools in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk Region” No. 207 dated July 19, 1995. By merging three agricultural technical schools, the Trinity Agrarian Technical School was formed.

Director of the Trinity Agrarian College

In 2003, on the initiative Viktor Nikolaevich Lazarenko, professor, former rector of the Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, two oldest educational institutions merged to form an academic complex. The reorganization of educational institutions was carried out in accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003. No. 22-R.

Currently managing the complex Litovchenko Viktor Grigorievich: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, “Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”, laureate of the All-Russian competition “Best Municipal Employee of Russia”; awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree, the Badge of Honor, and the badge of Merit for the Chelyabinsk Region.

The technical school is a structural unit that trains mid-level specialists for the region's agro-industrial complex in a system of multi-level vocational education. After the integration of the educational institution with the academy, the director of the technical school was appointed Sergey Vyacheslavovich Kabatov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Honorary Worker of Secondary Professional Education, laureate of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, laureate of the encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia”.

Professional training at the technical school is conducted in 9 full-time specialties and 5 part-time specialties. Over 1,500 people study in three departments of the technical school.

The educational institution has created a solid educational and material base. Thus, in 1975, a student dormitory for 500 people was put into operation, in 1980 a new academic building was built, technical and methodological equipment was provided to classrooms and laboratories, the library’s educational fund was replenished to 153 thousand copies of books, and the work of a health center and a canteen for 220 people was organized.

Since the establishment of the technical school, over 32 thousand specialists have been trained for the agro-industrial complex of the region and regions of the Urals. The training of specialists is carried out by more than 70 highly qualified and experienced teachers: 32 of them have the highest category, 28 have the first category, and 10 teachers have an academic degree. Part-time students from among the university teaching staff are involved in educational activities.

In the conditions of the university complex, a structure has developed for continuous professional development of technical school teachers: this includes master's studies, postgraduate studies at the university, internships at departments and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, and advanced training at on-site courses. More than 30 teachers improve their qualifications every year.

Qualified and experienced teachers guarantee a high level of quality graduates. For many years of conscientious work, the following teachers were awarded the title “Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education”: Kabatova S.V., Abdulkadyrova R.S., Kabatova N.N., Zhukova O.G.

Awarded with diplomas from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: Konetskikh S.P., Vakhmyanina S.A., Danilina E.A., Zhukova O.G., Medvedeva V.S., Bazhenova I.A.

Under the leadership of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Olga Gennadievna Zhukova the problems of optimizing and improving the educational process are being solved in order to implement continuous multi-level professional education of students in the secondary vocational education and training system. O.G. Zhukova is an honorary education worker, holder of diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region.

The structure of the methodological service of the technical school is represented by the Methodological Council, subject-cycle methodological commissions, methodologists of full-time and correspondence courses.

The general management of methodological work at the technical school is carried out by the head of the methodological office (technical school methodologist), an honorary worker of secondary vocational education, laureate of the encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia” Ramilya Salikhovna Abdulkadyrova. She was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Particular attention at the agricultural technical school is paid to practical training - almost 60% of the teaching time at the technical school is devoted to practical training.

Currently, the Deputy Director for Practical Training is Vakhmyanina Svetlana Alexandrovna, Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, holder of an honorary diploma from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, laureate of the encyclopedia “The Best People of Russia”.

All industrial training according to Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Education, 3rd generation divided into three types:

I. U educational practice and its main goal to familiarize students with the features of agricultural production, teaches you to develop the skills necessary to work as a specialist and manager, and also systematizes theoretical knowledge.

Working profession allows the student to acquire working qualifications. Every year, about 300 students of the technical school receive a working profession. Currently, the technical school prepares students for the following blue-collar professions:

Under the guidance of experienced teachers Kuzmina L.N., Krainova N.V., Ovsyannikova L.I., Tomilova N.V., Gorskikh V.P., Remezova N.V., Sintyushkina A.A., Poseserova I.Yu. . and industrial training masters Shagiakhmetova A.G.

. students acquire skills and abilities in working professions in educational laboratories, training and production workshops, clinics, farms, and training grounds. II. Industrial practice (according to specialty profile).

It is aimed at consolidating, expanding, deepening and systematizing the knowledge gained from studying special disciplines, based on studying the activities of a specific organization, and acquiring initial practical experience. III Industrial practice (pre-diploma) -

ends with the training stage and is carried out for students to master initial professional experience, to test the professional readiness of the future specialist for independent work.

The bases of industrial practice were determined in accordance with the future qualifications of students, therefore all industrial practice, and most of the educational practice takes place in production - these are enterprises of the city, Troitsky district and Chelyabinsk region, as well as in other regions and republics: Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Orenburg, Bashkiria and Kazakhstan.. This is an integral part of all industrial training in the field of open source education.

The basis of educational work in a technical school is the formation of a socially active personality with an active life position and civic responsibility. This work is carried out under the leadership of the Deputy Director for Educational Work Danilina Elena Antonovna holder of a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and a certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Decades of specialties have become traditional, including holding scientific and practical conferences with the invitation of employers, thematic classes, competitions and the publication of wall newspapers.

Amateur art competitions, fine art exhibitions, and festivals of national cultures are held annually. College students take an active part in the festival "Student Spring", taking prizes.

The technical school has a museum of military and labor glory, which houses over 150 exhibits collected by club members "Fatherland". Materials about graduates, internationalist soldiers, participants in the Great Patriotic War, and college employees were compiled. The role of the museum in the patriotic education of students is invaluable. It took second place in the citywide review of museums.

The college's sports teams have long traditions. The material base is conducive to carrying out mass sports work. Teams of volleyball players, basketball players, track and field athletes and skiers are leaders and winners in competitions in the city, region and Ural region. It has become a tradition for college athletes to participate and win in the annual city relay race for the prize of the “Forward” newspaper. The sports team has produced candidates for master of sports, and more than 200 advanced athletes have been trained. Sports achievements became possible thanks to the construction of a system of physical development of students under the leadership Anna Vladimirovna Medvedeva.

Physical education at the Trinity Agrarian College is conducted in accordance with the basic curriculum and includes elements of all sports. Classes are held at the stadium, in the gym, in the swimming pool. The following sports sections are held on the basis of the technical school and university: athletics, football, weightlifting, powerlifting, kettlebell lifting, skiing, swimming, cheerleading, chess.

Students enjoy attending classes in strength sports such as sambo, judo, karate, and hand-to-hand combat.

Competitions are held monthly between groups in the following sports: athletics, football, volleyball, table tennis, kettlebell lifting, basketball.

For active participation in the sports life of the technical school, students are encouraged with cash prizes, certificates, and thanks in orders for the technical school and university.

In the current year 2019, the volume of publications and forecasts on the upcoming “offensive of robotization” in the economies of different countries has clearly increased. Analysts are trying to calculate the impact of this process on the employment situation and labor market trends.

Thus, based on the results of the latest RANEPA study on this topic, we can conclude that by 2030, about 20 million Russians may lose their jobs or be forced to change their qualifications due to the acceleration of the process of “automation and digitalization” in a number of areas. Among officially employed Russians, the competencies of more than a third may be irrelevant in 10-15 years.

As for specific areas of employment, analysts believe that robots can be entrusted with most of the functions in the hotel and restaurant industry, manufacturing, agriculture and forestry, retail trade, and mining.

At the same time, it is emphasized that it is correct to talk about the susceptibility of workers to automation, and not about the sudden replacement of personnel with software or robotic technologies. This process will be extended over time, not instantaneous.

By the way, some analysts are inclined to see the possible transition to a four-day working week being discussed as connected with the preparation of the employment sector for the release of millions of citizens.

The Ural State Agrarian University invites schoolchildren to preparatory courses.

Classes to prepare for successfully passing the Unified State Exam will be conducted by leading teachers of USAU.

Anyone can undergo training in one or more disciplines: “Mathematics”, “Russian language”, “Biology”, “Physics”, “Social studies”. Each program of 100 academic hours is designed for 7 months. Classes will begin on October 1, 2019 and will last until April 30, 2020.

Admission to budget places is carried out for orphans, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, low-income single-parent families with one disabled parent of group 1.

This season, 15 thousand first-graders sat down at their desks for the first time in Chelyabinsk. The city also has “record schools” in terms of the number of first grades (these are located mainly in the new microdistricts of the city - “Churilovo”, “Parkovy”, “Newton”).

At the same time, on a national scale, there are even more powerful “record schools” in terms of the number of first grades - for example, a new school in Krasnodar is designed for 1,550 places in one shift, and out of a total number of one hundred classes, 24 are precisely the first ones (with beech -venous indices from “A” to “W”)!

The Russian labor market is approaching the new decade in unfavorable demographic conditions of a reduction in the number of young people entering working age. One of the results is a downward trend in the influx of young workers into the Russian labor force.

This pattern is aimed at the medium term, so it can be predicted that the country’s employers will more often face both qualitative and quantitative labor shortages for certain qualifications.

There is a high probability of reduced competition for jobs among candidates, and the need of employers for well-trained young personnel will increase.

In the neighboring Sverdlovsk region, USAU launched an innovative educational project “Agroschool”.

August 23, 2019 and. O. Rector of the Ural State Agrarian University N.A. Yurchenko signed an agreement with the head of the Education Department of the city of Yekaterinburg E.A. Sibirtseva.

According to the document, specialized agricultural classes will begin operating in city schools this year, in which children will receive more in-depth knowledge of botany, ecology, zoology and other sciences, and in addition, will be able to implement their own projects for landscaping and improvement of school areas .

For training in agricultural classes, USAU scientists, together with school teachers, will develop educational modules on floriculture, vegetable growing, bioengineering and agribusiness for students in grades 1-11. In addition, university teachers will select the necessary educational and methodological literature and hold a number of meetings with schoolchildren as part of excursions, lectures, conferences, sports and patriotic events.

It is planned that in the near future agricultural classes will operate in all 30 municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region. According to the initiators of the project, this will make it possible to introduce schoolchildren to the agricultural industry and the basics of scientific and practical activities.

A bill has been submitted to the Russian State Duma that should oblige higher educational institutions to award an additional 11 points to the Unified State Examination to applicants with a school gold medal.

The initiators of the document propose to set a minimum bonus of 11 points, but not to set a maximum “additional bonus”.

Publications on the topic