How to cook brizol from minced meat at home. Brisol: recipes for preparing a French dish at home

There are dishes that we prepare in everyday life, quite familiar and regularly consumed, but not familiar to ordinary cooks from the point of view of professional cooking. Simply put, sometimes we cook something, but we don’t even know what this dish is called in cooking. Brizol is one of these dishes; every person who is no stranger to cooking has made it at least a couple of times in their life.

Brizol, as you can guess from the name alone, is another masterpiece of French cuisine. This is rather a method of preparation rather than a specific dish, because... Brizol can be prepared from any meat, poultry, or fish. From French, the word “brizol” is translated as “fried in an egg, omelette,” which also describes the cooking method itself, the technology for preparing any brizol.

Almost every cook has at least once or twice in his life fried chops or fillets in an egg - that is, cooked brizol, but not everyone knows that he was thereby creating a dish with such an exquisite restaurant name. But today we will look at its preparation according to the canons of professional cooking.

Brizol is prepared from chops, as already noted, or from fillet, as well as from minced meat - all this can be anything, that is, we can talk about beef, pork, turkey, chicken, fish, etc. Using this technology, everything is done very simply: the main product is simply fried in a beaten egg, or in a lezone (this term refers to an egg beaten for dipping something with milk or cream). Of course, in the end the dish turns out to be many times more caloric than in the case of simple chops, minced meat cutlets or fried fillet, but it’s worth it, and sometimes you can treat yourself to such a delicious meal!



Brizol recipes

According to the canons of haute French cuisine, brizol should be served in the form of rolls and fried, accordingly, in the form of very thin flat cakes - otherwise they will not be rolled into such a roll. We will talk about the preparation of this classic brizol, as well as simpler options that can be used in home cooking.

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Recipe for classic minced meat brizoli



You will need:
800g minced beef,
200g mayonnaise,
160g cheese,
10 eggs,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
2 large tomatoes,
vegetable oil,
ketchup, pepper, herbs, salt.

How to cook brizol according to the classic recipe.

Add 1 egg to the minced meat, pepper and salt, mix, divide into 10 equal portions and roll each into a ball. Grate the cheese, cut the tomatoes into cubes and mix the mayonnaise with the garlic passed through a press. Lightly beat the eggs, take 2 sheets of cellophane, place 1 ball of minced meat on one, cover with the second, roll out the minced meat between the sheets into a thin cake using smoothing movements using the back of a knife or other convenient object. Pour 1 beaten egg into a flat plate, remove the cellophane from one side of the meat cake and place it on the egg in the plate with this side, remove the second sheet of cellophane. From the plate, carefully release the flatbread in the egg into a frying pan with oil (preheated), fry on one side until browned, turn over to the other, fry and transfer the flatbread from the frying pan to a dish, egg side down. Grease the flatbread with mayonnaise-garlic sauce, ketchup, sprinkle with tomatoes and cheese, roll carefully into a roll.

In principle, preparing classic French brizol is not too difficult, as you can see from the recipe. Brizol can be made in this way from any minced meat, including fish. But if you are still afraid to cook this version of this dish right away, try making a simplified version of it.



Recipe for simple minced brizol

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You will need:
120 g of any minced meat,
2 eggs,
vegetable oil, salt.

Prepare brizol.
Salt the eggs in a bowl, beat. Heat a frying pan with a little oil, pour in the eggs, place a thin layer of minced meat on one half of the eggs, cover with the other half of the egg pancake, fry, turn over and fry on the other side. Cut the brizol into pieces and serve with any side dish to your taste.

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If you think that the time spent on preparing the brizol is not enough to cook the meat, fish or other product, finish it in the oven.

Brizol prepared in this way is often called “lazy”. Also called brizol, which is prepared from a single piece of fillet or cut pieces of meat.

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Recipe for brizol from fillet or chops

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You will need:
500 g fish or other fillet, or any chops,
4 eggs,
2/3 cup flour,
4 tbsp vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

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How to cook brizol from chops or fillets.
Using a fork, stir the egg until smooth, adding salt and pepper. Bread the thawed fillet or chops in flour, dip in the egg, dip on both sides, release from the plate into a heated frying pan with oil, pour the remaining egg on top, quickly collect them from the frying pan onto the fillet or chop, turn the fried brizol over and fry on the other side, cover with a lid, 3-5 minutes. Cook all fillets or chops this way.

Prepare squid brizol for the festive table and your guests will be amazed by your culinary skills.



Squid brizol recipe

You will need:

1 kg squid carcasses,
2 eggs,
3 tbsp. flour,
pepper, salt, herbs,
batter – 2 eggs, flour, water, pepper, salt.

How to cook squid brizol.
Peel the squid from the film, cut each carcass in half and beat with a wooden mallet so that its area increases by about 1.5 times. Mix the egg with flour, salt, water, pepper for the batter, which should be quite liquid. Dip each squid chop into the batter, place them one by one in a frying pan and fry until golden brown on both sides, placing each one in a saucepan after frying. Leave the cooked squid brizoli for half an hour - this will make them softer and easier to roll. Rolls can be made with any filling to your taste, for example, cheese and garlic.

Here is such an interesting dish - brizol, simple and, at the same time, very refined, worthy of both everyday and festive meals. Prepare new dishes and enjoy the variety of your family’s menu, which is not only pleasant, but also healthy!

If in French cuisine brizol is a way of frying meat products in an egg, then in our country, under this name, a ready-made dish is served in cafes and restaurants - very tasty minced meat rolls in an egg. Preparing them is quite difficult and takes a long time, but the result lives up to all expectations. Previously, we prepared a winter version with you - brizol with pickles, cheese and herbs. Today we will prepare a summer version of this delicious dish. The main difference between these options is in the filling. For summer brizol we will need fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs. And if in winter we used canned cucumbers, in summer we have access to a large arsenal of useful microelements and vitamins in the form of fresh vegetables. So why don't we use this opportunity? Brizol is a field for experimentation, and you can prepare minced meat rolls in eggs with completely different fillings to suit every taste. Summer brizol with minced meat, just like any other, can be a wonderful appetizer. Or you can serve it as a second course, which will also diversify the table. So let's cook together!


  • 0.5 kg minced meat (pork + beef);
  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 small fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 medium tomato;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • several sprigs of parsley or dill;
  • a little flour;
  • green onion feathers;
  • 2 tbsp. ketchup;
  • 3 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • a little vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt pepper.

Recipe for brizoli with cheese and fresh vegetables

1. Lightly salt and pepper the minced meat, mix and divide into 5 equal parts. Roll 5 balls.

2. Break 5 eggs into a deep bowl, add 2 tbsp. ice water. Lightly beat with a fork.

3. Pour about 1/5 of the beaten eggs onto a large flat plate.

4. Wrap a kitchen board with a layer of cling film and lay out 1 ball of minced meat. We press it into the cake with our hand and cover it with another layer of cling film on top.

5. Roll out. Thanks to the cling film, the cake does not stick to either the board or the gurney and remains intact.

6. Carefully transfer the rolled out minced meat from the film onto a flat plate with an egg.

7. Lightly sprinkle with flour, add a little more salt and pepper.

8. Pour some vegetable oil into a small frying pan and heat it up. Then very carefully transfer the minced meat with the egg into the frying pan so that the cake lies flat and does not curl. Fry until delicious golden brown.

9. Turn over and fry on the second side.

10. Place the fried minced meat cakes on a plate and let them cool.

11. Meanwhile, prepare the filling for the rolls. Peel the cucumbers and cut into strips.

12. Chop dill or parsley.

13. Cut the tomato into strips.

14. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

15. Grease the minced meat cake with mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Squeeze some garlic here.

16. Lay out a few strips of cucumbers and tomatoes so that you can then roll the minced meat into a roll.

17. Sprinkle cheese on top.

18. Roll up the brizol and tie it with an onion feather. The simplest tomato ketchup goes very well with brizoli, which you can use to decorate brizoli if you wish.

That's all! Delicious minced meat brizoli with fresh vegetables is ready! Before serving, you can warm them slightly in the microwave to melt the cheese. Just don't overdo it, otherwise you'll cook the cucumbers. And I love them cold too. Help yourself! 🙂

Today we will talk about brizols. Or rather, about delicious meat rolls stuffed with pickles, cheese and herbs. And brizol is a method of preparing such meat rolls. And this little-known method with a sonorous French sound lies in the fact that minced meat will be cooked in an egg. Yes, in fact, chops in an egg are also a version of brizol. But you must agree: “minced meat brizoli” sounds much more solid and attractive than “minced meat rolls.”

Brizol is usually prepared from meat products, be it pork, chicken or varieties of minced meat. Minced meat fried in egg or classic brizol itself is a ready-made dish. But minced brizol is served very rarely in this form. Often, other ingredients are also wrapped in minced meat fried in egg, for example, vegetables and cheese. Minced meat brizol with pickled cucumbers is a very good winter version of a delicious French dish. It can be served as a main course or as a cold appetizer. Well, let's cook together!


  • 0.5 kg minced meat (pork + beef);
  • 5 eggs;
  • 2-3 small pickled cucumbers;
  • 100 g cheese;
  • a little flour;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • salt, ground black pepper;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe: minced brizol

1. Break the eggs into a bowl. Beat a little with a fork.

2. Divide the minced meat into several parts and roll into balls. The process of making brisols itself is quite long and complex, so when there are fewer balls, you can deal with them faster. If you are preparing brizoli for a second course, it is better to make 2 or 3 large balls. And if you want to make a snack from brizoli, you can divide the minced meat into 5-7 parts.

3. We stretch cling film onto a cutting board and place our meat ball on top. Press it into a flat patty with your hands, then cover the top with another layer of cling film. Roll out with a rolling pin to form an even thin layer of minced meat.

4. Pour part of the egg mass onto a flat plate.

5. Very carefully place a layer of minced meat into the egg - it cannot be damaged, otherwise the finished brizoli will spread.

6. Salt and pepper on top. Lightly sprinkle with flour. Use a spoon to smooth out the flour a little to make the minced meat more sticky.

7. Add a little more egg mass on top and level the minced meat with a spoon.

8. Carefully transfer to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. At the same time, we do not turn the minced meat with the egg, but rather shake it off the plate and onto the frying pan.

9. Fry over medium heat until golden brown. Then we turn it over very carefully, for this it will be convenient to stock up on two spatulas, and fry it on the second side. The minced meat is thin and fries quite quickly.

10. Place the finished brizoli on a plate and let it cool.

11. Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Chop the dill greens.

12. Cut pickled cucumbers into thin strips.

13. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

14. Lubricate the brizol with mayonnaise.

15. Sprinkle with cheese and lay out pickles as in the photo - this will make it easier to roll up the roll.

16. Roll it up.

All that remains is to decorate with ketchup and sprinkle with herbs on top. Before serving, you can warm up the brizoli in the microwave. Or you can serve them cold. Brizoli with pickles and cheese is ready! Bon appetit!

French cuisine is famous not only for its delicious dishes, but also for their unusual names. Brizol is one of these dishes. You've probably tried it, but didn't know what exactly what you were eating was called!

In this article we will talk about how to prepare brizol from different products and with unusual fillings.

What is brizol?

If you love eggs and meat, then this French dish is ideal for you. But, before we tell you how to cook brizol, let’s figure out what it actually is. Translated from French, this word means “fried in an egg or omelette.” That is, we can prepare this delicacy from any products, the main thing is that they are fried in an egg. The French most often prepare brizol with minced meat inside, but there are also options with chicken fillet, pieces of pork, fish, chopped sausages or sausage.

Food preparation

How to cook brizol correctly?

No matter what filling you choose, the French dish is based on an egg beaten with milk or cream and salt. Brizol is rolled up in a special way - into a pancake or thin flatbread. For one serving, take two eggs, 100 ml of milk or low-fat cream, one tablespoon of flour, spices, and beat it all into a homogeneous mass. It is in this shell that we will prepare the dish.

What to put in the filling?

If you are interested in how to prepare brizol, then let's look at the filling options. Most often, the French add minced meat - the dish turns out to be nourishing and tasty, and it can be cooked quickly in a frying pan. But you can put whatever you want.

It could be cheese, pieces of meat, poultry, fish, and even brizol, right? In fact, there is no one universal recipe. However, follow these steps in preparation, and the dish will turn out just perfect:

  1. Products must be fresh. It's not just about the filling, but also about the shell.
  2. It is best to fry the dish not in sunflower oil, but in butter. But you shouldn’t take olive oil - when heated, it loses its beneficial qualities and emits an unpleasant odor.
  3. How to ensure that the filling is well-fried and the shell does not burn? There are several ways. If the filling contains minced meat, then it will be enough to keep the brizol under a closed lid for 10 minutes over low heat. But meat doesn’t cook that quickly. Well, place the brizol in the oven for eight to twelve minutes. The dish will definitely be baked properly without burning.

Chicken brizol

How to cook: Take 250 grams of chicken fillet and ingredients for the base. Cut each fillet in half, then cover with cling film and beat thoroughly with a hammer. This is necessary so as not to damage the fibers and so that the meat retains its integrity and juiciness. Let's prepare the base for brizol from eggs and cream. Dip the chicken into the egg-cream mixture and place in a heated frying pan. Fry on both sides until golden brown, after which each chop (and this is the recipe you get) roll it up and put it in the oven for seven minutes to cook at a temperature of 170 degrees.

Minced meat brizol

How to cook brizol from minced meat? It is believed that the canonical version of the dish is made according to this recipe: take 250 grams of minced beef, a fresh tomato, three spoons of sour cream, three cloves of garlic, one egg yolk and a base for brizol (three eggs, cream, two tablespoons of flour).

Mix egg, cream. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Mix sour cream, egg yolk and garlic in a blender. Heat the pan and pour in a third of the base. When the “pancake” has set, place minced meat, a few tomato slices, a spoonful of garlic sauce on one half of it and cover with the second half of the omelette using a spatula. Cover with a lid and fry for three minutes. Then quickly turn the brizol over with a spatula and simmer for another 3 minutes under the lid closed. The dish is ready, you can serve!

You can also use minced chicken or pork to prepare brizol. Put onions in the chicken meat, then the brizol will turn out juicy. But it is better to choose low-fat varieties of pork, otherwise the finished dish will turn out to be too heavy for the stomach. Now you know how to cook brizol from minced meat.

Brizol with squid and cheese

Most often, meat ingredients are an integral part of a French dish. But if we have seafood, how to cook brizol? This recipe for a not-so-ordinary dish will definitely suit your taste. Take 2 squid carcasses, 5 eggs, 80 ml of cream, 1 tablespoon of flour, processed cheese, two cloves of garlic, mayonnaise and spices. Wash the squid, cut it in half into two plates and remove the film from them. After this, you need to beat off the seafood properly. It is better to use a wooden mallet, otherwise you will not damage the tender meat. Beat until the squid has increased in area by one and a half times. Make the base for brizol by combining three eggs, cream, flour and spices. Set the remaining two eggs to boil hard, and grate the melted cheese.

Dip each piece of squid into the batter and place it in a heated frying pan to fry. Brown the chops on both sides, then place them in the pan with a lid. There they will soften and become pliable. Peel and grate the boiled eggs, mix with cheese, add mayonnaise, and pass the garlic through a press. Place lettuce in chops with squid and roll up. Place the rolls in the refrigerator and serve chilled after two to three hours.

Now you know how to prepare brizol with various fillings, and you will probably try this dish in your kitchen.

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