The alignment on the runes for a relationship with a man. Rune divination for love and relationships with a man and a woman Fortune telling on runes for love

Lovers from time to time doubt their partners. Worrying about a relationship is a sign of the manifestation of real feelings. To a greater extent, thoughts of infidelity or betrayal creep into women.

Fortune-telling on runes on relationships with a man helps to dispel doubts and make sure the partner is serious. Or vice versa, knowledge about the future will warn of possible negative consequences.

Each rune is associated with a specific High Goddess and takes on its own meaning. Let's take a closer look:

1 friggthe leading sign that determines the meaning of the entire layout. Each subsequent symbol appears exactly in tandem with the 1st rune.
2 fullawoman's thoughts.
3 fullaman's thoughts.
4 Varthe goddess is responsible for honesty and fidelity, which does not tolerate and avenges love betrayals and betrayal.
5 Sjefninner world and feelings of a woman to a man.
6 Sjefnemotional attachment and feelings of a man to a woman
7 Snotrais responsible for wisdom, shows whether there are prospects in a relationship
8 Lovnthe goddess binds two lovers in heaven, respectively, will tell you whether it is worth marrying between lovers.
9 SkuldRuler of destinies, weaving the pattern of human destiny. Shows how long the relationship will last.

The layout for 9 runes is one of the simplest, while useful for a couple in love. We all have problems in our personal lives. The runic alignment will give advice on how to act in this situation.


Only in the subconscious of a person is hidden that which reflects the true thoughts. Different methods of divination open up clarity on completely different sides of one relationship.

    For rune divination, preparation is really very important! If you do not first “clear” yourself of unnecessary and extraneous thoughts, then the result of divination will be very vague. I usually meditate before such fortune-telling - and everything that can be deciphered usually comes true!

    This is the first time I see such a detailed and beautiful article. I've always wanted to try rune divination. A friend does this and says that everything comes true for her. But, really, you need to be in a good state of mind before divination, otherwise emotions will interfere with the correct interpretation.

    Witchcraft or higher wisdom? Fortune telling on runes for love can shed light on the most hidden desires of a man or woman, magically connect them. A very detailed article, it certainly pleases. I just don’t understand, do the runes for love and relationships differ somehow from ordinary runes? Or are the runes the same, but the meaning is different?

    The article is just amazing! Everything is so detailed and step by step painted that, it would seem, even a schoolboy can handle it. The most important thing is to properly clean and activate the runes. Do not be too lazy to find as much information as possible about this, because the whole result of your work depends on how seriously you take your practice with runes. Runes do not tolerate haste and hasty action. Hear, feel, feel them.

    It would be necessary to acquire the runes, and begin to study them. A lot of people guess and in all seriousness recommend it. And here you have such wonderful, detailed articles, a lot of interesting and entertaining material that draws attention to runes even more. So I will study, since there is a reason and motivation for this, and meetings with friends will be more interesting if I am in the subject.

    I sometimes like to tell fortunes, but usually it’s either on playing cards, or some other simple fortune-telling, in the spirit - from Thursday to Friday ... But after reading this article, I wanted to buy runes and study them. It's so interesting to actually do magic. And the article is good - a lot of interesting material!

    I don’t really trust runes, they somehow guessed at them, and it didn’t work out. But on the cards it turns out, almost always. In general, it probably also depends on the day of divination, the phase of the moon and some other details. It is necessary to immediately check whether a fortune-telling day or not, before going to fortune-tellers.

    Wow, this is interesting! it’s a pity I don’t have such runes, I would gladly tell fortunes in this way, it would be necessary to get them somewhere. Such a directly Slavic theme of divination, runes, various signs, this has always attracted me, I took note of this article, thank you.

    General characteristics of the divination system on runes. Tips on how to prepare and start fortune telling on runes for a relationship with a man, the sequence of the process. The meanings of the runes for love and relationships, a variant of the layout. Some runemen deny the amorous use of the ancient alphabet. They argue that the use of runes to solve heart problems is a profanity. In their opinion, strict northern magic gives answers only to questions about spiritual individual development or about business, career, finances. This categorical statement is hardly true.
    Thanks for the article, it's a bit difficult, I'll definitely try it. I know that the runes have unearthly power and most likely predict.

    Runic magic is extremely versatile. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain amount of magical power and the ability to connect us with a higher power. I consider fortune-telling on runes to be a very accurate determination of your future fate, and I have been studying this kind of fortune-telling since childhood. I advise you to carefully read this article, here it looks like a very accurate step-by-step instruction and will help you understand all aspects.

    I have never come across runes in real life, but the information intrigued me. As a child, I am happy when I find some new information. And even more so when everything is so detailed. I wonder how long it will take to truly master all the secrets of rune magic?

    I always wanted to try rune divination when I came across information about them. I'm still not going to buy myself a set of runes. It seems to me that this is the most sacred way of divination of all known, and it really needs special preparation, a special state of mind and soul, then everything will definitely work out and the predicted will come true.

    Rune reading was an unknown world for me. The runes were brought to me from China, but before this article I did not know at all how to work with them and how to read them. And the result makes me very happy. Hope I did everything right. Has anyone else tried runes?

    Evaz did not write correctly. It's like M spelled

    Fixed! They really messed up the picture.

Fortune telling on runes for relationships with a man is an easy way to get to know the feelings of the chosen one better, to predict the future of your union, to determine its strengths and weaknesses. We will share options for simple layouts.

By the way!
We have it on our website - use it to your health!

The Marriage Forecast for Relationships and Love helps determine the fate of your marriage. A deep analysis of the past, present and future is carried out, which allows you to look at the situation from all sides.

Get ready for a divination session. Shuffle the runes and place them on the table in the order shown in the picture.

  • 1 - your past and how it affects the current situation in your personal life. The deepest subconscious attitudes and beliefs, the most serious influence of past feelings and once experienced emotions. What you may not be aware of
  • 2 - also the past, but more conscious. Problems affecting the current state of affairs that you have an idea about, which you are working through and are aware of
  • 3 - present. How is the situation in personal life now. The view from the side of the chosen one, your opinion and how, in fact, objectively
  • 4 - also real, this rune complements the meaning of the previous one
  • 5 - the future. A forecast about how your relationship is likely to develop if you do nothing and let the situation take its course without following the advice of the runes
  • 6 - the future that awaits your personal life if you follow the rune recommendations. Second likely outcome
  • 7th and 8th runes - the meaning is similar to the 5th and 6th runes, but concerns the distant, not the near future

The main idea of ​​this divination is that, regardless of the forecast, you can direct the situation along the path you need. You either follow the runes' recommendations and get one result. Or you act at your own discretion, and the outcome will already be different.

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The layout of the "Gordian knot"

Most often, the runes are laid out into relationships, using this particular layout, because it is quite simple and does not require a lot of time. With just three characters, you will know the future of your couple.

Observing all the rules of rune divination, sit down at the table, concentrate, mix the runes and lay them out on the table in a layout, as shown in the figure.


  • 1 - what happened. Causes from the past that affect your relationship in the present. Prerequisites for probable problems and acute moments
  • 2 - the state of affairs at the present time. A detailed analysis of the relationship - what are they now?
  • 3 - conclusions and result. This rune will give information about what the relationship can lead to, what to expect. Is parting likely, or will everything end happily

By analyzing the meanings of the symbols, you will be armed. This will give you knowledge of the causes of possible problems and ways to resolve them.

The layout of "Secret love affair"

This layout consists of six runes. It will help determine how the situation will develop in relations in the future, what they will lead to. Divination is used if you are in a secret love affair.

Mix the runes and put them on the table according to the diagram in the picture.


  • 1 - household, event plan. A symbol indicating what needs to be done in order for favorable changes to occur in the relationship. It's usually something that a person refuses to acknowledge.
  • 2 - unforeseen events and surprises that may happen in the near future. Study the interpretation of the symbol carefully to be prepared for any surprises
  • 3 - probable development of the situation in the future. A prediction that will come true if nothing is done and events are allowed to unfold naturally
  • 4 - the likely outcome of the relationship. How will things end if you follow the advice of the runes
  • 5 - the result of a relationship, as it will be in the distant future, if you ignore the advice of the runes
  • 6 - development of the most significant and problematic situation in your relationship

This alignment is good because it helps to see an accurate picture of events, analyze relationships without rose-colored glasses, and prepare for the possible consequences of a secret alliance. It is advisable to follow the advice of the runes, even if it is quite difficult to follow them.

Watch a fortune-telling video that helps you find out what is hindering your relationship:

Rune divination "Choice"

This method of divination is used in cases where it is necessary to make a choice between two partners. Very often used by people who are married and have a relationship "on the side."

Meaning of symbols by positions:

  • 1 - how events will develop if you stay with your spouse (choice of the first partner). Possible consequences and forecast for the near future
  • 2 - rune advice and a relationship forecast in case you choose the first partner .. Analysis of the situation with the condition of your conscious choice
  • 3 - how events will develop if you abandon your husband in favor of your lover, but you will continue to meet secretly. Will you be exposed in the near future
  • 4 - the likely outcome of the situation if you finally leave the family for a second partner. Is there a future for your relationship?
  • 5 - what awaits you in the future if you refuse both men and prefer the status of a loner
  • 6 - a rune that complements the meaning of the previous one and gives advice on how you need to act so that everything is resolved in a favorable way

This fortune-telling helps to analyze the situation and all possible outcomes, make a decision and choose the right scenario.

The word runa means "mystery" and goes back to an ancient root meaning "to hide, hide". Its traces have been preserved in modern languages, German raunen - "whisper", Latvian runat - "to speak" or Finnish runo - "poem, incantation". By the way, the Russian "to store" is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetic signs that were carved on stones or carved on wood, they decorated weapons, utensils, various objects, wrote spells over the entrance to the house and on the prows of ships.

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century BC. AD, however, many signs have a much more ancient origin, going back to the magical symbols of the Celtic priests-druids, from whom they later passed to the Germanic, and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Although in one way or another all the representatives of the tribe owned the runic letter, the magicians and healers were the true experts on the runes. They differed from everyone else in their special attire, were surrounded by special reverence, taught the youth.

Each rune had its own name and was associated with a particular deity, object or phenomenon. Laying out a rune from wooden sticks or applying its image on a birch bark or stone, on a spear shaft or on the surface of an earthen vessel, the healer, warrior or hunter addressed directly the entity that the rune denoted in order to influence it in a certain way. The healer drove out the disease, the warrior asked for victory in battle, the hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the rune was pronounced or sung in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. "an evil song" or performed a zayd - a magical rite that included singing and dancing.

Magic was owned not only by men, but also by women. So, zeid was generally supposed to be performed only by women; the prediction of the future among the ancient Normans was carried out by special soothsayers - volures. With the help of songs and runes, spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls were also conjured.

Runic magic is extremely versatile. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain amount of magical power and the ability to connect us with a higher power. The totality of runes, together with their powers and connections, already forms a real magical system. This system can also be used for divinatory purposes: combinations of the signs included in it can describe any possible situation.

There are many ways to lay out runes. You can use one of the online rune divination options we offer. We hope that these fortune-telling on runes will provide you with invaluable help in everyday life.

Everyone goes through a period in their life when there are difficulties in a relationship. Having tried all the ways, a person often begins to think about fortune telling. This magical way to learn everything about relationships has been known since ancient times. Nowadays, fortune telling is most popular among women. Divination on runes on the Internet is very popular. In online mode, the program prompts you to clearly formulate a question and select a few characters.

Here is a difficult period in my life. I began to notice that my relationship with my husband had cooled. Tried to bring to the conversation and cunning, and caress, and tears, but nothing cleared up. She began to suspect that her husband had a mistress. I decided not to guess on my fingers, but to turn to ancient symbols, runes. But I am such a person that I must first study the material thoroughly. So I learned what runes are, where they came from, what meanings they have. Personal experience of my divination will definitely be in this diary after studying the issue of runes.

What are runes?

Runes are ancient symbols that have been known since the beginning of our era. In other words, the runes were the writing of the ancient Germans. These symbols were carved on wood, bones and carved on metal and stones. More than 5,000 runic inscriptions are known. After the 13th century, the runes were replaced by the Latin alphabet and began to personify the mysterious writing. In the Middle Ages, there were even runic calendars. In translation from many languages, runes mean secret, spell and whisper mysteriously. The ancient people with the help of runes turned to the gods, wrote various magical inscriptions and memorial lines.

Rune, layouts for relationships. Rune Meanings

There are many theories about the origin of runes. One of the most interesting says that the runes were revealed to the supreme god Odin. It happened when he, without food or drink, hung on the World Tree, pierced by his own spear. The runic alphabet was created specifically for divination in the 19-20th century by a German scientist. He believed that the runes serve as a bridge connecting man with the ancient gods.

And each rune corresponds to the position of the human body. In ancient times, weapons, dishes and other items were decorated with runes. In order to turn to the ancient god in order to influence the necessary subject. Rune magic was owned by both men and women. There are a huge number of rune layouts. Each of them has a specific meaning and interpretation of the relationship.

To choose for yourself a alignment for relationships and love, you should familiarize yourself with them in more detail. The rune Fehu is straight - it can often indicate a relationship of convenience, but only for one of the parties. If the fehu rune is interpreted as a straight line, as the beginning of a new one, then the symbol means a new relationship or a renewal of the previous ones.

Fehu inverted - may mean that the partner is using you in a relationship for his own benefit. The inverted rune Fehu means that the relationship is coming to an end, moreover, at a loss for you. Runa Uruz direct - says that the relationship is based on physical intimacy or attraction. In a real relationship, you are the leading person, that is, you allow love.

Uruz is inverted - on the contrary, it interprets relationships as fading away in the physical plane. Perhaps you and your partner have cooled off with each other. You are a follower in a relationship and their fate no longer depends on you. Rune Turisaz is straight - the symbol indicates negative emotions. Relations were filled with scandals and swearing, possibly with assault. This rune can sometimes mean that the relationship is being threatened by third parties. Both lovers and just ill-wishers. Less commonly, the rune means your partner's dangerous and painful love for you.

Turisaz inverted - if this rune is next to good runes, then there is nothing to fear. Relationships are safe and external factors are not terrible, but within the couple there are solvable difficulties. When the rune is surrounded by bad symbols, this means serious difficulties and the lack of development of relations due to the fault of one of the partners. In this case, it is worth eliminating hidden grievances, voicing claims and solving problems, otherwise the relationship will lose love attraction.

Rune Raido straight - rune of movements. In the context of a relationship, it can be interpreted as a long and strong relationship with your partner. If the question was about feelings, then the rune means development and strengthening in a positive direction. If you asked a question about a relationship with a man, then the rune advises you to continue taking steps towards a meeting.

Inverted Raido - means incompatibility of partners. You should not make drastic decisions, but you should not open up to your partner either. If Raido is in the company of good runes, then you should pay less attention to your partner. Direct rune Ansuz - predicts marriage. The rune does not speak of a successful union, it simply speaks of the fact of marriage. The rune also speaks of a long-term continuation of the relationship. Inverted Ansuz - warns that your expectations about relationships may not come true. Moreover, you can be deceived. The rune speaks of the likelihood of ending a relationship.

Rune Gebo - broadcasts about the upcoming love affair. This is not about a strong relationship, but about the meeting of two lovers. Perhaps such a relationship will be long, but it will not lead to marriage and a serious relationship. Straight rune Kenaz - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpassion awaits you. New relationships will be emotional, love, pain, happiness, tears, everything will mix. This union will add a lot of life experience to your piggy bank.

Inverted Kenaz - states that indifference of partners has come in the relationship. The absence of feelings and passion leads to their end. Direct rune Vunyo - ask a question how my partner treats me. This rune will say that you are desirable for him. The rune means fulfillment of desires, happiness and joy. Your relationship will be the way you want it. If you dreamed of a serious relationship, then they will be. Well, if you just wanted to have fun, then so be it.

Inverted Vunyo - Parnet no longer strives to see you, you have ceased to be desirable for him. The rune says that in this relationship you will not be able to get what you want. Rune Hagalaz - the rune of the past. Very rarely predicts the appearance in a person's life from a past relationship. More often sends your current relationship into the past, because they are nearing completion.

Runa Nautiz direct - means dependence in a relationship. This may be the dependence of partners on each other because of feelings. One partner can depend on the other in a relationship and because of material reasons. Natutiz is inverted - the relationship has lost the thread, it makes no sense to lead them on. Runa Isa - a symbol means a chill in a relationship. If the rest of the runes are good, then it can still get better.

Runa Hyera - means the onset of a long relationship. If your question was about a former relationship, then it may mean the return of a partner. Rune Eyvaz - indicates instability. In a relationship, it can mean that love and hate go together. This rune says about a partner that he doubts or constantly hesitates what decision to make (to be or not to be). Runa Petro direct - advises to let go of the situation and wait for how it ends. What is destined will come true. Nothing depends on you anymore. Petro inverted - sometimes says that you don’t need to know the future of the relationship right now or your partner is actually “not your person”. Much less often, a rune indicates a love spell and other magic that is present in relation to one of the partners.

The Algiz rune is straight - when good runes surround Algiz, then we can say that the relationship is stable and favorable. Inverted Algiz - says that you are in love in a relationship, and your partner allows you to love. You risk losing this relationship for various reasons, perhaps you have an extraneous love affair. Runa Sovulo - says that the situation in the relationship is exactly the way you see it and you don’t need to think of anything. If it seems to you that everything is bad, then it is so. If you believe that the relationship is developing at the right pace, then this will be true.

Teyvaz direct rune recommends fighting for your relationship and moving from words to actions. If your question was about the man's attitude towards you, then he is positive. Inverted Teivaz - means that the relationship will not develop. The partner has long made a disappointing decision. Runa Berkana direct - portend the transition of relations to a new level, marriage and the creation of a family. Inverted Berkana - often indicates that a man has a serious relationship, perhaps a wife and a child, and you are his mistress. In some layouts, the rune means the negative development of relationships.

Evaz straight rune is a wonderful symbol. It testifies to a wonderful and harmonious relationship, with the prospect of creating a family. Inverted Evaz - the relationship will not develop, as the partners do not fit together. Mannaz direct rune indicates a strong friendship between partners, which rarely develops into a love relationship. An inverted Mannaz is a bad sign. He talks about your loneliness, or a huge quarrel with a loved one. Direct Laguz - in fortune-telling is considered a positive sign. Means love, good emotions and happiness.

Laguz inverted, the rune of misfortune. Your partner does not feel love for you, rather negative emotions. The symbol means tears, sadness and other unpleasant feelings. Less often, it may mean that a third person has brought bad magic spells into your relationship. Inguz rune, which says that the relationship is completed. In some layouts, runes fall on the birth of children. Runa Otal straight - means a high probability of a couple living together. Relations are harmonious, good and strong. If there are bad runes around, then Othal says that relations will not develop. Inverted Otal predicts divorce or separation. The couple's relationship is not serious. Less often, the symbol says that lovers live very far from each other. Rune Dagaz - predicts imminent changes in the couple's relationship. Good runes around speak of a happy relationship. If the runes are negative, then Dagaz means a lack of prospects and an early parting.

My take on relationships. What did the runes tell me?

After studying the issue, I chose the person who was supposed to conduct fortune-telling on my relationship. The question was “Does my husband have a mistress?”. On this question, the runes Eyvaz, Otal pp, Inugz, Raido fell out to me. The alignment said that yes, there was a mistress, but their relationship is already in the past. The change happened on a business trip.

Fortune telling foreshadowed a big quarrel in our relationship .. I got a taste and decided to ask the runes the following question: Is there a future for our relationship? The runes Urguz, Fehu, Otal, Kenaz fell out. Fortune-telling said that our relationship was difficult and could be interrupted for a while, but resumed again in the future. Reborn relationships will be long and harmonious.

My next question to the runes was “How does my husband feel about me?”. The runes were formed as follows: Laguz pp, Evaz pp, Keno. This fortune-telling upset me very much, the runes said that my husband does not feel love for me and believes that we are not suitable for each other. I asked if my relationship with my husband would improve within a month. The runes Fehu, Algiz pp, Otal fell on this. Unfortunately, this fortune-telling spoke of stability and the next month will not change anything. I decided to learn more about the thoughts and feelings of my husband, the runes Uruz pp, Raido, Evaz fell on this. From fortune-telling it followed that the husband was not confident in himself, in his attractiveness as a man.

The runes advised me to help my husband overcome the complex and not forget about my sexuality. I wondered what to do in this relationship. The runes were formed as follows: Turizas, Mannaz, Inguz + Dagaz. These runes said that a big quarrel was coming, that I was emotionally attached to a person. Divination warned against impulsive actions. Everything went to the fact that the relationship will resume if I do not have another man. I wondered if I would meet another man. On which the runes fell Raido, Lagus and Yera. Fortune telling said that I would meet a man. And the question “what awaits me in a relationship with him?”. The runes formed Teyvaz, Hagalaz, Isa + Perto. This meant that the relationship would be exclusively sexual in nature, that is, a fleeting romance. Here's a guess I got.

I thought about the interpretation for a long time and decided to save the relationship. For about two months, absolutely nothing changed with my husband. I tried to be more attentive to my husband, but it only annoyed him. Finally, he started a frank conversation with me, in which he admitted that he had a mistress. We talked in raised tones, tears, resentment, in the end he packed his things and left. A month later, my husband invited me to a restaurant where he met me with flowers. We talked and decided that our family is the most important thing in our life.

Rune layout examples

A few days after the reconciliation, I remembered fortune telling, but the runes told the truth. I told my friends (without going into details) that I happened to guess on the runes, and they told the truth. The girls became interested, they also wanted to know the truth about their relationship and love. Afterwards, sitting at tea, we shared our impressions and layouts of the runes. These are the questions asked by friends and what the magic runes answered them.

One of my friends has a difficult family situation. The husband often goes on business trips, and sometimes, after a quarrel, he may even leave home, ostensibly to friends. Her question was extremely simple. Changes or not. To which the runes answered Laguz pp, Ansuz pp, Otal pp. This fortune-telling means that most likely there are betrayals and deceit. To the question “how does a man feel about me”, the runes fell Uruz pp, Manaz pp, Kenaz pp. This indicated that most likely the couple would soon part. Husband cheats due to lack of physical attraction.

Another married friend also wanted to clarify why her relationship with her husband was having problems. She got the runes Anzus pp, Mannaz, Hotel. Fortune telling says that there are difficulties in a couple due to the fact that one of the partners is hiding something. But the couple will remain together and parting does not threaten them.

My godfather also joined our newly formed club of rune worshipers. She was interested in the fate of relations with a young man, namely, whether she would have a family with him. The alignment of the runes Otal pp, Teyvaz, Kenaz pp, Nautiz pp. Fortune telling means that at the beginning of the relationship there was a mutual attraction of partners, but it is gone. Otal talks about the incompatibility of partners in everyday life. In general, there can be no talk of marriage. Another one of my friend's questions was about a nice colleague. Will they have a relationship? The runes fell Ansuz, Vunyo pp, Soulu. This alignment means that the relationship will not go beyond friendly and professional, and the girlfriend’s expectations about the man will not come true.

One of the most popular questions among women was "How does a man feel about me." One of the layouts made my friend very upset. The runes developed as follows: Perth pp, Algiz pp, Dagaz, Urguz pp, Ingus, Vunyo, Teyvaz. The situation turned out to be difficult. In general, the relationship did not bode well. This layout of the runes said that a friend was ready to rush into the pool with her head. The man does not feel sympathy for her, and he has feelings for another woman. Another interesting alignment of runes to the question "how does a man treat me." Unfortunately, my girlfriend was not happy either. The runes of Yera, Hebe, Eyvaz said that a man is secretive by nature. He considers a woman sexy, but he is not ready for a serious and harmonious relationship with her.

To my surprise, my colleague also decided to guess. He said that there was a crisis in relations with his wife. He did not go into details, but out of curiosity he wanted to know what awaits their family. Men actually often resort to runes, but for some reason they are shy and believe that guessing is a purely female hobby. So for my colleague such a runic alignment fell out: Turisaz, Berkana, Inguz. You can interpret this divination as follows. There are frequent quarrels and dissatisfaction in intimate terms in the family. Runes advise a man to be gentler with his wife. Take control of your family's finances. The birth of a child will help strengthen the union.

Rune divination methods

I really got carried away with fortune telling on runes and decided to continue my research. There are many ways to read runes. Before that, I described the layout of the three runes. There is an interesting layout "Fate". In this divination, it is necessary to draw out the runes one at a time and put them face down. Only six runes. Open the layout in reverse order.

The first rune will tell about the past. The second rune will tell you about the nature of the person you decided to guess. The third rune - knows about the future. The fourth rune reveals the essence of the issue. Fifth - will say what is expected of you, advise what to do. The sixth rune - speaks of the result that awaits you if you follow the given actions. One of the painstaking runic layouts.

Zodiac divination of the ancient Germans

To guess this way, you need 24 runes. They must be laid out in a circle face down and in pairs. The interpretation of the runes occurs, respectively, with the twelve signs of the zodiac and astrological houses. The alignment of the runes begins with the sign under which the person is born, on whom fortune-telling takes place. Traditionally, the first astrological house, the sign of Aries, is placed in the extreme right or left position, the rest of the signs are set aside counterclockwise.

1. Aries: reveals the essence of personality, natural character traits
2. Taurus: talks about income, their sources, as well as costs
3. Gemini: relatives and friends, as well as fast travel
4. Cancer: home, family, father
5. Leo: means pleasure, children and art
6. Virgo: talks about ailments and everyday life
7. Libra: A sign of partnership, connections and family
8. Scorpio: physical intimacy, death and magical abilities
9. Sagittarius: long journeys, faith and religion
10. Capricorn: career take-off, success in the profession, mother;
11. Aquarius: the fulfillment of desires
12. Pisces: secret connections, diseases, occult studies, karma.

Karina Lunevskaya

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