Using email for beginners. How to use e-mail: useful tips How to use e-mail lesson step by step

  • Sending and receiving messages. Message by email can be sent to anyone with an email address. The message arrives in the recipient's e-mail inbox in a few seconds or minutes, regardless of where this person lives: in a neighboring apartment or on the other side of the world. You can receive messages from anyone who knows your email address, and then read them and reply;
  • Sending and receiving files. In addition to regular text messages, almost all types of files can be sent to e-mail: documents, images, and music. A file sent by email is called an attachment;
  • Mass sending email messages to multiple people. E-mail messages can be sent to multiple recipients at the same time. Recipients can match an entire group, allowing for group discussions.
  • Forwarding messages. After receiving a message or file by e-mail, you can immediately forward it to another person without redialing.

The main thing advantage of email above the telephone and regular mail - its convenience. You can send a message at any time. If the recipients are not at their computer or on the Internet (i.e. their computers are not connected to the Internet), they will see the message sent to them the next time they check their email inbox. If the recipient works online, you can get a response in a matter of minutes.

In addition, sending messages e-mail is free. Unlike sending a regular letter, there is no need to buy a stamp or pay for a service, no matter where the recipient lives. You only need to pay for an Internet connection or a special e-mail program.

What you need to use email

To use email, three components are needed:

  1. Internet connection. To connect your computer to the Internet, you must first register with an Internet service provider. An ISP provides the Internet, usually for a monthly fee. See What you need to connect to the Internet.
  2. Email application or webmail services. Email programs can be downloaded or purchased from Microsoft or another vendor. Email programs often provide more features and are faster than webmail services. Before setting up an email program, you need to obtain some information from your ISP, usually your email address, password, incoming and outgoing email server names, and some other details.
    If you don't want to download or buy an email program, you can sign up for free webmail services: Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, etc. These services allow you to check email using a browser from any computer connected to the Internet, even if it belongs to another person or is located in a public institution (for example, in a library).
  3. E-mail address. You can get an email address from your ISP or when registering with a webmail service. An email address consists of a username (any alias, not necessarily a real name), an "@" symbol, and the name of an ISP or webmail service (for example, [email protected]).

Create and send email messages and files

The following describes a typical a way to populate a message box in an email program. (The steps may differ depending on which program or Web-based email service you are using.)

  • In the To field enter your email address at least one recipient. When sending a message to multiple recipients, separate the email addresses with a semicolon (;).
  • You can enter email addresses in the Cc field additional recipients- persons who should read the message, but do not need to respond to it. They will receive the same message as the recipients in the To field. If there are no additional recipients, leave this field blank. Some e-mail programs also provide a CC (PC) field - it allows you to send messages, hiding certain names and e-mail addresses from other recipients.
  • In the Subject field, enter message subject.
  • In the large empty area, type Message text.

To attach a file to a message, click the Attach file to message button on the toolbar (located directly below the menu bar). Find the file, select it and click Open. The file will appear in the Attach field in the message header.

Ready! To send a message, click the Send button. The message will rush to the recipients like lightning.

Note: To change the style, font, size, or color of text, select the text and click the button or menu item that allows you to change the formatting.

Reading email

Most email programs and web services have an inbox where you can read received messages. To receive new messages, you may need to click the Send and receive button or something similar.

To see list of received messages, in the Folders list in your email program, open the Inbox folder. Email messages addressed to you should appear in the message list. Typically, the list displays the following information about the message: sender, subject, and time received.

To Read message, click on the corresponding heading in the list. The contents of the message can be displayed as a list of messages in the viewing area. To view the message in a separate window, double-click in the message list.

To reply to a read message, click the Reply button.

E-mail, or “e-mail”, “soap” is now a mandatory attribute on the Web for a user. It is used to communicate with friends and comrades, conduct business correspondence, send photos, videos and documents. And an email is required to register an account in social networks, online games, websites and forums.

This article will teach you how to use email and walk you through the steps of creating an account on .

So let's get started! We give a guarantee - in 15-20 minutes you will have your own e-mail.

Service selection

First of all, you need to decide on which service (site) you want to create a mailbox. It is worth noting that there are a huge number of web resources on the Internet that offer visitors to create their own e-mail. Some of them are better, some are worse in terms of security and usability.

If you want to see for yourself the variety of services, type “email” in the search engine. At a minimum, it will present you with a hundred or two online mail services.

But so that you do not feel dizzy from research and searches, we suggest that you choose one of the services offered below. They are unanimously recognized by IT professionals and ordinary users as the best on the Web. So you don't risk anything. On the contrary, you get a 100% guarantee of user comfort.

Service from the well-known company Yandex. It has been working properly and stably since 2000, that is, for more than 15 years. It has reliable protection against spammers and evil hackers trying to steal confidential data from mailboxes. Scans downloaded files by Dr.Web anti-virus module in automatic mode. Supports machine translation of letters into various foreign languages ​​and also translates foreign messages into Russian. All information (letters) is sent via encrypted channels. Works great on computers, laptops, and mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). It is recommended for use for those who mainly use Runet and actively correspond with Russian-speaking users.

Open the main page of the web service - in the browser. And then click in the upper right corner "Start mail".

Huge web portal. One of the oldest in Runet, founded in 1998. The account owner provides not only a mailbox, but also access to a variety of services (games, dating service, videos, news, etc.). Endowed with a user-friendly interface and a powerful spam filter. Easy to manage. It will definitely appeal to those who are not indifferent to social networks and want to actively correspond online, view a variety of content (photos, videos), except for using e-mail.

Go to the page and in the upper left block under the login fields, click the link "Registration in the mail."


"Overseas" service from Google. It has a huge number of user settings and functions. It was launched on April 1, 2004. Reliably protected from third-party interference and hacking, supports all popular data exchange protocols. Equipped with a user-friendly control panel. Able to back up data. A Gmail account will be especially useful for those who often use foreign web services, as well as other Google services (Maps, News, Play Market, Calendar, etc.).

Type in the address bar of your browser and press enter. On the page that opens, click on the "Create an account" button.

Well, what about the service? Now is the time to start creating an account.

Account registration

If you didn't click on the link provided in the service overview, be sure to do so (see descriptions above). We need to go to the registration form. Do you see the page with the fields of the questionnaire in front of you? This is what you need at the moment.

The rules for registering a mailbox on the services are almost the same, with the exception of only a few nuances. Follow this instruction to correctly enter all the required data.

1. In the "First name" and "Last name" lines, you can specify both your passport data and a pseudonym. It all depends on the purpose of using e-mail - business, entertainment, communication with friends.

2. Some postal services ask you to additionally indicate the place of residence, gender, date of birth. In these fields, you can also optionally specify reliable information or fictitious information.

3. Login is your mailbox address. It must be unique. Think carefully about its name. To compile it, you can use your first and last name, date of birth.

Note! It is desirable to save the login (address) in full format to avoid confusion. For example, if on Yandex, then the login will look like this: [email protected] That is - @.

4. The password is a symbolic key to enter the mailbox. Come up with a complex combination of 10-15 characters long from Latin letters and numbers.

Attention! Remember, or better yet, save in a safe place the login and password specified in the form. They are required to enter the box.

5. Phone - in this line, dial your mobile number. Use only a valid number.

6. Check that all fields are filled in correctly. To send the completed form to the service, click the "Register" button. It is usually located at the very bottom of the registration page.

The verification algorithm is as follows:

  • an SMS with a code is sent to the mobile;
  • you enter this code in a special form;
  • send to the service;
  • after the successful completion of the procedure, the phone will be “attached” to the box and it can be used to restore access in case the password is lost.

How to enter the box?

So, the box is registered. To log in or log in, you need to do the following:

1. Go to the website of the postal service (for example,

2. In the login panel, enter in separate fields the login and password that you specified during the mailbox registration process.

3. Press the "Login" button.

How to write and send a letter?

To send a message to someone from your e-mail, you, of course, need to know the address of the recipient - the interlocutor, business partner to whom you want to send the letter. Make sure you have it in full format - @.

2. In the form that opens, in the specially designated fields, indicate the full address of the recipient (in Gmail this line is called "To"), the subject of the letter and the text of the letter itself.

If you want to attach a file stored on your computer to the message, use the "paperclip" button. However, please note that the size of files uploaded in this way is limited. Depending on the service, its limit is 10-50 MB.

3. After completing the letter, click the "Send" button. The letter will be instantly delivered to the addressee.

Beware of spam!

During the operation of the mailbox, you will periodically receive advertising letters (spam) and other dubious messages. If you do not know the sender (an unfamiliar address is indicated) or you are suspicious of the name of the letters, in no case do not open them, and even more so do not launch the files and interactive elements that are placed in these texts. In this way, many hackers try to get the e-mail of gullible users.

You can track and delete messages blocked by the spam filter in the special Spam folder.

How to send a large file?


  1. In the profile, at the top right, click on the "group of squares" icon.
  2. In the tiled menu that opens, click "Disk".
  3. On the page that opens, click on the "My Drive" menu. Select "Upload Files...".

  1. Click "Cloud" in the top bar.
  2. In the new tab, click Download.

Yandex. Mail

  1. In the horizontal menu (near the logo at the top of the page), click "Disk".
  2. Click the Download button.

After you upload the file to the storage, share it with other users and copy the download link. Send the resulting URL to the recipient. He will paste it into the browser's address bar and download the file you downloaded to his computer.

Enjoy and enjoy your use of Internet postal services!

June 26, 2013

People in the modern world spend more and more time on the Internet - looking for and finding work, reading the news, communicating on social networks, checking the weather, buying, selling, earning money, saving, making friends, watching movies, listening to music, and often just lounging around. Today it is difficult to find a person who does not know what a search engine is, online mode, ICQ, blogs, how to use e-mail. But they still exist, and this text is intended for them.

In the usual sense, mail is the exchange of letters and parcels. So far, the power of human thought has not reached the level to send parcels through e-mail, but perhaps this will come true in the near future. Despite this, e-mail has many advantages.

1. In an email, you can send not only messages in the form of text, but also attach files to the letter: tables, photos, drawings, videos, presentations, and so on. Letters can be deleted, forwarded to other people, stored, filtered.

2. E-mail allows you to deliver correspondence (information) instantly, saving a lot of time and effort.

3. There is no need to go to the post office, because you can use e-mail without leaving your home, if you have the Internet and a computer.

4. Profitability - there is no need to pay for each letter, regardless of the amount of information in it. It is enough that the Internet service is paid to the provider in a timely manner.

5. Efficiency - you can check your mail and answer a letter even from a mobile phone with Internet access.

So, let's answer the question: "How to use e-mail"?

First you need to go to the site of a certain search or mail system, for example, "Yandex", "Google", "Rambler", "" and so on.

Let's try using an example to start mail on Google. At the top of the site, find and click "Mail", a new window will appear to enter the mail and your account. Since you don't have a Google mail yet, press the red button in the upper right corner - "Create an account". Next, personal data is filled in - first name, last name, username, password, gender, date of birth, mobile phone, alternate mail address. You create the username yourself, it must be unique (if there is already a user with such a login, the system will warn you and ask you to enter a different name), consist of Latin letters, the length of the name is from 6 to 30 characters. Keep in mind that if you are going to conduct business correspondence via e-mail, then you should come up with and choose more discreet logins.

Next, you need to enter a password for the mail. It should be strong enough, preferably containing uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers, and at least 8 characters long. Enter the password again to confirm it.

Your date of birth must be entered on this site in order to be able to access materials appropriate to your age. The fact is that a Google account allows you to have access to services such as Gmail (mail), YouTube (video portal) and Google+ (social network). You can set your account so that no one sees your age.

Gender, as well as mobile phone number is filled in at the discretion of the user.

To register mail, it remains only to prove that you are a real person (and not a robot), and enter the indicated Latin letters on the keyboard. If the signs are difficult to read, you can click on the "Audio" sign, the system will dictate them to you. If you do not want to do this, please provide your mobile phone number. A confirmation code will be sent to your phone in the form of SMS, you will need to enter it in the "Confirm account" field.

So, you have your own e-mail box, you can send and receive letters. How to write a letter? We find the "Write a letter" button, in the window that appears in the "To" field, write the recipient's address. If you want someone else to receive a copy of the letter, enter another email address in the "Copy" field. The "Subject" field can be left blank, but if you specify the subject and essence of the letter, it will be more convenient for the recipient. You can write text in the letter, format it, use the "Attach" button or the "Paperclip" icon to attach files, insert links, photos, pictures, save a draft of the letter. You can check the spelling before clicking the submit button. If you want to know exactly whether the addressee received and read it, check the box "Notify of read".

It's easier to read received emails - you just need to click on a new email (usually in bold). If you no longer want to receive emails from a certain author, you can mark one of them as spam. Further, all letters from this address will be automatically sent to the Spam folder. So, now you have an idea of ​​how to use e-mail, you can correspond with business partners and friends, register on social networks, make purchases over the Internet and much, much more.

The fact that the ability to work on a computer today is necessary for everyone and everyone is beyond doubt even among skeptics.

The book that you are holding in your hands will be a true friend and helper for those who wish to master the wisdom of working on a personal computer on their own and in a short time. Written in a simple and understandable language, it is accessible and easy even for beginners. A large number of specific examples and illustrative illustrations contribute to the quick and easy assimilation of the proposed material.

Its consistent presentation, as well as a detailed step-by-step description of key operations and procedures, make studying this book an exciting process, the result of which will be the ability to communicate on "you" with any modern computer.

The description is based on the example of Windows XP Professional.


Sections on this page:

Nowadays, not knowing how to use e-mail is like not knowing how to read. Sending a report to management or a resume to an employer, making pen pals, conducting business communication, exchanging photos, etc. - all this is impossible without mastering the intricacies of e-mail. That is why only lazy people do not have their email address today. Here we will talk about how to start your own email account, how to send and receive emails, forward attachments, and much more.

9.4.1. How to set up your e-mail box?

In this section, we will consider the order of opening a mailbox using the example of the mail service of a popular portal

* * *

On the main page of any Internet resource that provides free e-mail services, there is a link designed to switch to the mailbox formation mode. This link may be named differently; on the at the time of writing, it is called Get a mailbox. After clicking on this link, the dialog shown in Fig. 9.22.

Rice. 9.22. The first stage of creating a box

At the first stage, you must enter your last name and first name, as well as the name of the mailbox to be created ( login). All these data are entered from the keyboard. When entering a login, you can use letters of the English alphabet, numbers, as well as underscores and hyphens (spaces in the name are not allowed).

* * *

During the login process, the mail service automatically checks if it is currently busy. If it turns out that a mailbox with that name already exists, you will be offered other login options close to the one you tried to enter (they are offered anyway, see Fig. 9.22).

After filling in the specified details, click the button Farther to proceed to the next stage of creating a mailbox (Fig. 9.23).

Rice. 9.23. The second stage of creating a box

At this stage, you should enter the password, which will later be used to access the mailbox. To enter a password, you can use the same characters as when entering a login, as well as special characters ( % , & , + and etc.). The password must contain at least 6 and no more than 20 characters.

* * *

To avoid an error when entering a password, it should be entered twice: in the field Password and in the field Confirm the password. If identical values ​​are entered in these fields, then under the field Confirm the password the inscription will be displayed entered correctly(See Figure 9.23). If, however, an error was made when entering the password (an error is any difference in the fields Password and Confirm the password), then under the field Confirm the password a corresponding informational message will be displayed prompting you to re-enter the password. While the differences are in the margins Password and Confirm the password are not resolved, the mailbox cannot be created.

Sometimes users forget or lose their mailbox password. To solve such problems, a special mechanism has been implemented that allows the user to access his mailbox without entering a password. The meaning of this mechanism is to answer a secret question. This secret question and the answer to it are indicated at the second stage of the mailbox formation in the fields Security Question and Answer(See Figure 9.23). Moreover, the question itself is selected from the proposed drop-down list, and the answer to it is entered from the keyboard. Examples of security questions: Mother's Maiden Name(see fig. 9.23), Favorite dish, My school nickname etc. Obviously, the control questions are formed in such a way that only a specific person can know the exact answer to them. If the password is lost, the system will issue the security question specified during the formation of the box, and if the answer to it is correct, then access to the box will be open.

In field Other email (if any) you can enter the previously acquired email address, if available. This field is optional. If it contains an email address, registration information will be sent to this address immediately after the mailbox is created. Also, if you wish, you can specify your mobile phone (however, this is not recommended)

In field Check Digits from the keyboard you need to enter the numbers (without separators and spaces!), which are displayed above (see Fig. 9.23).

After filling in the listed details, you need to click the button Register– as a result, the screen will display information that the registration has been successfully completed (Fig. 9.24). Here, if you wish, you can enter some additional information about yourself.

Rice. 9.24. Completion of registration

You can enter them, or you can just click on the link Start using mail- immediately after that, the mailbox interface will open on the screen (Fig. 9.25). To subsequently enter your mailbox, you need to enter your login and password in the appropriate fields on the main page of the portal (in our example, and click the button To come in.

Rice. 9.25. Mailbox Interface

The left side of the interface contains several folders for storing electronic correspondence. The following folders are offered by default: inbox, Sent, Remote, Spam and drafts.

All incoming e-mail, with the exception of letters recognized as spam, goes to the folder inbox. This folder is open by default when you log in to your mailbox.

Folder Sent designed to store sent (outgoing) electronic correspondence. When sending each letter, a copy of it (with all attachments, if any) is placed by default in the folder Sent.

In folder Remote electronic correspondence is stored that was deleted using the link Delete.

To folder Spam All incoming correspondence is placed, which is recognized by the system as spam. This folder can be quickly cleared using the link located to the right of the folder name (it appears if there is at least one letter in the folder). By the way, folders are cleaned in the same way. Remote.

* * *

In folder drafts you can store letters that for some reason are not intended for any of the folders listed above.

In order to move messages from folder to folder, mark them in the list using the appropriate checkboxes, then in the drop-down list Move to folder(this list is located on the right side of the interface above the list of letters) select the required folder and press the button located on the right OK.

Above the list of letters there are several links designed to switch to one or another mode of operation. The list of these links in different folders may look different. Since the order of their use is simple, we will only consider links that are located in the folder inbox.

With a link Write the transition to the mode of creating a new e-mail is carried out. At the same time, an interface opens on the screen, in which the addressee (or several addressees), the subject of the letter are indicated, the text of the letter is formed, and, if necessary, files are attached that must be sent along with the letter.

* * *

If the current mail message (or several flagged messages) is spam, then you should use the link This is spam. Using this link, you can report spam to the postal administration so that appropriate action is taken against spammers. When clicking on a link This is spam a window opens on the screen in which you need to confirm the fact of spam.

Chapter The address book is designed to maintain a list of recipients with whom the most active correspondence is supposed to be maintained. To add a new recipient to the list, use the link Add a note, then in the window that opens, enter the name and surname of the recipient, his email address, phone number, arbitrary comment and date of birth. The only mandatory requisite for each addressee is an email address.

In chapter Setting configuring mailbox settings. In particular, here you can create, edit and delete folders intended for storing electronic correspondence, select the style of letters, customize the mail interface, etc. Separately, it should be noted the ability to filter incoming mail in order to combat spam (the use of "black" and "white" lists). Also noteworthy is the implemented automatic mail collection mechanism, the setting of which allows you to automatically collect mail from all other mailboxes that the user has and deliver it to this mailbox.

Chapter Search designed to quickly search for letters. It is advisable to use the capabilities of this section when working with large volumes of electronic correspondence. As search parameters, you can specify an arbitrary text fragment (which can be contained both in the text and in the subject of the letter) and the email address of the sender/recipient. You should also specify the folders in which the search will be performed.

Thus, we learned how to create our own mailbox on our own. However, in this case, all actions for working with electronic correspondence have to be performed directly on the server, using the interface provided by the mail service. It is much more convenient to use special mail programs to work with e-mail. In this book, we'll take a look at one of the most popular of these programs, Outlook Express.

9.4.2. Purpose and features of Outlook Express

Microsoft Corporation is the developer of the Outlook Express mail program, and this largely contributes to the fact that this program is one of the most popular mail clients. First of all, this is due to the fact that Outlook Express perfectly interacts with other Microsoft products (Internet Explorer, etc.). In addition, this program is very convenient for home users - unlike, for example, the same Microsoft Outlook, which is also developed by Microsoft, but is addressed primarily to office users.

The default program interface is shown in Fig. 9.26.

Rice. 9.26. Outlook Express

As you can see in the figure, the program window has the structure of a typical Windows application. At the top is the main menu, below it is the toolbar, and the main part of the interface is occupied by the workspace, divided into four panels. The left upper panel contains a list of folders with e-mails, the upper right panel displays the contents of the folder on which the cursor is located. The lower left panel contains a list of contacts from the address book, and the lower right panel contains the text of the letter on which the cursor is located.

The functionality of the Outlook Express mail program allows you to solve the following tasks:

Receiving, reading, creating, sending and storing electronic correspondence;

Working with the Windows Messenger instant messaging service: connecting, sending messages, configuring settings;

Using multiple accounts to work with electronic correspondence;

Maintaining an address book in which email addresses are stored;

Working with newsgroups (receiving, reading, storing, sending);

Flexible customization of the user interface and program operation parameters in accordance with the needs of a particular user;

Creation of mail messages using a variety of forms, the choice of which can be carried out both from the list proposed by the program, and from any place on the disk;

Setting up and using anti-virus and anti-spam protection;

Import email from other popular email programs using the built-in import wizard;

Import address book from other popular email programs;

Export of electronic correspondence and address book;

Output of e-mail messages to print;

Saving an electronic mail message as a separate file or as a form;

Saving email attachments as a separate file;

Performing a number of other actions due to the specifics of using the program and the needs of a particular user.

However, before using the Outlook Express email program, you must create an email account. This is covered in the next section.

9.4.3. Create an account in Outlook Express

To switch to the Outlook Express account mode, execute the main menu command Service? Accounts As a result, the window shown in Fig. 9.27.

Rice. 9.27. Email accounts

To create a new mail account, in this window, on the tab Mail press the button Add(this button is located at the top right of the window, see Fig. 9.27), and in the menu that opens, select the item Mail. As a result, a window will open on the screen. Internet Connection Wizard; Using the Wizard, a new account is created step by step. This performs the following steps.

1. At the first stage, you should enter an arbitrary user name from the keyboard (it can be, for example, a first and last name), then press the button Further.

2. In the second step, you also need to enter an email address from the keyboard (for example, [email protected] ), then press the button Further.

3. At the third stage, you will need to specify the servers for incoming (POP3, IMAP or HTTP, in most cases - the POP3 server) and outgoing messages. The choice of servers depends on the location of the user's mailbox; contact your email service provider for the addresses of these servers. For example, if the mailbox is open on, then the incoming message server will be, and outgoing - After entering the servers, press the button Further.

4. At the fourth stage, in the appropriate fields, use the keyboard to enter the name of the created account and password, and then click the button Further.

5. The fifth step by pressing the button Ready completes the process of creating a new account.

As a result of the performed actions, the created account will be displayed in the window Online accounts(see Figure 9.27) on the tabs All and Mail.

Now you can start working with email messages.

9.4.4. How to receive and send e-mail?

To receive e-mail, you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Deliver mail(this command is also called by pressing the key combination Ctrl+M), or click the corresponding button in the toolbar (do not forget to connect to the Internet before doing this).

Received emails will be placed in a folder inbox, and the number of unread messages will be shown in brackets (see Figure 9.26).

When it comes to sending emails, there are two ways to do it. The first is that the letter is sent immediately after writing - we will tell you how to do this below. When using the second method, letters are sent that are in the folder outgoing(users put written but not sent letters here) - for this you need to execute the main menu command Service? Deliver mail? Submit All or click on the toolbar button Deliver mail(using this button both receive and send e-mail).

9.4.5. How to write and send an email?

There are several ways to switch to the mail message generation mode. The most common of these is to execute the main menu command File? Create? mail message. As a result, a mail message generation window will open on the screen, shown in Fig. 9.28.

Rice. 9.28. Create a mail message

Also, to create a new message, you can in the panel Contacts(this panel is located at the bottom left of the working interface of the program) double-click on the required addressee or on a group of contacts. In this case, in the window for creating a contact (see Fig. 9.28), the field will be automatically filled To whom. To create a response message, in the main window of the program, select the letter to which you want to respond with the cursor, and press the button on the toolbar Reply or run the main menu command Message? Reply to sender(this command is also called by pressing the key combination ctrl+ R). In this case, the fields in the contact creation window will be automatically filled in To whom and Topic.

* * *

In the mail message generation window, in the field To whom the email address of the recipient is indicated. If necessary, you can enter several addresses in this field - in this case, you must separate them with a comma or a semicolon.

In field Copy addresses of recipients to whom a copy of this mail message should be sent are entered. If multiple recipients are specified, they are separated by a comma or a semicolon.

* * *

In field Topic the subject of this mail message is entered from the keyboard, briefly reflecting its essence; examples of the values ​​of this field - meeting, An invitation to the evening, Order, Vacation plans, Feedback on an ad etc. This field is optional; nevertheless, it is still recommended to indicate the subject of the letter - this is convenient for the recipient of the mail message.

The text of the mail message is entered from the keyboard in a specially designed field that occupies the main part of the interface (see Figure 9.28). By the way, you can format the text of the letter - the formatting bar is designed for this, which is located between the field Topic and a field for entering the text of the letter.

You can insert any image (picture, photo, etc.) into the text of the letter - to do this, in the formatting panel, click the last button, which is called Insert picture.

* * *

When you click this button, a window opens on the screen in which you can configure the image insertion. The order of work in this window is intuitive, so we will not dwell on it here.

If necessary, the mail message can be sent with an attachment. An attachment is a file that is attached to an email message. Why is this needed? The scope of this possibility is so wide that it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Attachments can be photos, software products, text files, etc. etc. For example, when sending a letter to a relative or friend, you can attach several photos to it; you can write a short letter to the management, and send a detailed report as an attachment, etc. The functionality of sending attached files significantly expands the possibilities of e-mail.


E-mail is used by millions of people - it's convenient, fast and affordable.

To send e-mail you need a computer, internet, e-mail box. To register a mailbox, you need to go to any mail service (,,, etc.) and fill out the form provided.

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So, you have started mail, and now you need to write to someone. How to send an email?



Consider the process of sending an e-mail using the example of the service. After registering a mailbox, you will be taken to a page where the folders "Inbox", "Outbox", etc. will be offered.
Find the "Write" button and click on it.
You will see the form of the letter and the fields "To" and "Subject".
In the "To" field, enter the recipient's email address, for example If you need to send an email to several recipients, enter the recipients' addresses separated by commas. In order not to fill in addresses manually, you can use the "Address Book" function, which is located in the "To" line. Click on the underlined word "To", and you will see a list of recipients (if you previously saved them in your mailbox address book). Put a checkmark with the desired name or names and click "Add Selected".
In the largest field, write the text of the letter. You can change the text color, font size, insert links or emoticons. To do this, select the text and click on one of the buttons located above the message input field.
After filling in all the fields, click on the "Submit" button.



By e-mail, you can send not only letters, but text documents, sound and video files, pictures and photos.

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How to send a photo by email?


We enter the mail, click on the "write" tab, fill in the "To" and "Subject" lines.
In the window that opens, select the folder with the photo you want to send. For example, your photos are in the "Photos" folder on drive D. Click on the "My Computer" tab, double-click on the "(D:) Local Disk" tab, then 2 times on the "Photos" folder.
Select the desired photo and click on it 1 time.
At the bottom of the window in the line "File name" the name of the selected file will be displayed.
We click 1 time on the "Save" button and the photo starts uploading to the email page.
After uploading the file (a green checkmark under the file will show that the upload is complete), click on the "Submit" button.



To send a photo by e-mail, you need to know the size of the recipient's mailbox. If space is limited, adapt, i.e. reduce the size of the photo. At the bottom of the photo window you will see the inscription "The photo will not be adapted for the Internet Edit". Click on the "Change" button. In the window that opens, select the "Compress large photos" function and click "Apply".

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How to send a document by email


E-mail allows you to send documents in various formats: Open document, Microsoft Word, HTML, PDF, RTF, Open Office spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint presentations. To send a document by email, follow the same rules for sending photos.
Fill in the "To" and "Subject" lines.
Click on the "Attach File" button.
In the window that opens, select the desired document and click "Save".
We click on the "Submit" button.



If you need to delete an attached document, click on the red cross located in the upper right corner of the file.

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Email Ethics - How to Send Email Correctly


The rules of email etiquette or "etiquette" are just as important as the rules of a telephone conversation or a face-to-face meeting. Sending email correctly is easy if you know a few simple rules.
Always send an email with the subject line filled in. The presence of this column will help the addressee determine the significance of the message and facilitate the work with electronic correspondence.
Be polite. Remember words of welcome and gratitude.
Follow the rules of grammar and punctuation. An abundance of mistakes can be mistaken for your incompetence and disrespect for the addressee.
Use capital letters only when necessary. In electronic etiquette, text printed in capital letters is perceived as shouting.
Write small messages that are logical in structure. Break the text into paragraphs, use short sentences. If the information cannot be shortened, format it as an attachment.
When replying to a letter, quote excerpts from the original message. This makes it easier for the recipient to remember what was said.
Do not email confidential information, credit card numbers. Information security is paramount.
Do not use emoticons, bright backgrounds and colored fonts in business letters.
At the end of the letter put a signature (4-7 lines). It will help the recipient identify the sender of the letter and provide additional information (telephone, fax).
After writing a letter, read it, putting yourself in the place of the recipient.

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How to send a photo by email


5:111 5:121

How to extract an attached file from an email


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