"Leaks are and will be." Secrets of organizing a business on the exam


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General questions size="+1">

Answer: Ask your own in a group on VKontakte.

Answer: Write in the "Report a bug" form, each task has it.

Answer: Remove the autocomplete fields setting in your browser.

Answer: Do not log in for a year, it will be deleted automatically.

Answer: Not provided.

Answer: The USE scale is given in the "About the exam" tab.

Answer: The tasks of the main catalog correspond to the specification and demo versions of the exams of the current year. Many tasks are taken from the examination materials of previous years. You can see a list of them on the "Options" page.

Student size="+1">
General questions size="+1">

Answer: In the "My statistics" section, by logging in with your login.

Answer: Finish testing. The system will make decisions on its own.

Answer: For tasks that are estimated by several points, a part of the points is awarded.

Answer: The options compiled by the teacher in the "To the teacher" section will appear in his lists automatically after you decide the option and click the "Save" button.

Answer: It won't go.

Answer: Continue the solution from the "My Statistics" section.


Answer: You logged in under a different login.

Answer: Error in the number or open from the page of another subject.

teacher size="+1">
Something is not working or not working correctly size="+1">

Answer: Most likely, go under a different login.

Answer: Students must first register on the portal. It is not necessary for you to add them to the lists, they will appear in the lists automatically after they complete any work assigned to them, created by the teacher in the “For Teacher” section.

Answer: Check if you are in the right section (example: see the basic mathematics magazine in basic mathematics).

How to delete, restore, rename? size="+1">

Answer: Move to the archive.

Answer: Find a student on the page with a list of students and delete from there. It will disappear from the magazine automatically.

Answer: Open the archived list and press the restore button.

Answer: Restore works and students from the archive.

Answer: Click on the name of the student, rename it.

Compilation of options (works for students) size="+1">

Answer: Use the instructions in the "For the Teacher" section.

Answer: In "test parameters".

Answer: Click on the button to select a topic, then on the work icon to attach it to the topic.

Created works, work on bugs size="+1">

Answer: In the "For Teacher" section, you can create your own tasks, the answers to them will not be found anywhere. At the same time, while doing work at home, students can ask a relative, tutor or classmate for advice.

Answer: At any time in the test parameters.

Answer: According to the works created in the "Teacher" section, you can see the solutions by clicking on the work and the name of the student.

Answer: In the class journal, click on the work number, a summary table will appear for each student and each task, and the average score for each task will be calculated.

There are myths circulating on the net and among schoolchildren that the USE assignments are made up of certain people who can be found and asked for answers to assignments. It is not true.

Since its introduction in 2001, the Unified State Examination of the Russian Federation has caused rejection and a lot of controversy. Nevertheless, the exam has been held for 17 years now. At the same time, entire state structures have appeared that have been working all year to create the KIM USE.

USE assignments from FIPI?

CMMs are reference measurement materials. The most important thing in creating the KIM USE is the assignments in the subject.

KIM USE are created at FIPI. FIPI is the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. There are two teams for each subject at this institute.

The first team is the team of compilers. FCR is the Federal Development Commission. This group of people makes KIMs, as well as all the accompanying methodological documentation. The composition of the FKR is very large, it includes specialists and methodologists from leading educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

FKR carries out activities on:

  • development of KIM;
  • hotline counseling during the exam period;
  • preparation of a consolidated analytical report on the results of the USE;
  • developing a methodology for checking tasks with detailed answers;
  • checking the work of the Unified State Examination outside the Russian Federation;
  • advising subject and conflict commissions;
  • replenishment of the bank of open USE tasks.

The second team is the team of experts.

NMS - scientific and methodological council. This group of people who conducts an examination of the drafted assignments and approves them. The NMS consists of 11-20 members from among the leading specialists in the profile of subjects.

NMS carries out:

  • discussion and advice on the general methodology for compiling the KIM USE and conducting the examination campaign;
  • examination of methodological documentation and KIMs;
  • preparation and discussion in the professional community of possible changes and innovations in the USE methodology.

Let's talk about the creation of KIM USE in more detail.

Of course, it is very difficult to describe the entire procedure for creating the KIM USE, but we will try.

First stage.

A group of school teachers, university teachers and methodologists create a bank of tasks. There are quite a few of these jobs. All tasks are fixed and collected in one place.

Second phase.

The editorial team starts proofreading all assignments. Incorrect tasks are removed from the bank.

Third stage

A group of methodologists begins checking all assignments for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standards and school curricula in the subject.

Fourth stage

This is an approbation on control groups of schoolchildren. The task is considered suitable for the exam if, according to certain methods of calculating the results, the coefficient of correct answers complies with accepted standards.

Fifth stage

A group of developers forms a certain number of variants of the KIM USE, which are being examined. The Expert Council gives an opinion and a decision is made on their approval.

Since 2016, the FIPI journal Pedagogical Measurements has been published. In this magazine, you can learn about the people who lead subject committees.

In this log you can find:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the qualifications of those who create KIM and analyze the results of the past examination campaign.
  • After reading the magazine, you can get as close as possible to the logic and methodological base used by the compilers of the KIM USE.
  • The journal also publishes preparations for future changes in the structure and content of KIMs.

As can be seen from all of the above, the KIMs of the USE are among the best specialists in the country, and, nevertheless, as critics of the USE note, the assignments in some cases are made up with errors. We have never encountered an error.

Practice tests with answers to all tasks.

  • Demo version (demo version) FIPI Unified State Examination in Russian 2016 with answers and comments

    Demo version of FIPI 2016 interactively with answers and comments

  • Task 1. Information processing of written texts

    Task 1 tests the ability to work with the information contained in a short text.
    No knowledge required. You just need to carefully read and comprehend the text, and then correlate your understanding with the proposed wording.

  • Task 2. Means of communication of sentences in the text

    In task 2, having understood the text and the nuances of the meaning, it is necessary to restore the missing semantic component. It is expressed by a word or a combination of words offered for selection.

  • Task 3. Lexical meaning of the word

    It would seem that the usual words: cup, product, show, number, approach ... But all these words are polysemantic, and it can be by no means easy to determine in which of the meanings presented in the dictionary they are used in the proposed texts.

  • Task 4. Orthoepic norms (emphasis)

    Task 4 checks the possession of orthoepic (accentological) norms. Know that for many reasons, errors in stress are not uncommon. Often people are unaware that they put the stress incorrectly. The volume of words is determined by the FIPI list

  • Task 5. Lexical norms (use of a word in accordance with the lexical meaning and the requirement of lexical compatibility)

    Task 5 is devoted to the use of paronyms. The Dictionary of Paronyms will help you prepare, in it you will find an interpretation of the meanings and examples of the lexical compatibility of words

  • Task 6. Morphological norms (formation of word forms)

    Task 6 one of the most complex and voluminous tasks. You need to know the typical errors in the formation of forms of nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, adverbs, verbs and be able to notice them in a number of examples proposed for analysis

  • Task 7. Syntactic norms. Agreement norms. Management norms

    Task 7 was introduced in 2015. In the 2016 version of the USE, it was amended. We offer you already updated training options for task 7. Remember: it can bring as much as 5 points. Therefore, it requires special attention in the preparation

  • Task 8. Spelling roots

    Task 8 is a simple task in which you need to correctly determine the spelling "Checked vowel in the root" and, having selected a test word, correctly write down the selected word in the answer

  • Task 9. Spelling prefixes

    Task 9 is voluminous, but not difficult. The spelling of prefixes is checked. Let's remember how Russian prefixes are written

  • Task 10. Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except for suffixes with Н and НН)

    Task 10 is voluminous, but not difficult. The spelling of suffixes is checked. Let's remember how Russian suffixes are written

  • Task 11. Spelling of personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes

    Task 11 requires attention. If you make mistakes in the tests, get acquainted with step-by-step tactics. To do this, see the Handbook for preparing for the exam

  • Task 12. Spelling NOT and NOR

    Task 12 requires understanding the topic, attention and knowing in which cases NOT or NOR becomes a prefix

  • Task 13. Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words

    To complete task 13, you need to remember the basic rules for continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words and learn to distinguish between homonyms

  • Task 14. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech

    Task 14 covers a number of rules for writing H and HH. This is one of the most erroneous tasks. Requires attention and knowledge

  • Task 15.

    useful links

    Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members). Punctuation in a compound sentence and a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

    For task 15, you can get 2 initial points. To do this, you need to correctly place punctuation marks in five sentences and choose two of them that require only one comma

  • Task 16. Punctuation marks in sentences with separate members (definitions, circumstances, applications, additions)

    Task 16 is one of the most difficult. Find out what is isolation and what types of isolation are found in CIMs

  • Task 17. Punctuation marks in sentences with words and structures that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence

    Task 17 tests the ability to recognize introductory words and combinations and not their way with homonymous members of the sentence. Recall the lists of introductory words. Find out which words are not introductory

  • Task 18. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

    Task 18 is devoted to the punctuation of complex sentences. Consider the different cases encountered in CMMs

  • Task 19. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connection

    Task 19 tests the ability to place commas in a complex sentence. Consider erroneous cases

  • Task 20. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text.

    For task 20, no knowledge is required, but you need to be able to carefully read and comprehend the text

  • Task 21. Functional and semantic types of speech

    Task 21 requires to distinguish between functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning, and also be able to give the correct characteristics to the proposed text fragments

  • Task 22. Lexical meaning of the word. Synonyms. Antonyms. Homonyms. Phraseological turns. Groups of words by origin and use

    Task 22 requires an understanding of the meaning of the main terms of lexicology and the skills of analyzing examples from the text

  • Task 23. Means of communication of sentences in the text

    In task 23, the means of connecting sentences in the text are named, and you have to determine in which of the indicated sentences they are used

  • Task 24. Speech. Language means of expression.

    Task 24 is the former B8. Everyone knows that you can get 4 points for it right away. The task is difficult, but it increases the competitiveness of those who cope with it

  • - According to Rosobrnadzor, 77% of the papers for which the regional examination boards gave from 80 to 100 points, and which fell under selective rechecking by the federal methodological subject commissions, were assessed with violations. How many works have already been checked by your commission?

    - The check is still underway, so I would not like to comment on anything until it is over. Specific numbers can be given to you in Rosobrnadzor. Maybe there will be less, maybe more.

    - At the round table devoted to the Unified State Exam, last week you cited data that 6-8% of graduates were able to use tips from the Internet ...

    - I said that the upper estimate of the possible use of hints is 6-8%. The statistics may show anomalies that may be due to various reasons, so I cannot say that so many guys have written off the work. At the same time, this year there are indeed statistical anomalies that indicate that just so many guys may have received a better result than they deserved. But this anomaly has not gone towards high scores - these 6-8% are concentrated in the area of ​​scores below 65, which are not significant for universities with real competition.

    - According to Kommersant, in Ingushetia, 13% of high-grade work was performed with violations ...

    - I'm not ready to comment on this information, I don't know where the media get it from - definitely not from me. If, according to the results of the recheck, some points did not match, then 13% is a very good percentage (but I'm not saying that this was actually the case). The question is how different they are. And so, if you plant two different inspectors, and their assessments coincide in 87% of cases, this is a very good match. But in general, in Ingushetia this year there was not a single hundred-point work.

    A hundred-point student of the Unified State Examination is a graduate who, in addition to a good knowledge of the subject, is able to perform a lot of actions without error. A genius will score, rather, 90 points - somewhere, yes, he will make a mistake

    - How difficult is it to honestly pass the exam in mathematics with a hundred points, in your opinion? Is this year's exam harder or easier than previous ones?

    - It is realistic to write the exam in mathematics for a hundred points, although, of course, this is not a mass assessment. In 2010, part "A" was removed from the exam - where you just had to choose the answer, and it became closer to the traditions of our school and the needs of universities. Last year, it also included tasks on the theory of probability, the study of which has been introduced at school for the last 10 years. In addition, the proportion of tasks in stereometry has been increased, so that gradually the exam begins to cover the entire school mathematics course, and its formation is almost completed.

    Ivan Yaschenko Head of the Federal Commission for Developers of Control and Measurement Materials for the Unified State Examination in Mathematics

    - Where do graduates come from who write the Unified State Examination in mathematics for a hundred points?

    - First of all, it should be noted here that a 100-point winner and an Olympiad winner are slightly different people. On the exam, it is required to absolutely accurately solve most of the tasks. And at the Olympiad - to come up with a beautiful idea for solving more complex tasks, but in a smaller number. So a 100-point student of the Unified State Examination is a graduate who, in addition to a good knowledge of the subject, is able to perform a lot of actions without error. A genius will score, rather, 90 points - somewhere, yes, he will make a mistake.

    Last year, the most famous mathematical school in Russia - the 239th school in St. Petersburg - did not have a single hundred points. And in the year before last and in this - they have such graduates. At the same time, there are more than enough winners of Olympiads, including international ones, in this school. By the way, now the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads have a little less motivation to give all their best to the Unified State Examination (considering that you can enter according to the results of the Olympiads - “MN”). But on the other hand, many are already used to working anyway - if you solve a problem, you need to solve it without errors.

    People are beginning to understand - if you drew a five, a four, even a three in the fifth grade, and you didn’t study something, you will have to repeat it by the 11th, otherwise it will affect the exam

    - At the round table, you also said that many graduates did not solve one of the fairly simple tasks ...

    — Yes, it was problem B1 about pills, developed on the basis of the instructions for the drug. More than 20% of the students did not solve it. Of course, this causes concern, but what is even worse is that many correctly wrote the exponential equation, but they still could not solve the problem. This shows that we have a certain bias in the emphasis of mathematical education at school. And so not only in mathematics, but also in other subjects - to the detriment of real understanding, there is a coaching for solving some algorithms for specific problems. Everyone substitutes formulas instead of thinking. But now, at least, people are beginning to understand - if you drew a five, a four, even a three in the fifth grade, and you didn’t study something, you will have to repeat it by the 11th, otherwise it will affect the exam.

    - How to avoid leaks of USE answers to the Internet, in your opinion? Will creating a bank of open tasks help?

    - I really support the open bank of the Unified State Examination. In this sense, mathematicians are in the forefront - we have already made an open bank of the entire part "B", but in order to open the entire exam in all subjects, it is necessary to change the entire regulatory framework, and this cannot be done quickly. Two years ago, a rule was introduced that after September 1, everything related to the content of the exam cannot be changed - children must know exactly what will be on the exam a year in advance. So some organizational measures, I hope, will be introduced next year, but everything else will be developed and introduced in another year.

    - Teachers say that this could be done faster - if the development of assignments did not remain the monopoly of federal commissions ...

    - In fact, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements regularly announces competitions, everyone can take part in the development of materials. For example, now there is a competition in chemistry. And it was exactly the same before that in mathematics. At the same time, the commissions work in different time zones, so that people developing the most complex tasks, firstly, do not know which of them will go into the final versions, and secondly, whether they will be used in their time zone, etc. . The preliminary formation of the bank of tasks goes through the widest possible discussions.

    There are myths circulating on the net and among schoolchildren that the USE assignments are made up of certain people who can be found and asked for answers to assignments. It is not true.

    Since its introduction in 2001, the Unified State Examination of the Russian Federation has caused rejection and a lot of controversy. Nevertheless, the exam has been held for 17 years now. At the same time, entire state structures have appeared that have been working all year to create the KIM USE. CMMs are reference measurement materials. The most important thing in creating the KIM USE is the assignments in the subject.

    KIM USE are created at FIPI. FIPI is the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. There are two teams for each subject at this institute.

    The first team is the team of compilers. FCR is the Federal Development Commission. This group of people makes KIMs, as well as all the accompanying methodological documentation. The composition of the FKR is very large, it includes specialists and methodologists from leading educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

    FKR carries out activities on:

    • development of KIM;
    • hotline counseling during the exam period;
    • preparation of a consolidated analytical report on the results of the USE;
    • developing a methodology for checking tasks with detailed answers;
    • checking the work of the Unified State Examination outside the Russian Federation;
    • advising subject and conflict commissions;
    • replenishment of the bank of open USE tasks.

    The second team is the team of experts. NMS - scientific and methodological council. This group of people who conducts an examination of the drafted assignments and approves them. The NMS consists of 11-20 members from among the leading specialists in the profile of subjects.

    NMS carries out:

    • discussion and advice on the general methodology for compiling the KIM USE and conducting the examination campaign;
    • examination of methodological documentation and KIMs;
    • preparation and discussion in the professional community of possible changes and innovations in the USE methodology.

    Let's talk about the creation of KIM USE in more detail.

    Of course, it is very difficult to describe the entire procedure for creating the KIM USE, but we will try.

    First stage.

    A group of school teachers, university teachers and methodologists create a bank of tasks. There are quite a few of these jobs. All tasks are fixed and collected in one place.

    Second phase.

    The editorial team starts proofreading all assignments. Incorrect tasks are removed from the bank.

    Third stage

    A group of methodologists begins checking all assignments for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standards and school curricula in the subject.

    Fourth stage

    This is an approbation on control groups of schoolchildren. The task is considered suitable for the exam if, according to certain methods of calculating the results, the coefficient of correct answers complies with accepted standards.

    Fifth stage

    A group of developers forms a certain number of variants of the KIM USE, which are being examined. The Expert Council gives an opinion and a decision is made on their approval.

    Since 2016, the FIPI journal Pedagogical Measurements has been published. In this magazine, you can learn about the people who lead subject committees.

    In this log you can find:

    • Last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the qualifications of those who create KIM and analyze the results of the past examination campaign.
    • After reading the magazine, you can get as close as possible to the logic and methodological base used by the compilers of the KIM USE.
    • The journal also publishes preparations for future changes in the structure and content of KIMs.

    As can be seen from all of the above, the KIMs of the USE are among the best specialists in the country, and, nevertheless, as critics of the USE note, the assignments in some cases are made up with errors. We have never encountered an error.

    Sellers of answers to USE assignments claim that they receive them from the developers and organizers of the exam. For buyers, this is a chance to enter one of the prestigious universities. Officials threaten violators with punishments, but this seasonal business stubbornly reminds of itself from year to year. On the eve of the exam in computer science, history and biology, which takes place on May 30, KIMs (control and measuring materials) in these subjects appeared on the network.

    Hello, we are looking for talent!

    How to use the received answers

    Scandals related to the publication of USE results on the InternetOn May 27, the Unified State Examination started in Russia. The day before, photographs of completed forms of examination sheets with answers to the Russian language exam appeared on the Internet.

    Rosobrnadzor insists that the organizers of such schemes and websites are guilty of disclosing restricted access information (Article 13.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), paragraph 4.1 of Article 15 of the Law "On Education"). This information includes KIMs (control and measuring materials, that is, question forms).

    The Law "On Education" says on this occasion that the information contained in the KIM refers to restricted access information, and that persons involved in the conduct of the exam are responsible for disclosing the information contained in the KIM. At the same time, during the exam period, those who passed the exam are also among the responsible persons.

    The Code of Administrative Offenses says that the disclosure of such information by a person who has gained access to it in connection with the performance of official or professional duties entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 500 to 1000 rubles, on officials - from 4 to 5 thousand rubles.

    Experts note in this regard that this norm gives grounds to hold accountable precisely those who themselves are related to the education system and the organization of exams. People who undertook to organize various "schemes" from outside will be more difficult to hold accountable.

    Rosobrnadzor also reminds that paragraph 9 of Article 15 of the Law "On Education" prohibits participants in the USE and persons involved in its conduct to carry and use means of communication and electronic computers, including calculators. They are punished for this with a fine: for citizens - in the amount of three to five thousand rubles, for officials - from 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 50 thousand to 200 thousand rubles.

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