We collect dossiers for the university.

Every summer, on forums, social networks and hotlines, the number of questions like “Is it worth applying to a non-state university?”, “What is the difference between a non-state university and a state university?” and even “I chose a university for myself, but it is non-state ... Is it very terrible?”.

In answers to such questions, you can’t find anything: there are no state-funded places in private universities, and diplomas there are somehow not like that, and scholarships are not paid, and in general, entering a non-state university is just a waste of time. We looked for answers to exciting questions not in the forums, but in the legislation.

Comparison of state and non-state universities

State university (having accreditation)Non-state university (having accreditation)
State accreditation
State diploma (diploma of the established sample)
Budget places (according to the results of the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)
Departure from the army
Scholarships (subject to availability of budget places)
Payment for education with maternity capital
student benefits
Established by individuals and/or legal entities
Established by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

According to Article 22 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", a private educational organization (in the general sense, a non-state university) is created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by individuals and / or legal entities or their associations.

State educational organization - an educational organization established by the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

That is, in fact, a non-state university differs from a state one only in the form of ownership and the composition of the founders.

All other differences between universities depend solely on the presence or absence of state accreditation.

According to programs that have state accreditation, both non-state and state universities issue diplomas of the "model established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" (in the general sense - "state diploma"). The sample diploma does not depend on the composition of the founders, but on the availability of a certificate of state accreditation.

To obtain such a certificate, it is necessary to pass a strict check by Rosobrnadzor. By the way, not even every state university has a certificate of state accreditation, as well as a license for the right to conduct educational activities.

The main thing is not the university, but the program

Although accreditation is issued to a university, it is not the university that is accredited, but its educational programs. Therefore, when choosing a university, not only check for a certificate of state accreditation, but also study the appendices to the certificate - which programs are accredited by the university, it is indicated there. You can see all this at RosNOU.

Yes, the budget has been allocated to the non-state sector since 2012. According to the National Research University Higher School of Economics, about 10,000 students are currently studying at state-funded places in Russian private universities.

Budget places (they are also admission control figures, KTsP) are distributed according to the results of an open public competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Universities that have a license to carry out educational activities, that is, virtually all universities (except those deprived of a license, of course), can participate in the competition.

They pay. In accordance with Part 3 of Article 36 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", students studying full-time on a budgetary basis are assigned a state academic scholarship and (or) a state social scholarship. And according to the "Rules for the formation of a scholarship fund at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget" (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2016 N 1390), the scholarship fund of private organizations is formed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when such organizations establish admission targets.

Therefore, if there are state-funded places in a non-state university, then there are scholarships.

No. According to the federal state educational standards of higher education, no university can set the cost of education below the standard costs determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. However, paragraph 5 of Article 54 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" provides for the possibility of lowering the cost of education by the university: for this, the university must bear part of the costs.

Learn more about how tuition fees are formed >>>

Yes. In accordance with Articles 34, 40 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, students of all universities, regardless of their form of ownership, have the right to provide social support measures when traveling by public transport, to receive material assistance and other cash payments provided for by education legislation and other social support measures.

According to Article 24 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, citizens who receive their first higher education in an accredited bachelor’s (specialist’s, master’s) educational program in full-time education have the right to deferment from military service.

Thus, the most important thing here is not the form of ownership, but the presence of state accreditation.

Daria Rozhkova

People who decide to get a higher education are faced with the need to make a choice of a university, to enter a state or non-state educational institution. Where is the best place to apply? Statistics show that many applicants choose state and academies. Why do people make such decisions?

The main difference between universities

How is a public university different from a private one? The main difference lies in the founders. For example, the founder of a state educational organization may be the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Government of Russia. The founders of non-state universities are individuals, commercial structures, public organizations.

The source of funds depends on the founder. State universities are financed from the federal or local budget. In non-state educational institutions of higher professional education, the source of money is the fee paid by students for the educational services they receive.

Features of admission

It is quite difficult to enter state higher educational institutions in popular specialties. The fact is that every year each university establishes a certain number of places for the available areas of training. Many people apply for popular specialties. The admissions committee forms a rating of applicants according to the number of points scored for the Unified State Examination or entrance examinations and enrolls the best applicants for the available places. People with low scores end up failing to get in.

They also annually approve the number of places for admission. However, it is easier to do, since a small number of applicants submit documents. Entrance tests in non-state universities are usually quite simple. They are often easy tests. That is why some applicants choose a university in favor of non-state educational organizations.

Free and paid education

How is a public university different from a private one? The answer to this question is the availability of budget places in some areas of training. In private educational institutions, higher education cannot be obtained free of charge. All students enter into agreements with them on the provision of paid educational services.

The cost of education in non-state universities is much less than in state ones. Private educational institutions explain this feature by their desire to make higher education accessible to absolutely all people. Individuals choosing public universities have a different point of view. They believe that low tuition fees are associated with the low quality of education.

Getting scholarships at universities

Scholarships are awarded to students studying at state-funded places in state universities. Cash payments are received only by those who pass the exams for "4" and "5". Students with satisfactory marks in the examination sheets are not eligible for scholarships.

Non-state universities do not have budget funding. Educational services are provided to students on the basis of contracts for the provision of paid educational services. In this regard, there are no scholarships in non-state universities, institutes and academies. This is how a state university differs from a non-state one. This is one of the main features.

The quality of education

Many believe that the quality of education in state universities is much higher than in non-state ones. And indeed it is. Recently, Rosobrnadzor has closed a huge number of non-state universities, institutes, and academies. The inspections carried out showed that many universities that were deprived of accreditation or licenses had problems with infrastructure. Institutions lacked scientific literature, textbooks, teaching and laboratory facilities.

Speaking about, it is worth noting that state universities are also periodically subjected to inspections by Rosobrnadzor. Not all well-known educational institutions pass them. An example is the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA). Some of its branches were found to be ineffective.

Application of innovative technologies

Classical education... Here's another way a state university differs from a non-state one. So, the classic training is:

  • in obtaining information by students from teachers at lectures;
  • search for additional materials in textbooks, scientific literature issued in the library;
  • monitoring knowledge through surveys, written tests, coursework, passing tests and exams orally on tickets.

Non-state universities tend to apply various innovative technologies. They introduce electronic textbooks, make lectures in the form of presentations, test students' knowledge using electronic tests, provide students with access to electronic libraries, and introduce the ability to send assignments to teachers by e-mail.

Diplomas of state and non-state universities

State and non-state universities must have a license and a certificate of state accreditation. The first document gives the right to conduct educational activities. Accreditation also affects the possibility of issuing state diplomas. It also allows students to enjoy a deferment from the army for the period of study.

In state universities, not all areas of training are sometimes accredited. People who have completed their studies in such specialties receive diplomas of the type established by the educational organization. Graduates of accredited areas of study are issued a state diploma of higher education. The same rules apply in non-state universities.

Applicants choosing a higher educational institution should pay attention to such educational organizations that are accredited. State diplomas are valued by employers. Non-state documents are perceived only in the form of beautiful pieces of paper. It is also worth noting that with a diploma of the established sample it will not be possible to enroll in a master's program at a state university.

Recognition of education documents abroad

Diplomas of which universities are quoted abroad? This question is asked by many people who plan to continue their education or work in any foreign country. It is impossible to say specifically whether the document of a certain Russian higher educational institution will be accepted outside our country or not. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that only a state-recognised diploma can be accepted abroad. Thus, applicants planning to live in another country in the future should consider the list of accredited universities and choose the appropriate options from them.

Much depends on the chosen state. Some countries require the presentation of a legalized diploma. One of the ways to legalize a document is an apostille. For countries that do not accept Apostille, you will need to go through a complex and multi-stage process called consular legalization. The process of recognition of a diploma can also be represented by nostrification (for example, people who are going to move to the Czech Republic will need to go through this procedure).

Best public universities

Which one is best to choose is a question that every applicant must find the answer to. Among state universities, Moscow State University is famous. He occupies a leading position in Russian ratings. MSU has a huge number of areas of study. About 35,000 students are currently enrolled in them. Graduates of the university receive diplomas of their own sample. This feature of Moscow State University, related to education documents, is established by law.

Many applicants choose Tomsk State University. This university is famous for its quality education. The educational institution has 23 faculties, 135 specialties. Distance learning is implemented on master's programs. The employment of university graduates is guaranteed, because among employers they are in high demand.

The best non-state universities

Among the non-state, there are also the best educational institutions. At the beginning of 2016, the Association of Non-State Universities published a rating of institutes, universities, and academies. It includes:

  • Group I - the best non-state universities in Russia;
  • Group II - less successful higher educational institutions;
  • Group III - the weakest educational organizations.

The Academy of Marketing and Social Information Technologies took the leading position in the ranking. This university has existed since 1994. It is located in the city of Krasnodar. There are many talented students studying at the academy. Some receive scholarships from the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, and grants from the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory. Repeatedly, the educational institution was awarded prestigious international and domestic awards.

The rating includes the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law. This university took second place. It was founded in 1978. At first it was an institution. It gradually developed, strengthened the teaching staff, improved the material and technical base. As a result, the institute acquired the status of an academy. In 1996, the educational institution became a university.

The third position in the ranking was assigned to the Vladikavkaz Institute of Management, which has existed since 1996. During the period of work, the university graduated about 2 thousand specialists. Such indicators indicate that the institute has never pursued quantitative indicators. The quality of education for him was and remains the most important thing.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that applicants can choose both state and non-state universities. A lot depends on the applicants themselves. If people want to gain knowledge, they will rely not only on teachers and the chosen university, but also on their own strength, they will strive to master new information. It is also worth noting that the employment of graduates of a non-state university can be quite successful.

So, I continue to analyze today's education. Currently, the "higher education fair" is teeming with various goods. Here you will find both government and non-government institutions. In order not to get into trouble and check the "authenticity" of the chosen university, you must make sure that you have a certificate of state accreditation of this institution, which entitles you to issue a state-recognised diploma. By the way, you need to pay attention to the fact that the issuance of accreditation is given for a period of not more than five years. And yet, if you have consciously decided to go to a non-state university, you need to clearly understand how it differs from the state one.

Vladimir Alekseevich Zernov, chairman of non-state universities in Russia, helped me figure this out. “According to the law, state and non-state universities are equal: they receive a license, accreditation and attestation on the same conditions. Even the entrance examinations, study conditions and curricula are similar, because must comply with state educational standards. The only thing that distinguishes them is the founder: for some it is the state, for others it is society or its members.”

However, in the mass consciousness a few years ago, the concept of "non-state university" was alarming. It was believed that such universities could not provide a quality education. Over time, this opinion has changed somewhat. It cannot be said that the problem of quality education in non-state universities has completely outlived itself. Such establishments remain, but along with them remain those that have gained momentum since their formation. After all, the prerequisites for the formation of non-state educational structures began to form as early as 1989-1990, and especially actively after the release in January 1991 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activity". During this time, some universities were able to take root in the education system and even catch up with the state ones. Today, one can not only argue with this, but also win the argument.

There are currently dozens of non-state universities in Russia that train specialists who are not inferior to graduates of the best state universities. These are the Smolensk and Ural Humanitarian Universities, the International Independent Environmental and Political University. In Moscow, a non-state educational institution "Russian New University" (RosNOU), established 14 years ago, can be cited as a vivid example. Among the other universities at the "fair of non-governmental institutions" can also be identified as the International University, IMPE them. Griboyedov, Institute of Foreign Languages, one of the directions of which is its close ties with foreign educational institutions and, above all, with such an old and famous university as Cambridge in the UK.

If we talk about other positive aspects of non-state universities, many note that teachers in such institutions treat children better. In addition, recently there has been a careful selection of newly minted applicants. So, in some universities, even before passing the exams, an examination of a children's narcologist and psychologist is carried out in order to protect healthy children from socially dangerous ones.

We can say that in every region of the country there are at least one or two non-state universities that have achieved excellent quality of education for their students.
To date, the system of non-state education is represented by two organizational and legal forms - an autonomous non-profit organization and a non-state educational institution. However, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of educational institutions that have re-registered as autonomous non-profit organizations. Thanks to this short historical background, one can see that there are no commercial universities, we are talking only about non-state universities. Commercial departments exist in state universities, in which, by the way, two-thirds of paying students study.

As for the fees for such education, each university has the right to set the cost of education depending on the cost of educating students. In any individual non-state university, various versions of training programs are created and successfully implemented, focused on a particular student. In a non-state university, students invest in their education, i.e. “targeted investment in human capital” is carried out.

In some universities, an applicant enters into an individual contract for the entire period of study, according to which both the future student and the university are responsible for the obligations that they undertake. Thus, the applicant and his parents make an order to the university for the provision of educational services of a certain level, quality and profile, pay, and therefore have the full right to control how this order is fulfilled. This is one of the main advantages of studying at a non-state university. On average, the cost of full-time education ranges from 1200 to 1800 USD. per year, part-time - from 800 to 900 USD, part-time - from 600 to 700 USD.

There is no state and non-state education. There is high-quality and low-quality education, which is lacking in both the state and non-state sectors.

You have decided to enter a non-state university. Before you is a newspaper or an Internet page with very similar offers. Which one to stop? To get started, carefully study the rating of the educational institution. There are two main sources of information here.

The first is the professional ratings of universities. “Among the official ones, it is worth highlighting two: the ReitOR rating and the rating conducted by the Russian Sociological Association together with the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation,” says Vladimir Zernov, Chairman of the Association of Non-State Universities of Russia, Rector of the Russian New University (RosNOU). more than a thousand universities are represented. Moreover, no one knew about this monitoring in advance, so there is no need to talk about some kind of data manipulation in this case. In addition, surveys conducted among large employers are highly rated. They assess the practical skills and knowledge of young specialists. These ratings can be found on the Internet."

The second source of information is a variety of student and educational websites and forums where you can find information about almost any university. It is not difficult to make a first impression about the institute. If you correlate student reviews with official ratings, the scores will match by 90 percent.

step two

After you have familiarized yourself with the statistics and the results of various surveys, you need to evaluate the future alma mater visually. Call the dean's office, specify the address and go.

Where is

Often the institute's dean's office is located in a decent building in the city center, and classes are held in an old school with crumbling plaster. Keep in mind: if a university holds an Open Day in the building of a concert hall or cinema, it does not have its own premises. In the selection committee, immediately find out where the educational unit is located and where you have to study.

You will be greeted warmly at any institute: all universities, without exception, are interested in the influx of students. But the conversation can be built in different ways. In a serious university, they will first talk about training programs, priority areas of activity, and ask why you decided to choose this particular institution. And if instead they give out a block of self-promotion - how easy it is to enter and just learn - think about whether it is worth doing there.

What should be feared?
Vladimir Zernov: Here are a few points that should immediately alert applicants.
"Mountains of Gold Promise" for very low tuition. There is no simultaneous combination of the two concepts "good" and "cheap". To date, the average cost of education in Moscow and St. Petersburg is $ 1,500 per year for a full-time department. If you are announced the cost of education below $ 1000 per year, then this figure should alert you. With such a tuition fee, it is simply impossible to meet the estimate - to guarantee a decent salary for teachers, pay for the rent of classrooms, maintain and improve the material and technical base, etc. High-quality education for such money is impossible even with the use of distance technologies.
"You will definitely get a good education". With quality education and high requirements for students, dropout is inevitable: someone "overestimated their strengths and capabilities", someone chose the wrong direction of training ... be out of the question.
"We accept everyone without exams". Sociological research shows that only one student out of ten can study strength of materials, and one student out of a thousand will understand theoretical physics. Entrance tests are necessary to understand whether this applicant is able to comprehend this science or study will turn into a waste of time and money.


Take a close look at what the rector's reception room looks like - the "holy of holies". In a serious university, you will see important documents here: a license, an accreditation certificate, all kinds of diplomas and medals. If students of a particular institute are winners of Olympiads, participants in various competitions, members of the KVN team, they will not hide this from visitors.


Vladimir Zernov: "One of the criteria for the prestige of a university is its teaching staff. If representatives of a university are members of educational and methodological associations of the professional community, participate in the development of new curricula, legislative activities, this university does not stand still. I recommend asking the admissions committee what percentage teachers have academic degrees and titles.I would advise applicants to find out what positions the university occupies in the professional community, who founded it, in what classrooms the educational process is organized.The Council of Rectors of Moscow and Moscow Region Universities is an authoritative and widely known organization that enjoys undoubted respect and the highest degree of trust among professionals in the education system.The Council of Rectors includes 130 state and 2 non-state universities (including RosNOU).It is obvious that this list will gradually grow.But the mere fact that the university you have chosen is a member of the Council is proof of the high to quality of education in a particular university".

Material and technical base

Ask in detail about the technical equipment of the classrooms where students study. Find out if there is a gym, libraries (regular and electronic). Is there a computer class and Internet access, etc. Ask permission to see it all with your own eyes.

Active student life

Be sure to talk to students. The best characteristic would be "learning is difficult, but interesting", the worst - "complete freebie". Ask if students from other institutions have moved to this university. This is also a good indicator - it is not so difficult to lure an inexperienced applicant to the first year. But then, realizing that the chosen university does not give anything, far-sighted students always try to move to a more serious institution.

In any serious university there are quotas for the number of full-time teachers. It is desirable that the number of "staff members" does not exceed 50-55%, the remaining niche should be filled by invited practicing teachers, active scientists. Such a quota is mandatory for all major world universities. This is explained simply: in order to educate a progressive young scientist, a teacher must have constant scientific practice, be in the center of modern scientific life, at the forefront of science.

There are three types of universities: university, academy and institute. Of the non-state universities, 1% has the status of a university, 3% - an academy, and all the rest - an institute.

Another important point to be found out is whether foreign students study at the university. International recruiting companies use a very strict system of evaluation of educational institutions. And if such an organization approves the activities of a particular university and recommends it to its wards (whether they are from Eastern Europe or India), then the university can be trusted.

Step Three

You walked around the institute, talked with students, conducted "reconnaissance in force". The next step is to study the main documents regulating the work of the university.

Attention! The license, accreditation, charter must be in the public domain, they are not the subject of trade secrets. They must be provided upon request. If the request to show them is refused or they begin to explain at length and at length that there is no secretary now who keeps the papers, etc., you can safely part with the institute.

Absolutely NOT secret


A document confirming the right to carry out educational activities. If you are applying to a branch of a university, it must have its own license. He does not have the right to work on the basis of a license from the head university. Study not only the license, but also the appendix to it. It describes the areas within which the university has the right to work. For example, a separate permit is required to maintain.

Certificate of state accreditation

Confirms that the level of teaching complies with the standards adopted by the Ministry of Education. If the university does not have such a document, it does not have the right to issue state diplomas. In this case, the wording "diploma of the established sample" is used. Thus, the university independently establishes the form of this document, determines the set of necessary subjects, the level of requirements, etc. Think about where you will go with such a diploma upon graduation.

The license and accreditation are valid for five years, after which they must be renewed. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this: if the university works stably, there should be no problems.

Attention! Each specialty is accredited separately. If it appeared at the chosen university quite recently, there may not be accreditation.

The beautiful name "university" should not be confusing - it does not always reflect the real state of affairs.

The main document regulating the activities of the university. Acquaintance with the charter will help to better understand the rules established at the university. It must indicate:

  • status, founder, goals of the educational process, types and types of educational programs
  • the main characteristics of the educational process: the procedure for admission, the duration of training, the procedure for expulsion, etc.
  • the management of the university.

Based on this document, the administration of the university resolves all controversial issues that arise in the process of studying.

Each university independently draws up its charter, with the only caveat - it cannot conflict with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Agreement with a student

Each applicant entering the paid department concludes an agreement with the university. This document should be read in advance. Despite the fact that it is compiled on the basis of a standard form recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, each university makes its own adjustments.

The contract states:

  • obligations and rights, responsibility of the parties
  • tuition fee and payment procedure (monthly, by semesters, per year)
  • reasons for possible exclusion

Pay special attention to the order of payment. Given the current economic situation and the level of inflation, universities are trying to get away from a rigidly fixed cost for the entire period of study. However, any flexible payment system should be regulated.

Questions to ask the admissions committee:

  • Is there a fixed tuition fee?
  • How are fee increases regulated?
  • Who makes the decision to increase the value?
  • Does the student council of the university participate in this?
  • How long does it take for the dean's office to notify students of a pay increase?

Lease agreement or documents confirming the right to own specific educational buildings

These papers will allow you to know exactly where to practice. Pay attention to the lease term - if the contract is short-term, you risk being "on the street" in the middle of the semester.

Where to complain?

What to do if you still ended up in an unscrupulous university? Many prefer, without making too much noise, to transfer to another educational institution. However, if there is a desire to achieve the complete triumph of justice and warn others against mistakes, one must go "up" - to the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science or the Association of Non-State Higher Educational Institutions of Russia. There, experienced specialists will give all the necessary explanations and tell you how to do it right.

Not My Universities

Daniil Trabun, a student of the 11th grade of school N 1277 with in-depth study of the German language:

On the instructions of the editors, I decided to try on the role of an applicant, especially in terms of age and status I am quite suitable for this. I knew little about non-state educational institutions. Therefore, I chose a few ads at random (from those closer to home) and went "for reconnaissance."

The first university I entered was located in the building of the Mendeleev Institute, on Novoslobodskaya. More precisely, the rector's office is located there, training takes place at Baumanskaya - no one is in a hurry to talk about it right away. After a short conversation in the administration, I asked for a license and a certificate of accreditation of the university. They gave me black-and-white copies and explained that color copies are now being printed ... I was a little surprised, but continued to ask questions. Entering the institute was not difficult at all. I was assured that the exams were easy. Of course, on the one hand, I liked it, but on the other, it alerted me. And they immediately talked about money. 31 thousand rubles per year - can be parts.

Impressions were contradictory. On the one hand, an accredited university with a large number of different faculties and specializations, about 1000 students, and on the other hand, black and white copies and craftiness with premises: the administration is in one place, and education is in another. Later, I learned that many non-state institutions do this.

I did not like that they never said anything about the teachers and the learning process. This made me doubt the quality of the preparation. I came home, got on the Internet and read so many unflattering things about this university that the thought of entering disappeared by itself.

The second institute, which is most surprising, is located at the same address as the first. Taught by bitter experience, I immediately realized that the training would take place in a completely different place and went to the meeting, no longer harboring any illusions. The rector's office of the institute looked more decent, and this made an impression on me. If the first university did not care about anything at all, here at least they made a beautiful "cover". A kind lady with glasses immediately showed a presentation folder, which contained color copies of the license, accreditation certificates and a contract form between the student and the university. She said that in February they extended the license and accreditation. As in the first university, I began to talk about how easy it is to enter them. A semester at this university costs $170.

It was evident that the lady had excellent makings of a PR manager: the lecture about a "good" university sounded convincing. True, in the end it turned out that two of the four faculties do not have state accreditation. I don't need a diploma that can only be hung on the wall. I decided to leave the university, saying goodbye where I was studying (God, Altufyevo and again some kind of school!) I came home and checked the Internet again, after which I delivered a final and disappointing verdict to the university - it’s not worth going to study there.

I went to the third university on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in a terrible mood. However, having found out from the threshold that classes were held at the same address, he relaxed a little. The methodologist of the selection committee from the very beginning started talking about studying. She warned: we have a large dropout, the exams are really difficult. Education is expensive, you should not count on concessions: absenteeism and "tails" are not welcome. The founders of the Institute are professors of the Moscow State University… They told me everything that might be interesting for a serious applicant.

When I asked about the license and accreditation, the methodologist pointed to the wall - not only these documents, but also student certificates and awards for participating in various olympiads, etc. hung in the frames. I found out that the institute maintains close ties with universities in other countries and is a member of the Association of Non-State Universities of Russia (in my opinion, this is also a guarantee of the stability of the university). In order to confirm my impressions, I asked the opinion of the student Internet community. Most of the reviews boiled down to something like this: "A paid institute where nothing is sold for money. If you are a loafer, you won't last long, but high quality education is guaranteed." I would not refuse to study at such a university.


My eldest daughter has just entered the 6th grade. But, as they say, prepare the sleigh in the summer.

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